Reinterpreting the definition of sustainable development for a more ecocentric reorientation
Optimal choice of test signals for linear channel estimation using second order statistics
Distance and devices: potential barriers to use of wireless handheld devices
Interfuel substitution in Australia: a way forward to achieve environmental sustainability
Perceived community-based flood adaptation strategies under climate change in Nepal
Adoption of soil health improvement strategies by Australian farmers: II. impediments and incentives
Sustainability reporting and assurance: a historical analysis on a world-wide phenomenon
Anti-corruption capabilities of public e-procurement technologies: principal-agent theory
Air transport policy and its impacts on passenger traffic and tourist flows
The effect of structural capital for human capital development and management in social enterprises
A compact 9 point stencil based on integrated RBFs for the convection-diffusion equation
The management of project management: a conceptual framework for project governance
Nursing and the nursing workplace in Queensland, 2001-2010: what the nurses think
Information technology and its changing roles to economic growth and productivity in Australia
Alternative methods of microorganism disruption for agricultural applications
Lean thinking in dementia care through smart assistive technology: an evaluation
Opening up a can of worms: how do decision-makers decide when witnesses are telling the truth?
Effect of graphene nanosheets on morphology, thermal stability and flame retardancy of epoxy resin
The role of rainwater-borne hydrogen peroxide in the release of arsenic from arsenopyrite
Six attributes of social resilience
Dinawan Dreaming: seeing the darkness or the stars
Seeming, being and becoming: lifelong learning and teacher transformation
The challenge to write: the warp, the weft and the space between
Constraints, creativity and challenges: educators and students writing together
Uisge Beatha: the ebb and flow of four tides
Writers' journeys: ways of being, knowing and doing
Relationship between pregame concentrations of free testosterone and outcome in rugby union
The Y model of effective supervision in rural and remote allied health services
An innovative case-based interprofessional learning program: Was it worth the effort?
Best Practice in Clinical Supervision including telesupervision.
Do soil microbes drive Acacia species invasion in non-native ranges in Australia?
Adverse events of auricular therapy: A systematic review
Future projections of Australian heat wave number and intensity based on CMIP5 models
Suitability of the Multi-Purpose Service Model for Rural and Remote Communities of Australia
Managing a train crash in rural Australia from a mental health perspective
The right staffing mix for inpatient care in rural multi-purpose service health facilities
Greenspace and Place Attachment: Do Greener Suburbs Lead to Greater Residential Place Attachment?
Why China Should Regulate Its Overseas Investors’ Environmental Behavior
A Delay Sensitive LTE Uplink Packet Scheduler for M2M Traffic
A QoS Guaranteed Energy Optimized Packet Transmission Technique for the IEEE802.11 WLAN
Performance analysis of an enhanced delay sensitive LTE uplink scheduler for M2M traffic
A Packet Age Based LTE Uplink Packet Scheduler for M2M Traffic
A QoS Guaranteed Low Energy Packet Transmission Technique for the IEEE 802.11 WLAN
An adaptive RRM scheme for smart grid M2M applications over a WiMAX network
Performance analysis of a distributed 6LoWPAN network for the Smart Grid applications
Can clay nanoparticles accelerate environmental biodegradation of polyolefins?
Nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide electrodes for electrochemical supercapacitors
Electrochemical supercapacitors from conducting polyaniline-graphene platforms
Development of a 2-phase Flow Nozzle for Fine Droplet Generation
Theoretical and experimental studies on a solid containing water droplet
Validation of a three-dimensional CFD analysis of foil bearings with supercritical CO2
Vortex tracking algorithm for hypersonic flow in scramjets
Inverse Simulation for Hypersonic Vehicle Analysis
Adverse effects of zidovudine on rats vision: antioxidant and enzymology perspectives
Cardiovascular Risks in Prediabetes: Preliminary Data on “Vasculopathy Triad”
Atmospheric and oceanic conditions associated with Southern Australian heat waves: A CMIP5 analysis
More frequent, longer, and hotter heat waves for Australia in the Twenty-First Century
What is driving the fast warming rate of the Southern Hemisphere midlatitude ocean?
Did climate change-induced rainfall trends contribute to the Australian Millennium drought?
A new mathematical model to determine loss in interconnected industry systems
Exercise: putting action into our epigenome
Leukocyte telomere length variation due to DNA extraction method
Adaptive winter wheat populations: development, genetic characterisation and application
Voice and ethics: Challenges and challenging
Echoes: Ethics and Issues of Voice in Education Research
Glyphosate contaminated site investigation using a low-cost analytical technique
Information Experience: New Perspectives and Research Directions
Information Experience: Contemporary Perspectives
Erythrocyte aggregation and metabolic syndrome
Visibility Requirements Engineering for Commercial Websites
Leadership of learning and teaching in the creative arts
A New Approach to Professional Learning for Academics Teaching in Next Generation Learning Spaces
Multiview Gait Biometrics for Human Identity Recognition
The nurse’s role in health assessment: Collecting and analysing data
The voice as subject or object
An Exploration of Voice in Research
Atmospheric modelling for the removal of telluric features from infrared planetary spectra
Rotary atomiser design requirements for optimum pesticide application efficiency
The characteristics of inactive men working in a regional area of Queensland, Australia
A new method for prescribing non-uniform wall temperatures on wind tunnel models
Agricultural wastes as aggregate in concrete mixtures – A review
Complete And Competent Engineers:A Coaching Model To Developing Holistic Graduates
Bending properties of Ag nanowires with pre-existing surface defects
Impact of Passenger Group Dynamics on an Airport Evacuation Process Using an Agent-Based Model
Nanoscale Texture on Glass and Titanium Substrates by Physical Vapor Deposition Process
Industry Best Practice for Airport Construction Safety and Phasing Plans (CSPPs)
Aviation safety management systems
Progress towards developing bloat-safe legumes for the farming industry
Smart Relaying for Selection Combining Based Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Networks
Coastal vulnerability to sea-level rise: a spatial–temporal assessment framework
Impacting it enrolments: What factors most influence student career decisions
Walking-to-think-with in Indonesia: beginning a new discourse in area studies?
Ethics in Fieldwork: Reflections on the Unexpected
University staff adoption of iPads: An empirical study using an extended TAM model
ACIAR Final Report Supporting a diverse and sustainable fruit tree industry in Tonga HORT/2014/090
Hooked on the classics: literature in the English curriculum
Why poor kids continue to do poorly in the education game
Pyne misses the point in education reform
Indigenous literacy needs more than 'sounding out' words
Education is a public good, not a private commodity
Curriculum review set to reignite the 'literacy wars'
Closing the gap on Indigenous literacy requires more than increased attendance
'Biggest Loser' policy on literacy will not deliver long-term gains
Two Lives of Frankenstein: Text and Moral Compass
Neuropsychological performance of methadone-maintained opiate users
Finding binaries among Kepler pulsating stars from phase modulation of their pulsations
Asteroseismic measurement of surface-to-core rotation in a main-sequence A star, KIC 11145123
Testing the Titius–Bode law predictions for Kepler multiplanet systems
A multi-level ecological model of psychotropic prescribing to adults with intellectual disability
Psychotropics and challenging behaviour in people with intellectual disability
Students as partners in departmental research participation: the approaches to learning project
The Edge of Glory: The Relationship between Metacritic Scores and Player Experience
Stop and revive? The effectiveness of nap and active rest breaks for reducing driver sleepiness
Constraining the Oblateness of Kepler Planets
HATS-5b: A transiting hot saturn from the HATsouth survey
Evolution from protoplanetary to debris discs: the transition disc around HD 166191
HATS-4b: A dense hot Jupiter transiting a super metal-rich G star
HAT-P-44b, HAT-P-45b, and HAT-P-46b: Three Transiting Hot Jupiters in Possible Multi-planet Systems
Decadal climate variability and cross-scale interactions: ICCL 2013 Expert Assessment Workshop
The 'Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner' No More: Marathons and Social Worlds
I just want to count them! Considerations when choosing a deer population monitoring method
Deriving information systems innovation execution mechanisms
Magnetocentrifugal jets and chondrule formation in protostellar disks
Disaster resilience in tertiary hospitals: a cross-sectional survey in Shandong Province, China
The Trouble with Templeton - Heavy Lifting [Music Video]
She Only Loves Me When I'm There - Ball Park Music
Population pharmacokinetics of phenytoin in critically ill children
Task-specific effects of modular body armor
Electrical properties of p-type 3C-SiC/Si heterojunction diode under mechanical stress
Extensive study of HD 25558, a long-period double-lined binary with two SPB components
A spin-orbit alignment for the hot Jupiter HATS-3b
Does preoperative oral carbohydrate reduce hospital stay? A randomized trial
Investigating effective wayfinding in airports: a Bayesian Network approach
Digital image processing based identification of nodes and internodes of chopped biomass stems
Systematic review summary: psychological therapies for people with borderline personality disorder
UICC control over devices used to obtain service
Artscape: APT7 - our century, our art [Television documentary]
Love patrol [Television series drama]
Digital Lives: Everyday Digital Literacies
Consumer perceptions of the barriers to adoption of internet banking: a case study in Libya
Quantifying the properties of a dosimeter responsive to blue light hazard effective wavelengths
Microalgae biofuels for diesel engines in agricultural applications
The application of variable speed limits to arterial roads for improved traffic flow
Compact integrated radial basis function modelling of particulate suspensions
Analysis of EEG signals using complex brain networks
Domination problems in social networks
Wear and frictional performance of metals under dry/waste cooking oil lubricant conditions
Machinability of natural fibre reinforced polymeric composites
Development and characterisation of an ultra-long exposure UV dosimeter
Disrupted meaning: a study of subverting logic through artists' books
An examination of EFL learning motivation in Japanese engineering students.
