Threshold concepts and ‘troublesome’ students: The uneasy application of threshold concepts to marginalised students

Interfaculty collaboration for improving international mobility experiences: sustaining a dialogue across difference

Autism and inclusive practices: mothers speak out

When an activity is more than just exercise: a scoping review of facilitators and barriers for yoga participation

The Role of Socio-economic and Female Indicators on Child Mortality Rate in Bangladesh: A Time Series Analysis

Dose-dependent associations of joint aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise with obesity: A cross-sectional study of 280,605 adults

Learning and exploring teacher identity: Preparing for teaching in the Partners in Literacy and Numeracy (PLaN) programme

A systematic literature review of the career choice of helping professionals who have experienced cumulative harm as a result of adverse childhood experiences

Computer says no? Limitations of tech-focused transitions to higher education for Australian LSES students

Frontline heroes: bush fires, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Queensland Press

A conceptual framework for blockchain smart contract adoption to manage real estate deals in smart cities

“I get all my ideas from the tree”: investigating elementary students’ views as reflexive writers

Understanding the conditions informing successful STEM clubs: what does the evidence base tell us?

Survey of Deep Representation Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition

Age-specific prevalence and predictors of tobacco consumption among male adults in India: subnational inequality and associated risk factors

Cybersecurity Policy Compliance in Higher Education: A Theoretical Framework

Artists as tricksters: Exploring boundary crossing between theory and practice in a new doctor of creative arts program

Circumventing erosion of professional learner identity development among beginning teachers

Australian teacher educators responding to policy discourses of quality

Pro-Wellbeing Tourism: The Dynamic Relationship Between Household Consumption Expenditure and Tourism Growth in Tanzania

Choose Your Own Adventure: Vocal Jazz Improvisation, Conceptual Metaphor, and Cognitive Embodiment

Critical success factors of strategy-led planning of high-profile projects

Utopia or dystopia – deterrents to ecotourism development in Fiji

Derivation of the Probability Density Functions for the Local Joint Flexibility Factors in Axially Loaded Two-Planar Tubular DK-Joints of Offshore Structures

Avoiding the accountability 'sham-ritual': An agonistic approach to beneficiaries' participation in evaluation within nonprofit organisations

Aymara childrens’ practice of transcendental meditation in Peru: a learning history model of parent and teacher perceptions

Can E-Flat be sexist?: Canonical keys as marginalizing practice in jazz

Leadership for change: pathways to activism for African women with disability

Teaching disability using problem-based learning in the international context: utility for social work

Does managerial ability matter for corporate climate change disclosures?

Smart grid mechanism for green energy management: a comprehensive review

Determinants and consequences of student satisfaction in Australian Universities: Evidence from QILT Surveys

Exploring self-care practices in foster carers: a qualitative study

Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) for COVID-19 self-testing kits delivery in smart healthcare setups: A technological perspective

Using microchip-reading antennas to passively monitor a mammal reintroduction in south-west Queensland

Data Caching Optimization With Fairness in Mobile Edge Computing

The evolution and determinants of corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure in a developing country: extent and quality

Key factors for implementation of total quality management in construction Sector: A system dynamics approach

The economics of COVID-19: a systematic literature review

Achieving Industry-aligned Education through Digital-Commons: A Case Study

Pulling the Trigger: A Systematic Literature Review of Trigger Warnings as a Strategy for Reducing Traumatization in Higher Education

Electronic medication administration records and nursing administration of medications: An integrative review

The creation of a nudging protocol to support online student engagement in higher education

‘There is power in the cry of a woman’: the approach of African women with disabilities to leadership

Perceptions of ethical climate and organizational justice as antecedents to employee performance: The mediating role of employees’ attributions of leader effectiveness

The impact of COVID-19 on visitors’ wayfinding within healthcare centers

Psychological Stress Management and Stress Reduction Strategies for Stroke Survivors: A Scoping Review

Mental health symptoms in children and adolescents during COVID-19 in Australia

Resporulation of Metarhizium anisopliae granules on soil and mortality of Tenebrio molitor: Implications for wireworm management in sweetpotato

Self-Administration or Practitioner Administration? The Scope of Future German Assisted Dying Legislation

Intersex awareness and education: what part can health and physical education bodies of learning and teaching play?

Bullying, discrimination, and sexual harassment among intensive care unit nurses in Australia and New Zealand: An online survey

Securing jobs with individual trait and organisational support?

A survey on deep reinforcement learning for audio‑based applications

Inequity in psychiatric healthcare use in Australia

Centralising professional staff: is this another instrument of symbolic violence in the managerialised university?

Publishing in the academy: An arts-based, metaphorical reflection towards self-care

Degradation Reduces Microbial Richness and Alters Microbial Functions in an Australian Peatland

Occupational (In)visibility: The emerging role of the Remote Education Tutor as an educational conduit

Fish-Out-of-Office: How managerialised university conditions makes administrative knowledge inaccessible to academics

Navigating the neo-academy: Experiences of liminality and identity construction among early career researchers at one Australian regional university

Factors Influencing Medication Errors in the Prehospital Paramedic Environment: A Mixed Method Systematic Review

Use of time-lapse 2D and 3D geoelectrical inverse models for monitoring acid mine drainage - a case study

Custom, conflict and the construction of heritage: European huts on the Tasmanian Central Plateau

The Effectiveness of Lucid Dreaming Practice on Waking Task Performance: A Scoping Review of Evidence and Meta-Analysis

Assessment of Densified Fuel Quality Parameters: A Case Study for Wheat Straw Pellet

Autism in the Australian workplace: the employer perspective

Effects of cognitive absorption on continuous use intention of AI-driven recommender systems in e-commerce

Carer involvement with children and child-friendly book ownership in Bangladesh

Why interculturalism does not always translate into action: Insights from teachers in an Australian primary school

Emotion Intensity and its Control for Emotional Voice Conversion

The role and place of mentorship for young people with blindness and low vision in educational contexts

Identifying informative tweets during a pandemic via a topic‑aware neural language model

Corporates’ sustainability disclosures impact on cost of capital and idiosyncratic risk

Radical rubrics: implementing the critical and creative thinking general capability through an ecological approach

Effect of hydrodynamic parameters on hydrogen production by Anabaena sp. in an internal‑loop airlift photobioreactor

'What about us?' Wellbeing of higher education librarians

An exploratory study: Using adapted interactive research design and contributive research method

Fostering Gender-IQ: Barriers and Enablers to Gender-affirming Behavior Amongst an Australian General Practitioner Cohort

Navigating intimate trans citizenship while incarcerated in Australia and the United States

Self Supervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Cross-Corpus and Cross-Language Speech Emotion Recognition

Analysis of contractors’ administrative characteristics in bid decision factors

Comparing compliance with commencement and use of two partograph designs for women in active labour: A randomised controlled trial

Psychometric Evaluation of a New Digitally Animated Child Self-Report Assessment Instrument: The Interactive Child Distress Screener

Survivorship care plans and information for rural cancer survivors

Inclusive, colour-blind, and deficit: Understanding teachers' contradictory views of Aboriginal students’ participation in education

Effects of COVID-19 on Global Financial Markets: Evidence from Qualitative Research for Developed and Developing Economies

Seasonal resource selection of an arboreal habitat specialist in a human-dominated landscape: a case study using red panda

Trans architecture and the prison as archive: 'don’t be a queen and you won’t be arrested'

Mental health and quality of life outcomes of gender-affirming surgery: A systematic literature review

Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network-Multilayer Perceptron Model for Solar Radiation Prediction

A new operando surface restructuring pathway via ion-pairing of catalyst and electrolyte for water oxidation

Safety and efficacy of midline catheters versus peripheral intravenous catheters: A pilot randomized controlled trial

“Good Australians Will Respond”: Transforming the Work Ethic in Popular Media, 1941–1945

Multimodality Information Fusion for Automated Machine Translation

Terahertz-Based Insulation Delamination Defect Inspection of Vehicle Cable Terminals

Fusarium pseudograminearum and F. culmorum affect the root system architecture of bread wheat

Reclaiming relationality in education policy: towards a more authentic relational pedagogy

Taking Pause: The Role of Art and Literature in Reimagining Human-Nonhuman Relations and Transdisciplinary Collaboration

Strain patterns of short span reinforced concrete beams under flexural loading: A comparison between distributed sensing and concrete damaged plasticity modelling

Laser-Induced Diaphragm Rupture for Improved Sequencing and Repeatability in a Hypersonic Facility

Indoor Built Environment and Older Adults’ Activity: A Systematic Review

Sleep stage classification in EEG signals using the clustering approach based probability distribution features coupled with classification algorithms

Day Programs for children and adolescents with eating disorders: A systematic review

Exploring the Impact of a Reflexive, co-designed Program of Professional Learning for the Teaching of Writing in Elementary School Classrooms

Recent advances in nacre-inspired anisotropic thermally conductive polymeric nanocomposites

Implementing best practice occupational therapist-led environmental assessment and modification to prevent falls: A qualitative study of two regional and rural public health services in Australia

Unrealised Potential: A Survey of Students as Partners in Australian University Libraries

Soil sensing and machine learning reveal factors affecting maize yield in the Mid-Atlantic USA

Multivariate adaptive regression splines analysis for 3D slope stability in anisotropic and heterogenous clay

A Trans Agent of Social Change in Incarceration: A Psychobiographical Study of Natasha Keating

Frequency of watching television, owning a mobile phone and risk of being overweight/obese among reproductive-aged women in low- and lower-middle-income countries: A pooled analysis from Demographic and Health Survey data

Pattern recognition describing spatio-temporal drivers of catchment classification for water quality

A dense mini-Neptune orbiting the bright young star HD 18599

Multi-lump formations from lump chains and plane solitons in the KP1 equation

Microneedle Technologies for Food and Crop Health: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives

The Playground Shade Index: A New Design Metric for Measuring Shade and Seasonal Ultraviolet Protection Characteristics of Parks and Playgrounds

A Conceptual Framework towards Knowledge Ambidexterity using Information Systems and Knowledge Management

O tempora: The current presence of classics and ancient history in Australian and New Zealand public universities

Successful health promotion, its challenges and the way forward in Nepal


Investigative Journalism in Changing Times: Australian and Anglo-American Reporting

Annotation for critical reading: An action research project

Parental support and adolescents' coping with academic stressors: A longitudinal study of parents' influence beyond academic pressure and achievement

The Perceived Vulnerability to Disease Scale: Cross-cultural measurement invariance and associations with fear of COVID-19 across 16 countries

Adolescents' online appearance preoccupation: A 5-year longitudinal study of the influence of peers, parents, beliefs, and disordered eating

Exploring the links between perceptions of protection and control online and social connectedness among socially anxious youth

Social Work Practice and People Living with Disability

Neoliberal Capitalism and its Impact on Individual and Community Health: Implications for Critical Social Workers

Health Social Work in Regional, Rural and Remote Settings: Responding to the Intersection of Location, Disadvantaged Populations and Communities

Teaching global competence, creating global citizens: Critical citizenship education in higher education

Lived experiences of persons with disabilities living with HIV in accessing HIV services in Africa: a qualitative systematic review

Hosting Australian Social Work Students on Exchange: The Search for Equity and Mutual Benefit Between the Global South and North

Barriers Faced by Australian and New Zealand Women When Sharing Experiences of Family Violence with Primary Healthcare Providers: A Scoping Review

Sir Charles Lilley and the Grimley Affair

MMC-IEM with varying particle weights: A numericallyconservative method for a single reference variable

Gaussian particle selection pairing for the generalised binomial Langevin multiple mapping conditioning model

Skeleton strength – not the bone kind

Insights into abusive workplace behavior

Ocean Governance, Blue Economy and the Constitution of Bangladesh: Emerging Rights of the People and Nature

Leakage beyond the primary lesion: A temporal analysis of cerebrovascular dysregulation at sites of hippocampal secondary neurodegeneration following cortical photothrombotic stroke

Opportunities in Australia to promote the beneficial use of coal combustion products in construction

Collaborative Synchronous Coaching to support triadic collaboration and bridge the theory-practice divide in initial teacher education

Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Climate Change Resolution: A quiet interaction of ocean and climate change legal regimes

Reflex Projects 2014-2022

Beyond Master Narratives: A Reassessment of the Apprentice Riot of 1592

Refocusing and reimagining a new undergraduate speech pathology program to embed Compassionate Care

Host switching and geographic expansions in (hemi)biotrophic plant pathogens

Hyperparasitic fungi against melon powdery mildew pathogens: Quantitative analysis of conidia released from single colonies of Podosphaera xanthii parasitised by Ampelomyces

Organising the content of supervision

Essential and desirable skills needed for an intensive care specialist career in rural Australia

Student Perceptions of ChatGPT Through an Expectancy Value Theory

Impact of System Strength and Control Parameters on the Small-Signal Stability of Grid Following and Grid Forming Inverters

Research interest and associated outcomes of medical students training rurally

Evaluating the importance of rural medical internships to longer-term workforce distribution outcomes

Unpacking the middle-class worldview in occupational science

Evaluating a student placement model combining interprofessional education and supervision: what took us five years?

Plenary panel: What leadership do we need for the future of the health workforce?

