Socio-economic implications of climate change with regard to forests and forest management. Contribution of work package 3 to the forest vulnerability assessment

Technological change in the Australian irrigation industry: implications for future resource management and policy development

Quality-of-governance standards for carbon emissions trading: developing REDD+ governance through a multi-stage, multi-level and multi-stakeholder approach

A short form of the Career Interest Test: a report for Education Services Australia

The Step Process. New methodologies in performance creation.

Assessment of the indigenous national heritage values for Wurrwurrwuy stone picture site

Report on the assessment and accreditation of learners using open education resources (OER)

Structural behaviour of pultruded fibre composites guardrail system under horizontal loading

Construct validity of scores from the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale in a sample of postsecondary students with disabilities

Caregiving Subgroups Differences in the Associations Between the Resilience Resources and Life Satisfaction

The validity of CAAS scores in divergent social occupations

Spatio-temporal analysis of climatic variables in the western part of Bangladesh

Modeling of agricultural drought risk pattern using Markov chain and GIS in the western part of Bangladesh

Parents’ Interpretations of Screen Time Recommendations for Children Younger Than 2 Years

Coming to Terms with Knowledge Management in Telehealth

The Paradoxes of Telehealth: a Review of the Literature 2000–2015

The impact of interventions that promote family involvement in care on adult acute-care wards: an integrative review

Pedagogy, place and performance: the role of touring performing arts in regional Queensland - a review of Opera Queensland’s project Rossini

Estimating moments of a selected Pareto population under asymmetric scale invariant loss function

Vibrotactile and vibroacoustic interventions into health and well-being

Unemployment from the perspective of the psychology of working

Recreational football training improved health-related physical fitness in 9- to 10-year-old boys

The effects of electricity consumption, economic growth, financial development and foreign direct investment on CO2 emissions in Kuwait

Ranking economic performance and efficiency in the global market: emerging research and opportunities

Application of 3D imaging and analysis techniques for the study of food plant cellular deformations during drying

Waiting, power and time in ethnographic and community-based research

Virtual worlds as restorative environments

Profiles of teacher personality and relations with teacher self-efficacy, work engagement, and job satisfaction

Attentional avoidant biases as mediators in the association between experiential avoidance and blood pressure in dementia family caregivers

Correlation between physiochemical properties and quality of biodiesel

Experimental and phenomenological study of the effects of adding shredded tire chips on geotechnical properties of peat

Early career teacher peer support through private groups in social media

Local stability of a plate with a circular inclusion under tensile stress

‘He is telling us fairy tales’: parental anxiety and wartime childhood in Life is Beautiful, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and Fairy Tales from Auschwitz

Discrepancy analysis and Australian norms for the Trail Making Test

Metaphor identification as a research method for the study of career

Effect of SnO2, ZrO2, and CaCO3 nanoparticles on water transport and durability properties of self-compacting mortar containing fly ash: experimental observations and ANFIS predictions

Use of an elasto-plastic model and strain measurements of embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors to detect Mode I delamination crack propagation in woven cloth (0/90) composite materials

Development of the SOSS-D: a scale to measure stigma of occupational stress and burnout in medical doctors

Investigation into thin layer drying rates and equilibrium moisture content of abattoir paunch waste

Managing climate risks through transformational adaptation: economic and policy implications for key production regions in Australia

VGI and crowdsourced data credibility analysis using spam email detection techniques

Analysis of the compression behaviour of different composite lattice designs

δ-equality of intuitionistic fuzzy sets: a new proximity measure and applications in medical diagnosis

Controlled synthesis of silkworm cocoon-like α-Fe2O3 and its adsorptive properties for organic dyes and Cr(VI)

Construction of multi-shelled Bi2WO6 hollow microspheres with enhanced visible light photo-catalytic performance

Formation of multi-shelled nickel-based sulfide hollow spheres for rechargeable alkaline batteries

Effect of width–thickness ratio on capacity of pultruded square hollow polymer columns

Clinical supervision in the bush: is it any different?

Clinical supervision capacity building: policy implications

Enacting interprofessional leadership: Navigating explicit and implicit leadership barriers and facilitators.

Interprofessional supervision: one step too far?

Enacting leadership to enhance interprofessional education and practice in a regional health setting

Clinical supervision in rural Australia: challenges and opportunities

Peer supervision: International problems and prospects

Reciprocal leadership in clinical supervision comes of age

Choice of clinical supervisor: Cunning or collusion?

A systematic review of the factors that influence the quality and effectiveness of telesupervision for health professionals

Good, bad or indifferent: a longitudinal multi-methods study comparing four modes of training for healthcare professionals in one Australian state

Small size, huge value. Freshwater rock pools of the Kimberley

Effects of salinity and plant host on plant-microbe interactions in Louisiana coastal marshes

Extreme salinity fluctuations and invasion by Phragmites australis in wetland ecosystems

Abundance and richness of fungal endophytes from scale-infected and uninfected reed (Phragmites australis)

Terrestrial versus aquatic carbon fluxes in a subtropical agricultural floodplain over an annual cycle

From Progressivism to Instrumentalism: Innovative Learning Environments According to New Zealand’s Ministry of Education

Teacher Education for an Uncertain Future: Implications of PISA’s Global Competence

Foundational Community Factors (FCFs) for Early Childhood Development: A report on the Kids in Communities Study

Accessing Primary Health for Vulnerable Population Cohorts: Situation Analysis

Working out what makes a good community where young children can thrive

Helping communities improve child development outcomes: The importance of governance in the Kids in Communities Study (KiCS)

Using transdisciplinary research to examine talent identification and development in sport

Diverging importance of drought stress for maize and winter wheat in Europe

Human motion analysis from UAV video

Human detection and motion analysis from a quadrotor UAV

Remote measurement of cardiopulmonary signal using an unmanned aerial vehicle

Human pose and path estimation from aerial video using dynamic classifier selection

Thermal enhancement of paraffin/hydrophobic expanded perlite granular phase change composite using graphene nanoplatelets

Thermoelectric properties of Ni0. 05Mo3Sb5. 4Te1. 6 composites with NiSb nanocoating

New evaluation parameter for wearable thermoelectric generators

A 50 pc Scale View of Star Formation Efficiency across NGC 628

The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): SOFIA Detects Spatially Resolved [C II] Emission in the Luminous AGN HE 0433-1028

Holistic Influence Maximization for Targeted Advertisements in Spatial Social Networks

Current research status of palliative care in Mainland China

Warm-needle moxibustion for spasticity after stroke: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials

Burden, emotional distress and quality of life among informal caregivers of lung cancer patients: An exploratory study

Unmet care needs of advanced cancer patients and their informal caregivers: a systematic review

The Limitations of Copyright: Sharing personal Images on social networks

Reusing images uploaded online: how social networks contracts facilitate the misuse of personal images

Prevalence of anxiety and depression In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Robust feature-based automated multi-view human action recognition system

The thrive program at Toowoomba Clubhouse: Building social connections and reducing stigma experiences for people with a lived experience of mental illness

Shrinkage Estimator of Regression Model Under Asymmetric Loss

Dipping our toes into the Open Seas: Introducing a renewable assignment to improve authenticity and student learning

The Australian and New Zealand Health Care Systems

Closing the gap in Indigenous health inequity - Is it making a difference?

Evaluation of a UAV-LiDAR system for mapping geological structures in an open pit highwall

Australian Sugarcane Nutrition Manual

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank's environmental and social policies: a critical discourse analysis

Indirect Responsibility in Development Lending: Do Multilateral Banks Have an Obligation to Monitor Project Loans?

Hybrid polyether-palm oil polyester polyol based rigid polyurethane foam reinforced with cellulose nanocrystal

Atomic Layer Deposition of Metal Oxide on Nanocellulose for Enabling Microscopic Characterization of Polymer Nanocomposites

Chitosan-based bionanocomposites for biomedical application

Facile Tuning of the Surface Energy of Cellulose Nanofibers for Nanocomposite Reinforcement

A simple methodology for improving the performance and sustainability of rigid polyurethane foam by incorporating industrial lignin

From an Fe2P3 complex to FeP nanoparticles as efficient electrocatalysts for water-splitting

Encapsulation of NiCo2O4 in nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide for sodium ion capacitors

Pseudocapacitive behavior of the Fe2O3 anode and its contribution to high reversible capacity in lithium ion batteries

Phosphorus-Based Mesoporous Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion

Functionalized graphene-based, metal-free electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in fuel cells

High surface area nanoporous carbon derived from high quality jute from Bangladesh

Carbon nanoparticle-based three-dimensional binder-free anode for rechargeable alkali-ion batteries

Controlled synthesis of mesoporous nitrogen-doped carbons with highly ordered two-dimensional hexagonal mesostructures and their chemical activation

Graphene-Wrapped Nanoporous Nickel-Cobalt Oxide Flakes for Electrochemical Supercapacitors

Synthesis of Hollow Co–Fe Prussian Blue Analogue Cubes by using Silica Spheres as a Sacrificial Template

Fixed camera system for phenology measurements during the 2018 field season

Smart Automated Broad-acre Irrigation (Smarter Irrigation for Profit RRDP1603)

Analysis of hypersonic model pitching experiments in the TUSQ facility

Comparison of Modelling Approaches for Bump-Type Foil Thrust Bearings Operating With CO2

A fluid-structure-thermal model for bump-type foil thrust bearings

Thermofluidic compression effects to achieve combustion in a low-compression scramjet engine

Numerical loss breakdown study for a small scale, low specific speed supercritical CO2 radial inflow turbine

pflow.py a Potential Flow Solver and Visualizer

Two way coupled hypersonic fluid structure interaction simulations with Eilmer

The Eilmer 4.0 flow simulation program: Guide to the geometry package for construction of flow paths

Fly-Back of a Scramjet-Powered Accelerator

Comparison of direct and indirect natural draft dry cooling tower cooling of the sCO2 Brayton cycle for concentrated solar power plants

Methodology to develop off-design models of heat exchangers with non-ideal fluids

Effect of mastery learning approach on senior school students' academic performance and retention in Circle Geometry

Simplified human thermoregulatory model for designing wearable thermoelectric devices

Predicting fruit and vegetable consumption in long-haul heavy goods vehicle drivers: Application of a multi-theory, dual-phase model and the contribution of past behaviour

Parental perception of girl-child early marriage amongst the Urhobos in Nigeria

Parents’ perception on factors of early marriage among the Urhobos in Delta State of Nigeria

Blood glucose and pressure controls in diabetic kidney disease: narrative review of adherence, barriers and evidence of achievement

Adherence to blood pressure and glucose recommendations in chronic kidney disease hospital inpatients: Clinical inertia and patient adherence

Does a hospital diabetes inpatient service reduce blood glucose and HbA1c levels? A prospective cohort study

Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Delta State of Nigeria: Evaluation of the early infant diagnosis program

Perceptions and unmet expectations of undergraduate students on the role of counselling in academic achievement: Implication for academic development program review

Influence of anticoagulants on determination of H2O2 levels in blood: Comparison of citrate and EDTA

Research statistical method seemingly non-transferrable to clinical pathology practice: A case for d-dimer quantitative testing

Evaluation of inter-current illness intervening lifestyle in stratified age groups: focus on diabetes and its cardiovascular complication

Evaluation of utilization of insecticide treated nets among pregnant women in Bayelsa State of Nigeria: a case study of Sagbama community

Diet and lifestyle habits: Association with cardiovascular disease indices in a Nigerian sub-population

Facts about dietary fibre in cassava: Implication for diabetes’ medical nutrition therapy

Revitalizing the Agricultural Sector in Nigeria: Implications for Root and Tuber Crops Value Chains and Contribution to Health Care

World diabetes day 2017 focus: antepartum hyperglycaemia (or gestational prediabetes) is more in women below 40 years

Screening for gestational diabetes: evaluation of prevalence in age-stratified subgroups at Central hospital Warri Nigeria

Diabetes care in delta state of Nigeria: An expository review

Tailored Versus Generic Knowledge Brokering to Integrate Mood Management Into Smoking Cessation Interventions in Primary Care Settings: Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

A method for co-creation of an evidence-based patient workbook to address alcohol use when quitting smoking in primary care: a case study

Public health impact of a novel smoking cessation outreach program in Ontario, Canada

The early 20th century warming: Anomalies, causes, and consequences

Developing a fault prediction model for wired copper networks under precipitation.

Women Writing to Ourselves: Rescuing the Girl Child from Androcentricity

A cost-effectiveness analysis of temperate silvoarable systems-what contribution do ecosystem services make?

Elevated ozone alters the plume structure of an important floral volatile organic compound (α-terpinene): a detailed mapping at temporal and spatial scales relevant to insects

IPM practices on arable farms in the UK and Ireland

Study protocol of a 4- parallel arm, superiority, community based cluster randomized controlled trial comparing paper and e-platform based interventions to improve accuracy of recall of last menstrual period (LMP) dates in rural Bangladesh

Synthesis of s-triazine based tri-imidazole derivatives and their application as thermal latent curing agents for epoxy resin

Synthesis of Fe@Ni nanoparticles-modified graphene/epoxy composites with enhanced microwave absorption performance

Synthesis of a novel reactive flame retardant containing phosphaphenanthrene and triazine-trione groups and its application in unsaturated polyester resin

Synergistic effect between a novel triazine‐based flame retardant and DOPO/HPCP on epoxy resin

Study on properties of flame‐retardant cyanate esters modified with DOPO and triazine compounds

Preparation of flame-retardant cyanate ester resin combined with phosphorus-containing maleimide

Low content Ag-coated poly(acrylonitrile) microspheres and graphene for enhanced microwave absorption performance epoxy composites

Graphitized nitrogen-doped porous carbon composites derived from ZIF-8 as efficient microwave absorption materials

Flame-retardant performance and mechanism of epoxy thermosets modified with a novel reactive flame retardant containing phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulfur

Enhanced microwave absorption property of epoxy nanocomposites based on PANI@Fe3O4@CNFs nanoparticles with three-phase heterostructure

Mediating the Complexities of Practice: Practitioner Understandings of Technology in Contemporary Social Work

Suffragettes and slaves

Woman's rights

Fashion, women's

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (1815–1902)

Bloomer Costume

Will the new Mary Poppins film acknowledge the suffragettes’ success?

Impact of permanent bed renovation practice on irrigation performance and productivity

Arsenic speciation in soil-water system and their uptake by rice (Oryza sativa)

Cloud Migration Methodologies: Preliminary Findings

IoT Smart City Architectures: An Analytical Evaluation

A Multi-year Search for Transits of Proxima Centauri. I. Light Curves Corresponding to Published Ephemerides

Global Citizenship and Higher Education: A Scoping Review of the Empirical Evidence

Declaring talloires: profile of sustainability communications in Australian signatory universities

Mechanical, bactericidal and osteogenic behaviours of hydrothermally synthesised TiO2 nanowire arrays

Numerical investigation of atherosclerotic plaque rupture using optical coherence tomography imaging and XFEM

Determining of Poisson’s Ratio and Young’s Modulus of Pumpkin Tissue- Using Laser Measurement Sensors

Perspectives of ‘STEM education and policies’ for the development of a skilled workforce in Australia and India

Factors Influencing the Success of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students in Engineering and Information Technology

Exploring teachers' everyday practices for empowering self-regulated learners: A practice-based pedagogical model

Fabrication of Nano Pyramid Texture on Ti-6Al-4V Using Nanosphere Lithography

Web-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for distressed cancer patients: Randomized controlled trial

Community knowledge of law at the end of life: Availability and accessibility of web-based resources

Undergraduate nursing assistant employment in aged care has benefits for new graduates

Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering

Are You a Chocolate Lover? An Investigation of the Repurchase Behavior of Chocolate Consumers

Hybrid sales structures in the age of e-commerce

Dark motives-counterfeit selling framework An investigate on the supply side of the non-deceptive market

Multi-touch capacitive sensor with new sensor arrangement

Competing food consumption discourses and proper gendered behaviour among over 50s: are you really what you eat?

Dry season diet composition of four-horned antelope Tetracerus quadricornis in tropical dry deciduous forests, Nepal

The Polarization of the Planet-Hosting WASP-18 System

Multinational contracting and the eclectic paradigm of internationalization

Roles of the eye care workforce for task sharing in management of diabetic retinopathy in Cambodia

Attitudes and perceptions of eye care workers and health administrators regarding task sharing in screening and detection for management of diabetic retinopathy in Pakistan

Task sharing in the eye care workforce: Screening, detection, and management of diabetic retinopathy in Pakistan. A case study

Task sharing: Development of evidence‐based co‐management strategy model for screening, detection, and management of diabetic retinopathy

Using permeable pavements to reduce the environmental impacts of urbanisation

GOLDi-lab as a service – next step of evolution

Influence of bioenergy waste biochar on proton- and ligand-promoted release of Pb and Cu in a shooting range soil

From the Inside: An Interview With the ‘Storyelling.’ Group

Visualizing Australia’s urban extent: a comparison between residential housing addresses and night-time light data

Community perceptions of Nigerian oil companies commitment to social and environmental concerns

ZFIRE: 3D Modeling of Rotation, Dispersion, and Angular Momentum of Star-forming Galaxies at z∼2

ZFOURGE: Using Composite Spectral Energy Distributions to Characterize Galaxy Populations at 1 < z < 4

Current opinion about surgery-related fear and anxiety

A new constitutive analysis of hexagonal close-packed metal in equal channel angular pressing by crystal plasticity finite element method


Does expanding fiscal space lead to improved funding of the health sector in developing countries?: lessons from Kenya, Lagos State (Nigeria) and South Africa

Willingness to pay for antiretroviral drugs among HIV and AIDS clients in south-east Nigeria

Water exposure, tensile and fatigue properties of treated hemp reinforced vinyl ester composites

Soliton spectra of random water waves in shallow basins

Value-based modelling: an Australian case of off-site manufactured buildings

Simulation in the Loop Control of a Planar Hypersonic Wing with a Rigid Control Surface

The dimensions of being open: What does open educational practices look like in Australia?

