Update in management of spinal cord injury

NOBANIS – Invasive Alien Species Fact Sheet – Bunias orientalis

Photo-/Bio-degradability of Agro Waste and Ethylene–Propylene Copolymers Composites Under Abiotic and Biotic Environments

Preparation and characterization of novel hybrid of chitosan-g-lactic acid and montmorillonite

Stabilization of γ-sterilized biomedical polyolefins by synergistic mixtures of oligomeric stabilizers

Biodegradation of γ-sterilised biomedical polyolefins under composting and fungal culture environments

Changes in the erythrocyte glutathione concentration in the course of diabetes mellitus

SAM and regional rainfall in IPCC AR4 models: Can anthropogenic forcing account for southwest Western Australian winter rainfall reduction?

Pan-oceanic response to increasing anthropogenic aerosols: Impacts on the Southern Hemisphere oceanic circulation

Behavioural responses of the aphid parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae to volatiles from Arabidopsis thaliana induced by Myzus persicae

Analysis and manipulation of odor-plume structure from a piezo-electric pheromone release system and its effects on upwind flight of male moths to pheromone

Analysis of the Courtship Behavior of the Navel Orangeworm, Amyelois transitella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), with a Commentary on Methods for the Analysis of Sequences of Behavioral Transitions

Piloting a network of small telescopes

Potential of tropical forages for the Tasmanian dairy industry

Acute pain in surgical patients

A cross-country analysis of export prices in OECD countries

Long-term operation of submerged membrane bioreactor for the treatment of high strength acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) wastewater: effect of hydraulic retention time

Quantification of air stripping and biodegradation of organic removal in acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) industry wastewater during submerged membrane bioreactor operation

Analytical methods of size distribution for organic matter in water and wastewater

Introduction of an intensive case management style of delivery for a new mental health service

Mapping quantitative trait loci for resistance to Pratylenchus thornei from synthetic hexaploid wheat in the International Triticeae Mapping Initiative (ITMI) population

Sustainable performance indicators in residential buildings

Y-Generation students fail with Google

Educators' Epistemological Beliefs of Accounting Ethics Teaching: A Cross-Cultural Study

A blueprint for enhanced transition: taking an holistic approach to managing student transition into a large university

Image retrieval based on visual information concepts and automatic image annotation

Stress and burnout amongst professional carers of people with intellectual disability: another health inequity

Attribution of the Late-Twentieth-Century Rainfall Decline in Southwest Australia

Evidence of altered prefrontal–thalamic circuitry in schizophrenia: An optimized diffusion MRI study

Fluidization characteristics of moist food particles

Activation of the selenoprotein SEPS1 gene expression by pro-inflammatory cytokines in HepG2 cells

Prevalence and etiology of urinary stones in hospitalized patients in Baghdad

When the war was over, little changed: Women’s posttraumatic suffering after the war in Mozambique

The radial velocity experiment (RAVE): first data release

Bipolar (Un)patriots: national identity, ethnic identity and the 2006 FIFA World Cup

The Ethics of Waste: How We Relate To Rubbish by Gay Hawkins

Sensing place, consuming space: changing visitor experiences of the Great Barrier Reef

Turtle Riding on the Great Barrier Reef

Instrument for collecting teachers' beliefs about their teaching styles used in physical education: an adaptation of the Description Inventory of Landmark Teaching Styles: A Spectrum Approach

Good days at Quetta: Australians at the Indian Army Staff College 1908 - 1942

Booze and gunshots in a hot dry summer: an African childhood: Don't lets go to the dogs tonight by Alexandra Fuller

Podcasting, student learning and expectations

Everyday life in distance education: one family's home schooling experience

A pH-sensitive Modified Polyacrylamide Hydrogel

Distribution and mobility of arsenic in the Río Dulce alluvial aquifers in Santiago del Estero Province, Argentina

Chemical evolution of thermal springs at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica: Effect of volcanic activity, precipitation, seismic activity, and Earth tides

Equipping future arts educators for primary schools of the 21st century: an Australian point of view

Improving school music education: we all have a part to play

Perspectives on assessment practices in Australian journalism education

Comparing variations in the UV facial exposure received by school children in south-east Queensland

Inquiry activities in a classroom: extra-logical processes of illumination vs logical process of deductive and inductive reasoning. A case study

Using materials from the history of mathematics in discovery-based learning

About a constructivist approach for stimulating students' thinking to produce conjectures and their proving in active learning of geometry

E-marketing strategy: an exploratory investigation into Chinese business use of the Internet

Trade and regional integration: Bangladesh and SAARC perspective

Organizational learning in a food industry value chain

Business-to-business communication and the requirements for an ontology for the Australian timber and wood products industry

'Death charged missives': Australian literary responses to the Spanish Civil War

Working-class writing and Americanisation debates in Britain and Australia: 1950-1965

Internet-based e-learning workflow process

Extended RBAC with role attributes

An economic analysis of improved water quality

Classical or 'robust' linear regression? [Klasická nebo robustní lineární regrese?]

Sustainability and river restoration

Are universities To blame for the IT careers crisis

Biocorrosion behaviour of magnesium alloys under pseudo-physiological conditions

A cross-country anaylsis of export prices in OECD countries

Research into research on adults in Bridging Mathematics: the past, the present and the future

Deadline fault tolerance in a networked real-time system

EEG human head modelling based on heterogeneous tissue conductivity

Particle-size characteristics of the vertical dust profiles of two contrasting dust events in the Channel Country of western Queensland, Australia

Monitoring soil condition across Australia: recommendations from the expert panels

Mental health nursing standards and practice indicators for Australia: a review of current literature

Optimizing overhead irrigation systems

Evaporation control using covers - some realistic solutions for the irrigation industry

Evaporation mitigation technology (EMT) manufacturers liaison report

Rosuvastatin attenuates hypertension-induced cardiovascular remodeling without affecting blood pressure in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats

Improved cardiovascular function with aminoguanidine in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats

The duties and liabilities of persons below board level

Mathematics for maths anxious tertiary students: integrating the cognitive and affective domains using interactive multimedia

Myth speak: politics and cultural symbolism in contemporary Australia

David Williamson in the dock: paranoia, propaganda and 'the people'

Challenging physiognomy: questioning the idea that facial characteristics are indicative of personality

The impact of cultural similarity and level of acquaintance on personality

Smart art: the mindful practitioner-researcher as knowledge worker

Multi-country empirical investigation into international financial integration

Australian investors' home bias in portfolio equity investment

A discussion on security risks in mobile commerce

Online mentoring of pre-service teachers: exploring cognitive presence

First aid for female casualties of the information highway

A flexible framework for online collaborative learning

International online collaboration: modeling online learning and teaching

Stressed arch modular deployable composite shelters: concept and development

International trade law and common mistake: has there really been a satisfactory clarification of what fundamental legal principles apply?

Trust and technology adoption in Australian agribusiness supply chains: a gap analysis approach

Early family trauma: a comparison between adults with schizophrenia and depression

Expectations management and beatable targets: how do analysts react to explicit earnings guidance?

Economics of plant disease outbreaks

Economic and social impact assessment of water quality improvement

Propagation modelling and measurements in a populated indoor environment at 5.2 GHz

Statistical evaluation of data from tractor guidance systems

The Glendyne Model: an evidence based evaluation (an evaluation of Glendyne Education & Training Centre Hervey Bay 2006)

Technical report: vegetation changes following the short-term exclusion of grazing in the Traprock region

Predictors of success in a first programming course

The ability to articulate strategy as a predictor of programming skill

Chick sexing and novice programmers: explicit instruction of problem solving strategies

Do map drawing styles of novice programmers predict success in programming? a multi-national, multi-institutional study

An effective system for electronic peer review

An exploratory study of mobile learning for tertiary education: a discussion with students

Problem based learning in the online environment - successfully using student diversity and e-education

Problem based learning for on-campus and distance education students in engineering and surveying

Re-skilling staff for PBL teaching in a team context

Conflict of laws in international torts cases: the need for reform on both sides of the Tasman

More machine vision applications in the NCEA

On-the-go machine vision sensing of cotton plant geometric parameters: first results

Is external post-tensioning an effective solution for shear strengthening of bridge elements?