Propelling Rural IPE Research

Assessing PREDICTA®B as a Potential Disease Risk Management Decision Tool for Sorghum Charcoal Rot Based on Disease Levels, Lodging, and Associated Yield Loss

BOO-ST and CBCEC: two novel hybrid machine learning methods aim to reduce the mortality of heart failure patients

Flight-to-Liquidity and Excess Stock Return: Empirical Evidence from a Dynamic Panel Model

Patterns in Making Victims' Gender Visible or Invisible in News Media Reporting of Boko Haram's Massacres and Kidnappings

Student success advising at a Regional University Centre: University of Southern Queensland

If you build it, will they come? Student Success Advising at a Regional University Study Hub

Australian parents' and caregivers' knowledge and attitudes regarding button battery safety: A national survey

Channel-Agnostic Training of Transmitter and Receiver for Wireless Communications

A Three-Step Framework for Assessment Design for Academic Integrity

How to say gay: what should happen in Australia

Mt. Morning 'Restorations'



Addressing the GP vocational training crisis in remote Australia: Lessons from the Northern Territory

Rural medical workforce pathways: exploring the importance of postgraduation rural training time

Healthcare workers' understanding of interprofessional education and collaborative practice in regional health settings: A survey study

Understanding the non-professional needs of early career doctors: An interview-based study

Medical student interest and participation in research at one rural clinical school: Insights from the last six years

Twelve tips to support healthcare teams to incorporate interprofessional education and collaborative practice into day-to-day workplace practices

Submission on the Australian Universities Accord Discussion Paper: February 2023

Knowledge-Based Nonlinear to Linear Dataset Transformation for Chronic Illness Classification

Predicting learners' performance using MOOC clickstream

HA-CMNet: A Driver CTR Model for Vehicle-Cargo Matching in O2O Platform

Tree-like Interaction Learning for Bundle Recommendation

The Impact on Employability by COVID-19 Pandemic - AI Case Studies

User-Meal Interaction Learning for Meal Recommendation: A Reproducibility Study

Interrelated feature selection from health surveys using domain knowledge graph

Adults' perspectives of experiences and preferences for end-of-life care

Undergraduate nurses’ reflections on visual thinking learning to construct inductive reasoning through situated patient pictures: a mixed method study

Corrigendum to "Understanding COPD Emergency Department presentations: using thematic analysis to explore the voices of patients, nurses, and doctors on the lived experience of managing COPD '' [Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, volume 40, issue 1

Emergency department presentations during the COVID-19 pandemic in Queensland (to June 2021): interrupted time series analysis

Interventions and strategies to prevent medical device-related pressure injury in adult patients: A systematic review

Clinical Instructors' Perspectives on the Assessment of Clinical Knowledge of Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Descriptive Phenomenological Approach

An Exploration of Psychological Resilience among Undergraduate Nursing Students Undertaking an Adult Nursing Virtual Practicum during the Coronavirus Pandemic in Taiwan: A Qualitative Study

Models of care for frail older persons who present to the emergency department: A scoping review of the literature

A grid of 200 000 models of young δ Scuti stars using mesa and GYRE

Submission to Independent Evaluation of the JobKeeper Payment

Soil abounds with life – and supports all life above it. But Australian soils need urgent repair

Peatland carbon stabilization under changing Alpine climatic conditions

Plant and soil fungal community responses to cultural burning

AusME 2022 Melbourne conference

Utilising Situational Analysis to Understand Educator-Family Collaborative Partnerships in a Poststructural Case Study

Minimizing Harm and Maximizing Benefit: Transforming Learning and Teaching for the Helping Professions

Preventing violence against healthcare workers in hospitals settings: a systematic review of nonpharmacological interventions

Semi-arid irrigation farm dams are a small source of greenhouse gas emissions

Poultry litter increased irrigated cotton N uptake with limited improvement on 15N-labelled urea recovery over one season

Differential Controls of Greenhouse Gas (CO2, CH4, and N2O) Concentrations in Natural and Constructed Agricultural Waterbodies on the Northern Great Plains

Integrating terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems to constrain estimates of land-atmosphere carbon exchange

The Robot and Human Futures: Visualising Autonomy in Law and Science Fiction

The case of Yaroslav Hunka, and its echoes in Australia’s history

Firefighter posttraumatic stress disorder, cognitive impairment and social desirability: A quantitative work-based study

20 Years of Teachers' Work - Looking Back and Looking Forward (Part 1)

Realist Analysis

Editorial Power and Responsibility: Thinking About Schools While the Climate Changes

20 Years Teachers’ Work – looking back and looking forward (Part 2)

International Study of Teacher Leadership: A Rationale and Theoretical Framework

The role of spatial configuration on pedestrian walkability in commercial streets: A review of Space Syntax Analysis

Exploring the Dynamics of Pedestrian Behavior in Crowded Walking Streets: A Conceptual Review of Space Syntax Analysis

Global development trend and innovation of platform enterprises – an Australian perspective

Australian Agritech Ecosystem Map

2023 Australian Agritech Sector Report

Do the different phases of the menstrual cycle influence maximal strength characteristics in female team sport athletes?

Measuring What Matter: A submission to the Australian Treasury by Australian National Development Index (ANDI) Limited

Measuring Livability: What Kind of Australia Do We Want to Live In?

Measuring Wellbeing: What Kind of Australia Do We Want to Live In?

Monitoring, evaluation and learning report for the drought resilience leaders program

First 5 Forever Evaluation Overview

Exploring the role of place-based arts initiatives in addressing social inequity in Australia: A systematic review

Deep learning based sleep stage classification studies

The Impact of Outsourcing and Full-Cost pricing initiatives on Local governments

Regional Drought Resilience Plan for the Darling Downs 2022-2030.

Regional Drought Resilience Plan for South West Queensland 2022-2030

Estimation of erythemal radiation reflectance based on photopic weighted reflected irradiance

Community Paramedicine in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand: A multi-method landscape scan

Questions about the effects of interventions

The production of inflectional /s/ by Arabic learners of English

Antecedents of the entrepreneurial mindset of young Rural, Regional and Remote (RRR) women and their intention to engage in entrepreneurial behaviour

PhD by LMS: Using a learning management system to facilitate self-directed learning in a doctoral study

Suicide and suicidality in Fiji: a scoping review

Modelling floodplain vegetation responses to catchment hydrology under different climate change scenarios

Hybrid and flexible learning

Non-invasive and non-contact automatic jaundice detection of infants based on random forest

Radio Source Localization using Sparse Signal Measurements from Uncrewed Ground Vehicles

Exploring Adversarial Robustness of LiDAR Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Driving

Developing and adopting nutrient management guidelines for sugarcane grown on alluvial soils derived from volcanic parent material in Nicaragua

Evaluating Total Productivity of Cement Manufacturing Options with Mass Customisation Technologies

Electric Polarization and Charge Transfer Driven Antiferromagnetic Half-Metallicity in 2D VS2 /MoSSe Heterostructures

The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS). A parsec-scale multi-phase outflow in the super-Eddington NLS1 Mrk 1044

Still alive and kicking: A significant outburst in changing-look AGN Mrk 1018

The Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS): An Interplay between Radio Jets and AGN Radiation in the Radio-quiet AGN HE0040-1105

Optimizing the Seasonal Shade and Ultraviolet Protection of a Suburban Playground by Utilization of the Playground Shade Index

Enzymatic Investigation of Spongospora subterranea Zoospore Attachment to Roots of Potato Cultivars Resistant or Susceptible to Powdery Scab Disease

Carbon reduction and resource recycling from on-farm dairy waste in Australia

Overcoming the fear of death: Suicide capability within the ideation-to-action framework

Integrating meta cybernetics and viable system model for redesigning complex systems and managing emergent behaviour

Beyond Bushfire Preparedness: Evaluating the impact of a higher education sustainability unit on bushfire-related attitudes and behaviours

Development of new eco-friendly grout products using waste materials for sustainable mining and construction

Gender order through social censure: an examination of social exclusion in sport coaching

Trauma-informed abuse education in sport: engaging athlete abuse survivors as educators and facilitating a community of care

Athlete and coach-led education that teaches about abuse: an overview of education theory and design considerations

From invisible to visible: Terrestrial biodiversity assessments and conservation policies must include soil organisms in Australia

Feelings about feedback: Differing perceptions among teachers and students in a university preparation program in Australia.

Fleming's Law of Torts

Educators must step up to prepare nursing and midwifery students for work in a climate emergency

Deep Image Analysis for Microalgae Identification

Organisational Culture and Organisational Outcomes: An Inquiry into Vietnamese Organisations

Making the call: An exploration of principal decision-making and autonomy in a Queensland state school context

Exploring success in Technology Leadership and Pathways to catalyse participation of Women in Leadership

Enhancing the adoption of temperature monitoring technologies: the case study of selected Australian vegetable supply chains

An exploration of the factors contributing to paramedic medication errors in the pre-hospital environment

Adaptive space as coalescence of existing spaces in language education contexts: perceptions of space through a Lefebvrian lens

A work-based study of hospitality vocational education and training and its relevance to independent restaurants in Australia

An investigation of the psychometric properties of the career education and development scales

Artificial intelligence informed simulation of dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen from ungauged catchments to the Great Barrier Reef

Marketing and recruitment strategies used by regional Australian universities in Thailand: a mixed methods study investigating their influence on Thai students’ decision to enrol

Competence, confidence and opportunity of early career secondary teachers to create effective summative assessment

Women of note: The lived experience of female popular musicians in Brisbane

Understanding the interplay between vertical land motion and hydrological loading in the Australian mainland

Evaluation of Land Subsidence and Underground Water Storage Variation Caused by Coal Seam Gas Industry Activities in Western Downs, Queensland, Australia

Revolutionizing healthcare with federated reinforcement learning: from machine learning to machine unlearning

101 positions: The role women play in erotic art

Through-thickness dielectric sensing for thermoset composite cure analysis and process validation

Top-k socio-spatial co-engaged location selection for social users

Towards Multi-User, Secure, and Verifiable kNN Query in Cloud Database

Incremental graph computation: Anchored Vertex Tracking in Dynamic Social Networks

Test record 2023

Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT 'EM) Survey. III. Recovery and Confirmation of a Temperate, Mildly Eccentric, Single-transit Jupiter Orbiting TOI-2010

Trouble in paradise: When two species of conservation and cultural value clash, causing a management conundrum

In vitro screening of topical formulation excipients for epithelial toxicity in cancerous and non-cancerous cell lines

Extra! Extra! Tabloid justice!: The news panic about a celebrity spy©

Female Sleuths and Postfeminism in Modern American Crime Shows: Bones and Castle

Playing With Power: Using Collage to Bring Reflexivity to Management Studies

Spare the rod and spoil the pervert: Corporal punishment and the nineteenth century in popular culture

Correction: Marketing agility in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) contexts: a systematic literature review and future research agenda

Supporting First Year Online Law Students with Their Transition to University: Developing Law-Specific Resources on Academic Integrity and the Academic Ennvironment

Crossing the T - Enabling the Engineer of 2035

Knowledge Tracing Based on Gated Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Networks

IDGMS: a One-Stop Graph Mining System for Infectious Diseases

Formulating Interference-aware Data Delivery Strategies in Edge Storage Systems

Debiased Learning of Self-Labeled Twitter Data for User Demographic Prediction

Fast Fourier Transform and Ensemble Model to Classify Epileptic EEG Signals

The Threat of Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack for User Equipment in 5G Networks

A Parallel Framework for Streaming Graphs Computing

Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection based on Autoencoder using Superpixel Manifold Constraint

A Generative Adversarial Active Learning Method for Effective Outlier Detection

Decentralized Blockchain Network

Tear my stillhouse down: An exploration of collaborative studio practice in record production

Maintenance check flight accidents (a new approach to air safety investigations)

Pre-Event Self-Efficacy and Sports Performance: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

Lego Challenge: Build Something Invisible

Editors and trauma: Why we need an industry framework

Subverting Trauma: Evidencing a need for trauma-informed principles in editing practice

Supporting transition to recovery through outpatient group therapy for people with substance use disorders

Assessing consumer food safety behaviour in Bangladesh: an exploration of knowledge, attitude, practices (KAP), and the influences of Covid-19

Thriving in the third space: A case study for developing academic professionals through the "Scholarship Boost" program

Freedom of Speech in the Woke Era: Critical Race Theory and State Neutrality

Implementation and feasibility of dialectical behaviour therapy for adolescents: a group program delivered in a tertiary care setting

Overcoming challenges faced by pale-skinned aboriginal men on mainstream western boards

Design, construction and application of bio-inspired flame retardant nanocoatings for fire protection and warning

Secure Zonotopic Set-Membership State Estimation for Multi-Rate Complex Networks Under Encryption-Decryption Mechanism

Upcycling of nickel oxide from spent Ni-MH batteries as ultra-high capacity and stable Li-based energy storage devices

One Checklist At A Time: Towards simplifying satellite internet access in Asia-Pacific

Privacy in the age of remote sensing during natural disasters in Australia and Indonesia

Privacy Risks and Legal Jurisprudence in the Emerging Metaverse: Evaluating the Use of Digital Avatar Personas for Governance and Data Privacy Law Reform

Selection of Cloud Service Providers: A Fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis Approach

'Crossing' in Print 2023

Enhancing short academic presentations through extended independent practice using VoiceThread

Application of inclusive multiple model for the prediction of saffron water footprint

Performance of sustainable concrete incorporating recycled polyethylene terephthalate (pet) granules

Understanding movement behaviours in shift workers: towards the development of a health promotion program for shift workers

Balancing pre- and post-anthesis growth to maximize water-limited yield in cereals

An optimal combination of sowing date and cultivar could mitigate the impact of simultaneous heat and drought on rainfed wheat in arid regions

Evaluation of project scope planning in the engineering megaproject management process for transport sector projects

Superior leaf physiological performance contributes to sustaining the final yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotypes under terminal heat stress

Evaluation of water shortage in wheat production in Iran

Child maltreatment and resilience in adulthood: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

Vending machines can increase access to HIV testing for diverse groups at risk of HIV and STI: facilitators for use and additional opportunities

A Kid Called Troy at 30: this beautiful Aussie film was one of the most important HIV/AIDS documentaries ever produced

The criticality of teacher educator wellbeing: Reflecting through arts-based methods

STI and HIV testing: examining factors that influence uptake among domestic Australian-born, domestic overseas-born and international tertiary students studying in Australia

A discussion support system to rapidly assess economic and environmental impacts of different sugarcane irrigation practices

Migrant workers and uae national security: a mixed methods futures approach and scenarios toward 2050

An Island Threshold Setting Technique using Branch Current from PMU of a Hybrid Distribution System

Cybersecurity Defence of Synchrophasors in Distribution Systems: A Deep Learning Approach