Strengthening farmers through the camera's eye
An investigation of skewness, sample size, and test standardisation
Embedded FBG sensors for structural health monitoring of advanced composite structures
An evaluation of REDD+ in community managed forests: a case study from Nepal
An examination of social and environmental disclosures in Nigerian oil companies
Development of new measurement methods to determine sugarcane quality from stalk samples
Compact approximation stencils based on integrated radial basis functions for fluid flows
The prevalence and nature of sustainable regional, rural and remote legal practice
Degradability of bamboo fibre reinforced polyester composites
Identifying the CIO role configurations across the organisational life cycle stages
The potential of public e-procurement technology to reduce corruption in public procurement
Development of operator interfaces for a heavy maintenance manipulator
Modelling dispersion in turbulent boundary layers using centre manifold technique
Developing resilience and managing change in technology-enhanced learning environments
Study on compressive properties of syntactic foams for marine applications
Coal seam gas water as a medium to grow Dunalliella tertiolecta microalgae for lipid extraction
The Australian symphony from Federation to 1960
The hydrogeology of the Condamine River alluvial aquifer, Australia: a critical assessment
A reassessment of energy and GDP relationship: the case of Australia
Experimental investigation of the tractor engine performance using diesohol fuel
Enhancing the OPEN Process Framework with service-oriented method fragments
Investigating the association between health literacy and nonadherence
The ‘Southern question’ in Australia: the 1925 Royal Commission’s Racialisation of Southern Italians
Starspots on young solar-type stars
The relationship between organisational strategic IT vision and CIO roles: one size does not fit all
Particles motion in a cascading rotary drum dryer
Reflection as an indicator of cognitive presence
Out of hours: online and blended learning workload in Australian universities
Effect of coarse filler on shrinkages and dynamic mechanical properties of epoxy grouts
The Anglo-Italian Treaty: Australia’s imperial obligations to Italian migrants, 1883-1940
Outlier detection from large distributed databases
Low-Complexity Signal Detection for Generalized Spatial Modulation
Child health and schooling achievement in Bangladesh
The evaluation of the IT service quality measurement framework in industry
Weaving words: personal and professional transformation through writing as research
Is English a nuisance or an asset? Japanese youths' discursive constructions of language attitudes
Opportunities, barriers and constraints to physical activity in rural Queensland, Australia
(Inter)national bilingual networking: maximising the educational potential of the Australian NBN
Interpretation in design: modelling how the situation changes during design activity
Influencing factors and new developments of fly ash based geopolymer
Vibration damping characteristics of short hemp fibre thermoplastic composites
Impact of social media in service innovations: an empirical study on the Australian hotel industry
Dynamics of carbon and biodiversity under REDD+ regime: a case from Nepal
Hope-narratives as a chaos theory of career intervention for failure
MILD combustion: the future for lean and clean combustion technology
High definition video cameras for measuring movement of vibrating bridge structure
Removal of dissolved organics from produced water by forward osmosis
Branding the muscled male body as military costume
Smartphone based Android app for determining UVA aerosol optical depth and direct solar irradiances
How to reverse the Italian brain drain: a master class from Australia
First year in higher education (FYHE) and the coursework post-graduate student
An on-site approach for the self-calibration of terrestrial laser scanner
How to peg a straight line - part 1
Securing felons' voting rights in America
Accurate videogrammetric data for human limb movement research
Biofuels from the fresh water microalgae Chlorella vulgaris (FWM-CV) for diesel engines
Constitutionally protected due process and the use of criminal intelligence provisions
Why does your church look like a fortress? God and the gothic in Doctor Who and Hammer
Geospatial database for heritage building conservation
TLS for generating multi-LOD of 3D building model
Analysis of camera parameters value in various object distances calibration
A three-dimensional model for transient performance of a solid oxide fuel cell
The economic analysis of lone wolf terrorism
Doctor Who and the art of adaptation: fifty years of storytelling
Study and modelling drying of banana slices under superheated steam
Green procurement by local government: a review of sustainability criteria
Quality management of online learning environments. Final report
The interrelationships between student approaches to learning and group work
Live Life Healthy program - Fraser Coast Regional Council evaluation report
Policy after-shocks: Japanese bureaucratic response to change and major disasters
A Bcool spectropolarimetric survey of over 150 solar-type stars
Optimal environmental conditions for the infection and development of Puccinia purpurea on sorghum
Flexural and axial behavior of pultruded GFRP hollow sections filled with low strength concrete
Failures of mainline railway sleepers and suggested remedies – review of current practice
Benefits of geopolymer concrete-filled FRP beams and its flexural behaviour
Structural optimisation of composite railway sleeper
Tensile properties of glass fibre reinforced recycled mixed plastic composites
Moisture absorption and hydrothermal aging in bamboo fibre/polyester composite
Fungal community structure in disease suppressive soils assessed by 28S LSU gene sequencing
Pratylenchus thornei populations reduce water uptake in intolerant wheat cultivars
Vulnerability of Himalayan transhumant communities to climate change
Creating educational networking opportunities with Scoop.it
Evaluation of the cloudy sky solar UVA radiation exposures
Shade provision for UV minimization: a review
Advances in intelligent and autonomous systems to improve irrigation and fertiliser efficiency
Prospect theory and terrorist choice
Joint channel, phase noise, and carrier frequency offset estimation in cooperative OFDM systems
Promoting community engagement in an intergenerational program: an exploratory study
Is speaking fluency strand necessary for the college students to develop in the EFL class?
Investigation into fibre composites jacket with an innovative joining system
PolarBase: a data base of high-resolution spectropolarimetric stellar observations
An empirical evaluation of the potential of public e-procurement to reduce corruption
Tensile properties of Si nanowires with faulted stacking layers
Foraging guild perturbations and ecological homogenization driven by a despotic native bird species
Online CBT for preschool anxiety disorders: a randomised control trial
Smaller radiator with enhanced heat transfer using CNT-nanofluids
Energy effective congestion control for multicast with network coding in wireless ad hoc network
Scaling up the production rate of nanofibers by needleless electrospinning from multiple ring
Use of aluminum-coated interlayers to develop a cold-protective fibrous assembly
Access control management for e-healthcare in cloud environment
Aged care informatics: exploring the role of information, knowledge and aged care management
Entertaining Australian troops at war in Afghanistan and Iraq
The role of inflammation and dopamine synthesis in Parkinson's disease
Fly ash-based geopolymers: the relationship between composition, pore structure and efflorescence
The Patel trials: further evidence of the need to reform the Griffith Codes
International aid and cyclone shelters in Bangladesh: adaptation or maladaptation?
