Preparedness for flexible access to learning materials: how ready are university students and staff?


Albion, Peter, Loch, Birgit, Mula, Joseph M. and Maroulis, Jerry. 2010. "Preparedness for flexible access to learning materials: how ready are university students and staff?" Steel, Caroline, Keppell, Michael, Gerbic, Philippa and Housego, Simon (ed.) 27th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2010). Sydney, Australia 05 - 08 Dec 2010 Brisbane, Australia.
Paper/Presentation Title

Preparedness for flexible access to learning materials: how ready are university students and staff?

Presentation TypePaper
AuthorsAlbion, Peter (Author), Loch, Birgit (Author), Mula, Joseph M. (Author) and Maroulis, Jerry (Author)
EditorsSteel, Caroline, Keppell, Michael, Gerbic, Philippa and Housego, Simon
Journal or Proceedings TitleProceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2010)
Number of Pages11
Place of PublicationBrisbane, Australia
Web Address (URL) of Paper
Conference/Event27th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2010)
Event Details
Event Details
27th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2010)
Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE)
In person
Event Date
05 to end of 08 Dec 2010
Event Location
Sydney, Australia

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide new opportunities for learning and teaching. However, for students to benefit from these opportunities, they must have ready access to ICT and positive attitudes toward its usefulness for learning. This paper reports results from an analysis of data collected from students and staff at an Australian regional university with on campus and distance student cohorts in late 2009. The surveys were conducted as part of a larger project to identify ICT likely to be available and of most benefit for student learning, and to gain an understanding of lecturers' attitudes toward ICT use for teaching in relation to the perceived benefits to students. The survey data are being used to inform decisions about adoption of new digital technologies for learning and teaching and the provision of professional development to teaching staff. This paper focuses on the preparedness of students to access study aids such as lecture recordings via traditional and mobile devices. Outcomes of the study are important to inform responses to proposals to make recordings of all classes available online through establishing what types of content are most likely to be accessed by students and identifying priorities for professional development of teaching staff.

Keywordsflexible learning; lecture recording; mobile learning
ANZSRC Field of Research 2020390405. Educational technology and computing
390303. Higher education
461199. Machine learning not elsewhere classified
Public Notes

Copyright © 2010 Peter R. Albion, Birgit Loch, Joseph M. Mula, and Jerry Maroulis.
The author(s) assign to ascilite and educational non-profit institutions, a non-exclusive licence to use this document for personal use and in courses of instruction, provided that the article is used in full and this copyright statement is reproduced.
The author(s) also grant a non-exclusive licence to ascilite to publish this document on the ascilite Web site and in other formats for the Proceedings ascilite Sydney 2010. Any other use is prohibited without the express permission of the author(s).

Byline AffiliationsCentre for Research in Transformative Pedagogies
Swinburne University of Technology
School of Accounting, Economics and Finance
Faculty of Education
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Assessing riparian zone impacts on water and sediment movement: a new approach
Keesstra, S. D., Kondrlova, E., Czajka, A., Seeger, M. and Maroulis, J.. 2012. "Assessing riparian zone impacts on water and sediment movement: a new approach." Netherlands Journal of Geosciences. 91 (1/2), pp. 245-255.
Designing for explicit TPACK development: evolution of a preservice design and technology course
Albion, Peter R.. 2012. "Designing for explicit TPACK development: evolution of a preservice design and technology course." Resta, Paul and Rose, Raymond (ed.) 23rd International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2012). Austin, United States 05 - 09 Mar 2012 Chesapeake, VA, United States.
Are there effective accounting ways to determining accurate accounting tools and methods to reporting emissions reduction?
Almihoub, Ali Ahmed Ali, Mula, Joseph M. and Rahman, Mohammad Mafizur. 2013. "Are there effective accounting ways to determining accurate accounting tools and methods to reporting emissions reduction?" Journal of Sustainable Development. 6 (4), pp. 118-129.
Going mobile: each small change requires another
Albion, Peter, Jamieson-Proctor, Romina, Redmond, Petrea, Larkin, Kevin and Maxwell, Andrew. 2012. "Going mobile: each small change requires another." Brown, M., Hartnett, M. and Stewart, T. (ed.) 29th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2012). Wellington, New Zealand 25 - 28 Nov 2012 Gold Coast, Australia.
The development of internal auditing in Ethiopia: the role of institutional norms
Mihret, Dessalegn Getie, Mula, Joseph M. and James, Kieran. 2012. "The development of internal auditing in Ethiopia: the role of institutional norms." Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting. 10 (2), pp. 153-170.
Dynamic and interactive teaching with technology
Phillips, Peter J. and Loch, Birgit I.. 2012. "Dynamic and interactive teaching with technology." Journal of Financial Education. 38 (3/4), pp. 46-68.
Tablet technology to facilitate improved interaction and communication with students studying mathematics at a distance
Galligan, Linda, Hobohm, Carola and Loch, Birgit. 2012. "Tablet technology to facilitate improved interaction and communication with students studying mathematics at a distance." Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching. 31 (4), pp. 363-385.
Looking for evidence of change: evaluation in the teaching teachers for the future project
Albion, Peter R.. 2012. "Looking for evidence of change: evaluation in the teaching teachers for the future project." Resta, Paul and Rose, Raymond (ed.) 23rd International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2012). Austin, United States 05 - 09 Mar 2012 Chesapeake, VA. United States.
Corporate governance quality, incentive factors and voluntary corporate governance disclosures in annual reports of Malaysian publicly listed companies
Lokman, Norziana, Cotter, Julie and Mula, Joseph. 2012. "Corporate governance quality, incentive factors and voluntary corporate governance disclosures in annual reports of Malaysian publicly listed companies." Corporate Ownership and Control. 10 (1), pp. 329-352.
Towards a conceptual design for environmental and social cost identification and measurement system
Petcharat, Neungruthai Nickie and Mula, Joseph M.. 2012. "Towards a conceptual design for environmental and social cost identification and measurement system." Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting. 10 (1), pp. 34-54.
Accounting professionalization amidst alternating state ideology in Ethiopia
Mihret, Dessalegn Getie, James, Kieran and Mula, Joseph M.. 2012. "Accounting professionalization amidst alternating state ideology in Ethiopia ." Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal. 25 (7), pp. 1206-1233.
Proactive fraud detection in enterprise systems
Singh, Kishore, Best, Peter and Mula, Joseph M.. 2011. "Proactive fraud detection in enterprise systems." 2nd International Conference on Business and Information: Steering Excellence of Business Knowledge (ICBI 2011). Kelaniya, Sri Lanka 20 Oct 2011 Kelnaiya, Sri Lanka.
Benchmarking citation measures among the Australian education professoriate
Albion, Peter R.. 2012. "Benchmarking citation measures among the Australian education professoriate." The Australian Educational Researcher. 39 (2), pp. 221-235.
Case study: real-time communication in a mathematics online learning community
Loch, Birgit and McDonald, Christine. 2011. "Case study: real-time communication in a mathematics online learning community." Kear, Karen (ed.) Online and social networking communities: a best practice guide for educators . New York, NY. United States. Routledge. pp. 129-131
The future of international education using Web 3.0 technologies and self-organizing networks
Weber, Roberta K., Carlsen, Roger, Gibson, Ian, Leask, Marilyn, Albion, Peter and Miller, Dan. 2011. "The future of international education using Web 3.0 technologies and self-organizing networks." Koehler, Matthew and Mishra, Punya (ed.) 22nd International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2011). Nashville, United States 07 - 11 Mar 2011 Chesapeake, VA, United States.
Teaching teachers for the future (TTF) project TPACK survey: summary of the key findings
Finger, Glenn, Jamieson-Proctor, Romina, Cavanagh, Rob, Albion, Peter, Grimbeek, Peter, Bond, Trevor, Fitzgerald, Robert, Romeo, Geoff and Lloyd, Margaret. 2012. "Teaching teachers for the future (TTF) project TPACK survey: summary of the key findings." Newhouse, Paul and Pagram, Jeremy (ed.) 2012 Australian Computers in Education Conference: ITs Time: Information Technology in Schools Time (ACEC 2012). Perth, Australia 02 - 05 Oct 2012 Perth, Australia.
Teaching teachers for the future (TTF) project: development of the TTF TPACK survey instrument
Jamieson-Proctor, Romina, Finger, Glenn, Albion, Peter, Cavanagh, Robert, Fitzgerald, Robert, Bond, Trevor and Grimbeek, Peter. 2012. "Teaching teachers for the future (TTF) project: development of the TTF TPACK survey instrument." Newhouse, Paul and Pagram, Jeremy (ed.) 2012 Australian Computers in Education Conference: ITs Time: Information Technology in Schools Time (ACEC 2012). Perth, Australia 02 - 05 Oct 2012 Perth, Western Australia.
Learning at times and places chosen by the learner: adapting to study with mobile digital devices
Jamieson-Proctor, Romina, Albion, Peter, Larkin, Kevin, Redmond, Petrea, Harris, Julie, Fasso, Wendy, Sander, Teresa, Yuginovich, Trudy and Maxwell, Andrew. 2012. "Learning at times and places chosen by the learner: adapting to study with mobile digital devices." Newhouse, Paul and Pagram, Jeremy (ed.) 2012 Australian Computers in Education Conference: ITs Time: Information Technology in Schools Time (ACEC 2012). Perth, Australia 02 - 05 Oct 2012 Perth, Western Australia.
