Microaggregation sorting framework for k-anonymity statistical disclosure control in cloud computing
Challenging the Science Curriculum Paradigm: TeachingPrimary Children Atomic-Molecular Theory
Wind tunnel experiments on effects of woven wire screens and buffer zones in mitigating risks associated with firebrand showers
Content analysis to locate assistive technology in Queensland’s motor injury insurance rehabilitation legislation and guidelines
Emotion resonance and divergence: a semiotic analysis of music and sound in 'The Lost Thing', an animated short film and 'Elizabeth' a film trailer
Bicycles, ‘informality’ and the alternative learning space as a site for re-engagement: a risky (pedagogical) proposition?
A new nested ensemble technique for automated diagnosis of breast cancer
A survey of women in Australia who choose the care of unregulated birthworkers for a birth at home
An Efficient Texture Descriptor for the Detection of License Plates From Vehicle Images in Difficult Conditions
Physical education across the international media: a five-year analysis
Mitigation of arsenic accumulation in rice: an agronomical, physico-chemical, and biological approach – a critical review
Aboriginal colonial history and the (un)happy object of reconciliation
A descriptive epidemiology of screen-based devices by children and adolescents: a scoping review of 130 surveillance studies since 2000
Recollage as a tool for self-care: reflecting multimodally on first five years in the academy through Schwab’s lines of flight
The media’s coverage of ‘Closing the Gap’ in Australian education
Debunking the myths about training load, injury and performance: empirical evidence, hot topics and recommendations for practitioners
Presence of books for children in the households
of Bangladesh: a district-wise distribution
Militarisation, energy consumption, CO2 emissions and economic growth in Myanmar
An exploratory study to understand the phenomena of eye-tracking technology: a case of the education environment
'I’m not doing that.' An in-depth examination of nonparticipation in mail-out bowel cancer screening programs
Counseling men: treatment recommendations from Australian men’s therapists
Withdrawal versus continuation of long-term antipsychotic drug use for behavioural and psychological symptoms in older people with dementia
Insights into relevant knowledge extraction techniques: a comprehensive review
Handbook of probabilistic models
Probabilistic seasonal rainfall forecasts using semiparametric d-vine copula-based quantile regression
Monthly rainfall forecasting with Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations integrated with statistical bivariate copulas
Development of copula statistical drought prediction model using the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index
Literacy teachers as reflexive agents? Enablers and constraints
Classroom behavior management in middle level education: a self-regulatory approach to empower teachers and adolescent learners
Visitor encounters with the Great Barrier Reef: aesthetics, heritage and the senses
Thinking systemically to mobilise IPD capability
Expectations, experiences, and preferences of students in a dual mode program: a thematic analysis
Hazards, food insecurity and human displacement in rural riverine Bangladesh: implications for policy
Valuing seasonal climate forecasts in the northern Australia beef industry
Aerobic exercise training at maximal fat oxidation intensity improves body composition, glycemic control, and physical capacity in older people with type 2 diabetes
Utilising instantaneous feedback to promote self-regulated learning in online higher education course: the case for digital badges
'Talk to Me!': Empowering students with a vision impairment through audio e-assessment feedback
Communication, interpreting and language in wartime: historical and contemporary perspectives
Identifying the most effective strategies for improving autobiographical memory specificity and its implications for mental health problems: a meta-analysis
Defining the north Australian monsoon onset: A systematic review
Attitudes towards breech management among a team of maternity clinicians in Australia undertaking breech training
How terrorism red flags become weak signals through the processes of judgement and evaluation
Terrorism, lightning and falling furniture
Measuring the concentration of information and communication technology infrastructure in Australia: do affordability and remoteness matter?
Smaller businesses and e-innovation: a winning combination in Australia
Do social exclusion and remoteness explain the digital divide in Australia? Evidence from a panel data estimation approach
Economic perspectives on government
Optimal design for epoxy polymer concrete based on mechanical properties and durability aspects
Managerial acquisitiveness and corporate tax avoidance
Hollow concrete columns: review of structural behavior and new designs using GFRP reinforcement
Effect of spiral spacing and concrete strength on
behavior of GFRP-reinforced hollow concrete columns
Damage detection and quantification in deck type arch bridges using vibration based methods and artificial neural networks
New Insights into the Degradation Behavior of Air Electrodes during Solid Oxide Electrolysis and Reversible Solid Oxide Cell Operation
Northern Territory general practice training pathway analysis
Recent developments in interprofessional healthcare leadership
Implementing a novel interprofessional student placement model: considerations for sustainability
Extending learning in students and supervisees: practical tools and strategies
Rural Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Digital Era
A Realist Evaluation of Theory about Triggers for Doctors Choosing a Generalist or Specialist Medical Career
Can clinical supervision bolster clinical skills and well-being through challenging times?
Models of care for frail older persons who present to the emergency department: a scoping review protocol
Application of social ecological model to Taiwanese end-of-life communication and healthcare planning
The influence of alcohol craving on alexithymia and health-related quality of life in alcohol-dependent outpatients
End-of-life care for older people in the emergency department: a scoping review
Contrasting drivers of soil and root microbial assembly in wetland systems
Above and belowground impacts of an invasive species vary across the landscape
Soil Microbial Communities in Long-Term Soil Storage for Sand Mine Reclamation
Special thematic issue on applying microbial community research to improve conservation and restoration outcomes
Taxon-specific analysis reveals the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on bacterial communities in Louisiana wetland soils
Altered groundwater discharge and associated carbon fluxes in a wetland-drained coastal canal
Testing Psychology Confirmation of Research workflow
Conceptualising quality following conflict: Afghanistan’s higher education policy
Globalisation and Doctoral Grandbabies: A Focus on Roger Dale, Global Education Policy and Their Mechanisms
The Rise of Resilience in Education in Emergencies
Circadian rhythms
Clean Growth Choices for Communities in Transition Pilot Program: Final Report
Aged care isn’t working, but we can create neighbourhoods to support healthy ageing in place
Young people were already struggling before the pandemic. Here are 7 ways to help them navigate a changed world
Heat shocks increasingly impede grain filling but have little effect on grain setting across the Australian Wheatbelt
Detection of major weather patterns reduces number of simulations in climate impact studies
Researching media participation by listening to people with disability
Detection and Localisation of Life Signs from the Air Using Image Registration and Spatio-Temporal Filtering
A multiviewpoint outdoor dataset for human action recognition
Injuries, load, mood, stress, and compliance with monitoring within semesters of a tertiary dance program: A longitudinal cohort study
Effect of microwave heating on interlayer bonding and buildability of geopolymer 3D concrete printing
Effect of yield stress development on the foam-stability of aerated geopolymer concrete
Metal-free graphene/boron nitride heterointerface for CO2 reduction: Surface curvature controls catalytic activity and selectivity
Computational screening of MN 4 (M= Ti–Cu) based metal organic frameworks for CO 2 reduction using the d-band centre as a descriptor
Bandstructure engineering in 2D materials using Ferroelectric materials
Tuning band alignment and optical properties of 2D van der Waals heterostructure via ferroelectric polarization switching
Hyperfine Temporal & Spatial Resolution of Stellar Ages amid Quasar-Driven gas flows: Unifying HST with MUSE and ALMA
Measuring the mixing scale of the ISM within nearby spiral galaxies
Spatio-temporal variations of seven weather variables in Iran: application of CRU TS and GPCC data sets
The impact of climate variability on water footprint components of rainfed wheat and barley in Qazvin province of Iran
Pan-European multi-crop model ensemble simulations of wheat and grain maize under climate change scenarios
Anchor vertex selection for enhanced reliability of traffic offloading service in edge-enabled mobile P2P social networks
Anchored Vertex Exploration for Community Engagement in Social Networks
Supernova Hunters Discovery of 24 Optical Transients with Pan-STARRS
Errinundra Shimmer
Down the Rabbit Hole: Applying a Right to Be Forgotten to Personal Images Uploaded on Social Networks
Interactive Space as a Signal Processing Device
Educational or behavioural interventions for symptoms and health-related quality of life in adults receiving haemodialysis: A systematic review
Anxiety and depression among patients with thyroid function disorders
Defending poisoning attacks in federated learning via adversarial training method
Network anomaly detection using federated learning and transfer learning
Leadership for Ongoing Sustainability of Whole School Improvement
Traditional Chinese exercise for cancer-related sleep disturbance: A systematic review and descriptive analysis of randomized controlled trials
Doctoral nursing education in east and Southeast Asia: characteristics of the programs and students’ experiences of and satisfaction with their studies
Somatic acupoint stimulation for cancer-related sleep disturbance: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Auricular therapy for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in cancer patients: Perspectives from the traditional zang-fu organs and meridians theory
The effect of transition care interventions incorporating health coaching strategies for stroke survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Development and validation of an evidence-based auricular acupressure intervention for managing chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in breast cancer patients
Preliminary Test Methodology in View of Asymmetry with Elliptically Contoured Distribution
Drinking among friends: The role of personality in links between online exposure to peer drinking and adolescent alcohol use
Dismantling racism in education: In 2020, the year of the nurse & midwife, "it's time."
Transfer of responsibility and accountability of patient care
An Australian-based authentic science research programme transforms the 21st century learning of rural high school students
Sawfly genomes reveal evolutionary acquisitions that fostered the mega-radiation of parasitoid and eusocial Hymenoptera
Adaptations and lessons from COVID-19: A perspective on how some industries will be impacted
High-throughput phenotyping using digital and hyperspectral imaging-derived biomarkers for genotypic nitrogen response
UAV-hyperspectral imaging of spectrally complex environments
Fusion of Spectral and Structural Information from Aerial Images for Improved Biomass Estimation
Roof bolt identification in underground coal mines from 3D point cloud data using local point descriptors and artificial
neural network
Visualising Australia's older population using grid maps
Parking Behavior: Park ‘n’ Ride (PnR) to encourage multimodalism in Brisbane
Upset diagrams for examining whether parking maximums influence modal choice and car holdings
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Freedom, Rationality, Rule of Law and Democracy: Should We Not Be Debating It?
First Peoples and Demographic Change in Australia: Was the Constitutional Statement of Recognition Too Easily Discarded?
Advancing culture’s role in sustainable development: social change through cultural policy
Isomorphic Mutation and Strategic Adaptation in China's CSR Standards for Overseas Investors
Australian Law in Context: Social, Political and Global Perspectives
The Organisational Life Cycle Scale: An Empirical Validation
Collaborative Practice in Australian Civil Disputes
Potassium-Ion Storage in Cellulose-Derived Hard Carbon: The Role of Functional Groups
Pyrolysis of brominated polyethylene as an alternative carbon fibre precursor
Self-assembly of nickel phosphate-based nanotubes into two-dimensional crumpled sheet-like architectures for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors
Nitrogen-Doped Mesoporous Carbon Microspheres by Spray Drying-Vapor Deposition for High-Performance Supercapacitor
Nanocellulose-based carbon as electrode materials for sodium-ion batteries
Modulating the Void Space of Nitrogen-Doped Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Spheres for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
Synthesis of Uniformly Sized Mesoporous Silver Films and Their SERS Application
Sandwich-Structured Ordered Mesoporous Polydopamine/MXene Hybrids as High-Performance Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Ammonia gas sensing properties of Al doped ZnO thin films
Synthesis of Multiple-Twinned Pd Nanoparticles Anchored on Graphitic Carbon Nanosheets for Use as Highly-Active Multifunctional Electrocatalyst in Formic Acid and Methanol Oxidation Reactions
Uncovering giant nanowheels for magnesium ion–based batteries
Solid-state lithium–sulfur batteries: Advances, challenges and perspectives
True Meaning of Pseudocapacitors and Their Performance Metrics: Asymmetric versus Hybrid Supercapacitors
Graphene and molybdenum disulphide hybrids for energy applications: an update
Numerical Simulation of Blast Nozzles
Numerical solution and stability analysis of a childhood-disease model with vaccination and relapse
An introduction to the Cyrcadia Breast Monitor: A wearable breast health monitoring device
Establishing a research agenda on habit: a reflection on the SYNERGY expert meeting 2019
The mediating role of constructs representing reasoned-action and automatic processes on the past behavior-future behavior relationship
Development and evaluation of an intervention targeting parenting practices associated with obesity-related behaviours in young children attending playgroup
Correlation of whole blood viscosity and HbA1c with age in diabetes patients: implications for diabetes research and management in low-mid income countries
Epidemiology and health consequences of early marriage: focus on Delta State Nigeria
Effect of poor road network and maintenance on safety and security in Delta State Nigeria: Mixed perceptions in industrialized oil-producing community
Epidemiology of respiratory distress in pregnancy and the newborn in Delta state Nigeria
Prevention of respiratory distress disease in pregnancy and newborn: a case review of the capacity of primary healthcare tier in Delta State Nigeria
Primary healthcare and diabetes management in the rural communities
Expert’s COVID-19 warning: ‘don’t treat pets less than you would humans’
Diabetes ‘the biggest challenge confronting Australia’s health system’
Aeromedical retrievals for gastrointestinal disorders in rural and remote Australia: the need for improved access to specialist advice
Establishment of diabetes association to enhance peer-education and self-management: perceptions of residents from Ogwashi-Uku and Ubulu-Unor communities in Delta state, Nigeria
Using graphics to promote the health values of indigenous vegetables in anaemia, metabolic syndrome, and wound management
Barriers to management of diabetes foot ulcer: Experiential note from a setting with free medical services
Psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic as perceived by Australian based-West Africans who survived the 2014-2016 Ebola Virus Disease epidemic in West Africa: A Descriptive cross-sectional survey
Integration of eye care into primary healthcare tier in Nigeria health system: A case for Delta State
Epidemiology of visual impairment: focus on Delta State, Nigeria
Opportunities for conducting a non-funded translational clinical research in rural and suburban low-mid income communities: 6-years’ case review
Complementary antioxidant medicine in COVID-19 management and the place of haematology evaluation: Brief critical and scoping review-based commentary
Epidemiology of malaria as it relates to utilization of insecticide treated nets among pregnant women and under five years children in South-South Nigeria
Primary healthcare on utilization of insecticide treated nets among pregnant mothers and carers of children in South–South Nigeria
My yearly medical expedition to Nigeria, by Australia-based doctor
Impact of public health lecture intervention on consumption behaviour towards indigenous staple carbohydrate foods
Nutritional and health values of indigenous root and tuber crops compared to imported carbohydrate (such as wheat): A case study example from Delta state Nigeria
Health values of cassava compared to wheat and yam in relation to diabetes and dyslipidaemia management
Gestational diabetes management postpartum in primary healthcare facilities: Mini review update on Delta State Nigeria
A vaccine for coronavirus is the goal, but what does it take to get there?
Charles Sturt University lecturer Dr Ezekiel (Uba) Nwose said it's not only humans who are at risk of COVID-19
Preface: The Transnational Voices of Australia’s Migrant and Minority Press
Impact of comprehensive smoking cessation training of practitioners on patients' 6-month quit outcome
Variability in patient sociodemographics, clinical characteristics, and healthcare service utilization among 107,302 treatment seeking smokers in Ontario: A cross-sectional comparison
Computerized Clinical Decision Support System for Prompting Brief Alcohol Interventions with Treatment Seeking Smokers: A Sex-Based Secondary Analysis of a Cluster Randomized Trial
Tailored Web-Based Smoking Interventions and Reduced Attrition: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Is cannabis use associated with tobacco cessation outcome? An observational cohort study in primary care
PreEMPT (Preterm infant Early intervention for Movement and Participation Trial): The feasibility of a Novel, Participation-focused Early Physiotherapy intervention supported by Telehealth in Regional Australia - A Protocol
Developing the Clinical Reasoning Achievement-Based (CRAB) framework
Estimating in-season actual evapotranspiration over a large-scale irrigation scheme in resource-limited conditions
Does DNA evidence in the form of a likelihood ratio affect perceivers’ sensitivity to the strength of a suspect’s alibi?
The importance of farmers' perceptions of salinity and adaptation strategies for ensuring food security: Evidence from the coastal rice growing areas of Bangladesh
Field-scale effects of elevated ozone and diesel exhaust emissions on insect pollination and natural enemy recruitment
Large-scale evaluation of interventions designed to reduce childhood Drownings in rural Bangladesh: a before and after cohort study
Thermal properties and flame retardancy of an intumescent flame-retarded epoxy system containing phosphaphenanthrene, triazine-trione and piperidine
Synthesis of a P/N/S-based flame retardant and its flame retardant effect on epoxy resin
Synergistic effect of polyhedral iron-cobalt alloys and graphite nanosheets with excellent microwave absorption performance
Study on the plastic deformation zone of Q235 steel via hammering tight seam
A P/N-containing flame retardant constructed by phosphaphenanthrene, phosphonate, and triazole and its flame retardant mechanism in reducing fire hazards of epoxy resin
One-step preparation of CoFe2O4/FeCo/graphite nanosheets hybrid composites with tunable microwave absorption performance
Intumescent fire retardant coating with recycled powder from industrial effluent optimized using response surface methodology
Facile synthesis of cobalt-doped porous composites with amorphous carbon/zn shell for high-performance microwave absorption
Facile synthesis of Co-embedded porous spherical carbon composites derived from Co3O4/ZIF-8 compounds for broadband microwave absorption
A facile strategy to fabricate an intumescent fire-retardant coating with improved fire resistance and water tolerance for steel structure
Design of controlled-morphology NiCo2O4 with tunable and excellent microwave absorption performance
Aminobenzothiazole-substituted cyclotriphosphazene derivative as reactive flame retardant for epoxy resin
Uncomfortable revelations: The history of gender violence in Australia and South Africa
Quality Assessment of Terrestrial Laser Scanner Surface Deviation Analysis in Vegetation Slope Monitoring
Impact of anthropometric characteristics on the medial longitudinal arch in static and dynamic loading using photogrammetry images
Reliability and validity of Smartphones to Record and Study the Assessment of Gait Characteristics
Discovering Relational Intelligence in Online Social Networks
Trauma-informed pedagogy for adult learners of EAL
Trauma-informed teaching of adults learning a second or other language
Student voice: Embracing our learners' knowledge in teaching and research
Characteristics of Particulate Plastics in Terrestrial Ecosystems
Preface for special issue 'Composites part B': Flame retardants and flame-retardant polymers/composites
Relationships between foot dimensions and plantar pressure distributed in older people
Exploring the Association between Communication Satisfaction and Trust in the Aviation Maintenance Environment An International Study
Computational prediction of protein ubiquitination sites mapping on Arabidopsis thaliana
In silico identification and characterization of AGO, DCL and RDR gene families and their associated regulatory elements in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.)