Using fly ash to partially substitute metakaolin in geopolymer synthesis
Geopolymer foam concrete: an emerging material for sustainable construction
Effects of a sport programme (Box'Tag®) on disadvantaged youth participants
Mechanical property and structure of covalent functionalised graphene/epoxy nanocomposites
Post-modernising the museum: the ration shed
Contemporary capacity-building in educational contexts
The property WORTH* and the weak fixed point property
A comparison and critique of closed court hearings
Fibre reinforced geopolymer concrete with ambient curing for in-situ applications
Investigating the performance of floodway in an extreme flood event
Composite railway sleeper: a cost effective and eco-friendly alternative
Review of failures of railway sleepers and its consequences
Application of spectroscopic method to predict sugar content of sugarcane internodes
The potential for ICT tools to promote public participation in fighting corruption
Feeding behaviour of broiler chickens: a review on the biomechanical characteristics
An experimental investigation of the effective parameters on wet washing of biodiesel purification
Glass-fibre reinforced recycled mixed plastics (GMP): totally recyclable and renewable composites
Personalised learning strategies for higher education
Three perspectives on a collaborative, whole-of-program process of curriculum change
Quantification of chloride diffusion in fly ash-slag-based geopolymers by X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
The voice as subject or object
Creative users, social networking, and new models of publishing
Religion, secularism, and the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program
The establishment clause: A search for meaning
Compost application to replace sphagnum peat and to suppress pythium root rot in turf
Voluntary relocation as an adaptation strategy to extreme weather events
A pyramid approach to lossless data compression of grid-based digital elevation models
Description of seedless grape drying and determination of drying rate
The constitutionality of Queensland's recent (legal) war on 'bikies'
A liquid diffusion model to describe drying of whole bananas using boundary-fitted coordinates
Papers in legal studies part 2
Doctor Who and the early modern world
Law and anthropology: the unhappy marriage?
The future of career development research: roots, xylem, phloem, cybernetics, and cyborgs
Privative clauses: politics, legality and the constitutional dimension
Making meaning in mathematics problem-solving using the reciprocal teaching approach
Exports, financial development and economic growth in Pakistan
Machinability of glass/date palm fibre epoxy composites
Beginning teacher support in Australia: towards an online community to augment current support
Psychometric properties of the Brunel Mood Scale in Chinese adolescents and adults
The Step Process. New methodologies in performance creation.
Open innovation in universities: the relationship between innovation and commercialisation
Discussing the interest in age, vitality and proximity in dispersed regional communities
Spirituality: everyone has it, but what is it?
Bacterial adherence and biofilm formation on medical implants: A review
Moving beyond basics: from CALL coursework to classroom practice and professional development
A preliminary study about the distribution of temperature due to electrical stimulation in ECT
Objectivist and essentialist ontologies of gender and love
Potentiality of utilising natural textile materials for engineering composites applications
Learning through story: a collaborative multimodal arts approach
From creation to curation: evolution of an authentic 'Assessment for Learning' task
Influence of scalar dissipation on flame success in turbulent sprays with spark ignition
Interpreting results for plant growth promotion and disease suppression bioassays using compost
'We're all strangers': post-war anxiety in Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap
Musicking as literacy: possibilities and pragmatisms for literacies learning
Evaluating a 1-to-1 iPad project: beyond rose coloured glasses
The therapeutic value of pilgrimage: a grounded theory study
Acts of defiance: engaging community from the perspective of local government
An integrated approach to strategic asset management
Evaluation of an Australian nursing partnership to improve disaster response capacity
Supporting students with intellectual disabilities
Understanding physical impairment in young children
White African migrants in regional Queensland
Why prohibiting creeping takeovers would not be such a good idea
Early astronomical tests of general relativity: the gravitational deflection of light
Subsidiarity as a constitutional principle in New Zealand
Multi-user hybrid analogue/digital beamforming forrelatively large-scale antenna systems
A Psychometric Evaluation of Three Pain Rating Scales for People with Moderate to Severe Dementia
Fungal Planet description sheets: 281-319
Clarifying the object of directors’ endeavours: what Australia can learn from the United Kingdom
A spring model for suspended particles in dissipative particle dynamics
Exponential-time differencing schemes for low-mass DPD systems
Willingness to adopt e-procurement to reduce corruption: results of the PLS path modeling
On stationary solutions of the reduced Gardner–Ostrovsky equation
Investor sentiment, profitability and offer price band: evidence from the Indian IPO market
Vulnerability of road bridge infrastructure under extreme flood events
Contemporary strategic management: an Australasian perspective
Organisational structure and strategic control
The nature and sources of competitive advantage
Corporate governance and sustainability
Designing an academic workload model in the age of blended learning
Design of film thickness instrument for fibre polymer composites tribological experiments
The simulation of biogas combustion in a MILD burner
How the business professional can utilise the latest technologies to learn another language
Air fuel ratio study for mixture of biogas and hydrogen on mild combustion
Effect of air-fuel ratio on temperature distribution and pollutants for biogas MILD combustion
Executive detention and the Australian Constitution
How do we 'get at' people's everyday practices of digital technology?
You don't know what you don't know: ethics and participant consent issues for eResearch users
The manifestation of religious belief through dress: Human hights and constitutional issues
Won't Let The Sun (Go Down On This Love)
Testing proposed planetary systems - to destruction
Understanding travel motivations of Chinese tourists visiting Cairns, Australia
Costing government outputs: an assessment of activity based costing
An adaptive anti-collision protocol for large-scale RFID tag identification
Pitot pressure measurements in a supersonic steam jet
Incorporating injustice: immigrant vulnerability and Latin Americans in multicultural Australia
Utilization of alum sludge for producing aluminum hydroxide and layered double hydroxide
Digital social media is nothing new
Uptake of telehealth services funded by Medicare in Australia
Clean production of CTAB-montmorillonite: formation mechanism and swelling behavior in xylene
Transformation of narrowband wavetrains of surface gravity waves passing over a bottom step
An assessment of willingness to pay to avoid climate change induced flood
Coals seam gas (CSG) in agriculture - a review: technical and market analysis for Australia
Sensitivity of aeolian modelling to soil particle size data
Prudential risk management of IT sourcing strategies: a case study of an Australian bank
A UV absorbance test for measuring humified organic carbon in soil
Analysis of epileptic EEG signals with simple random sampling J48 algorithm
Effects of acid treatments on bamboo cellulose nanocrystals
Latest nematode summer and winter crop rotation results
The production of biofuel and bioelectricity associated with wastewater treatment by green algae
Conceptual model development of local cultural brand experiences
Internet usage, economic growth and financial development in Australia
Resolving the application of the Christie discretion in the uniform evidence legislation
Contributory misconduct reductions in unfair dismissal remedies
Learning about computer-assisted language learning: online tools and professional development
A Cynefin based approach to process model tailoring and goal alignment
An orbital stability study of the proposed companions of SW Lyncis
Merging remote laboratories and enquiry-based learning for STEM education
Investigation of systematic errors for the hybrid and panoramic scanners
Terrestrial laser scanners pre-processing: registration and georeferencing
Factors affecting the estimation of seepage rates from channel automation data
The Australian consumer law after the first three years - is it a success?