Age-related differences in ICT access and confidence among pre-service teachers
Albion, Peter R., Jamieson-Proctor, Romina and Finger, Glenn. 2011. "Age-related differences in ICT access and confidence among pre-service teachers." Williams, Gary, Statham, Peta, Brown, Noel and Cleland, B. (ed.) 28th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2011). Hobart, Australia 04 - 07 Dec 2011 Gold Coast, Australia.
The economic value of improved agrometeorological information to irrigators amid climate variability
Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Chen, Charlie, Hafeez, Mohsin, Maroulis, Jerry and Gabriel, Hamza. 2012. "The economic value of improved agrometeorological information to irrigators amid climate variability." International Journal of Climatology. 32 (4), pp. 567-581.
New communication media challenges for supervisors and external doctoral students
Erwee, Ronel and Albion, Peter R.. 2011. "New communication media challenges for supervisors and external doctoral students." Koehler, Matthew and Mishra, Punya (ed.) 22nd International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2011). Nashville, United States 07 - 11 Mar 2011 Chesapeake, VA, USA.
Corporate governance quality and voluntary disclosures of corporate governance information: practices of listed Malaysian family controlled businesses
Lokman, Norziana, Mula, Joseph M. and Cotter, Julie. 2011. "Corporate governance quality and voluntary disclosures of corporate governance information: practices of listed Malaysian family controlled businesses." Doyle, Karen (ed.) FBA 2011: Family Business Research, Practice and Policy: Interpretation and Integration . Perth, Australia 31 Aug 2011 Sydney, Australia.
Productivity and efficiency measurement techniques: identifying the efficacy of techniques for financial institutions in developing countries
Jayamaha, Ariyarathna and Mula, Joseph M.. 2011. "Productivity and efficiency measurement techniques: identifying the efficacy of techniques for financial institutions in developing countries." 2nd International Conference on Business and Information: Steering Excellence of Business Knowledge (ICBI 2011). Kelaniya, Sri Lanka 20 Oct 2011 Kelnaiya, Sri Lanka.
Productivity and efficiency measurement techniques: Identifying the efficacy of techniques for financial Institutions in developing countries
Jayamaha, Ariyarathna and Mula, Joseph M.. 2011. "Productivity and efficiency measurement techniques: Identifying the efficacy of techniques for financial Institutions in developing countries." Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences. 2 (5), pp. 454-460.
Development of a prototype multi-touch ECG diagnostic decision support system using mobile technology for monitoring cardiac patients at a distance
Lin, Meng Kuan, Mula, Joseph M., Gururajan, Raj and Leis, John W.. 2011. "Development of a prototype multi-touch ECG diagnostic decision support system using mobile technology for monitoring cardiac patients at a distance." Seddon, Peter and Gregor, Shirley (ed.) 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2011): Quality Research in Pacific Asia. Brisbane, Australia 07 - 11 Jul 2011 Atlanta, GA. United States.
Strategy diversity in Australian family owned businesses: impact of environment induced constraints
Moores, Ken and Mula, Joe. 2011. "Strategy diversity in Australian family owned businesses: impact of environment induced constraints." Moores, Ken and Craig, Justin B. (ed.) Understanding family enterprise: a book of readings. Gold Coast, Australia. Bond University Press. pp. 309-319
Assessing 'strategic conservatism' of Australian family firms: an examination of strategies and funding for growth
Moores, Ken and Mula, Joseph. 2011. "Assessing 'strategic conservatism' of Australian family firms: an examination of strategies and funding for growth." Moores, Ken and Craig, Justin B. (ed.) Understanding family enterprise: a book of readings. Gold Coast, Australia. Bond University Press. pp. 295-308
The salience of market, bureaucratic, and clan controls in the management of family firm transitions: some tentative Australian evidence
Moores, Ken and Mula, Joseph. 2011. "The salience of market, bureaucratic, and clan controls in the management of family firm transitions: some tentative Australian evidence." Moores, Ken and Craig, Justin B. (ed.) Understanding family enterprise: a book of readings. Gold Coast, Australia. Bond University Press. pp. 74-93
Online Education: Issues and Research Questions
Maddux, Cleborne, Sprague, Debra, Ferdig, Richard and Albion, Peter. 2007. "Online Education: Issues and Research Questions." Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 15 (2), pp. 157-166.
Dealing with doctoral students: tips from the trenches
Erwee, R., Albion, P., van Rensburg, H. and Malan, R.. 2011. "Dealing with doctoral students: tips from the trenches." South African Journal of Higher Education. 25 (5), pp. 889-901.
The effect of customers' trust on e-commerce: a survey of Indonesian customer B to C transactions
Rofiq, Ainur and Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "The effect of customers' trust on e-commerce: a survey of Indonesian customer B to C transactions." Scheepers, Helana and Davern, Michael (ed.) 20th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2009). Melbourne, Australia 02 - 04 Dec 2009 Melbourne, Australia.
Connected learning: what do our widening social networks mean for the future of learning?
Albion, Peter. 2011. "Connected learning: what do our widening social networks mean for the future of learning?" Dashwood, Ann and Son, Jeong-Bae (ed.) Language, culture and social connectedness. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 89-100
Learner-centred mathematics and statistics education using netbook tablet PCs
Loch, Birgit, Galligan, Linda, Hobohm, Carola and McDonald, Christine. 2011. "Learner-centred mathematics and statistics education using netbook tablet PCs." International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 42 (7), pp. 939-949.
Preferences of supervisors and external doctoral students for new communication media
Erwee, Ronel and Albion, Peter. 2011. "Preferences of supervisors and external doctoral students for new communication media." International Journal of Organisational Behaviour. 16 (1), pp. 30-39.
Learning in 2030 - what will it be like?
Mula, Joseph M.. 2010. "Learning in 2030 - what will it be like?" Abraham, Anne and Donleavy, Gabriel (ed.) World Accounting Frontiers Series - 2nd Conference: Accounting Pioneers, Mentors and Explorers. Sydney, Australia 09 - 10 Dec 2010
Impact of cyber fraud and trust on e-commerce use: a proposed model by adopting theory of planned behaviour
Rofiq, Ainur and Mula, Joseph M.. 2010. "Impact of cyber fraud and trust on e-commerce use: a proposed model by adopting theory of planned behaviour." 21st Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2010). Brisbane, Australia 01 - 03 Dec 2010 Brisbane, Australia.
Anastomosing river sedimentation in the Channel Country of central Australia
Gibling, Martin R., Nanson, Gerald C. and Maroulis, Jerry C.. 1998. "Anastomosing river sedimentation in the Channel Country of central Australia." Sedimentology. 45 (3), pp. 595-619.
A conceptual model for building international competencies of accounting graduates of Indonesian universities
Yanto, Heri, Mula, Joseph M. and Kavanagh, Marie H.. 2010. "A conceptual model for building international competencies of accounting graduates of Indonesian universities." Mula, Joseph M. (ed.) 2010 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference (2010 AFAANZ). Christchurch, New Zealand 04 - 06 Jul 2010 Christchurch, New Zealand. Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand.
The influence of case-based reasoning on principals’ beliefs about teaching with information and communication technologies
Otto, Thomas L. and Albion, Peter. 2003. "The influence of case-based reasoning on principals’ beliefs about teaching with information and communication technologies." Son, Jeong-Bae and O'Neill, Shirley (ed.) 1st International Conference on Pedagogies and Learning: New Meanings for a New Millennium. Toowoomba, Australia 01 - 04 Oct 2003 Toowoomba, Australia.
Heuristic evaluation of educational multimedia: from theory to practice
Albion, Peter. 1999. "Heuristic evaluation of educational multimedia: from theory to practice." Winn, Jenny (ed.) 16th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 1999). Brisbane, Australia 05 - 08 Dec 1999 Brisbane, Australia.
Annotations with a Tablet PC or typed feedback: does it make a difference?
Brodie, Lyn and Loch, Birgit. 2009. "Annotations with a Tablet PC or typed feedback: does it make a difference?" Kestell, Colin, Grainger, Steven and Cheung, John (ed.) 20th Annual Conference for the Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE 2009). Adelaide, Australia 06 - 09 Dec 2009 Adelaide, Australia.
The impact of strategic orientation dimensions on business performance: a case study based on an international organisation
Choy, Samuel S. M. and Mula, Joseph M.. 2008. "The impact of strategic orientation dimensions on business performance: a case study based on an international organisation." Wilson, Marie (ed.) 22nd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2008). Auckland, New Zealand 02 - 05 Dec 2008 Canning Bridge, Western Australia.
Contextual factors associated with information systems in a virtual supply chain
Scott, Albert H. S. and Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "Contextual factors associated with information systems in a virtual supply chain." Peng, Jie, Al-Hakim, Latif and Chen, Guoqing (ed.) COINFO 2009: 4th International Conference on Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology. Beijing, China 21 - 23 Nov 2009 China.
Knowledge sharing acts as a significant antecedent to organizational commitment in a Confucian culture: a quantitative study of employees in the Hong Kong ICT industry
Wong, Anthony, Tong, Canon and Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "Knowledge sharing acts as a significant antecedent to organizational commitment in a Confucian culture: a quantitative study of employees in the Hong Kong ICT industry." Scheepers, Helana and Davern, Michael (ed.) 20th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2009). Melbourne, Australia 02 - 04 Dec 2009 Melbourne, Australia.