An exploration of IoT platform development
CEL Toolkit
The state of play of Associate Deans, learning and teaching, in Australian universities, 30 years on
An ensemble tree-based machine learning model for predicting the uniaxial compressive strength of travertine rocks
Measuring pressure and multi-location with dielectric elastomer capacitive sensors (Conference Presentation)
Perspectives of speech and language therapists in paediatric palliative care: an international exploratory study
Are radiographers an influencing factor in the radiation protection practices of speech-language therapists performing videofluoroscopic swallowing studies?
Speech-language pathologists in paediatric palliative care: a Delphi study protocol
Data, data everywhere…and yet nowhere. RDM for HDRs
Stress-Relaxation and Cyclic Behavior of Human Carotid Plaque Tissue
Modelling the growth of hydrothermally synthesised bactericidal nanostructures, as a function of processing conditions
Design of an Open-Source, Low-Cost Bioink and Food Melt Extrusion 3D Printer
A Framework for Sharing Staff between Outbound and Inbound Airport Processes
A multi commodity flow model incorporating flow reduction functions
A tool to minimize the need of Monte Carlo ray tracing code for 3D finite volume modelling of a standard parabolic trough collector receiver under a realistic solar flux profile
An Analytical Optimisation Framework for Airport Terminal Capacity Expansion
Antiviral Nanostructured Surfaces Reduce the Viability of SARS-CoV-2
Antiviral and Antibacterial Nanostructured Surfaces with Excellent Mechanical Properties for Hospital Applications
A multi-criteria multi-commodity flow model for analysing transportation networks
Investigation of failure mechanisms of nacre at macro and nano scales
Registered Nurses' understanding, knowledge and perceptions of the association between sexually transmitted infections and domestic violence
A cross-sectional study of domestic violence instruction in nursing and midwifery programs: Out of step with community and student expectations
Living with diabetes and disadvantage: A qualitative, geographical case study
Can positioning strategies help influence willingness to pay for office space? Evidence on the moderating effect of office space grade and industry sector for occupiers of leased office space
Peripheral vascular system
Head and Neck
Assessing nutrition
The nurse's role in health assessment: Collecting and analysing data
Assessing the Sensitivity of Site-Specific Lime and Gypsum Recommendations to Soil Sampling Techniques and Spatial Density of Data Collection in Australian Agriculture: A Pedometric Approach
Injuries during transition periods across the year in pre-professional and professional ballet and contemporary dancers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Injuries across a pre-professional ballet and contemporary dance tertiary training program: A retrospective cohort study
Composites for alternative railway sleepers
Advancing Older Workers: Motivations, Adaptabilities, and Ongoing Career Engagement
Floodways and Flood-Related Experiences: A Survey of Industry Experts and Asset Owners
Discussion of “New Approach for the Computation of the Water Surface Angle in Partially Filled Pipes: Pipes Arranged in Parallel” by Lotfi Zeghadnia and Jean Loup Robert
“RIPSSL”: A New Reflective Inquiry Protocol to Lift the Lid on Students’ Significant Extra-Curricular Learning Outcomes from Study Abroad
3D Numerical Simulation and Dynamic Analyses of Debonded GFRP Composite Slabs
Managing Free-Range Laying Hens—Part B: Early Range Users Have More Pathology Findings at the End of Lay but Have a Significantly Higher Chance of Survival—An Indicative Study
Insider Research: Articulating the Voices of Women Schooling Their
Children in Remote Queensland, Australia
Aerodynamic database of the HEXAFLY‑INT hypersonic glider
What emerges in playing in The Corner of artist-curated and created matter
Occupational risks during clinical placement: Key stakeholder perceptions
Report and Prevent: A Quality Improvement Project to Protect Nurses From Violence in the Emergency Department
What can feminist history do in urgent times?
Pre-registration nursing students' perceptions and experience of intentional rounding: A cross-sectional study
Nursing care of people with musculoskeletal disorders
Nursing care of people with haematologic disorders
Nurse and patient satisfaction with intentional rounding in a rural Australian setting
The power of the tests on the multiple regression model
Recreating the OSIRIS-REx slingshot manoeuvre from a network of ground-based sensors
Caulerpa lentillifera (Sea Grapes) Improves Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health of Rats with Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome
Intentional rounding in the context of student learning
Traversing the Dark Geography of Retirement: Learnings from Ethical and Reciprocal Research Conducted with the Older Male in Australia
Activist Research: Real-World Reciprocity—A Provocation
DNA Methylation in Adipose Tissue and Metabolic Syndrome
Reply to: Pelargonidin and its glycosides as dietary chemopreventives attenuating inflammatory bowel disease symptoms through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor
Correction to: Teaching interrelated concepts of fraction for understanding and teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge
Sustainability and environmental stewardship: empirical analysis of selected composite indexes
Reconstructing the Observed Ionizing Photon Production Efficiency at z ∼ 2 Using Stellar Population Models
MOSEL Survey: Tracking the Growth of Massive Galaxies at 2 < z < 4 Using Kinematics and the IllustrisTNG Simulation
MOSEL: Strong [OIII] 5007Å Emitting Galaxies at (3<z<4) from the ZFOURGE Survey
Elevation of Condensed Tannins in the Leaves of Ta-MYB14-1 White Clover (Trifolium repens L.) Outcrossed with High Anthocyanin Lines
Plasticity in perception: insights from color vision deficiencies
Rossby waves in the ocean covered by compressed ice
Prediction of evaporation in arid and semi-arid regions: a comparative study using different machine learning models
An Investigation into Wooden Pole Fire Inception Threshold in a Single Wire Earth Return System under Drought Conditions
Chromosome Encoding Schemes in Genetic Algorithms for the Flexible Job Shop Scheduling: A State-of-art Review Useful for Artificial Intelligence Applications
Correction: Emerging cancer incidence, mortality, hospitalisation and associated burden among Australian cancer patients, 1982 – 2014: an incidence-based approach in terms of trends, determinants and inequality
Pitching Model with Control Surface in Hypersonic Flow: Short Duration Ground Tests and Simulations
Examining the Effects of Cultural Value Orientations, Emotional Intelligence, and Motivational Orientations: How do LMX Mediation and Gender-Based Moderation Make a Difference?
Publisher Correction: A planet within the debris disk around the pre-main-sequence star AU Microscopii
Propositions for an environmental arts pedagogy: A/r/tographic experimentations with movement and materiality
USQ APA 7 Referencing Guide
'From where I stand' - what do service providers in St George say are influences for Indigenous youth suicide in their community?
The role of innovative hubs in building community resilience
Microfluidic devices and fabrication
Collaborative practice in Australian Civil Disputes
An investigation into contemporary factors influencing parents' perceptions of private tutoring services: a case study in Vietnam
Queensland regional, rural and remote senior secondary student perceptions of enablers and barriers to successfully completing online courses
Investigating website features quality using three online techniques on the lead generation website - a case study
The Protege effect: learning from the experience of
graduates in an online community of practice
The journey of regional people living with cancer: an examination of health behaviours and engagement in follow-up care in the post-treatment phase
Worker safety: zero harm messaging, reporting and the C-suite
Influence of sex, age, and education on mood profile clusters
Discrimination of wheat crown rot utilising wavelet based models in the NIR spectrum
Experimental and numerical investigation on mechanical and tribological behaviours of epoxy composites incorporating flax fibre and graphene nanoplatelet
Modern artificial intelligence model development for undergraduate student performance prediction: an investigation on engineering mathematics courses
Growth Hormone Promotes Motor Function after Experimental Stroke and Enhances Recovery-Promoting Mechanisms within the Peri-Infarct Area
Performance of Graphite-Dispersed Li2CO3-K2CO3 Molten Salt Nanofluid for a Direct Absorption Solar Collector System
Arts-Based Research Across the Lifespan and Its Contribution to Resilience and Well-Being
A model of entrepreneurship education in franchising - application of outside-in marketing with a behavioural focus
Gratitude in franchisor-franchisee relationships: does personality matter?
The income gradient and child mental health in Australia: does it vary by assessors?
Implicitly estimating the cost of mental illness in Australia: a standard-of-living approach
General practitioner endorsement of mail-out colorectal cancer screening: The perspective of nonparticipants
Incorporating affordability, efficiency, and quality in the ICT development index: implications for index building and ICT policymaking
Effects of age and mood on emotional face processing differ depending on the intensity of the facial expression
Infant and young child feeding practice, dietary diversity, associated predictors, and child health outcomes in Bangladesh
Exploring solar and wind energy resources in North Korea with COMS MI geostationary satellite data coupled with numerical weather prediction reanalysis variables
Capability and robustness of novel hybridized models used for drought hazard modeling in southeast Queensland, Australia
Regional hydrology heterogeneity and the response to climate and land surface changes in arid alpine basin, northwest China
Inequality of childhood undernutrition in Bangladesh: a decomposition approach
Effects of music in exercise and sport: a meta-analytic review
Designing a professional development program for mathematics teachers for effective use of technology in teaching
Can institutionalized workplace structures benefit senior women leaders?
Assessing information security risks in the cloud: a case study of Australian local government authorities
Development and evaluation of a software-mediated process assessment method for IT service management
A model of projects as a source of stress at work: A case for scenario-based education and training
Pathogenicity and copper tolerance in Australian Xanthomonas species associated with bacterial leaf spot
Effectiveness of Gravity Goods Ropeways in market participation of smallholder farmers in uplands
EEG sleep stages identification based on weighted undirected complex networks
An Undead Film: The Afterlives of L'ultimo Uomo Della Terra
Manufacturing big data ecosystem: A systematic literature review
Quality of life, physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in black African women: B-Healthy project
Modelling of heat stress in a robotic dairy farm. Part 1: thermal comfort indices as the indicators of production loss
Extending the concept of machine acceleration used to model the bubble-particle detachment in flotation.
Part 2 – Machine acceleration of solid particles in water
Behaviour of steel-reinforced concrete columns under combined torsion based on ABAQUS FEA
Undrained stability of active and passive
Costs of inadvertent perioperative hypothermia in Australia:
a cost-of-illness study
An examination of the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) version 7
Improving Sentiment Polarity Detection Through Target Identification
Rural and urban older adults perceptions of mental health services accessibility
Impact of high-speed rail on market concentration and Lerner index in China’s airline market
Is multimarket contact an antitrust concern? A case of China’s airline market
Multiple conceptualizations of nature are key to inclusivity and legitimacy in global environmental governance
Exploring Spirituality With Older People: (2) A rigorous process
Exploring spirituality With older people: (1) rich experiences
A control volume scheme using compact integrated radial basis function stencils for solving the Richards equation
Transformation of Long Surface and Tsunami-Like Waves in the Ocean with a Variable Bathymetry
Physical Activity in Peri-Urban Communities: Testing Intentional and Implicit Processes within an Ecological Framework
Measures of firm risk-taking: revisiting Bowman’s paradox
HIV Point of Care Testing (PoCT) at late-night sex on premises venues (SOPV) for gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM): a mixed methods analysis
The psychological foundations of rational ignorance: biased heuristics and decision costs
Facebook-Based Social Support and Health: A Systematic Review
Interventions to optimize prescribing for older people in care homes
Spectral Analysis of Satellite Altimeters and Tide Gauges Data around the Northern Australian Coast
Modelling of heat stress in a robotic dairy farm. Part 2: identifying the specific thresholds with production factors
Determination of critical tunnel heading pressures using stability factors
Health outcome and expenditure in low-income countries: does increasing diffusion of information and communication
technology matter?
Obesity, long-term health problems, and workplace satisfaction: a longitudinal study of Australian workers
Health expenditure and gross domestic product: causality analysis by income level
The impact of immigration on public and out-of-pocket health expenditure in OECD countries
Aboveground resource allocation in response to root herbivory as affected by the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis
Ten-year quality of life outcomes in men with prostate cancer
The role of masculinities in psychological and emotional help seeking by men with prostate cancer
Fire Effects on Soil Properties by P Pereira, J Mataix-Solera, X Ubeda, G Reain & A Cerda
Pelargonidin 3-glucoside-enriched strawberry attenuates symptoms of DSS-induced inflammatory bowel disease and diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats
Nanoscale mechanism of ions immobilized by the geopolymer: A molecular dynamics study
Improving sulfate attack resistance of concrete by using calcined Mg-Al-CO3 LDHs: Adsorption behavior and mechanism
Metakaolin-based geopolymers: Relation between formulation, physicochemical properties and efflorescence formation
Thermal analysis of a portable DSSC mini greenhouse for botanical drugs cultivation
Economic Effects of Climate Change-Induced Loss of Agricultural Production by 2050: A Case Study of Pakistan
Risk of opioid misuse in people with cancer and pain and related clinical considerations: a qualitative study of the perspectives of Australian general practitioners
B2B purchase engagement: Examining the key drivers and outcomes in professional services
An evaluation of contemporary China’s land use policy – The Link Policy: A case study from Ezhou, Hubei Province
Developing crash modification factors for roundabouts using a cross-sectional method
An evidence-based analysis of managing hypertension with isometric resistance exercise - are the guidelines current?
Belt-and-Road Initiative: Driving the need to understand intellectual capital in Chinese multinational enterprises
Submission to Queensland Law Reform Commission on review of consent laws and the excuse of mistake of fact
Challenges in engineering education: student engagement and employability skills
Constitutional patriotism
Targeted urban consolidation or ad hoc redevelopment? The influence of cadastral structure and change on the urban form of Brisbane, Australia
Genomic Regions Associated with Virulence in Pyrenophora teres f. teres Identified by Genome-Wide Association Analysis and Bi-parental Mapping
Projected spatial patterns in precipitation and air temperature for China's northwest region derived from high‐resolution regional climate models
Skilling up: evaluation of a design-based research methodology
A novel approach for component based application logic event attack modeling
Development and validation of a survey instrument for measuring pre-service teachers' pedagogical content knowledge
Influence of different hot air drying temperatures on drying kinetics, shrinkage, and colour of persimmon slices
Female franchisees; a lost opportunity for franchising sector growth?
Lithography and etching-free microfabrication of silicon carbide on insulator using direct UV laser ablation
Joint strength of single-bolted pultruded GFRP square hollow sections with mechanical inserts under elevated temperatures
CMIP5 climate models overestimate cooling by volcanic aerosols
High average-utility sequential pattern mining based on uncertain databases
Analyzing client-led innovation enablers in Australian construction projects
Recent progress in radon-based monitoring as seismic and volcanic precursor: a critical review
Characterization of the passive film formed on the reinforcement surface in alkali activated fly ash: surface analysis and electrochemical evaluation
Real world and tropical cyclone world. Part II: sensitivity of tropical cyclone formation to uniform and meridionally varying sea surface temperatures under aquaplanet conditions
Real world and tropical cyclone world. Part I: high-resolution climate model verification
Experimental study on the reuse of cathode ray tubes funnel glass as fine aggregate for developing an ecological self-compacting mortar incorporating metakaolin
Double Deep Q-Network with a Dual-Agent for Traffic Signal Control
Occupational Self-Efficacy and Psychological Capital Amongst Nursing Students: A Cross Sectional Study Understanding the Malleable Attributes for Success
Television as a Career Motivator and Education Tool: A Final-Year Nursing Student Cohort Study
Trainwreck femininity and Whitney: monstrous feminine redux
Synergistic effect approaching to record-high figure of merit in the shear exfoliated n-type Bi2O2-2xTe2xSe
Achieving ultralow surface roughness and high material removal rate in fused silica via a novel acid SiO2 slurry and its chemical-mechanical polishing mechanism
Optimization of sodium hydroxide for securing high thermoelectric performance in polycrystalline Sn1 − xSe via anisotropy and vacancy synergy
Combating soil salinity with combining saline agriculture and phytomanagement with salt-accumulating plants
Seeing the bigger picture: conditions that influence effective engagement of project executives with visuals
A comprehensive analysis of adverb types for mining user sentiments on Amazon product reviews
Integrating El Nino-Southern Oscillation information and spatial diversification to minimize risk and maximize profit for Australian grazing enterprises
Student engagement in virtual space
Stimulant expectancy questionnaire for men who have sex with men: a measure of substance‐related beliefs
Trace elements-induced phytohormesis: a critical review and mechanistic interpretation
Enhanced thermoelectric properties of nanostructured n-type Bi2Te3 by suppressing Te vacancy through non-equilibrium fast reaction
The Simulated Ocular and Whole-Body Distribution of Natural Sunlight to Kiteboarders: A High-Risk Case of UVR Exposure for Athletes Utilizing Water Surfaces in Sport
Muscle strengthening, aerobic exercise, and obesity: a pooled analysis of 1.7 million US adults
Is running associated with a lower risk of all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality, and is the more the better? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Emerging spheres of engagement: the role of trust and care
in community-university research
The suitability of MSP for engineering infrastructure
The suitability of PRINCE2 for engineering infrastructure
Changes in the future summer Mediterranean climate:
contribution of teleconnections and local factors
Exoplanets in the Antarctic Sky. IV. Dual-band Photometry of Variables Found by the CSTAR-II Commissioning Survey at the North Sky
The Generalized Neutrosophic Cubic Aggregation Operators and Their Application to Multi-Expert Decision-Making Method
Availability of soil mutualists may not limit non-native Acacia invasion but could increase their impact on native soil communities
Understanding EBLIP at an organizational level: an initial maturity model
Mathematica code for implementing the aggregate EMF
Efficient chain structure for high-utility sequential pattern mining
Assessment of technical and financial benefits of AC and DC microgrids based on solar photovoltaic
A hybrid representation based simile component extraction
Effect of using metakaolin as supplementary cementitious material and recycled CRT funnel glass as fine aggregate on the durability of green self-compacting concrete
Security and Forensics in the Internet of Things: Research Advances and Challenges
Enrichment for retail businesses: How female entrepreneurs and masculine traits enhance business success
Characterization of Supersonic Turbulent Combustion in a Mach-10 Scramjet Combustor
Academic and clinical performance among nursing students: What's grit go to do with it?