Effect of existing cracks in concrete bridge members strengthened by external post-tensioning

Worry to women of Welfare to Work and WorkChoices

DC magnetisation of transformers

DC offset elimination in a single-phase grid-connected photovoltaic system

A power and bandwidth efficient remote wireless video surveillance system using joint source-channel coding

Novice researcher + ? = novice online facilitator: the missing link in a lifelong learning partnership

International investment patterns: evidence using a new dataset

Developing strategic asset management leaders through postgraduate education

Facilitating technology transfer in the construction industry

Improving technology transfer in the Australian construction industry

Work environment predictors of beginning teacher burnout

Some machine vision applications in agriculture

Using simulation modelling to improve the design and management of furrow irrigation in small-holder plots

A preliminary evaluation of machine vision sensing of cotton nodes for automated irrigation control

Real time control of surface irrigation: managing infiltration variations and enhancing furrow irrigation performance

Is it possible to extract infiltration rates for variable inflow furrow irrigation?

Hot property investments, as safe as houses - dirty dealings and grubby grifters

The competency framework for surveyors compared to other professions in Queensland

Ubiquitous computing environments and its usage access control

Ticket-based mobile commerce scheme and its implementation

A meshless level-set scheme for interfacial flows

Modelling a borehole subjected to fluid pressure

Getting the message: audience resonance with Australian climate change campaigns

The mobilisation of norms for legitimacy in the global warming debate

Monte-Carlo simulation of the durability of glass fibre reinforced composite under environmental stress corrosion

Analysis of breast feeding data using data mining methods

Time variation characteristics of MIMO-OFDM broadband channels in populated indoor environments

A maximally diversified multiple decision tree algorithm for microarray data classification

A framework of combining Markov model with association rules for predicting web page accesses

A comparative study of classification methods for microarray data analysis

(alpha, k)-anonymity: an enhanced k-anonymity model for privacy preserving data publishing

Using multiple and negative target rules to make classifiers more understandable

A meshless IRBFN-based numerical simulation of adiabatic shear band formation in one dimension

A high-order time-kernel BIEM for the Burgers equation

A new high-order time-kernel BIEM for the Burgers equation

Solving biharmonic problems with scattered-point discretization using indirect radial-basis-function networks

Success factors and barriers to telework adoption in e-business in Australia and Singapore: the influence of culture and organizational culture

Netml: a language and website for collaborative work on networks and their algorithms

Aggregate flows: for efficient management of large flows in the internet

The effect of sponsorship endorsed packaging on consumer attitudes: a conceptual enquiry

The social archaeology of Australian indigenous societies

Time variation characteristics of wireless broadband channel in urban area

Traffic behaviour of VoIP in a simulated access network

The impact of parental style on sports consumption preferences of teenagers: an exploratory investigation in the Asia Pacific region

Decreasing attrition while increasing diversity: connections and contradictions in transforming marginalisation in an Australian contemporary university

Introduction [to Doctrina perpetua: brokering change, promoting innovation and transforming marginalisation in university learning and teaching]

Doctrina perpetua: brokering change, promoting innovation and transforming marginalisation in university learning and teaching [Editors introduction]

Doctrina perpetua: brokering change, promoting innovation and transforming marginalisation in university learning and teaching

Criticality: its reflective utility within a technical and further education workplace context

A team approach to researching Australian traveller education: three perspectives on integrating theory, method and writing

The temporality of cultural material on a deflated dune system at Abbot Point, Central Queensland coast

Nonlinear analysis of concrete-filled thin-walled steel box columns with local buckling effects

Designing the future of learning through a community of practice of teachers of first year courses at an Australian university

Issues in the economic evaluation of improved water quality objectives

Perceptions of working life in call centres

Tuckman's theory of group development in a call centre context: does it still work?

Twentieth century management theory in today's organization - how relevant is a forty-year-old model in the contemporary context of a call center


Detection of sclerotinia rot disease on celery using hyperspectral data and partial least squares regression

Essentials of mechatronics

How to publish

Unde venisti, quo vadis et cui bono?: situated ethics and negotiated interests in designing an educational research ethics postgraduate course at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia

Current research and strategies in university teaching and learning: issues and implications for librarians at Central Queensland University

From constructive solutions to creative dissent: economies of performance and ecologies of practice among english headteachers of travellers

Challenging heterotopic space: a study of the Queensland school for travelling show children

Riding waves of resonance: morphogenic fields and collaborative research with Australian travelling communities

Roadblocks, roundabouts and thoroughfares: two perspectives on designing for continuous innovation and sustainability at two Australian universities

Gate-keeping into the Knowledge Society: have we got it right?

Using online discussion groups in a CALL teacher training course

Supervising Australian and international postgraduate students: Bakhtinian dialogical pedagogy as a means of enhancing lifelong learning partnerships and pathways

Perceptions of and preferences for English language teaching among pre-service teachers of EFL

Guest editors' introduction to special theme issue [of Teaching and Teacher Education]: marginalised pedagogues?

Guest editors' introduction to special theme issue [of Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation and Development]: Reflective practices

A model for Internet-based training to support rural and remote Practice Nurses in providing sexual and reproductive health education

An information model for coordination of referrals to community care

Preliminary investigation to explore perceptions of security issues associated with wireless technology in healthcare in Australia

Software management

Health information systems

Community-level approaches in language planning: the case of Hungarian in Australia

Development of a CFD based dam evaporation model

DTD level authorization in XML documents with usage control

Improving the performance of SCTP Transport Protocol over wireless networks

Performance comparison of the AODV, SAODV and FLSL routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks

Dynamic routing for multi-homed enterprise gateways

Reconfiguration in multi class of services networks

Comparison of intra-domain traffic engineering methods

A mixed method approach for evaluating spatial data sharing partnerships for SDI development

Assessing and assuring trust in e-Commerce systems

Challenges facing spatial information and geomatics education in the higher education sector

Performance of STT-Vegas in heterogeneous wired and wireless networks

Progressive teaching of mathematics with tablet technology

Inelastic behavior of concrete-filled thin-walled steel tubular columns subjected to local buckling

The impact of structure on marketing success in Australian Rules Football clubs

Sports consumption behaviour among generation Y in mainland China

Sponsorship of fast moving consumer goods - does packaging endorsement contribute to brand attitude?

Factors influencing consumer intentions to purchase seasonally discounted athletic footware in Thailand

Building quality international channel partner relations: a dyadic perspective

Shrinkage estimation of the slope parameters of two parallel regression lines under uncertain prior information

An extended branch and bound algorithm for linear bilevel programming

Achieving sustainable local tourism management: phase 2 - assessment tool

Why are the outer islands in the South Pacific popular with some tourists and not with others? The Vanuatu example.

Spectral dependency of cloud enhanced UV irradiance

An analysis of accommodation needs of adults with an intellectual disability in Toowoomba and surrounding areas

An exploratory study on consumer travel agency information sources: an Australian regional analysis

What motivates event tourists?

It's a different place now: teacher leadership and pedagogical change at Newlyn Public School

Achieving sustainable local tourism management: phase 1 - practitioners guide

Factors influencing repositioning of a tourism destination

Initial surveyor registration and endorsement in Queensland: how is it changing?

