Regional voices talk theatre: audience development for the performing arts

Mechatronics and machine vision in practice

Dynamic range analysis on MIMO-OFDM broadband channels in a populated time-varying indoor environment

A model, schema, and interface for metadata file systems

Centre pivot and lateral move machines

The impact of national culture on software engineering practices

The status of training and education in information and computer technology of Australia's nurses: a national survey

Normal form transforms separate slow and fast modes in stochastic dynamical systems

Patterns in the received facial UV exposure of school children measured at a subtropical latitude

Constraint splitting and article typology: Evidence from Sinhala

From parameters to constraints: Explaining alternations in causee expression

Growth dynamics of Solidago canadensis L.

Screening practices in dance—applying the research

A coupled numerical approach for nonlinear dynamic fluid‐structure interaction analysis of a near‐bed submarine pipeline

Development of a QEMSCAN® coal analysis capability

Biocomposites of cellulose reinforced starch: improvement of properties by photo-induced crosslinking


Study on cluster formation of poly 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes

Preparation of poly 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate functionalized carbon nanotubes as novel biomaterial nanocomposites

A facile synthesis, antibacterial, and antitubercular studies of some piperidin-4-one and tetrahydropyridine derivatives

Virtual Scanning technology – the relationship to oxidative stress and applicability to diabetes management

Chemical immunology and allergy - Volume 93, superantigens and superallergens by G MaroneS and Karger AG

The ‘vitamin E regeneration system’ (VERS) and an algorithm to justify antioxidant supplementation in diabetes – A hypothesis

Oxidative damage indices for the assessment of subclinical diabetic macrovascular complications

Chromogenic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus media: Notice of two types of false positive morphologies

Confusion in a virtual world

Shoaling of the off-equatorial south Indian Ocean thermocline: Is it driven by anthropogenic forcing?

Evidence of impacts from rising temperature on inflows to the Murray-Darling Basin

Dynamics of late autumn rainfall reduction over southeastern Australia

The south-east Australia drought: Possible causes

Biology and Reproductive Behavior of Murgantia histrionica (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)

Investigations into plant biochemical wound-response pathways involved in the production of aphid-induced plant volatiles

Behavioural responses of the seven-spot ladybird Coccinella septempunctata to plant headspace chemicals collected from four crop Brassicas and Arabidopsis thaliana, infested with Myzus persicae

Flame-retardant-wrapped carbon nanotubes for simultaneously improving the flame retardancy and mechanical properties of polypropylene

Faint super-soft X-ray sources in XMM-Newton Large Magellanic Cloud fields

Long-slit optical spectroscopy of Large Magellanic Cloud radio supernova remnants

Optical spectra of radio planetary nebulae in the small Magellanic cloud

Optimal image subtraction method: Summary derivations, applications, and publicly shared application using IDL

Further constraints on the presence of a debris disk in the multiplanet system gliese 876

A Pilot Survey for the H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey

Environmental management system adoption by government departments/agencies

The Drying Constant and its Effect on the Shrinkage Constant of Different-Shaped Food Particulates

In-line Flocculation-Submersed MF/UF Membrane Hybrid System in Tertiary Wastewater Treatment

A combined photocatalytic slurry reactor–immersed membrane module system for advanced wastewater treatment

Hydrocolloid Gel Particles: Formation, Characterization, and Application

Cultural brokerage and regional arts: Developing an enabler model for cultural and economic sustainability

Econsent: Provenance, Use and Future Role

Revisiting terminology in construction project management

Local Media Representations of Islam before 9/11

The Acceleration of SOA Adoption in Singapore: Challenges and Issues

Bringing ‘second life’ to a tough undergraduate course : cognitive apprenticeship through machinimas

Improving equity in malaria treatment: Relationship of socio-economic status with health seeking as well as with perceptions of ease of using the services of different providers for the treatment of malaria in Nigeria

Pre-service teachers’ understandings of child abuse and their professional role in child protection

The effects of the balanced scorecard on performance: The impact of the alignment of the strategic goals and performance reporting

The lure of the bush: Do rural placements influence student nurses to seek employment in rural settings?

Expectations and realities for first year students at an Australian university

The Student Success Project : Helping students at-risk of failing or leaving a unit - a work in progress

Magnetorotational instability in protoplanetary discs: the effect of dust grains

Unsupervised Learning for Image Classification based on Distribution of Hierarchical Feature Tree

Specialist Versus Generic Models of Psychiatry Training and Service Provision for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Quality and potential utility of ENSO-based forecasts of spring rainfall and wheat yield in south-eastern Australia

Corticospinal-evoked responses in lower limb muscles during voluntary contractions at varying strengths

Out-of-hospital administration of corticosteroids to patients with acute asthma: A case study and literature review

Are library and information professionals ready for evidence-based practice?

To be Web 2.0, or not to be Web 2.0: is that the question?

A pilot program of physical activity promotion among clients receiving home and community care

Drying constant and shrinkage constant relations of different shaped food particulates: empirical models

C60 reduces the flammability of polypropylene nanocomposites by in situ forming gelled-ball network

Polypropylene/clay nanocomposites prepared by in situ grafting–melt intercalation with a novel co-intercalating monomer

Thermal degradation and flame retardancy of polypropylene/C60 nanocomposites

Effects of metal chelates on a novel oligomeric intumescent flame retardant system for polypropylene

Continuous treatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste in an anaerobic two-stage membrane process (PowerPoint)

Continuous treatment of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste in an anaerobic two-stage membrane process (Paper)

Characterizing and constitutive modelling of aramid fibres at high strain rates

Excel files of bispectral index (BIS), anaesthesia levels and nominal patient data based on sensitivity to anaesthesia

The interplay between p53 and p21 tumor suppressor proteins in the transformation of colorectal adenoma to carcinoma

Pneumococcal virulence gene expression and host cytokine profiles during pathogenesis of invasive disease

Gamba spirits, gender relations, and healing in post-civil war Gorongosa, Mozambique

Memories as weapons: the politics of peace and silence in post-civil war Mozambique

Multi‐perspective strategic goal setting, performance reporting and organisational performance

The radial velocity experiment (RAVE): second data release

One step forward and one step back: the Noongar South-West Native Title Claim

Imagining the 'Oriental' woman: Australian soldiers in Imperial India

SCA Gallery-University of Sydney, 2008 group exhibition 'My Eyes Keep Me In Trouble'

The relationship between activity-based costing and the balanced scorecard and their combined effect on organisational performance under alternative competitive strategies

Rich media technologies and uncertain futures: Developing sustainable, scalable models

Participatory action research for professional development: changing our approach to distance learning

Space considerations: materials in the learning environment in three majority world preschool settings

Cloud observations for the statistical evaluation of the UV index at Toowoomba, Australia

Legal studies in action 1: Queensland (3rd edition) (includes teacher support manual)

SPI long term benefits: case studies of five small firms

Shrinkage estimators of intercept parameters of two simple regression models with suspected equal slopes

A level set method with maximum design domain limits

Nonlinear analysis and behavior of concrete-filled steel tubular beam-columns

Performance-based optimization of strut-and-tie models in reinforced concrete deep beams

Music therapy to manage asthma

Developing anti-racist futures through anti-bias multicultural early childhood education

Participatory action research, sacred existential epistemology, the eighth moment of qualitative research and beyond…

Preschoolers' awareness of, and sensitivities to, social justice issues: children's literature and participatory action research

Iterative decision-feedback equalizer with cyclic detection for DFT-S OFDM system

Automated vehicle classification system using advanced noise reduction technology

Measuring student use of ICT: a summary of findings of ICT use in Queensland Catholic schools

Analysing trust as a means of improving the effectiveness of the virtual supply chain

Engaging with images and stories: using a Learning Circle approach to develop agency of beginning 'at-risk' pre-service teachers

An holistic approach for counsellors: embracing multiple intelligences

Burnout confirmed as a viable explanation for beginning teacher attrition

Drivers for and obstacles to the development of interactive multimodal technology-mediated distance higher education courses

Revisiting how sport psychology can best be illustrated

Snapshot simulation of internet traffic: fast and accurate for heavy-tailed flows

Two-equation model of mean flow resonances in subcritical flow systems

Extending the boundaries of IQ: can collaboration with information management improve corporate governance?

Asymptotically accurate flow completion time distributions under fair queueing

Teaching generic skills: eroding the higher purpose of universities, or an opportunity for renewal?

Tourism community views on destination positioning: a case study

Searching for gems in the mud: an example of critical reflection on research in education

The inertial dynamics of thin film flow of non-Newtonian fluids

Strengthening of shear damaged RC beams with external clamping

A boy behaving badly: investigating teachers' assumptions about gender, behaviour, mobility and literacy learning

A journey of deceptions and leaps of faith: personal reflections about undertaking a Doctor of Philosophy research project

itSMF Australia 2007 Conference: summary of ITSM standards and frameworks survey responses

Bridging the gap: identifying needs and aspirations of indigenous students to facilitate their entry to university

Evaluation of Tweedie exponential dispersion model densities by Fourier inversion

Building-in quality rather than assessing quality afterwards: a technological solution to ensuring computational accuracy in learning materials

Guest editors' introduction to special theme issue [of International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning]: Doctoral designers: challenges and opportunities in planning and conducting educational research

A preliminary evaluation of the potential to use electromagnetic induction to assess sprinkler irrigation performance in horticultural crops

The role of government in e-business adoption

Note on remote laboratory access: a networking perspective

Internet pooling: routing for load distribution in access networks

Writing issues in designing doctoral research: interpretation, representation, legitimation and desiring in investigating the education of Australian show people

Performance psychology: being the best, the best you can be, or just a little better?

