Attitudes of Australian nurses to information technology in the workplace: A national survey
Barriers to use of information and computer technology by Australia's nurses: a national survey
Information technology governance and service management: frameworks and adaptations
Measuring return on investment from implementing ITIL: a review of the literature
Improving ICT governance: a radical restructure using CobiT and ITIL
Acute malnutrition in Bangladeshi children: levels and determinants
Models of management consulting: a survey
Information systems research methods, epistemology, and applications
Design science: a case study in information systems re-engineering
Electronic data interchange (EDI) adoption: a study of SMEs in Singapore
An analysis-form of soft systems methodology for information systems maintenance
Investigating the structural validity of Ryff's psychological well-being scales across two samples
Legal studies in action 2: Queensland
Getting to the game: travel to sports stadia in the era of transit oriented development
Nanoscale particles for polymer degradation and stabilization—Trends and future perspectives
Architectures of bilayered gold nanoparticles on UV cross-linked poly(4-vinylpyridine) thin films
Pepper soup as an antioxidant nutrition therapy
Laboratory evaluations to optimize outcomes of antioxidant nutrition therapy in diabetes management
Whole blood viscosity determination in diabetes management: perspective in practice
Computer diagnosis in cardiology: oxidative stress hypothesis
Migraine can be managed with Virtual Scanning: case report
Atherothrombosis and oxidative stress: The connection and correlation in diabetes
Cardiovascular risk assessment in prediabetes: A hypothesis
Alcohol as a risk factor for type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Undergraduate drinking and academic performance: a prospective investigation with objective measures
The applicability of the effective medium theory to the dynamics of cellular beams
Rainfall teleconnections with indo-pacific variability in the WCRP CMIP3 models
Climate change contributes to more frequent consecutive positive Indian Ocean Dipole events
Argo profiles a rare occurrence of three consecutive positive Indian Ocean Dipole events, 2006-2008
Positive Indian Ocean Dipole events precondition southeast Australia bushfires
La Niña Modoki impacts Australia autumn rainfall variability
Assessment Focus in Studio: What is Most Prominent in Architecture, Art and Design?
The Theory and Practice of Teaching with Technology in Today's Colleges and Universities
Disinhibition and reward sensitivity in relation to alcohol consumption by university undergraduates
Child labour and supply chain: Profitability or (mis)management
MRI and Outflows: Angular Momentum Transport in Protoplanetary Disks
Virtual Invisible Disk Design for Information System Security
Confectionery Gels: A Review on Formulation, Rheological and Structural Aspects
Moodle and the institutional repositioning of learning and teaching at CQ university
Blended spaces, work based learning and constructive alignment: Impacts on student engagement
Determinants of non-adherence to subsidized anti-retroviral treatment in southeast Nigeria
National culture and safe work behaviour of construction workers in Pakistan
Justice and reconciliation in the aftermath of the civil war in Gorongosa, Mozambique Central
Operationalising first year curriculum principles
A holistic approach to the support and engagement of first year students: a retention strategy
Real world curriculum design for a changing workplace
Teamwork resources to support students and teachers at QUT
Key organizational elements for effective information and knowledge management
Wind-driving protostellar accretion discs – I. Formulation and parameter constraints
Increases in corticospinal responsiveness during a sustained submaximal plantar flexion
A systematic review on the effectiveness of willow bark for musculoskeletal pain
Are nurses using best practice in tracheal suctioning of artificial airways?
Flame retardant mechanism of organo-bentonite in polypropylene
Synthesis of a novel oligomeric intumescent flame retardant and its application in polypropylene
Multiple subscription subscriber identity module (SIM) card
Geodisability knowledge: watching for global north impositions
An accuracy assessment of a GPS- enabled digital camera
Methodology for a think tank: the future of military and veterans' health
Limits of multi-frame image enhancement: a case of super-resolution
The 6dF Galaxy Survey: Final redshift release (DR3) and southern large-scale structures
Modelling of water and solutes in permanent raised beds
Temporal variations of groundwater arsenic concentrations in southwest Bangladesh
Jurisprudence of National Identity by Nan Seuffert
Public Law and Politics by Emilios Christodoulidis and Stephen Tierney (eds)
Bureaucrats and bleeding hearts: Indigenous health in Northern Australia by Tess Lea
Introducing Jass Easterman: my 'Second Life' learning space
Education for IT service management standards
Working collaboratively on the digital global frontier
Segmentation: a tourism stakeholder view
Prediction distribution of generalized geometric series distribution and its different forms
Virtual spaces for teaching and learning
IT service departments struggle to adopt a service-oriented philosophy
Greenhouse gas emissions from rice farming inputs: a cross-country assessment
Choice of early childhood education: hearing the voices of parents
The heroic/shameful role of labour: mythology in the making of White Australia
Chaucer's Monk's Tale and Nun's Priest's Tale: an annotated bibliography 1900 to 2000
A conceptual model of employee self reported rationale for engaging in deviant acts
Screen media: analysing film and television
itSMF Australia 2008 Conference: summary of ITSM standards and frameworks survey responses
Direct radiation from wildfires through square woven screens
Scrutinizing performance of ad hoc routing protocols on wireless sensor networks
Future of renewable energies in Iran
Diesterol: an environment-friendly IC engine fuel
Experimental investigation of using methanol-diesel blended fuels in diesel engine
Diesel engine optimization for electric hybrid vehicles
Teaching and assessing programming strategies explicitly
Identifying exemplary science teachers through students' perceptions of their learning environment
Improving efficiency and scalability of service network graph by re-routing service routes
Facing up to the challenge: why is it so hard to develop graduate attributes?
Potential of bioethanol production from agricultural wastes in Iran
Interaction, learner styles, and content in online courses: implications for teacher preparation
Altered geometry: a new angle on teacher technophobia
Performance analysis of a Poisson-Pareto queue over the full range of system parameters
Foreword [to Business web strategy: design, alignment and application]
Preface [to Business web strategy: design, alignment and application]
The role of government in e-business adoption
ICE-theorem - end to end semantically aware eResearch infrastructure for theses
Impact of climate variability on the circulation of an East-Australian bay
Solar ultraviolet protection provided by human head hair
The Fascinator: a lightweight, modular contribution to the Fedora-commons world
The Fascinator, flexible repository services
Career development learning and work-integrated learning practices in Australian universities
Language maintenance and identity among Sudanese-Australian refugee-background youth
Bringing academics on board: encouraging institution-wide diffusion of e-learning environments
Dosimeter for the measurement of plant damaging solar UV exposures
The regulation of electoral financing
Human rights in Australia: looking forward, looking back
A sense of being Italian: the value of family history
Sharing the journey of facilitator and learner: online pedagogy in practice
A socio-demographic profile of visitors to the South Pacific outer islands of Vanuatu
PowerPoint with audio: a breeze to enhance the student learning experience
Excise taxation in the Australian federation: a legal and economic perspective
Farm advisors' reflections on mental health first aid training
Talking theatre is more than a test drive: two audience development methodologies under review
Still putting in: measuring the economic and social contributions of older Australians
Self managed superannuation funds and the bear market of 2007-2008
Star struck: fandom and the discourse of celebrity
Genre: something new based on something familiar
Reuse of laundry greywater as affected by its interaction with saturated soil
Building SDI bridges for catchment management
Bid-Winning Potential Optimization for Concession Schemes with Imprecise Investment Parameters
Stability of plane Poiseuille-Couette flows of a piezo-viscous fluid
Can self-managed superannuation fund trustees earn the equity risk premium?