M-CFIS-R: Mamdani Complex Fuzzy Inference System with Rule Reduction Using Complex Fuzzy Measures in Granular Computing
Complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition hybridized with random forest and kernel ridge regression model for monthly rainfall forecasts
Applied and conceptual approaches to evidence-based practice in research and academic libraries
A scale-sensitive approach for comparing and classifying point patterns
Mechanisms of multiyear variations of Northern Australia wet-season rainfall
Enhanced deep learning algorithm development to detect pain intensity from facial expression images
A general extensible learning approach for multi-disease recommendations in a telehealth environment
A review on the ability of smartphones to detect ultraviolet (UV) radiation and their potential to be used in UV research and for public education purposes
Glass transmitted solar irradiances on horizontal and sun-normal planes evaluated with a smartphone camera
A hybrid air quality early-warning framework: an hourly forecasting model with online sequential extreme learning machines and empirical mode decomposition algorithms
Effectiveness of a novel composite jacket in repairing damaged reinforced concrete structures subject to flexural loads
Machine learning approaches for spatial modeling of agricultural droughts in the south-east region of Queensland Australia
Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption-economic growth nexus: new evidence from South Asia
Not so robust: robusta coffee production is highly sensitive to temperature
Integrative stochastic model standardization with genetic algorithm for rainfall pattern forecasting in tropical and semi-arid environments
Mining health knowledge graph for health risk prediction
Defining flood risk management strategies: a systems approach
REISCH: incorporating lightweight and reliable algorithms into healthcare applications of WSNs
Native pastures and beef cattle show a spatially variable response to a changing climate in Queensland, Australia
Distribution of heavy metals in vegetative biofiltration columns
Association between work-related features and coronary artery disease: a heterogeneous hybrid feature selection integrated with balancing approach
Computational Social Science as the ultimate Web Intelligence
Creating positive synergies between risk management and transfer to accelerate food system climate resilience
Hybridized neural fuzzy ensembles for dust source modeling and prediction
Constructing a knowledge-based heterogeneous information graph for medical health status classification
Relational intelligence recognition in online social networks - a survey
Trends and current state of research on greater one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis): a systematic review of the literature over a period of 33 years (1985–2018)
Sustainable cold supply chain management under demand uncertainty and carbon tax regulation
Everyday classroom teaching practices for self-regulated learning
Land use change in Australian mixed crop-livestock systems as a transformative climate change adaptation
A postmortem of forest policy dynamics of Nepal
Global solar radiation estimation and climatic variability analysis using extreme learning machine based predictive model
Suicidal behaviours and moderator support in online health communities: protocol for a scoping review
Modelling zero-truncated overdispersed antenatal health care count data of women in Bangladesh
Development and evaluation of the cascade correlation neural network and the random forest models for river stage and river flow prediction in Australia
Causality of climate, food production and conflict over the last two millennia in the Hexi Corridor, China
Mixing characteristics of a film-exciting flapping jet
Exploration and implication of factors affecting e-tourism adoption in developing countries: a case of Nepal
Socioeconomic inequalities in mental health in Australia: Explaining life shock exposure
Cost-effectiveness of the introduction of two-dose bi valent (Cervarix) and quadrivalent (Gardasil) HPV vaccination for adolescent girls in Bangladesh
Prostate cancer survivorship priorities for men and their partners: Delphi consensus from a nurse specialist cohort
An assessment of the policies and practices of selective logging and timber utilisation: A case study from natural forests of Tarai Nepal and Queensland Australia
Robust approach for depth of anaesthesia assessment based on hybrid transform and statistical features
Direct contact ultrasound for fouling control and flux enhancement in air-gap membrane distillation
A novel hybridised composite sandwich core with glass, kevlar and zylon fibres – investigation under low-velocity impact
Environmental degradation: the role of electricity consumption, economic growth and globalisation
Influence of Clouds on OMI Satellite Total Daily UVA Exposure over a 12-year Period at a Southern Hemisphere Site
Dietary saturated fatty acids modulate pain behaviour in trauma-induced osteoarthritis in rats
Modelling of heat stress in a robotic dairy farm. Part 3: rumination and milking performance
What do project management practitioners think governance is? A study on perceptions in Queensland, Australia
Sea World - Gold Coast, Australia's discourse of legitimation: signage and live animal shows (2015-2018) as indicators of change in messaging
Spectral density constraints on wireless communication
Does digital inclusion affect quality of life? Evidence from
Australian household panel data
Inequality in access to improved drinking water sources and childhood diarrhoea in low- and middle-income countries
A beginner’s guide to applied educational research using thematic analysis
Growth Hormone Treatment Promotes Remote Hippocampal Plasticity after Experimental Cortical Stroke
Mitigating opioid errors in inpatient palliative care: A qualitative study
Factors That Impact Measures of Grit among Nursing Students: A Journey Emblematic of the Koi Fish
Development of Advanced Computer Aid Model for Shear Strength of Concrete Slender Beam Prediction
A double decomposition-based modelling approach to forecast weekly solar radiation
Effect of Suvorexant vs Placebo on Total Daytime Sleep Hours in Shift Workers: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Gender-specific differences in care-seeking behaviour among lung cancer patients: a systematic review
A pragmatic parameterisation and calibration approach to model hydrology and water quality of agricultural landscapes and catchments
Wealth-related inequalities of women’s knowledge of cervical cancer screening and service utilisation in 18 resource-constrained countries: evidence from a pooled decomposition analysis
The burden of chronic diseases among Australian cancer patients: evidence from a longitudinal exploration, 2007-2017
Remote actuation of light activated shape memory polymers via D-shaped optical fibres
Mathematical modelling of non-local spore dispersion of wind-borne pathogens causing fungal diseases
Weather-based predictive modeling of wheat stripe rust infection in Morocco
The formation of the Queensland Liberal National Party: origins, prospects and implications for Australian political systems
Workplace experience of international students in Australia
SLIND+: stable LINk detection
Classification of Logical Vulnerability Based on Group Attacking Method
Developing literacy and the arts in schools
How to improve Indian graduate employability and outcomes: empirical comparisons with Australia
Spatial mapping of short-term solar radiation prediction incorporating geostationary satellite images coupled with deep convolutional LSTM networks for South Korea
Enhanced sequence labeling based on latent variable conditional random fields
Three-dimensional heading stability of twin circular tunnels
Two-dimensional tunnel heading stability factors Fc, Fs and Fγ
Evolution of non-stationary pulses in a cold magnetized quark-gluon plasma
Stormwater runoff and pollution retention performances of permeable pavements and the effects of structural factors
The Church on British Television: From the Coronation to Coronation Street
The spectrum of teaching styles in physical education
Future considerations on the spectrum
Effects of the reciprocal teaching style on skill acquisition, verbal interaction and ability to analyse in fifth grade children in physical education
Reconciling approaches: Mosston and Ashworth’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles as a tool to examine the complexity of any teaching (or coaching) approach
Using The Spectrum to interrogate the Teaching Styles of physical education teachers
Introduction to the spectrum
The Palgrave Handbook of Incarceration in Popular Culture
Child development a cultural approach. Australian and New Zealand edition
Unfamiliar allies: Australian cross-cultural communication in Afghanistan and Iraq during the war on terror
Does takeover competition affect acquisition choices and bidding firm performance? Australian evidence
Out in the field: examining the role of school-based experiences in preparing primary pre-service teachers as confident and competent teachers of science
Flexural behaviour of concrete slabs reinforced with GFRP bars and hollow composite reinforcing systems
Three-dimensional analysis of circular tunnel headings using Broms and Bennermarks’ original stability number
Catalyst-electrolyte Interactions in Aqueous Reline Solutions for Highly Selective Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
Effective Utilization of Waste Glass as Cementitious Powder and Construction Sand in Mortar
Nitrogen-doped graphene-ionic liquid-glassy carbon microsphere paste electrode for ultra-sensitive determination of quercetin
Testing and modelling the fatigue behaviour of GFRP composites – Effect of stress level, stress concentration and frequency
Analysing N-of-1 observational data in health psychology and behavioural medicine: a 10-step SPSS tutorial for beginners
Advances and challenges in electrochemical CO2 reduction processes: an engineering and design perspective looking beyond new catalyst materials
Experimental investigation on effects of calcined bentonite on fresh, strength and durability properties of sustainable self-compacting concrete
The costs of disability in Australia: a hybrid panel-data examination
Recognition of historical contribution of indigenous peoples and local communities through benefit sharing plans (BSPs) in REDD+
Graphene Oxide and Adiponectin-Functionalized Sulfonated Polyetheretherketone with Effective Osteogenicity and Remotely Repeatable Photo-Disinfection
Co-occurrence, possible origin, and health-risk assessment of arsenic and fluoride in drinking water sources in Mexico: Geographical data visualization
Hydrogeochemical controls on the mobility of arsenic, fluoride and other geogenic co-contaminants in the shallow aquifers of northeastern La Pampa Province in Argentina
Health effects of arsenic exposure in Latin America: An overview of the past eight years of research
High-performance thermoelectric SnSe: aqueous synthesis, innovations, and challenges
Outstanding thermoelectric properties of solvothermal-synthesized Sn1−3xInxAg2xTe micro-crystals through defect engineering and band tuning
Correlation between the photocatalysis and growth mechanism of SnO2 nanocrystals
Geographical Disparities in Screening and Cancer-Related Health Behaviour
Morphology and Texture Engineering Enhancing Thermoelectric Performance of Solvothermal Synthesized Ultra-large SnS Microcrystal
Insights from CMIP6 for Australia's future climate
Investigating the assessment practices within an Initial Teacher Education program in an Australian university: staff perceptions and practices
Optimisation of Sporosori Purification and Protein Extraction Techniques for the Biotrophic Protozoan Plant Pathogen Spongospora subterranea
Storytelling, the scale of persuasion and retention: A neuromarketing approach
Triadic relationship between customers, service providers and government in a highly regulated industry
A cross-sectional study of skin cancer secondary prevention in rural general practice
Effect of pyrolysis conditions on bone char characterization and its ability for arsenic and fluoride removal
Betwixt and Between: Trauma, Survival and the Aboriginal Troopers of the Queensland Native Mounted Police
Developing a cyberbullying conceptual framework for educators
A synergy of strain loading and laser radiation in determining the high-performing electrical transports in the single Cu-doped SnSe microbelt
Experimental and numerical evaluations on the behaviour of structures repaired using prefabricated FRP composites jacket
Technology-Enhanced Learning for Graduate Students: Exploring the Correlation of Media Richness and Creativity of Computer-Mediated Communication and Face-to-Face Communication
Examining antecedents of reconciliation following service failure and recovery
Welcome to the International Universities Strength and Conditioning Association Journal: publishing research with a view to the future
Bridging the gap: why strength and conditioning practitioners and researchers should collaborate
Interfacial engineering of polymer-MOF composite by in situ vitrification
Cracking behaviour and mechanism at grain boundary of gibbsite during calcination
Anticipated regret, terrorist behaviour & the presentation of the outcomes of attacks in the mainstream media and in terrorist group publications
Emergency management communication: The paradox of the positive in public communication for preparedness
Vulnerability assessment of bridges subjected to extreme cyclonic events
Current status of carbon fibre and carbon fibre composites recycling
Phylogeny and pathogenicity of Stemphylium species associated with Fabaceae in Australia
Ageing of particulate-filled epoxy resin under hygrothermal conditions
Performances, challenges and opportunities in strengthening reinforced concrete structures by using FRPs – A state-of-the-art review
The impact of localised general practice training on Queensland’s rural and remote general practice workforce
Measured UV Exposures of Ironman, Sprint and Olympic-Distance Triathlon Competitors
Evaluation of shade profiles while walking in urban environments: A case study from inner suburban Sydney, Australia
Phomopsis husk rot of macadamia in Australia and South Africa caused by novel Diaporthe species
A three-dimensional (3-D) meshfree-based computational model to investigate stress strain-time relationships of plant cells during drying
Random forest predictive model development with uncertainty analysis capability for the estimation of evapotranspiration in an arid oasis region
Letter to the Australians
'On the brink of a fever stricken swamp': culturally modified trees and land-people relationships at Lower Laura (Boralga) Native Mounted Police camp, Cape York Peninsula
How Mangroves Story: On Being a Filter Feeder
Commelinaceomyces, gen. nov., for four clavicipitaceous species misplaced in Ustilago that infect Commelinaceae
Practitioner views on project management methodology (PMM) effectiveness
How COVID-19 has reshaped library services
Near real-time global solar radiation forecasting at multiple time-step horizons using the long short-term memory network
Adaptive boost LS-SVM classification approach for time-series signal classification in epileptic seizure diagnosis applications
Three suggested amendments to Australia's defamation laws
Simulation and experimental study of a synthetic jet valveless pump
The use of mental health services by Australian adolescents with mental disorders and suicidality: findings from a nationwide cross-sectional survey
Suicidality, mental disorder and the utilization of mental health services among Australian adolescents
Environmental Phillips curve: OECD and Asian NICs perspective
Present-day greenhouse gases could cause more frequent and longer Dust Bowl heatwaves
Ocean and land forcing of the record-breaking Dust Bowl heatwaves across central United States
Phytophthora cinnamomi exhibits phenotypic plasticity in response to cold temperatures
Mapping national REDD+ initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region
The nexus between renewable energy, economic growth, trade, urbanisation and environmental quality: a comparative study for Australia and Canada
Exploring the effects of economic growth, population density and international trade on energy consumption and environmental quality in India
STEMming the Flow: Supporting Females in STEM
Red root rot of Vicia sativa caused by Atractiella rhizophila
A New Design-Oriented Model of Glass Fiber-Reinforced
Polymer-Reinforced Hollow Concrete Columns
Behavior of circular concrete columns reinforced with hollow composite sections and GFRP bars
Helping children who have been affected by bushfires
Effects of the ‘Circle of Security’ group parenting program (COS-P) with foster carers: An observational study
Tuning wall thickness of TiO2 microtubes for an enhanced photocatalytic activity with thickness-dependent charge separation efficiency
A Short-Read Genome Assembly Resource for Leveillula taurica Causing Powdery Mildew Disease of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum)
Do the business cycle and revenue diversification matter for banks' capital buffer and credit risk: Evidence from ASEAN banks
Corporate social responsibility, overconfident CEOs and empire building: Agency and stakeholder theoretic perspectives
Water usage and productivity of Boro rice at the field level and their impacts on the sustainable groundwater irrigation in the North-West Bangladesh
Neo-gothic dinosaurs and the haunting of history
Nurse-led supportive care intervention for men with advanced prostate cancer: healthcare professionals' perspectives
Contemporary consumer perspectives on prostate cancer survivorship: Fifty voices
Atomic Investigation on the Facet‐Dependent Melting of Ceramic Nanostructures via In Situ Electron Irradiation
Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3/PEDOT:PSS-based flexible thermoelectric film and device
Flexible Carbon-Fiber/Semimetal Bi Nanosheet Arrays as Separable and Recyclable Plasmonic Photocatalysts and Photoelectrocatalysts
Two-dimensional nanocoating-enabled orthopedic implants for bimodal therapeutic applications
Advanced Thermoelectric Design: From Materials and Structures to Devices
Impact of anthropometric characteristics on the medial longitudinal arch in static and dynamic loading using photogrammetry images
Season suspension and summer extension: Unique opportunity for professional team-sport athletes and support staff during and following the COVID-19 crisis
Oral nutritional supplements for preventing surgical site infections: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
Modulation of gut microbiota by spent coffee grounds attenuates diet-induced metabolic syndrome in rats
The Effect of Orally Dosed Levagen+™ (palmitoylethanolamide) on Exercise Recovery in Healthy Males—A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study
Course design features influencing preservice teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs in their ability to support students’ use of ICT
Basketball New Zealand COVID-19 return to training and competition framework: guidelines for safe return to training and competition for coaches and players
Survival of the Fittest: Challenges for regional aviation to serve the needs of Australian regional and remote communities
Measurements of freestream density fluctuations in a hypersonic wind tunnel
‘A friend who stabs you’: Abjection, violence and the female clique in film
Financial and Social Well-being Performance after Privatisation of the Port of Brisbane: A Case Study
Board independence and CSR reporting: pre and post analysis of JCGC 2009
Vegetable input supply chain analysis, Cambodia
Livelihoods and farming systems report, Cambodia
Investigating Capacities to Change Soil and Irrigation Practices in Vegetable Production in Two Provinces in Cambodia
Bacteria-triggered pH-responsive osteopotentiating coating on 3D-printed polyetheretherketone scaffolds for infective bone defect repair
Genome mining of the citrus pathogen Elsinoe fawcettii; prediction and prioritisation of candidate effectors, cell wall degrading enzymes and secondary metabolite gene clusters
Win-win: Improved irrigation management saves water and increases yield for robusta coffee farms in Vietnam
Optothermotronic effect as an ultrasensitive thermal sensing technology for solid-state electronics
Structural design of floodways under extreme flood loading
Interfacial microenvironment for lipase immobilization: Regulating the heterogeneity of graphene oxide
Direct evidence of boosted oxygen evolution over perovskite by enhanced lattice oxygen participation
The relation between an ageing population and economic growth in Bangladesh: evidence from an endogenous growth model
A fast analytical protocol for simultaneous speciation of arsenic by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) hyphenated to Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) as a modern advancement in liquid chromatography approaches
Assessing the financial contribution and carbon emission pattern of provisioning ecosystem services in Siwalik forests in Nepal: Valuation from the perspectives of disaggregated users
Australian eclipse expeditions: James Short and the eclipses of 1908, 1910 and 1911
Monitoring rice growth status in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam using multitemporal Sentinel-1 data
Effect of fibre architecture on tensile pull-off behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints
Building resilience among rural and remote nurses in Queensland, Australia
Video-enhanced feedback
Teacher education and professional development for technology integrated teaching
Advances in Rational Design and Materials of High Performance Stretchable Electromechanical Sensors
Working the aporia: ethnography, embodiment and the ethnographic self
Nonlinear Waves in a Rotating Ocean (The Ostrovsky Equation and Its Generalizations and Applications)
A critical review of mercury speciation, bioavailability, toxicity and detoxification in soil-plant environment: Ecotoxicology and health risk assessment
Arsenic in Latin America: a critical overview on the geochemistry of arsenic originating from geothermal features and volcanic emissions for solving its environmental consequences
Arsenic in geoenvironments of Nicaragua: exposure, health effects, mitigation and future needs
Use of low-enthalpy and waste geothermal energy sources to solve arsenic problems in freshwater production in selected regions of Latin America using a process membrane distillation - research into model solutions
‘Farming is not Just an Occupation [but] a Whole Lifestyle’: A Qualitative Examination of Lifestyle and Cultural Factors Affecting Mental Health Help-Seeking in Australian Farmers
Personal and social capabilities in early adolescents’ literacy practices at home
Perceptions of the usefulness of various teaching methods in forensic accounting education
Resistance of Wheat Genotypes to Root-Lesion Nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) Can be Used to Predict Final Nematode Population Densities, Crop Greenness, and Grain Yield in the Field
Can irrigating more frequently mitigate detrimental heat wave effects on perennial ryegrass growth and persistence?