Australian agricultural exports: Perspective exchange rate, trade balance, and environment

Data privacy and system security on cloud computing architechture for banking and financial services industry

The impacts and implications of community planning on resilience in rural and regional communities

Lost Without It

Reconceptualising and humanising support for incarcerated students

“Neither right nor wrong, just different”: Applying a framework of best practice in ALL professions to enhance First Nations Voice in the ‘third space

Feminism & the Voice to Parliament Referendum – The intersectional affair no one is talking about

Multi-Method Approaches for Sleep EEG Analysis And Sleep Stage Classification

Critical media literacy and English for academic purposes: an examination of teacher and student perspectives and practices

Leading cultural change towards inclusive practice development in an Australian secondary school

Deep learning based sleep stage classification

MusicMaking and Civic Imaginationby David A. Camlin

VPFL: A verifiable privacy-preserving federated learning scheme for edge computing systems

An Investigation of BIM Advantages in Analysing Claims Procedures Related to the Extension of Time and Money in the KSA Construction Industry

Moving beyond deficit media figurations of young people: troubling the contemporary ‘youth crime crisis’

An Exploration of Teachers Leading in Many Ways Across Varying School Contexts

A simplified theoretical prediction of lateral deformation behaviour of structural pipe repair systems

Post-Pandemic Solidarity Through Social Justice Pedagogy in America and Beyond: An AsianCrit Autoethnographic Account of Race, Justice, and Education

Learning to Become Politically Incorrect: A Non-indigenous ‘Asian’ Australian Teacher’s AsianCrit Autoethnographic Account

National anti-racism framework project: Scoping research on anti-Asian racism and role of the national human rights institution

AsianCrit and Autoethnography: A future-focussed fugue of collaborative inquiry

A Tumultuous Tale of Socially Just Teaching: A Migrant Asian Australian Teacher’s Critical Autoethnographic Account of Guiding White Bodies Through an Asian Ethnoburb

DRAWing masculinity: An autoethnographic exploration of be(com)ing a man

Being Stuck: Autoethnographically En-gender-ing an Anti-sexist Teaching Praxis

The academic integrity-artificial intelligence nexus: An institutional and personal normative risk to quality of learning and teaching at higher education institutions

Philosophical Inquiry and Enhancing Adolescents’ General Reasoning Abilities and Well-Being

A Trans-Tasman Challenge: The Zurich Insurance Litigation Reviewed

Axial load transfer mechanism of rock bolts

Early detection of meter faults and hazards using electricity smart meter data

Influences on senior schooling pathway choices of first nations students from remote communities

Autoethnographically interrogating school-based anti-“Asian” racism in post(?)-pandemic times: An AsianCrit-informed composite palimpsest

Feasibility and potential effects of tai chi for the fatigue-sleep disturbance-depression symptom cluster in patients with breast cancer: Protocol of a preliminary randomised controlled trial

Do small business care? The perception of small businesses and their literacy

Mineral-derived Fire Retardants

Interactive Practices in a Library Makerspace Using Technology to Deliver Positive Student Outcomes

Finding exact solutions for selected nonlinear evolution differential equations

‘I think most of the teachers go running when they see me’: The perceptions parents of dyslexic children on barriers to meaningful parent-school partnerships in Australia

‘It’s alright. My mum will fix it.’: Using the experiences of dyslexic children and their parents to draw a distinction between advocacy and allyship

Reflecting on rapport: Strategies for online interviews about sensitive or distressing topics when interviewing children with disabilities

Integrating Stepped-Care Approaches into Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Young People with Anxiety Disorders

The Colour Analysis of Meteors Using the Desert Fireball Network

Servant leadership in higher education: An autoethnographic account of one university teacher's journey embedding servant leadership and servant teaching in two Australian online enabling courses

Jiu jitsu as a lived body: A triadic composition of embodied practice

Creating Mary Poppins: Exploring the Dynamics of the Artistic Collaboration between the Illustrator Mary Shepard and the Writer P.L. Travers

The effect of maternal employment on children's dietary habits, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour

Factors Influencing Retention among Regional, Rural and Remote Undergraduate Nursing Students in Australia: A Systematic Review of Current Research Evidence

Experiences of Chinese advanced cancer patients after attending a “four-stage” death education programme: A qualitative study

Quality of life patient/cancer survivor version in Chinese cancer survivors: A validation study

Developing a typology for designing appropriate learning and teaching professional development strategies for an Australian regional university

Lending a helping paw for Australians with post-traumatic stress disorder

Teaching Resilience to Children in Australia

An exploration of the relations between dispositional traits, cognitive flexibility and job search self-efficacy

Impact of online marketing activities on consumers' online purchase intentions in the Australian retail sector

A Case Study of a School Accreditation Journey, Focusing on How the School Community Cater to the Needs of Future-Orientated Twenty-first Century Learners

Investigating dynamic capabilities for sustainability-driven competitive advantage

Optical fibre sensors and deep learning algorithms based structural health monitoring framework for reinforced concrete beams

Investigating the State of Indigenous Knowledges at the University of Southern Queensland

Entering the zone: studio approaches inspiring artistic presence: the line and the area in painting

Testing the Validity and Reliability of the Barriers to Home Bowel Cancer Screening Scale

Sovereignty under the Australian Constitution: Why is Section 6 of the Australia Acts Binding on State Parliaments?

Legal Theory

Efficiency of Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Survey Works: Assessment, Modelling, and Monitoring

3D LoD2 and LoD3 Modelling of Rotating Surface Building of Ornamental Towers starting from LiDAR Data

Investigating UbD as a course design framework for educators to evidence pedagogical decision sin higher education

Emergency public health management: a game theoretic analysis

If we don't take that who will: an ethnographic exploration of a local studies collection in an Australian public library

Efficacy and welfare of aversive geofencing devices for managing the movements of Asian elephants

Two professional hats on one attitudinal head: An exploration of Custodial Correctional Officers' role perception and performance within the organisational cultural context of Queensland Corrective Services correctional facilities

Development and validation of an evidence-based breathing exercise intervention protocol for chronic pain management in breast cancer survivors

Breathing exercises for pain management in cancer survivors: A Systematic Review

A socioecological description of the influencing factors to midwives’ management of preeclampsia in a Ghanaian tertiary hospital

Somatic acupressure for the fatigue-sleep disturbance-depression symptom cluster in breast cancer survivors: A phase II randomized controlled trial

Effects of somatic acupoint stimulation on anxiety and depression in cancer patients: An updated systematic review of randomized controlled trials

Behavioural activation for depressive symptoms in young people with emerging or early psychosis: A pilot study protocol

Barriers and enablers to implementing clinical practice guidelines in primary care: an overview of systematic reviews

A Peer Education Program for Adolescent Girls in Refugee Camps in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Coping with Transitions

Modelling the Association between Vitamin D Deficiency and Incidence of Covid-19 Infection Adjusting for the Confounders and Unobserved Heterogeneity

Exploring the experiences of the new graduate registered nurse in caring for the deteriorating patient in rural areas

Corporate governance practices of the Solomon Islands state-owned enterprises and the wantok system influence

The impact of prenatal maternal medication and dietary habits and parental alcohol consumption on childhood obesity and overweight risk in Australia

An examination of the impact of entrepreneurial leadership factors on the venture growth intentions of women in rural, regional and remote enterprises

Solar ultraviolet radiation predictions under cloud cover effects with artificial intelligence approaches

A New Sheriff in Town? Section 596A and Shareholders’ Newfound Powers

The Search for Truth: Filming the Battle of Meewah

Australian children's picture books, the Frontier Wars, and Joseph Campbell's hero with a thousand faces

The very marrow of the national idea: Frontier wars and the Australian curriculum

War on the Frontier

Looking into the “Dark Mirror”: Autoethnographic Reflections on the Impact of COVID-19 and Change Fatigue on the Wellbeing of Enabling Practitioners

A ‘civil minority’: Costante Danesi, minority community resilience and Australian democracy, 1918–45

Italy and Queensland: Interconnected Histories

Examining students’ behavioural engagement in lecture videos with and without embedded quizzes in an online course

Assessment design to support sound academic integrity practices for Pathways students

UniSQ College’s Focused Learning Mode: Democracy, dilemma and decisions

In-between like a Mangrove

The Other Alongside: Suburban Mangroves and the Postcolonial Swampy Gothic

The Colonial Kangaroo Hunt by Ken Gelder and Rachel Weaver

Social participation, altruism and learning opportunism: A phenomenography of adults’ learning through workplace experiences in rural community volunteering

HERSDA Guide: Enhancing Online Engagement in Higher Education

Designing an artificial intelligence tool to understand student engagement based on teacher's behaviours and movements in video conferencing

Describing a teacher’s pedagogical mathematical knowledge in STEM teaching

A right to adequate housing: Translating 'political' rhetoric into legislation

Circular economy, environmental quality and tourism receipts in Europe: A time series data analysis

Exploration of key drug target proteins highlighting their related regulatory molecules, functional pathways and drug candidates associated with delirium: evidence from meta-data analyses

Maternal Healthcare Services Utilisation and Its Associated Risk Factors: A Pooled Study of 37 Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Attribute Selection Hybrid Network Model for risk factors analysis of postpartum depression using Social media

A Modified Quantum-Inspired Genetic Algorithm Using Lengthening Chromosome Size and an Adaptive Look-Up Table to Avoid Local Optima

Psychometric Characteristics of the Brazil Mood Scale among Youth and Elite Athletes Using Two Response Time Frames

Asteroseismology and Spectropolarimetry of the Exoplanet Host Star λ Serpentis

Identification of epidemiological risk factors for spotty liver disease in cage-free layer flocks in houses with fully slatted flooring in Australia

Controlling peripheral intravenous catheter failure by needleless connector design: A pilot randomised controlled trial

Smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of microstructure induced stress overshoot in structured fluids

War against the Slave Trade: The Operations of the Royal Navy’s West Africa Squadron, 1807 – 1867 by Anthony Sullivan

Routing Protocol for Healthcare Applications Data Over the 6LoWPAN-based Wireless Sensor Networks

Facile Fabrication of “Tacky”, Stretchable, and Aligned Carbon Nanotube Sheet-Based Electronics for On-Skin Health Monitoring

Paediatric Emergency Asthma Presentations: Temporal Trends and Representations in Rural Australia

An exploration of nurses’ experience following a face-to-face or web-based intervention on patient deterioration

Challenges of Sustainable Solar Power Generation in Small Tropical Island Nations Such as Fiji Island

Listening to young children with/in nature: relational, pedagogical, and community approaches that work

Artificial Intelligence: what is it and what does it mean for cotton?

Variable-rate irrigation: hardware and software tools for improved infield irrigation

Research and industry engagement for Ag tech development

Modelling of shoreline changes of coral reef islands using satellite observations and cloud computing

Machine learning for estimation of tree inventory parameters using terrestrial laser scanning, photogrammetry and UAV data

Future Visions of Policing

An open educational resource to teach language and culture

Doctor Who: what the show gets wrong about climate change and energy justice − new research


More Than Colleagues, Less Than Human: Implications of Anthropomorphic Policing

“Scotland Yard will never catch him”: Victorian Detectives on Television

Watching the Cops: Essays on Police and Policing in 21st Century Film and Television

Introduction: Past and Future Visions of Policing

The Corrs Down Under 2023 (with Toni Childs and Natalia Imbruglia)

Promotion of Inclusion and Wellbeing In Education

Is Knowledge Ambidexterity the Answer to Economic Sustainability for SMEs? Lessons Learned from Digitalisation Efforts During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Barriers and facilitators to publicly‑funded gender‑affirming surgery: the perspectives amongst a cohort of Australian clinicians

Respiratory eukaryotic virome expansion and bacteriophage deficiency characterize childhood asthma

Conceptualizing the employability agency of international graduates

Biographical Essay of Mary Shelley

Innovative School Leadership: Impacting Aboriginal Student Outcomes into the Future

Assessing the Evidence in Indigenous Education Research Implications for Policy and Practice

The future of work: how John Curtin was calling for a new cooperative work ethic 80 years ago

Shedding light on “Rough Justice”: The ABC digital story innovation team

Golden Ages of Journalism

Ronald Morgan (Ron) Richards (1928–2000)

Rubrics – Know How to Use Them and How to Write Them

Trees of Convergency

A Visual Analysis of Meet … Captain Cook (2011) – a Modern Australian Picture Book

Detection of Depression and Its Likelihood in Children and Adolescents: Evidence from a 15-Years Study

A survey of lineage‐specific genes in Triticeae reveals de novo gene evolution from genomic raw material

The broad use of the Pm8 resistance gene in wheat resulted in hypermutation of the AvrPm8 gene in the powdery mildew pathogen

Initial teacher education: Are we missing something?

I made a Film with a 100 Year old Camera

Asymmetric Jurisdiction Clauses by Brooke Marshall

Development of an enhanced bidirectional recurrent neural network combined with time-varying filter-based empirical mode decomposition to forecast weekly reference evapotranspiration

Are engineering programs meeting the 2035 professional and personal requirements?

Photovoltaic Effect-Based Multifunctional Photodetection and Position Sensing Using a 3C-SiC/Si Heterojunction

Old Guard meets the Avant-Garde: What 200 years of technology in one experimental film tells us about the next 200 years

The Academic Numeracy Framework: A tool to embed numeracy in tertiary courses, programs and study-support initiatives

The Hidden Toll of Psychological Distress in Australian Adults and Its Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life

A Computer Vision Milky Way Compass

Neural network‐based optical flow versus traditional optical flow techniques with thermal aerial imaging in real‐world settings

Coverage Path Planning With Budget Constraints for Multiple Unmanned Ground Vehicles

Orientation for Credit, Transition for Success

Using Program Logic Models to Evaluate Curriculum Design Decisions

Contrasting Delivery Models for Authentic, Team-Based IoT Learning Activities

Developing Future Skills in Engineering Education for Industry 5.0: Enabling Technologies in the Age of Digital Transformation and Green Transition

Student success strategies: Approaches to navigating and understanding the determinants of health outside the classroom

Socioeconomic status and health behavior in children and adolescents: a systematic literature review

Introducing Technology for Learning in Prisons: Meeting Challenges and Realising Opportunities

True Justice through deep listening on Country: decolonising legal education in Australia

Botulinum toxin A dissolving microneedles for hyperhidrosis treatment: design, formulation and in vivo evaluation

Challenges of delivering a First Nations Healthcare course

Renewable Energy Consumption in G-7 Countries: Evidence from a Dynamic Panel Investigation

A global perspective on the governance-health nexus

The effect of financial development on environmental quality: a developing country evidence

A systematic review of the direct and indirect COVID-19’s impact on food security and its dimensions: pre-and post-comparative analysis.