The Use of Games Software to Enhance Educational Material

System for sorting fruit

nasapower: a NASA POWER global meteorology, surface solar energy and climatology data client for R [Journal of Open Source Software, vol. 3, no. 30, 1035

Stepwise alkaline/ultrasound pretreatment of waste activated sludge prior to anaerobic digestion

In Shelley's wake: tracing two centuries of impact

Grand Ayatollah Al Sistani's role in Iraq after 2003: a critical analysis of historical texts and the perceptions of Iraqi diaspora

Australian educational technologies trends 2018

Exploring transition pedagogy at the tertiary level: a case study of newly enrolled first year education students' experience in writing and thinking within the genre of the persuasive essay in a comparative analysis of literacy pedagogy

Thermochemical conversion of non-woody biomass: upgrading cotton gin waste into solid fuel

Improving the performance of natural rubber using graphene and its derivatives

The lived experience of academic practice: academics' beliefs and their practices of assessment

Participation motives for a holistic dance-movement practice

Preparation of natural rubber/silica nanocomposites using one- and two-dimensional dispersants by latex blending process

How Small Is Big: Sample Size and Skewness

Formative assessment via video feedback on practicum: implications for higher education and professional teacher accreditation bodies

Professional standards for teachers: 'pass the message game’

Video feedback on practicum: demonstrating effective pedagogy and making children’s progress explicit

Exemplifying formative assessment practices in the field through case study: concepts, issues and challenges

Feedback, reflection and assessment practices in practicum placements: the underpinning research design and methodology

Positioning preservice teacher formative assessment in the literature

Parliaments and courts

How exogenous nitric oxide regulates nitrogen assimilation in wheat seedlings under different nitrogen sources and levels

Microbial biomethane from solid waste: biotechnological process

Assessment and monitoring practices of Australian fitness professionals

Using video for assessment practices inside classrooms

Evaluation of an innovative composite railway sleeper for a narrow-gauge track under static load

Multiple case explorations of Australian banking organisations creating social and economic value: application of shared value framework

Interval Complex Neutrosophic Set: Formulation and Applications in Decision-Making

Fate and behavior of dissolved organic matter in a submerged anoxic-aerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR)

Global citizenship education, technology, and being

A neutrosophic recommender system for medical diagnosis based on algebraic neutrosophic measures

Shift work and the risk of cardiovascular disease. A systematic review and meta-analysis including dose–response relationship

Socio-demographic factors drive regional differences in participation in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program – An ecological analysis

Predictors of breastfeeding exclusivity and duration in a hospital without Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative accreditation: a prospective cohort study

Does neighborhood size really cause the word length effect?

Identifying systems barriers that may prevent bereavement service access to bereaved carers: A report from an Australian specialist palliative care service

The role of creativity and project management in enhancing service quality of advertising agencies: A qualitative approach

Health professional students' rural placement satisfaction and rural practice intentions: A national cross-sectional survey

Behavioural and Emotional Problems in Children and Educational Outcomes: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis

Glycidyl methacrylate-compatibilized poly(lactic acid)/hemp hurd biocomposites: processing, crystallization, and thermo-mechanical response

The distribution of knowledge as cultural content, innovations in technology and higher education

Do worry and its associated cognitive variables alter following CBT treatment in a youth population with Social Anxiety Disorder? Results from a randomized controlled trial

Link prediction in co-authorship networks based on hybrid content similarity metric

Vibrotactile and vibroacoustic communications: pairs in interaction and play—an interactive structure and bodies in an urban environment

Where's the data? Using data convincingly in transdisciplinary doctoral research

Handbook of research on predictive modeling and optimization methods in science and engineering

Evaluation of fertigation applied to furrow and overhead irrigated cotton grown in a Black Vertosol in Southern Queensland, Australia

Controlled traffic farming effects on soil emissions of nitrous oxide and methane

Bovine bile as a bio-surfactant pre-treatment option for anaerobic digestion of high-fat cattle slaughterhouse waste

Vocational interest profiles: profile replicability and relations with the STEM major choice and the Big-Five

Modelling forage yield and water productivity of continuous crop sequences in the Argentinian Pampas

Ensemble of adaboost cascades of 3L-LBPs classifiers for license plates detection with low quality images

Coral reef aerosol emissions in response to irradiance stress in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia [ArticleFirst]

Application of a coupled smoothed particle hydrodynamics(SPH) and coarse-grained (CG) numerical modelling approach to study three-dimensional (3-D) deformations of single cells of different food-plant materials during drying [ArticleFirst]

Decay of Kadomtsev–Petviashvili lumps in dissipative media

Scaling effects in the manufacture and testing of grid-stiffened composite structures

Interlaminar shear stress function for adhesively bonded multi-layer metal laminates

Determinants of effective knowledge transfer from academic researchers to industry practitioners

Park your solar: Australia's largest solar car park

Fluidic mechanism for dual-axis gyroscope

Evaluation of the air-borne ultrasound on fluidized bed drying of shelled corn: effectiveness, grain quality, and energy consumption

Play scripts as knowledge objects

The re-creation and resolution of the ‘problem' of Indigenous education in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cross-curriculum priority

Using dynamic software to teach mathematical concepts: the cases of GeoGebra and Microsoft Mathematics

Household and community responses to impacts of climate change in the rural hills of Nepal

Mesoporous activated carbon prepared from macadamia nut shell waste by carbon dioxide activation: comparative characterisation and study of methylene blue removal from aqueous solution

Key determinants of airline pricing and air travel demand in China and India: policy, ownership, and LCC competition

Eliciting patients’ health concerns in consulting rooms and wards in Vietnamese public hospitals

Contempt and the Australian Constitution - Part II

Mapping television landscapes

Soil degradation through agriculture in China: its extent, impacts and implications for environmental law reform

The elements of psychological case report writing in Australia

The monstrous and the dead?: Courtney Love and feminism in the 1990s

Girl power-dressing: fashion, feminism and neoliberalism with Beckham, Beyonce and Trump

UN celebrity ‘It’ girls as public relations-ised humanitarianism

Sustained administration of corticosterone at stress-like levels after stroke suppressed glial reactivity at sites of thalamic secondary neurodegeneration

An Integrated Theatre Production for School Nutrition Promotion Program

A predictive model to assess spatial planning in addressing hydro-meteorological hazards: A case study of Semarang City, Indonesia

Turning a Blind Eye to Ratoon Stunting Disease of Sugarcane in Australia

How do climate change and associated hazards impact on the resilience of riparian rural communities in Bangladesh? Policy implications for livelihood development

Big data in engineering applications

Bedside manners [Play script]

Strangers in the garden (A boxed set of 5 Artist's books)


Who I Am

Re-enchantment: not all fairytales are for children

Tales within historical spaces

Haunts and Follies

Waycaller: book 1 of The Faeden Chronicles

Antipods: magical creatures with backward feet

Saltpan [Short story]

I'm going to set you to boiling baby [Play script]

The burial [Memoir]

Food systems and climate change: impact and adaptation in cropping and livestock

Reinventing Another Unaipon: Indigenous Science Leaders for the Future

Enhanced antibacterial property and osteo-differentiation activity on plasma treated porous polyetheretherketone with hierarchical micro/nano-topography

An investigation into the fertilizer potential of slaughterhouse cattle paunch

Electrical resistance of carbon nanotube yarns under compressive transverse pressure

Stability charts for unsupported plane strain tunnel headings in homogeneous undrained clay

A review of cumulative harm: a comparison of international child protection practices

Gait retraining for balance improvement

Using Mahalanobis distance to evaluate recovery in acute stroke

Identification of Xanthomonas species associated with bacterial leaf spot of tomato, capsicum and chilli crops in eastern Australia

Manipulating the phytic acid content of rice grain toward improving micronutrient bioavailability

Design of fly ash geopolymer concrete mix proportions using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline model

Modelling of coupled heat and mass transfer for combined infrared and hot-air drying of sweet potato

A revisit to Nicoll Highway excavation in Singapore

Numerical simulation of staged braced excavation in sand ~ O6 MRT station

Computational intelligence approach for modeling hydrogen production: a review

Gasification of non-woody biomass: a literature review

Mapping cavitation impact field in a submerged cavitating jet

David Copperfield by Charles Dickens

Impact of teachers’ career adaptability and family on professional learning

Achieving high Figure of Merit in p-type polycrystalline Sn0.98Se via self-doping and anisotropy-strengthening

Atomic disorders in layer structured topological insulator SnBi2Te4 nanoplates

Spatial variation in springtime temperature index values during ENSO and IOD events shows non-equivalent phase response for viticultural regions in Australia

Influence of El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the Indian Ocean Dipole on winegrape maturity in Australia

A computer aided analysis scheme for detecting epileptic seizure from EEG data

Supervised physical training improves fine motor skills of 5-year-old children

An empirical investigation of the relationship between e-government development and the digital economy: The case of Asian countries

Reusing empirical knowledge during cloud computing adoption

Orbit and Dynamical Mass of the Late-T Dwarf GL 758 B

Mental Health and Indigenous Connection to Land and Community

The Cultural Appropriateness of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV TR, AXIS I for Indigenous Populations

Phytocercomonas venanatans, a New Species of Cercozoa Associated with Chlorotic Streak of Sugarcane

Affinity induced immobilization of adenylate cyclase from the crude cell lysate for ATP conversion

Enhanced anti-fouling property in membrane distillation by pore channel surface modification

Metal organic frameworks based mixed matrix membrane: An overview on filler/polymer interface

PREDICTA®B update and new tests for 2018

An experimental study of greywater irrigated green roof systems in an arid climate

A tool for monitoring soil water using modelling, on-farm data, and mobile technology

Exercise training at maximal fat oxidation intensity for older women with type 2 diabetes

Investigating the influence of novel drying methods on sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.): Kinetics, energy consumption, color, and microstructure

Assessing regional digital competence: Digital futures and strategic planning implications

Tri-axis convective accelerometer with closed-loop heat source

Work and identity: contemporary perspectives on workplace diversity

Ghosts of Leigh

Exploring nursing educators' use of theory and methods in search for evidence based credibility in nursing education

Teaching for self-regulated learning: why aim for behavioural compliance when we can inspire learning?

The relationship between functional status, physical fitness and cognitive performance in physically active older adults: A pilot study

Public sector employees and the freedom of political communication

Building leadership capacity and enacting school improvement policy: voices from the field

Effects of light crude oil contamination on the physical and mechanical properties of geopolymer cement mortar

Impact of thermobaric pre-treatment on the continuous anaerobic digestion of high-fat cattle slaughterhouse waste

Bridging the energy access divide for sustainable development in South Asia: Policies and prospects in Nepal

Dissolved organic carbon in leachate after application of granular and liquid N–P–K fertilizers to a sugarcane soil

An experimental study on the shear performance of fully encapsulated cable bolts in single shear test

A phase inversion polymer coating to prevent swelling and spalling of clay fines in coal seam gas wells

Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption, environmental degradation and economic growth in Tunisia

Strategic tillage in conservation agricultural systems of north-eastern Australia: why, where, when and how?

Activity and recovery cycles and skill involvements of successful and unsuccessful elite rugby league teams: a longitudinal analysis of evolutionary changes in National Rugby League match-play

Bringing languages to life: classical educations and their afterlives

Assessing whether environmental impact is a criterion of consumers when selecting an airline

Establishing information seeking pathways in slow and flash floods

Intraspecific killing behaviour of canids: how dingoes kill dingoes

Changes in climatic elements in the Pan-Hexi region during 1960–2014 and responses to global climatic changes

Geometric modeling of 3D woven preforms in composite T-joints

Different childhoods: non/normative development and transgressive trajectories

Do university students, alumni, educators and employers link assessment and graduate employability?

Research on ‘high-pH precipitation treatment’ for RO concentrate minimization and salt recovery in a municipal groundwater desalination facility

Predicting compressive strength of lightweight foamed concrete using extreme learning machine model

Rainfall Pattern Forecasting Using Novel Hybrid Intelligent Model Based ANFIS-FFA

[Insert image here]: a reflection on the ethics of imagery in a critical pedagogy for the humanities

Growth Hormone Improves Cognitive Function After Experimental Stroke

Factors affecting farmers' satisfaction with contemporary China's land allocation policy – The Link Policy: Based on the empirical research of Ezhou

Urban heat island effect: A systematic review of spatio-temporal factors, data, methods, and mitigation measures

Colletotrichum species associated with pre-and post-harvest diseases of avocado and mango in eastern Australia

Was the cold European winter of 2009/10 modified by anthropogenic climate change? An attribution study

Three-dimensional (3D) numerical modeling of morphogenesis in dehydrated fruits and vegetables

Drying of agricultural crops

Strategies and barriers to adaptation of hazard-prone rural households in Bangladesh

Use of My Career Chapter to engage students in reflexive dialogue

The potential of computer vision, optical backscattering parameters and artificial neural network modelling in monitoring the shrinkage of sweet potato (Ipomoea Batatas L.) during drying

A Robust Method for Tuning Photoacoustic Gas Detectors

Comparative study of hybrid-wavelet artificial intelligence models for monthly groundwater depth forecasting in extreme arid regions, Northwest China

Nexus between the banking sector interest rate spread and interbank borrowing rate: An econometric investigation for Bangladesh

An investigation of triple helix model and national innovation systems: the case of Malaysia

Direct and indirect costs of frost in the Australian wheatbelt

Statistical evaluation of rainfall time series in concurrence with agriculture and water resources of Ken River basin, Central India (1901–2010)

An international comparison of rice consumption behaviours and greenhouse gas emissions from rice production

Reimaging socio-spatial planning: towards a synthesis between sense of place and social sustainability approaches

Effects of ecological water transport on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence of Populus euphratica

Predicting water allocation trade prices using a hybrid Artificial Neural Network-Bayesian modelling approach

Can alcohol sponsorship be diluted by health messaging?

Dothiorella omnivora isolated from grapevine with trunk disease symptoms in Hungary

Dual-pin electrohydrodynamic generator driven by alternating current

The personal, social and environmental sustainability of Jainism in light of Maharishi Vedic Science

Construction as biological cells: an exploratory study

Pan evaporation prediction using a hybrid multilayer perceptron-firefly algorithm (MLP-FFA) model: case study in North Iran

Recommendations for male-friendly individual counseling with men: A qualitative systematic literature review for the period 1995–2016

Science knowledge needed for nursing practice: a cross-sectional survey of Australian registered nurses

Legal and ethical issues

Snapshot: a safety climate survey

Technology in English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching

Section introduction: professional learning and development of teachers

Reservoir inflow forecasting with a modified coactive neuro-fuzzy inference system: a case study for a semi-arid region

Implementation of a hybrid MLP-FFA model for water level prediction of Lake Egirdir, Turkey

A research method to explore midwives’ views of national maternity service reforms

Diaporthe diversity and pathogenicity revealed from a broad survey of grapevine diseases in Europe

Adenine-induced chronic kidney disease in rats

Scientific society journals: the publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia

The Interactive Child Distress Screener: development and preliminary feasibility testing

Atmospheric total ozone column evaluation with a smartphone image sensor

The impact of strength level on adaptations to combined weightlifting, plyometric, and ballistic training

Application of the hybrid artificial neural network coupled with rolling mechanism and grey model algorithms for streamflow forecasting over multiple time horizons

Smartphone spectrometers

Multi-household grazing management pattern maintains better soil fertility

A confirmatory factor analysis of the student evidence-based practice questionnaire (s-ebpq) in an Australian sample

A review of extending performance of epoxy resins using carbon nanomaterials

Effect of a thermal care bundle on the prevention, detection and treatment of perioperative inadvertent hypothermia

Short-term electricity demand forecasting with MARS, SVR and ARIMA models using aggregated demand data in Queensland, Australia

Mapping groundwater contamination risk of multiple aquifers using multi-model ensemble of machine learning algorithms

Three-dimensional woven carbon fibre polymer composite beams and plates under ballistic impact

A disconnected journey

Investigating drought duration-severity-intensity characteristics using the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index: case studies in drought-prone Southeast Queensland

An efficient neuro-evolutionary hybrid modelling mechanism for the estimation of daily global solar radiation in the Sunshine State of Australia

Effect of yarn cross-sectional shape on resin flow through inter-yarn gaps in textile reinforcements

Production and application of ABE as a biofuel

Shifting the physical inactivity curve worldwide by closing the gender gap

Multi-layer perceptron hybrid model integrated with the firefly optimizer algorithm for windspeed prediction of target site using a limited set of neighboring reference station data

Improving ground cover monitoring for wind erosion assessment using MODIS BRDF parameters

A comprehensive approach to evaluating and classifying sun-protective clothing

Review of anti-inflammatory, immune-modulatory and wound healing properties of molluscs

An empirical assessment of the CIO role expectations instrument using PLS path modelling

A new approach to predict daily pH in rivers based on the 'a trous' redundant wavelet transform algorithm

Computational intelligence approaches for energy load forecasting in smart energy management grids: state of the art, future challenges, and research directions and Research Directions

Two-phase particle swarm optimized-support vector regression hybrid model integrated with improved empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise for multiple-horizon electricity demand forecasting

Adiabatic decay of internal solitons due to Earth’s rotation within the framework of the Gardner–Ostrovsky equation

A critical assessment of employing democratic and deliberative ideals in the environmental planning process in Bangladesh

Teenagers perceptions of teachers: a developmental argument

The determinants of household out-of-pocket (OOP) medical expenditure in rural Bangladesh

'It breaks your soul': An in-depth exploration of workplace injustice in nursing

Face-to-face instruction combined with online resources improves retention of clinical skills among undergraduate nursing students