Reinterpreting the trade and commerce power

Optimizing solar UV-radiation exposures for vitamin D3: comparing global and diffuse spectral UV radiation

M2S2 modular deployable shelter system: concept and analysis technique

Experimental investigation of innovative hybrid composite girders with GFRP and CFRP

3D online spaces for teacher education: mapping the territory

Exploring the worth of online communities and e-mentoring programs for beginning teachers

Computer algebra describes flow of turbulent floods via the Smagorinski large eddy closure

Face value

Queensland rainfall decline

Change detection through clustering and spectral analysis

Processing of composites using variable and fixed frequency microwave facilities

Fracture toughness of phenol formaldehyde composites: pilot study

Contrast joints of glass-fibre with carbon-fibre reinforced low density polyethylene composite bonded by microwave irradiation

An estimation of willingness to pay for asparagus (Asparagus racemosus Willd.) collectors in Makawanpur District, Nepal

Are floods in part a form of land use externality?

Nonlinear analysis of short concrete-filled steel tubular beam-columns under axial load and biaxial bending

A level set method for topology optimization of continuum structures with bounded design domain

Travellers, education of

Environmental sustainability - a driver for innovation in construction SMEs?

The rock whence ye are hewn: the book of Ebenezer Le Page and Guernsey literature and history

Unfair dismissal: a returning concern for SMEs

The inverse nature of an Australian bay

Diversity management in German and Indian manufacturing companies

Places and spaces for learning seminars September 2007 (Draft report)

Influence of material structure properties on sliding contact performance of CGRP composite

Influence of summer daylight saving time on scattered erythemal solar ultraviolet exposures

Managing the effect of infiltration variability on the performance of surface irrigation

An evaluation of electronic individual peer assessment in an introductory programming course

Incorporating programming strategies explicitly into curricula

At the heart of school change: the experience of participation in a whole-school revitalisation project

The principal in a process of school revitalisation: a metastrategic role

Insights into how regional tourism operators view their markets

Lessons learned from renewable electricity marketing attempts: a case study

Selection of non-timber forest species for community and private plantations in the high and low altitude areas of Makawanpur District, Nepal

Piggery: from environmental pollution to a climate change solution

Do directors need better statutory protection when acting on the advice of others?

Predicting absenteeism and turnover intentions in the health professions

Nurses' confidence and experience in using information technology

Mobilising multiliteracies: pedagogy for mobile students

Towards collaborative professional learning in the first year early childhood teacher education practicum: issues in negotiating the multiple interests of stakeholder feedback

Effects of catalysts and post-curing conditions in the polymer network of epoxy and phenolic resins: preliminary results

Corporate social responsibility and bank customer satisfaction: a research agenda

Measurement and management of furrow irrigation at the field scale

More than just the media: considering the role of public relations in the creation of sporting celebrity and the management of fan expectations

Lessons in implementing a learning management system in a university: the academic user perspective

Feature extraction from whole-sky ground-based images for cloud-type recognition

Straddling the continuum between three course meals and snacks: the changing flavour of knowledge creation and dissemination

Environmentally-active consumers' preferences for zero-emission vehicles: public sector and marketing implications

Field calibrations of a long-term UV dosimeter for aquatic UVB exposures

Australia's equity home bias

Measurement variation and the factors influencing the UV index

Choice of law: the presumption in the proof of foreign law

A practitioner's journey exploring transformative approaches to the professional development of online educators

Mapping information of operating theatre waiting list process

An efficient hash-based algorithm for minimal k-anonymity

Exploring the motivations for engagement in sport tourism

Signing the school in neoliberal times: the public pedagogy of being pedagogically public

Lifelong learning journeys on the move: reflecting on successes and framing futures for Australian show people

Knowledge management and lifelong learning: reflecting on successes and framing futures

Framing the future of FET: student engagement, quality assurance and lifelong learning in further education and training teacher education programs

Nursing students' information literacy skills prior to and after information literacy instruction

Teleological pressures and ateleological possibilities on and for a fragile learning community: implications for framing lifelong learning futures for Australian university academics

Lifelong learning, work, retirement and inalienable interconnectivity: reflecting on personal successes and framing collective futures

Telling tales: metanarratives, counternarratives and other stories in lifelong learning successes and futures [Keynote]

An overview of research into My Career Chapter — a dialogical autobiography

Towards evaluation of adaptive control systems for improved site-specific irrigation of cotton

Ethical considerations in providing distance education in the light of massification

I'm not alone: first year course leaders helped through communities of practice

Evaluation of current DEM accuracy for Condamine Catchment

Primary teachers' beliefs about the use of mathematics textbooks

Investigating strategy use for a single choice decision

Autoethnography as a method for reflexive research and practice in vocational psychology

Adults returning to study mathematics

Conducting a trial of web conferencing software: why, how, and perceptions from the coalface

Protecting information sharing in distributed collaborative environment

Rape and the Memex

Conflicting views on ITIL implementation: managed as a project-or business as usual?

Prediction distribution for linear regression model with multivariate student-t errors

Australia's equity home bias and real exchange rate volatility

Communities of practice: a sphere of influence enhancing teaching and learning in higher education

Steps in developing an advanced software engineering course using problem based learning

Designing learning objects for generic web sites

Utilising polyphenylene oxide for high exposure solar UVA dosimetry

Utilising shade to optimize UV exposure for vitamin D

Virtual worlds: exploring potential for educational interaction

The style files: teach explicit skills with feedback

The style files: write to read breadth first, not depth first

Computer algebra derives discretisations via self-adjoint multiscale modelling

Building spatial data infrastructure to support sustainable catchment management

Digital elevation model accuracy requirements for catchment management

Unlocking the potential of spatial information through data sharing: it's a two way street

Using soil loss models to estimate suspended solids concentrations in stormwater runoff from pre-urban areas

Comparison of storage requirements for two different stormwater harvesting strategies

Reflected solar radiation from horizontal, vertical and inclined surfaces: ultraviolet and visible spectral and broadband behaviour due to solar zenith angle, orientation and surface type

Bangladesh-India bilateral trade: causes of imbalance and measures for improvement

The foreign trade of Bangladesh: its composition, performance, trend, and policy

The conjurer's new card trick and the illusion of privacy: a discussion of the privacy and transparency issues associated with the proposed Australian Government Health and Social Services Access Card

Get up! For what? Issues driven democracy in a transforming public sphere

From book proposal to publication: conveying our stories of transforming learning with ICT

ACT to improve ICT use for learning: a synthesis of studies of teacher confidence in using ICT in two Queensland schooling systems

Combining ability analysis of Fusarium head blight resistance in western European wheat lines

Interactive multimodal technology-mediated distance education courses: the academic's perspective

Clinical usefulness of handheld wireless technology in healthcare: a cross-national study of Australia and India

Cost-benefit analysis of restoring the Buriganga River, Bangladesh

Stability of an Australian inverse bay

Pre-service teachers developing literacy identities

Professional conversations: teacher educators making sense of literacy pedagogies

Degree of site suitability measurement in a GIS: the effect of various standardization methods

Discrimination against same sex attracted youth: the role of the school counsellor

Loss distribution issues in multinational torts claims: giving substance to substance

Imaging the environmental ultraviolet

Thermo-magnetic convection in a vertical layer of ferromagnetic fluid

Innovative and effective methods of learning other languages and their benefits

Using Valsiner

Using web-based language learning activities in the ESL classroom

Bridging the gap: identifying needs and aspirations of indigenous students to facilitate entry to USQ

The ethics of designing for multimodality: empowering non traditional learners

Combining web data mining techniques for web page access prediction

Evaluation of genetic diversity of Fusarium head blight resistance in European winter wheat

The storied self: deconstructing the constructivist teacher

Revisiting plane Couette-Poiseuille flows of a piezo-viscous fluid

Monitoring and assessing salinity and temperature variations in Hervey Bay

Spatial imaginaries and the student learning journey in higher education: transition as a contested space

Estimation in multiple regression model with elliptically contoured errors under MLINEX loss

Take-home physics experiment kit for on-campus and off-campus students

The psychological, psychophysical and ergogenic effects of music in sport: a review and synthesis

Bifurcations in convection of incompressible fluid in a rotated square cylinder

The impact of certain determinants on the ethical perceptions and attitudes of corporate managers in Malaysia

Islam and the concept of the secular

Transition of graduates from backpack-to-briefcase: a case study

Exploring the educational potential of social networking sites: the fine line between exploiting opportunities and unwelcome imposition

Flawed nature cosmology

Schools and the law: emerging legal issues internationally with implications for school leaders in Singapore

An analysis of unfair dismissal grievance arbitration in Australia

Reflecting on research practice: a retrospective means of framing future learning

Online learning communities: adopting a learner-centred perspective to frame lifelong learning futures

Current developments of k-anonymous data releasing

Getting it right: where is the place of the wrong in multinational torts cases?

Sine square distribution: a new statistical model based on the sine function

An interpretative phenomenological analysis of adult clients' experience of My Career Chapter

Growing your wine business: the value of market research

Critical pedagogical practice through cultural studies

Digitally democratizing the new ethnographic endeavour: getting thicker around the Geertz?

Applying sport psychology to business

Mood and anxiety scores predict winning and losing performances in tennis

Development and initial validation of the Brazil Mood Scale

Changing primary students' perceptions of teacher interpersonal behaviours in science

A study of teachers' perspectives about using multimodal representations of concepts to enhance science learning

A new view of water masses after WOCE: a special edition [of Progress in Oceanography] for Professor Matthias Tomczak

The virtues of the virtual organization

Prevalence and predictors of default with tuberculosis treatment in Sri Lanka

Estimation of slope for linear regression model with uncertain prior information and student-t error

Evaluating individual teaching on the road to embedding academic skills

Alluvial evidence for major climate and flow regime changes during the middle and late Quaternary in eastern central Australia

Factors that influence career decision-making among elite athletes

Transnational pedagogy from policy to practice: beginnings of the journey

The whisperings of a Doctor of Philosophy student's phenomenography

Examining limits of confidentiality in real-life consultations: concerns and considerations

Autonomic and sense and respond logistics: the 'foxhole to factory to foxhole' continuum of combat service support

Dynamics and control of a VTOL quad-thrust aerial robot

Blind search inverse kinematics for controlling all types of serial-link robot arms

Comparing and predicting soil carbon quantities under different land use systems on the red ferrosol soils of southeast Queensland

Sentencing on a colonial frontier: Judge Therry's decisions at Moreton Bay

Development of a high pressure compressed natural gas mixer for a 1.5 litre CNG-diesel dual engine

Impact on a water filled cylinder

Australian housing market: causes and effects of rising price

A Cartesian grid technique based on one-dimensional integrated radial basis function networks for natural convection in concentric annuli

Random Mutagenesis Identifies Novel Genes Involved in the Secretion of Antimicrobial, Cell Wall-Lytic Enzymes by Lactococcus lactis

Quantifying the advantage of secondary mathematics study for accounting and finance undergraduates

Golfers and UV exposures: an application of miniaturised polysulphone dosimetry

Is there a basis for the notion of athletic identity?