The Association Between Selfishness, Animal-Oriented Empathy, Three Meat Reduction Motivations (Animal, Health, and Environment), Gender, and Meat Consumption

Written Evidence Submission in response to the ‘Inquiry into Assisted Dying/Assisted Suicide' by the Health and Social Care Committee (UK)

Systematic review of Internet of medical things for cardiovascular disease prevention among Australian first nations

Interpersonal neurobiology as a lens to understand the experience of group singing for health and wellbeing

Digital health literacy to enhance workforce skills and clinical effectiveness: A response to ‘Digital health literacy: Helpful today, dependency tomorrow? Contingency planning in a digital age’

Design of DC solar water pump for farmers in the Kurdistan region of Iraq

Human-Centric Lighting Research and Policy in the Melanopsin Age

Bathymetric modelling for long-term monitoring of water dynamics of Ramsar-listed lakes using inundation frequency and photon-counting LiDAR data

Improving Infection Resistance in Tissue Engineered Scaffolds for Tensile Applications Using Vancomycin-Embedded Melt Electrowritten Scaffolds

Progress in Nanostructured Mechano-Bactericidal Polymeric Surfaces for Biomedical Applications

Preferential adhesion of bacterial cells onto top- and bottom-mounted nanostructured surfaces under flow conditions

Simulation investigation of the oscillatory motion of two elliptic obstacles located within a quarter-circle cavity filled with Cu-Al2O3/water hybrid nanofluid

Canopy Scale High-Resolution Forest Biophysical Parameter (LAI, fAPAR, and fCover) Retrieval Through Machine Learning and Cloud Computation Approach

An Open-Source Package for Thermal and Multispectral Image Analysis for Plants in Glasshouse

Evaluation of Segmentation Methods for Spoil Pile Delineation Using UAV Images

Spoil characterisation using UAV‑based optical remote sensing in coal mine dumps

Dissecting Physiological and Agronomic Diversity in Safflower Populations Using Proximal Phenotyping

An Adaptive Feature Fusion Network for Alzheimer’s Disease Prediction

Aboriginal and Torre Strait Islander nurses and midwives culturally safe mentoring programs in Australia: a scoping review

Family and domestic violence policy discourses and narratives: implications for Emergency Departments and communities in rural Australia

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives Respond to the National Apology from the Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery Australia

An apology to Aboriginal and Torres Islander people: A moment of truth for the nursing and midwifery professions

Strategies that support Cultural Safety for First Nations people in Aged Care in Australia: An Integrative Literature Review

Assessing Organizational Readiness for Data-driven Innovation: A Review of Literature

Developing a Framework for Restrained Innovation: IT-Outsourcing Context

Climate change and human health in Vietnam: a systematic review and additional analyses on current impacts, future risk, and adaptation

The knowledge and innovation challenges of ChatGPT: A scoping review

An Introduction to Programming Physics-Informed Neural Network-Based Computational Solid Mechanics

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: A Short History of Biosecurity Regulation in Australia

Accelerated telomere shortening in individuals with intellectual disability

Resting Place

Charge-Reduced Particles via Self-Propelled Electrohydrodynamic Atomization for Drug Delivery Applications

On Standards for Wireless Sensor Networks in the Application of Structural Health Monitoring

Enhancing accounting students’ reflective practice skills

Planning Students’ Conceptions of Research

The temporality of on-street parking – exploring the role of land-use mix and change on parking dynamics

High Court Holds State Consumption Taxes Constitutionally Invalid

Weapons of the frontier wars: Firearms and ammunition of the Native Mounted Police in Queensland

Why the media aren’t helping to solve the ‘youth crime crisis’ they’re reporting

Marketing agility in volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) contexts: a systematic literature review and future research agenda

Building a Case for Responsible Management Education in Nepal

Distance education tutors don’t need any formal qualifications – We should make this role a career

Australian Drought Monitoring Experiences

Influence of Landscape Preference and Place Attachment on Responsible Environmental Behavior — A Study of Taipei’s Guandu Nature Park Wetlands, Taiwan

Enhancing climate resilience by combining practice and insurance strategies: A case study for cotton crop

CEO-director ties and board gender diversity: US evidence

An Australian University Printmaking Exchange 2023

Self – Identified and Observed Coaching Styles of Australian Junior Community Cricket Coaches in During Net Sessions

How The Spectrum of Teaching Styles can help Models Based Practice (MBP) fly further – highlighting the complexity of models

Reproduction cluster styles: From the spectrum of teaching styles

Using Cricket to teach creativity and problem-solving

Effects of the legacy pipe ends on the behaviour of pipe-in-pipe repair systems under internal pressure

Lateral deformation behaviour of structural internal replacement pipe repair systems

Maximizing the Use of Out-of-Grade Hybrid Pine in Engineered Wood Products: Bond Performance, the Effect of Resin Streaking, Knots, and Pith

Mandated media innovation impacts on knowledge dissemination in workplace training

Pathways to Next-Generation Fire-Safe Alkali-Ion Batteries

Induction of Reactive Bone Stromal Fibroblasts in 3D Models of Prostate Cancer Bone Metastases

Factors influencing the activity ranges of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) across four sites in eastern Australia

Surveillance is the first step to preventing injury among fast jet aircrew: results of a 2-year prospective cohort study

Tuning the microstructure of polyurethane foam using nanocellulose for improved thermal insulation properties through an efficient dispersion methodology

Age at Onset in Adults with Insomnia: A Latent Profile Analysis

Adverse Childhood Experiences Associated with Adult Sleep Duration, Control Over Sleep, and Daytime Sleepiness

Adverse childhood experiences associated with adult insomnia and nightmares

Managing burnout from engagement-derived acting strategy

HGSOXGB: Hunger-Games-Search-Optimization-Based Framework to Predict the Need for ICU Admission for COVID-19 Patients Using eXtreme Gradient Boosting

Cruel Care: A History of Children at Our Borders by Jordana Silverstei

Eclipse Chasers by Nick Lomb and Toner Stevenson

Artificial Intelligence Authoring Financial Recommendations: Comparative Australian Evidence

Experimental and numerical analyses of the thermoplastic pultrusion of large structural profiles

The magnetic field and stellar wind of the mature late-F star χ Draconis A

Developing a Drift Rate Distribution for Technosignature Searches of Exoplanets

The Impact on Employment for Rural Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers Travelling to Major Cities for Treatment

Does insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) gene polymorphism affect acne?

Improving the Quality of Set Yoghurt Using Milk Fat Globule Membrane Fragments

Information fusion in crime event analysis: A decade survey on data, features and models

Wellbeing Promotion in Tasmanian Schools: Have We Forgotten Support Teachers?

Prostate Cancer Survivorship Essentials for men with prostate cancer on androgen deprivation therapy: protocol of an effectiveness-implementation hybrid (Type 1) randomised trial of a tele-based nurse-led survivorship care intervention (PCEssentials)

Fungal Planet description sheets: 1478-1549

Broken Spear: The Untold Story of Black Tom Birch, The Man who Sparked Australia's Bloodiest War by Robert Cox

Martial arts, combat sports, and mental health in adults: A systematic literature review

Do regenerative grazing management practices improve vegetation and soil health in grazed rangelands? Preliminary insights from a space-for-time study in the Great Barrier Reef catchments, Australia

A VERITAS/Breakthrough Listen Search for Optical Technosignatures

Using ARDC Nectar VMs, Jupyter Hub and GitHub to Deploy Agricultural Modelling Applications on the AgReFed Platform

Making an Agricultural Research Dataset FAIR: A case study of the Australian Drought Monitor Dataset

Identifying social determinants and measuring socioeconomic inequalities in the use of four different mental health services by Australian adolescents aged 13-17 years: Results from a nationwide study

Corrigendum to: Marasmius australotrichotus (Marasmiaceae), a new setose species from Australia, and an intriguing range extension for M. paratrichotus

Rural Communities in International Law: Non-State Actors?

Effective multilateralism for an intergenerational covenant: Via universal rights or national interests?

The effect of mergers and acquisitions on the financial performance of commercial banks in Nepal

Rural and Remote Communities as Non-State Actors: A Legal and Moral Argument

Foreign Environmental Law

An Axe to Grind - Colonial Opposition in Papua New Guinea

BFR upper body resistance training & isometrics increases barbell velocity and power output: a case study

Monitoring female athlete wellbeing during international basketball competition: A case study from the 2023 FIBA Women’s Asia Cup

ASR crack identification in bridges using deep learning and texture analysis

Finite element model updating and damage identification using semi-rigidly connected frame element and optimization procedure: An experimental validation

A systematic review of the effectiveness of superficial heat and cold for decreasing pain and improving disability in adults with low back pain

Fibre Reinforced Polymer Wall Assemblies in Axial Compression

Fibre Reinforced Polymer Columns with Bolted Sleeve Joints under Eccentric Compression

Fibre Reinforced Polymer Columns in Axial Compression

Family-friendly policies

Data democratization: Empowering employees for data-driven innovation

Information Dissemination During the COVID-19 Outbreak Among the Students at the Tertiary Level in Bangladesh

Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Taxonomy of Macrophomina—traditional to molecular approaches

Fabrication methods of rapid cured composites

Nematode problems in wheat and barley and their sustainable management

Obstacles to Developing a Wine Sustainability Framework: A Global Analysis

Photon–Atom Interactions: Intermediate Energies

Exploring the enablers of digital transformation in small and medium-sized enterprises

The effect of workplace relocation on the general satisfaction of commuting (GSC): Contributors to sustainable re-development and city activation in Perth, Western Australia

Arsenic Dynamics in Paddy Rice Ecosystems and Human Exposure

Overcoming Barriers of Gender and Race in Policing: Australian and New Zealand Examples

Creative writing, reading, and queer belonging: Gender insubordination in the American deep south

Reading Magic: Deep Reading in the Creative writing Classroom

Nematode problems in pulse crops and their sustainable management

Introduction to rapidly cured epoxy resins and composites

Identifying Personal Beliefs and Values Through Group Sense-Making

An ensemble machine learning-based intelligent system for human activity recognition using sensory data

Rapid cure composites used in aerospace industry

L2QA: Long Legal Article Question Answering with Cascaded Key Segment Learning

Hierarchical Aggregation Based Knowledge Graph Embedding for Multi-task Recommendation

Query2Trip: Dual-Debiased Learning for Neural Trip Recommendation

Opportunities of Free-Range Laying Hens Farming and Economic Advantages (A Case Study in Indonesia)

A Power Efficient Solution to Determine Red Blood Cell Deformation Type Using Binarized DenseNet

CNN-Based Handwriting Analysis for the Prediction of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Hyperbolic Mutual Learning for Bundle Recommendation

An Efficient Embedding Framework for Uncertain Attribute Graph

Monitoring Summer Solar Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation on the Ground Level Over Ardabil-Sarein, NW Iran

A Comparison of LSTM and GRU for Bengali Speech-to-Text Transformation

Using Electroencephalography to Determine Student Attention in the Classroom

TIMESAT software for estimating crop seasonality parameter

Development of Resilient Safety Culture Model Using Qualitative Data Analysis

Hollow Composite Reinforcing Systems for Precast Concrete Slabs

An Analytical Approach for Thermally Induced Axial Deformation in Rehabilitated Pipelines

An XAI Integrated Identification System of White Blood Cell Type Using Variants of Vision Transformer

Be-or-Not Prompt Enhanced Hard Negatives Generating For Memes Category Detection

Model predictive control of the high-pressure side of simple supercritical CO2cycle

Optical Fibre Sensing and Deep Learning-Based Disaster and Climate Change Risk Assessments of Civil Infrastructure: Current Status and Future Perspective

The application of a single slope solar still in a refinery wastewater treatment: An experimental study

A Study on the Degree of Bending (DoB) in Two-Planar Tubular DYT-Joints of Offshore Jacket Structures: Geometrical Effects and Fatigue Design Formulation

The Breakthrough Listen Search for Intelligent Life: A Laser Search Pipeline for the Automated Planet Finder

Bioactive compounds, health benefits, and industrial applications of Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum)

Titanium dioxide nanoparticles functionalized chitosan toward bio-based antibacterial adsorbent for enhanced phosphate capture

A magnetically recyclable lignin-based bio-adsorbent for efficient removal of Congo red from aqueous solution

Scaling K2. VI. Reduced Small-planet Occurrence in High-galactic-amplitude Stars

Brain Injury Localization and Size Estimation Using Electromagnetic Symmetric Crossing Lines Method

Effects of Platinum Nanoparticles on Rice Seedlings (Oryza sativa L.): Size-dependent Accumulation, Transformation, and Ionomic Influence

Insight to workability, compressive strength and microstructure of lithium slag-steel slag based cement under standard condition

GraphTune: An Efficient Dependency-Aware Substrate to Alleviate Irregularity in Concurrent Graph Processing

Toward High Performance Mixed Ionic and Electronic Conducting Perovskite-Based Oxygen Permeable Membranes: An Overview of Strategies and Rationales

IPO Pricing Regulation and Audit Fees: A Perspective from Institutional Changes in China

EGraph: Efficient Concurrent GPU-Based Dynamic Graph Processing

Multi-heme cytochrome-mediated extracellular electron transfer by the anaerobic methanotroph ‘Candidatus Methanoperedens nitroreducens’