Mapping knowledge flows in virtual teams with SNA
Energy and water tradeoffs in enhancing food security: a selective international assessment
A house divided: the Griffin Family of Whiteside and frontier conflict in the 1840s
The multicultural nation in New Zealand cinema: production-text-reception
Music teachers Oz online: a new approach to school-university collaboration in teacher education
Facilitating learning through intellectual capital in social service nonprofit organizations
The energy inefficiency of office computing and potential emerging technology solutions
Are 'magnet' principles relevant in an Australian setting?
Are benchmark asset allocations for Australian private investors optimal?
Factors affecting the performance of construction projects in the Gaza Strip
Staff perceptions of an alternative educational model for at risk adolescents in Queensland
Improving the career literacy of Australian students
Career development practice: facilitating work-integrated learning in higher education
Career development, management, and planning from the vocational psychology perspective
Outlying subspace detection for high-dimensional data
Child health and the income gradient: evidence from Australia
Options for the doctrine of Crown immunity in 21st century Australia
Predicting employees' commitment to and support for organisational change
Corporate governance, sustainability and the assessment of default risk
The Aussie battler personified: why everyone loves Kenny
Harvesting techniques and market analysis of selected NTFPs in Nepal
The effects of China's airline mergers on prices
Parallel leadership: changing landscapes for principals
Service re-routing for service network graph: efficiency, scalability and implementation
Efficient information propagation in service routing for next generation network
What makes students happy? Factors influencing student engagement using student evaluation data
Restitution and equity: a comparison of principle
Working visually in community identity ethnography
Problem-based learning (PBL) in virtual space: developing experiences for professional development
Visible whiteness: coming to terms with white racial identities
Some implications of the psychological experience of unemployment
Interaction, learner styles, and content in online courses: implications for teacher preparation
Strategies for success: a toolbox of coming strategies used by breastfeeding women
Using graduate attributes as a curriculum design tool
TELL us all about it: establishment of a Technology Enhanced Learning Laboratory
The representation of female athletes in online images of successive Olympic Games (republished)
Preface [to Information systems research methods, epistemology, and applications]
Preface [to Information technology governance and service management: frameworks and adaptations]
Are larger self managed superannuation funds riskier?
When we are at uni our minds are at home: Saudi students worrying about wives
FlowRecommender: a workflow recommendation technique for process provenance
Itinerant farm workers' children in Australia: learning from the experiences of one family
Australian 'bikie' laws in the absence of an express Bill of Rights
Does maternity leave affect child health? Evidence from parental leave in Australia survey
Chronic conditions and child health: does income mediate?
The impact of child health on schooling: evidence from Bangladesh
Child health and the income gradient in Australia: the role of chronic conditions
Trialling wireless handheld devices in a clinical setting: a Queensland case study
Going for 100% digital teaching and learning environment in accounting: the agony and the ecstasy
Sharing communication network resources for a user-controlled electrical energy consumption
Potential of solar energy contribution in Queensland
Necessity breeds innovation: GPs help prevent an emergency department closure
Bachelor of Nursing program enrolment sessions for newly arrived international students
Transitions to first year engineering - diversity as an asset
The determinants of Bangladesh's imports: a gravity model analysis under panel data
The determinants of economic growth in Pakistan: does stock market development play a major role?
Australia's global trade potential: evidence from the gravity model analysis
The Abu Sayyaf in the Archipelago: discrediting Islam. abetting USA foreign policy
The Abu Sayyaf: terrorism in Sulu Province, Republic of Philippines or a convenient presence?
A spatial analysis of Greater Bilby (Macrotis Lagotis) habitat in south-west Queensland
Volunteered geographic information for building SDI
An intellectual capital perspective of human resource strategies and practices
The potential of citizen volunteered spatial information for building SDI
Local government and SDI - understanding their capacity to share data
Empirical functions for dependent variables in cutback furrow irrigation
Assessment on activated sludge models for acetate biodegradation under aerobic conditions
Career development learning and work-integrated learning: towards a self pedagogy
Institutional investors, political connection and audit quality in Malaysia
Integrated autonomy: a modelling-based investigation of agrifood supply chain performance
Planning for a sustainable academic future
Project sustainability management and technology
Neutrality of a dividend imputation system under the Modigliani-Miller proposition
Modeling volatility in foreign currency option pricing
Mere mortals creating worlds: low threshold 3D virtual environments for learning
The country of unspoken feeling: an interview with Jean Kent
Australian Journal of Career Development, Vol. 18, No. 3
Australian Journal of Career Development, Vol. 18, No. 2
Australian Journal of Career Development, Vol. 18, No. 1
Audit committees and earnings quality
Do rumours contribute to knowledge management - and will we ever know?
Fluid flow between active elastic plates
Prediction of soil exchangeable sodium percentage based on soil sodium adsorption ratio
Matching research methodology with Australian indigenous culture
Phase equation with nonlinear excitation for nonlocally coupled oscillators
Low-dimensional boundary-layer model of turbulent dispersion in a channel
Good to go? The human dimensions of mission readiness
Virtual teamwork and PBL - barriers to participation and learning
Leadership: the key to meaning and resilience on deployment?