Modelling the erythemally effective UV to students in a school environment

Peer assisted learning in fleximode: developing an online learning community

Relationship between electrical and mechanical loss tangents of SLG reinforced phenolic composites: pilot study

Contemporary educational research: selected tactics and tools for traversing and transforming the terrains

Dangerous terrains: negotiating ethical dilemmas

An analysis of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions status of Annex I countries: can they meet Kyoto targets?

Identification of a suspect before being charged

Locating justice in a warming world: developing notions of climate justice in the UK and the USA

Women on the South-East Queensland frontier

Development of a short duration hypersonic test facility at Universiti Tenaga Nasional

Numerical simulation of inviscid transient flows in shock tube and its validations

The development of learning and teaching strategies and technical texts for diverse groups of adult learners

Variability and change of the Indo-Pacific climate system and their impacts upon Australia rainfall

Does a spin-orbit coupling between the Sun and the Jovian planets govern the solar cycle?

Infrastructure for remotely accessible laboratories at the University of Southern Queensland

Hyperlinked concept map enhancements for electronic study materials

Using student experience of problem-based learning in virtual space to drive engineering educational pedagogy

Successful use of a wiki to facilitate virtual team work in a problem-based learning environment

Assessment strategy for virtual teams undertaking the EWB Challenge

Talking theatre: developing audiences for regional Australia

More machine vision applications in the NCEA

Putting chronically-ill university students into the research limelight

Chart of accounts: a framework for measuring the economic and social contributions by older Australians

Lost in the wilderness: when the search for identity comes up blank

Robotics in agriculture and forestry

Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, internal control, and ERP systems: the case of mySAP ERP

Pakastani healthcare professionals views and opinions about use of wireless handheld devices in healthcare environment

Inflation and food security: some emerging issues in developing countries

An economic analysis of the public-private-community partnership: the case of solid waste management

Models of public investment in human services in Australia: issues of economic efficiency

Looking forward, looking back: framing the future for teaching for social justice in early childhood education

Predictive mapping of blackberry in the Condamine Catchment using logistic regression and spatial analysis

Tensile tests of phenol formaldehyde SLG reinforced composites: pilot study

The efficacy of band weighting schemes for improving the accuracy and precision of water quality parameters estimated from MERIS and MODIS image data

Performance and pay practices in German and Indian manufacturing companies

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? An exploratory study of baby boomers travelling with their grandchildren

Factors associated with nutritional status of children in Bangladesh: a multivariate analysis

A dyad perspective of buyer-seller relationships - the case of Taiwan agribusinesses

Developing a presence in a mainstream market with a product perceived as offbeat

Teaching strategic marketing: applying the jazz metaphor

On the offbeat: applying the jazz metaphor to move from mainstream to more holistic marketing research

Getting in tune with the psychology of musical performance

Individualism, collectivism, and voting behaviour: a pilot study into the 2007 Australian federal election

Using an authentic learning environment to help students see that there's more to research than Google and Wikipedia: a reflection

A new paradigm for professional development framework and curriculum renewal in engineering management education: a proposal for reform

Estimating the economic value of river restoration

Creating the on-line documentary: a satellite solution

Improved meta analysis using predicted relative risk

Taylorism, targets, technology and teams - compatible concepts? Evidence from a US call centre

It's just another war!

Web 2.0 in teacher education: two imperatives for action

Teaching by example? Integrating ICT in teacher education

Modified detrended fluctuation analysis method in depth of anesthesia assessment application

Tissue conductivity anisotropy inhomogeneity study in EEG head modelling

Online learning with peer-review: an initial study

Model-based networked control system stability based on packet drop distributions

Building a framework for understanding and improving information technology transfer process in the Arab countries

Issues for successful IT transfer in the Arab world: a multiple stakeholder perspective

Information management in healthcare all gaps and opportunities

The effect of the category of sport team on the role of nostalgia in an individual supporter's psychological connection to that sport team

I'm not playing anymore: developing a model of why consumers stop playing social sport

Roll up, roll up! The effect of social crowding on consumer enjoyment of special event entertainment

Wireless networks: cross-layer Mac design

Design approach for photovoltaic power stations for demand-side requirements and competitive energy cost

Chromosome composition in an F2 hexaploid x durum cross analysed by DArT markers and MCFISH

The application of molecular markers for partial resistance against fusarium crown rot in hexaploid and tetraploid wheats

Perceived social problem solving, perfectionism, and mindful awareness in clinical depression: An exploratory study

Innovative mechatronic technologies in horticultural systems

Locating the researcher in the research: personal narrative and reflective practice

Evaluation of simultaneous storage and growth model to explain aerobic biodegradation of acetate

Respirometric and titrimetric techniques for monitoring aerobic biodegradation of surfactant

Decoupling control of a twin rotor MIMO system using robust deadbeat control technique

Technology strategy and performance: a study of information technology service providers from selected Asian countries

The impact of disabilities and long-term medical conditions on the student learning experience at USQ

WorkChoices: hardly a new agenda

Accounting conservatism in Greater China: the influence of institutions and incentives

A critical theory and postmodernist approach to the teaching of accounting theory

Japanese culture and budgeting: a review of the literature and a limited pilot study to illustrate the research agenda

Decisions, decisions, decisions: multiple pathways to choice

Micro and macro connections in minority language planning: the case of Dinka in Australia

Activity-based costing and process benchmarking: an application to general insurance

The ethical infrastructure of legal practice in larger law firms: values, policy and behaviour

Preliminary observations of cloud and precipitation characteristics in the Brisbane, Australia region

Directors to hide from a sea of liabilities in a new safe harbour

Culture, product type, and price influences on consumer purchase intention to buy personalized products online

Self-authentication of encrypted channels in service network graph

Teaching english as a second language: pedagogy and ecology for 21st century learning environments

Fostering positive cross-cultural attitudes through language teaching

Instant handoffs for wireless infrastructure meshed networks

Using spreadsheets to make algebra more accessible - part 1: equations and functions

Recovering public memory: politics, aesthetics and contempt

MYOB version 17: a hands on approach, 4th ed.

Combating HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria: millennium development goal 6

Working together to enhance school outcomes: an Australian case study of parallel leadership

In the third space: the storied self, uncertainty and transition

Virtual territories: transformative learning in online higher education contexts

Factors affecting trust within Australian beef supply chain

Transforming place, space and inner terrain in three fields of adult education research

Mapping the inner landscape of Australian TAFE teachers: navigating contours by explicating critical spirit

Framing futures through notions of a particular 'Community of Practice': what TAFE teachers said

Leadership for mobilising change in educating teachers for further education and training

A critical theory perspective on the pressures, contradictions and dilemmas faced by entry-level accounting academics

eResearch for Word users?

Criminal sanctions for cartel behaviour

Time to abolish the rule in Searle v Wallbank for negligence and nuisance claims

Gamma rays

Are the sciences indigenisable? Of course they are!

Guest editor's introduction to special theme issue [of International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning]: Contextualising CALL locally and globally

Erythemal ultraviolet and Vitamin D effective exposures received by amateur golfers

Pen ink as an ultraviolet dosimeter

A node-based element for analysis of planar piezoelectric structures

Hardware-based engineering problem solving for on-campus and external teams

A meshless modeling of dynamic strain localization in quasi-brittle materials using radial basis function networks

A second-order continuity domain-decomposition technique based on integrated Chebyshev polynomials for two-dimensional elliptic problems

Energy analysis of hydraulic fracturing

A smoothed four-node piezoelectric element for analysis of two-dimensional smart structures

A meshless approach to capturing moving interfaces in passive transport problems

Interdecadal variability of regional sea surface temperature and rainfall in the Austral-Indonesian region

Assessment of GCM-based rainfall simulations for the Austral-Indonesian region

Modelling ultraviolet exposures in a school environment

An integral-collocation-based fictitious-domain technique for solving elliptic problems

A point-collocation method based on integrated Chebyshev polynomials for elliptic differential equations in irregular domains

A multidomain integrated RBF collocation method for elliptic differential equations

An efficient domain-decomposition pseudo-spectral method for solving elliptic differential equations

Nodal integration finite element techniques for analysis of piezoelectric solids

Simulation of hydraulic fracturing in brittle rocks

A common law cocoon: Australia and the Rome II Regulation

Free vibration analysis of laminated plate/shell structures based on FSDT with a stabilized nodal-integrated quadrilateral element

Using the polyphenylene oxide dosimeter for extended underwater UV measurements

Usage of the polyphenylene oxide dosimeter to measure solar UVB and erythemal UV exposures over extended intervals

Measurement of ultraviolet radiation reflectivity: underestimating the influence of specular reflection in personal ultraviolet radiation exposure from non-horizontal surfaces

Modelling personal UV exposure in a school playground

A meshless technique based on integrated radial basis function networks for elliptic partial differential equations

On the use of integrated RBFs in Galerkin approximation for elliptic problems

An effective high-order point-collocation numerical approach based on integrated approximants for elliptic differential equations

A multidomain integrated-radial-basis-function collocation method for elliptic problems

Characterising the influence on human UV exposures due to reflective vertical surfaces

Measurement of solar UVB exposures in sea water with a high exposure dosimeter

Techniques for solar dosimetry in different ecosystems

Forward with unfair dismissal claims

Bridging the divide: regional performing arts centres and non-theatregoers introduced

New audiences' reception of plays (before, during and after)

Community-level approaches in language planning: the case of Hungarian in Australia

Child labour in developing countries: the role of education, poverty and birth order