One-step assembly of poly(vinyl alcohol)/tannic acid complexes as a high oxygen barrier coating for poly(lactic acid) packaging films

Vitrimer-like, mechanically Robust, healable and recyclable biobased elastomers based on epoxy natural Rubbers, polylactide and layered double hydroxide

Past, present and future prospective of global carbon fibre composite developments and applications

DeepSafety: a deep neural network-based edge computing framework for detecting unsafe behaviors of construction workers

Cover cropping impacts on soil water and carbon in dryland cropping system

Dynamical masses and ages of Sirius-like systems

Chronostar-II. Kinematic age and substructure of the Scorpius-Centaurus OB2 association

A pH-Sensitive Surface of Chitosan/Sepiolite Clay/Algae Biocomposite for the Removal of Malachite Green and Remazol Brilliant Blue R Dyes: Optimization and Adsorption Mechanism Study

Combination effects of a bio-based fire retardant and functionalized graphene oxide on a fire retardant and mechanical properties of polylactide

Second Primary Cancers Following Cancer Among Adolescents and Young Adults in Queensland, Australia, 1982–2018

Long-term childhood cancer survival in Australia using period estimation

Childhood cancer survival and avoided deaths in Australia, 1983–2016

FF-BTP Model for Novel Sound-Based Community Emotion Detection

An Evaluation of Community Health Workers’ Knowledge, Attitude and Personal Lifestyle Behaviour in Non-Communicable Disease Health Promotion and Their Association with Self-Efficacy and NCD-Risk Perception

Sustainable plant-based dietary supply chain design to reduce malnutrition in deprived areas

The TESS Grand Unified Hot Jupiter Survey. II. Twenty New Giant Planets

Two-step phase manipulation by tailoring chemical bonds results in high-performance GeSe thermoelectrics

A lysine-derived flame retardant for improved flame retardancy, crystallinity, and aqueous-phase degradation of polylactide

An efficient hardware accelerator for monotonic graph algorithms on dynamic directed graphs

Torsional behavior of GFRP-reinforced concrete pontoon decks with and without an edge cutout

A Review of Homomorphic Encryption for Privacy-Preserving Biometrics

FDS_2D: rethinking magnitude-phase features for DeepFake detection

A molecularly engineered bioderived polyphosphonate containing Schiff base towards fire-retardant PLA with enhanced crystallinity and mechanical properties

Stretchable, Ultratough, and Intrinsically Self-Extinguishing Elastomers with Desirable Recyclability

Retarding effect of gypsum for hybrid alkali-activated cements (HAACs) at ambient temperature

Isolation of strains and their genome sequencing to analyze the mating system of Ophiocordyceps robertsii

Facial depth forgery detection based on image gradient

A review on common root rot of wheat and barley in Australia

Cervical and axioscapular muscle stiffness measured with shear wave elastography: A comparison between different levels of work-related neck disability

Silane modified MXene/polybenzazole nanocomposite aerogels with exceptional surface hydrophobicity, flame retardance and thermal insulation

Using multi-focus group method as an effective tool for eliciting business system requirements: Verified by a case study

When can cancer patient treatment nonadherence be considered intentional or unintentional? A scoping review

Viability of rotation sensing using phonon interferometry in Bose-Einstein condensates

Feral pig (Sus scrofa) activity and landscape feature revisitation across four sites in eastern Australia

Nanofiber Composite Reinforced Organohydrogels for Multifunctional and Wearable Electronics

Selective removal of arsenic in water: Reduction of waste and energy use increasing sustainability

Irregularly Sampled Multivariate Time Series Classification: A Graph Learning Approach

Intrinsic sulfuric acid resistance of C-(N)-A-S-H and N-A-S-H gels produced by alkali-activation of synthetic calcium aluminosilicate precursors

Enhancing fiber-matrix interface in carbon fiber/poly ether ether ketone (CF/PEEK) composites by carbon nanotube reinforcement of crystalline PEEK sizing

Do Farmers Demand Innovative Financial Products? A Case Study in Cambodia

Blockchain-Enhanced Smart Contract for Cost-Effective Insurance Claims Processing

Hybrid KD-NFT: A multi-layered NFT assisted robust Knowledge Distillation framework for Internet of Things

SAGES: Scalable Attributed Graph Embedding With Sampling for Unsupervised Learning

Hyperelastic, Robust, Fire-Safe Multifunctional MXene Aerogels with Unprecedented Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Efficiency

Flame retardant and multifunctional BC/MXene/MSiCnw/FRTPU aerogel composites with superior electromagnetic interference shielding via “Consolidating” method

Understanding and conceptualising the daily work of human resource practitioners

The impact of rural nursing and midwifery clinical placements from the perspective of health service staff

The History and Current Killings of Polio Vaccinators in Pakistan: A Need for Targeted Surveillance Strategy

SEAAN history & heritage working group report for calendar years 2021 and 2022

HIV-Related Knowledge and Practices among Asian and African Migrants Living in Australia: Results from a Cross-Sectional Survey and Qualitative Study

HIP 33609 b: An Eccentric Brown Dwarf Transiting a V = 7.3 Rapidly Rotating B Star

Corrigendum to “Assessment of the acidification risk of the acid sulfate soil materials in a tropical coastal peat bog: Muthurajawela Marsh, Sri Lanka” [CATENA 216(Part A) (2022) 106396]

The built environment and early childhood development: qualitative evidence from disadvantaged Australian communities

A crystallizing white dwarf in a sirius-like quadruple system

Mining Periodic-Frequent Patterns in Irregular Dense Temporal Databases Using Set compliments

Status and Trends of Physical Activity Surveillance, Policy, and Research in 164 Countries: Findings From the Global Observatory for Physical Activity—GoPA! 2015 and 2020 Surveys

TESS-Keck Survey. XIV. Two Giant Exoplanets from the Distant Giants Survey

SSMD-UNet: semi-supervised multi-task decoders network for diabetic retinopathy segmentation

Densely attention mechanism based network for COVID-19 detection in chest X-rays

The experience of nurses participating in peer group supervision: A qualitative systematic review

A 7 Day Multiwavelength Flare Campaign on AU Mic. I. High-time-resolution Light Curves and the Thermal Empirical Neupert Effect

Recounting bias can affect abundance estimates from intensive helicopter surveys of feral goats

Microplastic materials in the environment: Problem and strategical solutions

An international wheat diversity panel reveals novel sources of genetic resistance to tan spot in Australia

Introduction: Properties of Matter and Performance

Modeling Multi-Rotunda Buildings at LoD3 Level from LiDAR Data

Contribution of Geometric Feature Analysis for Deep Learning Classification Algorithms of Urban LiDAR Data

Data-driven machine learning methodology for designing slender FRP-RC columns

Towards an understanding of the engagement and emotional behaviour of MOOC students using sentiment and semantic features

Statistical and spatial analysis for soil heavy metals over the Murray-Darling river basin in Australia

Stretchable, durable and asymmetrically wettable nanofiber composites with unidirectional water transportation capability for temperature sensing

Experimental investigation on the behaviour of FRP strengthened square hollow section steel members under monotonic and cyclic loading

Load Management: What It Is and What It Is Not!

Football movement profile analysis and creatine kinase relationships in youth national team players

Photocatalytic selective C-C bond cleavage of biomass-based monosaccharides and xylan to co-produce lactic acid and CO over an Fe-doped GaN catalyst

Parental role and peer support in adolescent suicidal behavior in eight South-East Asian countries

Presence of Multiple Herpesvirus Variants in Australian Flying Foxes (Pteropus spp.)

A review of multi-factor authentication in the Internet of Healthcare Things

Symmetry-breaking transitions in quiescent and moving solitons in fractional couplers

Engaging with open educational practices: Mapping the landscape in Australian higher education

Effect of fly ash to slag ratio and Na2O content on leaching behaviour of fly Ash/Slag based alkali activated materials

‘New localism’ in Australian schools: Country as Teacher as a critical pedagogy of place

Openness and Computational Reproducibility in Plant Pathology: Where We Stand and a Way Forward

From we ask to iASK: a self-reflection strategy enabling students to connect assessment and employability

Skin cancer excisions and histopathology outcomes when following a contemporary population-based cohort longitudinally with 3D total-body photography

δ Scuti pulsations in the bright Pleiades eclipsing binary HD 23642

Metal–Organic Frameworks–Based Flame-Retardant System for Epoxy Resin: A Review and Prospect

Development of exfoliated mica waste/natural rubber composites by latex stage mixing

Evaluation of the mixed-mode teaching design upon students’ learning satisfaction and academic performance in an introductory economics course

Inferring inter-colony movement within metapopulations of yellow-footed rock-wallabies using estimates of kinship

Agila and the reanimation of seafaring on the south coast of Papua New Guinea after 770 cal BP

The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph for the James Webb Space Telescope. IV. Aperture Masking Interferometry

Exploring deep residual network based features for automatic schizophrenia detection from EEG

Improving the Domain Adaptation of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Models for Open Domain Question Answering

Land Application of Biosolids-Derived Biochar in Australia: A Review

Direct comparison of runoff of residual and knockdown herbicides in sugarcane using a rainfall simulator finds large difference in runoff losses and toxicity relative to diuron

Development and performance evaluation of self-healing concrete railway sleepers using different size PU tubes

Architecting fire safe hierarchical polymer nanocomposite films with excellent electromagnetic interference shielding via interface engineering

Tunable construction of fire safe and mechanically strong hierarchical composites towards electromagnetic interference shielding

Nitrogen dynamics and biological processes in soil amended with microalgae grown in abattoir digestate to recover nutrients

A global systematic literature review on sustainable soil management practices (1994–2022)

Contrasting El Niño–La Niña Predictability and Prediction Skill in 2-Year Reforecasts of the Twentieth Century

Effect of workplace violence on health workers injuries and workplace absenteeism in Bangladesh

Use of agricultural bio-wastes to remove arsenic from contaminated water

Wearable technology in the sports medicine clinic to guide the return-to-play and performance protocols of athletes following a COVID-19 diagnosis

Application of uncertainty quantification to artificial intelligence in healthcare: A review of last decade (2013–2023)

Asteroseismology of δ Scuti stars: emulating model grids using a neural network

The importance of developing palliative care quality indicators for the prison setting: why now, and next steps

Correction: The importance of developing palliative care quality indicators for the prison setting: why now, and next steps

A multilevel analysis of individual and community-level factors associated with childhood immunisation in Bangladesh: Evidence from a pooled cross-sectional survey

A Vanguard Approach to the Design and Delivery of Nurse-Led Survivorship Care

An Empirical Model for Predicting the Fresh Food Quality Changes during Storage

Exploring competitiveness of surface water versus ground water irrigation and their impacts on rice productivity and efficiency: An empirical analysis from Bangladesh

Testing the Psychometric Properties of an Arabic Version of the Brunel Mood Scale among Physical Education Students

Efficient novel network and index for alcoholism detection from EEGs

‘The persuasion effects of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) video advertisements: A conceptual review’

Cooperative stiffening of flexible high aspect ratio nanostructures impart mechanobactericidal activity to soft substrates

The determinants of job satisfaction amongst specific migrant construction workers

Invisible women: Gender representation in high school science courses across Australia

The origins and evolution of Australian running rugby: A transnational approach

Nursing in the Anthropocene–translating disaster nursing experience into climate crisis nurse education

The Orbital Architecture of Qatar-6: A Fully Aligned Three-body System?

Selective Deeply Supervised Multi-Scale Attention Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation

Software engineering for internet of underwater things to analyze oceanic data

Past and future rainfall change in sub-regions of Victoria, Australia

Groundwater Quality, Health Risk Assessment, and Source Distribution of Heavy Metals Contamination around Chromite Mines: Application of GIS, Sustainable Groundwater Management, Geostatistics, PCAMLR, and PMF Receptor Model

Geochemical control, water quality indexing, source distribution, and potential health risk of fluoride and arsenic in groundwater: Occurrence, sources apportionment, and positive matrix factorization model

Editorial: Plant genetic and genomic resources for sustained crop improvement

A novel employability embedding framework for three-year bachelor’s programs

Assessing the performance of techniques for disaggregating daily rainfall in South Africa

Does Fiscal Consolidation Affect Non-Performing Loans? Global Evidence from Heavily Indebted Countries (HICs)

Hydration Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Cement-Based Materials Modified by Calcined Zeolite and Montmorillonite

Three Saturn-mass planets transiting F-type stars revealed with TESS and HARPS: TOI-615b, TOI-622b, and TOI-2641b

Resveratrol-Induced Suppression of C-type Natriuretic Peptide Associates With Increased Vertebral Bone Density in Postmenopausal Women

Want to feel better, share what you know

Artificial intelligence as a boundary-crossing object for employee engagement and performance

Engaging with intelligent voice assistants for wellbeing and brand attachment

Supply chain management in the insurance industry – symmetrical and asymmetrical analysis

Microplastics in construction and built environment

Corrigendum to “Microplastics in construction and built environment” [Dev. Built Environ. 15 (2023) 100188]

Enhanced joint hybrid deep neural network explainable artificial intelligence model for 1-hr ahead solar ultraviolet index prediction

Ampelomyces mycoparasites of powdery mildews–a review

From vox nullius to the vote for a voice

A review on constructive classification framework of research trends in analytical instrumentation for secondary micro(nano)plastics: What is new and what needs next?

Evaporative loss and environmental impact of covers on water storages: A review

Assessing the COVID-19 impacts on the coffee industry in Laos: An input–output modelling approach

A fuzzy-based cascade ensemble model for improving extreme wind speeds prediction

Five-year Comorbidity Outcomes in Laparoscopic Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (LVSG) and Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (LRYGB): A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

The Role Of Temporary Western Observatories In The Development Of Professional Astronomy In Thailand

MOA-2020-BLG-208Lb: Cool Sub-Saturn-mass Planet within Predicted Desert

Client attributes that motivate contractors' bid decision

Field and in-silico analysis of harvest index variability in maize silage

Explainable Risk Prediction of Post-Stroke Adverse Mental Outcomes Using Machine Learning Techniques in a Population of 1780 Patients

Explainable AI approach with original vegetation data classifies spatio-temporal nitrogen in flows from ungauged catchments to the Great Barrier Reef

The Unistellar Exoplanet Campaign: Citizen Science Results and Inherent Education Opportunities

Coconut Water: A Sports Drink Alternative?