Productivity improvement of composites processing through the use of industrial microwave technologies

Young's modulus of vinyl ester composites cured by microwave irradiation: preliminary results

The unstated

Determinants of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use in the technology acceptance model: senior consumers' adoption of self-service banking Technologies

Development of a high exposure underwater solar UV dosimeter

Work in progress: the Magic Gardens Project: a child-developed curriculum in a non-traditional school meeting state targets for the arts

Endophytic fungi associated with Australian orchids

Two- and three-dimensional bearing-capacity solutions for footings on two-layered clays

M2S2 modular deployable composite shelters: concept and loading criteria

Prioritisation of guardrail remedial works

Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Engineering Mathematics and Applications Conference, EMAC-2005

Universal acidity - conductivity relations in commercial bulk starter production

Cryo-electron tomography of biological specimens

Key issues in rural health: perspectives of health service providers in Queensland

Workplace violence in Queensland, Australia: the results of a comparative study

Process studies of odour emissions from effluent ponds using machine-based odour measurement

Ultraviolet radiation, shade and vitamin D3

Development of a photosensitive polymer for measurement of damaging blue light exposures

Student mobility: issues and pedagogical implications for literacy educators

Defining consumer responses to special event entertainment (SEE): key constructs and propositions

An investigation on the improvement of the operation of Tenom Pangi HPP cooling power system

Flow and transient heat transfer in a high speed free piston tunnel: CFD simulations on turbulent and laminar flow conditions

A stock-take of existing aged care clinical placements for undergraduate nursing students in Australia

Experimental investigation of free convection heat transfer with entrance restriction placed at top of a vertical circular tube

Supplier selection in industrial supply-chains: the case of Taiwanese agribusiness

Heat transfer by mixed convection opposing laminar flow from the inside surface of uniformly heated inclined circular tube

The effects of load and velocity on friction and interface temperature of CGRP sliding against smooth stainless steel

An historical explanation of the development of occupational health and safety and the important position it now occupies in society

Codon usage analysis of prokaryotic mechanosensation genes

Altered contractile, electrophysiological and CA2+ release from left atria and isolated ventricular myocytes from MDX mice

Exploring the potential for dual vaccination against Hepatitis B virus and Helicobacter pylori using a recombinant virus like particle

Modelling of soil fragmentation dynamics

Analysis of 'on-time' and 'late' assignment submitter students

Identification of novel QTL for resistance to crown rot in the doubled haploid wheat population 'W21MMT70' x 'Mendos'

Trees in a grazing landscape: vegetation patterns in sheep-grazing agro-ecosystems in Southern Queensland

Arthropod assemblage response to agricultural land use intensification

Developing an integrated approach to graduates' transition into the workforce

Assessment of fresh Chinese white salted noodle quality on four Sichuan major varieties

The environmental impact of electronics and its incorporation into the curriculum

The beliefs of first year Japanese university students towards the learning of English

The impact of English language and cultural variations on Korean students in Australian undergraduate programs

Solar UV dosimetry

Effect of L-arginine on cardiac function and fibrosis in mdx mice

Contractile performance of isolated muscle from mice over-expressing uncoupling protein 3 and knock-outs

Molecular identification of fungal endophytes in Australian myco-heterotrophic orchids

Fungal endophytes in Australian myco-heterotrophic orchids

The fungal endophytes of erythrorchis cassythoides - is this orchid saprophytic or parasitic?

Cross case analysis of how SME high technology firms in Canada define performance management

A new structural summary of the MMPI-2 for evaluating personal injury claimants

Knowledge management practices in multimedia super corridor status companies in Malaysia

Increasing the protection offered by shade structures

Development of a polymer for quantification of harmful ocular exposures

Shade, diffuse UV and vitamin D

Sensorless technique for BLDC motors

Five case studies of Emirati working women in Dubai - their personal experiences and insights

On the sustainable development of small island developing nations in the Pacific region

Influence of clouds on pre-vitamin D3 effective solar UV exposures

The impact of residential respite care on the behavior of older people

Attenuation of a shielded rectangular dielectric rod waveguide

Implementing the wandering evidence for older people with dementia: key issues for nurses and carers

Quantifying changes in the spatial pattern and extent of flooded-inundated areas using imagery and landscape metrics

Dealing with distance: rural and remote area nursing

Nepalese non-timber forest products: an analysis of the equitability of profit distribution across a supply chain to India

Exploring the major factors influencing consumer selection of travel agencies in a regional setting

Predicting grain protein content in wheat using hyperspectral sensing of in-season crop canopies and partial least squares regression

Design of multi-purpose carbide end mill

Designing a competency based program to facilitate the progression of experienced engineering technologists to professional engineer status

Ann Moffatt: succeeding in a man's world

Subscribing to the infrastructure library

Pedagogical motivations and barriers for developing multi-modal distance education courses

Computer algebra derives discretisations of the stochastically forced Burgers' partial differential equation

The style files: favour the present tense

Current developments of k-anonymous data releasing

Developing a mindset for a digital future: the importance of recognising and encouraging innovation, experimentation and support

Adventures in nineteenth century gender bending: Lady Emilia Don in Tasmania: 1862 and 1865

Two towers: a comparison of the regulatory regimes which affect new electricity transmission lines and wind farms in Queensland

The style files: explicitly avoid false conditionals

The style files: inform with titles, abstracts and introductions

The style files: clarify this

The style files: prefer active writing to passive

Does recruitment lead to retention? Rural Clinical School training experiences and subsequent intern choices

SEAM: improving the quality of palliative care in regional Toowoomba, Australia - lessons learned

Using the carbon management index to indicate ecosystem function in brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) agro-ecosystems of South East Queensland, Australia

Queuing disciplines on Linux made easy

ICT governance - radical restructure

Demystifying assessment with 'bells and whistles' in a first year communication course

Tools and methodologies for investigating the mental health needs of indigenous patients: it's about communication

A neomillennial learning approach: helping non-traditional learners studying at a distance

Resolving the multitude of microscale interactions accurately models stochastic partial differential equations

Innovative hospital bed management using spatial technology

A framework for designing higher education e-learning environments

Financial literacy: a psychologist's perspective on an emerging societal problem in Australia

Learner autonomy in the LOTE classroom: a case study of learner beliefs

When the landscape keeps changing: scope creep in repositories

The missing link?: Alumni chapters and the professional development of librarians

Hervey Bay: a salt fountain in subtropical East Australia

Modelling ventilation time scales for Hervey Bay

Measurement of the photoionization cross section of the (2p)5 (3p)3 D3 state of neon

Developing a peer-assisted learning community through MSN Messenger: A pilot program of PALS online

Refocusing multiliteracies for the Net Generation

Preliminary essay plans: assisting students to engage academic literacy in a first year communication course

Transmodal delivery and neomillennial learning approaches

Roads, fire and noisy miners: determinants of woodland bird distribution in southern Queensland forests

Development of a photosensitive polymer for measurement of damaging ocular radiation exposures

Effect of clouds on the diffuse component of the solar terrestrial erythemal UV

Yeast-metal interactions: impact on brewing and distilling fermentations

Local media and local elections: voters' preferred information sources

The representation of female athletes in online images of successive Olympic Games

Distribution of future location vector and residual sum of squares for multivariate location-scale model with spherically contoured errors

Motivating learners to participate in online discussions: lessons from research for teacher preparation

Lessons learned from 1-to-1 laptop initiatives: reflections on critical components

Uncovering the planetary ethic

The ethical dimension of human nature: a new realist theory

Promoting lifelong learning partnerships, pathways and andragogies: issues in evaluating and redesigning the postcompulsory teacher education professional experience at The University Of Southern Queensland

Why is it so or indeed 'why isn't it so'?: critical spirit, a partner in Queensland TAFE teachers' lifelong learning

Language, acculturation and identity in the German community of rural South East Queensland

(Re)presenting education: students, teachers, schools and the public imagination

Street smarts/smart streets: public pedagogies and the streetscape

Identifying at-risk students: is it possible in a tertiary preparation course for adults?