A public-health approach to improving parenting and promoting children's well-being
Hybrid governance in India: A research review and agenda
The water impacts of climate change mitigation measures
Dispersion properties of waves on a surface of viscous fluid covered by an elastic film
On the effects of stellar winds on exoplanetary magnetospheres
An Aboriginal nurse-led working model for success in graduating indigenous Australian nurses
Understanding the JD7760 round module picker impacts
How to peg a straight line - part 2
Using RTK GNSS to measure cadastral distances
Elizabeth Bowen and the writing of trauma: the ethics of survival
Analyzing EEG signals using graph entropy based principle component analysis and J48 decision tree
Impact of Cloud computing technology on e-government
Challenges and issues within Cloud computing technology
Preparedness for e-health in developing countries: the case of Ghana
Professional learning communities enhancing teacher experiences in international schools
Trade liberalization and gender gap: Bangladesh experience
Student journalists and news literacy
Effects of indium addition on properties and wettability of Sn–0.7Cu–0.2Ni lead-free solders
University staff adoption of iPads: an empirical study using an extended Technology Acceptance Model
Evolution of plasma species and heat – shield temperatures from Hayabusa Reentry Observation
Visible and near infrared spectroscopy of Hayabusa Reentry using semi-autonomous tracking
Specious delusions: John Locke, knowledge and religious toleration
Viscous criterion and its relation with the projectile-thorax energy interactions
Evaluation of the blunt thoracic trauma due to baseball impacts – review of the Blunt Criterion
Effect of energy absorbing mechanisms on the blunt thoracic trauma caused by ballistic impacts
Enforcement of international law obligations concerning private military security corporations
Inter-generational mentoring: a win-win approach for disenfranchised youth and the aged
Addressing the needs of disadvantaged youth - the Toowoomba Flexi School: a sustainable alternative
Community engagement and community service: changing perspectives in regional universities?
The voice of the Toowoomba Flexi School student
TOMNET: maximising and valuing the active participation of older men in our community
Community capacity building: lessons from adult learning in Australia
Legal representation for sexual assault victims - Possibilities for law reform?
Community capacity building: the question of sustainability?
Issues in evaluating the community benefits of social interventions
A small town with big ideas: stories from GraniteNet
Islamic finance: History and development in Australia
Smart tools for IT service management: a review of two decision support system projects
Renewal of the LLB transition curriculum for the new quality regime
A purposeful community: the region as a focus for community capacity building
Pre-service teachers' TPACK confidence in a regional Australian university
The large scale magnetic field of the G0 dwarf HD 206860 (HN Peg)
Measuring IT service quality: evaluation of IT service quality measurement framework in industry
Obesity and metabolic syndrome
Planning leadership and governance for regional Queensland
Metaphors of power: ontologies of gender, love and marriage
Increasing CO2 threatens human nutrition
Pressure injury prevention success in a regional hospital
A doctor of the church? Adapting Anglicanism in science fiction
Prediction of sugarcane quality from juice samples using portable spectroscopy
Zeeman doppler imaging of the surface activity and magnetic fields of young solar-type stars
Make me not sighted like the Basilisk: vision and contagion in The Winter's Tale
Rhythmic constant pitch time stretching for digital audio
Processing and characterization of 100% hemp-based biocomposites obtained by vacuum infusion
Co-doped mesoporous titania photocatalysts prepared from a peroxo-titanium complex solution
Corporate governance and risk-taking in New Zealand
Victorian values: necrophilia and the nineteenth century in zombie films
Flipped university classrooms: using technology to enable sound pedagogy
Shangri-less: Simon Mee: artworks from 2004 to 2014
Taxation and superannuation literacy in Australia: what do people know (or think they know)?
A review of hydrogen and natural gas addition in diesel HCCI engines
What locals want: Jordanian employees' views on expatriate managers
The effects of affective and utilitarian brand relationships on brand consideration
A real-time optimisation system for automation of furrow irrigation
Anaesthetic EEG signal denoise using improved nonlocal mean methods
Revisiting the proposed circumbinary multiplanet system NSVS 14256825
A dynamical investigation of the proposed BD +20 2457 system
The Anglo-Australian planet search. XXIII. Two new Jupiter analogs
Spatially resolved imaging of the two-component η crv debris disk with Herschel
Dynamic downlink aggregation carrier scheduling scheme for wireless networks
Hydrological and land use determinants of Eucalyptus camaldulensis occurrence in floodplain wetlands
Exploring discipline differentiation in online discussion participation
A method for determining the dark response for scientific imaging with smartphones
The focus of attention is similar to other memory systems rather than uniquely different
Asset management policies and guidelines of different states in Australia: a comparative analysis
Ejector primary nozzle steam condensation: area ratio effects and mixing layer development
Alignment in star-debris disc systems seen by Herschel
Community development and international aid
Stellar magnetism: empirical trends with age and rotation
Evaluating the performance of a real-time optimisation system for furrow irrigation
Detection of potentially explosive methane levels using a solid-state infrared source
South Africa's private sector investment in training and its erosion as a result of HIV and AIDS
Tourism as theatre: performing and consuming indigeneity in an Australian wildlife sanctuary
Is it possible to detect planets around young active G and K dwarfs?
The state of multi-purpose cyclone shelters in Bangladesh
Energy-efficient dual-iteration power allocation for two-phase relay system with massive antennas
The practice of quality in assuring learning in higher education
On the mechanical properties of hierarchical lattices
Child and adolescent characteristics that impact on therapy
Score test in robust M-procedure
Working with chronic illness: the modes of working
Wrestling in Iran: where old meets new in sport psychology
Secrets of Asian sport psychology [Introduction]
Echoes: ethics and issues of voice in education research
The historical context of Australia's federation
Characterisation of network objects in natural and anthropic environments
Building Open Educational Resources for emerging technologies: Striving for flexibility and reuse
Open Education: Improving student retention while dealing with a truly diverse audience
Here's a strange alteration: contagion and the mutable mind in Coriolanus
Disability and study: layers of management
Real-time depth of anaesthesia assessment using strong analytical signal transform technique
Study on the surface temperature of fabric in the process of dynamic moisture liberation
The effects of stellar winds on the magnetospheres and potential habitability of exoplanets
GJ 832c: a super-earth in the habitable zone
Generalized wireless network coding schemes for multihop two-way relay channels
The use and benefits of a take home exam in accounting education
Arsenic in hydrological processes: sources, speciation, bioavailability and management
An unbiased study of debris discs around A-type stars with Herschel
Determinants of participation of mangrove-dependent communities in mangrove conservation practices
A novel statistical algorithm for multiclass EEG signal classification
Classical and Bayesian prediction for multivariate simple regression model
How do university engineering graduates influence high school students through mentoring programs
Effecting teamwork outcomes in online courses
A study of marketing implementation in brand portfolio companies
A prisoners' island: teaching Australian incarcerated students in the digital age
An introduction to a homogeneous charge compression ignition engine
Recent foamed bituminous stabilisation works in Queensland
Mutual exclusivity of hyaluronan and hyaluronidase in invasive group A Streptococcus
Sub-grade support: a review of short-term and long-term performance requirements
Spatial modelling of natural disaster risk reduction policies with Markov decision processes
Economic growth, energy consumption and CO2 emissions in Gulf cooperation council countries
OER adoption: a continuum for practice
Dissonance in participant voice: research strategies that harmonise distortions in participant data
Durability of alkali-activated fly ash concrete: chloride penetration in pastes and mortars
Virtual worlds in higher education: the challenges, expectations and delivery
Network-coded rateless coding scheme in erasure multiple-access relay enable communications
Mobile learning anytime, anywhere: what are our students doing?
Facilitating cross-sector collaboration for collective impact: a knowledge management perspective
Cross-layer optimization for 3-D video transmission over cooperative relay systems
Designing L2 reading to write tasks in online higher education contexts
The role of optimism and engagement coping in college adaptation: a career construction model
The praxis of social enterprise and human security: An applied research agenda
Tempering hard times: integrating well-being metrics into utility analysis
What do academics think of asset allocation theory?