Interactive multimodal technology-mediated distance education courses: the academic's perspective

Commonwealth Games: Fraser's vision and Zimbabwe's road to majority rule

Packaging exploitation in fast moving consumer goods:consumer processing of sponsorship messages

How do in-mall entertainment events impact on consumers' shopping mall behaviours? a model of special event entertainment

The role of workload and driver coping styles in predicting bus drivers' need for recovery, positive and negative affect, and physical symptoms

Sports consumption behaviour among generation Y in mainland China

The impact of negative publicity on: an individual sporting celebrity's brand DNA; the brand DNA of their associated team and/or sport; and attitudes of their sponsors and partners

The role of nostalgia in determining consumers' sport team identification

Determination of the financial return on marketing investment for sports events in Canada

A contemporary snapshot of consumer attitudes to sport sponsorship in Australia

Relationships between young drivers' personality characteristics, risk perceptions, and driving behaviour

Vegetation changes following the exclusion of grazing in the Traprock region

Revealing long term land use and land cover change in a severely disturbed environment

Elastodynamic reciprocity relations for wave scattering by flaws in fiber-reinforced composite plates

Managing people, knowledge and client relations for international competitiveness of offshore information technology services providers

Digital literacies in two low socioeconomic classrooms: snapshots of practice

Long-term administration of antisense oligonucleotides into the paraspinal muscles of mdx mice reduces kyphosis

Mental health first aid training for advisory and extension agents working with farmers

Dynamical system approach and attracting manifolds in K-epsilon model of turbulent jet

Editor's introduction to special theme issue [of International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning]: Pedagogical meanings emerging in practice (Part 1)

Editor's introduction to special theme issue [of International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning]: Pedagogical meanings emerging in practice (Part 2)

A case study of learning in english as a foreign language (EFL) in Japan: high school students' english proficiency levels and fostering positive cross-cultural attitudes

Living landscapes of the dead: archaeology of the afterworld among the Rumu of Papua New Guinea

Autoethnography for reflexive research and practice

Evaluating the impact of tax-for-fee reform (fei gai shui) on water resources and agriculture production in the Zhanghe irrigation system, China

Development of climate-based computer model to reduce crop harvest losses in Australia

Re-thinking diversity in higher education: the 'deficit-discourse' shift

How engineers become CEOs: implications for education and training

How engineers become CEOs: implications for education and training

A reflection in the innovation and technology transfer experience in a regional micro-manufacturer: a case study

Surgical disruption: information quality perspective

The imperative of strategic foresight to strategic thinking

Raising the bar: from corporate social responsibility to corporate social performance

They said they'd never win: Humane Society International Inc v Kyodo Senpaku Kaisha Ltd

Engaging distance and on-campus students in problem based learning

Insights into public preferences for pharmaceutical funding

Critical drivers affecting strategic alignment of outsourcing service providers and their customers in Thailand

Fibre composite windmill structure - challenges in the design and development

Towards a new frontier in understanding the contextual influences on paediatric inactivity

The troubling terrain of lifelong learning: a highway cruise or a cross-country trek?

The challenging terrains of educating girls in Papua New Guinea

Voyaging in and writing back: charting a course of action sensitive to intercultural difference

Tracking creativity and creative learning: traversing a troubled terrain

The unbeatable whiteness of the iPod

iCon of a generation

Anomaly detection in high-dimensional network data streams: a case study

SPOT: a system for detecting projected outliers from high-dimensional data streams

Bio-Sense: a system for supporting sharing and exploration in bioinformatics using semantic web services

Towards outlier detection for high-dimensional data streams using projected outlier analysis strategy

A review of ontology and web service composition

Bio-SENSE: semantic web services for bioinformatics provenance

Child labour and school attendance: evidence from Bangladesh

Airline consolidation and its market power implication on China Eastern's business routes: a simple difference-in-differences analysis

China's airline deregulation since 1997 and the driving forces behind the 2002 airline consolidations

Managing trade-offs in landscape restoration and revegetation projects

Discover gene specific local co-regulations from time-course gene expression data

Gene specific co-regulation discovery from gene microarray data

A mathematical model to account for quantitative iterative effect of TNF-α positive feedback mechanism on inflammatory cascade in TLR-4 mediated TNF-α signaling pathway

Principles of information systems

Problem set 2

Problem set 1

Problem solving activities in a constructivist framework: exploring how students approach difficult problems

On the nature of mathematical education of engineers: identifying hidden obstacles and potential for improvement

Theoretical perspectives of the process of making conjectures [in Spanish]

Making generalisations in geometry: students' views on the process: a case study

Notes on 'perpetual question' of problem solving: how can learners best be taught problem-solving skills?

Prediction of student actions using weighted Markov models

Enhanced p-sensitive k-anonymity models for privacy preserving data publishing

Integrating recommendation models for improved web page prediction accuracy

Priority driven K-anonymisation for privacy protection

Did the goodwill accounting standard impose material economic consequences on Australian acquirers?

Hydrological analysis of single and dual storage systems for stormwater harvesting

Word-length effects in backward serial recall and the remember/know task

On-farm economic analysis in the Australian macadamia industry, interim final report, MC03023

Adoption of quality management systems in macadamia, final report, MC03008

Efficiency of the foreign currency options market

Burgers-Rott vortices with surface tension

Stationary bathtub vortices and a critical regime of liquid discharge

Two-dimensional particle solution of the extended Hamilton-Jacobi equation

The get marketer challenge innovation: challenging students using a tournament style competition

Prediction of soil available phosphorus based on soil organic carbon

Classifying computing education papers: process and results

To participate or not to participate? Voice and explanation effects on performance in a multi-period budget setting

A systematic review of psychometric evidence and expert opinion regarding the assessment of faecal incontinence in older community-dwelling adults

AFRP retrofitting of RC structures in Japan

Using representations for teaching and learning in science

The mycorrhizal fungal associations of the vunerable Sophora fraseri (Fabaceae)

Resilience in production landscapes: comparisons between remnant and regrowth Acacia harpophylla (Brigalow) and related ecosystems

Landscape ecology theory does not apply to recruitment in Eucalyptus populnea woodlands

Resilience of ephemeral wetlands in production landscapes

Lantana invades the soil too! Effects of Lantana camara on soil fungal dominance

Change is the new stability: disturbance and riparian woodlands in a production landscape

Retaining trees in a grazing landscape: impacts on ground cover in sheep-grazing agro-ecosystems in southern Queensland

Front solutions of Richards' equation

Behaviour of shear damaged reinforced concrete beams strengthened with external post-tensioning and clamping

The Antarctic Treaty system and Japan's scientific whaling in the Southern Ocean - is there an obligation to protect the Antarctic marine ecosystem?

Information management and communication technology for conflict prevention and peace

Responding to peer reviews of articles [notes forming part of invited workshop]

It's a digital life! Digital literacies, multiliteracies and multimodality

The early intervention solution: enabling or constraining literacy learning

Arts/music learning and the development of learners' life-long creative capacity

ACT to improve ICT use for learning: a synthesis of studies of teacher confidence in using ICT in two Queensland schooling systems

Mechanical behavior of hybrid FRP composites with bolted joints

Thermo-magneto-convective instabilities in a vertical layer of ferro-magnetic fluid

Value-added role of internal audit: an Ethiopian case study

Eight years of computing education papers at NACCQ

An investigation into the innovation and technology transfer process in the SME sector within a university-industry collaboration context

Management education for the 21st century engineering manager: an Australian perspective

Stability of plane Poiseuille flow of a fluid with pressure-dependent viscosity

A historical analysis of the accounting development in Madagascar between 1900 to 2005: the journey from accounting plan to IFRS

Large area DEM generation using airborne LiDAR data and quality control

Come in spinner! opportunities and meanings emerging through distance study for professional educators

What turns students on to accounting? Is it a matter of perceived image and personality?

Using the Student Perceptions of Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) to develop an assessment typology for science classes

Assessment in first year university: a model to manage transition

Viewpoint: Localisation

Some agricultural applications of machine vision

Results of surveys among drivers and customers of for-hire three-wheelers in five small towns in Sri Lanka

Data missing and make-up work studies over a PIDn networked control system

The relevance and irrelevance of the brand for small and medium wine enterprises

Mechanisms of particle transport acceleration in porous media

The brand management structure in consumer packaged goods: A research monograph on its current status and future prospects

The effectiveness of reappraisal as an emotional regulation technique for minimizing negative emotional contagion during angry complaint interactions

Does emotional regulation training work during angry service encounters?

Solutions classification to the extended reduced Ostrovsky equation

How market research can help grow your business

The changing face of perceptual rivalry

Community connection and change: a different conceptualization of school leadership

Lockup expiration, insider selling and bid-ask spreads

An intellectual capital perspective of competitive advantage in non-profit organisations

Intellectual capital and external environment links in organisations: an exploratory study

An unusual occupation

The development of strategic management in the non-profit context: Intellectual capital in social service non-profit organisations

When is two really company?: the effects of competition and regulation on corporate governance

Situated ethics in investigating non-government organisations and showgrounds: issues in researching Japanese environmental policies and Australian traveller education

Trade unions in Thailand: declining strength and influence

Manufacturer and retailer brand innovation in grocery packaged goods categories

Online formative tests as a learning tool in engineering mathematics

The student departure puzzle: do some faculties and programs have answers?

Numerical study of a shallow foundation located near 45 degree slopes

Australia's response to illegal foreign fishing: a case of winning the battle but losing the law

Public interest litigation and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act

Public policy interventions and sustainability: complex stakeholder environments

The aims of art education: an analysis of visual art in Tasmania's Essential Learnings curriculum

Freire and dialogical pedagogy: a means for interrogating opportunities and challenges in Australian postgraduate supervision

Development of a simulation framework for variable-rate irrigation of cotton

A review of sustainability assessment methods in engineering

Language and identity in East Timor: the discourses of nation building

Changing university learning and teaching: engaging and mobilising leadership, quality and technology

Re-discovering repository architecture: adding discovery as a key service

Magneto-hydrodynamic interaction in a vertical slot filled with ferrofluid

Satisfaction in performing arts: the role of value?