Challenge of adopting multiple process improvement frameworks

Exploring national culture in software development practices

Process improvement for small firms: an evaluation of the RAPID assessment-based method

Building momentum in an online doctoral studies community

Returning the favour: using insights from online learning to enhance on-campus courses

A critical reflection on career development

Western medicine and Australian Indigenous healing practices

Reconceptualising preservice teacher education courses for music teachers: the importance of pedagogical content knowledge and skills and professional knowledge and skills

What music teachers want: the emergence of a unified understanding of an ideal teacher education course

Literacy endeavours in Oceania: an historical overview

An accurate and comprehensive model of thin fluid flows with inertia on curved substrates

Resolve the multitude of microscale interactions to holistically discretise the stochastically forced Burgers' partial differential equation

General tooth boundary conditions for equation free modelling

A new way needs a new foundation: the principle of goodness, law, and society

Creative dissent and constructive solutions: what contributions does Bahktin make to our understanding of transnational education?

Maintaining well-being during unemployment: the role of the latent benefits of employment

Design and analysis of a composite beam for infrastructure applications - Part III: experimental results and nonlinear FE analysis

Design and analysis of a composite beam for infrastructure applications - Part II: preliminary investigation in shear and torsion

Design and analysis of a composite beam for infrastructure applications - Part I: preliminary investigation in bending

Performance management strategies: a competitive advantage for high technology firms: a study in the Okanagan Valley Region of British Columbia, Canada

The integrated content environment

Exploring the application of RSS for library staff professional development and SDI services

Z-pin bridging in composite laminates and some related problems

New directions for art galleries and museums: the use of special events to attract audiences - a case study of the Asia Pacific Triennial

A micromechanical model for brittle failure of rock and its relation to crack growth observed in trixial compression tests of granite

Does off-shoring IT make good business sense? Proceed with caution!

Modelling the load-deformation response of deep foundations under oblique loading

Providing sport psychology in regional, rural, and remote New South Wales

An experimental investigation of the properties of cross-ply laminate used for manufacturing of small aircraft components

A study of estimation of damage accumulation of glass fibre reinforce plastic (GFRP) composites under a block loading situation

The development of a fatigue loading spectrum for small wind turbine blades

Effects of static-fatigue (tension) on the tension-tension fatigue life of glass fibre reinforced plastic composites

Three dimensional finite element analysis of concrete filled FRP tubular model piles under lateral loads

The influence of sex hormones on cardiac and skeletal muscle function in the MDX mouse model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Modelling student performance in a tertiary preparatory course

Support students via 5th generation distance education technologies

Cultural knowledge management and broadband content in development: open content platforms, copyright and archives

Intraspecific variation in detection of bird-habitat relationships: declining birds in Southern Australian Woodlands

Vision based macadamia yield assessment

Using machine vision classification to control access of animals to water

Farming practices under centre pivots and lateral move machines

Towards quality in multiple-choice assessment

People who complain about advertising: the aficionados, guardians, activists and seekers

Relationship between locus of control,sense of coherence and mental skills in Swedish elite athletes

Export incentives & international entrepreneurship in Malaysian firms

Benign approaches for the synthesis of bis-imine Schiff bases

Mapping markers for priority traits in the northern grains region of Australia

Green characters in cabernet sauvignon

The effects of culture on knowledge management practice: A qualitative case study of MSC status companies

How Welfare to Work and WorkChoices will change womens' lives

Adoptees' relationship experiences post-reunion: exploring the effects of interactions with biological relatives

Getting the most out of the Wechsler batteries

Anger, pain behaviour and feelings of well-being amongst long-term arthritis sufferers

Physics concepts: Engineering PBL at USQ

Cloud effects on evaporation at a sub-tropical site

Sustaining communities by learning from integrated assessments of place

Towards enhancing trust on Chinese e-commerce

Control of watering point access using machine vision classification of animals

Learning styles: a review of the english language literature

Of two minds: consulting with the horse-and rider-team in dressage, showjumping and polo

Editors' introduction to special theme issue [of International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning]: Meanings under the microscope (Part 4)

Numerical simulation to optimize the design of double glazed doors for closed refrigerated vertical display cabinets

The influence of technology attributes, trust and dependency on e-procurement adoption decisions in supply chain relationships

Lessons in implementing a learning management system in a university: the academic user perspective

The long march: a novice researcher's journey of discovery through the research methodological and philosophical maze and haze

The effect of equine hyperimmune sera on TNF alpha activity in a L929 cell bioassay

Tax havens and the Australian tax system - are we 'match fit'?

Understanding consumer responses to special event entertainment (SEE) in shopping centres

Propensity to lifelong learning: what makes an Australian lifelong learner?

Pathways to lifelong learning: transforming capitalist transactions into collaborative journeys

Impulse facility simulation of hypervelocity radiating flows

Stratified protocols for mobile gaming

Rural adjustment schemes: juggling politics, welfare and markets

Planters and their components: types, attributes, functional requirements, classification and description

The impact of employment and domestic situations on student performance in introductory economics

Industrial robotics: theory, modelling and control

Implementation of oral health recommendations into two residential aged care facilities in a regional Australian city

Mapping of the solar ultraviolet exposures to the human face

Better characterisation of the underwater solar UV environment using a high exposure dosimeter

An investigation of the existence of distinctive MMPI-2 profiles in three diagnostically different samples

A determination of the salient attributes of internet payment systems

Psychology: Australian and New Zealand Edition

The social control–social capital debate about distance and online teacher education: critical reflections on two courses at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia

An exploratory study of teachers’ and students’ use of multi-modal representations of concepts in primary science

Wireless technologies and lifelong learning pedagogies: institutional challenges and opportunities at the University of Southern Queensland

Talking theatre: an audience development programme for regional Queensland and the Northern Territory 2004-2006

Developing a track model for testing the road pavement under repeated moving surface loads

Developing physical models for geotechnical teaching and research

Numerical analysis of passive earth pressures with interfaces

Numerical investigation of shakedown residual stresses under moving surface loads

Application of pseudo-static limit analysis in geotechnical earthquake design

Fraternal academic mobility itineraries down under: autoethnographies, ecologies of practice and professional learning by three Australian university lecturers

Openness and secrecy in adoptive families and possible effects on the interpersonal relationships of adult adoptees

Teachers as leaders in a knowledge society: encouraging signs of a new professionalism

Building institutional repository infrastructure in regional Australia

In vitro effect of canine hyperimmune sera on TNFa activity

Design and development of a prototype small-plot research harvesting system

Psychophysical effects of music in sport and exercise: an update on theory, research and application

Use and perceived effectiveness of pre-competition mood regulation strategies among athletes

Success orientation, coaching behaviour, and player outcomes in junior tennis

Beginning teachers: easing the transition to the classroom

Back to drastics: education, politics and bureaucracy in Queensland 1975-1988 - memoirs of an advocate

What champions think: optimal attentional strategies for 2000m rowing

Learning junior secondary science through multi-modal representation

Artificial life possibilities: a Star Trek perspective

Isolation and characterisation of the potential immunomodulatory principles from Astragalus membranaceus

Increasing female participation in ICTs

Private international law in Australia

Summary offences law and practice Queensland, 2006 ed.

Criminal law in Queensland and Western Australia

Judicial immunity - right or wrong?