Beyond the borders: the three Ts of contemporary protocols for efficient teleworking
Uses and perspectives of social media by accounting academics
Evaluation of strength characteristics of recycled asphalt pavement materials
The HPC next door: enabling research outcomes using QCIF HPC facilities
Pleasant encounters of the VM kind: leveraging on NeCTAR VMs to achieve research outcomes
Phytoplankton response to an intense dust storm in the Tasman Sea in September-October, 2009
Sampling expansion for irregularly sampled signals in fractional Fourier transform domain
Re-examining sunspot tilt angle to include anti-Hale statistics
Future proofing nursing education: an Australian perspective
Lippia (Phyla canescens) and its response to fire
A detailed analysis of the HD 73526 2:1 resonant planetary system
High resolution survey for topographic surveying
Contextual positioning: using documents as extant data in grounded theory research
Aborigines, Islanders and Hula Girls in Great Barrier Reef Tourism
Competition for donations and the sustainability of not-for-profit organisations
An exploratory case study on employee health and wellbeing: Indian railways case study
Alternative energy sources for cotton production in Australia
Improving energy efficiency in agriculture
Corporate governance and the variability of stock returns
Monitoring the depth of anaesthesia using Hurst exponent and Bayesian methods
Absolute performance of AUSGeoid09 in mountainous regions
Death, dildoes and daffodils: a queer winter's tale
Water infrastructure in Libya and the water situation in agriculture in the Jefara region of Libya
Generalized Korteweg–de Vries equation for internal waves in two-layer fluid
Compulsory marketing schemes and Section 92 of the Australian Constitution
Reducing corruption through e-procurement
Prediction of sugarcane quality parameters using visible-shortwave near infrared spectroradiometer
Characterisation of the mechanical properties of pultruded fibre-reinforced polymer tube
The Anglican Church and ecumenical and interreligious dialogue
Precoding and channel state information sharing in cooperative macro base stations and femto sites
Spirituality in men with advanced prostate cancer: 'It's a holistic thing ... It's a package'
Qualitatively different ways students experience remote access laboratories
Epileptic seizure detection in EEGs signals using a fast weighted horizontal visibility algorithm
A method to select IT service management processes for improvement
Field-scale evaluation of furrow fertigation using liquid nitrogen
Effect of spatial variability on data requirements for site-specific irrigation
Recent developments on FRP bars as internal reinforcement in concrete structures
Fieldwork in a digital age: questions of privacy and copyright
Effect of SiC addition on mechanical and wear characteristics of WC-32(W-Ti)C-6Co cemented carbides
Computer-based treatment programs for youth anxiety: a systematic review
A sampling theorem for the fractional Fourier transform without band-limiting constraints
IT service management: a cross-national study of ITIL adoption
Real-time control approaches for site-specific irrigation and fertigation optimisation
The applications of augmented reality technologies in mathematics education
Exploring digital literacy: moving from buzzwords towards a social construction of competency
Wear behaviour and mechanism of different metals sliding against stainless steel counterface
The challenge to write: dangerous and disruptive words
As a creative writer myself, will I become a more creative teacher?
VARIwise: towards autonomous irrigation and a grower's guide
Health text analysis: a Queensland Health case study
Global diversity and geography of soil fungi
OFDM with interleaved subcarrier-index modulation
Modelling water demand and trade on the Murray and lower Darling rivers
Barriers to green IT service management: a case study
Educational Learning and Development: Building and Enhancing Capacity
Benchmarks for technology enhanced learning
A statistical framework for intrusion detection system
The application of technology enhanced learning to enhance the student learning journey
Innovative mental health solutions for regional well-being and resilience
Infrastructure failures and consequences: rehabilitation using fibre composites
Consistent! Transparent! D.I.Y. ITSM process assessment approach
A heuristic model: the case of challenges facing Chinese students studying in Australia
Exploring evidence of higher order thinking skills in the writing of first year undergraduates
Towards a sustainable energy technologies based agriculture
Virtual world technologies to enhance climate risk management on Australian sugar cane farms
Automated camera-based height and flower detection for wheat and chickpea
Towards transparent and efficient process assessments for IT service management
Finite-difference approach for a 6th-order nonlinear phase equation with self-excitation
Interreligious dialogue in practice: modern, multi-faith chaplaincy in a regional university
Contribution of Muslims to the regional social harmony, interreligious dialogue and culture
Sustainable energy solutions in agriculture
Assessing land use of lower Mekong basin using multi-temporal MODIS imagery
Formalising informal learning: Assessment and accreditation challenges within disaggregated systems
Making the most of virtual expertise in telemedicine and telehealth environments
Falun Gong: a narrative of pending apocalypse, shape-shifting aliens and relentless persecution
Induction of metabolic syndrome by excess fructose consumption
Strategies for implementing open licensed resources: a review of case studies
Motives for Facebook use in an Australian sample
Researching regional impact: the challenges and complexities
Landscapes of mobility: the flow of place
Cultural issues in mental health
Death by whose hand? Falun Gong and suicide
Study on orthogonal basis NN-based storage modelling for Lake Hume of Upper Murray River, Australia
Land use: catchment management
Temporal trends of groundwater levels in the border rivers alluvia
Temporal trends of groundwater levels in the Lower Balonne 2000-2014
Temporal trends of groundwater levels in the Condamine catchment 2007-2013
Multimedia resources in engineering
Soliton-like thermoelastic waves
A review of enabling factors in construction industry productivity in an Australian environment
The tower and the devil in the Visconti-Sforza deck: lost or absent?
A breathing source surface for cycles 23 and 24
Examining the influence of the cultural aspect of uncertainty avoidance on supply chain coordination
Design and performance analysis of an energy-efficient uplink carrier aggregation scheme
The influence of the mass media on Australian primary students' understandings of genes and DNA
Hemp reinforced composites with alkalization and acetylation fibre treatments
'Life in one colour': Indian Australian perceptions of social inclusion in regional Queensland
A fundamental approach to design and develop fly ash based geopolymers
The importance of fly ash property in the manufacture of geopolymers
Antibacterial properties of hemp and other natural fibre plants: a review
Controlling surface irrigation using digital devices
High performance automated furrow irrigation
Are evaporation losses in sprinkler irrigation high?
A simple strategy to manage furrow irrigation efficiently
Selection of irrigation duration for high performance furrow irrigation on cracking clay soils
Can advected energy affect the water use efficiency in sprinkler irrigation?
Estimation of canopy interception under sprinkler irrigation: a new approach
Features, trends and characteristics of remote access laboratory management systems
Evaluation of the performance of automated bay irrigation
MODIS data based semi-real time media GIS contents to support natural disaster mitigation
Novel iterative min-max clustering to minimize information loss in statistical disclosure control
On the new concept of the available water climatology and its application
Economics of e-learning: indicators of comparative cost analysis in higher education
A staff well-being framework for the 21st century (SWF21)
Fast intermode selection for HEVC video coding using phase correlation
An efficient video coding technique using a novel non-parametric background model
Optimising nutrient extraction from chicken manure and compost
Flood adaptation strategies under climate change in Nepal: a socio-hydrological aalysis
Nudgee a life: a history of St Joseph's Nudgee College
A Pleistocene charcoal drawing or painting from Northern Australia
Democratic classroom practices: critically exploring the possibilities
The Educational Change Model: reforming Year 7 and junior secondary in Queensland
Designing and implementing high-quality curriculum integration in the middle years of schooling
An ongoing journey: evaluation of the Junior Secondary Leading Change Development Program
Geothermal arsenic: occurrence, mobility and environmental implications
Ethics in fieldwork: reflections on the unexpected
Walking-to-think-with in Indonesia: beginning a new discourse in area studies?