Characterisation of the micro-tube emitters used in a novel micro-sprinkler
Empirical examination of mobile ad hoc routing protocols on wireless sensor networks
Resilience of temporary wetlands in production landscapes and potential impacts of climate change
The motion of a cylindrical body in a stratified fluid under the action of a radiation force
Application level replication in Joomla! using graphs
Accounting professionalization amidst alternating politico-economic order of Ethiopia
Joopal and Drumla: not your usual mashup
Closing the loop: a case study of a post-evaluation strategy
FYI (First Year Infusion): a vaccine for the first year plague in a regional university
eProblem-based learning: problem-based learning using virtual teams
Arrests in a cold climate (Part 2) - shaping hot pursuit through state practice
HIV/AIDS in private sector companies: cost impacts and responses in southern Africa
A hanging, a hostage drama and several homicides: why sovereignty in 1859 is problematic
Review of: Helping doctoral students write: pedagogies for supervisio
Self-adapting cyclic delay diversity system
Pulse shaping in MIMO COFDM over Rayleigh fading channels
Use of wireless tablet PCs as an effective learning and teaching enhancement tool
Automated vehicle classification system for AUSTROADS standard based upon laser sensor technology
2009 Enabling Pathways: Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference of Enabling Educators
Performance of co-operative relay for multicast multi-hop networks using virtual MIMO
Exploration of data requirements for adaptive control of irrigation scheduling
The influencing factors in designing conceptual energy-waste solutions for sustainable housing
Investing in the future of engineering education infrastructure for sustainability
Investigation of a hydraulic impact: a technology in rock breaking
An analysis of Australia's carbon pollution reduction scheme
Policy needs in harvesting and marketing of non-timber forest products in Nepal
Assessment of prior workplace learning: a case study
Continuous fraud detection in enterprise systems through audit trial analysis
Particle and bubble dynamics in a creeping flow
Anarchism, communism and hispanidad: Australian Spanish migrants and the Civil War
Genes involved in hypersensitive cell death responses during fusarium crown rot infection in wheat
Regional frost: calibration of frost chamber to encompass all Australian conditions
Bipolaris sorokiniana resistance loci identified on chromosomes 3HS and 7HS in three related barley
A guaranteed right to trial by jury at state level?
Due process, natural justice, Kable and organisational control legislation
Can we decode the messages of activated sludge through the respirograms?
The use of a UAV as a remote sensing platform in agriculture
Bankless channel irrigation systems: irrigation performance assessment
Reform of rules of private international law in Manitoba: a comparative perspective
Higher educational services exports: sources of growth of asian students in US and UK
Use of infrared thermography to detect water deficit response in an irrigated cotton crop
Removal of pollutants by tomato plants during reuse of laundry greywater for irrigation
A review of radiation heat transfer measurement for diesel engines using the two-colour method
Evaluation of the performance of DEM interpolation algorithms for LiDAR data
The four great gates of supervisors challenges in postgraduate supervision
From country to national to regional
Remembering agrarian collectivism
A rural party in an urban nation
Socio-economic change and party survival
The National Party: prospects for the great survivors
Reflective practice: melding theories and practices through supervision
An integrated-RBF technique based on Galerkin formulation for elliptic differential equations
Representation and learning in science
Essentials of marketing, 3rd ed.
Evaluating the performance of bay irrigation in the GMID
Consumer awareness of sponsorship - a FMCG context
Personal financial planning in Australia: an industry analysis
Effect of general economic mood on investor risk tolerance - implications for financial planning
Retention and progression of postgraduate business students: An Australian perspective
Extent of adoption of EDI by Singaporean SMEs: a survey of practices
Using usage control to access XML databases
Estimation of mutual information: a survey
Potential contribution of solar energy towards electrical peak demands in South-East Queensland
End-user’s tools towards an efficient electricity consumption: the dynamic smart grid
Modelling the environmental and anatomical solar untraviolet distribution in a school playground
Providing ethics learning opportunities throughout the legal curriculum
Australian law dictionary [contributions]
Differing returns: on history, bodies and early modern lives
The changing face of women managers in Asia
The future of the changing face of women managers in Asia
The changing face of women managers in Thailand
The changing face of women managers in Asia: opportunities and challenges
Sports marketing in an economic quagmire
Order aggressiveness of institutional and individual investors
Ocean acidification: a litmus test for international law
An integrated model for next page access prediction
Authorization algorithms for permission-role assignments
Quantifying biomass fluctuations in Mitchell grassland, Queensland, using multi-temporal MODIS data
Chaucer's Monk's Tale and Nun's Priest's Tale: an annotated bibliography 1900 to 2000 [Introduction]
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) mission, sensor and image characteristics
Transformation through technology-enhanced learning in Australian higher education
Goodput and channel allocation in opportunistic spectrum access networks
Designing flexible learning: learning with each iteration
Constructing a pre-service teacher online learning community
Work in progress: a novel method of creating an academic content repository
And then came complex project management (revised)
Stellar magnetic fields in swollen convection zones
Magnetic fields and differential rotation on the pre-main sequence
Flexural behaviour of composite sandwiches for structural applications
Development of a framework and tool to assess on-farm energy uses of cotton production
Tertiary students with a disability or chronic illness: stigma and study
Koey Ngurtai: the emergence of a ritual domain in Western Torres Strait
A nature but infected: plague and embodied transformation in Timon of Athens
Premature ignition in scramjets with intake injection: a preliminary laminar mixing layer simulation
Nitrous oxide decomposition for supersonic combustion experiments in the USQ Ludwieg tube facility
Ultra-capacitor assisted battery storage for remote area power supplies: a case study
Economics of solar energy for diurnal electrical demand in South-East Queensland
The trial of PDAs in Queensland public hospitals and its effect on patient safety
The practical issues in using existing digital stethoscopes for telehealth
Meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials comparing open and laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery
Vibration of debonded laminated fibre composite sandwich beams
Stereo-image capture tool for forensic mapping of surveillance video footage
Throughput and proportional fairness in cognitive radio networks
Managing change: mental models of SME managers
Issues of economic efficiency of human service delivery in Australia
Comparison of biologically effective spectra for erythema and pre-vitamin D3 synthesis
A trust degree based access control in grid environments
Quick-fix English: discontinuities in a language development aid project
Flexural tests of phenol formaldehyde and SLG composites: pilot study
Finite element analysis of fibre composite sandwich panel
Book language as a foreign language — ESL strategies for indigenous learners
Evaluation of a simulation model in predicting the drying parameters for deep-bed paddy drying
Managing spatial and temporal variability in irrigated agriculture through adaptive control
The language situation in Timor-Leste
Sustainability and economic theory: an organism in premise
Contemporary society, technology and sustainability
Climate change, contemporary society and engineering practice: a sustainability journey
Chemical engineering industry transition towards sustainability
Energy analysis of hydraulic fracturing
Assessment issues and new technologies: ePortfolio possibilities
Measuring and evaluating ICT use: developing an instrument for measuring student ICT use
The Queensland solicitors' conveyancing reservation: past and future development - part I
How 'inconvenient' is Al Gore's climate message?