Treatment recommendation in Vietnamese medical consultations

Attitudes Toward e-Mental Health Services in a Community Sample of Adults: Online Survey

Corporate social responsibility and corruption risk: a global perspective

Soliton solutions to the fifth-order Korteweg–de Vries equation and their applications to surface and internal water waves

Comparative signal to noise ratio as a determinant to select smartphone image sensor colour channels for analysis in the UVB

A comparative analysis of the efficiency and productivity of selected food processing industries in Malaysia

Profiling Autism Symptomatology: An Exploration of the Q-ASC Parental Report Scale in Capturing Sex Differences in Autism

Passive brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) woodland regeneration fails to recover floristic composition in an agricultural landscape

Decay of Benjamin–Ono solitons under the influence of dissipation

Pre-service teachers’ perspectives of cyberbullying

Ensemble committee-based data intelligent approach for generating soil moisture forecasts with multivariate hydro-meteorological predictors

Comparison of social-ecological resilience between two grassland management patterns driven by grassland land contract policy in the Maqu, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

Spatio-temporal drought risk mapping approach and its application in the drought-prone region of south-east Queensland, Australia

The rhetoric and reality of leading the inclusive school: socio-cultural reflections on lived experiences

Impact of butanol-acetone mixture as a fuel additive on diesel engine performance and emissions

Smart automated furrow irrigation of cotton

A comparative assessment of variable selection methods in urban water demand forecasting

Follow-up visits in doctor-patient communication: the Vietnamese case

Melanopsin-mediated pupil function is impaired in Parkinson's disease

Combination of computer vision and backscattering imaging for predicting the moisture content and colour changes of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) during drying

Transformative and systemic climate change adaptations in mixed crop-livestock farming systems

Self-adaptive differential evolutionary extreme learning machines for long-term solar radiation prediction with remotely-sensed MODIS satellite and Reanalysis atmospheric products in solar-rich cities

Cancer care in regional Australia from the health professional's perspective

Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) greenhouse shading: new insights for solar radiation manipulation

Nutraceuticals in rodent models as potential treatments for human Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Clinical trials using functional foods provide unique challenges

Alteration in the liver metabolome of rats with metabolic syndrome after treatment with Hydroxytyrosol. A Mass Spectrometry and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - based metabolomics study

Participant characteristics of users of holistic movement practices in Australia

A framework for self-determination in massive open online courses: design for autonomy, competence, and relatedness

Online collaboration as a pedagogical approach to learning and teaching undergraduate legal education

Primary physical education specialists and their perceived role in the explicit/implicit delivery of health education

An ensemble-ANFIS based uncertainty assessment model for forecasting multi-scalar standardized precipitation index

Relations among math self-efficacy, interest, intentions, and achievement: a social cognitive perspective

Multiscale modeling for high-performance concrete: a review

Use of fiber Bragg grating sensors for monitoring delamination damage propagation in glass-fiber reinforced composite structures

A tale of two pedagogues: a cross-continental conversation on CCM

Isotropic turbulence surpasses gravity in affecting bubble-particle collision interaction in flotation

Income inequality in India and China: the role of infrastructure development, human capital formation and remittance inflows

Development in energy generation technologies and alternative fuels for agriculture

Advances in agricultural machinery and technologies

Becoming a popular girl: exploring constructions of friendships in teen magazines

Exploring leisure, hobbies and special interests: the constructive role of special interests for children with ASD

Exploring the arts and literacy in curriculum: a cross-cultural comparison of Australia, Canada and France

Fundamental and progress of Bi2Te3-based thermoelectric materials

Cryptic diversity, pathogenicity, and evolutionary species boundaries in Cercospora populations associated with Cercospora leaf spot of Beta vulgaris

Animals and humans on stage: live performances at Sea World on the Gold Coast

Post-hybridity bargaining and embodied accountability in communities in conflict, Mozambique

Developing information literacy skills of the 6th grade students using the Big6 model

The construction of difference: the impact of neurodiverse communities within the cyber and physical worlds

Information and communication technology and education: meaningful change through teacher agency

Scenario-based planning for tourism development using system dynamic modelling: a case study of Cat Ba Island, Vietnam

A study of angular rate sensing by corona discharge ion wind

Vortex flow generator utilizing synthetic jets by diaphragm vibration

Self-reported teaching styles of Australian senior physical education teachers

Modeling of Bose–Einstein condensation in a water tank

How women executives survive the isolated echelons of the corporate ladder

Social enterprise and CALD refugee settlement experience

Autism Spectrum Disorder: emotion work in the workplace

Effects of ausforming procedure and following annealing treatment on microstructural characteristics in cobalt

Assistive technology provision: towards an international framework for assuring availability and accessibility of affordable high-quality assistive technology

Accountability and responsibility defined

Chemometric approach to the calibration of light emitting diode based optical gas sensors using high-resolution transmission molecular absorption data

Chronic groundwater decline: a multi-decadal analysis of groundwater trends under extreme climate cycles

Preparing for external quality review: critical success factors for vocational institutions

Re-visiting management options for charcoal rot in sorghum [eXtension AUS Field Crop Diseases, 19 March 2018 - Online community]

Effect of TiO2 nanoparticle on wicking phenomenon in PAN nanofiber yarns

The Queensland Native Police and strategies of recruitment on the Queensland Frontier, 1849-1901

Input selection and data-driven model performance optimization to predict the Standardized Precipitation and Evaporation Index in a drought-prone region

A nationwide survey evaluating the environmental literacy of undergraduate students in Taiwan

Understanding performance decrements in a letter-canceling task: overcoming habits or inhibition of reading

Exploring HIV risks, testing and prevention among sub-Saharan African community members in Australia

The Interoception Sensory Questionnaire (ISQ): A Scale to Measure Interoceptive Challenges in Adults

The impact of injector hole diameter on spray behaviour for butanol-diesel blends

Evaluation of delamination crack tip in woven fibre glass reinforced polymer composite using FBG sensor spectra and thermo-elastic response

Silence and visual representations of anti-violence campaigns in cosmopolitan Brisbane

Work-based learning and research for mid-career professionals: two project examples from Australia

Work-based learning and research for mid-career professionals: professional studies in Australia

‘High-pH softening pretreatment’ for boron removal in inland desalination systems

The long non-coding RNA, GHSROS, mediates prostate cancer growth

Exploring Factors Contributing to Medication Errors with Opioids in Australian Specialist Palliative Care Inpatient Services: A Multi-Incident Analysis

Opioid errors in inpatient palliative care services: a retrospective review

A retrospective observational study on the management of urinary tract infections in older medical patients in the hospital

Medical student contact with specialty trainees: Missing out in general practice?

The archaeological signature of 'ant bed' mound floors in the northern tropics of Australia: Case study on the Lower Laura (Boralga) Native Mounted Police Camp, Cape York Peninsula

Alginates in metabolic syndrome

Transition experiences of young adults on the autism spectrum in Australia: a mixed-methods analysis

IT service management: process capability, process performance, and business performance

Calculating positional and survey uncertainty for terrestrial observations

Effect of trace element addition and increasing organic loading rates on the anaerobic digestion of cattle slaughterhouse wastewater

The inverse relationship between the incidence of solar induced eye disease and reported skin cancer rates at high elevation in the tropical Andes, Ecuador, South America

The Garment Protection Factor (GPF): an index for sun-protective clothing that combines garment coverage and UVR transmittance

Innovative approach to strata reinforcement in coal mines with reference to evaluation cable bolts shear strength

Prediction of the main caving span in longwall mining using fuzzy MCDM technique and statistical method

Towards an integrative perspective on the structure of teacher work engagement

Epileptic EEG signal classification using optimum allocation based power spectral density estimation

Environmental literacy on ecotourism: a study on student knowledge, attitude, and behavioral intentions in China and Taiwan

A model to explain information seeking behaviour by individuals in the response phase of a disaster

Diversity of gall-forming rusts (Uromycladium, Pucciniales) on Acacia in Australia

Antraff traffic analysis software user manual, June 11, 2018

Applications of the cumulative rate to kidney cancer statistics in Australia

What if racism is a permanent feature of this society?: Exploring the potential of racial realism for education researchers

Investigation of correlation of broadband UVA reflection to broadband visible reflection for a variety of surfaces in the built environment

Negotiating temporalities of accountability in communities in conflict in Africa

Drought prediction with standardized precipitation and evapotranspiration index and support vector regression models

Mechanization of agricultural production in developing countries

A case study of designing artificial Facebook pages: a new approach to online research [Online case study]

Dynamics of particles and bubbles under the action of acoustic radiation force

Over the secular ridge of human wants: the constitutional legitimacy of secular-state funding of chaplaincy programmes in Australia

Matlab code for implementing SS-OFDM

'Authentic' arts teaching and learning: an investigation into the practices of Australian home educators

Improving surface irrigation

Implementing a new Doctor of Creative Arts program in the Chinese Year of the Fire Monkey

The role of fiction in screenwriting (as) research

'Masters of the Gags': cartoonist visions of war and peace, 1941-1945©

Regional jewel: New England Regional Art Museum (NERAM) and the Howard Hinton collection

Australian Muslim women and fitness choices – myths debunked

Cryptic species of Curvularia in the culture collection of the Queensland Plant Pathology Herbarium

Estimating irrigation duration for high performance furrow irrigation on cracking clay soils

Soil moisture forecasting by a hybrid machine learning technique: ELM integrated with ensemble empirical mode decomposition

Cossack identities: from Russian emigres and anti-Soviet collaborators to displaced persons

Developing a generic review framework to assure capstone quality

Histories of controversies: Bonegilla migrant centre

Process Monitoring and Control for an Anaerobic Covered Lagoon Treating Abattoir Wastewater

A Framework for Analyzing and Evaluating Architectures and Control Strategies in Distributed Remote Laboratories

Modeling the joint influence of multiple synoptic-scale, climate mode indices on Australian wheat yield using a vine copula-based approach

Non-tuned data intelligent model for soil temperature estimation: a new approach

Review of crash prediction models and their applicability in black spot identification to improve road safety

Australian Indigenous Contexts and Childhood Experiences

Technologies education for the primary years

The Relationality of Race in Education Research

Cradle to grave environmental-economic analysis of tea life cycle in Iran

Pushing the boundaries of smartphone image sensors by measuring the total ozone column

Socio-economic risk factors for early childhood underweight in Bangladesh

Interactions among stressors may be weak: Implications for management of freshwater macroinvertebrate communities

Changing the standard of blood management in Australia: An overview

Life cycle assessment to compare the environmental impacts of different wheat production systems

Comparison of metaheuristic cellular automata models: A case study of dynamic land use simulation in the Yangtze River Delta

First Reports of Diaporthe kongii, D. masirevicii, and D. ueckerae Associated with Stem and Peg Dieback on Peanut in Australia

Dysregulated expression of the human long noncoding RNA GHSROS may influence prostate cancer progression and resistance to docetaxel

Determinants of pro-environmental behaviour among young and older farmers in Taiwan

Records and information management framework: practical strategic sagacity

An investigation into the connection between middle level leadership and learning: leading teachers to learn to self-assess their professional growth using the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Free vibration of functionally graded-GPL reinforced composite plates with different boundary conditions

Soil-specific strategic irrigation: saline-sodic water as an irrigation resource

The importance of self-determined leadership in building respectful workplaces

Damage detection in asymmetric buildings using vibration-based techniques

Relevance assessment of crowdsourced data (CSD) using semantics and geographic information retrieval (GIR) techniques

Grassroots festival keeps city alive during severe drought

First report of Colletotrichum fioriniae causing anthracnose of elephant garlic (Allium ampeloprasum var. ampeloprasum) in New York, USA

Neonatal overfeeding increases capacity for catecholamine biosynthesis from the adrenal gland acutely and long-term in the male rat

On invoking third parties in Vietnamese medical communication

Modelling techniques for structural evaluation for bridge assessment

Estimating the effect of asymmetric electrodes in bipolar discharge ion wind generator

Return period and Pareto analyses of 45 years of tropical cyclone data (1970-2014) in the Philippines

Optimizing the synergistic effect of sodium hydroxide/ultrasound pre-treatment of sludge

The attenuation of metabolic syndrome and improvement of gastrointestinal microarchitecture and physiology by consumption of whole food products in the diet of male wistar rats

Socio-economic factors and management regimes as drivers of tree cover change in Nepal

Modular assembly of water-retaining walls using GFRP hollow profiles: Components and connection performance

Flexural and shear behaviour of layered sandwich beams

Changing literacies-people, place and objects: a review essay

Assessing the carbon footprint of road projects and related sustainability initiatives in Abu Dhabi - technical Report III (Part I - main report)

Survey of different data-intelligent modeling strategies for forecasting air temperature using geographic information as model predictors

Proximal and remote sensing for early detection and assessment of herbicide drift damage on cotton crops

Investing in arts and culture positively changes communities: an impact study of RADF supported arts projects in Western Queensland

Study to investigate factors influencing adoption of mobile devices in the healthcare environment

The dynamics of ringed small bodies

An intervention using digital social media to support academic writing of university students: a case study

Companions on the journey: an exploration of the value of communities of practice for the professional learning of early career secondary teachers in Australia

Anthocyanins in chronic inflammatory bowel disease in rats

Particle precipitation by bipolar corona discharge ion winds

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the creation of world peace: part I — a literature review and thematic analysis

A unified field chart of urban sustainability

Putting Brahman to practice: the structure and function of Maharishi’s unified field chart

Inorganic p-type semiconductors and carbon materials based hole transport materials for perovskite solar cells

Exploring the health, service and social needs of minor stroke patients

Effect of air gap membrane distillation parameters on the removal of fluoride from synthetic water

Meeting the cultural and service needs of Arabic international students by using QFD

Atmospheric circulation. 1. Mean sea level pressure and related modes of variability

Research on the inside: overcoming obstacles to completing a postgraduate degree in prison

Contexts, debates, histories, and futures of post-graduate education in higher education

Doctoral supervision with colleagues

Using the psychology of working framework and the social cognitive career theory to build a research team

Information literacy: culturally and linguistically diverse postgraduate students and their needs

Enabling innovative postgraduate research: critical foresight and strategic considerations for university leaders

Occurrence and genetic and pathogenic characterisation of Pyrenophora teres f. teres, P. teres f. maculata and their hybrids

Experimental and computational investigation of gravity separation in a vertical flash tank separator

Optimization of windspeed prediction using an artificial neural network compared with a genetic programming model

Hybrid data intelligent models and applications for water level prediction

Selection of representative feature training sets with self-organized maps for optimized time series modeling and prediction: application to forecasting daily drought conditions with ARIMA and neural network models

An evaluation of cement manufacture options for sustainable infrastructure

The consumption of sorghum products and phloretin: implications for health and metabolic syndrome

Genetic analysis of crosses between hexaploid bread (Triticum aestivum L.) and tetraploid durum wheat (T. turgidum spp durum)

Gender-differentiated social and human capital and the use of microcredit in Bangladeshi female entrepreneurship

Postgraduate education in higher education

The road from normal

Learning and loves envisaged through the lens of James K. A. Smith: reimagining Christian education today

Reimagining Christian education: cultivating transformative approaches

Development of precision livestock farming technologies

Investing in Australian youth: nurturing values integrated through action-based learning

Climate change impacts on water availability in the Murrumbidgee River catchment

The phenomenological and discursive practice of place in lifestyle migration: a case study of Stanthorpe, Queensland

Knowledge management: (potential) future research directions

Development and application of a new multistage confined dynamic creep test for asphalt

Methods for analysis of functionals on Gaussian self similar processes

Assessment in health and physical education

Planning for teaching and learning

Health and wellbeing

Contemporary approaches to health education and health promotion

Toward effective structural identification of medium-rise building structures

Causality detection in health econometrics using big data

Effects of physico-chemical post-treatments on the semi-continuous anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge

Connecting Myall Creek and the Wonomo

‘It’s what we do here’: embedding evidence-based practice at USQ Library

Three bench-scale tests designed to destroy tributyltin (TBT) in marine sediments from North Queensland, Australia

From traditional to off-farm equity financing in family farming: evidence from Australia

Flexural behaviour of concrete slabs reinforced with gfrp bars and hollow composite reinforcing systems

Queer life writing as self-making

Emergent constellations: global citizenship education and outrospective fluency

Capsaicin in metabolic syndrome

Effects of relaxing and arousing music during imagery training on dart-throwing performance, physiological arousal indices, and competitive state anxiety

Industrial sustainability and the circular economy as counterparts to the self-referral mechanics of Natural Law: part I—A theoretical foundation

Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels: a metabolic TR(i)P to obesity prevention and therapy

Attenuation of metabolic syndrome by EPA/DHA ethyl esters in testosterone-deficient obese rats

Flood risk management under climate change: a hydro-economic perspective

Evolutionary dynamics of selective logging in the tropics: a systematic review of impact studies and their effectiveness in sustainable forest management

From evidence-based research to practice-based evidence: disseminating a web-based computer-tailored workplace sitting intervention through a Health Promotion Organisation

The impact of differential item functioning on the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale

Reflecting on fraction addition: using the mirror formula to visualise unit fraction addition

Enhancing Initial Parental Engagement in Interventions for Parents of Young Children: A Systematic Review of Experimental Studies

Effect of plant root symbionts on performance of native woody species in competition with an invasive grass in multispecies microcosms

Flammability characteristics of chemical treated woven hemp fabric

Effects of water absorption on mechanical properties of glass microballoons/vinyl ester syntactic foams

Removal of Heavy Metals in Vegetative Graywater Biofiltration Columns

Halcyon Daze: cultural studies’ crisis narratives and the imagined ends of a discipline

Editorial: Volume 34, Issue 1

Technology enhanced learning, research impact, and open scholarship

Open educational practices in Australia: a first-phase national audit of higher education

Potential impact of climate change on the distribution of six invasive alien plants in Nepal

Experimental investigation of hydrated butanol-acetone (BA) and diesel blend as alternative fuel for CI engines

Cross-cultural validation of mood profile clusters in a sport and exercise context

Triathlon and the potential for solar ultraviolet exposure risk assessed during the swim, bicycle and running legs of competitive Australian Ironman events

The income gradient of child mental health in Australia? Does it vary across assessors, SES and family characteristics?