Telecommunications industry efficiency: A comparative analysis of high and middle income countries
Exploring the roles of high-speed train, air and coach services in the spread of COVID-19 in China
Evaluating the price effects of two airline mergers in China
A case study on Incitec Pivot's acquisition strategy of dyno nobel
Near real-time significant wave height forecasting with hybridized multiple linear regression algorithms
Feature-Based Learning in Drug Prescription System for Medical Clinics
Electrical Energy Demand Forecasting Model Development and Evaluation with Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform-Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machines Algorithms
Network development of low-cost carriers in China's domestic market
Understanding airline price dispersion in the presence of high-speed rail
Responding to the accumulation of adverse childhood experiences in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for practice
Time-resolved stagnation temperature measurements in hypersonic flows using surface junction thermocouples
Performance investigation of two AE source location techniques on a Planar Multilayer Structure
Carrageenans from the Red Seaweed Sarconema filiforme Attenuate Symptoms of Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome in Rats
The history of rainfall data time-resolution in a wide variety of geographical areas
Combining Opinions for Use in Bayesian Networks: A Measurement Error Approach
Toward a theory of outside-in marketing: Past, present, and future
To donate or to waste it: Understanding posthumous organ donation attitude
Study on dimensional stability of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC)
Development of data intelligent models for electricity demand forecasting: case studies in the state of Queensland, Australia
Modelling rice and wheat response to rising carbon dioxide concentration
Planning for caregiving of adults with intellectual disability: Australian perspectives
Game-Based Learning in an Online Environment: Effects on Student Engagement
Opto-electronic coupling in semiconductors: Towards ultrasensitive pressure sensing
High temperature silicon-carbide-based flexible electronics for monitoring hazardous environments
Not So Tedious Ways to Think about the Locations of the Early Playhouses
Three-dimensional scanning of soil surface and furrow profiles using a portable and affordable unit
The archaeology of the Secret War: The material evidence of conflict on the Queensland frontier 1849-1901
Why do we sabotage love? A thematic analysis of lived experiences of relationship breakdown and maintenance
Puck, Philostrate and the locus of A Midsummer Night's Dream's topical allegory
Working with Australian Defence Force Intrepreters in Timor 1999 and Aceh 2005: Reflections Drawn from Personal Experience
Special issue introduction: online relationship marketing
Customer engagement and co-created value in social media
Online relationship marketing: evolution and theoretical insights into online relationship marketing
Mental Health
The Older Adult
The Pedagogical Possibilities of Critically Examining Gender and Sexuality in Initial Teacher Education Through the Lens of Intersex
A Critical Investigation of Masculinity in Education: Using a Narrative Method
Introduction: Defining and Theorising Key Concepts of Resilience and Well-Being and Arts-Based Research
Authentication and Integrity Protection for Real-time Cyber-Physical Systems
Stressors and protective factors among regional and metropolitan Australian medical doctors: A mixed methods investigation
Cross-Continental Exploration of Concerns, Opportunities, and Realities of Teacher Education
Child sexual abuse in the context of disability
Child Sexual Abuse: Forensic Issues in Evidence, Impact, and Management
Coping with COVID-19: Understanding and managing the impact of pandemics
Trauma informed care: Adverse childhood experiences and its implications for health care
Trauma informed care in early childhood education
Reading Success in the Primary Years: An Evidence-Based Interdisciplinary Approach to Guide Assessment and Intervention
Arts-Based Research, Resilience and Well-being Across the Lifespan
Epileptic Seizures Detection Based on Non-linear Characteristics Coupled with Machine Learning Techniques
Faith or Fraud?: Fortune-Telling, Spirituality, and the Law
Podcasts as an eLearning educational tool
‘A la carte’ spirituality and the future of freedom of religion
Catering for the Specialized Needs of Students With Vision Impairment in Mainstream Classes: Listening to Student Voices for Academic, Physical, and Social Inclusion
Justice at the edge: Hearing the sound of silence
A security review of event-based application function and service component architecture
Mechanical properties of flax fiber‐reinforced composites at different relative humidities: Experimental, geometric, and displacement potential function approaches
Classification of malignant and benign lung nodule and prediction of image label class using multi-deep model
Stability of Jovian Trojans and their collisional families
K2-HERMES II. Planet-candidate properties from K2 Campaigns 1-13
Stretchable respiration sensors: Advanced designs and multifunctional platforms for wearable physiological monitoring
Gambler’s ruin problem and bi-directional grid constrained trading and investment strategies
Bullying victimization, mental disorders, suicidality and self-harm among Australian high schoolchildren: Evidence from nationwide data
Modelling hydrological processes and identifying soil erosion sources in a tropical catchment of the Great Barrier Reef using SWAT
Insights into the value of seasonal climate forecasts to agriculture
Internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy with minimal therapist support for anxious children and adolescents: predictors of response
An effective power dispatch strategy for clustered micro-grids while implementing optimal energy management and power sharing control using power line communication
Sustainable energy planning for cost minimization of autonomous hybrid microgrid using combined multi-objective optimization algorithm
Microbial electrochemical sensors for volatile fatty acid measurement in high strength wastewaters: A review
Solar blue light radiation enhancement during mid to low solar elevation periods under cloud affected skies
Mapping of modifiable barriers and facilitators with interdisciplinary chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) guidelines concordance within hospitals to the Theoretical Domains Framework: a mixed methods systematic review protocol
Practical approaches to pedagogically rich online tutorials in health professions education
Pedagogical foundations to online lectures in health professions education
Adapting to a new reality: COVID-19 coronavirus and online education in the health professions
ScAlN/3C-SiC/Si platform for monolithic integration of highly sensitive piezoelectric and piezoresistive devices
Highly-doped SiC resonator with ultra-large tuning frequency range by Joule heating effect
Nutritional knowledge of youth academy athletes
A systematic review of the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on root-lesion nematodes Pratylenchus spp.
Understanding the cues and strategies counsellors use to develop rapport with clients through telephone counselling
Contemporary Australian Trauma
Kinematics of interacting solitons in two-dimensional space
Anti-inflammatory Components from Functional Foods for Obesity
TPACK – time to reboot?
Back to futures: futures studies and its role in addressing the great civilisational challenges
AJET bibliometrics
The evolving field of learning analytics research in higher education: From data analysis to theory generation, an agenda for future research
Child sexual abuse: Complexities and contexts
Community-diversity Driven Influence Maximization on Social Networks
Public policy change and its impact on urban expansion: An evaluation of 265 cities in China
Traversing the Funambulist’s Fine Line between Nursing and Male Identity: A Systematic Review of the Factors that Influence Men as They Seek to Navigate the Nursing Profession
Phragmites australis Associates with Belowground Fungal Communities Characterized by High Diversity and Pathogen Abundance
Updated protocol and guest participant results from the ACCeRT clinical study
A multi-targeted treatment approch to cancer cachexia: Auckland's Cancer Cachexia evaluating Resistance Training (ACCeRT) trial
Deep blade loosening and two-dimensional infiltration theory make furrow irrigation predictable, simpler and more efficient
Are you feeding back or is it taking students forward?: changing the traditional narrative to ensure a dialogic approach in formative assessment
Technology-enhanced formative assessment practices in higher education
How ready is ready? Measuring physical preparedness for severe storms
Aboriginal-European interaction on the Queensland frontier: an archaeological study of the Boralga native police camp, Cape York Peninsula
Development of high-performance multidimensional bismuth telluride-based thermoelectric materials
The burden of cancer and its distribution and consequences for australia: evidence from health economic evaluation and
advanced statistical modelling
Selection of flow rate and irrigation duration for high performance bay irrigation
Toward profitable and sustainable bioresource management in the Australian red meat processing industry: a critical review and illustrative case study
Australia and the International Astronomical Union: The 1973 Sydney general assembly
Change the Rules: Reform of the Economic Torts in Australia
Development of an evaluation technique in near zero slope furrowed border systems with common water supply
Determination of factors influencing student engagement using a learning management system in a tertiary setting
Exploring Values Through Lived Experiences of the World Heritage Site of Petra: A Case Study
Informal Spaces for STEM Learning and Teaching: STEM clubs
More than coding: Positioning STEM education in practice
SrTiO3-based thermoelectrics: Progress and challenges
Rational structural design and manipulation advance SnSe thermoelectrics
Virtual praxis: Constraints, approaches, and innovations of online creative arts teacher educators
Submission to NSW Government on Greyhound Racing Act 2017 Statutory Review
Basketball New Zealand guidelines: safe return to training for players in preparation for a condensed National Basketball League season following Covid-19 restrictions
Basketball New Zealand infographic: return to training 50-30-20-10 rule [for basketball players]
Basketball New Zealand infographic: recovery points checklist
Basketball New Zealand infographic: recovery benefits
Women in prison-based drama
Exploring the integration of evidence-based medicine,
quality of life considerations and health economics
for rare diseases
'The end of all': how a forgotten map helped us forget Newington Butts
Teaching mathematics through a growth mindset
The evolution from strict liability to negligence: when and why? Part 1
Automated prediction of sepsis using temporal convolutional network
Computation-guided design of high-performance flexible thermoelectric modules for sunlight-to-electricity conversion
Trauma-informed teaching of adults
Effective teaching in primary science, technology, society and the environment
When winning matters: lessons learned from sport's elite
Fungal Planet description sheets: 1042-1111
Research into teaching and learning of tertiary mathematics and statistics
Teacher praxis within the 'Communicative Course of Study Guidelines' in Japan: post-implementation pedagogy
Teaching perspectives of philosophical inquiry: Changes to secondary teachers' understanding of student learning and pedagogical practices
Creating Emotional Engagement in Online Learning
'Not-So-Invisible Mending': Developing Editing Skills in Large Online Classes through Visible Labour
Nrf2 Activation Enhances Muscular MCT1 Expression and Hypoxic Exercise Capacity
Climatology and Variability of the Evaporative Stress Index and its suitability as a tool to monitor Australian drought
Bi-directional grid absorption barrier constrained stochastic processes with applications in finance and investment
Remediation of Polluted River Water by Biological,
Chemical, Ecological and Engineering Processes
Point defect engineering and machinability in n-type Mg3Sb2-based materials
Assessment of a Sustainable Building using Eco-Friendly Insulation Materials
Case study of liquid suction heat exchanger in a mechanical
refrigeration system using alternative refrigerants
A survey on text classification and its applications
From Traceability to Provenance of Agricultural Products through Blockchain
A new framework for automatic detection of patients with mild cognitive impairment using resting-state EEG signals
Wealth stratified inequalities in service utilisation of breast cancer screening across the geographical regions: A pooled decomposition analysis
Response of the macadamia seed weevil Kuschelorhynchus macadamiae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassianain laboratory bioassays
Synergistic use of pyridine and selenophene in a diketopyrrolopyrrole-based conjugated polymer enhances the electron mobility in organic transistors
Application of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIF-8)/ionic liquid composites modified nano-carbon paste electrode as sensor for electroanalytical sensing of 1-hydroxypyrene
Spatiotemporal assessment of irrigation performance of the Kou Valley irrigation scheme in Burkina Faso using satellite remote sensing-derived indicators
The current state of Distributed Renewable Generation, challenges of interconnection and opportunities for energy conversion based DC microgrids
Making decisions in ‘a bit of a bubble’: relevant Australian Curriculum content for students in the Middle East
Investigation into intra-abdominal pressure and neuromuscular activation to increase force production in traditional martial arts practitioners
Teachers’ and students’ experiences within the communicative language course of study in Japanese high schools: an instrumental case study
The evolution from strict liability to negligence: when and why? Part II
An electrohydrodynamic gyroscope
Gender differences in the longitudinal association between obesity, and disability with workplace absenteeism in the Australian working population
Fatigue Indices and Perceived Exertion Highlight Ergometer Specificity for Repeated Sprint Ability Testing
Prior workload has moderate effects on high-intensity match performance in elite-level professional football players when controlling for situational and contextual variables
Ensemble neural network approach detecting pain intensity from facial expressions
A Novel Approach to the Design and Analysis of Field Experiments to Study Variation in the Tolerance and Resistance of Cultivars to Root Lesion Nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.)
Stability of planetary, single M dwarf, and binary star companions to Kepler detached eclipsing binaries and a possible five-body system
Determinants of ICT usage for healthcare among people with disabilities: The moderating role of technological and behavioural constraints
The changing relationship between health burden and work disability of Australian cancer survivors, 2003–2017: Evidence from a longitudinal survey
Selection of private or public hospital care: examining the care-seeking behaviour of patients with private health insurance
How Sedentary Are University Students? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
High density mechanical energy storage with carbon nanothread bundle
Light activated shape memory polymers and composites: A review
Effects of Different Relative Humidities on Flax Fibers prior to Manufacturing Their Composites Based on the Shear Response
Enhanced toughness of PLLA/PCL blends using poly(d-lactide)-poly(ε-caprolactone)-poly(d-lactide) as compatibilizer
How fungi’s knack for networking boosts ecological recovery after bushfires
Saskatoon Berry Amelanchier alnifolia Regulates Glucose Metabolism and Improves Cardiovascular and Liver Signs of Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome in Rats
Inspiratory flow-resistive breathing, respiratory muscle-induced systemic oxidative stress, and diaphragm fatigue in healthy humans
'How can the creative arts possibly be taught online?' Perspectives and experiences of online educators in Australian higher education
Draft genome resource for Macrophomina phaseolina associated with charcoal rot in sorghum
The missing link in emergency management: evaluating community engagement
Practice does not make perfect: A brief view of athletes’ knowledge on the menstrual cycle and oral contraceptives
Welfare implications for air passengers in China in the era of high-speed rail
Preparing for ‘COVID-27’: Lessons in management focus – An Australian general aviation perspective
Drawdown and Drawup of Bi-Directional Grid Constrained Stochastic Processes
Conflicting Perspectives
Women’s Football: An Examination of Factors That Influence Movement Patterns
Inflammation and Oral Contraceptive Use in Female Athletes Before the Rio Olympic Games
Bioinspired 2D Nanomaterials for Sustainable Applications
Thermal Transport in 3D Nanostructures
Tuning the charge carrier polarity of organic transistors by varying the electron affinity of the flanked units in diketopyrrolopyrrole-based copolymers
Two-dimensional fluorine-free mesoporous Mo2C MXene via UV-induced selective etching of Mo2Ga2C for energy storage
A facile, environmentally friendly synthesis of strong photo-emissive methylammonium lead bromide perovskite nanocrystals enabled by ionic liquids
Data mining for precision medicine in clinical decision support systems
TOI-677b: A Warm Jupiter (P = 11.2 days) on an Eccentric Orbit Transiting a Late F-type Star
A planet within the debris disk around the pre-main-sequence star AU Microscopii
A dynamic portal for a community-driven, continuously updated classification of Fungi and fungus-like organisms: outlineoffungi.org
Is there any prospect of a model provision for similar fact/propensity evidence or the coincidence/tendency rules in Australia?
Indigenous postgraduate education
Indigenous postgraduate education: intercultural perspectives
Exploration of stress management interventions to address psychological stress in stroke survivors: A protocol for a scoping review
Opposing associations of stress and resilience with functional outcomes in stroke survivors in the chronic phase of stroke: A cross-sectional study
CEO power and corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure: does stakeholder influence matter?
The effect of abrasive pretreatment on the drying kinetics and phenolic compounds in goji berries (Lycium barbarum L.)