Peer assessment of assignments - the USQ experience
Unipolar stitched inverter low-frequency harmonics caused by stitching delay
Spatial data infrastructure for catchment management: a case study of Condamine Catchment, Australia
Gift vouchers and expiry dates: when the gift stops giving
Integrated radial-basis-function networks for computing Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid flows
Crop maturity mapping using a low-cost low-altitude remote sensing system
Regional partnerships to assist public-private investments in irrigation systems
Evaluation of greenwaste mulch to control runoff quality from landfill sites during frequent storms
Extending time limits in sexual abuse cases
A new case of truncated phase equation for coupled oscillators
Simulating spatial variability of cereal yields from historical yield maps and satellite imagery
Modelling turbulent flow from dam break using slow manifolds
A detailed proxy rainfall record from Lake Broadwater, Dalby, Southeast Queensland
Changes in MSLP over Queensland and the Southern Hemisphere
Designing printed circuit stators for brushless permanent magnet motors
A new sensorless commutation technique for brushless DC motors
Conditional purpose based access control model for privacy protection
Observing hypersalinity in an East Australian subtropical estuary
Fracture toughness of phenol formaldehyde composites reinforced with e-spheres
Unfair contracts and the Consumer Law Bill
Forum non conveniens in Australia: a comparative analysis
Implementing IT service management: a case study focussing on critical success factors
Keim on the muzzle rule: a reply and joinder
Close range photogrammetric analysis of the human spine
International outsourcing of information technology services: review and future directions
Repatriating race: exorcising ethno-exclusion
An investigation of emotional wellbeing and its relationship to contemporary nursing practice
ECOOSE: an echo cancellation object oriented simulation environment
New developments in medical photogrammetry
Natural fibre-reinforced composites for bioengineering and environmental engineering
Children’s preferences for group musical activities in child care centres: a cross-cultural study
Stakeholders' perspectives of the skills and attributes for accounting graduates
Host species-specific translocation of Escherichia coli
Updating the MMPI-2 for assessing personal injury claimants: the MMPI-2-PI
The effect of self-deception on the relationship between trait emotional intelligence and wellbeing
Predicting job satisfaction and depression at work: how important are work-related factors?
Social problem-solving skills and mental health: a comparison of undergraduate cohorts
Individualism, collectivism, and voting behaviour: a follow-up study into political values
A study of the understanding of knowledge and learning of a cohort of mature age students
Student perspectives on scholarship: a contemporary issue in higher education
Relational concepts: language, thinking and pedagogy and the spatial metaphor of time
Interactive multimedia PBL: design, development and evaluation
A knowledge-information-data concept model for engineering education
Evaluating on-farm energy performance in agriculture
Flexural behaviour of laminated fibre composite sandwich beams
Injecting purpose and trust into data anonymisation
Is mycophenolate more than just an immunosuppressant? An overview
Evaluation of the chronic complications of diabetes in a high fructose diet in rats
The biological responses to resveratrol and other polyphenols from alcoholic beverages
Potential health benefits of Indian spices in the symptoms of metabolic syndrome: a review
A ghost of a chance, after all
Staged request routing for reduced carbon footprints of large scale server systems
Solar UV exposures measured simultaneously to all arbitrarily oriented leaves on a plant
Evaluation of automotive varnish as a coating for density measurements of soil clods
Field calibration of zoom cameras for two camera- photogrammetric applications
A methodology for on farm energy assessment
Key factors that influence engineering students' academic success: a longitudinal study
Should we include study-management skills in the curriculum of pre-tertiary bridging programs?
Design and development of a fibre composite windmill structure
Preventable variation within operating rooms: information quality perspective
Monitoring spatial variation of soil moisture in crop fields with EM38
The influence of fatigue and mood on cognitive failures
itSMF Australia 2009 Conference: summary report of ITSM standards and frameworks survey
International outsourcing research: overview of the research landscape
Application of hybrid binomial Langevin-multiple mapping conditioning method to reacting jet flow
Direct numerical simulations of autoignition in turbulent two-phase flows
Direct numerical simulations of turbulent flame expansion in fine sprays
An assessment of silvipasture potential in southeast Queensland, Australia
Birth fathers' perspectives on reunions with their relinquished children
Potential of kenaf fibres as reinforcement for tribological applications
A photogrammetric application in virtual sport training
Four strategies to help keep you out of court
3D photogrammetric analysis of the load-bearing foot
Enabling pathways by enabling cultural and value change in engineering academics
Development of a multi-drive submersible platform for deep seabed research
Privacy-aware access control with generalization boundaries
Reducing evaporation losses - opportunities for cost effective water savings
The impact of price satisfaction on supplier relationship performance
Photogrammetric-based security system
Error resilience analysis of wireless image transmission using JPEG, JPEG 2000 and JPWL
Endurance exercise and DNA stability: is there a link to duration and intensity?
Teaching of critical path networks using software packages
Internet career fairs in Australian higher education
Social gain: is corporate social responsibility enough?
Using a tablet PC in bioscience instruction amongst diverse student cohorts
Ready, set, go...- flexible package supporting the biophysical sciences in first year nursing
A literacy educator's approach to designing a trade professional program for third year apprentices
Behaviour of innovative fibre composite sandwich panels
Behaviour of innovative fibre composite sandwich panels under point loading
Information for guided chronic disease self-management in community settings
Microdata protection through approximate microaggregation
Effect of exit Reynolds number on self-preservation of a plane jet
Developing the descriptions of landmark teaching styles: a spectrum inventory
Flexural properties of sawdust reinforced phenolic composites: pilot study
When the going gets tough: board capital and survival of new economy IPO firms
Flexural properties of phenolic resin reinforced with glass powder
Flexural strength of phenol formaldehyde composites post-cured in microwaves: preliminary results
Dynamic behaviour of laterally loaded pultruted composite beams
Engaging children in artworks: ideas for generalist primary educators
Applicability of the polyphenylene oxide film dosimeter to high UV exposures in aquatic environments
Temporal causality between energy consumption and income in six Asian emerging countries
Foreign institutional investors and security returns: evidence from Indian stock exchanges
Back to basics: electronic collaboration in the education sector
Dividend reductions and signaling in an imputation environment
m-Clicker: how to enhance students' participation
Overview of corporate restructuring
Prejudicial publicity: when will it ever result in a permanent stay of proceedings?
Building an open lab on information quality for future computer education
Facilitating formative feedback: an undervalued dimension of assessing doctoral students' learning
Syntactic foams as building materials consisting of inorganic hollow microspheres and starch binder
Strategies to minimise the impact of challenging times on training: final report
Fracture behaviour of glass fibre-reinforced polyester composite
Measuring the influence of UV reflection from vertical metal surfaces on humans
Digital identity control mechanism for e-learning
Decision support for competent and expert firefighters
Does certification work in emerging markets? evidence from the Indian IPO market
A lucrative export - engineering education: down under
Psychology: Australian and New Zealand, 2nd ed.