Growth Hormone Deficiency Is Frequent After Recent Stroke

‘Home, Sweet Home’: managing returning foreign terrorist fighters in Germany, The United Kingdom and Australia

Applying translanguaging techniques in Japanese EFL settings

A teacher's framework for online English for academic purposes courses

Learner autonomy: an experimental study of language learning strategies, learning attitudes and motivation through computer assisted language learning (call) among Vietnamese college students

Undergraduate engineering and built environment project conference 2018: book of abstracts - Toowoomba, Australia, 24-28 September 2018

Can individual land ownership reduce grassland degradation and favor socioeconomic sustainability on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau?

The enterprise risk theory of vicarious liability

Punitive damages: time for re-examination

Laboratory evaluation of soil amendments to limit structural degradation under a sequential irrigation with coal seam gas and rain water

The gut-brain axis, the human gut microbiota and their integration in the development of obesity

Financial returns for different actors in a teak timber value chain in Paklay District, Lao PDR

The Heat Is On: Effects of Synchronous Music on Psychophysiological Parameters and Running Performance in Hot and Humid Conditions

Experimental assessment of the mechanical behaviour of 3D woven composite T-joints

Copula-based agricultural conditional value-at-risk modelling for geographical diversifications in wheat farming portfolio management

Design and evaluation of SVR, MARS and M5Tree models for 1, 2 and 3-day lead time forecasting of river flow data in a semiarid mountainous catchment

Mapping hypothermia death vulnerability in Korea

Multi-stage committee based extreme learning machine model incorporating the influence of climate parameters and seasonality on drought forecasting

Deciphering the biology of Cryptophyllachora eurasiatica gen. et sp. nov., an often cryptic pathogen of an allergenic weed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia

Geographical Variations in the Clinical Management of Colorectal Cancer in Australia: A Systematic Review

A real-time hourly water index for flood risk monitoring: pilot studies in Brisbane, Australia, and Dobong Observatory, South Korea

Multi-stage hybridized online sequential extreme learning machine integrated with Markov Chain Monte Carlo copula-Bat algorithm for rainfall forecasting

Influence of stand type and stand age on soil carbon storage in China’s arid and semi-arid regions

A young solar twin in the Rosette cluster NGC 2244 line of sight

Cladistical Analysis of the Jovian and Saturnian Satellite Systems

Method development of damage detection in asymmetric buildings

The geospatial relationship of pterygium and senile cataract to ambient solar ultraviolet in tropical Ecuador

The deferral of attacks: SP/A theory as a model of terrorist choice when losses are inevitable

Infrared needle mapping to assist biopsy procedures and training

Fungal planet description sheets: 716-784

Frontal eddies along a western boundary current

Moving force identification based on modified preconditioned conjugate gradient method

Pushing back against competencies in nursing curriculum design

Gravity models in air transport research: a survey and an application

Airline economics and finance

The symptoms of the just: psycho-pass, judg(e)ment, and the asymptomatic commons

Health and physical education: preparing educators for the future

Shakespeare source study in the age of Google: revisiting Greenblatt's elephants and Horatio's ground

Shakespeare's lost playhouse: eleven days at Newington Butts

A comparative study of temperature and precipitation‑based aridity indices and their trends in Mongolia

Writing with Deleuze in the academy: creating monsters

The paradox of Nathan Thambu Paramanathan

Landscape and memory: an exhibition at the Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery

Creative leadership and the Hadley's Art Prize Hobart (HAPH)

From leaf to continent: the multi-scale distribution of an invasive cryptic pathogen complex on oak

Associations of NAM-A1 alleles with the onset of senescence and nitrogen use efficiency under Western Australian conditions

Clinicians’ perceptions of medication errors with opioids in cancer and palliative care services: a priority setting report

Validation of the Shortened Perceived Medical Condition Self-Management Scale in Patients with Chronic Disease

Understanding ‘segmented assimilation’ in Australian cities: Modelling the residential choices of mainland China-, Hong Kong- and Taiwan-born migrants

NPP-VIIRS DNB Daily Data in Natural Disaster Assessment: Evidence from Selected Case Studies

Characteristics Of Early Adopters Of Hiv Point Of Care Testing (Poct) At Late-Night Sex On Premises Venue (Sopv) Theme Parties

The GALAH survey: chemical tagging of star clusters and new members in the Pleiades

The K2-HERMES Survey. I. Planet-candidate Properties from K2 Campaigns 1–3

Bringing monsters to life through encounters with writing

An experiment in writing that flows

Cotton yield prediction with Markov Chain Monte Carlo-based simulation model integrated with genetic programing algorithm: a new hybrid copula-driven approach

The dynamical history of 2060 Chiron and its proposed ring system

Properties of the single Jovian planet population and the pursuit of solar system analogues

Interactions between low-socioeconomic status, adult influences on macronutrient intakes and childhood obesity

Communication systems principles using MATLAB

Development of a richer measure of health outcomes incorporating the impacts of income inequality, ethnic diversity, and ICT development on health

Slipping through the cracks: teachers who miss out on early career support

Resisting educational inequity and the ‘bracketing out’ of disadvantage in contemporary schooling

Collaborative writing ‘betwixt and between’ sits jaggedly against traditional regimes of authorship

Negative career outlook and the working alliance in career counseling

A systematic review of physical activity-based interventions in shift workers

Seeking information in a medical setting: Vietnamese doctor-patient interaction

Shear strength prediction of steel fiber reinforced concrete beam using hybrid intelligence models: a new approach

Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System integrated with solar zenith angle for forecasting sub-tropical photosynthetically active radiation

Drivers of food security of vulnerable rural households in Bangladesh: implications for policy and development

The influence of fibre orientation on tribological performance of jute fibre reinforced epoxy composites considering different mat orientations

Vicarious liability: critique and reform

Using the QFD matrix as a major continuous improvement tool to improve organizational quality

Field durability study of vinyl-ester-based GFRP rebars in concrete bridge barriers

Carbon stock and its relationships with tree diversity and density in community forests in Nepal

Effect of applied potassium concentration on clay dispersion, hydraulic conductivity, pore structure and mineralogy of two contrasting Australian soils

The effects of mobile devices on student learning in a new zealand-based university preparation course: a case study

Evaluating dispersive potential to identify the threshold electrolyte concentration in non-dispersive soils

Augmented reality and natural user interface applications for remote laboratories

Research through, with and as storying

Place and psychoanalysis

Dynamics of interest rate pass-through in Bangladesh: an econometric investigation for 2003–2015

Time to move EBLIP forward with an organizational lens

Learning English idioms with a web-based educational game

Public participation and the Adani Syndrome

Description and assessment of regional sea-level trends and variability from altimetry and tide gauges at the northern Australian coast

Capacity Estimation of Beam-Like Structures Using Substructural Method

Association between presence of Triticum timopheevii introgression and D-genome retention in hexaploid/tetraploid wheat crosses

A cytological and molecular analysis of D-genome chromosome retention following F2–F6 generations of hexaploidxtetraploid wheat crosses

Freedom and the psychoanalytic ontology of quantum physics

An online team exercise for online students: learning for KM, creativity and innovation, team skills and resource management

Contract (GC I_II_V) - Update

Halsbury's laws of Australia: criminal law GC VIII. Update of criminal law GC VIII

Criminal law updates. Update of criminal law GC V chapters 6 and 7, GC VI, and GC VII chapters 6 and 7.

Desire and one-sidedness: extroversion’s enemies within, introversion’s enemies without

Spirit possession

Mapping of peanut crops in Queensland, Australia using time-series PROBA-V 100-m normalized difference vegetation index imagery

Cross-cultural validation of mood profile clusters in a sport and exercise context

Helical solitons in vector modified Korteweg-de Vries equations

How international is AJET?

Cloud computing-enabled healthcare opportunities, issues, and applications: a systematic review

Perceived potential for value creation from cloud computing: a study of the Australian regional government sector

Spatial modelling of bilby (Macrotis lagotis) and rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) pellets within a predator-proof enclosure

Paramedic academics in Australia and New Zealand: The 'no man's land' of professional identity

Shifting dynamics of Chinese settlement in Australia: an urban geographic perspective

Symbiotic N2-Fixer Community Composition, but Not Diversity, Shifts in Nodules of a Single Host Legume Across a 2-Million-Year Dune Chronosequence

A macro-level approach to assess the early developmental vulnerabilities of children in Australia: a local government area-based analysis

Does income inequality matters for accessing health facility? Evidence from Bangladesh

The Emerging Issue

Structural applications of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composite tubes: a review of columns members

Benchmarking in higher education: a framework for benchmarking for quality improvement

The Palgrave handbook of knowledge management

The domains of intellectual capital: an integrative discourse across perspectives

Introduction: managing knowledge in the twenty-first century

An intelligent recommender system based on short-term disease risk prediction for patients with chronic diseases in a telehealth environment

Exploring how arts-based reflection can support teachers' resilience and well-being

Developing new techniques to analyse and classify EEG signals

Stakeholders’ perceptions of school counselling in Singapore: a mixed method study

Agronomic and economic performance of arable crops as affected by controlled and non-controlled traffic of farm machinery

Securing clouds using cryptography and traffic classification

School principals growing positive affect and sustaining overall satisfaction with life contributes to engaging positively with school community

Learning and inclusion for disadvantaged youth

Dehydration and rehydration characteristics of pretreated pumpkin slices

The relevance of dance performance in tertiary education: an australian work-based perspective

Science investigations

The role of context and relevance

What the learner brings

Becoming a teacher of science: introducing a journey of identity and evidence

Monitoring paddy productivity in North Korea employing geostationary satellite images integrated with GRAMI-rice model

The journey of exploring ‘construction as biological cells’ for improving construction quality: articulating the research paradigm

Biological cell surveillance: implication on construction cell

Index insurance benefits agricultural producers exposed to excessive rainfall risk

Artificial intelligence approach for the prediction of Robusta coffee yield using soil fertility properties

Interpretation and reporting of process capability results: focus on improvement

#MeToo: Sexual Harassment by Students Can No Longer Be Ignored

A software artefact to support standard-based process assessment: evolution of the TIPA® framework in a design science research project

Benefits and relevance of International Standards in a design science research project for process assessments

Search engine use as a literacy in the middle years: the need for explicit instruction and active learners

Celebrating Australia’s diversity through science education

Bringing Australia’s diversity into science education

Reframing cinematography

Uncomposed: unconventional cinematographic composition in cinema and television

Age-dependent Disturbances of Neuronal and Glial Protein Expression Profiles in Areas of Secondary Neurodegeneration Post-stroke

Mental health service use in Australia: the role of family structure and socio-economic status

(Re)navigating the classroom as a teacher educator

Re-imagining professional experience in initial teacher education

Joint submission to the Attorney-General’s Department on the Hague Conference Judgments Project: recognition and enforcement of Foreign Judgments Public Consultation Paper (March 2018)

Monitoring REDD+ governance: criteria and indicators-based approach to sustainable forest management in Nepal

Effect of bolt threads on the double lap joint strength of pultruded fibre reinforced polymer composite materials

Criminal code design and sentencing: a response to Joshua Kleinfeld's Theory of Criminal Victimization

Talkin' bout a revolution: the call for transformation and reform in Indigenous education

A demands-resources view of safety climate in military aviation

A Rasch Model analysis of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire

Is regional government-governance nexus delivering on social sustainability promises? Empirical evidence from Moranbah in Australia

Properties and structural behavior of concrete containing fine sand contaminated with light crude oil

Thermo-mechanical behaviour and shape memory characteristics of carbon fibre reinforced epoxy

Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment (GEOMATE 2018)

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Science, Engineering and Environment (SEE-2018)

Revisiting Broms and Bennermarks’ original stability number for tunnel headings

Transhumance, livestock mobility and mutual benefits between crop and livestock production

Frequent, short bouts of light-intensity exercises while standing decreases systolic blood pressure: Breaking Up Sitting Time after Stroke (BUST-Stroke) trial

Breaking up sitting time after stroke (BUST-stroke)

Self-Perceived Pain Assessment Knowledge and Confidence (Self-PAC) Scale for Cancer and Palliative Care Nurses: A Preliminary Validation Study

Spatiotemporal Variation and Inequality in China’s Economic Resilience across Cities and Urban Agglomerations

Modeling the Influence of Weather on Transit Ridership: A Case Study from Brisbane, Australia

Multi-locus phylogeny and taxonomy of Exserohilum

Pulsed ultrasound as an energy saving mode for ultrasound treatment of surface water with terrestrial aquatic carbon

Carbon disclosure, carbon performance and financial performance: international evidence

An exploratory analysis of sociocultural adjustment among four major cohorts at a Thai university

Intrapreneurial self-capital training: a case study of an Italian university student

Submission to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee on the Human Rights Bill 2018

Submission to the Queensland Law Reform Commission on 'Review of Termination of Pregnancy Laws'

Counseling case formulation as metaphor

ICT skill frameworks: do they achieve their goals and users’ expectations?

Triacylglycerol-lowering effect of docosahexaenoic acid is not influenced by single-nucleotide polymorphisms involved in lipid metabolism in humans

Internment of terrorism suspects: human rights and constitutional issues

Achacha (Garcinia humilis) Rind Improves Cardiovascular Function in Rats with Diet-Induced Metabolic Syndrome

The bully of the world: the Queensland Press and Germany August 1914 - April 1915 [Blog post]

Talking point: state could lead nation in arts education

A State of Slogans [Textual Work: Essay]

Game-based teaching and coaching as a toolkit of teaching styles

Interrogating assumptions of a curriculum: Queensland Senior Physical Education Syllabus

Potential of summer-active temperate (C3) perennial forages to mitigate the detrimental effects of supraoptimal temperatures on summer home-grown feed production in south-eastern Australian dairying regions

Religious freedoms should include spiritual beliefs too

Reporting the retreat: war correspondents in Burma by Philip Woods

Health literacy and the health status of men with prostate cancer

Interventions for prostate cancer survivorship: a systematic review of reviews

The day Australian cricket lost its integrity and a country reacted with shock and anger

This is bigger than Serena Williams: lessons from the 2018 US Open tennis

Structural performance and photothermal recovery of carbon fibre reinforced shape memory polymer

Development of a multi-objective methodology to select lean initiatives and weighted leanness measurement methodology in modular manufacturing companies

Capital structure and earnings management of private enterprises: evidence from the transitional economy of laos

Effects of Afforestation on Soil Bulk Density and pH in the Loess Plateau, China

Understanding the lived experience of students who self-injure during an educational intervention based on neuroscientific and functional behavioural perspectives

Media rhetoric of post-heroic leadership: Julia Gillard, Barack Obama and Press Gallery journalists, 2010–2013©

A prospective evaluation of contingent loans as a means of financing wild dog exclusion fences

Design and implementation of a hybrid MLP-GSA model with multilayer perceptron-gravitational search algorithm for monthly lake water level forecasting

A New Way of Channel Selection in the Motor Imagery Classification for BCI Applications

A systematic literature mapping to investigate the role of IT in knowledge stock and transfer

Dynamics of nanoparticles and bubbles in creeping flows of viscous fluids

Estimation and application of social network behaviour from network traffic

Qualitative SIFS evaluation for future (QSEF) coding system

An investigation into the relationship between talent management processes and knowledge management processes: a case of the higher education sector in Queensland, Australia

Prestress evaluation in prestressed concrete plate-like structures

Structural Deterioration Detection Using Enhanced Autoregressive Residuals

Common mental disorders among Indigenous people living in regional, remote and metropolitan Australia: a cross-sectional study

Core and peripheral experiences: incidental, accidental or intentional

In 2017 we seek to be heard: de-tangling the contradictory discourses that silence Indigenous voices in education

The musings of an Aboriginal researcher: disrupting the thesis template

The trickery used to marginalise and silence Indigenous voice in education [Blog post]

Words matter: how the latest school funding report (Gonski 2.0) gets it so wrong [Blog post]

I am the emu

A coarse-grained multiscale model to simulate morphological changes of food-plant tissues undergoing drying

Simulations of autonomous fluid pulses between active elastic walls using the 1D-IRBFN Method

In the service of reintegration: educators in Hungarian correctional institutions

Moving forward together: supporting educators to support incarcerated students in Australian prison-based higher education

Tropical cyclone insurance for Queensland agriculture

Drought climate adaptation program: producing enhanced agricultural crop insurance systems: summary report

The potential value of seasonal climate forecasts for beef grazing enterprises in the Charters Towers region

Building quality production outcomes in undergraduate screen media group production courses: a case study

Utilisation of stranded marine fauna washed ashore on K’gari (Fraser Island), Australia, by dingoes

And the people’s choice award goes to… dogs: a comment on Home et al.

Wildlife conservation management on inhabited islands

The returned: they left to wage jihad, now they're back by David Thompson

Analysis of agriculture-related life-threatening injuries presenting to emergency departments of rural generalist hospitals in Southern Queensland

Better ways of seeing landscapes: The Queensland Historical Atlas

Is the seal of the confessional protected by Constitutional or common law?