Judges' attitudes and perceptions toward the sentencing process

Consistency in sentencing and discounts for guilty pleas

Reflections on Islam and pacifism

Globalisation, interculturality and culture teaching: international students' cultural learning needs in Australia

Inter-country adoption: a new beginning

Comparative analysis of mainstream discourses, media narratives and representations of Islam in Britain and France prior to 9/11

'The innocence in her beautiful green eyes': speculations on seduction and the 'feminine' in the Australian news media

Cultural brokerage and regional arts: developing an enabler model for cultural and economic sustainability. An update

Mindful practice: research and interdisciplinary dialogues in the creative industries

The author in the study: self-representation as reader and writer in the medieval and early modern periods

Monument to anti-monumentality: the space of the National Museum Australia

Transforming aesthetics: conference report

Playful trangressions: male drama teachers in elite boys' schools

Balancing the 'town and gown': the risky business of creating youth theatre in regional Queensland

Political advertising in Australia and New Zealand

Picture this: a cross-national study of the portrayal of female athletes in images of the 2004 Olympic Games on two Web sites

Taking the bypass: voters' use of local media during a local election

Modernity in Australian radio magazines

Empire histories: the commodity of nostalgia

Patient safety during medication administration: the influence of organizational and individual variables on unsafe work practices and medication errors

Letters to the editor: ACM fellow profile: a conversation with Bob Glass: 'a wonderful train ride'

Discover gene specific local co-regulations using progressive genetic algorithm

A novel method for detecting outlying subspaces in high-dimensional databases using genetic algorithm

Child labour in Bangladesh: trends, patterns and policy options

Online Community of Practice (CoP) as a collectivist learning tool for a culturally diverse postgraduate student group

Implementing and evaluating an adaptive secure routing protocol for mobile ad hoc network

Secure service sharing over networks for mobile users using service network graphs

A framework for efficent association rule mining in XML data

Detecting outlying subspaces for high-dimensional data: the new task, algorithms and performance

Protection from solar erythemal ultraviolet radiation -simulated wear and laboratory testing

Understanding and enlivening AQM workings using computer simualtion

Achieving secure service sharing over IP networks

Neighbourhood-trust dependency access control for WFMS

WSFS-based data integration for e-learning

MYOB version 15: a hands on approach, 3rd ed.

Modelling internal solitary waves on the Australian North West Shelf

Measuring De Jure harmonisation: a content analysis of the accounting standards of three countries: South Africa, Mauritius and Tanzanian and International Financial Reporting Standards

On stationary solutions of the reduced Ostrovsky equation: periodic waves, compactons and compound solitons

EEG correlates of golf performance: training the brain to drain the putt

Motivation of Chinese investments in Vietnam

What is a suitable pedagogical framework for distance education for the commitment management profession?

An investigation into identifying factors and building models for prediction of water usage in regional Australia

An investigation into the use of interactive technologies in teaching quantitative courses

HRD: the shapes and things to come

Analysing sex ratio variables in Nepal

Building brand value: consumer assessment of value

Developing positive consumer attitudes: examining attitudes towards mobile phone brands

Constitutive regulation of the firm: occupational health and safety, dismissal, discrimination and sexual harassment

Intellectual capital and strategic human resource management in social service non-profit organisations in Australia

The PM BOK Code

Issues surrounding a reduction in the use of internal autopsy in the coronial system

Women in management in Thailand: advancement and prospects

Asian women managers: participation, barriers and future prospects

Women in Asian management: cracking the glass ceiling?

Women in Asian management

Comparison of soil carbon in scrubland, cropping land, pasture land and spotted gum land in low rainfall area of Southeast Queensland

USQOnline, Australia

Critical approaches to inclusion in indigenous teacher education in Queensland: the case of RATEP

The realities of change in higher education: interventions to promote learning and teaching

Understanding service experience in non-profit performing arts: implications for operations and service management

If the show must go on ..... don't neglect the service!

Situated approaches to information literacy for nurses: the view from a Canadian nurse

Optimising the learning of gifted aboriginal students

What if rationalists wore sombreros? Some transformative possibilities for teacher education

Changing representations to learn primary science concepts

An effective spectral collocation method for the direct solution of high-order ODEs

Pictures of practice: use of anecdote to investigate pedagogical practices

School discipline coverage in Australian newspapers: impact on public perceptions, educational decisions and policy

Primary teachers' interpersonal behaviour and cultural elements of the classroom environment

Actionable climate knowledge: from analysis to synthesis

What do we know about learning and teaching second languages: implications for teaching

Technology leadership

Preface [Lifelong learning: partners, pathways, and pedagogies]

Pedagogical reform and classroom reality: how teachers view teaching and discipline

Natural features technique for non-contact three dimensional craniofacial anthropometry using stereophotogrammetry

Australian government imposes custodial sentence for illegal foreign fishers

Aspects of illegal, unreported and regulated fishing in the Southern Ocean

Total rain accumulation and rain-rate analysis for small tropical Pacific islands: a case study of Suva, Fiji

After 60 years - the United Nations and international legal order

The trouble with foreign fishing vessels and their crew: is a vessel in the hand really worth two in the sea?

Effect of supervised treadmill-walking training on strength and endurance of the calf muscles of individuals with peripheral arterial disease

Near infrared photography for craniofacial anthropometric landmark measurement

Classroom environment, students' perceptions of assessment, academic efficacy and attitude to science: a LISREL analysis

Photogrammetry for digital hand surface capture in swimming performance study

A normal form of thin fluid film equations solves the transient paradox

An assessment of the role of ponds in the adoption of water-saving irrigation practices in the Zhanghe Irrigation System, China

Are country and cultural values interchangeable? a case example using occupational stress and coping

Calibrating Minolta VIVID 910 3D laser scanner for medical mapping

Horizons of life experiences

The inclusive society

Extrinsic and intrinsic work values: their impact on job satisfaction in nursing

Nurses and palliation in the community: the current discourse

Review of Shaireen Rasheed, the existentialist curriculum of action: creating a language of freedom and possibility

Examining the factors that predict use of internet communications technology tools by first-year psychology students

Developing a teaching portfolio to showcase your teaching ability

Vocational rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury: a quantitative synthesis of outcome studies

Influence of language background on tests of cognitive abilities: Australian data

An investigation on the antimicrobial activity of Andrographis paniculata extracts and Andrographolide in vitro

Psychological sense of community and its relevance to well-being and everyday life in Australia: a position paper of the Australian Psychological Society

Knowing where you are walking: the benefits and hazards of using theoretical roadmaps and research to guide community consultation practice

Using past behaviour and spontaneous implementation intentions to enhance the utility of the theory of planned behaviour in predicting exercise

Autonomy and control: augmenting the validity of the theory of planned behaviour in predicting exercise

Experimental capacity assessment of cold-formed boxed stud and C stud wall systems used in Australian residential construction

Theoretical framework for mapping information of social- technical processes: a case of operating theatre waiting list management process

Web-based hospital information system for managing operating theatre waiting list

Phenotypic plasticity of invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides in relation to different water availability, compared to its native congener

Seasonal variation in the temperature response of leaf respiration in Quercus rubra: foliage respiration and leaf properties

Relationship between pre-service and practising teachers' confidence and beliefs about using ICT

Fractured identities: exploring engagement and disengagement in the process of lifelong learning

Crossing borders and blurring boundaries: early childhood practice in a non-western setting

Development and indigenous knowledge in Australia: an uneasy relationship

Authentic learning at work

Rapid visual processing by college students in reading irregular words and phonologically regular pseudowords presented singly and in contiguity

Modelling of URM walls retrofitted with cable: a comparison between a basic mechanical model and distinct element method