When the street becomes a pedagogue
International Journal of Precision Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2009
Frictional and wear performance of polyester composites based on coir fibres
Wear and frictional performance of betelnut fibre-reinforced polyester composite
Competitive removal of water-borne copper, zinc and cadmium by a CaCO3-dominated red mud
The determinants of Bangladesh's imports: a gravity model analysis under panel data
Objectifying the subjective: assessment and feedback in creative arts studio learning and teaching
Accuracy assessments of point cloud 3D registration method for high accuracy craniofacial mapping
English language teaching with robots Robot aided language learning
English language teaching with multimedia
Measuring inflationary pressure in Bangladesh: the P-star approach
Representations of autism: implications for community healthcare practice
Torquing up TAFE teacher traction through a critical spirit discourse
The simulated impact of land cover change on climate extremes in eastern Australia
Inertisation of highwall mining to control methane concentrations at the Moura mine
Beneficial vitamin D3 producing UV compared to damaging overexposure
The search for the adaptable ICT student
Introduction [to Joe Wilson and his mates]
Behaviour of hybrid FRP composite I-girder with concrete deck
Creating sustainable practice in a museum context: adopting service-centricity in non-profit museums
Application of value stream mapping in improving the service processes of a dental clinic
Challenging understandings of 'Theory of Mind': a brief report
Selection of yeast strains for optimal development of regional characters of Verdelho
Enhancing yeast ethanol tolerance for biofuel production
Modelling flow for surgery management process
A Delphi study on issues for successful information technology transfer in the Arab world
Business web strategy: design, alignment, and application
Development strategy of agricultural machinery based on energy-saving in China
Design and modeling of the structural integrity of a universal toolbar for two wheeled power tiller
Evaluation of energy usage for cotton ginning processes
Agricultural applications: energy uses and audits
Energy and economic efficiency analysis of rice and cotton production in China
Pragmatic effects of 'so' in reasons for the sport psychology consultation
Managing supply chain at high technology companies
Investigation of the effect of aggregate on the performance of permeable concrete
Development of environmentally friendly and structural enhanced permeable concrete pavement material
The death penalty and the Principle of Goodness
Study on the mechanical properties of different silkworm silk fibers
Enforcement of punitive damages awards in the convention on choice of court agreements
Opaque whiteness: milk regulation and the introduction of food controls in Queensland
Mr Adamson goes to Berrimah: a tale of abuse of position and false accounting
Is defamation the 'Galapagos Islands Division' of the Australian law of torts?
Genetic mapping in the Triticeae
The South Burnett - early movement and stimulation project
Exploring the transitions of young people with autism from childhood to young adulthood
Applied machine vision in agriculture at the NCEA
Experiment kit for first year physics students to undertake practicals at any place and any time
Sustainability from the perspective of the small firm owner-manager
iwork, irest, iplay: exploring youth online behaviour
Precision agriculture technologies - relevance and application to sugarcane production
Beneath the veil: Muslim girls and the Islamic headscarf in secular France
Debonding characteristics of masonry structures retrofitted with FRP
Improving the tensile strength of carbon nanotube spun yarns using a modified spinning process
Monitoring the depth of anesthesia using discrete wavelet transform and power spectral density
The experience of socially isolated older people in accessing and navigating the health care system
Strain monitoring of RC members strengthened with smart NSM FRP bars
Acousto-ultrasonic sensing for delaminated GFRP composites using an embedded FBG sensor
Composite panels for reducing noise in air conditioning and ventilation systems
The future for (second) life and learning
The carpe diem journey: designing for learning transformation
The construction of 'waste' in the UK steel industry
Deutero-learning: implications for managing public health change
Review of the consequences and control of high air temperatures in intensive livestock buildings
User-friendly air quality monitoring system
Development and testing of an evaluation procedure for commercial manure additive products
Collaboration in the era of internationalization: a Chinese case
Procedure for modeling and improving E-SCM processes
Stability analysis of model-based networked control system with unreliable links
Mobile learning communities: creating new educational futures
Field evaluation of a prototype sensor for measuring feed disappearance in livestock buildings
Interpretive filters: social cognition and the impact of turning points in negotiation
Cranz-Schardin visualisation of a hypersonic cone with gas injection
Conservation and education benefits of interpretation on marine wildlife tours
National parks as cultural landscapes: indigenous peoples, conservation and tourism
Intuition or counterintuition? The science behind the art of negotiation
Changes in the composition of the extracellular matrix in patellar tendinopathy
Sliding wear performance of nano-SiO2/short carbon fiber/epoxy hybrid composites
Behaviour of juvenile antechinus flavipes: a preliminary study
Mechanical and thermal properties of chicken feather fiber/PLA green composites
Carbon reporting in the Queensland public Sector: the state of play, trends and better practices
Donors' decision-making process on charitable giving: case studies in Japan
Effect of irrigation management on nitrate movement under a drip irrigated lettuce crop
Defining precision irrigation: a new approach to irrigation management
Controlling the concentrations of airborne particles in broiler buildings
Pathways to power for allied health professions: embedding allied health influence
Steel and the global economic crisis
Numerical prediction of air flow in a sharp 90 degree elbow
Interview with Professor Beryl Hesketh
Assistive technology: opportunities and implications
An analysis of the major issues for successful information technology transfer in Arab countries
Board composition, board leadership structure and firm performance: evidence from Bangladesh
Fostering an interdisciplinary learning environment through core 3rd-year courses in a revised BCA
Protestant bishops in restoration England
Domitian and the early fathers of the church
Case study two synopsis - Meadow Fair North Primary School (MFN)
iPodology: the new kid on the block
A research report on the implementation of the IDEAS project in Victoria, 2004-8
Finding nucleolus of flow game
Interspecific competition and conservation management of continuous subtropical woodlands
High-resolution magnetic field measurements of RR Lyrae stars with SemPol
Dimensions of the conflict environment: implications for peace operation success
Demons, devils and witches: the occult in heavy metal music
Induced synchrony in pod maturity in mungbean (Vigna radiata)
How uniform is the structure of ability across childhood?
Designing and implementing online discussion forums: an Australian case study
Reduced processing decision support for competent firefighters
Is there only one measure of success? Enabling and environment
Efficient discovery of risk patterns in medical data
Monitoring of the rice cropping system in the Mekong Delta using ENVISAT/ASAR dual polarization data
Harnessing international collaboration and cooperation for research and capacity development
Deformation behaviour of aluminum alloy A356 in semisolid state
Stepping up: what works in pre-service teacher education
Interspecific competition and small bird diversity in an urbanizing landscape
Realistic simulation of a wireless signal propagation in an urban environment
A User Profiles Acquiring Approach Using Pseudo-Relevance Feedback
Concept-Based, Personalized Web Information Gathering: A Survey
Influences of green star rating tool on HVAC system design
Frost resistance in cereals after EAR emergence
Assessment of energy usage for cotton gins in Australia
Incorporating spatial variability in soil and crop properties for effective irrigation
Job involvement of bank managers in Mauritius
Fibrotic pathways in the dystrophin deficient heart
Responsible heritage: imagining Will
Sustainability philosophy in engineering context: review and discussion
Addressing the 'glocal' - 'expats' as a relevant case study?