Study on miniaturized tri-axis heat convection accelerometer with experimental validation

A closed device to generate vortex flow using PZT

Robust angular rate sensor based on corona discharge ion wind

Particle swarm optimized–support vector regression hybrid model for daily horizon electricity demand forecasting using climate dataset

Who Benefits? World Heritage and Indigenous People

Contesting the Center

Streamlining information transfer between construction and structural engineering

Self-efficacy and planning strategies can improve physical activity levels in women with a recent history of gestational diabetes mellitus

Chronic disease and health risk behaviors among rural agricultural workforce in Queensland


Aviation non-technical skills guidebook

What project management can bring to policy

Towards incorporation of potassium into the disaggregation model for determination of soil-specific threshold electrolyte concentration

Effect of fire-retardant ceram powder on the properties of phenolic-based GFRP composites

Short-term flexural behaviour of concrete filled pultruded GFRP cellular and tubular sections with pin-eye connections for modular retaining wall construction

The magnetic activity, winds and planets of young, cool stars

Comparative study on the behaviour of different infill materials for pre-fabricated fibre composite repair systems

Pricing dynamics between airline groups with dual-brand services: the case of the Australian domestic market

Connectivity of intercity passenger transportation in China: a multi-modal and network approach

Mechanical behaviours of grout for strata reinforcement

Machine vision tracking of water advance in cotton surface irrigation with an unmanned aerial system

Exploring processes that are used for managing knowledge in the higher education environment: a case study in a Queensland regional university

Summer paddock survey finds fungal and bacterial diseases decreased but not eliminated [GRDC Field Crop Diseases Community of Practice, 1 October 2018 - Online community]

Trends and determinants of weight gains among OECD countries: an ecological study

Swearing in class: institutional morality in dispute

Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in a flexible office-based workplace: employee perceptions and priorities for change

Australian fitness professionals' level of interest in engaging with high health-risk population subgroups: findings from a national survey

Alkali-silica reaction in waterglass-activated slag mortars incorporating fly ash and metakaolin

Effect of fly ash microsphere on the rheology and microstructure of alkali-activated fly ash/slag pastes

Effects of alkali dosage and silicate modulus on alkali-silica reaction in alkali-activated slag mortars

Effect of alkali dosage and silicate modulus on carbonation of alkali-activated slag mortars

The dynamic inter-relationship between obesity and school performance: new empirical evidence from Australia

Wealth management and financial advisory services in the Asia-Pacific region

Meta-analysis of histopathological outcomes of laparoscopic assisted rectal resection (LARR) vs open rectal resection (ORR) for carcinoma

A different kind of story: pedagogy of hope at The Ration Shed Museum, Cherbourg

Displaced persons in Queensland: Stuart migrant camp

Education and democracy for complex contemporary childhoods

Feasibility for the use of a standardized fitness testing protocol among Australian fitness industry professionals

Changing diet and physical activity in nurses: a pilot study and process evaluation highlighting challenges in workplace health promotion

Draft genome sequence of Annulohypoxylon stygium, Aspergillus mulundensis, Berkeleyomyces basicola (syn. Thielaviopsis basicola), Ceratocystis smalleyi, two Cercospora beticola strains, Coleophoma cylindrospora, Fusarium fracticaudum, Phialophora cf. hyalina, and Morchella septimelata

Outcomes of a collaborative contextualize learning approach to teacher professional development in Papua, Indonesia

A meta-analysis and systematic review of perioperative outcomes of laparoscopic-assisted rectal resection (LARR) versus open rectal resection (ORR) for carcinoma

Effects of acute hypoxia exposure with different durations on activation of Nrf2-ARE pathway in mouse skeletal muscle

Feasibility claims in the debate over anarchy versus the minimal state

The impacts of international migrants’ remittances on household consumption volatility in developing countries

Modelling heat transfer through an FBG optical fibre

Analytical model of functionally graded material/shape memory alloy composite cantilever beam under bending

Bending models for superelastic shape memory alloy laminated composite cantilever beams with elastic core layer

Is the finer the better for municipal solid waste (MSW) classification in view of recyclable constituents? A comprehensive social, economic and environmental analysis

Considerations for the development of Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) teacher training course: a practical experience from a CALL course development in Indonesia

Investigation of ultraviolet radiation effects on thermomechanical properties and shape memory behaviour of styrene-based shape memory polymers and its composite

A brief self-directed intervention to reduce office employees’ sedentary behaviour in a flexible workplace

Navigating the development and dissemination of internet cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) for anxiety disorders in children and young people: A consensus statement with recommendations from the #iCBTLorentz Workshop Group

Geographic disparities in previously diagnosed health conditions in colorectal cancer patients are largely explained by age and area level disadvantage

Effect of rheological properties of mesophase pitch and coal mixtures on pore development in activated carbon discs with high compressive strength

Silver-perovskite hybrid electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media

Tree biomass quantity, carbon stock and canopy correlates in mangrove forest and land uses that replaced mangroves in Honda Bay, Philippines

ASEAN high value add red meat opportunities

Who performed at Newington Butts in 1586?

Arts belong in the classroom: empowering teachers in arts-based learning

Identification of local extinction and prediction of reignition in a spark-ignited sparse spray flame using data mining

Transforming the workplace environment to prevent non-communicable chronic diseases: participatory action research in a South African power plant

Effect of welan gum on the hydration and hardening of Portland cement

Retention of Indigenous pre-service teachers enrolled in an Australian regional university

The 11 commandments of publishing

Influence of internal climate variability on Indian Ocean Dipole properties

The development of coral concretes and their upgrading technologies: a critical review

Synthesis of zeolite P1 from fly ash under solvent-free conditions for ammonium removal from water

Properties of alkali-activated ground granulated blast furnace slag blended with ferronickel slag

Understanding the legal information experience of non-lawyers: lessons from the family law context

Drug prescription support in dental clinics through drug corpus mining

A mixture proportioning method for the development of performance-based alkali-activated slag-based concrete

Prevalence of underweight, overweight and obesity and their associated risk factors in Nepalese adults: Data from a Nationwide Survey, 2016

Bilingual use of translanguaging: Chinese student satisfaction in a transnational Business degree in English

What’s hot & what’s not in the strategic plans of Australia’s universities

Professional legal ethics in Australia

Increasing mechanical strength and acid resistance of geopolymers by incorporating different siliceous materials

The degradation mechanisms of alkali-activated fly ash/slag blend cements exposed to sulphuric acid

Flammability characteristics of chemical treated woven hemp fabric reinforced vinyl ester composites

The repeated bout effect can occur without mechanical and neuromuscular changes after a bout of eccentric exercise

A child-centred approach to multimodal text composition in the early years

A review of bin filling technologies for apple harvest and postharvest handling

Epoxy nanocomposites simultaneously strengthened and toughened by hybridization with graphene oxide and block ionomer

Bronze alloys with tin surface sites for selective electrochemical reduction of CO2

Efflorescence and subflorescence induced microstructural and mechanical evolution in fly ash-based geopolymers

Introduction: museums and engagement in Queensland: critical contributions to the field

A symmetric integrated radial basis function method for solving differential equations

Health care expenditure and health outcome nexus: new evidence from the SAARC-ASEAN region

Evaluated UVA irradiances over a twelve year period at a sub-tropical site from ozone monitoring instrument data including the influence of cloud

Large-Scale Dissemination of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Youth Anxiety: Feasibility and Acceptability Study

Ultraviolet radiation albedo and reflectance in review: the influence to ultraviolet exposure in occupational settings

Arsenic speciation dynamics in paddy rice soil-water environment: sources, physico-chemical, and biological factors - a review

A conceptual framework for ecological responses to groundwater regime alteration (FERGRA)

Experimental and numerical study of OH* chemiluminescence in hydrogen diffusion flames

Permeability enhancement of coal by chemical-free fracturing using high-voltage electrohydraulic discharge

Phonocardiographic sensing using deep learning for abnormal heartbeat detection

An investigation of farm-scale adaptation options for cotton production in the face of future climate change and water allocation policies in southern Queensland, Australia

Validating laboratory assessment of threshold electrolyte concentration for fields irrigated with marginal quality saline-sodic water

Quantifying the aggregation-dispersion boundary condition in terms of saturated hydraulic conductivity reduction and the threshold electrolyte concentration

What is project governance? Disclosing the source of confusion and revealing the essence of governance

Are warning signs effective in communicating jellyfish hazards?

Parametric study on the response of composite single piles to lateral load by numerical simulation (FDM)

Teaching units on Magabala Books: useful resources from Reading Australia's website

Reading Australia and Magabala Books: high quality literature and teaching units

Resolving dimensionality problems with WHOQOL-BREF item responses

Measuring the severity of close encounters between ringed small bodies and planets

The surface magnetic activity of the weak-line T Tauri stars TWA 9Aand V1095 Sco

Design features and bruise evaluation of an apple harvest and in-filed presorting machine

The impact of patient safety culture on handovers in rural health facilities

A lignin-based nano-adsorbent for superfast and highly selective removal of phosphate

A facile way to prepare phosphorus-Nitrogen-Functionalized graphene oxide for enhancing the flame retardancy of epoxy resin

A note on dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) modelling of simple fluids

New Soft Set Based Class of Linear Algebraic Codes

H-max distance measure of intuitionistic fuzzy sets in decision making

Different adulthoods: Normative development and transgressive trajectories

A caution about causation

Understanding the Eurovision Song Contest in multicultural Australia: we got love

Thomas Cavendish on the early modern stage

Reinvigorating primary school science through school-community partnerships

Civil-military 'legal' relations: where to from here? The Civilian Courts and the military in the United Kingdom, United States and Australia

Constitutional law and regionalism: a comparative analysis of regionalist negotiations

Identification and mapping of net form of net blotch resistance in South African barley

Transposable element genomic fissuring in Pyrenophora teres is associated with genome expansion and dynamics of host-pathogen genetic interactions

Realizing High Thermoelectric Performance in n-Type Highly Distorted Sb-Doped SnSe Microplates via Tuning High Electron Concentration and Inducing Intensive Crystal Defects

Achieving zT > 2 in p-Type AgSbTe2−xSex alloys via exploring the extra light valence band and introducing dense stacking faults

First report of powdery mildew on goji berry (Lycium barbarum) caused by arthrocladiella mougeotii in Queensland, Australia

Child protection for educators and principals: a moral and legal obligation

The seven elements of successful country law firms

Managing knowledge and learning for process improvement: a software-mediated process assessment approach for IT service management

Understanding sustainability law

Music learning and teaching in culturally and socially diverse contexts: implications for classroom practice

Raw emotion: The Living Memory module at three sites of practice

The transformative process of Indigenous autoethnography: (re)connecting with Kaupapa Māori [Online case study]

Global Solar Radiation Prediction Using Hybrid Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine Model

Disentangling blended K2 photometry: determining the planetary host star

Pull-out resistance of single piles and parametric study using the Finite Difference Method (FDM)

Arrays of planar vacancies in superior thermoelectric Ge1−x−yCdxBiyTe with band convergence

A time discretization scheme based on integrated radial basis functions for heat transfer and fluid flow problems

Realizing zT of 2.3 in Ge1−x−ySbxInyTe via Reducing the Phase-Transition Temperature and Introducing Resonant Energy Doping

Systematic review of decision making algorithms in extended neutrosophic sets

Ground improvement using waste shell for farm roads and embankments

Agriculture land development using shell husk as recycle aggregate

Comparative Study on the drying shrinkage and mechanical properties of geopolymer foam concrete incorporating different dosages of fiber, sand and foam agents

The Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Protective Behavioral Intentions against PM2.5 in Parents of Young Children from Urban and Rural Beijing, China

Towards a taxonomy of process quality characteristics for assessment

On contaminated land legislation in Japan

Reawakening spiritual roots in nursing practice: sacred places and sacred spaces

Time-averaged heat transfer and vortex shedding of a singular and twin heated bluff bodies in cross flow

Nano-scale dislocations induced by self-vacancy engineering yielding extraordinary n-type thermoelectric Pb0.96-yInySe

Effects of agricultural land management changes on surface water quality: a review of meso-scale catchment research

Trustworthy service composition with secure data transmission in sensor networks

Linear modelling of soil temperature effects on root lesion nematode population densities in R [Blog post]

Myanmar’s Nascent Environmental Governance System: challenges and opportunities

The first smut fungus, Thecaphora anthemidis sp. nov. (Glomosporiaceae), described from Anthemis (Asteraceae)

All the heavens just and true: cultural and historical astronomy in manuscript collections from Georgia

The relationship between access to microfinance, health-seeking behaviour and health service uses: evidence from Bangladesh

Direct evidence of a full dipole flip during the magnetic cycle of a sun-like star

The relation between stellar magnetic field geometry and chromospheric activity cycles – II The rapid 120-day magnetic cycle of τ Bootis

Chromospheric activity catalogue of 4454 cool stars: questioning the active branch of stellar activity cycles

Can deficits in emotional intelligence explain the negative relationship between abandonment schema and marital quality?

Fabrication of flame retardant benzoxazine semi-biocomposites reinforced by ramie fabrics with bio-based flame retardant coating

Design of orderly carbon coatings for SiO anodes promoted by TiO2 toward high performance lithium-ion battery

Thermal expansion properties of fused borosilicate syntactic foams

Environmental effects are stronger than human effects on mammalian predator-prey relationships in arid Australian ecosystems

Exploring scale validity and measurement invariance of the Toronto Mindfulness Scale across levels of meditation experience and proficiency

Arsenic accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) is influenced by environment and genetic factors

The GALAH survey: properties of the Galactic disc(s) in the solar neighbourhood

The GALAH survey: stellar streams and how stellar velocity distributions vary with Galactic longitude, hemisphere, and metallicity

Revised exoplanet radii and habitability using Gaia Data Release 2

Prospecting for exo-Earths in multiple planet systems with a gas giant

The GALAH survey and Gaia DR2:(non-)existence of five sparse high-latitude open clusters

Holistic spectroscopy: complete reconstruction of a wide-field, multiobject spectroscopic image using a photonic comb

The GALAH survey: accurate radial velocities and library of observed stellar template spectra

The GALAH survey: verifying abundance trends in the open cluster M67 using non-LTE modelling

Humic acid inhibition of hydrolysis and methanogenesis with different anaerobic inocula

Characterising and modelling free ammonia and ammonium inhibition in anaerobic systems

Simultaneous treatment and single cell protein production from agri-industrial wastewaters using purple phototrophic bacteria or microalgae – a comparison

Relationship between microbial community, operational factors and ammonia inhibition resilience in anaerobic digesters at low and moderate ammonia background concentrations

Oxidative capacitance of sulfate-based boron-doped diamond electrochemical system

The open flux evolution of a solar-mass star on the main sequence

An improved detached-leaf assay for phenotyping net blotch of barley caused by Pyrenophora teres

Mechanically robust, flame-retardant poly(lactic acid) biocomposites via combining cellulose nanofibers and ammonium polyphosphate

On relational learning and discovery in social networks: a survey

On-farm trials of practical options for hydrogen sulphide removal from piggery biogas

White and infrared light continuous photobioreactors for resource recovery from poultry processing wastewater - a comparison

Ammonia stress on a resilient mesophilic anaerobic inoculum: methane production, microbial community, and putative metabolic pathways

Shear behaviour of geopolymer-concrete beams transversely reinforced with continuous rectangular GFRP composite spirals

Bioinspired design of strong, tough, and thermally stable polymeric materials via nanoconfinement

Lignin-derived porous carbon loaded with La(OH)3 nanorods for highly efficient removal of phosphate

Self-assembled 3D flower-like hierarchical Ti-doped Cu3SbSe4 microspheres with ultralow thermal conductivity and high zT

Advancing a farmer decision support tool for agronomic decisions on rainfed and irrigated wheat cropping in Tasmania

Joint position stand of the ISSP, FEPSAC, ASPASP, and AASP on professional accreditation

Special issue on service-oriented collaborative computing and applications

MLaaS: a cloud-based system for delivering adaptive micro learning in mobile MOOC learning

Cloud service description model: an extension of USDL for cloud services

Logic connectives of complex fuzzy sets

Polycrystalline SnSe with extraordinary thermoelectric property via nanoporous design

Boosting the thermoelectric performance of p-type heavily Cu-doped polycrystalline SnSe via inducing intensive crystal imperfections and defect phonon scattering

Sustainable utilization of municipal solid waste i incineration fly ash for ceramic bricks with eco-friendly biosafety

High thermoelectric performance in sintered octahedron-shaped Sn(CdIn)xTe1+2x microcrystals

Dual Ag/ZnO-decorated micro-/nanoporous sulfonated polyetheretherketone with superior antibacterial capability and biocompatibility via layer-by-layer self-assembly strategy

Achieving high thermoelectric performance of Ni/Cu modified Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 composites by a facile electroless plating

Ag doping induced abnormal lattice thermal conductivity in Cu2Se

Enhancing thermoelectric performance of (Cu1-xAgx)2Se via CuAgSe secondary phase and porous design

Atomic Insights into Phase Evolution in Ternary Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides Nanostructures

Cohort study of a specialist social worker intervention on hospital use for patients at risk of long stay

Low power wide area networks: a survey of enabling technologies, applications and interoperability needs

Patient safety content and delivery in pre-registration nursing curricula: a national cross-sectional survey study

Australian nursing students’ knowledge and attitudes towards pressure injury prevention: a cross-sectional study

High-performance SnSe thermoelectric materials: progress and future challenge

Concepts, approaches, and avenues for modelling crop health and crop losses

Decreasing brown bear (Ursus arctos) habitat due to climate change in Central Asia and the Asian Highlands

Evidence-based practice: evaluating our collections and services

Regional climate impacts of stabilizing global warming at 1.5 K using solar geoengineering

Significantly increased extreme precipitation expected in Europe and North America from extratropical cyclones

The contrasting climate response to tropical and extratropical energy perturbations

Comments on 'Rethinking the lower bound on aerosol radiative forcing'

Estimation of the maximum annual number of North Atlantic tropical cyclones using climate models

The influence of sea surface temperature on the intensity and associated storm surge of tropical cyclone Yasi: a sensitivity study

The physical processes causing nocturnal rainfall over northwest Australia and their representation in high- and low-resolution models with parametrized convection