A new structure of Tesla coupled nozzle in synthetic jet micro-pump
A longitudinal exploration of the relationship between obesity, and long term health condition with presenteeism in Australian workplaces, 2006-2018
Cost-effectiveness evaluations of the 9-Valent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine: evidence from a systematic review
Geographical and socioeconomic inequalities in the utilization of maternal healthcare services in Nigeria: 2003–2017
Effect of Training Phase on Physical and Physiological Parameters of Male Powerlifters
Solar System Physics for Exoplanet Research
10 years on, Inception remains Christopher Nolan’s most complex and intellectual film
That’ll do, pig, that’ll do: Babe at 25, a trailblazing cinematic classic
Neverending stories - why we still love Unsolved Mysteries
Quantifying the Influence of Jupiter on the Earth’s Orbital Cycles
The GALAH survey: temporal chemical enrichment of the galactic disc
The GALAH Survey: Chemically tagging the Fimbulthul stream to the globular cluster ω Centauri
The Pan-Pacific Planet Search - VIII. Complete results and the occurrence rate of planets around low-luminosity giants
Cool Jupiters greatly outnumber their toasty siblings: occurrence rates from the Anglo-Australian Planet Search
The GALAH survey: chemodynamics of the solar neighbourhood
Stability analysis of three exoplanet systems
The GALAH survey: a new constraint on cosmological lithium and Galactic lithium evolution from warm dwarf stars
Host and guest value co-creation and satisfaction in a shared economy: The case of Airbnb
Health literacy in rural and urban populations: A systematic review
Experimental and numerical heat transfer from vortex-injection interaction in scramjet flowfields
Experimental Study on the Rainfall-Runoff Responses of Typical Urban Surfaces and Two Green Infrastructures Using Scale-Based Models
The accuracy of artificial and natural light measurements by actigraphs
Multifractal Cross Correlation Analysis of Agro-Meteorological Datasets (Including Reference Evapotranspiration) of California, United States
Effects of economic growth, foreign direct investment and internet use on child health outcomes: empirical evidence from South Africa
Resuscitation of the drowned person in the era of COVID-19 disease: a common ground for recommendations, identification of research needs and a global call to action
Testing a comprehensive model of organizational justice perceptions and personal states with personal and organizational outcomes
Australian Indigenous model of mental healthcare based on transdiagnostic cognitive–behavioural therapy co-designed with the Indigenous community: protocol for a randomised controlled trial
I do not even tell my partner: Nurses’ perceptions of verbal and physical violence against nurses working in a regional hospital
On-field conditioning for large groups: the forgotten aspect in strength and conditioning
The philosophy of liberal arts education in developing higher education program: some experience at US universities and recommendations for Vietnam [Vietnamese]
'Protect the Brisbane backyard!' (Except from subdivision for additional house construction)
Acknowledging documentary filmmaking as not only an output but a research process: a case for quality research practice
In situ crystal-amorphous compositing inducing ultrahigh thermoelectric performance of p-type Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 hybrid thin films
Tribological investigation of frictional behaviour of
mild steel under canola bio-lubricant conditions
Modeling of Stochastic Temperature and Heat Stress Directly Underneath Agrivoltaic Conditions with Orthosiphon Stamineus Crop Cultivation
Drying kinetic, quality, energy and exergy performance of hot air–rotary drum drying of green peas using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
The Mediating Effect of Information and Communication Technology Usages on the Nexus Between Assistive Technology and Quality of Life Among People with Communication Disability
The research higher degree journey for Aboriginal students
Implementation Strategies for Interventions Aiming to Increase Participation in Mail-Out Bowel Cancer Screening Programmes: A Realist Review
Development of thermoplastic 3D printing feedstock utilising biomass
Knowledge discovery for health risk prediction
The Future for Civilian UAV Operations
'Bring back our girls': Social celebrity, digital activism, and new femininity
Modeling wheat yield with data-intelligent algorithms: artificial neural network versus genetic programming and minimax probability machine regression
Developing new techniques to improve licence plate detection
systems for complicated and low quality vehicle images
An assessment of the economic and environmental implications of selective logging: case studies in Queensland Australia and the Tarai Region Nepal
Designing a Testbed to Assess Secure Control of Cyber-Physical Systems
Pedobarography assessment of hindfoot gender in Middle Eastern adults during gait
Share and show: Cultivating sensemaking capability in the management classroom
Reducing Avoidable Copd Emergency Room Presentations: An Integrated Cross-Health Service Utilisation Scoping Initiative In South Queensland
Performance of Bridges with Damaged Elements in Extreme Flood Events
Numerical Investigation on Hollow Pultruded Fibre Reinforced Polymer Tube Columns
Floodway Design Process Revisted
Flexural Behavior of Functionally Graded-Graphene Reinforced Composite Plates
A hero’s journey: recognising and supporting the achievement motivation of international secondary students
Examining EFL students’ motivation and attitudes toward a gamified course using leaderboards and quests at a Japanese university
Event prediction through structural intelligence in online social networks
Not for sale: the challenge to imbue a Kingdom-shaping Christian school education for Shalom in an Australian market-driven context
Effect of various urea concentrations on nitrogen slow release from PLLA nanofiber mat
A roof cavability classification system and its use for estimation of main caving interval in longwall mining
I’m new, how do I get to know you?: onboarding in a pandemic
Simulation of several CNT based macrostructures using slip-link model and discrete element method
Flexible and wearable flow sensor using spinnable carbon nanotube nanofilm for respiration monitoring
How can Small Businesses Achieve Knowledge Ambidexterity Using Cloud-based Knowledge Management Systems?
Inclusion of Complementary Industry Knowledge in IT Service
Management Curriculum – A Case Study
Potential Application of Wire Woven Mesh as Tower Packing Support-Computational Approach
A geometric model for estimating the volume and surface area of apples
An exploratory study examining critical experiences and influences on professional identity of allied health students during clinical placement in a regional health service
A film editor’s point of view (POV): exploring ‘planes of meaning’ in film editing/making
The key factors that influence trust in a Swiss family office banking relationship: an explorative mixed-methods study in Swiss private banking
Drawing out critical conversations in the management classroom
Saving lives from floods
Static and dynamic testing of tendons
A review of overburden fracturing and changes in hydraulic characteristics due to longwall mining
Shear strength properties of artificial rock joints
Greenhouse gas emissions associated with road transport projects: current status, benchmarking, and assessment tools
Effective school engagement
Hear my voice; the importance of self-advocacy for students who are blind or vision impaired
How to effectively advocate in school, services and the community for your child with a vision impairment
Toolbox of technology: what is required for students who are blind or have a vision impairment to use problem solving skills and adaptive technology to access the curriculum
The role of social skills in community participation, inclusion and employment
Being blind when the world is designed for those who can see; the importance of the Expanded Core Curriculum
What’s working in schools today: perspectives and advice from students with a vision impairment, their parents and teachers
Implementation of the expanded core curriculum; the process of accrediting standardised national curriculum to provide equitable access to schooling for students who are blind
Optoelectronic Enhancement for Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor
A process for the accurate reconstruction of pre-filtered and compressed digital aerial images
Digital image improvement by integrating images of different resolutions
A Framework for Selection of Processes to Virtualize in e-Government: A Case Study of Liberia
Older People’s Needs and Opportunities for Assistive Technologies
Inclusivity and the Education of Children of Defence Forces Personnel: Exploring the Impact of Mobility and Interrupted Schooling
Science, Ecology and Wellbeing
Achieving Knowledge in Action through Online Collaborative Learning: What We Have Learned?
Federated Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition Applications
The Challenges of Inclusive Education in Developing Countries in South East Asia
How arts-based methods are used to support the resilience and well-being of young people: a review of the literature
Conclusion: cross-cultural communication and language in wartime: reflections and future directions
Online offshore business process outsourcing (OOBPO): an analysis of the work relations between Filipino freelancers and their offshore clients
Queensland fire and emergency services and ‘medical’ first responder capability: an examination of challenges and opportunities
A Global Fireball Observatory
Impact of technological innovation with products and processes on banking in Myanmar
The role of enterprise risk management on disclosure transparency and cost of equity capital in the international financial reporting standard period
The role of teachers’ strategies in motivating formative learners of English as a foreign language: a study of English teaching in Libyan primary schools
Accountants’ perceptions of communication in not-for-profit organisations: inhibitors, enablers and strategies
The effects of the mobile tourism website quality on customer intention to reuse and recommend
Assessing the validity and reliability and determining cut-points of the Actiwatch 2 in measuring physical activity
Ten Research Priorities Related to Youth Sport,
Physical Activity, and Health
Community and home-based exercise for the prevention and treatment of hypertension
Assessing the resistance to root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus thornei) in a new collection of wild chickpea (Cicer reticulatum and c. Echinospermum) from Turkey
Optimal water allocation using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm
Improving design practices for drip irrigation systems installed in the Punjab province, Pakistan
An evaluation study in mediation: a comparative study between Australia and Jordan
Integrating seasonal climate forecasts with Robusta coffee model across the agricultural landscapes of Vietnam
Indigenous Knowledges and Science Education: Complexities, Considerations and Praxis
Compressive behavior of hollow concrete columns reinforced with GFRP bars
Stability analysis of tunnels and underground openings
Arsenic and fluoride removal from water using bone char
Design of variable geometry radial ejector for HVAC purposes through experiments and simulation
Experimental investigation and modelling of the impacts of cotton picker traffic on vertosol soil compaction and potential yield under random and controlled traffic farming systems
Changes in risk factors for non-communicable diseases associated with the ‘Healthy choices at work’ programme, South Africa
Dual Carbon Potassium-Ion Capacitors: Biomass-Derived Graphene-like Carbon Nanosheet Cathodes
The modeling of human facial pain intensity based on Temporal Convolutional Networks trained with video frames in HSV color space
Combining Microfinance and Health in Reducing Poverty-Driven Healthcare Costs: Evidence From the Philippines
KELT-25 b and KELT-26 b: A Hot Jupiter and a Substellar Companion Transiting Young A Stars Observed by TESS
Transits of Known Planets Orbiting a Naked-eye Star
Multi-wavelength, spatially resolved modelling of HD 48682's debris disc
The GALAH Survey: non-LTE departure coefficients for large spectroscopic surveys
Five-Year Weight Loss Outcomes in Laparoscopic Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (LVSG) Versus Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y
Gastric Bypass (LRYGB) Procedures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Distribution and predictors associated with the use of breast cancer screening services among women in 14 low-resource countries
Answer to the letter to the editor on 'Environmental Phillips Curve: OECD and Asian NICs Perspective'
The climate-induced alteration of future geographic distribution of aflatoxin in peanut crops and its adaptation options
Effects of environmental quality on agricultural productivity in sub Saharan African countries: a second generation panel based empirical assessment
Climate change vulnerability of Asia’s most iconic megaherbivore: greater one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis)
The Visible Behaviour of Drowning Persons: A Pilot Observational Study Using Analytic Software and a Nominal Group Technique
Job-related characteristics and obesity in Australian employees: evidence from a longitudinal nationally representative sample
Combining associations between emotional intelligence, work motivation and organizational justice with counterproductive work behaviors: A profile analysis via multidimensional scaling (PAMS) approach
The moderating role of conscientiousness between psychological contract breach and loyal boosterism
Globalisation, poverty and corruption: retarding progress in South Africa
Does ICT maturity catalyse economic development? Evidence from a panel data estimation approach in OECD countries
Trends in Muscle-Strengthening Exercise Among Nationally Representative Samples of United States Adults Between 2011 and 2017
'We don’t recognize transsexuals … and we’re not going to treat you': cruel and unusual and the lived experiences of transgender women in US prisons
Factors that affect the adoption of the balanced scorecard and its implementation process in Australian healthcare organisations
Bringing corporate strategy to life through firm-wide and strategic supply chain performance alignment, to perform as required within strategic supply chains
Erratum: Multi-wavelength, spatially resolved modelling of HD 48682’s debris disc
Shear strength of soil by using clam shell waste as recycle aggregate
A Versatile Sacrificial Layer for Transfer Printing of Wide Bandgap Materials for Implantable and Stretchable Bioelectronics
Sustaining school improvement: exploring internal and external factors that develop system-school alignment in selected CESA schools
The Impact of Transit-Oriented Shopping Mall Developments (TOSMDs) on Metro Station Ridership: Dubai Metro Redline
Questioning representations of athletes with elevated testosterone levels in elite women’s sports: a critical policy analysis
Bounds of Bi-Directional Grid Constrained Stochastic Processes in Mathematical Finance & Algorithmic Trading
Bridging distance: Practical and pedagogical implications of virtual Makerspaces
eLearn: Statutory Interpretation – An Introduction
Nanoarchitectonics for Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Nanowires: Toward the Next Generation of Nanoelectromechanical Systems for Environmental Monitoring
Corporate social responsibility reporting of international oil companies in Nigeria: an historical materialism analysis
Integration of entomopathogenic fungi into IPM programs: studies involving weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) affecting horticultural crops
The asymptotic approach to the description of two-dimensional symmetric soliton patterns
Gems and nuggets: multicultural education for young children
CFD Assessment and Experimental Investigation of the Liquid Separation Efficiency Enhancements in a Vertical Gravity Separator
The Adoption of Mobile Technologies in Healthcare: The Perceptions of Healthcare Professionals Regarding Knowledge Management Practices in Developing Countries
Civil Procedure
Information Retrieval Technology: 15th Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference, AIRS 2019, Hong Kong, November 7-9, 2019, Proceedings
Contemporary Australian Tort Law
Introduction: understanding communication, interpreting, and language in wartime
Academic achievement and student satisfaction: moving anatomy and physiology teaching online
The Lion and the Mouse: A tale of kindness and creative resiliency in a regional university
The legacy of pasture drill rows on soil chemical characteristics and subsequent wheat production
Special issue on the application of artificial intelligence in advanced manufacturing
Price image and the sugrophobia effect on luxury retail purchase intention
Examining the Change of Human Mobility Adherent to Social Restriction Policies and Its Effect on COVID-19 Cases in Australia
Spatio-temporal variation of the coupling relationship between urbanization and air quality: A case study of Shandong Province
Building energy optimization using surrogate model and active sampling
The soul of the voice: an interview with Trineice Robinson-Martin
Psychometric properties, mood profile clusters, and predictive effectiveness of the Brunel Mood Scale in a Singaporean context
PLS-SEM path analysis to determine the predictive relevance of e-Health readiness assessment model
Researching Within the Educational Margins: Strategies for Communicating and Articulating Voices
Basketball New Zealand infographic: female athlete health - understanding your menstrual cycle: what’s normal, what’s not?
Basketball New Zealand infographic: immune health: avoiding infection and maintaining immune health in athletes
Occupational Travellers and Researchers as Educational Border Crossers: Methods for Researching with Australian and British Fairground People
Mobilising Critical Interculturality in Researching Within the Educational Margins: Lessons from Dhofari Women’s Experiences of English Language Undergraduate Courses in Oman
Keratinocyte skin cancer risks for working school teachers: scenarios and implications of the timing of scheduled duty periods in Queensland, Australia
Emergence of envelop solitary waves from initial localised pulses within the Ostrovsky equation
Linden Postcard Show 2020-2021 (Tell Me Fairytales & Dingo's Tale)
Concluding remarks [to La contrattazione costituzionale dei livelli di autonomia: modelli per una comparazione]
The effect of biochar addition on plant major nutrient uptake in hydroponic systems
What Does Reflection Look and Feel Like for International Students? An Exploration of Reflective Thinking, Reflexivity and Employability
International Students, Reflection, and Employability
Absurdity amidst project work
Brain network, modelling and corresponding EEG patterns for health and disease states
Meta-Analysis: Methods for Health and Experimental Studies
Recent Advances in Reducing Food Losses in the Supply Chain of Fresh Agricultural Produce
Modelling of heat stress in a robotic dairy farm. Part 4: Time constant and cumulative effects of heat stress
'I Am Grateful That I Still Live Under One Roof With My Family': Gratitude Among South African University Students
Preface [to La contrattazione costituzionale dei livelli di autonomia: modelli per una comparazione]
La contrattazione costituzionale dei livelli di autonomia: modelli per una comparazione
Feedback modelling of the impacts of drought on coffee production in Vietnam
Local economic development strategy for vibrant regions
Middle to late Holocene near-shore foraging strategies at Caution Bay, Papua New Guinea
Stability analysis of twin circular tunnels using shear strength reduction method
English Vocabulary Learning with Simplified Pictures
Feedback modelling of the impacts of drought: A case study in coffee production systems in Viet Nam
Developing Learning-Based Preprocessing Methods for Detecting Complicated Vehicle Licence Plates
'This circle of joy': meaningful musicians’ work and the benefits of facilitating singing groups
Forecasting long-term precipitation for water resource management: a new multi-step data-intelligent modelling approach
What to expect after the honeymoon: evolutionary psychology of part-time franchising
Investigation of particulate suspensions in generalised hydrodynamic dissipative particle dynamics using a spring model
Studying the effects of using two types of Afos on the
ankle and knee joints kinematics and kinetics during
walking in the sagittal plane for a patient with severe
DDH; Part 2
Studying the effects of using two types of Afos on the
hip joint kinematics and kinetics during walking in the
sagittal plane for a patient with severe DDH; Part 1
Fiscal arrangements in the Australian federal system
COVID-19, border restrictions and section 92 of the Australian Constitution
Free speech and secondary boycott activity in Australia
Using Arts-Based Methods and Reflection to Support Postgraduate International Students' Wellbeing and Employability through Challenging Times
Concepts of Safety Critical Systems Unification Approach & Security Assurance Process
Developing dialogue between a school subject department head and a university education researcher: convergences and divergences in experiencing educational change and complexity
Similar cognitive deficits in mice and humans in the chronic phase post-stroke identified using the touchscreen-based paired-associate learning task
Northern Ireland and South Tyrol: constitutional boundaries in consociational democracies
Plasmin Generation Potential and Recanalization in Acute Ischaemic Stroke; an Observational Cohort Study of Stroke Biobank Samples
The determinants of innovative behaviors in organisations
Enhanced deep learning predictive modelling approaches for pain intensity recognition from facial expression video images
Fostering learning through making: perspectives from the International Maker Education Network
Long-term meditation practice in Puno, Peru: a five-level exploratory model of theory and research
A strategy for improving the functional health and well-being of Cambodian university faculty and staff
Competency, capability and professional identity: the case for advanced practice
Living peace: the contribution of Maharishi Vedic Science to global security
Engaging biochemistry students through technology, case studies, and individualised assignments
Knowing Teaching through Researching and Reflecting on Practice
The role of socio-psychological factors in the maintenance of Arabic language among the Arabic-speaking community in the regional city of Toowoomba, Australia
Stimulating languages and learning: global perspectives and community engagement
Washback from English tests on teaching and learning: a case study in Vietnam
Digital language teaching and teacher development
Technology-enhanced language teaching in action
Foresight capacity: towards a foresight competency model
Maharishi Vedic architecture and quality of life: an international mixed methods study of lived experience
Hierarchical SnS2/carbon nanotube@reduced graphene oxide composite as an anode for ultra-stable sodium-ion batteries
Parametric Space for Elastic Waves in Porous Media with Complex Rheology
Key steps in environmental impact assessment: a comparative study of China, Queensland State of Australia and Nepal
Resident risk attitude analysis in the decision-making management of waste incineration construction
Why is the Private Forest Program Stunted in Nepal?