Recent applications and potential of near-term (interannual to decadal) climate predictions

The Keys to Controlling Wheat Rusts: Identification and Deployment of Genetic Resistance

Bullying Experiences of South Asian Immigrants in Australia: a Mixed-Method Study

A systematic review of potential opportunities and challenges to the use of portfolios in Vietnam as an assessment tool

Ranking Sub-Watersheds for Flood Hazard Mapping: A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach

Chatbots in frontline services and customer experience: An anthropomorphism perspective

Enhanced Photovoltaic Effect in n-3C-SiC/p-Si Heterostructure Using a Temperature Gradient for Microsensors

Belowground crop responses to root herbivory are associated with the community structure of native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

Kinetic mechanism of wheat straw pellets combustion process with a thermogravimetric analyser

Evaluating changes to home bowel cancer screening kits: an end-user perspective study

The Barriers to Bowel Cancer Screening Scale: Examining Structural Validity, Measurement Invariance, and Criterion Validity

A mixed stirring mechanism for debris discs with giant and dwarf planetary perturbations

Hypothermia With Paradoxical Symptoms: A Case Series of Cesarean Deliveries With Intrathecal Morphine

Basin Runoff Responses to Climate Change Using a Rainfall-Runoff Hydrological Model in Southeast Australia

Chemical composition of bunya nuts (Araucaria bidwillii) compared to Araucaria angustifolia and Araucaria araucana species

Community evaluation of forest and REDD+ governance quality in the democratic Republic of the Congo

The Surface Composition of Six Newly Discovered Chemically Peculiar Stars. Comparison to the HgMn Stars mu Lep and beta Scl and the Superficially Normal B Star nu Cap

Reference-frame-independent model of a collective-excitation atom interferometer

Understanding COPD Emergency Department presentations: using thematic analysis to explore the voices of patients, nurses, and doctors on the lived experience of managing COPD

Improving EEG major depression disorder classification using FBSE coupled with domain adaptation method based machine learning algorithms

Corrigendum to “Experimental and numerical analyses of the thermoplastic pultrusion of large structural profiles” [Mater. Design 232 (2023) 112149]

Life Course Epidemiology Applied to Physical Activity Research

Constraints on Magnetic Braking from the G8 Dwarf Stars 61 UMa and τ Cet

Pleiotropic melatonin-mediated responses on growth and cadmium phytoextraction of Brassica napus: A bioecological trial for enhancing phytoremediation of soil cadmium

ZnO nanoparticles mediated by Azadirachta indica as nano fertilizer: Improvement in physiological and biochemical indices of Zea mays grown in Cr-contaminated soil

Development of complex executive function over childhood: Longitudinal growth curve modeling of performance on the Groton Maze Learning Task

A global-temporal analysis on Phytophthora sojae resistance-gene efficacy

Characteristics of perceived effective telesupervision practices: A case study of supervisees and supervisors

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student supervision and education in health care settings: A state-wide survey of health care workers

Comparing outcomes of an innovative interprofessional student placement model to standard placement models in rural healthcare settings

Nature and extent of disruptions to staff clinical supervision practices in health care settings due to COVID-19: A survey study

Going soft on soft skills: A qualitative study of student supervisor perspectives of the impacts of COVID-19 on soft skill development in students

Stirred but not shaken: a multiwavelength view of HD 16743's debris disc

Sudden Extreme Obscuration of a Sun-like Main-sequence Star: Evolution of the Circumstellar Dust around ASASSN-21qj

Evidence for the Disruption of a Planetary System During the Formation of the Helix Nebulaa

Multi-wavelength aperture polarimetry of debris disc host stars

Stepped-care versus therapist-guided, internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy for childhood and adolescent anxiety: A non-inferiority trial

Evaluating the use of a Net-Metering mechanism in microgrids to reduce power generation costs with a swarm-intelligent algorithm

Numerical study of electrohydrodynamic atomization considering liquid wetting and corona discharge effects

The TESS-Keck Survey. XV. Precise Properties of 108 TESS Planets and Their Host Stars

Aspire2Health and COVID-19: the impact of the pandemic on outcomes from an outreach program to increase high school student interest in rural health careers

A deep-learning search for technosignatures from 820 nearby stars

Exploring the Epitaxial Growth Kinetics and Anomalous Hall Effect in Magnetic Topological Insulator MnBi2Te4 Films

Leadership and Learning at Work: A Systematic Literature Review of Learning-oriented Leadership

The influence of the field orientation on physical demands in soccer small-sided games

TreeNet Based Fast Task Decomposition for Resource-Constrained Edge Intelligence

Sustainable Solution to Expansive Subgrade and Existing Pavement using Geoconfinement System

Compressive behaviour and prediction model for short and slender FRP-confined GFRP bars

Surface Chemistry and Band Engineering in AgSbSe2: Toward High Thermoelectric Performance

Advances in biodegradable piezoelectrics for medical implants

Construction of mechanically robust and fire safe thermoplastic polyurethane-based nanocomposites for electromagnetic interference shielding

High-performance flexible nanocomposites with superior fire safety and ultra-efficient electromagnetic interference shielding

Highly fire safe and flexible nanoarchitectures with tunable interface towards excellent electromagnetic interference shielding

Biodiversity: the overlooked source of human health

Enhancing biomass oxidation with carbon nitride nanosheets ring inserted on C. I. Pigment Yellow 53 photocatalysts for simultaneous CO and lactic acid production

Three low-mass companions around aged stars discovered by TESS

Holistic climate change adaptation for World Heritage

TOI-969: a late-K dwarf with a hot mini-Neptune in the desert and an eccentric cold Jupiter

Long-term trends in atmospheric rivers over East Asia

Projected near-term changes in monsoon precipitation over Peninsular Malaysia in the HighResMIP multi-model ensembles

Borneo Vortices in a warmer climate

A novel dropout mechanism with label extension schema toward text emotion classification

High-Order Correlation-Guided Slide-Level Histology Retrieval with Self-Supervised Hashing

Dual-interactive fusion for code-mixed deep representation learning in tag recommendation

Complete Mitochondrial Genome and Phylogenetic Position of Chirolophis wui (Perciformes: Stichaeidae)

Do extrinsic factors encourage shoppers’ compulsive buying? Store environment and product characteristics

Reply to: Explaining bright radar reflections below the south pole of Mars without liquid water

Metal-organic framework-derived transition metal chalcogenides (S, Se, and Te): Challenges, recent progress, and future directions in electrochemical energy storage and conversion systems

Curcumin reduce creatine kinase (CK) levels without decreasing malondialdehyde (MDA) levels after 24 hours of high-intensity physical exercise

The Good, the Bad, and the Misleading: How to Improve the Quality of 'Genome Announcements'?

Evaluation of a new apple in-field sorting system for fruit singulation, rotation and imaging

Investigating Factors Influencing Rolling Shear Performance of Australian CLT Feedstock

A Systematic Literature Review on the Transition to Circular Business Models for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Promoting participation in physical activity through Snacktivity: A qualitative mixed methods study

Severity and risk factors of interval breast cancer in Queensland, Australia: a population-based study

Brand competitiveness antecedents: The interaction effects of marketing and R&D expenditure

TOI-1130: A photodynamical analysis of a hot Jupiter in resonance with an inner low-mass planet

Psychosocial health of school-going adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a nationwide survey in Bangladesh

Examining the re-territorialisation of beneficiary accountability: Digitising nonprofit services in response to COVID-19

Prospects for Enhancing Climate Services in Agriculture

Application of ChatGPT in multilingual medical education: How does ChatGPT fare in 2023's Iranian residency entrance examination

Software architecture for quantum computing systems — A systematic review

A Comprehensive Overview of IoT-Based Federated Learning: Focusing on Client Selection Methods

Informal Caregiving Provision for Disabled or Elderly in the Families and Work Productivity: Evidence from 11 Waves of an Australian Population-Based Cohort

Colonial astronomy as an element of empire in British India

Revised Properties and Dynamical History for the HD 17156 System

Variations in COVID-19 interventions: A systematic review and meta-ethnography of government policy responses and characteristics in eastern Africa

Design-led solution for curbing crime: the case study of a major entertainment precinct in Perth, Western Australia

Using framework analysis to understand multiple stakeholders' views of vocational rehabilitation following acquired brain injury

A proposed hedge-based energy market model to manage renewable intermittency

Fabrication of flame-retardant wood plastic composites based on wasted bean dregs with recycled PE via mechanochemical crosslinking

3DSleepNet: A Multi-Channel Bio-Signal Based Sleep Stages Classification Method Using Deep Learning

Major viral diseases in grain legumes: designing disease resistant legumes from plant breeding and OMICS integration

Organisational and regulatory strategies to combat false news circulation on social media

Risks and adaptation dynamics in shrimp and prawn-based farming systems in southwest coastal Bangladesh

Use of geophysical surveys in geotechnical engineering practice - a geotechnical engineer's perspective

It Is Time to Close the Gap in Cancer Care

Seasonal mixed layer temperature and salt balances in the Banda Sea observed by an Argo float

Job Satisfaction of Health Practitioners Providing Outreach Health Services during COVID-19 in Rural New South Wales (NSW) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), Australia

Bioinformatics-based investigation on the genetic influence between SARS-CoV-2 infections and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) diseases, and drug repurposing

Food hygiene knowledge and behaviour among domestic food handlers during COVID 19 pandemic in Bangladesh

Overview of emerging hybrid and composite materials for space applications

A Novel Attention-Based Model for Semantic Segmentation of Prostate Glands Using Histopathological Images

Corrigendum to “Reproductive and sexual health effects of intimate partner violence: A longitudinal and intergenerational analysis” [Sex. Reprod. Healthc. 35 (2023) 100816]

Evolution of brightness and magnetic features of young solar-type stars - II. The young F8 star HIP 71933

Editorial: Advances in crop resistance breeding using modern genomic tools

A Transiting Super-Earth in the Radius Valley and an Outer Planet Candidate Around HD 307842

Intelligent cyclic fire warning sensor based on hybrid PBO nanofiber and montmorillonite nanocomposite papers decorated with phenyltriethoxysilane

Patchy Fe-N-C supported low-loading Pt nanoparticles as a highly active cathode for proton exchange membrane fuel cells

A study of the rapid rotator ζ Aql: differential surface rotation?

Natural Language Processing in Electronic Health Records in relation to healthcare decision-making: A systematic review

Advances in printing techniques for thermoelectric materials and devices

Design and analysis of a low-cost potentiostat for application with microbial electrochemical sensors

Frame alignment processes for locally useful agricultural soil research and extension: The role of farm advisors

Friends to the rescue: using arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to future-proof Australian agriculture

The development of a modular design workflow for 3D printable bioresorbable patient-specific bone scaffolds to facilitate clinical translation

Unresolved Rossby and gravity modes in 214 A and F stars showing rotational modulation

Rotational modulation in A and F stars: magnetic stellar spots or convective core rotation?

Towards Cross-Lingual Multi-Modal Misinformation Detection for E-Commerce Management

TOI-836: A super-Earth and mini-Neptune transiting a nearby K-dwarf

Widespread genetic heterogeneity and genotypic grouping associated with fungicide resistance among barley spot form net blotch isolates in Australia

Cyclic behavior of GFRP-reinforced concrete one-way slabs with synthetic fibers

Integral Approach for the Evaluation of Sugar Cane Bio-Waste Molasses and Effects on Algal Lipids and Biodiesel Production

Evolved galaxies in high-density environments across 2.0 ≤ z < 4.2 using the ZFOURGE surveya

Advancements in minimally invasive bilateral ileal ureter replacement: a promising approach for complex long-segment ureteric strictures

Early detection of paediatric and adolescent obsessive–compulsive, separation anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder using machine learning algorithms

Accounting for and Comparison of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions between Crop and Livestock Sectors in China

Dielectric parameter independent curing analysis of out-of-autoclave carbon fibre/epoxy composites

Editorial: Stress, mood, and fatigue: Tackling “invisible” obstacles in stroke rehabilitation and recovery

Do major health shocks affect the interconnectedness of E-commerce and electronic payment markets? a regional analysis

First report of Fusarium madaense as a cause of root and stalk rot on Sorghum bicolor in Australia

TESS Giants Transiting Giants. III. An Eccentric Warm Jupiter Supports a Period − Eccentricity Relation for Giant Planets Transiting Evolved Stars

The Discipline of Dress: Uniform Buttons and Accoutrements of the Native Mounted Police in Queensland, Australia

Light curves and colours of the ejecta from Dimorphos after the DART impact

The assessment of undergraduate bachelor of nursing students in the collaborative clusters education model: A qualitative descriptive design

HARPS radial velocity search for planets in the Scorpius-Centaurus association: A combination with the HARPS and SOPHIE young nearby stars (YNS) surveys

Experimental and Theoretical Development of Load-Moment Interaction Diagrams of Circular Hollow GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns

Effect of Transverse Reinforcement Ratios and Configurations on the Behavior of Hollow Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP under Concentric Loading

What are the post-treatment information needs of rural cancer survivors in Australia? A systematic literature review

The Limerick Declaration on Hural Health Care 2022

Efficient daily electricity demand prediction with hybrid deep-learning multi-algorithm approach

A data-driven approach for linear and nonlinear damage detection using variational mode decomposition and GARCH model

Cyclic Behavior of Beam-Column Pocket Connections in GFRP-Reinforced Precast Concrete Assemblages

Synthesis on the effectiveness of soil translocation for plant community restoration

Folate deficiency among women of reproductive age in Ethiopia: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Scratch area as an epidemiological risk factor for Spotty Liver Disease in cage-free layers in Australia

Electrocatalytic Refinery of Biomass-Based 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural to Fine Chemicals

Removal of pharmaceutically active compounds from wastewater using adsorption coupled with electrochemical oxidation technology: A critical review

Using bug-in-ear technology as a coaching technique: a scoping review

Experimental investigation of concentrically and eccentrically loaded circular hollow concrete columns reinforced with GFRP bars and spirals

Host filtering, not competitive exclusion, may be the main driver of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community assembly under high phosphorus

Australia offers unique insight into the ecology of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: An opportunity not to be lost

Indigenous systems knowledge applied to protocols for governance and inquiry

Perceptions of co-design, co-development and co-delivery (Co-3D) as part of the co-production process – Insights for climate services

Municipal solid waste management in developing economies: A way forward

Bio-derived phosphorous-nitrogen-silicon decorated halloysite nanotube towards enhancing flame retardant, UV-blocking and mechanical properties of poly(lactic acid)

Light and Shape-Memory Polymers: Characterization, Preparation, Stimulation, and Application

Mechanical Performance and Bond Integrity of Finger Jointed High-Density Sub-Tropical Hardwoods for Residential Decking

The winds of young Solar-type stars in the Pleiades, AB Doradus, Columba, and β Pictoris

Large blockholders and stock price crash risk: An international study

The high-albedo, low polarization disk around HD 114082 that harbors a Jupiter-sized transiting planet: Constraints from VLT/SPHERE completed with TESS, Gaia, and radial velocities

A Sun-like star orbiting a black hole

Extraordinary claims in the literature on high-intensity interval training (HIIT): IV. Is HIIT associated with higher long-term exercise adherence?