Arsenic and manganese in shallow tubewells: validation of platform color as a screening tool in Bangladesh

Elevated fluoride in groundwater of Siwani Block, Western Haryana, India: a potential concern for sustainable water supplies for drinking and irrigation

Arsenite removal in groundwater treatment plants by sequential Permanganate―Ferric treatment

Radon in the groundwater in the Amman-Zarqa Basin and related environments in Jordan

Oral care measures for preventing nursing home‐acquired pneumonia

Nursing service innovation: a case study examining emergency nurse practitioner service sustainability

Correlates of sedentary behaviour in university students: a systematic review

An efficient approach for EEG sleep spindles detection based on fractal dimension coupled with time frequency image

A novel statistical technique for intrusion detection systems

Geothermal energy potential of Tulsishyam thermal springs of Gujarat, India

Fluoride contamination of groundwater and its seasonal variability in parts of Purulia district, West Bengal, India

An influence of thermally-induced micro-cracking under cooling treatments: mechanical characteristics of Australian granite

Geochemical evolution of geothermal fluids around the western Red Sea and East African Rift geothermal provinces

Water resource management using geothermal energy: Eritrea

Preoperative warming versus no preoperative warming for maintenance of normothermia in women receiving intrathecal morphine for cesarean delivery: a single-blinded, randomized controlled trial

Eco-Friendly Higher Manganese Silicide Thermoelectric Materials: Progress and Future Challenges

Thickness Dependence of Magnetic Behavior of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Heterostructures

Highly (00l)-oriented Bi2Te3/Te heterostructure thin films with enhanced power factor

Integrated biogas systems: local applications of anaerobic digestion towards integrated sustainable solutions

Submission to Senate Standing Committee on Education and Employment – inquiry into the mental health of first responders


Submission on the proposed draft Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines - Poultry, submission m205

The combined therapeutic effects of 131 iodine-labeled multifunctional copper sulfide-loaded microspheres in treating breast cancer

Graphene-oxide-decorated microporous polyetheretherketone with superior antibacterial capability and in vitro osteogenesis for orthopedic implant

Recovery TiO2 and sodium titanate nanowires as Cd(II) adsorbent from waste V2O5-WO3/TiO2 selective catalytic reduction catalysts by Na2CO3-NaCl-KCl molten salt roasting method

Bioinspired, biocompatible and peptide-decorated silk fibroin coatings for enhanced osteogenesis of bioinert implant

H.P. Lovecraft's weird tale ideal: Angela Carter's new weird dystopia

Climate variability and the Australian sugarcane farmer: a phenomenographic analysis of farmer experiences of managing and discussing climate risk

Intrathecal morphine–related perioperative hypothermia in women undergoing cesarean delivery: a retrospective case-control study

Valuing seasonal climate forecasts in Australian agriculture: northern grains case study

A novel social network hybrid recommender system based on hypergraph topologic structure

Exploiting highly qualified pattern with frequency and weight occupancy

An infrastructure framework for privacy protection of community medical internet of things - transmission protection, storage protection and access control

A tourism destination recommender system using users' sentiment and temporal dynamics

Quantitative assessment of flood discharges and floodway failures through cross-cultivation of advancement in knowledge and traditional practices

Numerical modeling of radiative heat and mass transfer for sweet potato during drying

A qualitative research to explore processes that are utilized for managing talent: a case study in a Queensland regional university University

Prior and Posterior Linear Pooling for Combining Expert Opinions: Uses and Impact on Bayesian Networks—The Case of the Wayfinding Model

Automata-based generic model for interoperating context-aware ad-hoc devices in Internet of Things

The effect of rheology with gas bubbles on linear elastic waves in fluid-saturated granular media

Temporal genetic differentiation of Cercospora beticola populations in New York Table beet fields

New insights into the cellular mechanisms of plant growth at elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations

Financial exclusion and the role of Islamic finance in Australia: a case study in Queensland

Broad host range species in specialised pathogen groups should be treated with suspicion – a case study on Entyloma infecting Ranunculus

Benchmarking as an instrument for continuous improvement in a regulated higher education quality assurance environment

The doctoral studies paradox: Indigenous cultural paradigms versus Western-based research practices

Doctoral program types and legitimacy of models: different forms for different purposes

Preface [to Postgraduate education in higher education]

The client-side project manager: a practitioner of Design Thinking

The key-components of sustainable housing design for Australian small size housing

Meeting the challenges of engineering a sustainable future

Management of risk in delivering complex research and development projects: A case of the Research and Development Center of the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces

Management of risk in delivering complex research and development projects

Management of risk in delivering complex research and development projects: methodology chapter

The journey of a novice principal: her struggle to maintain subjective wellbeing and be spiritual school leader

Recent poleward shift of tropical cyclone formation linked to Hadley cell expansion

The WiRE program: advancing women in rural, regional and remote enterprises through entrepreneurship, detailed final report to the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science

The practice of using NAPLAN numeracy test results: a review of the literature

The influence of disability, socioeconomic status & regionality on higher education access & participation

Ustilago species causing leaf-stripe smut revisited

The GALAH survey: second data release

Dynamics of curved reaction fronts under a single-equation model

The influence of board committee structures on voluntary disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions: Australian evidence

Effectiveness of the Stand More AT (SMArT) Work intervention: cluster randomised controlled trial

Graft polymerization of acrylic monomers onto lignin with CaCl2-H2O2 as initiator: preparation, mechanism, characterization, and application in poly(lactic acid)

A new approach to spread-spectrum OFDM

Evidence-based practice: evaluating our collections and services

Chinese state-owned enterprises and foreign investment regulation in Australia

International regulation of investment by state-owned enterprises: a comparative perspective

Substance-related expectancies mediate relationships between substance use (stimulants, alcohol) and condomless anal sex among men

Experiences of transgender prisoners and their knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding sexual behaviours and HIV/STIs: a systematic review

The experience of psychological distress, symptoms of trauma, coping and post-traumatic growth in parents of children with congenital heart disease: a systematic review of the literature

Consumer engagement with social media marketing in Australia

A study investigating the relationships between consumers' cultural values, their functional food perception and behaviour

Reflections on the PhD thesis: Exploring the 'lived experience' of project work with Continental philosophical perspectives

Performing biography: creating, embodying and shifting history [2 parts]

Streamflow and soil moisture forecasting with hybrid data intelligent machine learning approaches: case studies in the Australian Murray-Darling basin

Creating confidence amongst complexity: the ‘lived experience’ of client-side project managers in the Australian construction sector

Scrum project framework: exploring Agile project management in a non-ITC organisation

Organisational vulnerability to intentional insider threat

'Time to find a new freedom': TOMNET and Men’s Sheds - meeting older men’s contributive needs in regions within South East and South West Queensland, Australia?

Evaluation of SoilWater app 2018: a report for the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program

Australian CliMate app: an evaluation for the Managing Climate Variability Program

Mechanisms of the decline in grain protein concentration in wheat under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration

Molecular mechanisms of growth responses to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Inside-out: mapping an understanding of undergraduate study abroad programs

Searching for e(xecutive control) in the strength model of self-reg-ulation: an examination into the letter-crossing task

Understanding how older Australians experience information literacy using mobile devices

Behaviour of bolted connection system in pultruded GFRP structures

Exploring Muslims consumer perception and religiosity towards purchase behavior in context with western imported food products in Pakistan

Using precision livestock farming (PLF) technologies to assess the impact of environmental stressors on animal welfare and production efficiency on modern dairy farms

The barriers and facilitators of farmer mental health help-seeking: a mixed methods approach

Effects of drama-based activities and Facebook on Thai secondary school students’ English speaking skills, attitudes and motivation

Humor and workplace stress: a longitudinal comparison between Australian and Chinese employees

Big data opportunities for accounting and finance practice and research

Output-only modal testing and monitoring of civil engineering structures: instrumentation and test management

Decision-making performance in big data era: the role of actual business intelligence systems use and affecting external constraints

A global systematic scoping review of studies analysing indicators, development, and content of national-level physical activity and sedentary behaviour policies

An international perspective on genetic structure and gene flow in Cercospora beticola populations

Genetic structure of Phoma betae populations on Beta vulgaris in New York and Washington States, USA

Deep learning model for detection of pain intensity from facial expression

Sustainable energy management design for Bario microgrid in Sarawak, Malaysia

Synchrophasors based wide area protection and phasor estimation: a review

Contingency analysis of a power grid with the participation of utility-scale solar PV units: a case study from Sarawak, Malaysia

An auto TCD probe design and visualization

A novel framework for distress detection through an automated speech processing system

Determination of factors influencing student engagement using a learning management system in a tertiary setting

Measurement of water vapour in axisymmetric jet development using TDLAS

Telehealth adoption: three case studies at the organisational level

A broad look at charcoal rot in the Northern Region broadacre crops through soil sampling and in-crop surveys

Macadamia industry benchmark report: 2009 to 2016 seasons, Project MC15005

The use of psychotherapy as an effective treatment for grief and loss for persons diagnosed with dementia and their caregiver: a systematic review of the literature

Human development: a cultural approach. Australian and New Zealand edition

Bunya pine, goanna and star clusters: using metaphor to frame Indigenous ways of doing

Learning chess and the development of cognitive thinking in Queensland primary schools: an exploratory study

Improving the retailer industry performance through RFID technology: a case study of Wal-Mart and Metro Group

Development and validation of a novel approach for evaluation of broadband UVA irradiance and total daily UVA exposures from OMI satellite data

Impacts of rice diseases in tropical Asia

Can rainfall be a useful predictor of epidemic risk across temporal and spatial scales?

An investigation on the student performance in first year fundamental engineering course, Engineering Statics

Diaporthe novem isolated from sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and other crop and weed hosts in Australia

Encapsulation of flutriafol fungicide into electrospun biodegredable poly (L-lactide) nanofibers

Reflections and conclusions [to Work and identity: contemporary perspectives on workplace diversity]

Issues of power and disclosure for women with chronic illness in their places of work

Preface [to Professional and support staff in higher education]

Introducing concepts of workforce diversity

Belonging, temporariness and seasonal labour: working holidaymakers’ experiences in regional Australia

Physical fitness and peak running periods during female Australian football match-play

Getting the most out of intensive longitudinal data: a methodological review of workload–injury studies

Validity of session rating perceived exertion method for quantifying internal training load during high intensity functional training

Positional differences in the most demanding passages of play in football competition

The use of generic and individual speed thresholds for assessing the competitive demands of field hockey

CrossFit overview: systematic review and meta-analysis

The influence of rotations on match running performance in female Australian football midfielders

The influence of physical qualities on activity profiles of female Australian football match play

An alternative test of tackling ability in rugby league players

Relationship between 2 standardized tackling proficiency tests and rugby league match-play tackle performance

The use of relative speed zones in Australian football: are we really measuring what we think we are?

The relationship between variables in wearable microtechnology devices and cricket fast-bowling intensity

Playerload variables: sensitive to changes in direction and not related to collision workloads in rugby league match play

High-speed running and sprinting as an injury risk factor in soccer: can well-developed physical qualities reduce the risk?

Sub-maximal heart rate is associated with changes in high-intensity intermittent running ability in professional rugby league players

Veloce Rosso: Australia's new precision radial velocity spectrograph

Elevated temperature reduces survival of peak populations of root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus thornei) after wheat growth in a vertisol

Mental health diagnoses and relationship breakdown: which is the chicken and which the egg?

Physical-preparation recommendations for elite rugby sevens performance

HATS-59b,c: a transiting hot Jupiter and a cold massive giant planet around a sun-like star

HATS-50b through HATS-53b: four transiting hot Jupiters orbiting G-type stars discovered by the HATSouth survey

Frequency and mode identification of gamma Doradus from photometric and spectroscopic observations

HATS-39b, HATS-40b, HATS-41b, and HATS-42b: three inflated hot Jupiters and a super-Jupiter transiting F stars

Stellar obliquities and planetary alignments (SOPA). I. Spin-orbit measurements of three transiting hot Jupiters: WASP-72b, WASP-100b, and WASP-109b

Copula-based statistical modelling of synoptic-scale climate indices for quantifying and managing agricultural risks in australia

Development of statistical and geospatial-based framework for drought-risk assessment

TNOs are cool: a survey of the trans-Neptunian region: XIV. Size/albedo characterization of the Haumea family observed with Herschel and Spitzer

It’s complicated: a big data approach to exploring planetesimal evolution in the presence of Jovian planets

Does small-sided games training improve physical-fitness and specific skills for team sports? A systematic review with meta-analysis

Is it all for naught? What does mathematical coupling mean for acute:chronic workload ratios?

Pain and fatigue in sport: are they so different?

In pursuit of the ‘Unbreakable’ Athlete: what is the role of moderating factors and circular causation?

Private international law in Australia

Computer-based management of air quality data: development of a software system

Oil-spraying technologies to be used for dust reduction in livestock buildings

Emission reduction from livestock buildings using a filtration device

Dust dispersion modelling of fugitive emissions from piggeries

The effect of air quality in livestock buildings on the occupational health of farm workers

Airborne pollutant concentrations within and emission rates from Australian piggery buildings

Temperature, relative humidity, noise, dust and odor levels recorded on free-range piggery sites in three states of Australia

Effect and process evaluation of a smartphone app to promote an active lifestyle in lower educated working young adults: cluster randomized controlled trial

Does an online CBT program for anxiety impact upon sleep programs in anxious youth?

Differences in context-specific sedentary behaviors according to weight status in adolescents, adults and seniors: a compositional data analysis

A smartphone app to promote an active lifestyle in lower-educated working young adults: development, usability, acceptability, and feasibility study

Sitting time In adults 65 years and over: behaviour, knowledge, and intentions to change

'The difficulties of communication encountered by Indigenous peoples’: moving beyond Indigenous deficit in the model admission rules for legal practitioners

Cumulative risk and harm: the condition of accumulation in child maltreatment

Homophobia, transphobia, young people and the question of responsibility

Introduction [to The relationality of race in education research]

Setting SMART goals for psychological case reports

Assessment of generalised anxiety disorder using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory

On the edges of encounter: walking, liminality and the act of being between

What do psychologists have to say about self-sabotage in romantic relationships?

Community engaged GP training. Does it make a difference?

It is not what it seems. Heart break leads to mental health difficulties in higher education

Emerging technologies for extraction of bioactives and polysaccharides from tropical fruit waste

Dryland management regimes alter forest habitats and understory arthropod communities

Benefits from below: silicon supplementation maintains legume productivity under predicted climate change scenarios

The role of silicon in plant biology: a paradigm shift in research approach

Mycorrhizal fungi enhance nutrient uptake but disarm defences in plant roots, promoting plant-parasitic nematode populations

The rights of the child: are we creating a world in which all children are enabled to reach their full potential?

Hyaloperonospora erucae sp. nov. (Peronosporaceae; Oomycota), the downy mildew pathogen of arugula (Eruca sativa)

Equity of a government subsidised exercise referral scheme: a population study

Global impact of the Maharishi Effect from 1974 to 2017: theory and research

Reconceptualising research impact: reflections on the real-world impact of research in an Australian context

Cost comparison and determinants of out‐of‐pocket payments on child delivery care in Bangladesh

Determinants of attitudinal and behavioral loyalty among Vietnamese overseas students: the role of disconfirmation, satisfaction and switching cost

On the notch sensitivity of flax fibre metal laminates under static and fatigue loading

'His unspoken natural centre': James Tiptree Jr as the 'Other I'

Uncertainty in the measurement of indoor temperature and humidity in naturally ventilated dairy buildings as influenced by measurement technique and data variability

Elevated seminal plasma estradiol and epigenetic inactivation of ESR1 and ESR2 is associated with CP/CPPS

‘Soil probiotics’ promise bigger, healthier crops, but there’s a downside

Customised life cycle assessment tool for sugarcane (CaneLCA)-a development in the evaluation of alternative agricultural practices

Controlled traffic farming in precision agriculture

Towards an economic decision support system for amelioration of soil constraints in the Northern Grains Region

TQM’s impact on the legal apparatus: informing and directing compliance practices

Education administrators in wonderland: figuring out policy-making and regulatory compliance when making decisions

Clemente Toowoomba Programme: enabling pathways to higher education and employment for marginalised people in community

Examining undergraduate student retention in mathematics using network analysis and relative risk

Relationship between the Handball-Specific Complex-Test and Intermittent Field Test performance in professional players

Capturing effects of container location dispersion on quay crane performance

Microstructure and wear characteristics of ATZ ceramic particle reinforced gray iron matrix surface composites

The supermarket with no beer: A review of liquor licensing in Queensland

Longer-term benefits for those benchmarking technology enhanced learning: Facilitating excellence slowly but surely

Benchmarking and ACODE Benchmarking: A methodological perspective

Agreeing to Disagree Politically

Literacy and Communication Issues and Concerns for Nursing Students from Non-English Speaking Backgrounds (NESB)

'You can be good enough… you can be great!' Defining the needs of CALD students in an Accelerated Entry Pathway Program

Advanced data-driven irrigation

Aerial imagery for yield prediction

Challenges in estimating soil water

Upscaling models, downscaling data or the right model for the right scale of application?