Contemporary issues and emerging themes in leadership

States of emergency: on politics, language and aesthetics

Saprolegniaceae identified on amphibian eggs throughout the Pacific Northwest,USA, by internal transcribed spacer sequences and phylogenetic analysis

Systemic and school level responses to the imperatives of behaviour management: a review of one education system's plan for school improvement

Marsupial uncoupling protein 1 sheds light on the evolution of mammalian nonshivering thermogenesis

The effects of fasting and cold exposure on metabolic rate and mitochondrial proton leak in liver and skeletal muscle of an amphibian, the cane toad Bufo marinus

Heterogeneity of alpha-cardiac myosin heavy chains in a small marsupial, Antechinus flavipes, and the effect of hypothyroidism on its ventricular myosins

Causality and dynamics of energy consumption and output: evidence from non-OECD Asian countries

A FLAC model for classical earth pressure problems

Exoplanet properties from Lick, Keck and AAT

School leadership, culture and teacher stress: implications for problem students. A different lens on secondary student (mis)behaviour

Modelling information flow for surgery management process

The looming battle: Our Lady of Fatima and public space in Cold War Queensland

On-farm options for managing stream salinity in irrigation areas: an example from the Murray Darling Basin, Australia

Management of treated pulp and paper mill effluent to achieve zero discharge

Educational malpractice: legal cases and educators' views

Tertiary educator identity: we know who we are

Entrepreneurial knowledge and its effects on entrepreneurial intentions: development of a conceptual framework

Institutional analysis of strategic choice of micro, small and medium enterprises: development of a conceptual framework

Student injuries and negligence: lessons from the international scene with implications for Singapore's educators

Trade-off analysis for restoring environmental flows through irrigation demand management

Estimating potential costs and gains from an aquifer storage and recovery program in Australia

Enhancing water productivity at the irrigation system level: a geospatial hydrology application in the Yellow River Basin

The relationships between learning approaches, personality and academic success: school leavers versus nonschool leavers

A contextualized investigation of traumatic correlates of childhood sexual abuse in Australian athletes

A learning community two years on: reflecting on successes and framing futures

Scaling foliar respiration to the stand level through the growing season in a Quercus rubra forest

Social capital for knowledge management: the case of SMEs in the Asia Pacific region

Pharmacokinetics of a C5a receptor antagonist in the rat after different sites of enteral administration

In vitro permeability and metabolic stability of bile pigments and the effects of hydrophilic and lipophilic modifcation of biliverdin

Effects of maximal static apnea on antioxidant defenses in trained free divers

Improved resistance to serum oxidation in Gilbert's Syndrome: a mechanism for cardiovascular protection

The anti-mutagenic properties of bile pigments

Evaluation of a proximal vision data acquisition system for measuring spatial variability in lettuce growth

Reducing energy input costs and associated greenhouse gas emissions in cotton

Music in early childhood education: teachers’ levels of confidence and happiness

Rediscovering identity: a more generous reality for non-native English users in teaching and learning

The reading ability of good and poor temporal processors among a group of college students

Chinese government and software copyright: manipulating the boundaries between public and private

Pre-service teachers' understanding of child abuse and their professional role in child protection

Forecasting water allocations for Bundaberg sugarcane farmers

Mobile academics Down Under: the ecologies of practice, fraternal itineraries and professional identities of three Australian university lecturers

Distinct element modelling of unreinforced masonry wall under seismic loads with and without cable retrofitting

First among equals: an interview with George SanFacon

Clinical utility of predictors of return-to-work outcome following work-related musculoskeletal injury

Water reuse and cost-benefit of pumping at different spatial levels in a rice irrigation system in UPRIIS, Philippines

Fostering relationships between infants, toddlers and their primary caregivers in child care centres in Australia

Hyperspectral remote sensing of remnant tree species and regeneration stages in the Darling Downs region of Queensland, Australia

Design and development of a fibre composite wind mill structure

Method for calculating schedule delay considering weather conditions

Digital storytelling as a 'discursively-ordered domain'

Issues and challenges in language policy research in Timor-Leste

Going for 100% digital teaching and learning environments: the agony and the ecstasy

Click go the students, click-click-click: how to give and gain students' feedback to dynamically modify delivery in the classroom to students' needs

Organizational life cycle stage and controls in Australian family firms

Supervised and home-based exercise training for patients with intermittent claudication

Local media representations of Islam before 9/11

The art of redesigning ICT for the classroom

Characterisation of humidity dependence of a metal oxide semiconductor sensor array using partial least squares

Implementation of an electronic nose for continuous odour monitoring in a poultry shed

The macroeconomics impact of HIV/AIDS on the KwaZulu-Natal and South African economies and its people

Troubling terrains: tactics for traversing and transforming contemporary educational research

Energy consumption and output: time series evidence from non-OECD Asian countries

Bankruptcy and reorganization

Mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructuring

Spin-offs, equity carve-outs and targeted stocks

Cross-border acquisitions

Design of consideration in acquisitions: cash and stock offers

Real options analysis in mergers and acquisitions

Value drivers and target valuation

L1 literacy amongst generation 1b: a study of an Australian Afrikaans speaking community

Adhesive wear performance of T-OPRP and UT-OPRP composites

Replacing of glass fibres with seed oil palm fibres for tribopolymeric composites

On the effect of counterface materials on tribo-behavior of steel wire sliding under dry contact condition

Adhesive wear performance of CFRP multilayered polyester composites under dry/wet contact conditions

An investigation on worn surfaces of chopped glass fibre reinforced polyester through SEM observations

Magnesium and magnesium alloys as degradable metallic biomaterials

Prospects for and value of long-time series data using global reanalysis data sets in the development of global climate derivatives

Music mime & metamorphosis: interdisciplinary intersections, interactions and influences between music, mime and corporate communication. Doctoral project 2 (of 3): Music, mime & metamorphosis

The engineering manager of the 21st century: implications for education and professional development [Keynote address]

Membrane fluidity regulation in yeasts

Adhesive and frictional behaviour of polymeric composites based on kenaf fibre

Molecular identification of mycorrhizal fungi in Australian threatened plant species

Interim report on the Southeast Queensland Cloud Seeding Research Program

Maximising woodland bird diversity in brigalow belt forests

Against all odds: a retrospective case-controlled study of women who experienced extraordinary breastfeeding problems

Enhancing the experience: creating service opportunities using mobile phone technology in museums

A cultural feminist approach towards managing diversity in top management teams

Understanding the role of involvement in customer repurchase of the performing arts

Wine marketing online

Dividend policy and stock price volatility: evidence from Bangladesh

Developing suicide prevention expertise with Aboriginal communities

The development of a comprehensive global record for fishing vessels, refrigerated transport vessels and supply vessels: an analysis of the practice of regional fisheries bodies

New industry engagement mechanisms

The unintended consequences of academic study in a resources boom

The strategic role of knowledge management in non-profit organisations

Developing a conceptual model for repurchase intention in the performing arts: the roles of emotion, core service and service delivery

Executive women at work

Understanding core and peripheral service quality in customer repurchase of the performing arts

Navigating the global financial storm: challenges for Bangladesh

The importance of emancipatory research to contemporary nursing practice

EAP: English for any purpose?

Providing ethics learning opportunities throughout the legal curriculum

It's time to abolish diminished responsibility, the coach and horses' defence through criminal responsibility for murder

Killing the goose and keeping the golden nest egg

Positive affect and life satisfaction in Australian adolescents

Constructing 'NT Syndrome': impairments of being non-autistic

Education and conservation benefits of marine wildlife tours: developing free-choice learning experiences

A critical analysis of osmotic and ionic effects of salinity in two barley cultivars

Pro-poor land management in developing countries: a case study in Nepal and India

An institutional analysis of strategic posture

An impartial observer or an impassioned advocate? Researching language policy in East Timor

Conservation benefits of interpretation on marine wildlife tours

Aboriginal interpretation in Australian wildlife tourism

Jarosite-related chemical processes and water ecotoxicity in simplified anaerobic microcosm wetlands

Identification of risk factors for sub-optimal housing conditions in Australian piggeries: part 4. Emission factors and study recommendations

Identification of risk factors for sub-optimal housing conditions in Australian piggeries: part 2. Airborne pollutants

Identification of risk factors for sub-optimal housing conditions in Australian piggeries: part 1. Study justification and design

Identification of risk factors for sub-optimal housing conditions in Australian piggeries: part 3. Environmental parameters

Phototaxis index of daphnia carinata as an indicator of joint toxicity of copper, cadmium, zinc, nitrogen and phosphorus in aqueous solutions

Water and power networks and urban fragmentation in Los Angeles: rethinking assumed mechanisms

Change of dynamic response of pultruded composite components used in advanced composite structures due to fatigue and fracture

Application of topological conservation to model key features of zero-torque multi-ply yarns

The Howard government and regional development

Mechanical properties of epoxy-based composites using coiled carbon nanotubes

Fabrication and mechanical properties of exfoliated clay-CNTs/epoxy nanocomposites

Building institutional capability in e-learning design

Workload capacity measures for estimating allied health staffing requirements

Neutral partisanship and Australian legal representation


Identification of the risk factors for high airborne particle concentrations in broiler buildings using statistical modelling

Toxic effects of chlorate on three plant species inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

Chronic dietary L-arginine down-regulates adenosine receptor and nitric oxide synthase expression in rat heart

Implementing change-oriented pedagogy in higher education: an exploration of instructors' experiences and perceptions

Synthesis of zirconia nanoparticles on carbon nanotubes and their potential for enhancing the fracture toughness of alumina ceramics

Interaction between an acidic mine water and an agricultural soil material

Marine wildlife tours: benefits for participants

Families as a nature tourism market segment in North Queensland

Accounting: business reporting for decision making

Validation of black point QTL in wheat

Identification of multiple root disease resistant wheat germplasm against cereal nematodes and dryland root rot and their validation in regions of economic importance

Indigenous cultural conflicts with recreation in protected areas

The learning practitioner

Preparation and study of polypropylene/polyethylene terephthalate composite fibres