The effect of canine hyperimmune plasma on inflammation in a rat pouch model
How do executives in the Colombian coal mining industry deal with effective leadership practice?
Predicting the effects of mechanical destratifiers on water quality in Toowoomba’s reservoirs
Utilization of solar energy for building operation
Looking for ethical needles in a 62-year-old haystack, or unearthing gems in the mud?
Community learning projects: transforming post-compulsory education provision in rural communities
Effects of replacing incandescent lamps with energy saving compact fluroescent lamps
The impact of information quality on operating room performance by simulation validation
Marketing strategy and organisational strategy: a study of regional private hospitals
Structures of learning for dynamic markets
Combating the English language deficit: the labour market experiences of migrant women in Australia
Female students' attributions for academic achievement in secondary schools in Papua New Guinea
Outcomes from building leadership capacity in an international school: a case study
New design methodologies for printed circuit axial field brushless dc motors
The impacts of agricultural intensification on arthropod assemblages at global and local scales
Discovery and evaluation of novel antimicrobial agents against nosocomial pathogens
Internet-based language learning: pedagogies and technologies
Actions and results from the Queensland Health 'Better Workplaces' staff opinion survey
Demand-supply interacting system towards a dynamic electrical energy management - the smart grid
Challenges in offering engineering programs at a new campus
Investment Management: A Modern Guide to Security Analysis and Stock Selection
Investigation of household water consumption using smart metering system
Principals and legal risk: complacency or concern?
The use of simulated games in an undergraduate course manufacturing processes
Development of hot drawing process for nitinol tube
Preface to futures in mechanics of structures and materials conference. ACMSM20
A case study of an ambient living and wellness management health care model in Australia
Automated internode length measurement of cotton plants under field conditions
Parental bonding and religiosity as predictors of dispositional forgiveness
Storying the musical lifeworld: illumination through narrative case study
Disturbance and resilience of floodplain woodlands in a production landscape
Inclusion versus specialisation: issues in transforming the education of Australian show children
Embedding metadata and other semantics in word processing documents
Language, Culture and Identity by Philip Riley
Issues in language planning and literacy by A. J. Liddicoat
A simple time-management tool for students' online learning activities
Student views on hardware-based problem solving activities for external and on-campus teams
The roles of some key stakeholders in the future of accounting education in Australia
Using web-based portfolios in CALL teacher education
Using online dictation exercises for improving comprehension of English reduced forms
Traveller, nomadic and migrant education
Can liquidity shifts explain the lockup expiration effect in stock returns?
Teaching finite element modelling at the undergraduate level: a PBL approach
"Nobler in the mind": The emergence of early modern anxiety
Convection drying process modeling and simulation study based on tomato
Behavioral Finance and Investment Strategy
Computational power meets human contact
Beware of different guanxi measurements when doing research in China
Assessable online discussion groups as a student learning tool
Real-time pressure monitoring and control of a hydraulic system without sensor
Developing a local government marketing model
Classification of EEG signals using sampling techniques and least square support vector machines
EEG analysis on skull conductivity perturbations using realistic head model
Rice crop monitoring using new generation Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery
Improvement of the Accuracy of InSAR Image Co-Registration Based On Tie Points - A Review
Minimum packet drop sequences based networked control system model with embedded Markov chain
A case study on the revitalisation of a 2nd level engineering and spatial science PBL course
Using the jazz metaphor to teach the strategic capstone course
High-accuracy photogrammetric technique for human spine measurement
Air motor for improved engine brake efficiency: design and preliminary experiments
An analysis of information security in selected Australian organisations
Optimization of the ventilation system for a forced ventilation piggery
Manager's degree of JIT involvement, locus of control and managerial performance
Governance and management interaction in a child care setting
Utilising tablet PCs in tutorials to aid external students
Hybrid binomial Langevin-multiple mapping conditioning modeling of a reacting mixing layer
An overview of engineering education in Sri Lanka
Annotations with a Tablet PC or typed feedback: does it make a difference?
Past, present and future rainfall trends in Queensland
Engineering education - undergraduate and masters: China and down under
Modelling the change in conductivity of soil associated with the application of saline-sodic water
Small tech: the culture of digital tools
Practice and research in career counseling and development - 2008
Important themes in postgraduate research supervision and examination for communities of practice
Zimbabwean exporters: differences between high and low performers
Using institutionalism as a lens to examine ITIL adoption and diffusion
Adaptation of export marketing strategy in Zimbabwean export firms
A Prototype Biometric Security Authentication System Based upon Fingerprint Recognition
Multicast based dual amplify and forward relay scheme for 2 hop networks
Achieving p-sensitive k-anonymity via anatomy
Extended K-anonymity models against attribute disclosure
Trust-based access control for privacy protection in collaborative environment
Privacy preserving on radio frequency identification systems
Delegating revocations and authorizations in collaborative business environments
Effective collaboration with information sharing in virtual universities
Destination segmentation: a recommended two-step approach
Organisational change in Queensland small and medium size enterprises (SMEs)
Development of a climate-based computer model to reduce wheat harvest losses in Australia
The environmental regulation of mining: an international comparison
Automatic non-destructive dimensional measurement of cotton plants in real-time by machine vision
Critical spirit manifestations in TAFE teachers and their work
Land tenure security and small scale commercial agriculture perfomance in Zimbabwe
The theory and practice of managing organisational redesign within a public sector agency
Depression in patients with cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy
Investigation of household water consumption using smart metering system
I’ve got the music in me: scientific basis and application of music in sport and exercise
The importance of individual mental models for strategic thinking in organisations
Creating an eResearch desktop for the Humanities
Disaggregating the influences on IPO underpricing in the Australian fixed-price setting
The workload model: theory into practice
Crisis preparedness in government departments in Australia
Is ABC adoption a success in Australia?