Household CO2 Emissions: Current Status and Future Perspectives
An Ecosystem Services Valuation Research Framework for Policy Integration in Developing Countries: A Case Study from Nepal
Assessing the past and adapting to future floods: a hydro-social analysis
Monitoring wheat leaf rust and stripe rust in winter wheat using high-resolution UAV-based red-green-blue imagery
Numerical solution of a highly nonlinear and non-integrable equation using integrated radial basis function network method
Supervised damage and deterioration detection in building structures using an enhanced autoregressive time-series approach
Making the case for 'physical activity security': the 2020 WHO Guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour from a Global South perspective
Entry Barriers and Competitive Governance
Mobile-assisted academic vocabulary learning
Evaluation of policy scenarios for water resources planning and management in an arid region
Statistics poster competitions: an opportunity to connect academics and teachers
Work-Focused Health Care: The Role of Physical Therapists
Musculoskeletal Pain and Disability in Sonographers: More Than an Ergonomic Issue
Narratives of Access: A Critical Exploration of How Institutional Interactions with Students Affect Regional Student Participation in Higher Education
Comparison of GOME-2 UVA Satellite Data to Ground-Based UVA
Measurements in South Africa
Mathematical Modelling for Optimally Allocating the Medical and Health Supplies Reserve in Hainan Province
Body composition influences blood pressure during submaximal graded test in women
Waves on a compressed floating ice plate caused by motion of a dipole in water
Teaching psychomotor skills online: exploring the implications of novel coronavirus on health professions education
Improved prediction of leaf emergence for efficacious crop protection: assessing field variability in phyllotherms for upper leaves in winter wheat and winter barley
A 6LoWPAN OPNET simulation model for machine‐to‐machine communications
Evaluating frameworks for practice in mainstream primary school classrooms catering for children with developmental trauma: an analysis of the literature
Structural Deterioration Localisation Using Enhanced Autoregressive Time-Series Analysis
Locating and Quantifying Damage in Deck Type Arch Bridges Using Frequency Response Functions and Artificial Neural Networks
A Nonparametric Method for Identifying Structural Damage in Bridges Based on the Best-Fit Auto-Regressive Models
Locating and Quantifying Damage in Beam-like Structures Using Modal Flexibility-based Deflection Changes
Coarse-graining, compressibility, and thermal fluctuation scaling in dissipative particle dynamics employed with pre-determined input parameters
Investigation of slow release of urea from biodegradable single- and double-layered hollow nanofibre yarns
A review of measuring, assessing and mitigating heat stress in dairy cattle
Preface: Recent Research Advances on Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Engineering Structures
In the room where it happens: teaching musical theatre and
contemporary and commercial music (CCM) singing
Light activated shape memory polymer composite based smart structures: a framework for material development and activation methodologies
Can integrated microfinance and health programs reduce poverty-driven healthcare costs: a case of the Philippines
An Efficient Scheme to Secure Data Provenance in Home Area Networks
Investigation of tri-planar range of motion of ankle according to gender using photogrammetry technique
State of Play for Australia’s Agricultural Trade with China: Challenges & the Road Ahead
Take me away / Bring me home
Factors affecting e-government adoption in Liberia:
A practitioner perspective
New modern painting
Understanding multitudinous and collaborative investigative responses to child sexual abuse
Reunification of intrafamilial child sex abusers
The effectiveness of spiritual reminiscence therapy for older people with loneliness, anxiety and depression in Malaysia
Exercise improves the health and well-being of people with dementia
RAYGUN Projects: 2011-2019
A mixed-methods analysis of the effects of Facebook-based social support on health across Australian metropolitan and regional communities: does social media go the distance?
First a Play, Now a Book, Soon a Film: Reimagining Henry Lawson’s Short Story ‘The Drover’s Wife’
Postcards from the Pandemic: Teaching Creative Writing During COVID-19
Triggering Kindness: Teaching Narratives of Trauma During COVID-19
Things You Lost in 2020 [Textual Work: Poem]
Ways of Being Out, To Make Moves Within
Simular proof and senseless feeling: Synaesthetic overload in Cymbeline
Creators of Ipswich report
How Soon Is Now
A mixed-method study of stem qualified professionals’ persistence intentions within the Australian agriculture sector
Spectrum sharing for wireless communication subject to
regulatory constraints on power
Investigating experiences and outcomes of K-12 blended learning classes through the community of inquiry framework
Prevention of Occlusion of cEnTral lInes for Children with cancer: An implementation study
The effectiveness and cost effectiveness of a hospital avoidance program in a residential aged care facility: a prospective cohort study and modelled decision analysis
Development challenges facing general aviation airports: A case study of Archerfield Airport, Queensland, Australia
Electrochemical reduction of CO2 to ethane through stabilization of an ethoxy intermediate
The 'Blue Sky effect': a repatriation of judicial review grounds or a search for flexibility?
The irony of coal mining infrastructure projects: the more talk about cost, the more they cost
Developing sustainable supply chains in regional Australia considering demand uncertainty, government subsidies and carbon tax regulation
Career motivations of mechanical trade stem workers in agricultural occupations in regional Australia
‘I think you need to be a helicopter parent’: how mothers of neurodiverse children understand their child’s schooling experiences, and their own role in their child’s education
The last in line: implied association and literary-artistic expression in the Australian constitution
Path dependency, the High Court, and the Constitution
Corporations and their contributions to public debates
Executive detention in the time of a pandemic
The Governor General in Australia and gender equality
So you want to be a lecturer in counselling
Curriculum, schooling and applied research: challenges and tensions for researchers
Employing weather-based disease and machine learning techniques for optimal control of Septoria Leaf Blotch and Stripe Rust in wheat
Jenga, Kafka, and the Triumph of Academic Capitalism: A Taxonomy of Scholars and their COVID Capital
Holistic movement practices: an emerging category of physical activity for exercise psychology
Comparative assessment of spray behavior, combustion and engine performance of ABE-biodiesel/diesel as fuel in DI diesel engine
Numeracy in paramedicine education: a literature review
A magnetic snapshot survey of F-type stars
Measuring stellar magnetic helicity density
Magnetic field and prominences of the young, solar-like, ultra-rapid rotator V530 Persei
Activity and differential rotation of the early M dwarf Kepler-45 from transit mapping
Formative assessment and the Craft of Writing Framework: A response to Cremin and Twiner
Variation in CT use for paediatric head injuries across different types of emergency departments in Australia and New Zealand
Response to Letter to the Editor: Addressing concerns from a recent randomised controlled trial protocol of two acute burn dressings
Doomscrolling, Zoom Overload, and COVID Fatigue: Teaching Creative Writing During the Pandemic
Ionicity of clay-cation bonds in relation to dispersive behavior of Mg and K soil clays as influenced by pH
Deep Air Quality Forecasts: Suspended Particulate Matter Modeling With Convolutional Neural and Long Short-Term Memory Networks
Mechanical Vapour Compression Refrigeration System: Review Part 1: Environment Challenge
How Can the Lived Environment Support Healthy Ageing? A Spatial Indicators Framework for the Assessment of Age-Friendly Communities
Self-Sorting of Solid Waste using Machine Learning
The Second Window
A New Deep Convolutional Neural Network Model for Automated Breast Cancer Detection
A Densely Connected Encoder Stack Approach for Multi-type Legal Machine Reading Comprehension
Static and dynamic testing of tendons
Researching Within the Educational Margins: Selected Answers to the Organising Questions
HPE: navigating the chasm of policy, practice and management to enact the intended curriculum and meet the needs of the twenty-first century learners
Realising the vision of technology integration: a case study of K-12 private schools in the United Arab Emirates
From scheelite BaMoO4 to perovskite BaMoO3: Enhanced electrocatalysis toward the hydrogen evolution in alkaline media
High-performance metal-organic framework-perovskite hybrid as an important component of the air-electrode for rechargeable Zn-Air battery
Toward Excellence of Transition Metal‐Based Catalysts for CO2 Electrochemical Reduction: An Overview of Strategies and Rationales
Tuning the Product Selectivity of the Cu Hollow Fiber Gas Diffusion Electrode for Efficient CO2 Reduction to Formate by Controlled Surface Sn Electrodeposition
Efficient organic enrichment from sludge filtrate via a forward osmosis membrane process
Modulated Sn Oxidation States over a Cu2O-Derived Substrate for Selective Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
Ethnobotany of the Himalayas: The Nepal, Bhutanese, and Tibetan Himalayas
Investigating career intentions of undergraduate paramedic students studying in Queensland, Australia
Gathering in the Light
Impacts of exclusion fencing on target and non‐target fauna: a global review
Envisioning the future with ‘compassionate conservation’: An ominous projection for native wildlife and biodiversity
Standing out from the crowd: improving employability through peer programs and continuing professional development in undergraduate paramedic programs
A Close Look at the German and Australian Anti-FGM Framework-Concerns About Equal Protection and Equal Application
Prospects and challenges of prosecuting foreign fighters in Australia
Measuring association between two categorical variables: revisiting risk ratio and odds ratio
Emotional attachment for informal synchronous online language learning
Incorporating security into electronic health records based
healthcare systems with wireless sensor networks
Effects of ultraviolet solar radiation on the properties of particulate-filled epoxy based polymer coating
Growing-season soil microbial respiration response to long-term no tillage and spring ridge tillage
Response to comments on 'Compassionate Conservation deserves a morally serious rather than dismissive response - reply to Callen et al., 2020'
Minimizing animal welfare harms associated with predation management in agro‐ecosystems
Expansion of Vertebrate Pest Exclusion Fencing and Its Potential Benefits for Threatened Fauna Recovery in Australia
Effect of internet use and electronic game‑play on academic performance of Australian children
A microstructure model for viscoelastic–thixotropic fluids
Mary Shepard: the artist who brought Mary Poppins to life
Interaction between the place of residence and wealth on the risk of overweight and obesity in Bangladeshi women
Crowding-out effect strategy using AgCl for realizing a super low lattice thermal conductivity of SnTe
Crystal symmetry induced structure and bonding manipulation boosting thermoelectric performance of GeTe
Rashba effect maximizes thermoelectric performance of GeTe derivatives
State-of-the-art of prefabricated FRP composite jackets
for structural repair
The role of conidia in the dispersal of Ascochyta rabiei
Hierarchical Structuring to Break the Amorphous Limit of Lattice Thermal Conductivity in High-Performance SnTe-Based Thermoelectrics
Computer-aided design of high-efficiency GeTe-based thermoelectric devices
No Friend but the Mountains: Writing from Manus Prison
The Department of Immigration was central to Australia's post-World War II recovery. What role might it play in Australia's recovery from COVID 19?
Workplace Safety, Deadly Jellyfish And Tourists: A Novel Approach To An Emergent Problem
The HD 217107 planetary system: Twenty years of radial velocity measurements
Establishing the Golden Range of Seebeck Coefficient for Maximizing Thermoelectric Performance
Introduction [to Stimulating languages and learning: global perspectives and community engagement]
Multiscale entropy algorithms and their applications in cardiac disease discrimination
One-pot scalable fabrication of an oligomeric phosphoramide towards high-performance flame retardant polylactic acid with a submicron-grained structure
The state of play of blockchain technology in the financial services sector: A systematic literature review
A bio-based ionic complex with different oxidation states of phosphorus for reducing flammability and smoke release of epoxy resins
High‐performance polymeric materials through hydrogen‐bond cross‐linking
Transmission spectroscopy and Rossiter-McLaughlin measurements of the young Neptune orbiting AU Mic
A pair of Jovian Trojans at the L4 Lagrange point
Valorisation of the supernatant of brewery effluent in plankton production for fish farming: an alternative for environment protection in southern countries
Global Citizenship Education Compass: Traversing The Bounds Of Long Term Allocentrism
Deciding to enrol in a cancer trial: a systematic review of qualitative studies
Highly Flexible Multilayered e-Skins for Thermal-Magnetic-Mechanical Triple Sensors and Intelligent Grippers
Lignin-derived bio-based flame retardants toward high-performance sustainable polymeric materials
Manipulating interphase reactions for mechanically robust, flame-retardant and sustainable polylactide biocomposites
Grafting Lignin with Bioderived Polyacrylates for Low-Cost, Ductile, and Fully Biobased Poly(lactic acid) Composite
A liquid phosphorus-containing imidazole derivative as flame-retardant curing agent for epoxy resin with enhanced thermal latency, mechanical, and flame-retardant performances
Mood profiling in Singapore: cross-cultural validation and potential applications of mood profile clusters
Mood responses associated with COVID-19 restrictions
Advancements in mental skills training
'Now it's your choice': Nondirective genetic counseling, other minds, place and counselee empowerment
Women in rural, regional and remote enterprises
(WiRE): playing big in business - Final Report (DESBT19241)
Communicating Compassionately in a Crisis: John Curtin and Journalists, 1941-1945
The book detectives: metafictive devices and the development of critical literacy in year 3 students
Long-term behaviour of particulate-filled epoxy-based polymers
An Exploratory Study of the Readiness of Public Healthcare Facilities in Developing Countries to Adopt Health Information Technology (HIT)/e-Health: the Case of Ghana
A model for evaluating eHealth preparedness – a case study approach
Clinical exercise physiology in the Australian health care system
The effects of exclusion fencing on the yellow-footed rock-wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus celeris)
Water-based hybrid coatings toward mechanically flexible, super-hydrophobic and flame-retardant polyurethane foam nanocomposites with high-efficiency and reliable fire alarm response
One-step and green synthesis of lightweight, mechanically flexible and flame-retardant polydimethylsiloxane foam nanocomposites via surface-assembling ultralow content of graphene derivative
TOI-481 b and TOI-892 b: Two Long-period Hot Jupiters from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
TOI 564 b and TOI 905 b: grazing and fully transiting hot Jupiters discovered by TESS
Manufacturing and structural performance of glass-fiber-reinforced precast-concrete boat ramp planks
Influence of prism geometry on the compressive strength of concrete masonry
Degradation mechanism of glass fiber/vinylester-based composite materials under accelerated and natural aging
Experimental Study on Compressive Behavior of FRP-Confined Expansive Rubberized Concrete
Self-healing polymers: Synthesis methods and applications
Characteristics, strength development and microstructure of cement mortar containing oil-contaminated sand
The dilemmas and gains of brands in a mega sport event alliance
Design of Alkali-Activated Slag-Fly Ash Concrete Mixtures
Using Machine Learning
White Leaf Spot Caused by Neopseudocercosporella capsellae: A Re-emerging Disease of Brassicaceae
Conversations for synthesis: Using the Harkness method in student-led historical inquiry
Fungal Planet description sheets: 1112–1181
Effect of Different Constituent Fiber, Resin, and Sizing
Combinations on Alkaline Resistance of Basalt, Carbon,
and Glass FRP Bars
The GALAH survey: multiple stars and our Galaxy. I. A comprehensive method for deriving properties of FGK binary stars
Exoplanets in the Antarctic Sky. III. Stellar Flares Found by AST3-II (CHESPA) within the Southern CVZ of TESS
A multiplanet system of super-Earths orbiting the brightest red dwarf star GJ 887
Paramedic Attitudes and Perceptions About Continuing Professional Development in Australasia
One-Pot, Solvent- and Catalyst-Free Synthesis of Polyphosphoramide as an Eco-Benign and Effective Flame Retardant for Poly(lactic acid)
Strong, tough and healable elastomer nanocomposites enabled by a hydrogen-bonded supramolecular network
Nickel ammonium phosphate and reduced graphene oxide two‐dimensional hybrid material for improving the fire safety and mechanical properties of poly(vinyl chloride)
Interface engineering of MXene towards super-tough and strong polymer nanocomposites with high ductility and excellent fire safety
Flame retardant polymeric nanocomposites through the combination of nanomaterials and conventional flame retardants
Polyphosphoramide-intercalated MXene for simultaneously enhancing the thermal stability, flame retardancy and mechanical properties of polylactide
Deposition growth of Zr-based MOFs on cerium phenylphosphonate lamella towards enhanced thermal stability and fire safety of polycarbonate
Synthesis and Properties Investigation of Thiophene-aromatic Polyesters: Potential Alternatives for the 2,5-Furandicarboxylic Acid-based Ones
Core–Shell Bioderived Flame Retardants Based on Chitosan/Alginate Coated Ammonia Polyphosphate for Enhancing Flame Retardancy of Polylactic Acid
Flexural Analysis for Syntactic Foam Sandwich Panels
The transnational voices of Australia’s migrant and minority press
The benefits of creating open educational resources as assessment in an online education course
Development of Smart Materials for Invasive Medical Applications Using Shape Memory Polymers
Reporting on war: Press Gallery interactions with Australian Prime Ministers, 1941-2013
The Impact of Personality Traits Towards the Intention to Adopt Mobile Learning
Performance Evaluation for Tracking a Malicious UAV using an Autonomous UAV Swarm
Exploring a cross-cultural perspective of teacher leadership among researchers: A phenomenographic study
The role of microfinance in reducing poverty-driven healthcare costs: a systematic review
Modelling 3-D cellular microfluidics of different plant cells for the prediction of cellular deformations under external mechanical compression: a SPH-CG-based computational study
The impact of digital media on real estate marketing: A review
Age diversity: concepts, strategies and cases
Community engagement for disaster preparedness: a systematic literature review
Trauma informed behaviour support: a practical guide to developing resilient learners
Online physical activity and sedentary behavior information for cancer survivors
Joint and dose‐dependent associations between aerobic and muscle-strengthening activity with depression: a cross‐sectional study of 1.48 million adults between 2011 and 2017
The epidemiology of muscle-strengthening exercise in Europe: a 28-country comparison including 280,605 adults
Muscle-strengthening exercise and depressive symptom severity among a nationally representative sample of 23,635 german adults
Muscle-strengthening exercise and sleep quality among a nationally representative sample of 23,635 German adults
Adherence to aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise guidelines and associations with psychological distress: A cross-sectional study of 14,050 English adults
Factors associated with adherence to the muscle-strengthening activity guideline among adolescents
Do we need physical activity guidelines for mental health: What does the evidence tell us?