Corporate capital structure and firm performance: evidence from a developing country

Reflexive professionals or disempowered technicians? A case study of the risks of McLearning in a regional law school

Drought risks and vulnerability in rainfed agriculture: example of a case study in Australia

Effects of subsurface drip irrigation rates and furrow irrigation for cotton grown on a vertisol on off-site movement of sediments, nutrients and pesticides

Carbon nanotubes for space and bio-engineering applications

Health workforce: innovation, substitution and reform

WaterWorks: a decision support tool for irrigation infrastructure decisions at farm level

Therapeutic interventions: an Islamic perspective

Taking the lead

Reappraisal of land and water conservation farming in slope upland areas for sustainable agriculture in Indonesia

Impulse facilities for the simulation of hypersonic radiating flows

The preferences of potential marine research tourists for different marine research tourism products in Australia

A stocktake of existing aged care clinical placements for undergraduate nursing students in Australia

Foundation located near slope: a FLAC study

Increased versican content is associated with tendinosis pathology in the patellar tendon of athletes with jumper's knee

3D bearing capacity of shallow foundations located near deep excavation sites

'C' for craftsmanship not 'C' for complexity

Orthodox puritans and dissenting bishops: the reformation of the English episcopate, CA. 1580-1610

Variety and irrigation strategy: results from a Darling Downs trial

Enhancing emotional wellbeing through self-care: the experiences of community nurses in Australia

Infection of wheat tissues by fusarium pseudograminearum

Molecular characterization of a Triticum timopheevii introgression in a Wentworth/Lang population

Research for informed, autonomous professionals

Using video image analysis to count hens in cages and reduce egg breakage on collection belts

Cross-border insolvency law: where private international law and insolvency law meet

Economic viability analysis of agro-economic management of saline drainage

Spring wheat performance and water use efficiency on permanent raised beds in arid northwest China

Negotiating the english curriculum with year 8 boys

Defective entities and uses therefor

Flourescent reflections

Mental health nursing standards for Australia: a review of current literature

Influence of casting temperature on the thermal stability of Cu- and Zr-based metallic glasses: theoretical analysis and experiments

Solidification microstructure modelling using cellular automaton method

The development of a new grain refiner for magnesium alloys using the edge-to-edge model

Cu-based bulk amorphous alloy with larger glass-forming ability and supercooled liquid region

Examining limits of confidentiality in real-life consultations: concerns and considerations

The development of a measure of identity for indigenous Australian school students

An introduction to language policy: theory and method by Thomas Ricento

‘‘I have never taken performance enhancing drugs and I never will’’: drug discourse in the Shane Warne case

Energy consumption and income in six Asian developing countries: a multivariate cointegration analysis

Method and apparatus for measuring electrical conductivity

Strategies for maximising sugarcane yield with limited water - improving irrigation system performance and crop response

Adoption of advanced materials by SME constructors

Malcolm Arnold – A Composer of Real Music: Symphonic Writing, Style and Aesthetics by Milton Keynes

Digital literacy [Introduction to MIA : journal issue 128]

The role of pre-service and in-service teacher education in the development of competency in behaviour management

Parenteral immunization of mice with a genetically inactivated pertussis toxin DNA vaccine induces cell-mediated immunity and protection

Evaluation of immune response to recombinant potential protective antigens of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae delivered as cocktail DNA and/or recombinant protein vaccines in mice

Intraarticular corticosteroid for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee

Strategic innovation in member-serving non-profit organisations: the role of governance structure, knowledge sharing and decision making

Dendrochronological potential of Japanese Barberry (Berberis Thunbergii): a case study in the Black Rock Forest, New York

Morphological and molecular identification of fungal endophytes from roots of dendrobium speciosum

The uses of multimedia: three digital literacy case studies

Constructing neonarratives: a pluralistic approach to research

Evaluating the impact of reliable water supply in the adoption of alternate wetting and drying irrigation practice for rice in China

Defense genes and pathways in Fusarium crown rot susceptible and partially-resistant Australian wheat seedlings responding to Fusarium culmorum infection

Poses, plastiques: the art and style of 'statuary' in Victorian visual theatre

A study of the nature and extent of Atlantic Canadian small and medium business e-commerce usage leading to the development and testing of a model to explain future adoption intentions

A professional development framework for technology integration

Reforming the middle years curriculum in an international school: a naturalistic inquiry

Numerical simulation of inviscid transient flows in shock tube and its validations

Peer assisted study sessions: guidelines for structural and operational success in multi-disciplinary learning communities

Use of marker assisted selection for the introgression of quality traits from Australian into Chinese wheats

Towards the sustainability of microfinance services: the role of client impact monitoring

Numerical modelling of the undrained vertical bearing capacity of shallow foundations

Repositioning of a stakeholder issue applied at Pfizer Switzerland

Modelling herbicide movement from farm to catchment using the swat model

(Re)Birth of the self: ordinary women's complex journey into new motherhood. A feminist poststructural narrative study. Volumes I and II

A reliable approach to psychological assessment using cognitive testing batteries

Mosaic narrative a poetics of cinematic new media narrative

Meshless radial basis function method for unsteady incompressible viscous flows

The disposition to document: the lived experience of teachers who practice pedagogical documentation - a case of study

Using remotely controlled platform to acquire low-altitude imagery for grain crop mapping

Accurate and robust algorithms for microarray data classification

'A spirit of eclecticism': critical engagements with Australia's innovative new nineties poetries

Organisational learning strategies for developing strategic capability within Australian Franchised Business Units

A principled approach to criminalistion: when should making and/or distributing visual recordings be criminalised?

Exploring the effects of employee and organisational characteristics on two models of employee well-being within an organisational health research framework

Mapping spot blotch & common root rot (causal agent: bipolaris sorokiniana) resistance genes in barley

Art in parallax: painting, place, judgment

Development of automated turf testing equipment for playing surfaces

Economic and environmental analysis of fodder harvesting practices associated with mulga (Acacia aneura) and fire management practices in the mulga lands of south western Queensland

The impact of strategic orientation dimensions on business performance: a case study based on an international organisation

Protecting disseminative information in e-learning

Secure and Efficient Information Sharing in Multi-university E-Learning Environments

L-diversity based dynamic update for large time-evolving microdata

Child work and other determinants of school attendance and school attainment in Bangladesh

Authorization approaches for advanced permission-role assignments

Anomalous subdiffusion with multispecies linear reaction dynamics

Fractional cable models for spiny neuronal dendrites

Factors influencing academics' development of interactive multimodal technology-mediated distance higher education courses

Cultural brokerage and regional arts: developing an enabler model for cultural and economic sustainability

Mockery and jury trial in Australia

Collaborating on whiteness: representing Italians in early white Australia

The use of high resolution melting (HRM) to map single nucleotide polymorphism markers linked to a covered smut resistance gene in barley

Investigation on role and function of noggings in residential timber frame construction

Big white lie: Chinese Australians in White Australia by John Fitzgerald

Containing discontent: anti-Chinese racism in the reinvention of Angus Cameron

Collective intelligence in schools: an exploration of teacher engagement in the making of significant new meaning

Public pedagogies, place and identity: an ethnographic study of an emerging postmodern community

Estimating bandwidth

Loss of storage water through evaporation with particular reference to arid and semi-arid zone pastoralism in Australia (Working paper no. 19, the WaterSmart™ Literature Reviews)

Factors affecting the retention and progression of postgraduate business distance education students: an exploratory case study at the University of Southern Queensland

Diaspora: textiles as paradox

Salaries and incomes of health workers in sub-Saharan Africa

The role of trust and dependency on e-procurement adoption: an empirical analysis

Sponsorship logos on FMCG packaging: what factors impact effectiveness?

Multi-pultrusion fibre composite truss systems for deployable shelters

Export feasibility study of Pohnpein marine venture

A test of direct and indirect pathways linking safety climate, psychological health, and unsafe behaviours

Fibre composites in civil infrastructure: past, present and future

Fibre composite windmill structure - investigations and design considerations

An investigation on the stiffness of timber sleepers for the design of fibre composite sleepers

Effects of white matter on EEG of multi-layered spherical head models

A study of white matter and skull inhomogeneous anisotropic tissue conductivities on EEG forward head modeling

Investigation of embedded near infrared fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors (830 nm) in structural health monitoring of glass fibre composite structures

Dynamic behavior of hybrid composite bridge girder

The ontological evaluation of the requirements model when shifting from a traditional to a component-based paradigm in information systems re-engineering

Teaching programming strategies explicitly to novice programmers

Long term land use and land cover change and its impact on cool temperate rainforest in the Strzelecki Ranges, Australia

Tension control of a winding machine for rectangular coils

Time management, improved patient expectations and added value contributing to the perceived acceptance of using wireless hand held devices in the Indian healthcare

Doppler images and chromospheric variability of TWA 6

Beyond the Iron Peak: r- and s-Process Elemental Abundances in Stars with Planets

Team-based learning communities in virtual space

Investor risk tolerance and general economic mood

The impact of brand personality on brand-aroused feelings

Does brand influence wine purchase?