Characterizing a World Within the Hot-Neptune Desert: Transit Observations of LTT 9779 b with the Hubble Space Telescope/WFC3

Fire in the Earth System: Introduction to the Special Collection

Does Clean Energy Reduce Environmental Pollution under the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in Sri Lanka?

Exploring the effects of resveratrol supplementation on cerebrovascular function in hormonal migraineurs: A pilot study

A path forward: Understanding and mitigating defects in polycrystalline membranes

TOI-1859b: A 64 Day Warm Jupiter on an Eccentric and Misaligned Orbit

Understanding conflict among experts working on controversial species: A case study on the Australian dingo

State-of-the-Art Review of Performance Objectives for Legacy Gas Pipelines with Pipe-in-Pipe Rehabilitation Technologies

Thermoelectrics and thermocells for fire warning applications

Tools to assess employment readiness for colorectal cancer survivors: A scoping review

Validity of the Modified SIT-Q 7d for Estimating Sedentary Break Frequency and Duration in Home-Based Office Workers During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic: A Secondary Analysis

The ambient and elevated temperature performance of hemp fibre reinforced alkali-activated cement foam: Effects of fibre dosage and alkali treatment

Machine learning-based segmentation of aerial LiDAR point cloud data on building roof

Differentiable optics with a Lux: I - deep calibration of flat field and phase retrieval with automatic differentiation

The Breakthrough Listen Search for Intelligent Life: Nearby Stars’ Close Encounters with the Brightest Earth Transmissions

Construction of MXene/MOFs nano-coatings on PU sponge with enhanced interfacial interaction and fire resistance towards efficient removal of liquid hazardous chemicals

TOI-1416: A system with a super-Earth planet with a 1.07 d period

Chytridiomycosis in Sri Lanka: Predicting the future of a global amphibian hotspot

A sub-Neptune transiting the young field star HD 18599 at 40 pc

Revisiting Orbital Evolution in HAT-P-2 b and Confirmation of HAT-P-2 c

The Emerging Role of Hypoxic Training for the Equine Athlete

Geographical and spatial variations in bowel cancer screening participation, Australia, 2015–2020

Geographical and spatial disparities in the incidence and survival of rare cancers in Australia

Improving the impact resistance and damage tolerance of fibre reinforced composites: A review

Snacktivity™ to promote physical activity and reduce future risk of disease in the population: protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial and nested qualitative study

A Mini-Neptune Orbiting the Metal-poor K Dwarf BD+29 2654

TOI-1136 is a Young, Coplanar, Aligned Planetary System in a Pristine Resonant Chain

Multi-parental fungal mapping population study to detect genomic regions associated with Pyrenophora teres f. teres virulence

Pesticide extraction from soil into runoff under a rainfall simulator

Direct imaging and astrometric detection of a gas giant planet orbiting an accelerating star

Token-Based Biometric Enhanced Key Derivation for Authentication Over Wireless Networks

Students managing work and study role boundaries: a person-centred approach

Can Clay Mimic the High Reflectivity of Briny Water Below the Martian SPLD?

Prevalence of canine heartworm infection in Queensland, Australia: comparison of diagnostic methods and investigation of factors associated with reduction in antigen detection

A Systematic Literature Review of the Teaching Considerations and Practices Provided to Children in an Education Setting with Comorbid Disability and Developmental Trauma

Arctic Amplification in the Community Earth System Models (CESM1 and CESM2)

The effect of nonfinancial performance measures, absorptive capacity, and organizational learning on innovation performance

Solvothermally silver doping boosting the thermoelectric performance of polycrystalline Bi2Te3

Meta-analysis of studies on protection provided by different prophylactic agents, their routes of administration and incubation times against nodavirus infection in Macrobrachium rosenbergii

Self-Adhesive Polydimethylsiloxane Foam Materials Decorated with MXene/Cellulose Nanofiber Interconnected Network for Versatile Functionalities

A pathogen-induced putative NAC transcription factor mediates leaf rust resistance in barley

Characterisation of Curing of Vinyl Ester Resin in an Industrial Pultrusion Process: Influence of Die Temperature

Investigating the effects of APSIM model configuration on model outputs across different environments

Assessing the effect of using different APSIM model configurations on model outputs

Multi-locus genome-wide association study of chickpea reference set identifies genetic determinants of Pratylenchus thornei resistance

Climate processes and drivers in the Pacific and global warming: a review for informing Pacific planning agencies

Stuck in the mud: Persistent failure of ‘the science’ to provide reliable information on the ecological roles of Australian dingoes

I think, therefore I ignore: a study on disinformation’s credibility perceptions and sharing intentions over social media

V-LoTSS: The circularly polarised LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey

JWST/NIRCam Discovery of the First Y+Y Brown Dwarf Binary: WISE J033605.05-014350.4

Parent Versus Individual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Youth Anxiety: Protocol for an Overview of Systematic Reviews Over Time

Do Parents Enhance Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Youth Anxiety? An Overview of Systematic Reviews Over Time

Lactic acid production from food waste at an anaerobic digestion biorefinery: effect of digestate recirculation and sucrose supplementation

Increased mobilization of geogenic arsenic by anthropogenic activities: The Brazilian experience in mining and agricultural areas

Assessing cultural safety in general practice consultations for Indigenous patients: protocol for a mixed methods sequential embedded design study

Navigating University: The Design and Evaluation of a Holistic Support Programme for Autistic Students in Higher Education

Indigenous social exclusion to inclusion: Case studies on Indigenous nursing leadership in four high income countries

TOI-561 b: A Low-density Ultra-short-period Rocky Planet around a Metal-poor Star

Author Response to “Pushing the Limits of Strength Training”

Hydra II: Characterisation of Aegean, Caesar, ProFound, PyBDSF, and Selavy source finders

Hydra I: An extensible multi-source-finder comparison and cataloguing tool

The benefits of regular aerobic exercise training on cerebrovascular function and cognition in older adults

Food and Garden Organic Waste Management in Australia: Co-Benefits for Regional Communities and Local Government

Red panda tourism gives hope in the mid-mountain range of the Eastern Himalaya, yet inappropriate practices may lead to failure

Population physical activity legacy from major sports events: The contribution of behavior change science

Application of machine learning to assess people's perception of household energy in the developing world: A case of Nepal

Rising to the climate challenge: integrating climate action in the undergraduate curriculum

Use of density-impact functions to inform and improve the environmental outcomes of feral horse management

Users' Experiences in a Regional Academic Library Makerspace

TESS Observations of the Pleiades Cluster: A Nursery for δ Scuti Stars

Silent Tears of Midwives: ‘I Want Every Mother Who Gives Birth to Have Her Baby Alive’—A Narrative Inquiry of Midwives Experiences of Very Early Neonatal Death from Tanzania

Innovative Fibromyalgia Detection Approach Based on Quantum-Inspired 3LBP Feature Extractor Using ECG Signal

If You Build It Will They Come? Park Upgrades, Park Use and Park-Based Physical Activity in Urban Cape Town, South Africa—The SUN Study

Revisiting K2-233 spectroscopic time-series with multidimensional Gaussian processes

Aggregate effects of proliferating low-Earth-orbit objects and implications for astronomical data lost in the noise

Nepal Himalaya offers considerable potential for pumped storage hydropower

PICSARR: high-precision polarimetry using CMOS image sensors

Investigating the impact financial content structure has on consumer appreciation: An empirical study of Australian statement of advice documents

Extending the technology acceptance model to understand the use of e-learning during COVID-19 pandemic for enhancing learning process: Iraqi universities' students

Editorial: World health day 2022: Impact of COVID-19 on health and socioeconomic inequities

Discrete Element Method Simulation and Field Evaluation of a Vibrating Root-Tuber Shovel in Cohesive and Frictional Soils

An Investigation of Surface EMG Shorts-Derived Training Load during Treadmill Running

Understanding production possibility frontiers and utility values of ecosystem services in the Himalayas: An analysis of the supply-demand divide

Sub-m s-1upper limits from a deep HARPS-N radial-velocity search for planets orbiting HD 166620 and HD 144579

Work-related outcomes in individuals with and without lower limb osteoarthritis: an online survey

Robotics and sensing technologies in red meat processing: A review

Investigation on Three-Body Abrasion Resistance of Mild Steel Soil Slurry Condition-Simulating Agricultural Condition

Flexural Behaviour of GFRP-Softwood Sandwich Panels for Prefabricated Building Construction

Why humans kill animals and why we cannot avoid it

A Qualitative Investigation of Factors Affecting Saudi Patients’ Communication Experience with Non-Saudi Physicians in Saudi Arabia

Redefining procurement paradigms: A critical review of buyer-supplier dynamics in the global petroleum and natural gas industry

Nurse-led interventions among older adults affected by cancer: An integrative review

An appraisal of the principal concerns and controlling factors for Arsenic contamination in Chile

Impact of COVID-19 on Smallholder Aquaculture Farmers and Their Response Strategies: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh

Promoting agri-food systems resilience through ICT in developing countries amid COVID-19

Investigating the lap shear adhesion of coir and glass-fibre reinforced epoxy bonding to mild steel with varying volume fractions

Fatigue behavior of unidirectional fiber-reinforced pultruded composites with high volume fiber fraction

Identifying License Plates in Distorted Vehicle Images: Detecting Distorted Vehicle Licence Plates Using a Novel Preprocessing Methods With Hybrid Feature Descriptors

The reality of local investment in Iraq and prospects for its development: a case study in the Baghdad investment commission

Livelihood vulnerability of char land communities to climate change and natural hazards in Bangladesh: an application of livelihood vulnerability index

The TESS-Keck Survey. XVI. Mass Measurements for 12 Planets in Eight Systems

Review of Discrete Element Method Simulations of Soil Tillage and Furrow Opening

Efficacy of a school-based education intervention on the consumption of fruits, vegetables and carbonated soft drinks among adolescents

The development of dissolved oxygen forecast model using hybrid machine learning algorithm with hydro-meteorological variables

Effects of geometrical parameters on the degree of bending in two-planar tubular DYT-joints of offshore jacket structures

The impact of gender and age on bullying role, self-harm and suicide: Evidence from a cohort study of Australian children

Investigation of Circular Hollow Concrete Columns Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Spirals

Comparison of CNN-based deep learning architectures for rice diseases classification

Is this the solution to wellbeing and burnout management for the critical care workforce? A parallel, interventional, feasibility and realist informed pilot randomized control trial protocol

A comparative analysis of the financial performance of commercial banks after mergers and acquisitions using Nepalese data

Investigating the Source of Claims with the Importance of BIM Application on Reducing Construction Disputable Claims in KSA

Water availability alters the community structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and determines plant mycorrhizal benefit

Brushtail possum terrestrial activity patterns are driven by climatic conditions, breeding and moonlight intensity

SPSS Explained

Rapid Cure Composites: Materials, Processing and Manufacturing

Bioenergy for Power Generation, Transportation and Climate Change Mitigation

A systematic review of the effectiveness of superficial heat and cold for decreasing pain and improving disability in adults with low back pain: A Cochrane systematic review

'It's not fair!' Kids grumble and complain for a reason, here's how to handle it

From Shark Bait to final girl in filmic horror: Young women, killer sharks, and the Monstrous-Masculine

Financial development and environmental quality in developed countries: a systematic literature review

Disaggregated energy consumption, industrialization, total population, and ecological footprint nexus: evidence from the world’s top 10 most populous countries

The Differential Evolution Algorithm: An analysis of more than two decades of application in structural damage detection (2001-2022)

Where do wildlife cross the road? Experimental evaluation reveals fauna preferences for multiple types of crossing structures

Spatial modelling of agro-ecologically significant grassland species using the INLA-SPDE approach

Family-school partnerships, the educative process, and pre-service teachers: a systematic literature review

Justice Alfred Lutwyche and the early supreme court

Statements of Belief as Political Communication

The ABC of history education: a comparison of Australian, British and Canadian approaches to teaching national and First Nations histories

Challenges and Strategies of In-Service EFL Teachers in Online Language Teaching: A Saudi Arabian Case Study

Generative AI Writing Tools and the Australian Curriculum: English

Marasmius australotrichotus (Marasmiaceae), a new setose species from Australia, and an intriguing range extension for M. paratrichotus

Indigenous Rights in Freshwater: Mapping the Contested Space in Australia, New Zealand and Canada

N and S co-doped nanosheet-like porous carbon derived from sorghum biomass: mechanical nanoarchitecturing for upgraded potassium ion batteries

Towards Human-Bot Collaborative Software Architecting with ChatGPT

Is Leaving God to Make the Choice an Answer to a Charge of Murder by Reckless Indifference to Human Life or Manslaughter? A Case Study of Queensland Criminal Law

Supporting and developing the next generation of nursing and midwifery academic leaders

A student-run exercise physiology clinic in Australia: who and what do we see?