Past remarkable: using life stories to trace alternative futures
Renting over troubled waters: an urban political ecology of rental housing
Evidence base and applications of music in elite sport
A heuristic model to assist the Chinese students studying in Australia
Fusarium pseudograminearum crown rot: growth patterns in planta
Meeting at the crossroads: re-conceptualising difference in research teams
Computer-assisted language learning: learners, teachers and tools
On dissipative nature of elastic waves
Target’s organisational form and returns to Australian bidders in cross-border acquisitions
A palaeoclimatic rainfall history from Lake Broadwater, southeast Queensland, Australia
Using ICT in teaching a specific mathematics concept: graphs of logarithmic functions
ICTs and the millennium development goals: a United Nations perspective
Assessment of the Shikarpur Pickle Value Chain
A collaborative approach to supporting communication in the assessment of decision making capacity
An assessment protocol for determining decision making capacity
The (non)effects of lethal population control on the diet of Australian dingoes
Sympatric prey responses to lethal top-predator control: predator manipulation experiments
Management of wild canids in Australia: free-ranging dogs and red foxes
Enzyme production from food wastes using a biorefinery concept
Phosphorus release characteristics from biosolids-derived organomineral fertilisers
The gender digital divide in developing countries
Saving Indigenous nurses and midwives from historical oblivion
Working with Australian Indigenous populations
The cultural safety journey: an Australian nursing context
Indigenous gendered health perspectives
Introduction [to Yatdjuligin: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and midwifery care]
Community controlled health services: what they are and how they work
Inspiratory muscle warm-up does not improve cycling time-trial performance
Tension modelling and testing of sandwich composites in fire
Children’s rights with endogenous fertility
For the sake of the children: class, anxiety and childhood in Barbara Noble's Doreen
Ableism as transformative practice
Deep drainage estimates for irrigated crop rotations in subhumid, subtropical Australia
See me, hear me: engaging with Australian Indigenous youth and their lifeworlds
The commercial and dream landscape cultures of films
All-electric LNG a viable alternative to conventional gas turbine driven LNG plant
Behaviour of infilled rehabilitation system with composites for steel pipe
Temperature and heat flux measurement on hot models in short-duration facilities
An overview of project Madagascar's tri-lingual education project development: 2005-2014
Engineering pathways for regional Australia built through knowledge partnering
Building long-term capability in the Australian minerals industry – The MINAD project
Ten years on: An evaluation of the success of the Master of Engineering Practice program
Project-based innovation: perspective of construction organizations
Design of epoxy resin based polymer concrete matrix for composite railway sleeper
Maximizing graduate capabilities: Linking knowledge, skills, and workplace experiences
Fire performance of basalt fibre composites under tensile loading
Porous borders: exploring the potential of biographical research across disciplinary boundaries
Financial planning value proposition: Laying the groundwork based on clients’ perspective
Pilgrimage as developmental process of meaning co-creation
Retrieving land surface aerodynamic properties using MODIS Albedo
Empowering women through entrepreneurship, innovation and business sustainability in Pakistan
Embedding a Risk Framework Using a SWOT Analysis
Remote monitoring and automatic detection of grain crop attributes
Sideways story: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community art production and markets
Prioritising plant-parasitic nematode species biosecurity risks using self organising maps
Climate change may have limited effect on global risk of potato late blight
Living comfortably with diversity: international students’ transition practices
Work, life, and imbalance: policies, practices and performativities of academic well-being
Profile clusters of mood responses
Novel diagnostic method for ratoon stunting disease: development and implications for RSD management
Computer-based interactive health communications for people with chronic disease
Using SMS reminders in psychology clinics: a cautionary tale
Measuring mental health literacy - a review of scale-based measures
Scanning electron microscopic study of microstructure of gala apples during hot air drying
Analysis of strain-rate dependent mechanical behavior of single chondrocyte: a finite element study
A particle based model to simulate microscale morphological changes of plant tissues during drying
A mesh free model for plant tissue deformations during drying
A variable diffusivity model for the drying of spherical food particulates
Simulation of plant cell shrinkage during drying – a SPH–DEM approach
Neutral and charged boron-doped fullerenes for CO2 adsorption
Drying kinetics, quality changes and shrinkage of two grape varieties of Italy
A coupled SPH-DEM model for micro-scale structural deformations of plant cells during drying
Understanding student experiences in university learning centres
Legal ethics at a time of regulatory change: the sixth International Legal Ethics Conference, London
Transformation of internal waves at the bottom ledge
Supporting student engagement with capstone project presentations
Flexural behaviour of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars subjected to elevated temperature
Handheld wireless devices and opinions of physicians in healthcare environment: a case of Pakistan
Current activities in Australasian Mycological Research
Understanding maths: basic mathematics explained (4th edition) by Graham Lawler
Analysis of alcoholic EEG signals based on horizontal visibility graph entropy
Prior upper body exercise reduces cycling work capacity but not critical power
Shear capacity of a newly developed sustainable hybrid composite wall panel
The impact of photocatalytic on degradation of poly aromatic hydrocarbons through permeable concrete
Material properties and impact resistance of a new lightweight engineered cementitious composite
Flexural behavior of basalt fibre reinforced ferrocement composite
Effect of light hydrocarbons contamination on shear strength of fine sand
Model for internal porosity development of different shaped foods
A novel approach for numerical simulation of plant tissue shrinkage during drying
Engaging first year lecturers with threshold learning outcomes and concepts in their disciplines
Effect of elevated temperature on the tensile properties of recycled mixed plastic waste
Glass fibre and recycled mixed plastic wastes: recent developments and applications
Investigation of the anti-microbial properties of endophytes from Santalum lanceolatum
An investigation of the ecology and bioactivity of endophytes from Pittosporum angustifolium
Molecular taxonomy of Australian endophytic Pezizales
New Russulaceae species in south-east Queensland
A dynamical systems approach to simulating macroscale spatial dynamics in multiple dimensions
Promoting the use of enduring powers of attorney in older adults: a literature review
Investigation on interfacial adhesion of date palm/epoxy using fragmentation technique
Analysis of a destructive wind storm on 16 November 2008 in Brisbane, Australia
Laparoscopic vs open repair for incisional hernia
Testing the equality of two intercept for the parallel regression model
The echoes of voice in education research ethics
The relationship between sedentary behaviour and physical activity in adults: a systematic review
Design transformations: teaching design through evaluations
Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of obesity in the British army
Cooperative jamming and power allocation with untrusty two-way relay nodes
From classical conditioning to Michael Phelps: music applications in elite sport
Does music really make a difference? Meta-analytic review of a century of research
First report of Masseeëlla capparis in Australia
The rusts on Goodeniaceae and Stylidiaceae
Influence of playing standard on the physical demands of junior rugby league tournament match-play
Gap formation in a self-gravitating disk and the associated migration of the embedded giant planet
Interventions designed to reduce sedentary behaviours in young people: A review of reviews
Fungal planet description sheets: 214-280
Epitypification and neotypification: guidelines with appropriate and inappropriate examples
Puccinia psidii in Queensland, Australia: disease symptoms, distribution and impact
Match analysis and temporal patterns of fatigue in rugby sevens
Small-sided games in team sports training: a brief review
Accelerometer and GPS-derived running loads and injury risk in elite Australian footballers
Physical demands of training and competition in collegiate netball players
Three new species of Tilletia on Eriachne from north-western Australia
The novice literacy coach: exploring motivation and persistence in the face of challenge
One stop shop: backbone trees for important phytopathogenic genera: I (2014)
Influence of physical contact on pacing strategies during game-based activities
Repeated-sprint ability and team selection in Australian football league players
Review of the history and development in the field of psychosocial oncology
Validity and reliability of new agility test among elite and subelite under 14-soccer players
Improvement in measurement accuracy for hybrid scanner
Action research as metamethodology: managing the complexity of an applied research project
Activity profiles of professional soccer, rugby league and Australian football match play
Spikes in acute workload are associated with increased injury risk in elite cricket fast bowlers
Statistical modelling for recurrent events: an application to sports injuries
A hyperparasite affects the population dynamics of a wild plant pathogen
Relationship between erythrocyte omega-3 content and obesity is gender dependent
Applied sport science of rugby league
Musculoskeletal pain in obese compared with healthy-weight children
Nut consumption for vascular health and cognitive function
Integrating enquiry-based learning pedagogies and remote access laboratory for STEM education
Building a software tool for transparent and efficient process assessments in IT service management
A new type of carbon nitride-based polymer composite for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen production