The impact of ineffective ITG on IT deployment: a study of failed IT deployment initiatives

A Novel TOPSIS based Consensus Technique for Multiattribute Group Decision Making

Factors discouraging participation of girls in ICT education

Barriers of e-tourism adoption in developing countries: a case study of Nepal

Facilitating knowledge transfer based on a resource based view of tacit knowledge stock: a skills assessment perspective

Near infrared light activated shape memory polymer composite for space applications

Online privacy for psychologists

Thinking the gap with the mangroves of Sydney

Parasites and hosts in the mangrove wrack zone

Walls and human exceptionalism

Mosquitoes and city mangroves: monsters of many margins

Messing with methods in mud with pigs and mangroves

Including non-humans in research

Supersonic combustion of hydrogen in Mach 2 flows over an axisymmetric model

Compression and flexural properties of ground macadamia nutshell particulate composites

Evaluation of NEXEN™ stabilized nitrogen applied to overhead irrigated cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

Agronomic performance of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and fertilizer use efficiency as affected by controlled and non-controlled traffic of farm machinery

Beyond the current Smartphone Application: Using smartphone hardware to measure UV radiation

Daniell cell investigation for energy storage

Modeling of multi-junction solar cells for maximum power point tracking to improve the conversion efficiency

Impact of incident light angle on the conversion efficiency of nano-structured GaAs solar cells

Axial flux PM coreless stator machine development for low speed wind generator

Enabling states, capitalising enterprise and confronting the social: issues and implications in researching contemporary social capital and enterprise

Designing and initial testing of a tyre strain sensing system to estimate slip in robotic platforms

A preliminary evaluation of static tests to detect slip using tyre strain sensing system in robotic platforms

Assessment of flexural stiffness and load carrying capacity using substructural system

Damage detection in arch bridges using vibration based damage detection techniques

Finite element model updating of civil engineering infrastructures: a literature review

Time-series coefficient-based deterioration detection algorithm

Damage quantification in beam-like structures from modal flexibility change

Detached eddy simulation of an adjustable radial ejector

Variational Autoencoders to Learn Latent Representations of Speech Emotion

Transfer learning for improving speech emotion classification accuracy

Automated cloud-based irrigation for centre pivot irrigated cotton and dairy pasture

IT service management knowledge ecosystem – literature review and a conceptual model

Board independence and firm performance: evidence from Bangladesh

Sedentary behaviors and adiposity in young people: causality and conceptual model

Clustering and correlates of screen-time and eating behaviours among young children

A cluster randomized controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of an individual planning intervention with collaborative planning in adolescent friendship dyads to enhance physical activity (TWOgether)

Stand More at Work (SMArT Work): using the behaviour change wheel to develop an intervention to reduce sitting time in the workplace

Self-reported domain-specific and accelerometer-based physical activity and sedentary behaviour in relation to psychological distress among an urban Asian population

Physical activity and sedentary behaviour research in Thailand: a systematic scoping review

Sheep, dingoes and kangaroos: new challenges and a change of direction 20 years on

Corporate board gender diversity and corporate social responsibility reporting in Malaysia

Does corporate social responsibility reporting enhance shareholders’ value? A simultaneous equation approach

The Philippine Competition Act and the small business sector framework for development

Drying shrinkage of alkali-activated fly ash/slag blended system

On the possibility of legal form in Mieville's speculative fictions

What drives green banking disclosure? An institutional and corporate governance perspective

The influence of corporate governance practices on corporate social responsibility reporting

Social capital and enterprise in the modern state

The voices of experience: teacher educators articulate their thoughts and concerns about current and future education policy and practice

A comparative study on the pore structure of alkali-activated fly ash evaluated by mercury intrusion porosimetry, N2 adsorption and image analysis

Pawsitive solutions: an overview of prison dog programs in Australia

Complex networks approach for depth of anesthesia assessment

The influence of socio-cultural constructs on educational praxis in Japan

Plant, invertebrate and pathogen interactions in Kosciuszko National Park

eDNA from roots: a robust tool for determining Phytophthora communities in natural ecosystems

Characterization of the piezoresistance in highly doped p-type 3C-SiC at cryogenic temperatures

A large pseudo-Hall effect in n-type 3C-SiC(1 0 0) and its dependence on crystallographic orientation for stress sensing applications

A generalized analytical model for joule heating of segmented wires

A novel differential privacy recommendation method based on distributed framework

A structural graph-coupled advanced machine learning ensemble model for disease risk prediction in a telehealthcare environment

Regional development and air freight service needs for regional communities

Investigation of the chemical residuals on the fused silica during chemical mechanical polishing

An in situ study of chemical-mechanical polishing behaviours on sapphire (0001) via simulating the chemical product-removal process by AFM-tapping mode in both liquid and air environments

Design of a mental calculation app for paramedic students

Human Head Modelling Simulation Applied to Electroconvulsive Therapy

Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Indus River Basin of Pakistan

Desalination of Seawater Using Geothermal Energy for Food and Water Security: Arab and Sub-Saharan Countries

Bioenergy and bioproducts in the Australian red meat processing industry: a case study

Teaching Fun Home to Instill Reading Resilience in First-Year Literature Students

Sustainability disclosure and earnings management

Strain effect in highly-doped n-Type 3C-SiC-on-glass substrate for mechanical sensors and mobility enhancement

Is a successful research career compatible with scholarship in nursing education?

Exploring facilitators and barriers to nurses’ uptake of postgraduate education in Australia

Embedding collaborative enhancement and reflection in science and mathematics initial teacher education programs

Mathematics Screencasts for Teaching and Learning

Electronic Sun Journals: integrating calibrated field radiometers and traditional dosimeters for monitoring personal sun exposure behavior

Using a Learning Management System to Improve Students' English Writing Skills

An Introduction to Technology-Based Innovations in Higher Education

The Palgrave handbook of education law for schools

ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information: Geospatial Applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) [Special Issue]

Relationships between families and schools: fostering communication and collaboration

Formative Assessment Practices for Pre-Service Teacher Practicum Feedback: Emerging Research and Opportunities

Exploring the effects of threat and error management on Australian general aviation

Thermoelectrical Effect in SiC for High-Temperature MEMS Sensors

Optical and Electrical Characterizations of Nanoscale Robust 3C-SiC Membrane for UV Sensing Applications

Atypical defect motions in brittle layered sodium titanate nanowires

Building energy optimisation under uncertainty using ACOMV algorithm

Tuning the amount of oxygen vacancies in sputter-deposited SnOx films for enhancing the performance of perovskite solar cells

Teaching mathematics through a growth mindset

Correction: Naphthalene flanked diketopyrrolopyrrole based organic semiconductors for high performance organic field effect transistors (New Journal of Chemistry (2018) 42 (12374–12385) DOI: 10.1039/C8NJ01453A)

Vinylene and benzo[c] [1,2,5]thiadiazole: Effect of the pi-spacer unit on the properties of bis(2-oxoindolin-3-ylidene)-benzodifuran-dione containing polymers for n-channel organic field-effect transistors

Ab initio study of two-dimensional PdPS as an ideal light harvester and promising catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction

Phthalimide and naphthalimide: Effect of end-capping groups on molecular properties and photovoltaic performance of 9-fluorenone based acceptors for organic solar cells

Unintentionally doped epitaxial 3C-SiC(111) nanothin film as material for highly sensitive thermal sensors at high temperatures

Photoresponse of a highly-rectifying 3C-SiC/Si heterostructure under UV and visible illuminations

Isotropic piezoresistance of p-type 4H-SiC in (0001) plane

Highly sensitive pressure sensors employing 3C-SiC nanowires fabricated on a free standing structure

Highly sensitive p-Type 4H-SiC van der Pauw sensor

Highly sensitive 4H-SiC pressure sensor at cryogenic and elevated temperatures

Highly sensitive 3C-SiC on glass based thermal flow sensor realized using MEMS technology

High-temperature tolerance of the piezoresistive effect in p-4H-SiC for harsh environment sensing

Degraded boiling heat transfer from hotwire in ferrofluid due to particle deposition

An on-chip SiC MEMS device with integrated heating, sensing, and microfluidic cooling systems

A rapid and cost-effective metallization technique for 3C-SiC MEMS using direct wire bonding

Low-cost graphite on paper pressure sensor for a robot gripper with a trivial fabrication process

Research and rural economies: delivering insight and impact in regional Australia

Monitoring of In-Season Salivary Alpha Amylase Trends for Professional Australian Rules Footballers

An Experimental and Numerical Investigation into the Aerodynamics of the ISS Re-entry

PPSF: an open-source privacy-preserving and security mining framework

Hydrogeological Controls of Spatial Variabiity of Arsenic in the Volcano-Sedimentary Complex of Geita District, Northern Tanzania

Preserving Data Privacy and Security in Australian My Health Record System : A Quality Health Care Implication

Rehabilitation of timber bridge piles using a wrapping system

Identifying and characterising the physical demands for an Australian specialist policing unit

Oral contraceptives augment the exercise pressor reflex during isometric handgrip exercise

Immune Response in Women during Exercise in the Heat: A Spotlight on Oral Contraception

Adding sleep restriction to the equation: impact on wildland firefighters’ work performance and physiology in hot conditions

The Post-Exercise Inflammatory Response to Repeated-Sprint Running in Hypoxia

Naphthalene flanked diketopyrrolopyrrole based organic semiconductors for high performance organic field effect transistors

Thermal effect on CZTS solar cells in different process of ZnO/ITO window layer fabrication

Octadecylamine-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes for facilitating the formation of a monolithic perovskite layer and stable solar cells

The potential for cool roofs to improve the energy efficiency of single storey warehouse-type retail buildings in Australia: A simulation case study

Suppression effects of cooling rate on crystallization in ZBLAN glass

Quantitative Measurement of Erythrocyte Aggregation as a Systemic Inflammatory Marker by Ultrasound Imaging: A Systematic Review

Diketopyrrolopyrrole based organic semiconductors with different numbers of thiophene units: Symmetry tuning effect on electronic devices

Naphthalimide end capped anthraquinone based solution-processable n-channel organic semiconductors: effect of alkyl chain engineering on charge transport

From nanometre to millimetre: a range of capabilities for plasma-enabled surface functionalization and nanostructuring

The R in the ELR Process: Reflection and the Emotions of PreService Teachers. A Case Study

Recipes from the Gingerbread House: Exploring the Witch Archetype to Address the Hidden Curriculum in Secondary Schools

A study on rapid forming of aerospace stiffeners

Recipes from the Gingerbread House: Exploring the Witch Archetype to Address the Hidden Curriculum in Secondary Schools

Utilizing large hall offset voltage for conversion free 4H SiC strain sensor

Ultra-thin LPCVD silicon carbide membrane: A promising platform for bio-cell culturing

SLIND: identifying stable links in online social networks

Anonymization of multiple and personalized sensitive attributes

ITIL processes to control operational risk in cloud architecture infrastructure for banking and financial services industry

Welcome message BESC 2018

Developing Feedback to Control an Intelligent Battery Charger for Wet Batteries

Will Pumped-Hydro Energy Storage Business Models Work for Peak Shaving Use?

Nano-structured GaAs Solar Cell Design, Simulation and Analysis for Conversion Efficiency Improvement

Variations on a Theme: Pre-service Mathematics Teacher Reflections Using an Affect-based Critical Moment Protocol

Teaching the History Threshold Learning Outcomes to First-Year Students

Real-Time 3D Mapping of Biopsy Fiducial Points using Two Infrared Cameras

Modeling the Main Fungal Diseases of Winter Wheat: Constraints and Possible Solutions

The effect of mood on performance in non-normal situations

Accountants' proactivity in intra-organisational networks: a strong structuration perspective

Development of a high temporal resolution electronic sun journal for monitoring sun exposure patterns

Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice 3

Essentials of Dynamics and Vibrations

View From the Paddock: Saying Thanks For Bunny's Life

Teacher development in technology-enhanced language teaching

Teaching Editing Skills and Standards Online

Using virtual worlds in educational settings: making learning real

In League with the Highway

The conundrum of defining paramedicine: more than just what paramedics 'do'

Rote learning: the ugly duckling of student paramedic education?

Transiting Exoplanet Monitoring Project (TEMP). III. On the Relocation of the Kepler-9 b Transit

Stellar Spin-Orbit Alignment for Kepler-9, a Multi-transiting Planetary System with Two Outer Planets Near 2:1 Resonance

The Hollywood Curriculum: teachers in the movies (Third revised edition)

Validity and reliability of the Setswana translation of the Short Form-8 health-related quality of life health survey in adults

We need to support more men to become primary teachers

Factors impacting the decision-making processes of qualified paramedics moving to a specialist role in community paramedicine

Muscle-strengthening exercise among 397,423 U.S. adults: prevalence, correlates, and associations with health conditions

Does Strength-Promoting Exercise Confer Unique Health Benefits? A Pooled Analysis of Data on 11 Population Cohorts With All-Cause, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Mortality Endpoints

Reliability and validity of self-reported sitting and breaks from sitting in the workplace

An improved non-local means filter for color image denoising

Spotty Liver Disease: A South East Queensland Perspective and Research Progress

Spotty Liver Disease: A review of an ongoing challenge in commercial free-range egg production

Prime real estate for the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus): Habitat requirements in a peri-urban environment

Microchips for macropods: First use of a microchip-automated door by a bridled nailtail wallaby (Onychogalea fraenata)

Faecal analysis reveals the insectivorous diet of the Black-breasted Button-quail Turnix melanogaster

You Are Not My Handler! Impact of Changing Handlers on Dogs’ Behaviours and Detection Performance

Who’s a Good Handler? Important Skills and Personality Profiles of Wildlife Detection Dog Handlers

Training a wild-born marsupial to use microchip-automated devices: the brush-tailed phascogale (Phascogale tapoatafa) as proof of concept

An empirical model for prediction of wheat yield, using time-integrated Landsat NDVI

Promotion of the profession

Seven reasons why people don’t want to be teachers

Minimising evaporation loss from irrigation storages

Queer, Difference, Heresy: Salt Lane Witches in 'Rupetta' and Out

Creation, Curation and Collaboration – a new framework for content management in academic libraries

Current and future goat production in Jembrana Regency, Bali Province

Researching real-world psychological practice: psychology consultations as data [Online case study]

Incidence and outcome of subarachnoid haemorrhage in the general and emergency department populations in Queensland from 2010 to 2014

Cost analysis of improving emergency care for aged care residents under a Hospital in the Nursing Home program in Australia

Family childcare types and conduct problem behaviors in young children: The mediation role of caregiver-child interaction

Sugar-sweetened beverages and school students' hypertension in urban areas of Nanjing, China

The potential role of open educational practice policy in transforming Australian higher education

Three-party password-based authenticated key exchange protocol based on the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption

Shifting pedagogies: embedding virtual worlds in teaching and learning

Anticipating engagement: pre-service teachers' perceptions of virtual worlds

Technical efficiency of small and medium manufacturing firms in Vietnam: A stochastic meta-frontier analysis

Model of care for people in Darling Downs Hospital & Health Service (DDHHS) regions with diabetes. Final evaluation report for Queensland Health (QH), Clinical Excellence Division

Provincial divergence and sub-group convergence in Vietnam’s GDP per capita

Reframing cinematography: interpreting cinematography in an emerging virtual practice

In Response to Letter to the Editor (from Roth) re Pre-warming RCT

Impact of irrigation wastewater pH on saturated hydraulic conductivity of acidic, neutral, and alkaline Kaolinitic soils

Best Value Contractor Selection in Road Construction Projects: ANP-Based Decision Support System

Concession period of public private partnership projects: industry–academia gap analysis

A systematic review of smart real estate technology: drivers of, and barriers to, the use of digital disruptive technologies and online platforms

System dynamics model to determine concession period of PPP infrastructure projects: overarching effects of critical success factors

Expanding Horizons in Open and Distance Learning

Evaluating the existing barriers in implementing constructability

Fundamentals of missed care: Implications for the perioperative environment

Helping sport management to protect corporate social responsibility

Is provision of professional development by RNs to nursing students a choice?

El Nino-Southern oscillation and associated climatic conditions around the world during the latter half of the twenty-first century

What can decadal variability tell us about climate feedbacks and sensitivity?

Engineering improved balance confidence in older adults with complex health care needs: learning from the Muscling Up Against Disability Study

The Need for an Understanding of Education Law Principles by School Principals

Stability chart for unsupported square tunnels in homogeneous undrained clay

The clash of the leaders: the intermix of leadership styles for resource bundling

Is digital hoarding a mental disorder? Development of a construct for digital hoarding for future IS research

Innovate or copy: a qualitative document analysis to entrepreneurship in developing countries

An efficient hash based parallel block cipher mode of operation

FE modeling of FRP strengthened CHS members subjected to lateral impact

CFRP-wrapped hollow steel tubes under axial impact loading

The role of enterprise systems in fostering innovation in contemporary firms

Designing of cell coverage in light fidelity

Impact of Web 2.0 on digital divide in AJ&K Pakistan

El Nino–Southern Oscillation complexity

A little gratitude goes a long way in the teaching profession [Blog post]

Predicted chance that global warming will temporarily exceed 1.5 °C

Teaching and supporting nursing students on clinical placements: doing the right thing

The adoption of the American Model of Fair Use in the UAE copyright law: the reconceptualization of copyright


Small non-coding RNAs are altered by short-term sprint interval training in men

Leukocyte telomere length in the Thoroughbred racehorse

Exercise and epigenetic inheritance of disease risk

Sprint Interval Training Decreases Circulating MicroRNAs Important for Muscle Development

Time-restricted feeding influences immune responses without compromising muscle performance in older men

microRNAs in High and Low Responders to Resistance Training in Breast Cancer Survivors

Effects of Acute and Chronic Exercise on Immunological Parameters in the Elderly Aged: Can Physical Activity Counteract the Effects of Aging?

The Effect of Resistance Training on Telomere Length in Women Recovering from Breast Cancer

Needleless connector decontamination: To use, or not to use, chlorhexidine?