Postcard from the podium: a real-world assessment task for postgradute and distance students
Contextual factors associated with information systems in a virtual supply chain
Individual correlates of organizational commitment and knowledge sharing practices
A conceptual framework for the development of engineering courses
User-controlled energy consumption in a transparent electricity system
Solar energy to mitigate electrical diurnal peak demand in Queensland
A Jupiter-like planet orbiting the nearby M dwarf GJ 832
Selection functions in doppler planet searches
A Neptune-mass planet orbiting the nearby G dwarf HD 16417
The frequency of low-mass exoplanets
The chromospheric emission of solar-type stars in the young open clusters IC 2391 and IC 2602
Surface magnetic fields on two accreting T Tauri stars: CV Cha and CR Cha
Special issue on computer-supported cooperative work: techniques and applications [Preface]
CSCWD technologies, applications and challenges
Gene specific co-regulation discovery: an improved approach
Detecting projected outliers in high-dimensional data streams
The Hague and the Ditch: the Trans-Tasman Judicial Area and the Choice of Court Convention
The lawyer as parent: Sympathy, care and character in lawyers’ ethics
What student attributes affect experience of PBL in virtual space?
Two conceptual models for facilitating learners' transitions to new post-school learning contexts
Research design for investigation of Nigeria manufacturing management
Fostering evidence-based practice and applied research in career development
Regional differences among employed nurses: a Queensland study
Identifying major contributing sources to odour annoyance using a non-specific gas sensor array
Factors influencing academics' development of e-learning environments: an Australian case study
A qualitative analysis of intellectual capital in Australian social service nonprofit organizations
Mapping out social enterprises development: a framing perspective
Harnessing knowledge for innovation in social enterprises: an intellectual capital perspective
Context and models for the analysis of individual and group needs
Story circle: digital storytelling around the world
Acknowledging Dr James Athanasou; Career development and the social inclusion agenda
The idea of deep surfaces in cultural studies
Mixing, hypersalinity and gradients in Hervey Bay, Australia
Optimal privacy-aware path in hippocratic databases
Non-linear echo cancellation - a Bayesian approach
The global diffusion of a community media practice: digital storytelling online
Romance in foreign accents: Harlequin-Mills & Boon in Australia
A call for new approaches to identities in a crisis world
Simulation of the middle miocene climate optimum
Effects of chopped hemp on mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy resins
Drivers for wireless technology acceptance in Indian healthcare
The environmental impact of engineering education in Australia
The current state of information technology governance literature
An intelligent scheme of secure routing for mobile ad hoc networks
Strategies for reflective cultural sport psychology practice
The influence of incentives and survey design on mail survey response rates for mature consumers
Special Issue: Sustainability, Social Entrepreneurship and Social Change
Generation digital management map for herbicide application in VRA spraying by using GPS
A cultural history of tarot: from entertainment to esotericism
Reusable learning designs and Second Life: issues and strategies
The effect of customers' trust on e-commerce: a survey of Indonesian customer B to C transactions
An overview of mutual funds and exchange traded funds
Managing Fixed Income Portfolios
Investing in Convertibles, Preferred Stocks and Warrants
Introduction to Market Microstructure
Accounting and Financial Analysis
Sulman Prize: History of the 20th Century Part 1
The economics of sprinkler irrigation uniformity for lettuce production with in-season rainfall
New Internationale: curated group exhibition
Three Orange Lines: group exhibition and catalogue 'Show'
Temperature 2: group exhibition
The Act of Things That Aren't There
Editorial Introduction: Three Dimensions of Changing Schools
Anna Pappas Gallery project 'InOrder Out'
PS 1999-2009: group exhibition
New Wave - Artists Publishing in the 21st Century
The reformation of the episcopate: bishops in England 1630-1690
Bringing new learning to old cultures
GCTE: a national certificate in tertiary education
Spectropolarimetric observations of the sequence-D red giant variables S Lep and Z Eri
Increasing the information available to coroners: the effect on autopsy decision-making
On building a community of practice: reflective narratives of academic learning and growth
Literacy learning across the curriculum: flagstones and frogs in action
Modelling impacts of vegetation cover change on regional climate
Building capabilities for infrastructure capacity management
Don't be depressed or editing your way out of a recession
Entwined histories: photography and tourism at the Great Barrier Reef
What makes a community age-friendly: a review of international literature
The impact of enrolment of students from New South Wales at the University of Southern Queensland
Articulating from NSW TAFE to university and professional registration as a land surveyor
Commercialisation of precision agriculture technologies in the macadamia industry
Middle schooling in New Zealand
Too Much Rope....an interview with Stephen McCarthy, author of Ned Kelly, A Widows Son
Local ground-based plane coordinates
Modulation of leukocyte hsp70 expression by gender, menstrual cycle phase and oral contraceptives
Vineyard soil health: unearthing fact from fiction
AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association
Child labor in carpet weaving: impact of social labeling in India and Nepal
Annual report 2008: South-East Queensland Irrigation Futures: research and development support
Energy and carbon accounting case study on Keytah (NEC0901)
Clive Douglas and the search for the Australian symphony
Regarding violence in Pat Barker's Double Vision
Elderly persons' perception and acceptance of using wireless sensor networks to assist healthcare
A model for healthcare system quality
Online trust in mobile commerce
Information security and privacy in HRIS
Information communication technology tools for software review and verification
Resistance to the root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei of Iranian landrace wheat
Nothing but sunshine: writing across monsoonal lines, inflecting electronic arts
Writing the history of religious authority in England 1560-1700
Research methodologies for 2LL postgraduate students
Crown rot of winter cereals: integrating molecular studies and germplasm improvement
Infection of wheat tissues by Fusarium pseudograminearum
Jupiter: friend or foe? II: The centaurs
Economics for today. 3rd Asia Pacific edition
Origin and dynamical evolution of Neptune Trojans – I. Formation and planetary migration
Organomineral fertilisers: nutrient dynamics and evaluation of agronomic characteristics
A zero-cost, real-time, Windows signal laboratory
Thermoplastic film from superfine wool powder
Application of corona discharge on desizing of polyvinyl alcohol on cotton fabrics
Characterization of superfine down powder
Needleless electrospinning of nanofibers with a conical wire coil
Study on the electrical resistance of textiles under wet conditions
Differences between the impact regimes of the terrestrial planets
Native title in Canada and Australia post Tsilhqot'in: shared thinking or ships in the night?
Exoplanet characterization and the search for life: the astronomy and astrophysics decadal survey
A possible science: topologies of interest in corporeal cultural flows
The relationship between thinking styles and emotional intelligence: an exploratory study
A cultural affair to remember: nostalgia, whiteness and migration in Love's Brother
Explaining negotiation outcomes: process or context?