Hiring, training and development practices in German and Indian manufacturing companies

Finite element limit analysis of passive earth resistance in cohesionless soils

Approaches to teaching Grass's The tin drum by Monika Shafi

Is there an alternative to exams? Examination stress in engineering courses

Adjusting the community of inquiry approach to a synchronous mathematical context

On-the-go machine vision sensing of cotton plant geometric parameters: first results

Estimating the furrow infiltration characteristic from a single advance point

Enhancing the privacy of e-learning systems with alias and anonymity

Portable devices of security and privacy preservation for e-learning

Ephemeral wetlands: their ecological function and resilience and climate change

Riparian woodlands in crisis? Disturbance ecology on the Condamine floodplain

Comparison of weighted average and median filters for wireless retransmission timeout estimation

A decision support model for travelling gun irrigation machines

Orbit WRAP: An informal writing and reading assessment profile (Intermediate) by R. Griffiths

Manufacture of syntactic foams using starch as binder: post-mold processing

Analysis of piezoelectric solids with an efficient node-based element

An IRBFN cartesian grid method based on displacement-stress formulation for 2D elasticity problems

Solving 2D biharmonic equations by the Galerkin approach using integrated radial basis function networks

Ground truth extraction from LiDAR data for image orthorectification

LIDAR data reduction for efficient and high quality DEM generation

Weathering the storm - financial climate change

What skills and attributes does an accounting graduate need? Evidence from student perceptions and employer expectations

Meta-analysis of laparoscopic and open distal gastrectomy for gastric carcinoma

Investigating deep and surface learning in online collaboration

Access control management for ubiquitous computing

Robustness analysis of diversified ensemble decision tree algorithms for microarray data classification

Older workers in Australia: the myths, the realities and the battle over workforce 'flexibility'

Confronting the snake in the garden of community engagement: a school and university partnership for sustainability

Reframing e-assessment: building professional nursing and academic attributes in a first year nursing course

A case study using neural networks algorithms: horse racing predictions in Jamaica

Effects of EPON on mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy resins

Walking the talk: the dynamic of sustainable team relationships in teacher education


Clinical factors and technological barriers as determinants for the intention to use wireless handheld technology in healthcare environment: an Indian case study

ABDM: an extended flexible delegation model in RBAC

(p+, α)-sensitive k-anonymity: a new enhanced privacy protection model

Career development learning & work-integrated learning in Australian higher education: a discussion paper

Expanding woodland regeneration on marginal southern Queensland pastures using market-based instruments: a landowners' perspective

Advanced permission-role relationship in role-based access control

Influence of white matter inhomogeneous anisotropy on EEG forward computing

On the complexity of restricted k-anonymity problem

Community learning: member's stories about their academic community of practice

The challenges of building an academic community of practice: an Australian case study

Challenging first year marketing students using a tournament style competition

Identification and quantification of components in ternary vapor mixtures using a microelectromechanical-system-based electronic nose

XML and web services security

Pre-mould processing for syntactic foams: modelling, theory and experiment

Prediction of crushing stress in composite materials

Assessing the cost-effectiveness of water quality interventions in South-east Queensland

Variability and trend of the north west Australia rainfall: observations and coupled climate modeling

Assessing water renewal time scales for marine environments from three-dimensional modelling: a case study for Hervey Bay, Australia

OpenCourseWare, global access and the right to education: real access or marketing ploy?

Macro-economic and trade link models of SAARC countries: an investigation for regional trade expansion

Airborne LiDAR for DEM generation: some critical issues

Delegating revocations and authorizations

Sport psychology for regional, rural, and remote pre-elite adolescent athletes

An interpretation of Australian rainfall projections

The value of a breast care nurse in supporting rural and remote cancer patients in Queensland

Mental health of farmers in Southern Queensland: issues and support

Assessment strategy for an engineering problem-solving course

Developing a rural workforce through innovative medical education: it's different Down Under

Online sports reporting of female athletes: an analysis of coverage of the 2008 Olympic Games

Aboriginal marine tourism

A qualitative analysis of burnout in elite Swedish athletes

Acute psychological responses to qigong exercise of varying durations

Solo exhibitions 2008


A Satellite Solution

The influence of Reynolds number on a plane jet

NZ 'My Eyes Keep Me In Trouble'

Strong Sense of the Fabrication of Things: group exhibition

Upside Down: A Group Exhibition of Sydney Non Objective Artists

RAW Space Gallery solo exhibition

Solo exhibitions PS, Amsterdam

Minus Space: group exhibition

Assemblage No.1

Peloton gallery solo exhibition

La Vie En Rond

Subset (Conical gets Shanghai'd)

UND 2008 group exhibition

Next Wave Arts Festival - Inverted Topology group exhibition

H29 gallery solo


Rotation-invariant texture retrieval using wavelet-based hidden Markov trees

The influence of psychological factors on breastfeeding duration

A critical enquiry into the implementation of the Montessori teaching method as a first step towards inclusive practice in early childhood settings specifically in developing countries

The effects of personality, social support and religiosity on posttraumatic growth

Matthias Tomczak: a distinguished regional oceanographer and water-mass expert

Gestures and phases: the dynamics of speech-hand communication

The potential for monolayers to reduce the evaporation of water from large water storages

Size isn’t everything: the importance of small remnants to the conservation of woodland birds in Australia

Authentic learning experiences: complementary organizational strategy for academic professional development

Tree growth performance in private plantations in Nepal’s central Terai region

Silviculture and productivity of five economically important timber species of central terai of Nepal

Leading rich media implementation collaboratively: mobilising international, national and business expertise

Polar bears, black gold, and light bulbs: creating stable futures for tertiary education through instructor training and support in the use of ICTs

The use of Wiki in teaching/learning peace studies: a platform for the disadvantaged

Podcasts and distance learning

The evaluation of a tertiary-level distance-mode aural training programme

Do arthropod assemblages display globally consistent responses to intensified agricultural land use and management?

The rimers of Eldritch

Feeding back to make a difference with the help of Vygotsky, Krashen, Chomsky and a few other more knowing others

Acute effects of qigong exercise on mood and anxiety

An empirical study of manufacturing flexibility of exporting firms in China: how do strategic and organizational contexts matter?

A potential material for tissue engineering: silkworm silk/PLA biocomposite

An international study of career drivers of accounting students in Singapore, Australia and Hong Kong

A simple error estimator for extended finite elements

Not dead, just sleeping: Canada's prohibition on blasphemous libel as a case study in obsolete legislation

Towards a cultural heritage tourism research strategy: developing synergies in Australian research

Infrastructure asset management (IAM): evolution and evaluation

From segregation to assimilation: a thematic study of policies and practices Australia (1800 to 1970)

Collaboration in a competitive environment; evaluation of and reflections on an integrated 'youth at risk' project

Achieving effective collaborations to help communities age well

PolyVision: Pacific youth of tomorrow - a collaborative partnership between the University of Queensland and Pacific Island immigrant communities in Australia

Reporting social outcomes of development: an analysis of diverse approaches

Should Bangladesh monitor core inflation for conducting monetary policy?

Technologies for cattle monitoring - proof of concept study

An economic assessment of the impact of HIV/AIDS on the KwaZulu-Natal economy

Grower communication: a winery imperative

Development and traffic flow at Bandaranaike International Airport in Sri Lanka

Podcasting for learning in universities

AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association

AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association

Students' perceptions of assessment process: questionnaire

Proportional reasoning: a case study highlighting its significance in mathematics curriculum

Underlying factors affecting mathematics anxiety in school children

A grower guide to plant based sensing for irrigation scheduling

Opportunities to enhance energy efficiency and minimise greenhouse gases in Queensland's intensive agricultural sector

Endophytic fungi associated with rainforest and non-rainforest flora in South East Queensland

Building research capacity in the allied health professions

Creating IT students' responsibility for learning

A confidence-based framework for business to consumer (B2C) mobile commerce adoption

Vertical distribution of Pratylenchus spp. in silt loam soil and Pacific Northwest dryland crops

Detection and discrimination of Pratylenchus neglectus and P. thornei in DNA extracts from soil

The Emperor Domitian and the obedience of Christianity to the late-Roman state

The representation of episcopal power in an age of persecution, 1640-1680

Reaching for the reef: exploring place through touch

Comparative mycotoxin profiles of Gibberella zeae populations from barley, wheat, potatoes, and sugar beets

Phylogenetic relationships of graminicolous downy mildews based on cox2 sequence data

Sorghum ergot can develop without local Claviceps africana inoculum from nearby infected plants

Patterns of release of the secondary conidia of Claviceps africana, the sorghum ergot pathogen in Australia

Detecting brown patch and dollar spot development on Kentucky bluegrass by spectrometer sensing and tissue nitrate-N monitoring

A single backcross effectively eliminates agronomic and quality alterations caused by somaclonal variation in transgenic barley

Comparison of ELISA for Fusarium, visual screening, and deoxynivalenol analysis of Fusarium head blight for barley field nurseries

Root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus thornei and P. neglectus): a review of recent progress in managing a significant pest of grain crops in northern Australia

Crop rotation for the management of root-lesion nematodes in the northern grain region of Australia

Survey for root-lesion and stunt nematodes in the northern Australian grain region

Crop rotation to replace nematicide treatments for assessing chickpea varietal tolerance to Pratylenchus thornei

Distribution, virulence and genetic management of root lesion nematodes in the Pacific Northwest USA

Evaluating wheat for tolerance and resistance to root-lesion nematodes

Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on IT in Medicine and Education (ITME 2008)

Jupiter: friend or foe? I: The asteroids

Constraints from deuterium on the formation of icy bodies in the Jovian system and beyond

Jupiter: friend or foe?

Online CBT in the treatment of child and adolescent anxiety disorders: Issues in the development of BRAVE-ONLINE and two case illustrations

The effects of tyre size on soil deformation and soil bulk density changes

Organomineral fertilisers: nitrogen dynamics and evaluation of agronomic characteristics

Characterization of hot-pressed films from superfine wool powder

A novel method to analyze the moisture liberation of textile fabrics

Bleaching and dyeing of superfine wool powder/polypropylene blend film

An investigation of student teachers' attitudes to the use of media triggered problem based learning

Moderate-term reproducibility of heart rate variability during rest and light to moderate exercise in children

Breastfeeding and Australian GP registrars: their knowledge and attitudes

Fashioning the plot: why literature should get back on the catwalk

Polycarbonate-carbon nanofibers composites: an electron spin resonance study

Putting it together: Albert Camus, Michel Foucault and an ethics of the self

A rationale for employing mixed methods design in doctoral research about female students academic achievement in secondary schools in Papua New Guinea

Differences between the impact regimes of the terrestrial planets: implications for isotopic abundances

The origin of Mercury

Origin and dynamical evolution of Neptune Trojans

Jupiter: friend or foe?