Detecting relational states in online social networks

On link stability detection for online social networks

A metaheuristic algorithm for hiding sensitive itemsets

A recommender system with advanced time series medical data analysis for diabetes patients in a telehealth environment

A genetic algorithm based technique for outlier detection with fast convergence

Experiments and proofs in web-service security

A set of quality metrics for the evaluation of voice termination services

A Conceptual Model to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Information Technology Governance

Based on the internet plus the safety of agricultural products traceability research

An ensemble-based decision tree approach for educational data mining

Mining heterogeneous information graph for health status classification

Exploring the use of a network model in drug prescription support for dental clinics

Toward a practical measure of firm risk-taking: revisiting Bowman’s paradox

Data Privacy and System Security for Banking and Financial Services Industry based on Cloud Computing Infrastructure

Emerging Topic Detection from Microblog Streams Based on Emerging Pattern Mining

Block Bayesian Sparse Topical Coding

Data Fusion for MaaS: Opportunities and Challenges

Fuzzy Equivalence on Standard and Rough Neutrosophic Sets and Applications to Clustering Analysis

Proximity Coordinated Random Access (PCRA) for M2M applications in LTE-A

A study of ion wind generator using parallel arranged electrode configuration for centrifugal flow mixer

High accuracy smartphone video calibration for human foot surface mapping

A convolution-deconvolution method for improved storage and communication of remotely-sensed image data

Is change on the horizon for Maori and Pacifica female high school students when it comes to ICT?

Carbon nanotube four-terminal devices for pressure sensing applications

Investigating snipe depth in girders and corbels in timber bridges

The multi-modality of downwards accountability to beneficiaries within nonprofit organisations

Does transformational leadership always matter in frontline service roles?

Occultations from an Active Accretion Disk in a 72-day Detached Post-Algol System Detected by K2

Investigation of the empirical relation between student sketching, attendance and performance in construction education

The Warm Neptunes around HD 106315 Have Low Stellar Obliquities

EPIC 246851721 b: A Tropical Jupiter Transiting a Rapidly Rotating Star in a Well-aligned Orbit

Transiting Exoplanet Monitoring Project (TEMP). I. Refined System Parameters and Transit Timing Variations of HAT-P-29b

The atmosphere of WASP-17b: Optical high-resolution transmission spectroscopy

Secondary eclipses of WASP-18b – near-infrared observations with the Anglo-Australian Telescope, the Magellan Clay Telescope and the LCOGT network

KELT-21b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting the Rapidly Rotating Metal-poor Late-A Primary of a Likely Hierarchical Triple System

SMSS J130522.47−293113.0: a high-latitude stellar X-ray source with pc-scale outflow relics?

A Large Ground-based Observing Campaign of the Disintegrating Planet K2-22b

The KELT Follow-up Network and Transit False-positive Catalog: Pre-vetted False Positives for TESS

HATS-43b, HATS-44b, HATS-45b, and HATS-46b: Four Short-period Transiting Giant Planets in the Neptune–Jupiter Mass Range

HATS-36b and 24 Other Transiting/Eclipsing Systems from the HATSouth-K2 Campaign 7 Program

Enhanced methane bioenergy recovery at Australian piggeries through anaerobic co-digestion: Project 4C-113

Opening-up entangled conversations: engaging with the stories of refugee-background students in Australia


Marketing food brands: Private label versus manufacturer brands in the consumer goods industry

Transparency Isn't Spoon-Feeding: How a Transformative Approach to the Use of Explicit Assessment Criteria Can Support Student Self-Regulation

Conceptions of Research Methods Learning Among Psychology Undergraduates: A Q Methodology Study

Barriers to market for subsistence farmers in Fiji – A gendered perspective

Improved thermal stability of polyethylene with rare earth trifluoromethanesulfonate

A nitrogen-doped electrocatalyst from metal–organic framework-carbon nanotube composite

Effect of methodological choice on the estimated impacts of wool production and the significance for LCA-based rating systems

A biomimetic multifunctional electronic hair sensor

Workload monitoring and athlete management

A reverse engineered pitch on Cremers et al. (2015), 'Aggregate jump and volatility risk in the cross-section of stock returns'

Imagining women's suffrage: frontier landscapes and the transnational print culture of Australia, New Zealand, and the United States

'Cast off the shackles of yesterday': women's suffrage in Walt Disney's Mary Poppins

In flag-rante: Julia Gillard and the infamous ‘flag scene’ in ABC’s At Home with Julia

The gender-apartheid analogy in the transnational feminist imaginary: Ms. Magazine and the Feminist Majority Foundation, 1972-2002

Breaking boundaries, defying borders: transnational networks of gender and race in South Africa and the United States

One Hundred Years of Campaign Imagery: From Woman Suffrage Postcards to Hillary Clinton Memes

Over scaling: a comparison of the use of paper based and ePortfolios at two regional universities

Trends in environmental impacts from the pork industry: final report

International students and work experience: mapping of key research themes - executive summary and recommendations

Smarter Irrigation for Profit - Taggle IrriMATE Irrigation Advance Sensor & SMS notifier

Integrated data envelopment analysis: Linear vs. nonlinear model

Recovering the transnational life of Charlotte Maxeke: an interview with Zubeida Jaffer

A Multi-Objective Methodology for Selecting Lean Initiatives in Modular Construction Companies

A Proposed Algorithm for the Self-Healing of Power Distribution Networks

Protection analysis tool for distribution networks with a high embedded generation penetration

In-depth profiles of the expectations of undergraduate students commencing university: a Q methodological analysis

Pathways to a sustainable economy: Bridging the gap between Paris climate change commitments and net zero emissions

Is the literacy of small business owners important for cash flow management?: The experts’ perspective

A window into δ Sct stellar interiors: understanding the eclipsing binary system TT Hor

An astrophysical interpretation of the remarkable g-mode frequency groups of the rapidly rotating γ Dor star, KIC 5608334

Asteroseismology of KIC 7107778: a binary comprising almost identical subgiants

Performing arts activism for addressing climate change: Conceptualizing an intercultural choreographic practice and dance performance called Melting Ice

A TESS Dress Rehearsal: Planetary Candidates and Variables from K2 Campaign 17

TESS Discovery of a Transiting Super-Earth in the pi Mensae System

Deterrence of drug driving: The impact of the ACT drug driving legislation and detection techniques

Drivers' perceived legitimacy of enforcement practices for sleep-related crashes: What are the associated factors?

Greater rewards in videogames lead to more presence, enjoyment and effort

Incentives and disincentives for reducing emissions under REDD+ in Indonesia

What’s in it for me? The potential for managerial benefits to improve tax compliance

Sustainable coffee supply chain management: a case study in Buon Me Thuot City, Daklak, Vietnam

Causations of failure in megaprojects: A case study of the Ajaokuta Steel Plant project

Causal relationship between material price fluctuation and project’s outturn costs

Sustainable public-private partnerships: Balancing the multi-actor ecosystem and societal requirements

Quest for Student Success: An Exploration of the Academic Skill Needs of Higher Degree by Research Students at a Regional University

Seeing around corners: practice-led rituals of regional artists in academia

Harnessing the Bohemian: artists as innovation partners in rural and remote communities by Peter Skippington

The Satin Man [Textual Work: Poem]

Contrapower: on Sexual Harassment by Students

Electrophysiological activity is associated with vulnerability of Internet addiction in non-clinical population

A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial for a Videoconference-delivered Mindfulness-Based Group Intervention in a Nonclinical Setting

Connecting arts activism, diverse creativities and embodiment through practice as research

Revised Competitiveness Index for use in China: Translation and Rasch analysis

Problematic Mobile Phone Use and Addiction Across Generations: the Roles of Psychopathological Symptoms and Smartphone Use

Gender effects on auditory P300: A systematic review

High Performance Thermoelectric Materials: Progress and Their Applications

Vulnerability: An uncomfortable means to a positive place

Introduction to Assessment and Reporting

Three Schools of Nonprofit Thought: Evolution of the Field and Implications For Leadership

Creatively analysing dance a/r/tographically

Climate Services: For Informing Decisions and Managing Risk

ResBaz: My digital toolbox


Managing Reality (third edition) by B. Mitchell and B. Trebes

Pulsating stars in binary systems : a review

Period spacings of γ Doradus pulsators in the Kepler field: detection methods and application to 22 slow rotators

Managing complex assessment interventions: research within research

Evaluation of a large-scale inclusive assessment intervention: a novel approach to quantifying perceptions about assessment literacy

The intervening role of assessment literacy in relationships between feedback literacy and self-regulation

An Investigation into the Use of Ultrasonic Wave Transmission Techniques to Evaluate Air Voids in Asphalt

Operationalizing human values in software: A research roadmap

Integrating Social Values into Software Design Patterns

Transferring the knowledge: Adapting from post-retirement to workforce mentoring

Empowerment and legitimization of effected communities in post-disaster reconstruction

‘Hardworking, determined and happy’: first-year students’ understanding and experience of success

Student engagement in the educational interface: understanding the mechanisms of student success

Shaping the 21st century student experience at regional universities: Final Report

Alternative Pathways into University: Are tertiary preparation programs a viable option?

Economic and Environmental Impact of Energy Saving in Healthcare Buildings

Iron-based subsurface arsenic removal technologies by aeration: A review of the current state and future prospects

Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels this century will alter the protein, micronutrients, and vitamin content of rice grains with potential health consequences for the poorest rice-dependent countries

Low-enthalpy geothermal energy as a source of energy and integrated freshwater production in inland areas: Technological and economic feasibility

The effect of inlet temperature and spark timing on thermo-mechanical, chemical and the total exergy of an SI engine using bioethanol-gasoline blends

An Experimental Technology of Drying and Clean Combustion of Biomass Residues

A new era for Australian astronomy

The Effects of Camelina 'Soheil' as a Novel Biodiesel Fuel on the Performance and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engine

Experimental and numerical analysis of flow and heat transfer characteristics of EGR cooler in diesel engine

An overview of marine macroalgae as bioresource

Novel environmentally friendly fuel: The effects of nanographene oxide additives on the performance and emission characteristics of diesel engines fuelled with Ailanthus altissima biodiesel

Depression and Prostate Cancer: Examining Comorbidity and Male-Specific Symptoms

Becoming and Being a Social Entrepreneur in Regional Australia: What Can Be Learned and Shared

Analysis of Particulate Matter (PM) Emissions in Diesel Engines Using Palm Oil Biodiesel Blended with Diesel Fuel

Alcohol and ether as alternative fuels in spark ignition engine: A review

Factors associated with the use of complementary and alternative medicines for prostate cancer by long-term survivors

Ailanthus altissima (tree of heaven) seed oil: Characterisation and optimisation of ultrasonication-assisted biodiesel production

Thiolated arsenic in natural systems: What is current, what is new and what needs to be known

Plasma Interactions with the Space Environment in the Acceleration Region: Indications of CME-trailing Reconnection Regions

Limit state analysis of reinforced concrete slabs using an integrated radial basis function based mesh-free method

‘It's so messed up, it’s unfair’: conversations about the refugee crisis

Hypersonic Pitching Control Model Development

Pressure Fluctuations in a Hypersonic Ludwieg Tube with Free Piston Compression Heating

The Shape of the Story: Using the Lemniscate as a Narrative Structure for Writing Non-Linear Stories

Ghosts of Leigh and other plays

Re-framing cinematography: should we re-define our practice

Inclusive schoolwide pedagogical principles: cultural indicators in action

Talent management as a core source of innovation and social development in higher education

Observations of red-giant variable stars by Aboriginal Australians

Generational shift in melanoma incidence and mortality in Queensland, Australia, 1995–2014

Causes of irregularities in trends of global mean surface temperature since the late 19th century

Resveratrol Counteracts Insulin Resistance—Potential Role of the Circulation

Development and assessment of rules to parameterise the ACRU model for design flood estimation

Comprehensive Analysis of HD 105, A Young Solar System Analog

Asteroseismology of 16,000 Kepler Red Giants: Global Oscillation Parameters, Masses, and Radii

Effects of Long Chain Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Brain Function in Mildly Hypertensive Older Adults

Extent, distribution and cause of peanut kernel shrivel (PKS) syndrome in the Bundaberg and Northern Queensland regions

Interacting With Providers: An Intersectional Exploration of the Experiences of Carers of Aboriginal Children With a Disability

‘Death is difficult in any language’: A qualitative study of palliative care professionals’ experiences when providing end-of-life care to patients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

Super-Nyquist Asteroseismology with Future Space Missions


Median filters as a tool to determine dark noise thresholds in high resolution smartphone image sensors for scientific imaging

Bat algorithm for dam–reservoir operation

Health expenditure, child and maternal mortality nexus: a comparative global analysis

Characteristics of ecosystem water use efficiency in a desert riparian forest

The influence of climatic inputs on stream-flow pattern forecasting: case study of Upper Senegal River

Globalisation and traditional social-ecological systems: Understanding impacts of tourism and labour migration to the transhumance systems in the Himalayas

The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Ethics by R Iphofen and M Tolich

Parametric study on structural behavior of tubular K-joints under axial loading at fire-induced elevated temperatures

Probabilistic analysis of the local joint flexibility in two-planar tubular DK-joints of offshore jacket structures under in-plane bending loads

Static strength of axially loaded tubular KT-joints at elevated temperatures: Study of geometrical effects and parametric formulation

Removal of fluoride from water through bacterial-surfactin mediated novel hydroxyapatite nanoparticle and its efficiency assessment: Adsorption isotherm, adsorption kinetic and adsorption Thermodynamics

Detection of early infestations of Fall armyworm (FAW) in sweet corn and maize

Machine vision learning for crop disease and quality parameters

In League with the Highway (an endless panorama)

QUT’s Evaluation Framework Protocols: Protocols to accompany the policy for Evaluation of courses, units, teaching and student experience (Manual of Policy and Procedures C/4.7)


Assessing the feasibility and validity of the Toronto Childhood Cancer Stage Guidelines: a population-based registry study

Study on the Development of Neutrosophic Triplet Ring and Neutrosophic Triplet Field

Closing Gaps in Geometrically Frustrated Symmetric Clusters: Local Equivalence between Discrete Curvature and Twist Transformations

A short primer on innovative evaluation reporting by Hutchinson Kylie

A three arm cluster randomised controlled trial to test the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the SMART Work & Life intervention for reducing daily sitting time in office workers: study protocol

Leadership, inclusion, and quality education for all

Fabrication of nitrogen-doped graphene decorated with organophosphor and lanthanum towards high-performance polymer nanocomposites

Comfort: a project for cultural studies

The impact of digital communications on consumer perceptions of sport celebrity transgressions

An online engagement framework for higher education

Working memory capacity as a determinant of proactive interference and auditory distraction

Ripples and Rebounds: Tracing the Impact of Frankenstein

A sequential mixed methods investigation into a workplace-related phenomenon in the German Mittelstand

Linking internal service quality and casino dealer performance

Are Queensland brush-tailed phascogales different?

New marketing in fashion e-commerce

Consumer-based approach to customer engagement– The case of luxury brands

From gambling exposure to adaptation: Implications for casino sustainability

Long Chain Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Supplementation Protects Against Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide Chemotherapy-Induced Bone Marrow Damage in Female Rats

Can Curcumin Counteract Cognitive Decline? Clinical Trial Evidence and Rationale for Combining ω-3 Fatty Acids with Curcumin

Comparison of two low-fat diets, differing in protein and carbohydrate, on psychological wellbeing in adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes: a randomised clinical trial

Reductions in food cravings are similar with low-fat weight loss diets differing in protein and carbohydrate in overweight and obese adults with type 2 diabetes: A randomized clinical trial

Postmenopausal health interventions: Time to move on from the Women’s Health Initiative?

Rapid appraisal of a potential community-based citrus project in Fiji

Pretending to be authentic: challenges for students when reflective writing about their childhood for assessment

Addressing transport safety and accessibility for people with a disability in developing countries: a formative evaluation of the Journey Access Tool in Cambodia

Human-trafficking prevention is not 'sexy': Impact of the rescue industry on Thailand NGO programs and the need for a human rights approach

The influence of risk perception and brand image on airline passengers' travel behaviours

Contemporary music students' experiences of improvisation in the classroom

Understanding Super-Earths with MINERVA-Australis at USQ's Mount Kent Observatory

Rammed earth blocks with improved multifunctional performance

Review of Current State of Autonomous Technology in Agriculture

Sustainable road bases with microbial precipitation

How does Inattentional Deafness and Auditory Exclusion impact on Urgent Duty Driving of Heavy Vehicles in Emergency Services?

The influence of social factors and personality constructs on drink driving among young licenced drivers

Is it safe to cross? Identification of trains and their approach speed at level crossings

Effect of Inlet Pressure, Size and Wind Speed of an Evaporator on Amount of Refrigerant Charge and Performance of a Portable Propane Air Conditioner

Oil exponent thermal modelling for traction transformer under multiple overloads

Effects of Thermal Aging on Moisture Equilibrium in Oil-Paper Insulation

Effects of Thermal Aging on Moisture Diffusion in Insulation Paper Immersed with Mineral Oil

A Measurement Source Authentication Methodology for Power System Cyber Security Enhancement

Recent application examples of FNET/GridEye

Exploiting Spatial Signatures of Power ENF Signal for Measurement Source Authentication

FNET/GridEye for Future High Renewable Power Grids — Applications Overview

Advances In Conservation Through Sustainable Use Of Wildlife

Strange men [Lyric poem]

Transformational leadership and not for profits and social enterprises

With the Confidence of a Magician

Hallwalkers: queering gender and attraction through/in scriptwriting

Iced vovos: a one act play [Play script]

Landscape and memory: Frank Hurley and a nation imagined - Contemporary Art Exhibition - [Catalogue]

'It Came Upon a Midday Clear - The Battle of Jerusalem 1917' artwork featured in the group exhibition Landscape and memory: Frank Hurley and a nation imagined

Linden Postcard Show 2018-2019 (Stag Mending Ritual & Magical Wolf Coat Photographic series)

From the Little Art Spell Book (Dark Rituals, Magical Relics)

The seamstress (a)mending World War I history (original artwork in Landscape and Memory: Frank Hurley and a Nation Imagined exhibition)

The art lovers [Short drama]