A fresh look at grape powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator) A and B genotypes revealed frequent mixed infections and
only B genotypes in flag shoot samples
Foreword: Feelings in sport: theory, research, and practical implications for performance and well-being
Process optimisation of anaerobic digestion treating high-strength wastewater in the Australian red meat processing industry
Our Mothers Were Birds [Short story]
Six Rusalki [short story]
Work-related physical activity and psychological distress among women in different occupations: a cross-sectional study
Biochar effects on nutrients retention and release of hydroponics growth media
Proof Learning in PVS with Utility Pattern Mining
Deep interest shifting network with meta embeddings for fresh item recommendation
Autotrophic sulfide removal by mixed culture purple phototrophic bacteria
Run, lift, or both? Associations between concurrent aerobic–muscle strengthening exercise with adverse cardiometabolic biomarkers among Korean adults
Muscle-strengthening exercise and prevalent hypertension among 1.5 million adults: a little is better than none
Embracing the Ethical Possibilities of Researching About Autistic Individuals’ Transition to Post-School Opportunities in South West Queensland, Australia
No-tillage furrow opener performance: a review of tool geometry, settings and interactions with soil and crop residue
Respectability and disloyalty: the competing obligations of L’Italiano’s editors
Australia’s minority community printed press history in global context: an introduction
High-fidelity audio generation and representation learning with guided adversarial autoencoder
Muscle-strengthening exercise epidemiology: a new frontier in chronic disease prevention
Australia: A Continent Without Native Powdery Mildews? The First Comprehensive Catalog Indicates Recent Introductions and Multiple Host Range Expansion Events, and Leads to the Re-discovery of Salmonomyces as a New Lineage of the Erysiphales
World Health Organization 2020 guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour
New global guidelines on sedentary behaviour and health for adults: broadening the behavioural targets
Advancing the global physical activity agenda: recommendations for future research by the 2020 WHO physical activity and sedentary behavior guidelines development group
Navigating the Affordances and Limits of Ethnographic Research in Exploring Career Development for Marginalised Youth in an Australian Flexible Learning Programme
Educational innovation: challenges of conducting and applying research in schools
Computationally Efficient Synchronous Demodulation using Sigma-Delta Approach
The Wicked Problems of Researching Within the Educational Margins: Some Possibilities and Problems
Setting the Scene for Researching Within the Educational Margins: Selecting Strategies for Communicating and Articulating Voices in Education Research Projects
Let’s Have Redemption! Women, Religion and Sexploitation on Screen
Dark Fantasies: The Prisoner and the Futures of Imprisonment
Prison on Screen in 1970s Britain
Popular Visions of Incarceration
Locally differentially private distributed algorithms for set intersection and union [Letter]
Development of deep learning predictive models for short-term solar radiation forecasting: case study in Vietnam
Changing student perceptions of information technology careers: investigating the use of a tech-savvy career-focussed curriculum for it career development with regional junior high school students
Reducing screen-time and unhealthy snacking in 9–11 year old children: the Kids FIRST pilot randomised controlled trial
National physical activity and sedentary behaviour policies in 76 countries: availability, comprehensiveness, implementation, and effectiveness
Factors shaping the use of outcome based performance management system in central state, Australia
The emergence of Australian solo euphonium repertoire: a brief historical background, analysis of selected major works and annotated catalogue
Evaluating performance of peer-to-peer lending platforms: a cross-country empirical study of panel data
Tell me, whacher, is it winter? [Short story]
Schooling in the time of COVID: An opportunity to liberate learning
Screen-based behaviors in Australian adolescents: longitudinal trends from a 4-year follow-up study
Deep Architecture Enhancing Robustness to Noise, Adversarial Attacks, and Cross-corpus Setting for Speech Emotion Recognition
Augmenting Generative Adversarial Networks for Speech Emotion Recognition
Extending Graph Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
Bounded Pattern Matching Using Views
Predicting Workplace Injuries Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Flexible and Adaptive Fairness-aware Learning in Non-stationary Data Streams
A cost and cost-benefit analysis of the Stand More AT Work (SMArT Work) intervention
Field Trials of a Spotty Liver Disease Vaccine: Vaccine Trial 1: Small scale Trial
Teaching As Truth-telling: A Demythologising Pedagogy for the Australian Frontier Wars
Self-powered monolithic accelerometer using a photonic gate
Active Voice: Professional Associations Collaborating to Provide Exercise is Medicine® Education for Junior Doctors in Australia
Seasonal diet preferences of chital deer in the northern Queensland dry tropics, Australia
Dietary overlap between cattle and chital in the Queensland dry tropics
Development of the Mata Hari Judas Queen (Felis catus)
Who says waiting is boring? How consumer narratives within online communities help reduce stress while waiting
Intrinsic and extrinsic attributes that drive Muslim consumer purchase behavior: A study in the context of Western imported food
The development of an improved scat survey method for koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus)
Bandicoot bunkers: training wild-caught northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus) to use microchip-automated safe refuge
What is driving the increased demand for red panda pelts?
Monitoring with microchips: Microchip‐automated doors as a potential novel method for tracking the survival of released Northern Brown Bandicoots
Reproductive seasonality and rate of increase of wild sambar deer (Rusa unicolor) in a new environment, Victoria, Australia
Foreword [to Brisbane: The Aboriginal Presence 1824-1860]
The theatre of justice: Race relations and capital punishment at Moreton Bay 1841-59
How to train your wildlife: A review of predator avoidance training
Towards a shared services model to support e-Government implementation in developing countries: findings from Liberia
Increment-averaged kriging: a comparison with depth-harmonized mapping of soil exchangeable sodium percentage in a cropping region of eastern Australia
Critical online learning networks of teachers: communality and collegiality as contingent elements
Private military security companies: addressing accountability – a suggested model for control
The limits of environmental educators’ fashioning of ‘individualized’ environmental citizens
Cultivating conscientious tourism caretakers: aphenomenographic continuum towards stronger sustainability
What does the research evidence base tell us about the use and impact of sustainability pedagogies in initial teacher education?
Impact behaviour of an innovative trapezoidal composite corrugated core sandwich structure under low-velocity impact: an experimental and numerical study
The role of cultural intelligence in facilitating tacit knowledge sharing in Australian information and communication technology organisations
Stakeholder security analysis - a new approach to security design with example application
Development and evaluation of data-driven models for electricity demand forecasting in Queensland, Australia
The economic impact of air transport development and consumer choice on airline services in the Southeast Asia region
‘The vices male and female’: rethinking the vice on the Elizabethan and Jacobean stage
Teaching in the Australian Capital Territory: exploring the experiences of teachers using mixed methods and interpretive phenomenological analysis
Te Whakatara! – Tangihanga and bereavement COVID-19
Developing new techniques to improve licence plate detection systems for complicated and low quality vehicle images
Drawn Thread: The Handmade Tale - 50 Years of Craft and Design in Queensland.
Cross-curriculum priorities & geography
Communicative language teaching: the beliefs, attitudes, and practices of pre-service EFL teachers in western Libya
Tropical foods as functional foods for metabolic syndrome
Socioeconomic inequalities in uptake of breast
cancer screening among Saudi women: a cross-sectional analysis of a national survey
Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Australian Literature
Using the Behaviour Change Wheel to design and test a Learning Analytics adoption strategy at a regional Australian university
Impact of brand image of the Business School: from the recruiters’ (employers’) perspectives
Letters to my peers: an autoethnographical approach to a mental health peer worker experience
Tribological Performance of Materials Under Bio-Three Body Abrasion
Effect of Fibre Content on Compressive and Flexural Properties of Coconut Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composites
Making Society Climate Resilient: International Progress under the Global Framework for Climate Services
Improving China’s Resilience to Climate-Related Risks: The China Framework for Climate Services
The benefits of increasing resolution in global and regional climate simulations for European climate extremes
The discourse of registered nurses in practice fields: negotiating professionalism and the demands of work in 21st century Australia
An exploration of the influence of engagement with commemoration on the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal people in South West Queensland, Australia
Walker circulation response to extratropical radiative forcing
A textbook case in creating access
The jazz singer's mind shows us how to improvise through life itself
Romancing revenge: violent masculine (anti)heroes and other dangerous objects
UN Celebrity 'It' Girls as Public Relations-ised Humanitarianism
activPAL and ActiGraph Assessed Sedentary Behavior and Cardiometabolic Health Markers
Combined effects of the biochar/biochar composites and water management strategies on the phyto-availability of arsenic in paddy rice soils
Metabolic Effects of Breaking Prolonged Sitting With Standing or Light Walking in Older South Asians and White Europeans: A Randomized Acute Study
Trends and correlates of meeting 24-hour movement guidelines: a 15-year study among 167,577 Thai adults
Temporariness, belonging and place: working holidaymakers negotiating regional Australia through seasonable agricultural labour
Children versus curriculum: who wins?
Screen-time during the after-school period: a contextual perspective
Bushfire mitigation and preparation on the Toowoomba Region Escarpment: a research report for Toowoomba Regional Council
Revealing teachers’ motivational strategies in Libyan English as a Foreign Language Classrooms
Police as mentors: analysis of how a police mentor program can impact the lives of ‘at risk’ young people
Inclusion in action
Organisational & Personal Impacts of a Work-Based
Learning & Research Programme in Australia
Reducing sitting at work: process evaluation of the SMArT Work (Stand More At Work) intervention
Physical activity and sedentary behavior research in Indonesian youth: a scoping review
Dealing with diversity: factors discouraging participation
of Maori and Pacifica females in ICT education
Applied micro- and macro-reflective cycles in work-based learning and research: two advanced practice contexts
Adolescent social and emotional wellbeing in Abu Dhabi: socio-cultural determinants of mental health and their relationship to help-seeking behaviour in educational settings: a mixed method exploration
Submission to the Office of the National Data Commissioner - Data Availability and Transparency Bill 2020
A Novel Real-time Depth of Anaesthesia Monitoring Method using Detrended Fluctuation Analysis and ANN
A framework of developing health care application systems using 6LoWPAN based wireless sensor networks
SICS Degrees
Southward movement of water - the water ways
The imperial woman’s colonising mission: making space in three colonial crises
Active control of flow separation using compressed air egress and ingress for low-speed wind turbine blades
Work health, safety, and wellbeing strategy and employee engagement: a mixed-methods study: Volumes I and II
Reforming the Law of Rape in the United States: Some Advice from the Antipodes
The relationships of experiencing workplace
bullying with mental health, affective commitment,
and job satisfaction: application of the job demands
control model
Numerical investigation of CFRP strengthened RHS members under cyclic loading
Experimental investigations on inelastic behaviour and modified Gerber joint for double-span steel trapezoidal sheeting
Study on the cyclic bending behaviour of CFRP strengthened full-scale CHS members
Investigation on the behaviour of CFRP strengthened CHS members under monotonic loading through finite element modelling
Forging Truths from Facts: Trauma, historicity and Australian Children's Picture Books
Examining the impact of students’ attendance, sketching, visualization, and tutors experience on students’ performance: a case of building structures course in construction management
Competitiveness in the construction industry: A contractor’s perspective on barriers to improving the construction industry performance
Shrinkage behavior enhancement of infra-lightweight concrete through FRP grid reinforcement and development of their shrinkage prediction models
Numerical investigation on the CFRP strengthened steel frame under earthquake
'This book belongs to': Trauma, (Bio)Degradation, and the Law in Visual and Narrative Diaries
The next wave of CRM innovation: implications for research, teaching, and practice
A Sequential Mixed Methods Investigation into a Workplace-Related Phenomenon in the German Mittelstand - Appendix A
The performance gap in energy-efficient office buildings: how the occupants can help?
Key factors influencing purchase or rent decisions in smart real estate investments: a system dynamics approach using online forum thread data
Smart digital marketing capabilities for sustainable property development: a case of Malaysia
Beyond the black stump: rapid reviews of health research issues affecting regional, rural and remote Australia
Improving hands-off health care professionals using simulation: an intervention study
Reform of the evidential rules for eyewitness identification in the United States – advice from the antipodes
Leading large, p-12, autonomous, independent schools: an Australian study
Investigating the relationship between wisdom, intelligence, age, and gender and the role of mediators and moderators: an Australian setting
Collaboration in remote access laboratories
The impact of global warming and the El Nino-Southern Oscillation on seasonal precipitation extremes in Australia
The impact of anthropogenic forcing and natural processes on past, present, and future rainfall over Victoria, Australia
Recognition for Registered Nurses supporting students on clinical placement: a grounded theory study
The short-term effects of sedentary behaviour on cerebral hemodynamics and cognitive performance in older adults: A cross-over design on the potential impact of mental and/or physical activity
The association of sedentary behaviour and cognitive function in people without dementia: A coordinated analysis across five cohort studies from COSMIC
The clash of the Titans: CIO and LOB engagement in IT innovation
Introduction [to Non-combatants and others: writings against war, 1916-1945]
Reverse integration in wheelchair basketball: stakeholders’ understanding in elite and recreational sporting communities
RAYGUN Projects 2011-2019
Objectively-measured activity patterns are associated with home blood pressure in memory clinic patients
Device-measured sedentary behavior and physical activity in older adults differ by demographic and health-related factors
Where Does Critical Pedagogy Happen? Young People, ‘Relational Pedagogy’ and the Interstitial Spaces of School
The creative business model canvas
On the fluctuations of electron density and magnetic field in the solar mid-corona: spacecraft radio observations
The Project Establishment Guide: probing the critical
contexts for learning and teaching projects to enable their
Approaches to improve causal inference in physical activity epidemiology
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences: XXIV ISPRS Congress, Commission IV
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences: XXIV ISPRS Congress, Commission IV
Knowledge management competence and ISD vendor innovativeness in turbulent markets
Flaws in flawlessness: perfectionism as a new technology driven mental disorder
Fifty shades of digital innovation: how firms innovate with digital technologies
Addicts without substance? Social media addiction when Facebook shuts down
Social justice in the early childhood context: Educator voices
The rise of the unregulated birth worker in Australia: the canary flees the coal mine
Reducing sitting time in obese older adults: the I-STAND randomized controlled trial
Progressive resistance plus balance training for older australians receiving in-home care services: cost-effectiveness analyses alongside the muscling up against disability stepped-wedge randomized control trial
Climate change projections for the Australian monsoon from CMIP6 Models
Assessment of evaporation mitigation technologies
in Queensland
Australian Internment Life Stories: Recapturing Salvatore Ragonesi between the Public Record and Family Memories
Analysis and evaluation of Braille to Text conversion methods
Outlier detection in indoor localization and Internet of Things (IoT) using machine learning
Employing Participatory Citizen Science Methods to Promote Age-Friendly Environments Worldwide
Supply chains of the sheep and goat meat industry
Vitamin K and equine osteocalcin: an enigma explored
Bioinspired, Strong, and Tough Nanostructured Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Inositol Composites: How Hydrogen-Bond Cross-Linking Works?
Challenging social injustice in superdiverse contexts through activist languages education
Nervous nation: fear, conflict and narratives of fortified
domestic architecture on the Queensland frontier
An investigation in to the positional running demands of elite Gaelic football players: how competition data can inform training practice
Mental health benefits of physical activity for young people
Changing behavior using ecological models
Is the Acute: Chronic Workload Ratio (ACWR) Associated with Risk of Time‑Loss Injury in Professional Team Sports? A Systematic Review of Methodology, Variables and Injury Risk in Practical Situations
Relationships Among PlayerLoad, High-Intensity Intermittent Running Ability, and Injury Risk in Professional Rugby League Players
The Training-Performance Puzzle: How Can the Past
Inform Future Training Directions?
Training Load and Recovery During a Pre-Olympic Season in Professional Rhythmic Gymnasts
How Much? How Fast? How Soon? Three Simple Concepts for Progressing Training Loads to Minimize Injury Risk and Enhance Performance
Load management in basketball
Implementation and evaluation of short peripheral intravenous catheter flushing guidelines: a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial
Flushing of peripheral intravenous catheters: A pilot, factorial, randomised controlled trial of high versus low frequency and volume in paediatrics
Aerobic capacity and telomere length in human skeletal muscle and leukocytes across the lifespan
Telomere regulation: lessons learnt from mice and men, potential opportunities in horses
Emerging roles of extracellular vesicles in the intercellular communication for exercise-induced adaptations
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on Sodium Bicarbonate
Administration and Equine Running Performance: Is it Time to Stop Horsing Around With Baking Soda?
The MIDLINE trial – managing intravenous devices among patients with limited vascular access or prolonged therapy: a pilot randomised control trial protocol
Instrumental Meteorological Records before 1850: An Inventory
Integration of blockchains with management information systems
Personalised drug prescription for dental clinics using word embedding
Test Book record - Inky
Sustainable development and management of low-volume road networks in Australia
Home Alone at 30: how one case of parental neglect led to (hilariously) painful outcomes
Schitt’s Creek: the TV show has been showered with Emmys but is it worth the hype?