Adopting a survivor identity after cancer in a peer support context
New electroless plating method for preparation of highly active Co-B catalysts for NaBH4 hydrolysis
A novel bottom-up solvothermal synthesis of carbon nanosheets
Unmasking codes of power: expanding the relatively new media to escalate war, 1941-45
Impacting IT enrolments: what factors most influence student career decisions
An Evaluation of the suitability of NoSQL databases for distributed EHR systems
Failure mechanisms of bridge infrastructure in an extreme flood event
Mechatronic feasibility of minimally invasive, atraumatic cochleostomy
Feasibility study of a hand guided robotic drill for cochleostomy
An organisational change approach to implementing IT service management
How to communicate evaluation work in design science research? An exemplar case study
SDI and crowdsourced spatial information management automation for disaster management
Extended economic models for information systems balance theory
Positive Influence Dominating Set Games
Indium selenides: structural characteristics, synthesis and their thermoelectric performances
Three paths for learning analytics and beyond: moving from rhetoric to reality
Breaking BAD to bridge the reality/rhetoric chasm
Selection of hemp fabric as reinforcement in composite materials
Compressive properties of ceramic microballoon syntactic foams
Geopolymer concrete: the green alternative with suitable structural properties
An Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone of a cool star
Rapid molten salt synthesis of isotropic negative thermal expansion ScF3
Large-scale synthesis of isotropic single-crystalline ScF3 cubes by hydrothermal method
Au-catalyzed and catalyst-free growth of one-dimensional Bi2Se3 nanostructures
Mindfulness can assist FYHE students with academic adjustment
Assessing the language anxiety of Malaysian undergraduate English language learners
Software-mediated process assessment for IT service capability management
Wear and frictional behaviour of metals
Two new, rare, high-effusion outburst eruptions at Rarog and Heno Paterae on Io
A low-cost and large-scale synthesis of nano-zinc oxide from smithsonite
The electrowinning of zinc from sodium hydroxide solutions
Dynamic behaviour of fibre composite multilayer sandwich plates with delaminations
Bond-slip behaviour of GFRP bars into geopolymer concrete
Structural behavior of fibre composite guardrails
Stress-strain behaviour of unconfined polymer concrete
Geopolymer concrete with FRP confinement
Developing early learners' creativity and collaboration using iPads
Remote access laboratories enhancing STEM education
Effect of beam-column joint stiffness on the design of beams
An integrated WSN and mobile robot system for agriculture and environment applications
Controlled synthesis of Y2O3 nanoplates with improved performance
Synthesis and photoluminescence of nano/ microstructured Y0.95Eu0.05PO4 via hydrothermal process
Assessing the dynamic foot mobility magnitude using an image-based analysis system
Dynamic analysis of multilayer GFRP sandwich slabs with interlayer delaminations
Reflexivity and self-care for creative facilitators: stepping outside the circle
Observations of a metal-insulator transition and strong surface states in Bi2-x Sbx Se3 thin films
Anisotropic electrical properties from vapor-solid-solid grown Bi2Se3 nanoribbons and nanowires
Corrosion effects of CNT-nanofluids on different metals
Overlay network architectures for peer-to-peer Remote Access Laboratories
Remote networking laboratory development
Using network enabled microcontrollers in experiments for a distributed remote laboratory
Reliability of qualitative data using text analysis: a Queensland Health case study
A new crystal: layer-structured rhombohedral In3Se4
In-doped Bi2Se3 hierarchical nanostructures as anode materials for Li-ion batteries
Long wavelength emissions of Se4+-doped In2O 3 hierarchical nanostructures
QoE-aware cross-layer architecture for video traffic over internet
Ground-penetrating radar and burial practices in western Arnhem Land, Australia
A vibrotactile interface to motivate movement for children with severe to profound disabilities
Physical modelling and PIV analyses of an underground tunnel heading
Settlement analyses of underground circular tunneling in soft clay
The Remediation of Nosferatu: exploring transmedia experiences
Mobile learning trends among students in Vietnam
Making online classrooms real: engaging pedagogy for online students
Lossless data compression of grid-based digital elevation models: a PNG image format evaluation
From rags to riches: democratisation of the photographic art
A novel video coding scheme using a scene adaptive non-parametric background model
Crime analysis mapping in the UK: a GIS analysis of burglaries in Leicestershire
Bringing digital literacies to students without internet access
Overconfidence across world regions
Quest for the best non-cognitive predictor of academic achievement
Taking ebook readers to prisons: a tale of two projects
Confidence: the best non-cognitive predictor of academic achievement?
Water: advanced irrigation technologies
Wobbling ancient binaries - here be planets?
A dynamical test for terrestrial planets in the habitable zone of HD 204313
An odd partnership: identity-based constitutional claims in modern democracy
A faint echo: using fictionalisation to speak the unspeakable
IEEE 802.14.5/ZigBee based WSNs-WPANs and innovative application in medical health care systems
Ethical issues for qualitative research in on-line communities
Global graduate employability research: a report to the Business20 Human Capital Taskforce (DRAFT)
Mobile feedback: when ‘seeing’ informs reflection and learning
Growth of hematite nanowire arrays during dense pentlandite oxidation
Multi-shelled CeO2 hollow microspheres as superior photocatalysts for water oxidation
Disability in a digital world: online pedagogy for enabling learning
Embodied cognition and Shakespeare's theatre: the early modern body-mind
Structure and thermal expansion of the tungsten bronze Pb2KNb5O15
Literacy in the arts: retheorising learning and teaching
Shape controllable synthesis of NdFeO3 micro single crystals by a hydrothermal route
Just keep following the heartlines on your hand
Why so evasive about evaluation in higher education?
Controlling fines in coal seam gas wells using MgO nanoparticles
Literacy education: about being in the world
Encouraging productive arts-literacy dialogues: a call to action
Literacy and knowledge: classroom practice in the arts
Literacy and the arts: interpretation and expression of symbolic form
Reflected, refracted, re-voiced: the ivory tower re-constructed
Together alone: integrating the Tasman world
Modeling users' web search behavior and their cognitive styles
Understanding the information literacy experiences of EFL (English as a foreign language) students
Who are Australia's information educators?
The researcher librarian partnership: building a culture of research
New weighted geometric mean method to estimate the slope of measurement error model
Capacity-building for western expatriate nurses and Australian early career researchers
Exploring the effects of colouring graph diagrams on people of various backgrounds
M-ary trees for combinatorial asset management decision problems
Letters to the Editor: the 'awkward truths' in Australia's Italian migration history, 1900-1915
Cogito Ergo Theatrum: Redistributing Cognition on the Early Modern Stage
Quaint knowledge: a 'body-mind' pattern across Shakespeare's career
Re-cognising the body-mind in Shakespeare's theatre [Introduction]
Hierarchical nanoscale multi-shell Au/CeO2hollow spheres
Reply to the criticism by Johnson et al. (2014) on the report by Allen et al (2013)
Two-dimensional carbon leading to new photoconversion processes
Key interventions and learning from grassroots capacity building in REDD+ project in Nepal
Grassroots capacity development for REDD+: approaches and key lessons from Nepal [Policy brief]
Sustainability of transhumance grazing systems under socio-economic threats in Langtang, Nepal
Depth of anaesthesia monitors and the latest algorithms
Moore's law and the regulation of securities markets
Tall tales and other adventures (Exhibition Catalogue)
University students' perspective on blended learning
Social technologies in public libraries: exploring best practice
Observations of transiting exoplanets with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
A technique to derive improved proper motions for kepler objects of interest
Masses, radii, and orbits of small Kepler planets: the transition from gaseous to rocky planets
Planetary candidates observed by Kepler IV: Planet sample from Q1-Q8 (22 months)
Stellar diameters and temperatures - V. 11. Newly characterized exoplanet host stars
Limits on stellar companions to exoplanet host stars with eccentric planets
Most sub-arcsecond companions of Kepler exoplanet candidate host stars are gravitationally bound
Kepler-424 b: a 'lonely' hot Jupiter that found a companion
Nova-like cataclysmic variables in the infrared
The validity of the distress thermometer in prostate cancer populations
Adverse responses and physical activity: secondary analysis of the prepare trial
The effectiveness of interventions to increase physical activity among young girls: a meta-analysis
Managing sedentary behavior to reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Elemental abundances of solar sibling candidates
Planetary transit candidates in the CSTAR field: analysis of the 2008 data
Paramagnetic Cu-doped Bi2Te3 nanoplates
Study of the termination of two acrylonitrile radicals and infrared spectrum
Metabolic health benefits of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
Through-thickness permeability modelling of woven fabric under out-of-plane deformation
Algae-biomass for fuel, electricity and agriculture
Sustainable energy and climate protection solutions in agriculture
The impact of alcohol sponsorship in sport upon varsity sportspeople
The effect of protein supplied in the growth medium on plant pathogen resistance
Effects of externally supplied protein on root morphology and biomass allocation in Arabidopsis
Durum wheat quality in high-input irrigation systems in south-eastern Australia
Assessment of revised recruitment standards for asthma in the Australian Defence Force
‘Means to ends’ integration for stakeholder engagement
Bioconversion of food waste to energy: a review
Digital literacy in the developing world: a gender gap
Navigating the online information maze: should students trust Wikipedia?