Individual correlates of organizational commitment and knowledge sharing practices
Wong, Anthony, Tong, Canon and Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "Individual correlates of organizational commitment and knowledge sharing practices." Beaumont, Nicholas (ed.) 23rd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference (ANZAM 2009). Melbourne, Australia 01 - 04 Dec 2009 Melbourne, Australia.
Adjusting the community of inquiry approach to a synchronous mathematical context
McDonald, Christine and Loch, Birgit. 2008. "Adjusting the community of inquiry approach to a synchronous mathematical context." Atkinson, Roger J. and McBeath, Clare (ed.) 25th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2008). Melbourne, Australia 30 Nov - 03 Dec 2008 Melbourne, Australia.
Assessing the extent to which career development impacts employee commitment: a case study of the ICT industry in Hong Kong
Chui, Joseph, Tong, Canon and Mula, Joseph M.. 2007. "Assessing the extent to which career development impacts employee commitment: a case study of the ICT industry in Hong Kong ." Toleman, Mark, Cater-Steel, Aileen and Roberts, Dave (ed.) 18th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2007). Toowoomba, Australia 05 - 07 Dec 2007 Toowoomba, Australia.
Reframing e-assessment: building professional nursing and academic attributes in a first year nursing course
Lawrence, Jill, Loch, Birgit and Galligan, Linda. 2008. "Reframing e-assessment: building professional nursing and academic attributes in a first year nursing course." Learning, Media and Technology. 33 (3), pp. 169-189.
Boundary treatment for virtual leaf surfaces
Loch, Birgit, Belward, John A. and Hanan, Jim S.. 2003. "Boundary treatment for virtual leaf surfaces." GRAPHITE '03: Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South East Asia . Melbourne, Australia 11 - 14 Feb 2003 New York, NY, USA.
Publishing Data Evidence to Support Educational Technology Claims
Ferdig, Richard, Sprague, Debra, Maddux, Cleborne D. and Albion, Peter. 2007. "Publishing Data Evidence to Support Educational Technology Claims." Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 15 (4), pp. 429-437.
Networked Knowledge: Challenges for Teacher Education
Albion, Peter and Maddux, Cleborne D.. 2007. "Networked Knowledge: Challenges for Teacher Education." Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 15 (3), pp. 303-310.
Matching economic and environmental futures
Mula, Joseph M. and MacRae, Don. 1980. "Matching economic and environmental futures." Jubilee ANZAAS Congress 1980. Adelaide, Australia 12 - 16 May 1980 Canberra, Australia.
Assessing the impact of Pacific economic communities on Australia and New Zealand using AREAM
Mula, J. M., MacRae, D. and Parker, K. T.. 1979. "Assessing the impact of Pacific economic communities on Australia and New Zealand using AREAM." 7th Global Modelling Conference. Laxenburg, Austria 02 - 05 Oct 1979 Canberra, Australia.
A world model and its preliminary application to examining patterns of Australian and New Zealand trade in food, energy and minerals
Mula, Joseph M. and MacRae, Don. 1979. "A world model and its preliminary application to examining patterns of Australian and New Zealand trade in food, energy and minerals." 49th ANZAAS Congress 1979. Auckland, New Zealand 22 - 26 Jan 1979 Canberra, Australia.
Infoterra sources relating to environmental aspects of global modelling
Phung Tran, K. and Mula, J. M.. 1979. Infoterra sources relating to environmental aspects of global modelling. Canberra, Australia. AREA Project, Dept. of Science and the Environment.
The quantification of environmental stress using the SARUM/AREAM global model
Mula, Joseph M. and Parker, Kim T.. 1979. The quantification of environmental stress using the SARUM/AREAM global model. Canberra, Australia. AREA Project, Dept. of Science and the Environment.
A hybrid clough-tocher radial basis function method for modelling leaf surfaces
Oqielat, M. N., Belward, J. A., Turner, I. W. and Loch, B. I.. 2007. "A hybrid clough-tocher radial basis function method for modelling leaf surfaces." Oxley, Les and Kulasiri, Don (ed.) 17th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM07). Christchurch, New Zealand 10 - 13 Dec 2007 Canberra, Australia. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand .
Some factors in the development of self-efficacy beliefs for computer use among teacher education students
Albion, Peter. 2001. "Some factors in the development of self-efficacy beliefs for computer use among teacher education students." Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 9 (3), pp. 321-347.
Extending Knowledge in Practice: Primary ICT by John Duffty
Albion, Peter. 2007. "Extending Knowledge in Practice: Primary ICT by John Duffty." Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 15 (2), pp. 295-298.
Momentum in online discussions: the effect of social presence on motivation for participation
Weaver, Cathy M. and Albion, Peter. 2005. "Momentum in online discussions: the effect of social presence on motivation for participation." Goss, Halima (ed.) 22nd Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE 2005). Brisbane, Australia 04 - 07 Dec 2005 Brisbane, Australia. Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE).
Application of surface fitting techniques for the representation of leaf surfaces
Loch, B. I., Belward, J. A. and Hanan, J. S.. 2005. "Application of surface fitting techniques for the representation of leaf surfaces." Zerger, Andre and Argent, Robert M. (ed.) 16th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM05). Melbourne, Australia 12 - 15 Dec 2005 Australia. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand .
Bridging the divide by screencasting in an introductory statistics class at an Australian university
Khan, Shahjahan, Loch, Birgit and McDonald, Christine. 2010. "Bridging the divide by screencasting in an introductory statistics class at an Australian university." Amin, Zeinab and Hadi, Ali S. (ed.) 10th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences. Cairo, Egypt 20 - 23 Dec 2009 Lahore, Pakistan.
Building lectures and building bridges with socio-economically disadvantaged students
Phillips, Peter J. and Loch, Birgit. 2011. "Building lectures and building bridges with socio-economically disadvantaged students." Educational Technology and Society. 14 (3), pp. 240-251.
Preparing for doctoral supervision at a distance: lessons from experience
Albion, Peter R. and Erwee, Ronel. 2011. "Preparing for doctoral supervision at a distance: lessons from experience." Maddux, Cleborne D., Gibson, David, Dodge, Bernie, Koehler, Matthew, Mishra, Punya and Owens, Carl (ed.) Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2011. Chesapeake, VA, United States. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE). pp. 121-128
TWG 3: Teacher professional development
Albion, Peter, Knezek, Don and Adubra, Edem. 2011. TWG 3: Teacher professional development. EDUsummIT / UNESCO.
What do on campus students do with mathematics lecture screencasts at a dual-mode Australian university?
Loch, Birgit. 2010. "What do on campus students do with mathematics lecture screencasts at a dual-mode Australian university? " Green, David (ed.) CETL-MSOR Conference 2009. Milton Keynes, United Kingdom 07 - 08 Sep 2009 Birmingham, United Kingdom .
Efficiency of cooperative rural banks in Sri Lanka: the impact of size and location
Jayamaha, Ariyarathna and Mula, Joseph M.. 2010. "Efficiency of cooperative rural banks in Sri Lanka: the impact of size and location ." Mula, Joseph M. (ed.) 2010 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference (2010 AFAANZ). Christchurch, New Zealand 04 - 06 Jul 2010 Christchurch, New Zealand. Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand.
Cross-cultural impact on the budgeting cycle: a preliminary analysis of Anglo-American and Libyan companies operating in Libyan oil sector
James, Kieran, Kanan, Ramadan and Mula, Joseph M.. 2010. "Cross-cultural impact on the budgeting cycle: a preliminary analysis of Anglo-American and Libyan companies operating in Libyan oil sector." Mula, Joseph M. (ed.) 2010 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference (2010 AFAANZ). Christchurch, New Zealand 04 - 06 Jul 2010 Christchurch, New Zealand. Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand.
Employing interdisciplinary collaborations to redefine academic practices in a university Nursing program
Lawrence, Jill, Loch, Birgit and Galligan, Linda. 2010. "Employing interdisciplinary collaborations to redefine academic practices in a university Nursing program." Devlin, M., Nagy, J. and Lichtenberg, A. (ed.) 33rd Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference (HERDSA 2010). Melbourne, Australia 06 - 09 Jul 2010 Milperra, Australia.
Building academic numeracy in a first year nursing course using an evaluative model of program development
Galligan, Linda, Loch, Birgit and Lawrence, Jill. 2010. "Building academic numeracy in a first year nursing course using an evaluative model of program development." Coben, Diana and O'Donoghue, John (ed.) ICME 11: Adult Mathematics Education. Monterrey, Mexico 06 - 13 Jul 2008 Limerick, Ireland.
The effect of customers' trust on e-commerce: a survey of Indonesian customer B to C transactions
Rofiq, Ainur and Mula, Joseph M.. 2010. "The effect of customers' trust on e-commerce: a survey of Indonesian customer B to C transactions." iCAST 2010: International Conference on Arts, Social Sciences and Technology. Penang, Malaysia 24 - 25 Feb 2010 Kedah, Malaysia.
Towards a 100% digital teaching and learning environment: an action learning approach to creating a framework for a virtual classroom
Mula, Joseph M.. 2010. "Towards a 100% digital teaching and learning environment: an action learning approach to creating a framework for a virtual classroom." ED-MEDIA 2010: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2010. Toronto, Canada 28 Jun - 02 Jul 2010 Chesapeake, VA, United States.