Metabolic measures 12 months after a randomised controlled trial of treatment of clozapine associated obesity and diabetes with exenatide (CODEX)
Co‐morbidity between mood and anxiety disorders: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
A Well-aligned Orbit for the 45 Myr-old Transiting Neptune DS Tuc Ab
TESS Spots a Hot Jupiter with an Inner Transiting Neptune
Coercive diplomacy and the Iranian nuclear crisis
Transfer of key language features from L1 English academic persuasive essay to L1 Arabic academic persuasive essays by Arabic EFL learners
TOI-503: The First Known Brown-dwarf Am-star Binary from the TESS Mission
TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). II. A 17Myr Old Transiting Hot Jupiter in the Sco-Cen Association
TOI 694b and TIC 220568520b: Two Low-mass Companions near the Hydrogen-burning Mass Limit Orbiting Sun-like Stars
TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). III. A Two-planet System in the 400 Myr Ursa Major Group
The highly inflated giant planet WASP-174b
HATS-37Ab and HATS-38b: Two Transiting Hot Neptunes in the Desert
The K2 and TESS Synergy. I. Updated Ephemerides and Parameters for K2-114, K2-167, K2-237, and K2-261
HATS-47b, HATS-48Ab, HATS-49b, and HATS-72b: Four Warm Giant Planets Transiting K Dwarfs
Two Intermediate-mass Transiting Brown Dwarfs from the TESS Mission
Cluster Difference Imaging Photometric Survey. II. TOI 837: A Young Validated Planet in IC 2602
HATS-71b: A Giant Planet Transiting an M3 Dwarf Star in TESS Sector 1
A hot terrestrial planet orbiting the bright M dwarf L 168-9
unveiled by TESS
TOI-824 b: A New Planet on the Lower Edge of the Hot Neptune Desert
Combining environmental isotopes with Contaminants of Emerging
Concern (CECs) to characterise wastewater derived impacts on
groundwater quality
Impact of Storage Conditions on the Methanogenic Activity of Anaerobic Digestion Inocula
Separation and Lithological Mapping of PFAS Mixtures in the Vadose Zone at a Contaminated Site
Operationalising digital soil mapping – Lessons from Australia
Recent advances in the analysis of per- and polyfluoroalkyl
substances (PFAS) - A review
Facilitating students’ proactive recipience of feedback with feedback portfolios
A review of electrokinetically enhanced bioremediation technologies for PHs
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): Current status
and research needs
Environmental impacts associated with the production, use, and end-of-life of a woollen garment
Nursing care in rural and remote areas
Charge D'Entrainement et Risque de Blessures
Smartphone-based / Fluoro-SPE for selective detection of PFAS at ppb level
Phytotoxicity of Class B aqueous firefighting formulations,
Tridol S 3 and 6% to Lemna minor
Academic success as willful-resistance: theorising with
refugee-background students in Australia
Chloride diffusion in alkali-activated fly ash/slag concretes: Role of slag content, water/binder ratio, alkali content and sand-aggregate ratio
Enhanced removals of micropollutants in binary organic systems by biomass derived porous carbon/peroxymonosulfate
Fire safety of composites in prefabricated buildings: From fibre reinforced polymer to textile reinforced concrete
Optimization on the piezoresistivity of alkali-activated fly ash/slag mortar by using conductive aggregates and carbon fibers
Current applications of poly(lactic acid) composites in tissue engineering and drug delivery
Impact Properties of the Chemically Treated Hemp Fibre Reinforced Polyester Composites
Judicial power in transplanted common law constitutions: Malaysia's continuing struggle - one step forward, two steps
Interfacial effect of Cu electrode enhanced energy density of
amorphous aluminum oxide dielectric capacitor
Hydration mechanisms and durability of hybrid alkaline cements
(HACs): A review
Upward reflections of top-down gendered institutions - a community development case study from Tonga
Integrating gender in agricultural development initiatives across the South Pacific: customs, values and intersections
South Pacific contexts for gender equity scholarship and practice
The international 'gender agenda' in the context of the South Pacific and agricultural livelihoods
Let’s Play Hospitals: A Simulated Paediatric Hospital Ward for Nursing students and Children
A new data-driven topology optimization framework for structural optimization
Platypus Surfing: In Search of the Perfect Wave
Intelligent online interface to digital electronics laboratory with automatic circuit validation and support
Colour histogram segmentation for object tracking in remote laboratory environments
A systematic review of interventions targeting self-regulation in higher education
Reflections from the South Pacific - navigating intersectionality and customary contexts to progress gender equality and gender equity
Engineering human values in software through value programming
A study on the prevalence of human values in software engineering publications, 2015 - 2018
'The Poop it Kit'; addressing a real world problem through research and innovation
Advanced computing and image processing utilised in
dashcam imagery study
Two measures of foot pressure image to detect foot drop of elderly diabetes sufferers
Australian Youth Safety Survey 2020 Technical Report
Integrating gender in agricultural development: learnings from South Pacific contexts
From the ‘Radical Women’s Press’ to the Digital Age: Subversive Networks of Feminism in the United States
A remnant planetary core in the hot-Neptune desert
A giant planet candidate transiting a white dwarf
Outlook: What role will online laboratories play in the future of laboratory teaching?
HD 191939: Three Sub-Neptunes Transiting a Sun-like Star Only 54 pc Away
A Collage of Small Planets from the Lick-Carnegie Exoplanet Survey: Exploring the Super-Earth and Sub-Neptune Mass Regime
The TESS–Keck Survey. I. A Warm Sub-Saturn-mass Planet and a Caution about Stray Light in TESS Cameras
A super-Earth and a sub-Neptune orbiting the bright, quiet M3 dwarf TOI-1266
LHS 1815b: The First Thick-disk Planet Detected by TESS
Revisiting the HD 21749 planetary system with stellar activity modelling
Photometry of 10 Million Stars from the First Two Years of TESS Full Frame Images - Part II
Photometry of 10 Million Stars from the First Two Years of TESS Full Frame Images - Part I
Photometry and performance of SPECULOOS-South
Three short-period Jupiters from TESS: HIP 65Ab, TOI-157b, and TOI-169b
The First Habitable-zone Earth-sized Planet from TESS. II. Spitzer Confirms TOI-700 d
GJ 1252 b: A 1.2 R⊕ Planet Transiting an M3 Dwarf at 20.4 pc
A Habitable-zone Earth-sized Planet Rescued from False Positive Status
Factors Influencing the Green Bond Market Expansion: Evidence from a Multi-Dimensional Analysis
Construction site layout optimization model considering cost
and safety in a dynamic environment
Quality infrastructure and natural disaster resiliency: A panel analysis of Asia and the Pacific
Investigating solutions for the development of a green bond market: Evidence from analytic hierarchy process
Role of energy finance in geothermal power development in Japan
Insight into site: (Re)considering space in dance education through connectivism
Human Photogrammetry: Foundational Techniques for Creative Practitioners
Detection of Collusive Tenders in Infrastructure Projects: Learning from Operation Car Wash
Critical overrun causations in marine projects
Musculoskeletal disorders within the carpentry trade: analysis of timber flooring subtasks
Automated checking of building component accessibility for maintenance
Key value engineering protocols in marine projects
Revisiting Development of the Green Bond Market: Evidence of the AHP Approach
Innovation in the globalised world: educating future building professionals
My favourite detective: Sam Spade, as hard as nails and the smartest guy in the room
Hindsight’s Hoard: What Academics Most Wish They Had Known Earlier
The value of collaborative learning for music practice in higher education
Education in the apocalypse: disaster and teaching on British television
'It's much harder than I thought': facilitating a singing group for people with Parkinson's disease
A Two-Stream Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Dynamic Traffic Flow Forecasting
Methamphetamine induces neuronal death: Evidence from rodent studies
Gaming disorder and internet addiction: A systematic review of resting-state EEG studies
Integrating health and safety into labour-only procurement system: Opportunities, barriers and strategies
Brain Signal Classification Based on Deep CNN
A Deep Dive into Sustainability Leadership Through Education for Sustainability
Promising and Eco-Friendly Cu2X-Based Thermoelectric Materials: Progress and Applications
Correction: Computer-aided design of high-efficiency GeTe-based thermoelectric devices
Thermoelectric Generators: Alternative Power Supply for Wearable Electrocardiographic Systems
Growing connection and building belonging: Online library support during COVID-19
Context-aware Adaptive Outlier Detection in Trajectory Data
Efficacy of a Microbial Reality Simulator (AMRSim) as an education tool for antimicrobial stewardship teaching for veterinary undergraduates
Optimal power flow with conventional and non-conventional generating resources in modern grids considering environmental impacts
Cost Allocation of Voltage Unbalance in Distribution Networks
Cu2Se thermoelectrics: property, methodology, and device
Interpretability of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Brain Processes Followed by Mindfulness Intervention in a Brain-Inspired Spiking Neural Network Architecture
Magnetic field and chromospheric activity evolution of HD 75332: a rapid magnetic cycle in an F star without a hot Jupiter
Pathways to engagement: a longitudinal study of the first-year student experience in the educational interface
Business as Usual: Feminist History in a Post-Truth World
From Suffragist to Congresswoman: Celebrating Political Action, Women’s History, and Feminist Intellectuals in Ms. Magazine, 1972–1984
Gillard of Thrones: Using Popular Culture to Resist Misogyny
The 1619 Project, New York Times Magazine
The Zone, an Online Place to Support Students as They Transition to University
Selective ion adsorption with pilot-scale membrane capacitive deionization (MCDI): arsenic, ammonium, and manganese removal
CO2 derived nanoporous carbons for carbon capture
Fabrication and evaluation of silica embedded and zerovalent iron composited biochars for arsenate removal from water
A review of the distribution, sources, genesis, and environmental concerns of salinity in groundwater
Interstellar scintillation, ISS, and intrinsic variability of radio AGN
Understanding the information experiences of parents involved in negotiating post-separation parenting arrangements
Optimization of combustion in micro combined heat and power (mCHP) system with the biomass-Stirling engine using SiO2 and Al2O3 nanofluids
Integrated ‘one-stop’ support for student success: recommendations from a regional university case study
What students and new graduates perceive supports them to think, feel and act as a health professional in a rural setting
Iron-based subsurface arsenic removal (SAR): Results of a long-term pilot-scale test in Vietnam
Older Adults' Perceptions of Sedentary Behavior: A Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis of Qualitative Studies
Lunar polar water resource exploration – Examination of the lunar cold trap reservoir system model and introduction of play-based exploration (PBE) techniques
HIPPI-2: A versatile high-precision polarimeter
Verification of runoff volume, peak discharge and sediment yield simulated using the ACRU model for bare fallow and sugarcane fields
Bar exams, legal ethics and the fight against corruption: lessons from Brazil
Modular treatment of arsenic-laden brackish groundwater using solar-powered subsurface arsenic removal (SAR) and membrane capacitive deionization (MCDI) in Vietnam
Polarimetric and radiative transfer modelling of HD 172555
Supporting Pre-Service Teachers in Becoming Reflective Practitioners Using Conversation and Professional Standards
Cook’s third voyage to the Pacific and early scientific astronomy on the north-western coast of America: the sojourn at Nootka Sound in April 1778
Communication issues in war-time astronomy: independent Australian, Indian, New Zealand and South African discoveries of Comet C/1941 B2 (de Kock-Paraskevopoulos)
Colour–colour and colour–magnitude diagrams for hot Jupiters
Phase-locked polarization by photospheric reflection in the semidetached eclipsing binary μ1 Sco
The rotation of α Oph investigated using polarimetry
Finding a new way to set our students up for success
The Blue Sky Effect: a repatriation of judicial review or a search for flexibility?
Translational genomics for achieving higher genetic gains in groundnut
Life-course theory and romance
Objects of desire
Thinking and Acting Across Ponds: Glocalized* Intersections of Trepidation, Neoliberalism, and Possibilities for 21st Century Teacher Education
Polarization measurements of the polluted white dwarf G29-38
Regular Supplementation With Resveratrol Improves Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial
Methodology for producing the Drought Monitor
Integrated disease management tools to manage summer crop diseases in the northern region
Commercial Issues in Private International law: A Common Law Perspective by M Douglas, V Bath, M Keyes and A Dickinson
Forward Modeling the Orbits of Companions to Pulsating Stars from Their Light Travel Time Variations
Collaborating across sectors to provide early intervention for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children with disability and their families: a qualitative study of provider perspectives
Very regular high-frequency pulsation modes in young intermediate-mass stars
A Multicomponent Nonpharmacological Intervention to Prevent Delirium for Hospitalized People with Advanced Cancer: A Phase II Cluster Randomized Waitlist Controlled Trial (The PRESERVE Pilot Study)
Maelstrom: A Python package for identifying companions to pulsating stars from their light travel time variations
Tidally trapped pulsations in a close binary star system discovered by TESS
Finding the Law
Tango of celestial dancers: A sample of detached eclipsing binary systems containing g-mode pulsating components. A case study of KIC9850387
On the first δ Sct–roAp hybrid pulsator and the stability of p and g modes in chemically peculiar A/F stars
The pulsation properties of λ bootis stars I. the southern TESS sample
The discovery of lambda Bootis stars - the Southern Survey II
Finding binaries from phase modulation of pulsating stars with Kepler – VI. Orbits for 10 new binaries with mischaracterized primaries
Gravity-mode period spacings and near-core rotation rates of 611 γ Doradus stars with Kepler
The effect of tides on near-core rotation: analysis of 35 Kepler γ Doradus stars in eclipsing and spectroscopic binaries
TESS first look at evolved compact pulsators: Known ZZ Ceti stars of the southern ecliptic hemisphere as seen by TESS
Editorial (Evaluation Journal of Australasia, Volume 20, Issue 4)
Removal of natural organic matter and ammonia from dam water by enhanced coagulation combined with adsorption on powdered composite nano-adsorbent
Effects of geometrical parameters on the degree of bending (DoB) in multiplanar tubular XT-joints of offshore structures subjected to axial loading
Stress concentration factors of multi-planar tubular XT-joints subjected to out-of-plane bending moments
Degree of bending (DoB) in offshore tubular KT-joints under the axial, in-plane bending (IPB), and out-of-plane bending (OPB) loads
Local buckling analysis of cold-formed steel webs with stiffened rectangular openings
Local Buckling Analysis of Cold‑Formed Steel Webs with Rectangular Openings
Interview with UNSW for the 2020 International Women in Engineering Day
Single-Shot Temperature Measurements in a Scramjet Combustor Using Thermally Assisted Laser-Induced Fluorescence
Iron Contamination in High-Enthalpy Test Facilities: OH PLIF Imaging Considerations
Review of Technologies, Regulations and Operating Standards for Field Based Autonomous Agricultural Machinery
Constitutive and Induced Expression of Total Phenol and Phenol Oxidases in Wheat Genotypes Ranging in Resistance/Susceptibility to the Root-Lesion Nematode Pratylenchus thornei
Effective data visualization by Stephanie D. H. Evergreen
Factors associated with stunting and wasting in children under 2 years in Bangladesh
Nanoparticle technology for separation of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin nanoparticles from lignocellulose biomass: A short review
Public policies and tax evasion: evidence from SAARC countries
Economic growth in South Asia: the role of CO2 emissions, population density and trade openness
Timed intervention in COVID-19 and panic buying
Engaging and retaining customers with AI and employee service
Big Data and Its Applications in Smart Real Estate and the Disaster Management Life Cycle: A Systematic Analysis
Integrated structure of tin-based anodes enhancing high power density and long cycle life for lithium ion batteries
Effectiveness of community forest user groups (CFUGs) in responding to the 2015 earthquakes and COVID-19 in Nepal
Preparing for the external exam and the impact of results on university entrance
A Liquid Phosphaphenanthrene-Derived Imidazole for Improved Flame Retardancy and Smoke Suppression of Epoxy Resin
Stakeholder participation in IPBES: connecting local environmental work with global decision making
Exploring the relationship between fatigue and circulating levels of the pro-inflammatory biomarkers interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein in the chronic stage of stroke recovery: a cross-sectional study
Could the Migration of Jupiter Have Accelerated the Atmospheric Evolution of Venus?
Emotional intelligence or artificial intelligence – an employee perspective
The impact of artificial intelligence and employee service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty
An Organic Approach to Customer Engagement and Loyalty
Customer Engagement and its Outcomes: The Cross-Level Effect of Service Environment and Brand Equity
Testing complexity theory in service research
Enhancing the tourist experience with emotional intelligence
FOR A SPECIAL ISSUE ON COVID-19 and Service Industries
Linking AI quality performance and customer engagement: The moderating effect of AI preference
Personality, trait EI and coping with COVID 19 measures
An integrative study of the implications of the rise of coworking spaces in smart cities
Positive psychology and tourist well-being: A systematic literature review
Improving the seasonal prediction of Northern Australian rainfall onset to help with grazing management decisions
Using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis for a finer-grained understanding of entrepreneurship
Fish oil supplementation reduces osteoarthritis-specific pain in older adults with overweight/obesity
Sustained Cerebrovascular and Cognitive Benefits of Resveratrol in Postmenopausal Women
An Exploratory Analysis of Changes in Mental Wellbeing Following Curcumin and Fish Oil Supplementation in Middle-Aged and Older Adults
Evaluation of Cognitive Performance following Fish-Oil and Curcumin Supplementation in Middle-Aged and Older Adults with Overweight or Obesity
Effects of fish oil and curcumin supplementation on cerebrovascular function in older adults: A randomized controlled trial
Chemical restraint of adults with intellectual disability and challenging behaviour in Queensland, Australia: Views of statutory decision makers
Toes, Coat-tails and Shoulders: Collaboration, co-authorship and career opportunities from an ECR perspective
Designing a Responsive Classroom
NIR sensing and machine learning to rapidly assess crown rot in wheat
Detection of crown rot in wheat utilising near-infrared spectroscopy: towards remote and robotic sensing
Too old to Shop? A Comparative Analysis of the Engagement of Junior and Senior Customers in Social Commerce
A Sequential Mixed Methods Investigation into a Workplace-Related Phenomenon in the German Mittelstand - Appendix B
Copula-based statistical modelling of synoptic-scale climate indices for quantifying and managing agricultural risks in Australia
Future farming: Machine vision for in-season nitrogen assessment of grain crops
Future farming: Machine vision for nitrogen assessment in grain crops
Smartphone apps under development to aid pest monitoring
Case Study Method and Research Design: Flexibility or Availability for the Novice Researcher?
Disrupting dominant discourse: Indigenous women as trained nurses and midwives 1900s-1950s
Ambient Synchrophasor Measurement Based System Inertia Estimation
A Diagnostic Method for Moisture Intrusion Fault in OIP Bushing
Painting on top of itself 2015-2020: five exhibitions discussing contemporary painting curated by Tarn McLean
A New Testing Method for the Dielectric Response of Oil-Immersed Transformer
Estimating sea level rise around Australia using a new approach to account for low frequency climate signals
FNET/GridEye: A Tool for Situational Awareness of Large Power Interconnetion Grids
Factors associated with being diagnosed with high severity of breast cancer: a population‑based study in Queensland, Australia
Covimetry - group exhibition series
A song from Bedlam (with apologies to Christopher Smart)
Consensus statement on improving the mental health of high performance athletes
Readings from Continent Aflame: Kate Judith reads Errinundra Shimmer
The Afternoon Mile
Home [Short story]
Body weight sub-populations are associated with significant different welfare, health and egg production status in Australian commercial free-range laying hens in an aviary system
Pedestrians distracted by their smartphone: Are in-ground flashing lights catching their attention? A laboratory study
Sleep-impaired emotional regulation, impaired cognition, and poor sleep health are associated with risky sleepy driving in young adults
The development of academics’ feedback literacy: experiences of learning from critical feedback via scholarly peer review
Elucidating dingo’s ecological roles: contributions from the Pelorus Island feral goat biocontrol project
Dependency-aware software release planning through mining user preferences
An extreme-mass ratio, short-period eclipsing binary consisting of a B dwarf primary and a pre-main-sequence M star companion discovered by KELT
'Dingo' in Artisan Collects
Magnolia - guitar performances