Do you think it is time to consider legume-based cropping systems again?
Want to win? Let music give you the edge
The internment diaries of Mario Sardi by Ilma Martinuzzi O’Brien
Mass infant grave in Ireland shocks the world – but Irish government is slow to respond
Advanced composites with natural reinforcement
Social media as surveillance, by Daniel Trottier
A Bcool magnetic snapshot survey of solar-type stars
Indecorous: an exhibition by Simon Mee
Moon Gazing [Exhibition of 32 Paintings]
Meeting the challenge: improving the practicum experience for supervisors and pre service teachers
Nitrogen release characteristics from biosolids-derived organomineral fertilisers
Ethnography in music education research
Reflective practice in music: a collaborative professional approach
30/30 CCNOA image archive project
Lynch yourself on the things you love
Smash your head on the punk rock
Rhetoric and reality: critical perspectives on education in a 3D virtual world
Authentic assessment of reflection in an ePortfolio: how to make reflection more real for students
Tools of the trade: breaking the ice with virtual tools in online learning
Three good reasons to understand the research impact of a technology-enabled initiative
Benchmarking for technology enhanced learning: taking the next step in the journey
A review of integrating mobile phones for language learning
Willowhaven [Semi-autobiographical Gothic short story]
In the darkest part of the forest
Tall tales and other adventures - USQ, Dogwood Crossing, Miles and Flying Arts research project
A systematic review of the role of regional aviation in the airfreight industry
Numerical modelling of moisture motion in heterogeneous soils using 1D-MIRBF method
Estimating the value of conjunctive water use at a system-level using nonlinear programming model
Asset allocation: analysis of theory and practice in the Australian investment management industry
Internal solitary waves in two-layer fluids at near-critical situation
Climate change and hydrologic modeling
Analysis of rainfall, PMP and drought in the United Arab Emirates
Statistical parameters used for assessing hydrologic regime
Rainfall and intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves in United Arab Emirates
Predictive modelling to aid the regional-scale management of a vertebrate pest
Developing novel biorefineries using food waste as substrate
Biomass & biogas developments in Singapore
Anaerobic digester feed stream conditioning for increasing biogas production (Technical report 8)
Developing novel biorefineries using food waste as substrate (Technical report 3)
A 12-month field trial to remediate an exposed 'tailings beach' in Tasmania
A sustainability framework for the beneficial reuse of alumina refinery residue
Muscle fascicle strains in human gastrocnemius during backward downhill walking
A long-term study of mine site rehabilitation in Australia
The case for David Malouf’s An Imaginary Life
University writing programs deliver, so let’s turn the page
Sludge pretreatment methods for enhanced VS destruction and CH4 production
Quantitative and qualitative assessment of greywater for water demand management in Al Ain
Selection of predictors for statistical downscaling using wavelet techniques
Health information literacy and the experience of 65 to 79 year old Australians
Informed democracy: information experiences during the 2012 Queensland election
Overview of theory and practice in library and information science research in Asia-Oceania
Information literacy research: the evolution of the relational approach
Psychopathology, limit situations and the abandonment of the authentic being
Bone mineral density (BMD) in rats in a model of metabolic syndrome (METS)
Effects of shearing direction on shear behaviour of rock joints
Suggested methods for the preparation and testing of various properties of resins and grouts
Arsenic species in raw and cooked rice: implications for human health in rural Bengal
Author response: missed opportunity related to statistical methods
An integrated educational model for continuing nurse education
Author response: NPO practices and preoperative oral carbohydrate intake
Arsenic contamination in the groundwater of Thoubal and Bishnupur district of Manipur, India
The potential contribution of geothermal energy to electricity supply in Saudi Arabia
Expanded review criteria: the case of no pharmacological interventions in dementia
Spectroscopic pulsational frequency and mode determination of the γ Doradus Star HD 189631
Physicochemical evolution of the thermal springs over the Siwana Ring Complex, western Rajasthan
Geochemical investigations on thermal and cold springs at Dumka District, Jharkhand, India
Geothermal energy resources of wadi Al-Lith, Saudi Arabia
Geochemistry of thermal springs around Lake Abhe, Western Djibouti
Quality and substance of educational strategies for mental health in nursing curricula
The evaluation of undergraduate nurses' attitudes, perspectives and perceptions toward older people
The path analysis of early maladaptive schemas, coping strategies and mental quality of life
Hydrogeochemistry and groundwater quality in Champhai, Mizoram, North Eastern India
The unmanifest canvas: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the arts, creativity, and perception 1970-2006
Following from afar: Malaysia’s competition law looks to Europe
Challenging the need for a 'Global' Competition Law
Oral herbal therapies for treating osteoarthritis (review)
Firefighter feedback during active cooling: a useful tool for heat stress management?
Modelling squeeze flow of viscous polymer melts
An intuitive dashboard for Bayesian Network inference
A snapshot of data quality issues in Indonesian community health
Hedonism's Second Album [Script]
Enterprise systems lifecycle-wide innovation readiness
Enterprise system lifecycle-wide innovation
Psychological health of medical and dental students in Saudi Arabia: a longitudinal study
Satisfaction with emergency department service among non-English-speaking background patients
Towards understanding self-development coaching programs
Progress and challenges of disaster health management in China: a scoping review
Validation of a framework for measuring hospital disaster resilience using factor analysis
The varied impacts of El Nino-Southern Oscillation on Pacific Island climates
Climate science: expulsion from history
Past and future changes to inflows into Perth (Western Australia) dams
Major coastal flooding in southeastern Australia 1860-2012, associated deaths and weather systems
Precipitation response to La Nina and global warming in the Indo-Pacific
Nonlinear precipitation response to El Nino and global warming in the Indo-Pacific
A new index for variations in the position of the South Pacific convergence zone 1910/11-2011/2012
Reframing evaluation of learning and teaching: An approach to change
A socio-cognitive approach to customer adherence in health care
Vitamin K absorption in the horse: intestinal uptake of different vitamers
Vitamin K absorption in the horse: does absorption occur from the hindgut
Assessing stimulation and inhibition of anaerobic lagoons: Project 4C-105
Designing Professional Development: Beyond General Principles
Fault Approximation Tool for Grid-Connected Inverter-Interfaced Distributed Generators
Learning to listen: audience, listening and experience in the classical music concert hall
Views on building information modelling, procurement and contract management
Perspectives on Modelling BIM-enabled Estimating Practices
A benefits realization management building information modeling framework for asset owners
A Response to Reorienting Teacher Education Towards Sustainability
Planning for Success: Factors Influencing Change in Teacher Education
Pathways for teaching vocal jazz improvisation
Quantitative research : a viable option for music researchers
The First Year in Higher Education – Where to from here?
The First Year Experience: Looking back to inform the future
Experience of Advanced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Metasynthesis of Qualitative Research
Elements of effective palliative care models: a rapid review
When death is not a crime: Challenges for police and policing
Reframe: QUT's evaluation framework survey business rules
Urgent: we need to act on equity in Australian schools now [Blog post]
Learning from alternative schooling: mainstream schools can benefit greatly [Blog post]
Linking service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty in casinos, does membership matter?
A patron, a referral and why in Macau casinos—The case of mainland Chinese gamblers
Who stays, who walks, and why in high-intensity service contexts
The relationship between casino service and gambler loyalty
To Gamble or Not? Perceptions of Macau Among Mainland Chinese and Hong Kong Visitors
Deterrence of drug driving: The impact of the ACT drug driving legislation and detection techniques
At home in a new range: wild red deer in south-eastern Queensland
An Updated Model to Determine the Life Remaining of Transformer Insulation
Expenditure and motivation of Australian recreational hunters