Financial practices and efficiency of cooperative rural banks in Sri Lanka
Jayamaha, Ariyarathna and Mula, Joseph M.. 2010. "Financial practices and efficiency of cooperative rural banks in Sri Lanka." 1st International Conference on Business and Information: Researching Realities of Management Phenomenon (ICBI 2010). Colombo, Sri Lanka 06 Jun 2010 Colombo, Sri Lanka.
A framework for a cyber classroom: towards a human-centric virtual classroom
Mula, Joseph M.. 2010. "A framework for a cyber classroom: towards a human-centric virtual classroom." 2010 International Conference on Internet Studies (NETs2010). Taipei, Taiwan 25 - 27 Nov 2010 Taiwan.
Publishing in the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education: advice from the editors
Sprague, Debra, Albion, Peter, Ferdig, Richard, Maddux, Cleborne D. and Leins, Jesse. 2011. "Publishing in the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education: advice from the editors." Koehler, Matthew and Mishra, Punya (ed.) 22nd International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2011). Nashville, United States 07 - 11 Mar 2011 Chesapeake, VA, USA.
Preparing for doctoral supervision at a distance: lessons from experience
Albion, Peter R. and Erwee, Ronel. 2011. "Preparing for doctoral supervision at a distance: lessons from experience." Koehler, Matthew and Mishra, Punya (ed.) 22nd International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2011). Nashville, United States 07 - 11 Mar 2011 Chesapeake, VA, USA.
Come the revolution: pre-service teachers' access to, attitudes toward, and skills with ICT
Albion, Peter R.. 2011. "Come the revolution: pre-service teachers' access to, attitudes toward, and skills with ICT." Koehler, Matthew and Mishra, Punya (ed.) 22nd International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2011). Nashville, United States 07 - 11 Mar 2011 Chesapeake, VA, United States.
Interaction in synchronous chat tutorials to facilitate learning in introductory statistics
McDonald, Christine, Loch, Birgit and Lloyd, Margaret. 2010. "Interaction in synchronous chat tutorials to facilitate learning in introductory statistics." Reading, Chris (ed.) ICOTS8: Data and Context in Statistics Education: Towards an Evidence-Based Society. Ljubljana, Slovenia 11 - 16 Jul 2010 Voorburg, The Netherlands.
Freshwater recharge into a shallow saline groundwater system, Cooper Creek floodplain, Queensland, Australia
Cendon, Dioni I., Larsen, Joshua R., Jones, Brian G., Nanson, Gerald C., Rickleman, Daniel, Hankin, Stuart I., Pueyo, Juan J. and Maroulis, Jerry. 2010. "Freshwater recharge into a shallow saline groundwater system, Cooper Creek floodplain, Queensland, Australia." Journal of Hydrology. 392 (3-4), pp. 150-163.
Sustainability management accounting system (SMAS): towards a conceptual design for the manufacturing industry
Petcharat, Nickie and Mula, Joseph M.. 2010. "Sustainability management accounting system (SMAS): towards a conceptual design for the manufacturing industry." Mula, Joseph M. (ed.) 2010 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference (2010 AFAANZ). Christchurch, New Zealand 04 - 06 Jul 2010 Christchurch, New Zealand.
Can organizations meet their environment and social reporting obligations even in a financial crisis? Towards an effective sustainability management accounting system
Petcharat, Nickie and Mula, Joseph M.. 2010. "Can organizations meet their environment and social reporting obligations even in a financial crisis? Towards an effective sustainability management accounting system." Vlasic, Goran and Pavicic, Goran (ed.) 2010 Global Business Conference. Dubrovnik, Croatia 13 - 16 Oct 2010 Zagreb, Croatia.
Auditing the TPACK confidence of Australian pre-service teachers: the TPACK confidence survey (TCS)
Albion, Peter R., Jamieson-Proctor, Romina and Finger, Glenn. 2010. "Auditing the TPACK confidence of Australian pre-service teachers: the TPACK confidence survey (TCS)." Maddux, Cleborne D., Gibson, David and Dodge, Bernie (ed.) Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2010. Chesapeake, VA, United States. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE). pp. 303-312
A web-based ECG decision support system using multi-touch function to support cardiac diagnosis
Lin, Meng-Kuan, Gururajan, Raj, Mula, Joseph M., Leis, John W. and Hafeez-Baig, Abdul. 2010. "A web-based ECG decision support system using multi-touch function to support cardiac diagnosis." 5th International Conference on Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology: Information Sharing in U-Era (COINFO'10). Beijing, China 27 - 29 Nov 2010
Antecedents and organisational performance implications of internal audit effectiveness: some propositions and research agenda
Mihret, Dessalegn Getie, James, Kieran and Mula, Joseph M.. 2010. "Antecedents and organisational performance implications of internal audit effectiveness: some propositions and research agenda ." Pacific Accounting Review. 22 (3), pp. 224-252.
Auditing the ICT vocational self-efficacy of teacher education undergraduates
Jamieson-Proctor, Romina, Finger, Glenn and Albion, Peter. 2010. "Auditing the ICT vocational self-efficacy of teacher education undergraduates." ISTE 2010: Exploring Excellence Documentation. Denver, United States 27 - 30 Jun 2010 Washington, DC. United States.
Beyond pedagogical content knowledge: the importance of TPACK for informing preservice teacher education in Australia
Finger, Glenn, Jamieson-Proctor, Romina and Albion, Peter. 2010. "Beyond pedagogical content knowledge: the importance of TPACK for informing preservice teacher education in Australia." Reynolds, Nicholas and Turcsanyi-Szabo, Marta (ed.) 21st World Computer Congress (WCC 2010): Key Compentencies in the Knowledge Society. Brisbane, Australia 20 - 23 Sep 2010 Berlin, Germany.
Rethinking academic practices: meeting some challenges of online delivery
McLendon, Emory and Albion, Peter. 2000. "Rethinking academic practices: meeting some challenges of online delivery." Harper, Barry and Oliver, Ron (ed.) New Millennium, New Technology, New Worlds of Learning (2000). Wollongong, Australia 25 - 28 Apr 2000 Sydney, Australia.
Patterns in student and staff access to, and attitudes towards usefulness of, ICT in an Australian University
Albion, Peter, Maroulis, Jerry and Jamieson-Proctor, Romina. 2010. "Patterns in student and staff access to, and attitudes towards usefulness of, ICT in an Australian University." Yusof, Khairiyah (ed.) 3rd Regional Conference on Engineering Education (RCEE 2010) & Research in Higher Education 2010 (RHEd 2010). Sarawak, Malaysia Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
Auditing the TPACK capabilities of final year teacher education students: are they ready for the 21st century?
Jamieson-Proctor, Romina, Finger, Glenn and Albion, Peter. 2010. "Auditing the TPACK capabilities of final year teacher education students: are they ready for the 21st century?" Romeo, Geoff and Gronn, Donna (ed.) 2010 Australian Computers in Education Conference: Digital Diversity (ACEC 2010). Melbourne, Australia 06 - 09 Apr 2010 Canberra, Australia.
Laptop orthodoxy: is portable computing the answer for education?
Albion, Peter. 1999. "Laptop orthodoxy: is portable computing the answer for education?" Australian Educational Computing. 14 (1), pp. 5-9.
Interactive multimedia and problem based learning: challenges for instructional design
Albion, Peter and Gibson, Ian. 1998. "Interactive multimedia and problem based learning: challenges for instructional design." Ottman, Tomas and Tomek, Iavan (ed.) ED-MEDIA/ED-TELECOM 98: World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia and World Conference on Educational Telecommunications 1998. Freiburg, Germany 22 - 25 Jun 1998 Charlottesville, VA, United States.
Learning recursively: integrating PBL as an authentic problem experience [Plenary presentation]
Albion, Peter. 2010. "Learning recursively: integrating PBL as an authentic problem experience [Plenary presentation]." RCEE 2010: Innovative Education for the Next Generation. Kuching, Sarawak 07 - 09 Jun 2010 Kuching, Malaysia.
The use of tablet and related technologies in mathematics teaching
Galligan, Linda, Loch, Birgit, McDonald, Christine and Taylor, Janet A.. 2010. "The use of tablet and related technologies in mathematics teaching." Australian Senior Mathematics Journal. 24 (1), pp. 38-51.
An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions: implications for the Australian cotton industry
Maraseni, T. N., Cockfield, G. and Maroulis, J.. 2010. "An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions: implications for the Australian cotton industry." The Journal of Agricultural Science. 148 (5), pp. 501-510.
Hong Kong home economics teachers' adoption of ICT for learning and teaching
Lau, Kitty and Albion, Peter. 2010. "Hong Kong home economics teachers' adoption of ICT for learning and teaching." Romeo, Geoff and Gronn, Donna (ed.) 2010 Australian Computers in Education Conference: Digital Diversity (ACEC 2010). Melbourne, Australia 06 - 09 Apr 2010 Canberra, Australia.