Understanding irrigation decisions: from enterprise planning to the paddock

Organizational factors: impact on administration violations in rural nursing

A preliminary study of perceived stress in adults with intellectual disabilities according to self-report and informant ratings

Psychological models of sporting injury: Janos Selye revisited

Information mapping: a case of operating theatre list management process

Accident statistics in Sri Lanka

Alternatives to questions: language use in UNIPREP classroom discussion

A biomimicry approach to automating visual road surveys

Improving the performance of chemical monolayers in reducing farm dam evaporation

Precision of landmark identification using scanned cephalometric image

Reducing evaporation from storages

A context model for ubiquitous computing applications

Hyperspectral remote sensing (special feature)

Self-reported differences between crash-involved and non-crash-involved three-wheeler drivers in Sri Lanka

Leyte disaster, background and some clues to upgrade disaster mitigation plans

The role of MODIS data in visualizing flood disaster information for mass media

Guided weapon danger area generation: implementing a probabilistic approach

A face recognition system on distributed evolutionary computing using on-line GA

Real time face detection system based edge restoration and nested K-means at frontal view

Adaptive context-aware filter fusion for face recognition on bad illumination

Adaptive classifier selection on hierarchical context modeling for robust vision systems

Universiti Tenaga Nasional short duration hypersonic test facility: calibration and verification

An intellectual capital perspective of non-profit strategy: a strategic advantage conceptual framework

Non-profit strategy in the knowledge economy: an intellectual capital perspective

Lump solutions of 2D generalized Gardner equation

Internal solitons in the ocean

Flexural behaviour of concrete beams reinforced with internal tensile steel and external CRFP

Behaviour of FRP-to-concrete bonded joints

Problem-based learning - is it right for Sri Lanka?

When is a reinstated pupil not reinstated?

Transmit: M/C Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1

Modelling the effects of blasting on paste fill

Vegetation management, grazing and invertebrate assemblages in the Traprock region

Addressing difficulties in rural estates with limited education facilities: a research study for uplifting social harmony

Incidence of injury, psychological correlates, and injury prevention strategies for elite sport

Managing innovation through social architecture, learning, and competencies: a new conceptual approach

International institutional arrangements influencing Australian integrated coastal management

Communication skills handbook for accounting, 2nd ed.

The impact of exchange rates strategy on export performance: a study of New Zealand firms exporting to Japan

Emerging from the shadow of medicine: allied health as a 'profession community' subculture

Thinking about leadership: contributions and contexts

Contemporary issues in management and organisational behaviour

Constructing an autistic identity: AS voices online

Indigenous ecotourism: sustainable development and management

The global versus the local in East Timorese language policy and planning

Management education for the twenty-first century

Issues in processing unstable twisted fibre assemblies

Cultural impacts upon the learning processes of indigenous students in adult bridging courses

Practices and attitudes of female SME managers: training, networking and mentoring [Virtual presentation in english]

Role of trust and technology diffusions in collaborative commerce success: a case from Australian meat supply chain

Power to the profession

Human resource acquisition in small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) [Virtual presentation in English]

80:20 for e-moderators

Above the parapet for e-learning: recognition, reward and celebration

Assessment of damage accumulation in glass fibre reinforced plastic (GFRP) composites under spectrum fatigue loading

Antifibrotic activity of an inhibitor of group IIA secretory phospholipase A2 in young spontaneously hypertensive rats

Role of aquifer storage and recovery for harmonising irrigation with environment in connected systems

Using organisation as a strategic resource to build identity and influence

Antioxidant supplementation enhances erythrocyte antioxidant status and attenuates cyclosporine-induced vascular dysfunction

Understanding the path to purchase: resolving the complexities that influence decisions

Grounding legal ethics learning in social scientific studies of lawyers at work

The impact of increased voluntary disclosure on market information asymmetry, informed trading and uninformed trading

The value of an integrated approach to climate applications modelling

Community mental health nurses speak out: the critical relationship between emotional wellbeing and satisfying professional practice

Short and long term weather prospects: recent breakthroughs in the understanding of climate patterns and climate change and their impacts on crop yields

Barriers to the implementation of environmental management practices by specialist accommodation operations in Far North Queensland

Environmental practices of tourism operators in the Daintree rainforest, North Queensland, Australia

ICT integration and teachers' confidence in using ICT for teaching and learning in Queensland state schools

HCL [Trademark]

Using automated equilibrium correction modelling in analytic review

Automatically acquiring training sets for web information gathering

Organic matter increases jarosite dissolution in acid sulfate soils under inundation conditions

The evolution of the 'mother' in tarot

Explaining national identity: from group attachments to collective action

Financial Accounting, Fifth Edition

Managing gender diversity in top management teams

It's just absurd [In my view]

Load-deformation behaviour prediction of timber beams externally reinforced with composite materials

Elastodynamic reciprocity relations for wave scattering by flaws in fiber-reinforced composite plates

The construction of undergraduate student engineering design teams using the MTBI and Belbin Test

Connecting teaching and research through problem based learning in thermal and automotive engineering


Illuminating musical lifeworlds with a narrative lens: implications for music education

Management: 2nd Asia-Pacific ed

Comparative immunogenicity of M. hyopneumoniae NrdF encoded in different expression systems delivered orally via attenuated S. typhimurium aroA in mice

Organisational change in small and medium enterprises - a proposed new model

Multisite, multiwavelength studies of the active cool binary CC Eri

The broad and strategic value of the freshmen engineering experience-FEE*

Traditional law and indigenous resistance at Moreton Bay 1842-1855, Part II

Classroom environment, students' perceptions of assessment, academic efficacy and attitude to science: a LISREL analysis

Teaching reconceived: Australian teachers re-thinking personal pedagogy within an overseas study program

Active citizenship at Old Yarranlea State School

Considering learning futures: educating educators for tomorrow

Town and Gown in the Bush

Business-charity-government strategic partnership: applying cause-related marketing in Thailand's tourism program

The impact of leadership and change management strategy on organizational culture and individual acceptance of change during a merger

Yumi pedagogy: pedagogy with cultural integrity in the Torres Strait

Facilitating students' critical transition capabilities in a first year nursing course

Turing pattern formation with fractional diffusion and fractional reactions

Anomalous diffusion with linear reaction dynamics: From continuous time random walks to fractional reaction-diffusion equations

Solution of a modified fractional diffusion equation

Falun Gong: The End of Days by Maria Hsia Chang

Homing devices in choice of tort law: Australian, British, and Canadian approaches

“Troublesome and Obscure”: The Renewal of Renvoi in Australia

Rethinking pedagogy for the times: a change infusion pedagogy

Accessing the Japanese food grain market by supplying Australian non GMO grain inputs: the case of an Australian small business food quality corn and soybeans exporter

The development and evaluation of DNA vaccines against whooping cough using a murine respiratory model of infection

Mood profiling during Olympic qualifying judo competition: a case study testing transactional relationships

Identifying the reproductive state of female Julia Creek dunnarts (Sminthopsis douglasi) by behavioural observations

Syntactic foams consolidated with starch: mixing behaviour for post-mould processing

Syntactic foams consolidated with starch: modelling for pre-mould processing

Novel syntactic foams made of ceramic hollow micro-spheres and starch - theory, structure and properties

Targeted expression of redesigned and codon optimised synthetic gene leads to recyrstallisation inhibition and reduced electrolyte leakage in spring wheat at sub-zero temperatures

The relationships between personality, approaches to learning, and academic success in first-year psychology distance education students

The impact of a leadership training program on school based management and school community action in Praya Barat Daya, Lombok, Indonesia

The Sony Ericsson WTA tour 10 year age eligibility and professional development review

Redesign and initial validation of an instrument to assess the motivational qualities of music in exercise: the Brunel Music Rating Inventory-2

Effects of Carbon Nanotubes and Metal Catalysts on Hydrogen Storage in Magnesium Nanocomposites

In situ TiB-reinforced cu-based bulk metallic glass composites

Numerical simulation of dendrite growth during solidification

In-situ Cu-based bulk metallic glass composite

The abundance distribution of stars with planets

Surface differential rotation and photospheric magnetic field of the young solar-type star HD 171488 (V889 Her)

Flexible work options within the organisational system

Recent studies of the biology of the yellow hyacinth orchid - Dipodium Hamiltonianum

Molecular identification of the primary root fungal endophytes of Dipodium hamiltonianum (Orchidaceae)

Is the current situation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) conducive to attaining their economic expectations?