Hershel Open Time Key Programme: TNOs are cool: a survey of the transneptunian region

How pupils use a model for abstract concepts in genetics

A new paradigm in management education for engineers in the 21st century: A proposal for reform

Cultural timelessness and colonial tethers: Australian native title in historical and comparative perspective

Language learning and cross-cultural attitudes: an international study of the attitudes of Japanese students of English

Origin of volatiles in the main belt

The trouble with tradition: native title and cultural change

A comparison of behaviour support provisions provided by small rural schools and large urban schools

A lean strategy to performance measurement – reducing waste by measuring 'next' customer needs

Motivational pedagogy: locking in the learning

Authentic cases and media triggers for supporting problem-based learning in teacher education

The motivation of university students to participate in tai chi exercise

New perspectives in physical education: using online learning to promote critical thinking and collaborative skills

Multimedia learning designs: using authentic learning interactions in medicine, dentistry, and health sciences

Being alive well? Power-knowledge as a countervailing force to the realization of mental well-being for Canada's aboriginal young people

How can CAAD tools be more useful at the early stages of designing? Towards situated agents that interpret

Yulunga: traditional indigenous games

Synthesis and imidization of poly(amideimide)s

Gazing into a kaleidoscope of world news: an insight into Australian city editors' views of some developing neighbours

The payment system in China

Working with Shakespeare

Shakespeare in the Park: Romeo & Juliet

RN as gatekeeper: gatekeeping as monitoring and supervision

Modelling pneumatic muscles as hydraulic muscles for use as an underwater actuator

An underwater camera and instrumentation system for monitoring the undersea environment

Interaction of gaseous bubbles under the action of radiation modified Bjerknes force

The effects of intravenous glucose and fructose on insulin levels in sheep

Bioinformatic analysis indicates a relationship between CpG islands & nuclear protein function, as well as a Stop Codon Usage Bias

A topological optimization method considering stress constraints

Effective pattern taxonomy mining in text documents

An ontology-based framework for knowledge retrieval

My Queensland

The role of leptin in reproduction and fertility

Success factors in cultural heritage tourism enterprise management

My Queensland: this is not for you

Finding love in the archives: editing the 'lost' love letters of 'Michael Field'

Arsenic in the Iberoamerican region. The IBEROARSEN Network and a possible economic solution for arsenic removal in isolated rural zones

Magnetism in pre-MS intermediate-mass stars and the fossil field hypothesis

Wear and friction characteristics of CGRP composite under wet contact condition using two different test techniques

Low-enthalpy geothermal resources for power generation

Framework for orienting engineering undergraduate final year projects towards new product innovation process

Attenuation of protease activity in chronic wound fluid with bisphosphonate-functionalised hydrogels

Increased matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) activity observed in chronic wound fluid is related to the clinical severity of the ulcer

High-stress three-body abrasive wear of treated and untreated oil palm fibre-reinforced polyester composites

Study on the activation of calcined kaolin

Glowarm Traders MYOBv17: accounting practice set

AdvantAGE Australia

Manual for ZS-JRA: a guide to the operation of instruments aboard the SAWS/WITS Aerocommander 690A

Electrical romanticism

Stage presence

Isokinetic total water content probe in a naturally aspirating configuration: initial aerodynamic design and testing

The Hong Kong underwater robot challenge

Shady Bay Resort: an accounting practice set using MYOB Accounting Plus V16 and V17

Summative evaluation of climate application activities with pastoralists in western Queensland

The practitioner's relationship with the public and the profession

The practitioner's relationship with the court

The practitioner's relationship with the client

Professional conduct and discipline

Is equity just enough for social work? A response to those who think it is!

Social work and social justice: what are we fighting for?

What kind of social justice does social work seek?

Modeling of heat transfer in rotational molding

Traffic and tillage effects on runoff and soil loss on the Loess Plateau of northern China

Magnetospheric accretion on the T Tauri star BP Tauri

The first magnetic maps of a pre-main-sequence binary star system - HD 155555

Differential rotation on both components of the pre-main-sequence binary system HD 155555

Distribution of geogenic arsenic in hydrologic systems: controls and challenges

Loss of phosphorus and nitrogen in runoff and subsurface drainage from high and low input pastures grazed by sheep in southern Australia

The fowl and the pussycat: Love letters of Michael Field, 1876-1909

Resistance to root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus thornei and P. neglectus) in synthetic hexaploid wheats and their durum and Aegilops tauschii parents

Genetic relationships among populations of Gibberella zeae from barley, wheat, potato, and sugar beet in the upper midwest of the United States

Baroque inclinations: The Politics of Imagination. Benjamin, Kracauer, Kluge, by Tara Forrest

A knowledge retrieval model using ontology mining and user profiling

Bio-corrosion of a magnesium alloy with different processing histories

The practice of web conferencing: where are we now?

Combining survey and database technologies in support of a safety climate improvement strategy

Psychometric re-evaluation of the revised version of the competitive state anxiety inventory-2

How can we increase the quality of private schools in Bangladesh from the perspectives of students and managers?

Saving investment correlation in South Asia - a panel approach

Factors affecting investment in developing countries: a panel data study

Computer-based method of determining the path of a HIFU beam through tissue layers from medical images to improve cancer treatment

Emotional work, emotional wellbeing and professional practice: the lived experiences of women community health nurses providing palliative care in the home environment in Australia

Strong in faith and war

With the Doneleys at Dunraven

Ian Brusasco

If these stones could speak

A layered approach to horizon scanning: identifying future issues in military and veterans’ health

Indigenous cultural competency training: a survey of oncology clinicians

No news is not good news: evidence from the intraday return volatility-volume relationship in Shanghai Stock Exchange

Stress--strain state of the sclera and cornea as orthotropic non-uniform conjugated spherical shells

A two-stage text mining model for information filtering

Rural Latin America: a forgotten part of the global groundwater arsenic problem?

Assessing the contamination hazard for deep aquifiers by their exploitation in urban areas using a numerical multi-layer model

BDO not-for-profit fraud survey 2008

A screening method for the detection of fungi with potentially antimicrobial secondary metabolites

Multiscale modeling of polymers – the pseudo amorphous cell

Preparing nurses for practice: a phenomenological study of the new graduate in Australia

Aboriginal studies and Torres Strait Islander studies

Systematic investigation on new SrCo1-yNbyO 3-δ ceramic membranes with high oxygen semi-permeability

Two-stage model for information filtering

Pattern taxonomy mining for information filtering

Queensland Cloud Seeding Research Program - QCSRP

Can unexpected liquidity changes explain the lockup expiration effect in stock returns?

The influence of ownership structures and board practices on corporate social disclosures in a developing country

Fuentes geogenicas de arsenico y su liberacion al medio ambiente

Exploring internalised ableism using critical race theory

Comparing decision tree and optimal risk pattern mining for analysing Emergency Ultra Short Stay Unit data

Why 'allied health' works: building sustainable futures [Keynote address]

Scheduling technologies to improve irrigated water use efficiency...a focus on centre pivots and lateral moves

Genetic analysis of wheat rust resistance genes segregating in a Kariega x Avocet S population

Creating immersion and engagement: studies in religion in Second Life

Co-ordinate transforms underpin multiscale modelling and reduction in deterministic and stochastic systems

Commercialisation of conductivity-based acidity measurement systems for dairy applications

Cultural catchments project final report

Professional practice: partnering with educators, professionals and families

Podcasting for learning in universities

Multicriteria decision analysis in water resources management: the malnichara channel improvement

Statistical behaviour of Adelaide’s rainfall - is climate change detectable?

Indications of language shift from a public face of a Samoan speech community

Facile autocombustion synthesis of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ (LSCF) perovskite via a modified complexing sol–gel process with NH4NO3 as combustion aid

Oxygen selective membranes based on B-site cation-deficient (Ba0.5Sr0.5)(Co0.8Fe0.2)yO3−δ perovskite with improved operational stability

Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of cation-ordered LnBaCo2O5+δ as materials of oxygen permeation membranes and cathodes of SOFCs

Soil contamination legislation in Belgium: case study to the Flemish region (English-Chinese translation)

Study on latest developments of Environmental Law in EU and US (2007)

Bootstrapping digital humanities support services for small teams

The effect of pedometer use in combination with cognitive and behavioral support materials to promote physical activity

What do pedometer counts represent? A comparison between pedometer data and data from four different questionnaires

The effect of a pedometer-based physical activity intervention on sitting time

Fluidization behaviour of food materials: effect of moisture and shape

Financial statement fraud: motives, methods, cases and detection

Is there a sustainable fibre?: the case of Australian Merino Wool

Frankenstein's science: experimentation and discovery in Romantic culture, 1780-1830

Professionalism meets entrepreneurialism and managerialism

Abolition of diminished responsibility

Breast size, bra fit and thoracic pain in young women: a correlational study

Animal management in the Australian rangelands

The impact of globalisation on health

Introduction of emergency medicine in China

The Australian emergency medical system

Trends in tourism research

Evaporation control using Rio Tinto’s floating modules on Northparkes Mine

Interdecadal Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean. Part II: The Role of Equatorial/Off-Equatorial Wind Stresses in a Hybrid Coupled Model

Decreasing activated sludge thermal hydrolysis temperature reduces product colour, without decreasing degradability

Mechanical Characterization of Protein Crystals

Estimation of Hydrolysis Parameters in Full-Scale Anerobic Digesters

Creating streamtubes based on mass conservative streamlines

A comparative analysis of tender sums and final costs of public construction and supply projects in Nigeria

Due process and contractor selection for public works in Nigeria

Web-based Industry Partner Portals to University Workplace Learning Programs: Implementation and Design Issues

Assault on the unknown: the historical and political geographies of the International Geophysical Year (1957–8)

An Exploratory Analysis of Information and Knowledge Management Enablers in Business Contexts

Impacts and adaptation to climate change in beef production systems in central Queensland

Impacts of climate change on regulated and non-regulated water systems in Australia. In Multifunctional grasslands in a changing world

Girly girls and geeky guys

Passion, women and the games industry : influences on women's participation in the Australian digital content industry

Teacher evidence matrix: an evaluation using multiple lines of evidence

Quality Assessment Matrix: a collaborative evaluation using multiple lines of evidence

Employment opportunities in Australia for educational researchers: A review of recent advertisements

Trait Emotional Intelligence, Personality and the Self-Perceived Performance Ratings of Casino Key Account Representatives