Adopting synchronous audiographic web conferencing: a tale from two regional universities
Loch, Birgit, Reushle, Shirley, Rowe, Stephen and Jayne, Nicola. 2010. "Adopting synchronous audiographic web conferencing: a tale from two regional universities." Mukerji, Siran and Tripathi, Purnendu (ed.) Cases on technology enhanced learning through collaborative opportunities. Hershey, PA, United States. IGI Global. pp. 56-72
Go WEST - supporting women in engineering, science and technology: an Australian higher education case study
McDonald, Jacquelin, Loch, Birgit and Cater-Steel, Aileen. 2010. "Go WEST - supporting women in engineering, science and technology: an Australian higher education case study." Cater-Steel, Aileen and Cater, Emily (ed.) Women in engineering, science and technology: education and career challenges. Hershey, PA, United States. IGI Global. pp. 118-132
Auditing the TK and TPACK confidence of pre-service teachers: are they ready for the profession?
Jamieson-Proctor, Romina, Finger, Glenn and Albion, Peter. 2010. "Auditing the TK and TPACK confidence of pre-service teachers: are they ready for the profession?" Australian Educational Computing. 25 (1), pp. 8-17.
Student teachers' use of computers during teaching practice in primary classrooms
Albion, Peter. 1996. "Student teachers' use of computers during teaching practice in primary classrooms." Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. 24 (1), pp. 63-73.
The seamless integration of Web3D technologies with university curricula to engage the changing student cohort
Albion, Peter and McKeown, Lindy. 2010. The seamless integration of Web3D technologies with university curricula to engage the changing student cohort. Sydney, Australia. Australian Learning and Teaching Council Limited.
Analysing the levels of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions from land use, land use change and forestry activities on Annex I countries ability to meet Kyoto targets
Maraseni, Tek Narayan, Maroulis, Jerry and Nooriafshar, Mehryar. 2010. "Analysing the levels of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions from land use, land use change and forestry activities on Annex I countries ability to meet Kyoto targets." International Journal of Environment and Pollution. 42 (4), pp. 301-316.
An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from the Australian vegetables industry
Maraseni, Tek N., Cockfield, Geoff, Maroulis, Jerry and Chen, Guangnan. 2010. "An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from the Australian vegetables industry." Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 45 (6), pp. 578-588.
Hong Kong home economics teachers' preparedness for teaching with technology
Ho, Kitty and Albion, Peter R.. 2010. "Hong Kong home economics teachers' preparedness for teaching with technology." Maddux, Cleborne D., Gibson, David and Dodge, Bernie (ed.) Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2010. Chesapeake, VA, United States. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE). pp. 313-321
Problem-based learning as a multimedia design framework in teacher education
Albion, Peter and Gibson, Ian. 2000. "Problem-based learning as a multimedia design framework in teacher education." Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 8 (4), pp. 315-326.
The salience of market, bureaucratic, and clan controls in the management of family firm transitions: some tentative Australian evidence
Moores, Ken and Mula, Joseph. 2000. "The salience of market, bureaucratic, and clan controls in the management of family firm transitions: some tentative Australian evidence." Family Business Review. 13 (2), pp. 91-106.
m-Clicker: how to enhance students' participation
Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "m-Clicker: how to enhance students' participation." 2009 Accounting Education SIG Symposium. Adelaide, Australia 04 Jul 2009 Melbourne, Australia.
Problem-based learning - is it right for Sri Lanka?
Macan Markar, Deborah, Madurapperuma, Ajith and Maroulis, Jerry. 2006. "Problem-based learning - is it right for Sri Lanka?" Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association Conference (APERA 2006): Educational Research, Policy, and Practice in an Era of Globalization: The Asia Pacific Perspectives and Beyond. Hong Kong, China 28 - 30 Nov 2006 Hong Kong.
Efficacy and feasibility of a mobile ECG decision support system - a preliminary conceptual model
Lin, Meng-Kuan, Mula, Joseph M., Gururajan, Raj, Leis, John W. and Hafeez-Baig, Abdul. 2010. "Efficacy and feasibility of a mobile ECG decision support system - a preliminary conceptual model." Chen, Houn-Gee and Liang, Ting-Peng (ed.) 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2010): Service Science in Information Systems Research. Taipei, Taiwan 09 - 12 Jul 2010 Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Auditing the TPACK confidence of Australian pre-service teachers: the TPACK confidence survey (TCS)
Albion, Peter R., Jamieson-Proctor, Romina and Finger, Glenn. 2010. "Auditing the TPACK confidence of Australian pre-service teachers: the TPACK confidence survey (TCS)." Gibson, David and Dodge, Bernie (ed.) 21st International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2010). San Diego, United States 29 Mar - 02 Apr 2010 Chesapeake, VA, United States.
An assessment of silvipasture potential in southeast Queensland, Australia
Maraseni, Tek N., Cockfield, Geoff and Maroulis, Jerry. 2009. "An assessment of silvipasture potential in southeast Queensland, Australia." Australasian Journal of Regional Studies. 15 (3), pp. 297-310.
The moderating effect of switching costs on the customer satisfaction-retention link: retail internet banking service in Hong Kong
Wong, Chi-Bo and Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "The moderating effect of switching costs on the customer satisfaction-retention link: retail internet banking service in Hong Kong." IBIMA Business Review. 2 (3), pp. 20-28.
Interactive multimedia PBL: design, development and evaluation
Albion, Peter. 2009. Interactive multimedia PBL: design, development and evaluation. Saarbrucken, Germany. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller.
Going for 100% digital teaching and learning environments: the agony and the ecstasy
Mula, Joseph M.. 2008. "Going for 100% digital teaching and learning environments: the agony and the ecstasy." 2008 Learning and Teaching Week Showcase. Toowoomba, Australia Feb 2008
Click go the students, click-click-click: how to give and gain students' feedback to dynamically modify delivery in the classroom to students' needs
Mula, Joseph M.. 2008. "Click go the students, click-click-click: how to give and gain students' feedback to dynamically modify delivery in the classroom to students' needs." 2008 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference (2008 AFAANZ). Sydney, Australia 06 - 08 Jul 2008 Sydney,. Australia.
Organizational life cycle stage and controls in Australian family firms
Moores, Ken J. and Mula, Joseph. 2008. "Organizational life cycle stage and controls in Australian family firms." Gupta, Vipin (ed.) Culturally sensitive models of family business in anglo region: a compendium using the globe paradigm. Hyderabad, India. Icfai University Press. pp. 155-175
Using the theory of planned behaviour to predict Bruneian science and mathematics teachers’ intentions to use ICT in teaching
Salleh, Sallimah Hj. Mohd. and Albion, Peter. 2004. "Using the theory of planned behaviour to predict Bruneian science and mathematics teachers’ intentions to use ICT in teaching." Cheong, Irene, Dhindsa, Harkirat S., Kyeleve, Iorhemen and Chukwu, Ogbonnaya (ed.) Globalisation Trends in Science, Mathematics and Technical Education (2004). Daussalam, Brunei 2004 Darussalam, Brunei.
Using the theory of planned behaviour to predict Bruneian teachers' intentions to use ICT in teaching
Salleh, Sallimah Hj. Mohd. and Albion, Peter. 2004. "Using the theory of planned behaviour to predict Bruneian teachers' intentions to use ICT in teaching." Ferdig, Richard and Crawford, Caroline (ed.) 15th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2004). Atlanta, United States 01 - 06 Mar 2004 Charlottesville, VA.
Principals’ beliefs about teaching with ICT: a model for promoting change
Otto, Thomas L. and Albion, Peter. 2004. "Principals’ beliefs about teaching with ICT: a model for promoting change." Ferdig, Richard and Crawford, Caroline (ed.) 15th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2004). Atlanta, United States 01 - 06 Mar 2004 Charlottesville, VA.
Along the continuum: from print to virtual worlds
Albion, Peter. 2003. "Along the continuum: from print to virtual worlds." Son, Jeong-Bae and O'Neill, Shirley (ed.) 1st International Conference on Pedagogies and Learning: New Meanings for a New Millennium. Toowoomba, Australia 01 - 04 Oct 2003 Toowoomba, Australia.
Self-efficacy beliefs as an indicator of teachers' preparedness for teaching with technology
Albion, Peter. 1999. "Self-efficacy beliefs as an indicator of teachers' preparedness for teaching with technology." Price, Jerry D., Willis, Jerry, Willis, Dee Anna, Jost, Muktha and Boger-Mehall, Stephanie (ed.) 10th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 1999). San Antonio, TX, United States Chesapeake, VA.
In their own words: pre-service teachers’ perceptions of ICT integration
Redmond, Petrea and Albion, Peter. 2002. "In their own words: pre-service teachers’ perceptions of ICT integration." Willis, Dee Anna, Price, Jerry D. and Davis, Niki (ed.) 13th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2002). Nashville, United States 18 - 23 Mar 2002 Norfolk, VA, United States.
What do instructional designers do in higher education? A written symposium
Dempsey, John V., Albion, Peter, Litchfield, Brenda C., Havard, Byron and McDonald, Jacquelin. 2007. "What do instructional designers do in higher education? A written symposium." Reiser, Robert A. and Dempsey, John V. (ed.) Trends and issues in instructional design and technology, 2nd ed.. Upper Saddle River, N.J.. Prentice Hall. pp. 221-233
Technology leadership
Albion, Peter. 2006. "Technology leadership." Crawford, Caroline, Carlsen, Roger, Gibson, Ian, McFerrin, Karen, Price, Jerry D., Weber, Roberta and Willis, Dee Anna (ed.) 17th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2006). Orlando, United States of America 20 - 24 Mar 2006 Chesapeake, Virginia.