Similarity without diffusion: shear turbulent layer damped by buoyancy

Working on work skills

Embedding graduate skills into a first year, management course: theory, practice and reflection

Valuing the environment in developing countries: problems and potentials

Long-term administration of pirfenidone improves cardiac function in mdx mice

Attenuation of Cardiovascular Remodeling in DOCA-Salt Rats by the Vasopeptidase Inhibitor, Omapatrilat

Alterations in dihydropyridine receptors in dystrophin-deficient cardiac muscle

Weather, climate and farmers: an overview

Dealing with the demon: Drugs, history and society: The Road of Excess: A History of Writers on Drugs by Marcus Boon

Prediction distribution of future regression and residual sum of squares matrices for multivariate simple regression model with correlated normal responses

The relevance of community sentiments to Australian rural youths' intention to stay in their home communities

Edgeworth size corrected W, LR and LM test in the formation of the preliminary test estimator

Retrieving cloud characteristics from ground-based daytime color all-sky images

The magnetic activity of young suns: magnetic topologies and differential rotation of F- and G- dwarfs

International comparisons of Australia's investment and trading position

Where do Australians invest?

Collaborative voices: ongoing reflections on nursing competencies

An interview with Harry Lourandos

The social archaeology of indigenous Australia

Hierarchies of knowledge and the tyranny of text: archaeology, ethnohistory and oral traditions in Australian archaeological interpretation

Four milligrams of phenomenology: an anthro-phenomenological exploration of smoking cigarettes

Y-generation students fail with Google

Stormwater particle characteristics of five different urban surfaces

Evaluation of the immunogenicity of the P97R1 adhesin of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae as a mucosal vaccine in mice

Testing for frost tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) transformed with a gene for antifreeze protein

Resistance gene analogues of wheat: molecular genetic analysis of ESTs

Diversity arrays technology (DArT) for high-throughput profiling of the hexaploid wheat genome

The effect of Gd addition on the glass-forming ability of Cu-Zr-Al alloy

Factors influencing young drivers' risk perceptions and speeding behaviour

Skills audit and competency assessment for engineering problem solving courses

The new autonomous corporate warriors and their implications for humanity

A qualitative evaluation of the effectiveness of videoconferencing to support the training of orthopaedic registrars

Modeling of semisolid structure formation in controlled nucleation method

In-situ Si/Al composite produced by semisolid metal processing

Tungsten fibre reinforced Zr-based bulk metallic glass composites

Semisolid structure simulation in controlled nucleation process

The effect of initial microstructure of A356 alloys on the mechanical behavior in the semisolid state

Semisolid casting of automotive component: water pump lid

Torsional resistance of high-strength concrete beams

Shear strengthening of cracked RC beam using external post-tensioning

The development of a simulation engineering game to teach problem solving skills and team dynamics

Prediction of stormwater particle loads from impervious urban surfaces based on a rainfall detachment index

Workplace relations reform: summary and constitutionality

Trust or dependancy? Major influence on e-procurement adoption decisions in supply chain relationships

Finite element analysis of eroding type surface thermocouple with application to engine heat flux measurement

Collaborative commerce in meat supply chain

Problem based learning in system design teams

Mockery and the right to trial by jury

Measurement and simulation of the interface in a low-enthalpy shock tunnel

The future of irrigation technologies and practices is here now.

Effective use of WebCT in a problem-based learning course for a dual mode delivery

Role-based delegation with negative authorization

Classification using multiple and negative target rules

Combined gene selection methods for microarray data analysis

Achieving k-Anonymity by clustering in attribute hierarchical structures

Robust rule-based prediction

On optimal rule discovery

A new meshless RBF-based method for unsteady fluid flow analysis

The IS-business relationship and its implications for performance: an empirical study of South African and Australian organisations

A domain-type boundary-integral-equation method for two-dimensional biharmonic Dirichlet problem

Implementation of AQMs on Linux made easy

High-eccentricity planets from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search

An activity catalogue of southern stars

Catalog of nearby exoplanets

On the Search for Transits of the Planets Orbiting Gliese 876

The 2:1 resonant exoplanetary system orbiting HD 73526

Depression, emotional arousability, and perceptions of parenting in adult adoptees and non-adoptees

Development of an IS Relevance Index

Effect of the puroindoline locus and environment on Chinese fresh noodle texture

A head for business regulation: the corporations power and the federal government's workplace relations reforms

Local proceedings in a multi-state liquidation: issues of jurisdiction

High court validates federal government's IR reforms

Force and position control using pneumatic cylinders

Stakeholder power in e-business adoption with games theory perspective

A framework for the adoption of wireless technology in healthcare: an Indian study

‘Soft’ enablers of knowledge management in Malaysian companies – a qualitative study

Reconceptualising the instructional design model for the knowledge society

Transitions in senior phase learning

Teachers Under Siege by Sandra Leaton Gray

The environmental impact of compact fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps for Australian conditions

Aged-care - privacy and security of the Smart Home

Supporting indigenous sexual and reproductive health via the internet

Conceptualising managerial and leadership wisdom - how many wise managers and leaders do you know?

Myths and realities: a critical expose of older workers and industrial relations reforms in Australia

Generalized Kruithof approach for traffic matrix estimation

Post-local buckling of steel plates in concrete-filled thin-walled steel tubular columns under biaxial loading

Performance-based optimization of strut-and-tie models in reinforced concrete beam-column connections

Why some people pay for pleasure when others do not: a preliminary study of skaters

The distinctive role of lab practical classes in computing education

Optimal tolerance regions for some functions of multiple regression model with Student-t errors

An objective comparison of languages for teaching introductory programming

An assessment strategy for a first year engineering problem solving course

Impact of online training in a first year undergraduate course

Simulation of performance for a simple real time control system of furrow irrigation

Workforce issues in nursing in Queensland: 2001 and 2004

Real-time prediction of soil infiltration characteristics for the management of furrow irrigation

Short and long-term impacts of SPI in small software firms

Transforming IT service management - the ITIL impact

Factors influencing the decisions of SMEs to purchase software package upgrades

Australian nurses access and attitudes to information technology - a national survey

Consumers' level of comfort with an advanced practice role for registered nurses in general practice: a Queensland, Australia study

Constructivism, moral relativism and the economic and social dimensions of occupational health and safety: a challenge for industrialised countries

Leaf vein extraction using independent component analysis

Improvement of image classification with wavelet and independent component analysis (ICA) based on a structured neural network

Computational analysis of base composition pattern and promoter elements in the putative promoter regions in relation to expression profiles of 682 human genes on chromosome 22

Inheritance of resistance to Chinese stripe rust on Australian wheat variety Sunco

Windharps of the Wimmera

Is the internet good for our environment?