Optimization effect of micro hardness by nanoclay clusters in nanoclay/epoxy composites
Student teachers' perceptions of science learning
Developing academic persistence in first year tertiary students: a case study
Role of water in the synthesis of calcined kaolin-based geopolymer
Geopolymerization process of alkali-metakaolinite characterized by isothermal calorimetry
Activating process of geopolymer source material: kaolinite
Reflections on China's WTO accession commitments and their observance
Trialling a web-based spatial information management tool with land managers in Victoria, Australia
A needs analysis framework for the design of digital repositories in higher education
Transition from school for youths with a disability: issues and challenges
Minimalism, bloodied and raw: Palahniuk's literary violence
Zizek and the ontological emergence of technology
Learning circles: breaking isolation cycles. February 2008 [Final report]
Synchronous virtual supervision of professional experience: issues and challenges
Curtin is doing a splendid job: how a wartime labour Prime Minister won press support, 1941-45
Constructive interpretation in design thinking
Won't Let The Sun (Go Down On This Love)
Shakespeare in the Park: The Tempest
Seasonal climate forecasting for better irrigation system management in Lombok, Indonesia
Preparation and characterization of series polyimides
Why are some A stars magnetic, while most are not?
Software quality and group performance
Numerical modeling of the coupled flow of brine and oil in hydrocarbon reservoirs
The effect of treatment on tribo-performance of CFRP composites
Controlled traffic farming restores soil structure
On the effect of roller materials on the power window mechanism from a tribological perspective
Occurrence, health effects and remediation of arsenic in groundwaters of Latin America
The origin of arsenic in waters and sediments from Papallacta Lake area in Ecuador
Arsenic distribution in the groundwater of the Central Gangetic Plains of Uttar Pradesh, India
Arsenic contamination, speciation and environmental consequences in the Bolivian plateau
Low-cost technologies for arsenic removal in the Chaco-Pampean Plain, Argentina
Volcanic arsenic and boron pollution of Ilopango Lake, El Salvador
Essentials of auditing, assurance services and ethics in Australia: an integrated approach
Phytochemical studies and bioactivity of Centipeda and Eremophila species
Ontology mining for personalized search
The missing link in the modern world
Why do Australian firms issue standalone warrants?
The climate change risk management matrix for the grazing industry of northern Australia
University of Queensland Law Journal v28(2) [Special editors' introduction]
Direct reaction of silicon with ethyl chloride in a fluidized bed reactor
TNOs are cool: a survey of the transneptunian region
Experimental investigation on the effect of singeing on cotton yarn properties (+Erratum)
Sheilas, wogs and metrosexuals: masculinity, ethnicity and Australian soccer
Dr. Kyle Jenkins - PS gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands PS1999-2009 group exhibition
Give 'em the Finger: the Powderfinger Project
Sea changes, tree changes and bush lessons: post-compulsory education and rural renewal
Facilitating immersion in virtual worlds: issues and considerations [workshop summary]
An exploration of cross-disciplinary engineering education research collaborations
A novel soft cluster neural network for the classification of suspicious areas in digital mammograms
Determinants of investment in Muslim developing countries: an empirical investigation
Climate change impacts on Australia's rangeland livestock carrying capacity: a review of issues
Developing teacher leaders: how teacher leadership enhances school success, 2nd ed.
For my father - the Delahuntys
Planes, trains and automobiles
A simulation comparison of normalization procedures for TOPSIS
Mining specific and general features in both positive and negative relevance feedback
Tonometric estimation of mechanical properties of a cornea and sclera
The influence of corporate governance reforms and firm performance: evidence from emerging economics
New Standards of Practice for Australian Mental Health Nurses
GraniteNet phase 2 evaluation report
Comparison of PBL assessment rubrics
Performance of preliminary test estimator under linex loss function
Partnerships and innovative models for the recruitment and retention of nurses
Inhibition of inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase reduces adipogenesis and diet-induced obesity
Considerations for recycling of compost and biosolids in agricultural soil
Anaerobic digestion of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste in a two-stage membrane process
The need for safety targets in south Asian developing countries
Comparison of epigenetic changes that have predisposed protein kinase genes to become oncogenes
The value of incorporating emotional intelligence skills in the education of accounting students
Moving in 3D: the X, Y, Z of learning through doing in immersive, virtual environments
Contours of ableism: the production of disability & abledness
Reinventing health, ageing and aged care through smart homes and intelligent technologies
The determinants for the use of wireless system in traditional Chinese hospital
Science teaching - the common thread
Selection of the optimal alternative: rehabilitation of a regional drainage channel in Bangladesh
Adsorption dynamics of cobalt [Co (ii)] on rubber granules
Added-value processing of ‘algae waste': 1st quarterly repot
Anaerobic membrane bioreactor technology for solid waste stabilization
High-resolution image generation using warping transformations
Facile auto-combustion synthesis for oxygen separation membrane application
Double-site yttria-doped Sr1−xYxCo1−yYyO3−δ perovskite oxides as oxygen semi-permeable membranes
Evaluation of mixed‐conducting lanthanum‐strontium‐cobaltite ceramic membrane for oxygen separation
Density variation of different shaped food particulates in fluid bed drying: empirical models
Minimum fluidization velocity of food materials: effect of moisture and shape
A retrospective evaluation of a community-based physical activity health promotion program
Natural, Biodegradable and Sustainable: Australian Merino Wool
Rebuilding an industry brand with green credentials: the global wool industry
Toowoomba: a sense of history 1840-2008
Nursing student's attitudes towards intimate partner violence
Building the capacity of communities to increase their resilience
Potential electrical distribution systems for renewable energy
Strengthening farmers through the camera’s eye
Principles of primate feeding and nutrition. Part 1 Evaluation of diets offered in an Australian zoo
Future challenges in delivering Agromet outputs to farmers
Clinically indicated replacement versus routine replacement of peripheral venous catheters [Review]
The Power of Leisure: 'I Was an Anorexic; I’m Now a Healthy Triathlete'
A media analysis approach to evaluating national health information infrastructure development
The Response of a Stochastically Forced ENSO Model to Observed Off-Equatorial Wind Stress Forcing
The Modulation of ENSO Variability in CCSM3 by Extratropical Rossby Waves
A multiproxy index of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation, A.D. 1525-1982
An Exploratory Study of the Application of Internal Marketing in Professional Service Organizations
Removal of sulfate from high-strength wastewater by crystallisation
Anaerobic digestion of spent bedding from deep litter piggery housing
A Study on Nucleation for Protein Crystallization in Mixed Vessels
Evaporation, Temperature and Water Quality Impacts for AquaArmourTM Floating Pods
Multiscale simulation of coupled length-scales via meshless method and molecular dynamics
Enhanced MHD Transport in Astrophysical Accretion Flows: Turbulence, Winds and Jets
Self-management techniques for bipolar disorder in a sample of New Zealand Chinese
Learning `otherWISE': Being wise about consumption
Mainstreaming sustainability into pre-service teacher education in Australia
The geostationary orbit: a critical legal geography of space’s most valuable real estate
Women's participation in the Australian Digital Content Industry : initial case study findings