Contextual factors associated with management information systems in a virtual organization
Scott, Albert H. S. and Mula, Joseph. 2004. "Contextual factors associated with management information systems in a virtual organization." 2004 International Workshop on Business and Information. Taipei, Taiwan 26 - 27 Mar 2004
Contextual factors associated with information systems in a virtual supply chain
Scott, Albert H. S. and Mula, Joseph M.. 2004. "Contextual factors associated with information systems in a virtual supply chain." 3rd International Conference on Information and Management Sciences (IMS2004). Dunhuang, China 05 - 10 Jun 2004 Beijing, China.
The opening of Pandora's box
Tai, Aylwin and Mula, Joseph. 2003. "The opening of Pandora's box." Asian Golf Monthly.
Extent of adoption of EDI by Singaporean SMEs: a survey of practices
Li, Ping and Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "Extent of adoption of EDI by Singaporean SMEs: a survey of practices." Journal of Information Technology Management. XX (3), pp. 1-13.
Impact of advisers on small and medium enterprises' business performances - a study of CPA interventions on Singaporean Chinese SMEs
Ho, N. K. and Mula, Joseph M.. 2004. "Impact of advisers on small and medium enterprises' business performances - a study of CPA interventions on Singaporean Chinese SMEs." 49th ICSB World Conference: Globalization and Its Impact on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development in the Developing World . Johannesburg, South Africa 20 - 23 Jun 2004 Washington, USA.
Managing and controlling family enterprises in changing times - a cross-cultural study of Australian and Sigaporean firms
Mula, Joseph M. and Ho, N. K.. 2004. "Managing and controlling family enterprises in changing times - a cross-cultural study of Australian and Sigaporean firms." 4th IFERA Annual Research Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark Sep 2004
Greenhouse gas implications of water reuse in the Upper Pumpanga River Integrated Irrigation System, Philippines
Maraseni, Tek Narayan, Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Hafeez, Mohsin and Maroulis, Jerry. 2010. "Greenhouse gas implications of water reuse in the Upper Pumpanga River Integrated Irrigation System, Philippines." Agricultural Water Management. 97 (3), pp. 382-388.
Managing the family's wealth in unstable times: role of advisers in wealth preservation using the parallel planning process concept
Goekmen, A. S. and Mula, Joseph M.. 2004. "Managing the family's wealth in unstable times: role of advisers in wealth preservation using the parallel planning process concept." 4th International Family Enterprise Research Academy Annual Research Conference (IFERA 2004). Jonkoping, Sweden Sep 2004 Springfield, IL. United States.
Beyond Pedagogical Content Knowledge: The Importance of TPACK for Informing Preservice Teacher Education in Australia
Finger, Glenn, Jamieson-Proctor, Romina and Albion, Peter. 2010. "Beyond Pedagogical Content Knowledge: The Importance of TPACK for Informing Preservice Teacher Education in Australia." Reynolds, Nicholas and Turcsányi-Szabó, Márta (ed.) IFIP TC 3 International Conference on Key Competencies in the Knowledge Society (KCKS 2010). Brisbane, Australia 20 - 23 Sep 2010 Germany. pp. 114–125
An analysis of Australia's carbon pollution reduction scheme
Maraseni, Tek Narayan, Maroulis, Jerry and Cockfield, Geoff. 2009. "An analysis of Australia's carbon pollution reduction scheme." International Journal of Environmental Studies. 66 (5), pp. 591-603.
Accounting professionalization amidst alternating politico-economic order of Ethiopia
James, Kieran, Mihret, Dessalegn Getie and Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "Accounting professionalization amidst alternating politico-economic order of Ethiopia." Segel, Naomi (ed.) 2009 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference (2009 AFAANZ). Adelaide, Australia 05 - 07 Jul 2010 Melbourne, Australia.
The virtual organization, information systems and quality
Scott, Albert H. S. and Mula, Joseph M.. 2004. "The virtual organization, information systems and quality." Soliman, Khalid (ed.) 2004 International Business Information Management Conference (IBIM 2004) . Amman, Jordan 04 - 06 Jul 2004 Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York,USA.
Implications for information management in the virtual organization
Scott, Albert H. S. and Mula, Joseph. 2003. "Implications for information management in the virtual organization." Soliman, Khalid S. (ed.) 2003 International Business Information Management Conference (IBIM 2003). Cairo, Egypt 16 - 18 Dec 2003 Hempstead, NY. United States.
Mere mortals creating worlds: low threshold 3D virtual environments for learning
Albion, Peter. 2009. "Mere mortals creating worlds: low threshold 3D virtual environments for learning." The International Journal of Learning. 16 (6), pp. 663-678.
Going for 100% digital teaching and learning environment in accounting: the agony and the ecstasy
Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "Going for 100% digital teaching and learning environment in accounting: the agony and the ecstasy." Segel, Naomi (ed.) 2009 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference (2009 AFAANZ). Adelaide, Australia 05 - 07 Jul 2010 Melbourne, Australia.
The moderating effect of switching costs on the customer satisfaction-retention link: retail internet banking service in Hong Kong
Wong, Chi-Bo and Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "The moderating effect of switching costs on the customer satisfaction-retention link: retail internet banking service in Hong Kong." 11th IBIMA Conference: Innovation and Knowledge Management in Twin Track Economies. Cairo, Egypt 04 - 06 Jan 2009
Click go the students, click-click-click: the efficacy of a student response system for engaging students to improve feedback and performance
Mula, Joseph M. and Kavanagh, Marie. 2009. "Click go the students, click-click-click: the efficacy of a student response system for engaging students to improve feedback and performance." e-Journal of Business Education and Scholarship of Teaching. 3 (1), pp. 1-17.
Brainmatics: can hand-held technologies ameliorate the early onset of dementia? - a model for a longitudinal investigation of prediagnosed but potentially susceptible dementia suffers
Livingstone, Anne, Soar, Jeffrey, Mula, Joseph M. and Wang, Szu-Yao. 2009. "Brainmatics: can hand-held technologies ameliorate the early onset of dementia? - a model for a longitudinal investigation of prediagnosed but potentially susceptible dementia suffers." 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Paris, France 05 - 09 Jul 2009
Study to investigate the determinants for the use of wireless technology in healthcare setting: a case of Pakistan
Hafeez-Baig, Abdul, Gururajan, Raj, Mula, Joseph M. and Lin, Meng-Kuan. 2009. "Study to investigate the determinants for the use of wireless technology in healthcare setting: a case of Pakistan." Peng, Jie, Al-Hakim, Latif and Chen, Guoqing (ed.) COINFO 2009: Managing Virtual Organisations and Information in the Era of Globalisation. Beijing, China 21 - 23 Nov 2009 Los Alamitos, CA. United States.
Identifying system characteristics for development of a sustainability management accounting information system: towards a conceptual design for the manufacturing industry
Petcharat, Nickie and Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "Identifying system characteristics for development of a sustainability management accounting information system: towards a conceptual design for the manufacturing industry." Peng, Jie, Al-Hakim, Latif and Chen, Guoqing (ed.) COINFO 2009: 4th International Conference on Cooperation and Promotion of Information Resources in Science and Technology. Beijing, China 21 - 23 Nov 2009 United States.
Interaction, learner styles, and content in online courses: implications for teacher preparation
Wilson, Jay and Albion, Peter R.. 2009. "Interaction, learner styles, and content in online courses: implications for teacher preparation." Maddux, Cleborne D. (ed.) Research highlights in technology and teacher education 2009. Chesapeake, VA, United States. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education (SITE). pp. 347-354
Energy and water tradeoffs in enhancing food security: a selective international assessment
Mushtaq, Shahbaz, Maraseni, Tek Narayan, Maroulis, Jerry and Hafeez, Mohsin. 2009. "Energy and water tradeoffs in enhancing food security: a selective international assessment." Energy Policy. 37 (9), pp. 3635-3644.
Interaction, learner styles, and content in online courses: implications for teacher preparation
Wilson, Jay and Albion, Peter R.. 2009. "Interaction, learner styles, and content in online courses: implications for teacher preparation." Gibson, Ian, Weber, Roberta, McFerrin, Karen, Carlsen, Roger and Willis, Dee Anna (ed.) 20th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2009). Charleston, United States 02 - 06 Mar 2009 Chesapeake, VA, United States.
Altered geometry: a new angle on teacher technophobia
Lloyd, Margaret and Albion, Peter. 2009. "Altered geometry: a new angle on teacher technophobia." Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 17 (1), pp. 65-84.
Greenhouse gas emissions from rice farming inputs: a cross-country assessment
Maraseni, T. N., Mushtaq, S. and Maroulis, J.. 2009. "Greenhouse gas emissions from rice farming inputs: a cross-country assessment." The Journal of Agricultural Science. 147 (2), pp. 117-126.
Virtual spaces for teaching and learning
Albion, Peter R.. 2009. "Virtual spaces for teaching and learning." Gibson, David and Baek, Youngkyun (ed.) Digital simulations for improving education: learning through artificial teaching environments. Hershey, PA. United States. IGI Global. pp. 52-67
Web 2.0 in teacher education: two imperatives for action
Albion, Peter. 2008. "Web 2.0 in teacher education: two imperatives for action." Computers in the Schools. 25 (3/4), pp. 181-198.