Analysing the environmental costs in electronics

Flour yield QTLs in three Australian doubled haploid wheat populations

Cocreation of knowledge: roles of coresearchers in research teams

Pain management skills of regional nurses caring for older people with dementia: a needs analysis

Mapping and spatio-temporal analysis of flooded and inundated areas in the Lower Balonne floodplain, Queensland, Australia

e-Commerce and small business in regional Australia

ICT and regional development in Australia

Athletic identity and its relationship to sport participation levels

Macro-economic and trade link models of South Asian countries: an investigation for regional trade expansion

High technology firms in Canada's description of their competitive advantage - a cross case analysis of a sample of SMEs

Building service capacity within a Regional District Mental Health Service: recommendations from an indigenous mental health symposium

E-business processes and factors of influence: one model does not fit all

Variations in the short wavelength cut-off of the solar UV spectra

Comparison of precise water depth measurements on agricultural storages with open-water evaporation estimates

Influence of solar UVA on erythemal irradiances

Accurately model the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky dynamics with holistic discretisation

Short bar tests for vinyl ester particulate reinforced composites cured by microwaves

Do students SQLify?: improving learning outcomes with peer review and enhanced computer assisted assessment of querying skills

Sensitivity study of the role of vegetation in miocene climate change

Does reality really bite? Between academia and ‘The Real World’: an interview with Jane Roscoe

Intra-seasonal climate predictions - linking weather and climate forecasts

Effective shade structures

Near-global impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on rainfall

Simulation of a complete reflected shock tunnel showing a vortex mechanism for flow contamination

Use of fluorescence spectroscopy to differentiate yeast and bacterial cells

Confirmation of QTL mapping and marker validation for partial seedling resistance to crown rot in wheat line '2-49'

A study into the export of saline water from Hervey Bay, Australia

SPI assessment retrospective: evaluating long-term benefits for small firms

Assessment: a tool for development and engagement in the first year of university study

e-Commerce definition dilemma

Engaging first year students: a collaborative approach implemented in a first year nursing course

Cataloguing men: charting the male librarian's experience through the perceptions and positions of men in libraries

A fair dinkum approach to fibre composites in civil engineering

Analyzing workflows implied by instance-dependent access rules

A framework for role-based group delegation in distributed environments

Peer-to-peer form based web information systems

Measuring learning with ICTs: an external evaluation of Education Queensland's ICT curriculum integration performance measurement instrument


Take Off

SNO gallery Sydney 2006 solo exhibition

Non Objectif Sud group exhibition


Early Fabricated

Unpacked and Expanded: New Work: group exhibition

2 Step: exhibition

A community development model of change: the role of teaching and learning centres

Suburban Sweet

The Battle of Fire Support Base Coral (1968) Oral History and Documentary Project

Constructed Colour catalogue

Carry On, Teachers! Representations of the Teaching Profession in Screen Culture by Susan Ellsmore

Plus Factors - Inverted Topology group exhibition

Art Bound

Cultural Catchments Project

Mixed blessings: laws, religions and women's rights in the Asia-Pacific Region by Amanda Whiting and Carolyn Evans

Heart rate synchronisation of dressage horse and rider during warm up period for a competition dressage test

Would we, could we, did we collaborate? Mutuality and respect

Can organisational vision be aligned to management processes for engaging with e-learning? A case study for a recasting dialogue as central to infrastructure development

Australian Law Postgraduate Network (ALPN)

Relationship between pre-service and practising teachers' confidence and beliefs about using ICT

Developing a values-based approach to technology education: ethical appropriateness of design solutions

Cosi fan tutte

The Doctor and Nursey Wursey's Most Amazing Hydrological Examination

Monumental Queensland: signposts on a cultural landscape, by Lisanne Gibson and Joanna Besley [Book review]

Authenticity in cultural heritage management and tourism

Tourists riding turtles

Towards a measure of core inflation in Bangladesh: conceptual issues

A measure of core inflation in Bangladesh

The changing profile of caravanners in Australia

My career chapter

Potable reuse of reclaimed wastewater: challenges for sustainable water management

AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association

AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association

Church, state, and charter: Canada's hidden establishment clause

Creating a federal inmate grievance tribunal

Sexual exploitation and the Criminal Code

Maximising ROI through project governance clarity within a strategic management context

Lifecycle project management

A European constitution in a multinational Europe or a multinational constitution for Europe?

Knowledge and basic skills in Singapore

Enhancing a sequence of facial images by combining multiple undersampled and compressed images

Voter attitudes towards information sources during local government elections

Associate a user's goal: exhaustivity and specificity information retrieval using ontology

Relevance assessment of topic ontology

Utilizing search intent in topic ontology-based user profile for web mining

A descriptive study of the sternal and lateral recumbency behaviour of two show horses during transportation to different environments

Research digest

Treatment of peripheral arterial disease with percutaneous transluminal angioplasty or supervised exercise training.

Supervised exercise rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Sunny Bay Resort MYOB v 15 accounting practice set

BDO not-for-profit fraud survey 2006

Psychometric evaluation of goal orientation measures in sport

Influence of boundary conditions on the ballistic performance of high-strength fabric targets

Modelling inter-yarn friction in woven fabric armour

Tough times

Medical administration questionnaire

'Kick [ing] against the pricks': Michael Field's Brutus Ultor as manifesto for the 'new woman'

Effect of impingement/effusion hole-area ratio on discharge coefficients of double cooling wall

Preparation of C-reactive protein latex reagent of human serum

The social world of dreams and nightmares in a post-conflict setting: The case of Gorongosa in Central Mozambique

The evolution of the ‘Mother’ in Tarot

Evidence for retarded extinction of aversive learning in anxious children

The feasibility and outcome of clinic plus internet delivery of cognitive–behavior therapy for childhood anxiety

Legislating disability: Negative ontologies and government of identities

Transgressing non-crossable borders: Disability, law, schooling and nations

How well are Australian business graduates prepared for the workplace?

Population dynamics of the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in north eastern Australia: simulated responses to control

Should the 40-year-old practice of releasing virulent myxoma virus to control rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) be continued?

The modern alchemy or How to convert Municipal Solid Wastes(MSW) into biogas?

The treatment of wastewaters with high phosphorous and high ammonia loadings using modified bauxite refinery residues

Validity of the inexpensive Stepping Meter in counting steps in free living conditions: a pilot study

Crossing the divide: Information literacy values and practices of Griffith University librarians

Superficial heat or cold for low back pain

Great expectations: what regional policy can achieve in Australia

Improving whole farm and infield irrigation efficiencies

Group attachments in negotiation and collective action

Indigenous ecotourism: nature conservation, tourism and indigenous rights

Using a monitored sip test to assess risk of aspiration in postoperative oatients

Teaching and learning practice development for change

Preoperative bathing or showering with skin antiseptics to prevent surgical site infection [Review]

Meta-analysis of preoperative antiseptic bathing in the prevention of surgical site infection

Does evening removal of urinary catheters shorten hospital stay among general hospital patients? A randomized controlled trial

Critical Review of the Proposed Palestinian Electronic Commerce and Signatures Laws [in Arabic]

Multi-year predictability in a coupled general circulation model

The Predictability of Interdecadal Changes in ENSO Activity and ENSO Teleconnections

A Cochrane review of superficial heat or cold for low back pain

Whole-school approaches to sustainability: a review of models for professional development in pre-service teacher education

Media mapping: Reflections on Australian and Swedish experiences with a new educational technology in media and communication studies

The Brisbane Media Map: Connecting Students, Industry, and University through Authentic Learning

Techniques for Efficient Analytical and Simulation Methods in the Prototyping of MEMS Systems

Development of an animal repellent — selection, efficacy and presentation

Water balance in goats subjected to feed restriction

Total cholesterol concentrations of the muscles in castrated Boer goats

Comparison of breed, slaughter weight and castration on fatty acid profiles in the longissimus thoracic muscle from male Boer and Australian feral goats

Dermal deposition of diazinon on workers using various sheep ectoparasiticide application systems