Teaching by example? Integrating ICT in teacher education
Albion, Peter and Redmond, Petrea. 2008. "Teaching by example? Integrating ICT in teacher education." Moyle, Kathryn (ed.) 2008 Australian Computers in Education Conference: ACT on IcT (ACEC 2008). Canberra, Australia 29 Sep - 02 Oct 2008 Belconnen, Australia.
Can competency skills for accounting students be internationally harmonised? An Indonesia application
Mula, Joseph M.. 2007. "Can competency skills for accounting students be internationally harmonised? An Indonesia application." 2007 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference (2007 AFAANZ). Gold Coast, Australia 01 - 03 Jul 2007 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand.
An analysis of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions status of Annex I countries: can they meet Kyoto targets?
Maraseni, Tek N., Maroulis, Jerry and Nooriafshar, Mehryar. 2008. "An analysis of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions status of Annex I countries: can they meet Kyoto targets?" Australasian Journal of Business and Behavioural Sciences. 3 (2), pp. 3-15.
Comparing and predicting soil carbon quantities under different land use systems on the red ferrosol soils of southeast Queensland
Maraseni, Tek Narayan, Mathers, Nicole J., Harms, Ben, Cockfield, Geoff, Apan, Armando and Maroulis, Jerry. 2008. "Comparing and predicting soil carbon quantities under different land use systems on the red ferrosol soils of southeast Queensland." Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 63 (4), pp. 250-256.
Electronic data interchange (EDI) adoption: a study of SMEs in Singapore
Li, Ping and Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "Electronic data interchange (EDI) adoption: a study of SMEs in Singapore." Cater-Steel, Aileen and Al-Hakim, Latif (ed.) Information systems research methods, epistemology, and applications. Hershey PA, USA. IGI Global. pp. 272-292
An analysis-form of soft systems methodology for information systems maintenance
Lai, Ivan Ka-Wai and Mula, Joseph M.. 2009. "An analysis-form of soft systems methodology for information systems maintenance." Cater-Steel, Aileen and Al-Hakim, Latif (ed.) Information systems research methods, epistemology, and applications. Hershey, PA. United States. IGI Global. pp. 197-209
Alluvial evidence for major climate and flow regime changes during the middle and late Quaternary in eastern central Australia
Nanson, Gerald C., Price, David M., Jones, Brian G., Maroulis, Jerry C., Coleman, Maria, Bowman, Hugo, Cohen, Timothy J., Pietsch, Timothy J. and Larsen, Joshua R.. 2008. "Alluvial evidence for major climate and flow regime changes during the middle and late Quaternary in eastern central Australia." Geomorphology. 101 (1-2), pp. 109-129.
An integrative approach to building professional attributes in a first year nursing course: description and preliminary analysis of academic numeracy
Galligan, Linda, Loch, Birgit and Lawrence, Jill. 2010. "An integrative approach to building professional attributes in a first year nursing course: description and preliminary analysis of academic numeracy." Coben, Diana and O'Donoghue, John (ed.) ICME 11: Adult Mathematics Education. Monterrey, Mexico 06 - 13 Jul 2008 Limerick, Ireland.
Problem-based learning and educational technology: exploring new horizons
Albion, Peter. 2007. "Problem-based learning and educational technology: exploring new horizons." 1st International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention. Johor Bahru, Malaysia 02 - 05 Nov 2007
Virtual worlds: exploring potential for educational interaction
Albion, Peter. 2008. "Virtual worlds: exploring potential for educational interaction." Luca, Joseph and Weippl, Edgar (ed.) ED-MEDIA 2008: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008. Vienna, Austria 30 Jun - 04 Jul 2008 Chesapeake, VA, United States.
Solar Australia: Australia at the crossroads: a report on a project for the Foundation for Australian Resources evaluating Australia's solar energy policy alternatives
Mula, J. M., Ward, R. A., Thornton, B. S. and Malanos, C.. 1977. Solar Australia: Australia at the crossroads: a report on a project for the Foundation for Australian Resources evaluating Australia's solar energy policy alternatives. Sydney, Australia. Foundation for Australian Resources.
Conducting a trial of web conferencing software: why, how, and perceptions from the coalface
Reushle, Shirley and Loch, Birgit. 2008. "Conducting a trial of web conferencing software: why, how, and perceptions from the coalface." Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education. 9 (3), pp. 19-28.
Strategy diversity in Australian family owned businesses: impact of environment induced constraints
Moores, K. and Mula, J.. 1998. "Strategy diversity in Australian family owned businesses: impact of environment induced constraints." Bond Management Review. 5 (2), pp. 25-33.
Spectral schemes on triangular elements
Heinrichs, Wilhelm and Loch, Birgit. 2001. "Spectral schemes on triangular elements." Journal of Computational Physics. 173 (1), pp. 279-301.
Processing laser scanner plant data to extract structural information
Hanan, Jim, Loch, Birgit and McAleer, Tim. 2004. "Processing laser scanner plant data to extract structural information." Godin, Christophe, Hanan, Jim S. and Kurth, Winfried (ed.) 4th International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM 2004). Montpellier, France 07 - 11 Jun 2004 Montpellier, France.
Piggery: from environmental pollution to a climate change solution
Maraseni, Tek N. and Maroulis, Jerry. 2008. "Piggery: from environmental pollution to a climate change solution." Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. 43 (4), pp. 358-363.
An estimation of willingness to pay for asparagus (Asparagus racemosus Willd.) collectors in Makawanpur District, Nepal
Maraseni, T. N., Maroulis, J. and Cockfield, G.. 2008. "An estimation of willingness to pay for asparagus (Asparagus racemosus Willd.) collectors in Makawanpur District, Nepal." Journal of Forest Science: Prague. 54 (3), pp. 131-137.
Change detection through clustering and spectral analysis
Donovan, Diane, Loch, Birgit, Thompson, H. B. and Thompson, Jayne. 2008. "Change detection through clustering and spectral analysis." Brankovich, Ljiljania, Lin, Yuqing and Smythe, William F. (ed.) IWOCA 2007: 18th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms . Newcastle, Australia 05 - 09 Nov 2007 United States.
3D online spaces for teacher education: mapping the territory
Albion, Peter. 2008. "3D online spaces for teacher education: mapping the territory." McFerrin, Karen, Weber, Roberta, Carlsen, Roger and Willis, Dee Anna (ed.) 19th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2008). Las Vegas, United States 03 - 07 Mar 2008 Chesapeake, VA.
Exploring the worth of online communities and e-mentoring programs for beginning teachers
Gutke, Hannah J. and Albion, Peter. 2008. "Exploring the worth of online communities and e-mentoring programs for beginning teachers." McFerrin, Karen, Weber, Roberta, Carlsen, Roger and Willis, Dee Anna (ed.) 19th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2008). Las Vegas, United States 03 - 07 Mar 2008 Chesapeake, VA.
Effective assessment practices in an inquiry-based science and technology education course in an Australian teacher education program
Maroulis, Jerry. 2007. "Effective assessment practices in an inquiry-based science and technology education course in an Australian teacher education program." Carlsen, Roger, McFerrin, Karen, Price, Jerry D., Weber, Roberta and Willis, Dee Anna (ed.) 18th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2007). San Antonio, United States 26 - 30 Mar 2007 Chesapeake, VA, USA.
Global economic modelling: some Australian and New Zealand perspectives
Mula, Joseph M. and MacRae, Don. 1979. "Global economic modelling: some Australian and New Zealand perspectives." 4th Australia and New Zealand Regional Science Association Conference 1979 . Albury-Wodonga, Australia 02 - 05 Dec 1979 Canberra, Australia.
Modelling Australian international relationships: an approach through dynamic simulation
Mula, Joseph M. and MacRae, Don. 1979. "Modelling Australian international relationships: an approach through dynamic simulation." Symposium on Methodologies for Social Forecasting 1979: Futurology. Melbourne, Australia 21 - 23 Nov 1979 Canberra, Australia.
Online courses: models and strategies for increasing interaction
Albion, Peter and Ertmer, Peggy A.. 2004. "Online courses: models and strategies for increasing interaction." Ellis, Allan (ed.) 10th Australian World Wide Web Conference (AusWeb04). Gold Coast, Qld, Australia 03 - 07 Jul 2004 Lismore, NSW, Australia.
Aspects of a world model for Australian resources and environmental assessment
MacRae, Don and Mula, Joseph M.. 1978. "Aspects of a world model for Australian resources and environmental assessment." A Survey of Recent Developments in Economics 1978. Canberra, Australia 15 Feb 1978 Canberra, Australia.
A bibliographical survey of books, journals and bibliographies on world modelling and future studies
Phung Tran, K. and Mula, Joseph M.. 1979. A bibliographical survey of books, journals and bibliographies on world modelling and future studies. Canberra, Australia. AREA Project, Dept. of Science and the Environment.
A survey of world and Australian models
Mula, Joseph M.. 1979. A survey of world and Australian models. Canberra, Australia. AREA Project, Dept. of Science and the Environment.
Prospect 2000: Australia in a world context
Mula, Joseph M. and MacRae, Don. 1979. "Prospect 2000: Australia in a world context ." 50th Anniversary ANZAAS Conference (ANZAAS 1979): Prospect 2000. Perth, Western Australia 14 - 18 May 1979 Canberra, Australia.
A preliminary account of Australian agriculture in a global economic context
Mula, Joseph M. and MacRae, Don. 1979. "A preliminary account of Australian agriculture in a global economic context." 1979 Australian Agricultural Economics Society Conference. Canberra, Australia 16 Aug 1979 Canberra, Australia.
Graduating teachers' reflections about teaching with information and communicating technologies
Albion, Peter. 2003. "Graduating teachers' reflections about teaching with information and communicating technologies." Crawford, Caroline, Willis, Dee Anna, Carlsen, Roger, Gibson, Ian, McFerrin, Karen, Price, Jerry D. and Weber, Roberta (ed.) 14th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2003). Albuquerque, United States 24 - 29 Mar 2003 Chesapeake, VA.
Graduating teachers' dispositions for integrating information and communications technologies into their teaching
Albion, Peter. 2003. "Graduating teachers' dispositions for integrating information and communications technologies into their teaching." Crawford, Caroline, Willis, Dee Anna, Carlsen, Roger, Gibson, Ian, McFerrin, Karen, Price, Jerry D. and Weber, Roberta (ed.) 14th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2003). Albuquerque, United States 24 - 29 Mar 2003 Chesapeake, VA.
Aeolian-fluvial interaction and climate change: source-bordering dune development over the past ~100 ka on Cooper Creek, central Australia
Maroulis, Jerry C., Nanson, Gerald C., Price, David M. and Pietsch, Tim. 2007. "Aeolian-fluvial interaction and climate change: source-bordering dune development over the past ~100 ka on Cooper Creek, central Australia." Quaternary Science Reviews: the international multidisciplinary research and review journal. 26 (3-4), pp. 386-404.
Some factors influencing pre-service teachers' self-efficacy for teaching with computers
Albion, Peter. 2002. "Some factors influencing pre-service teachers' self-efficacy for teaching with computers." Watson, Deryn and Andersen, Jane (ed.) 7th IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education WCCE 2001. Copenhagen, Denmark Boston.
Designing twenty-first century teaching and learning spaces for a teacher education
Redmond, Petrea, Albion, Peter R. and Alexander, Louise. 2004. "Designing twenty-first century teaching and learning spaces for a teacher education." Ferdig, Richard and Crawford, Caroline (ed.) 15th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2004). Atlanta, United States 01 - 06 Mar 2004 Chesapeake, VA.
Beyond the foundations: the role of vision and belief in teachers' preparation for integration of technology
Albion, Peter and Ertmer, Peggy A.. 2002. "Beyond the foundations: the role of vision and belief in teachers' preparation for integration of technology." TechTrends. 46 (5), pp. 34-38.
PBL + IMM = PBL²: problem based learning and interactive multimedia development
Albion, Peter. 2003. "PBL + IMM = PBL²: problem based learning and interactive multimedia development." Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 11 (2), pp. 243-257.
Student teachers' confidence and competence for finding information on the internet
Albion, Peter R.. 2007. "Student teachers' confidence and competence for finding information on the internet." Carlsen, Roger, McFerrin, Karen, Price, Jerry D., Weber, Roberta and Willis, Dee Anna (ed.) 18th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2007). San Antonio, United States 26 - 30 Mar 2007 Chesapeake, VA.
Synchronous chat and electronic ink for distance support in mathematics
Loch, Birgit and McDonald, Christine. 2007. "Synchronous chat and electronic ink for distance support in mathematics." Innovate: Journal of Online Education. 3 (3), pp. 1-5.
Progressive teaching of mathematics with tablet technology
Loch, Birgit and Donovan, Diane. 2006. "Progressive teaching of mathematics with tablet technology." Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 9 (2), pp. 1-6.
Interactive multimedia problem-based learning for enhancing pre-service teachers' self-efficacy beliefs about teaching with computers: design, development and evaluation
Albion, Peter. 2000. Interactive multimedia problem-based learning for enhancing pre-service teachers' self-efficacy beliefs about teaching with computers: design, development and evaluation. PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy. University of Southern Queensland.
Motivating learners to participate in online discussions: lessons from research for teacher preparation
Albion, Peter R. and Weaver, Cathy M.. 2006. "Motivating learners to participate in online discussions: lessons from research for teacher preparation." Crawford, Caroline M., Carlsen, Roger, Gibson, Ian, McFerrin, Karen, Price, Jerry, Weber, Roberta and Willis, Dee Anna (ed.) 17th Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2006). Orlando, FL. United States 20 - 24 Mar 2006 Chesapeake, VA. United States.
Lessons learned from 1-to-1 laptop initiatives: reflections on critical components
Muir, Mike, Owen, Alice, Christensen, Rhonda, Knezek, Gerald, Gibson, Ian, Albion, Peter, Soloway, Elliot and Norris, Cathie. 2006. "Lessons learned from 1-to-1 laptop initiatives: reflections on critical components." Crawford, Caroline, Carlsen, Roger, Gibson, Ian, McFerrin, Karen, Price, Jerry D., Weber, Roberta and Willis, Dee Anna (ed.) 17th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2006). Orlando, United States of America 20 - 24 Mar 2006 Chesapeake, VA. United States.
Building momentum in an online doctoral studies community
Albion, Peter. 2006. "Building momentum in an online doctoral studies community." Kiley, Margaret and Mullins, Gerry (ed.) Quality in postgraduate research: knowledge creation in testing times. Adelaide. The Australian National University. pp. 87-96
Returning the favour: using insights from online learning to enhance on-campus courses
Albion, Peter and Redmond, Petrea. 2006. "Returning the favour: using insights from online learning to enhance on-campus courses." Crawford, Caroline, Carlsen, Roger, Gibson, Ian, McFerrin, Karen, Price, Jerry D., Weber, Roberta and Willis, Dee Anna (ed.) 17th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2006). Orlando, United States of America 20 - 24 Mar 2006 Chesapeake, VA.
Blurring of the boundaries: innovative online pedagogical practices in an Australian faculty of education
Maroulis, Jerry and Reushle, Shirley. 2005. "Blurring of the boundaries: innovative online pedagogical practices in an Australian faculty of education." 17th ODLAA Conference: Breaking the Boundaries: The International Experience in Open, Distance and Flexible Education. Adelaide, Australia 09 - 11 Nov 2005 Adelaide, South Australia.
Designing for an online doctoral studies community using an open source platform
Albion, Peter. 2005. "Designing for an online doctoral studies community using an open source platform." Crawford, Caroline, Carlsen, Roger, Gibson, Ian, McFerrin, Karen, Price, Jerry D., Weber, Roberta and Willis, Dee Anna (ed.) 16th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2005). Phoenix, United States 01 - 05 Mar 2005 Norfolk, VA.
Living up to the ICT integration standards
Albion, Peter and Redmond, Petrea. 2005. "Living up to the ICT integration standards." Crawford, Caroline, Carlsen, Roger, Gibson, Ian, McFerrin, Karen, Price, Jerry D., Weber, Roberta and Willis, Dee Anna (ed.) 16th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2005). Phoenix, United States 01 - 05 Mar 2005 Norfolk, VA.
Mistaking the tool for the outcome: using activity system theory to understand the complexity of teacher technophobia
Albion, Peter and Lloyd, Margaret. 2005. "Mistaking the tool for the outcome: using activity system theory to understand the complexity of teacher technophobia." Crawford, Caroline, Carlsen, Roger, Gibson, Ian, McFerrin, Karen, Price, Jerry D., Weber, Roberta and Willis, Dee Anna (ed.) 16th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2005). Phoenix, United States 01 - 05 Mar 2005 Norfolk, VA.
Intentions vs reality: preservice teachers' ICT integration during professional experience
Redmond, Petrea, Albion, Peter and Maroulis, Jerry. 2005. "Intentions vs reality: preservice teachers' ICT integration during professional experience." Crawford, Caroline, Carlsen, Roger, Gibson, Ian, McFerrin, Karen, Price, Jerry D., Weber, Roberta and Willis, Dee Anna (ed.) 16th International Conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2005). Phoenix, United States 01 - 05 Mar 2005 Norfolk, VA.
Along the continuum: from print to simulated experience
Albion, Peter. 2005. "Along the continuum: from print to simulated experience." Son, Jeong-Bae and O'Neill, Shirley (ed.) Enhancing learning and teaching: pedagogy, technology and language. Flaxton, Australia. Post Pressed. pp. 119-131
Tablet technology in first year calculus and linear algebra teaching
Loch, Birgit I.. 2005. "Tablet technology in first year calculus and linear algebra teaching." Bulmer, Michael, MacGillivray, Helen and Varsavsky, Cristina (ed.) Kingfisher Delta '05: 5th Southern Hemisphere Conference on Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Teaching and Learning. Fraser Island, Australia 22 - 26 Nov 2005 Brisbane, Australia.
An innovative learning model for computation in first year mathematics
Tonkes, E. J., Loch, B. I. and Stace, A. W.. 2005. "An innovative learning model for computation in first year mathematics." International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 36 (7), pp. 751-759.
Online pedagogical practices in the Faculty of Education at the University of Southern Queensland
Kehrwald, Ben, Reushle, Shirley, Redmond, Petrea, Cleary, Kaye, Albion, Peter and Maroulis, Jerry. 2005. Online pedagogical practices in the Faculty of Education at the University of Southern Queensland. Toowoomba, Australia. University of Southern Queensland.