‘Wireless Vistas: how amateur experimenters made sport of Marconi’s dream.’

Exploring the impact of e-learning modules and webinars on health professionals' understanding of the End of Life Choice Act 2019: a secondary analysis of Manatū Hauora - Ministry of Health workforce survey

Experimental Results of the Electron Transpiration Cooling Effect in the X2 Expansion Tunnel

Conceptual Study into Wave Ingesting Propulsion for Hypersonic Flight

Schools and Universities as Elders: Institutional Mentoring and the Indigenous Student

Throw Away the Script: Examining the Introduction of a Guided Mathematical Inquiry Unit

Conceptualisation of Personal Recovery and Recovery-Oriented Care for Youth: Multisystemic Perspectives

Redesigning a mixed-method research study during a pandemic: A case study from Nigeria and Australia

An Exploration of Effective Pedagogical Practices for Mathematics Learning in the Nigerian Context

Effects of Worked Example on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Complex Algebraic Problems

Qualitative research

Arnold wanted X but we got Y – the Queensland senior physical education syllabus application of the Arnoldian perspective

They also served: Nurses, the great war, and children's picture books

A high-order embedded-boundary method based on smooth extension and RBFs for solving elliptic equations in multiply connected domains

An effective high-order five-point stencil, based on integrated-RBF approximations, for the first biharmonic equation and its applications in fluid dynamics

Far Right Security Risks? Deportations & Extradition requests of Displaced Persons 1947-1952

Leadership towards Sustainability: A Review of Sustainable, Sustainability, and Environmental Leadership

Slavery, illusion and dead white men: Zadie Smith’s The Fraud explodes the historical novel

Revisiting recycled water for the next drought; a case study of South East Queensland, Australia

The role of forensic archaeology in the investigation of air crash sites

Underground Storage Tank Blowout Analysis: Stability Prediction Using an Artificial Neural Network

A drought monitor for Australia

Evaporation and soil moisture prediction with artificial intelligence and deep learning methods

Effect of Upward Inclination Angle on Flow Energy Loss in Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Venturi Meters for Single-Phase Incompressible Isothermal Low Reynolds Number Turbulent Flows

The efficacy of the Dimensions of Attitudes toward Science (DAS) for explaining primary preservice teachers’ intention to teach science

Developing habit-based health behaviour change interventions: Twenty-one questions to guide future research

A Review of Analytical Methods and Technologies for Monitoring Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Water

Changes in the prevalence of dementia in Australia and its association with geographic remoteness

Substance Abuse Amongst Refugee Youth: A Scoping Review

Sleep duration, sleep quality and the risk of being obese: Evidence from the Australian panel survey

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Stigma Among HealthCare Workers Toward the Development of a Stigma-Reduction Strategy: A Scoping Review

Renewable energy consumption in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of human capital, foreign direct investment, financial development, and institutional quality

Emergent Systems: Virtuality, Legality, Formality

Capturing the Complexities of Collaborative Partnerships in Early Childhood Through Metaphor

Prevalence of visual impairment among primary and secondary school children in Delta State, Nigeria

Prevalence and Pattern of Visual Impairment among Adult Population in Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria

Factors influencing utilization of insecticide-treated nets among pregnant women and children in Bayelsa and Rivers States, Nigeria

Primary health care services for obesity and hypertension in sub-urban community: focus on nutrition

Prevalence of malnutrition among people living with obesity and hypertension

Intake of fruits and vegetables as self prescribed weight reducing and DASH diets among obese-hypertensive individuals attending Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital Irrua, Edo State, Nigeria

Nutritional status of obese hypertensive individuals attending Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital Irrua, Edo State

Forecasting Construction Cost Index through Artificial Intelligence

Terzaghi’s Three Stability Factors for Pipeline Burst-Related Ground Stability

Shear Behaviour of Fibreglass Rock Bolts for Various Pretension Loads

Becoming - Visual Art

Design and fabrication of microneedle patches, microblades and featured insertion applicator for optimising transdermal drug delivery

Formation of non-uniform fibre distributions in winding-pultrusion process and its effect on axial compressive properties of hollow GFRP profiles

Effect of fibre distribution on structural behaviour of pultruded composite profiles

Determining the genetic characteristics of Didymella arachidicola and its peanut host

Tailoring emergency and disaster preparedness engagement approaches for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities

Bidirectional load test in HoChiMinh City: a case history and lessons learned

Drawing as manual drafting in the interior design industry: A work-based study

Building capacity and self-efficacy in teaching Scripture to early years learners

Mechanical and durability performance of hybrid flax fibres and graphene composites

What are enabling programs? How do they help Australians get to uni?

A Western Agenda for Access and Equity in Higher Education: The Evolution of Widening Participation

New achievements on daily reference evapotranspiration forecasting: Potential assessment of multivariate signal decomposition schemes

Abrasive Wear Performance of Coir Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite

Internet Financial Risk Management Study

The informal sector and its impact on sustainable development: An empirical study on urban perspective

Internationalisation and TESOL academics professional development: Towards an intercultural model

Site-Relevant Art: Post 20th Century Considerations of Site Specificity

Long-term war in Afghanistan: Its impacts on the economy, environment, and human resource development

High School Students' Experiences in an Early Entry to University Course at an Australian Regional University

Reflexivity and children's exploration of moral aesthetics in creative writing

Exploring the Prospects of Macadamia Nutshells for Bio-Synthetic Polymer Composites: A Review

Ultrafast and Cost-Effective Fabrication of High-Performance Carbon-Based Flexible Thermoelectric Hybrid Films and Their Devices

Advances in Ionic Thermoelectrics: From Materials to Devices

A novel tree pattern-based violence detection model using audio signals

Application of novel DIRF feature selection algorithm for automated brain disease detection

Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Brain-Computer Interface in Mental Fatigue Detection: A Systematic Review (2011-2022)

Automated detection of airflow obstructive diseases: A systematic review of the last decade (2013-2022)

Multi-objective squirrel search algorithm for EEG feature selection

Fuzzy Logic-Based System for Identifying the Severity of Diabetic Macular Edema from OCT B-Scan Images Using DRIL, HRF, and Cystoids

Explainable attention ResNet18-based model for asthma detection using stethoscope lung sounds

Epilepsy detection in 121 patient populations using hypercube pattern from EEG signals

Automated accurate detection of depression using twin Pascal's triangles lattice pattern with EEG Signals

QLBP: Dynamic patterns-based feature extraction functions for automatic detection of mental health and cognitive conditions using EEG signals

Automated Adrenal Gland Disease Classes Using Patch-Based Center Symmetric Local Binary Pattern Technique with CT Images

Identifying predictive biomarkers for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation response in depression patients with explainability

Deep learning and machine learning in psychiatry: a survey of current progress in depression detection, diagnosis and treatment

Automated detection of scaphoid fractures using deep neural networks in radiographs

NRC-Net: Automated noise robust cardio net for detecting valvular cardiac diseases using optimum transformation method with heart sound signals

Diagnosis of brain diseases in fusion of neuroimaging modalities using deep learning: A review

Automatic diagnosis of schizophrenia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in rs-fMRI modality using convolutional autoencoder model and interval type-2 fuzzy regression

Gynecological cancer prognosis using machine learning techniques: A systematic review of the last three decades (1990–2022)

CAPSCNet: A novel scattering network for automated identification of phasic cyclic alternating patterns of human sleep using multivariate EEG signals

Expert system for detection of congestive heart failure using optimal wavelet and heart rate variability signals for wireless cloud-based environment

Automated detection of schizophrenia using deep learning: a review for the last decade

A novel automated robust dual-channel EEG-based sleep scoring system using optimal half-band pair linear-phase biorthogonal wavelet filter bank

Automated Explainable Detection of Cyclic Alternating Pattern (CAP) Phases and Sub-Phases Using Wavelet-Based Single-Channel EEG Signals

Computerized detection of cyclic alternating patterns of sleep: A new paradigm, future scope and challenges

Automated insomnia detection using wavelet scattering network technique with single-channel EEG signals

PrismPatNet: Novel prism pattern network for accurate fault classification using engine sound signals

Brain tumor detection and screening using artificial intelligence techniques: Current trends and future perspectives

Automated detection and screening of depression using continuous wavelet transform with electroencephalogram signals

Application of Kronecker convolutions in deep learning technique for automated detection of kidney stones with coronal CT images

An Explainable Deep Learning Model to Prediction Dental Caries Using Panoramic Radiograph Images

PS-VTS: particle swarm with visit table strategy for automated emotion recognition with EEG signals

Automated semantic lung segmentation in chest CT images using deep neural network

PatchResNet: Multiple Patch Division–Based Deep Feature Fusion Framework for Brain Tumor Classification Using MRI Images

A Data-Driven Hybrid Methodology Using Randomized Low-Rank DMD Approximation and Flat-Top FIR Filter for Voltage Fluctuations Monitoring in Grid-Connected Distributed Generation Systems

Deep Radiomics Features of Median Nerves for Automated Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome With Ultrasound Images: A Multi-Center Study

An empirical study of preprocessing techniques with convolutional neural networks for accurate detection of chronic ocular diseases using fundus images

Deep neural network technique for automated detection of ADHD and CD using ECG signal

EpilepsyNet: Novel automated detection of epilepsy using transformer model with EEG signals from 121 patient population

Automated Schizophrenia detection using local descriptors with EEG signals

INSOMNet: Automated insomnia detection using scalogram and deep neural networks with ECG signals

FGPat18: Feynman graph pattern-based language detection model using EEG signals

ALEC: Active learning with ensemble of classifiers for clinical diagnosis of coronary artery disease

Application of data fusion for automated detection of children with developmental and mental disorders: A systematic review of the last decade

SchizoNET: A robust and accurate Margenau-Hill time-frequency distribution based deep neural network model for schizophrenia detection using EEG signals

An explainable and interpretable model for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children using EEG signals

Adazd-Net: Automated adaptive and explainable Alzheimer's disease detection system using EEG signals

Prognosis prediction in traumatic brain injury patients using machine learning algorithms

SGC-ARANet: scale-wise global contextual axile reverse attention network for automatic brain tumor segmentation

Skin lesion segmentation using two-phase cross-domain transfer learning framework

PFP-HOG: Pyramid and Fixed-Size Patch-Based HOG Technique for Automated Brain Abnormality Classification with MRI

ExHiF: Alzheimer's disease detection using exemplar histogram-based features with CT and MR images

Application of Entropy for Automated Detection of Neurological Disorders With Electroencephalogram Signals: A Review of the Last Decade (2012-2022)

Uncertainty quantification in DenseNet model using myocardial infarction ECG signals

Endoscopy, video capsule endoscopy, and biopsy for automated celiac disease detection: A review

Automated warfarin dose prediction for Asian, American, and Caucasian populations using a deep neural network

Automated diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases from cardiac magnetic resonance imaging using deep learning models: A review

Emotion recognition in EEG signals using deep learning methods: A review

Development of Debiasing Technique for Lung Nodule Chest X-ray Datasets to Generalize Deep Learning Models

FFCAEs: An efficient feature fusion framework using cascaded autoencoders for the identification of gliomas

Most complicated lock pattern-based seismological signal framework for automated earthquake detection

Automated detection of cybersecurity attacks in healthcare systems with recursive feature elimination and multilayer perceptron optimization

Automated Urine Cell Image Classification Model Using Chaotic Mixer Deep Feature Extraction

Swin-LBP: a competitive feature engineering model for urine sediment classification

Hybrid-Patch-Alex: A new patch division and deep feature extraction-based image classification model to detect COVID-19, heart failure, and other lung conditions using medical images

Primate brain pattern-based automated Alzheimer's disease detection model using EEG signals

An automatic sleep-scoring system in elderly women with osteoporosis fractures using frequency localized finite orthogonal quadrature Fejer Korovkin kernels

Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Monkeypox: A Systematic Review

Automated mental arithmetic performance detection using quantum pattern- and triangle pooling techniques with EEG signals

Automated facial expression recognition using exemplar hybrid deep feature generation technique

CCPNet136: automated detection of schizophrenia using carbon chain pattern and iterative TQWT technique with EEG signals

NFSDense201: microstructure image classification based on non-fixed size patch division with pre-trained DenseNet201 layers

Multilevel hybrid accurate handcrafted model for myocardial infarction classification using ECG signals

Novel favipiravir pattern-based learning model for automated detection of specific language impairment disorder using vowels

LSGP-USFNet: Automated Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Detection Using Locations of Sophie Germain’s Primes on Ulam’s Spiral-Based Features with Electroencephalogram Signals

Performance evaluation of 67 denoising filters in ultrasound images: A systematic comparison analysis

Swarm Intelligence in Internet of Medical Things: A Review

Explainable automated anuran sound classification using improved one-dimensional local binary pattern and Tunable Q Wavelet Transform techniques

UncertaintyFuseNet: Robust uncertainty-aware hierarchical feature fusion model with Ensemble Monte Carlo Dropout for COVID-19 detection

Binarized multi-gate mixture of Bayesian experts for cardiac syndrome X diagnosis: A clinician-in-the-loop scenario with a belief-uncertainty fusion paradigm

Hercules: Deep Hierarchical Attentive Multilevel Fusion Model With Uncertainty Quantification for Medical Image Classification

Diagnosis of Metastatic Lymph Nodes in Patients With Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Comparative Multi-Center Study of Semantic Features and Deep Learning-Based Models

An open-access breast lesion ultrasound image database‏: Applicable in artificial intelligence studies

Design and performance of high-efficiency flexible thermoelectric Mmaterials and devices

Primary healthcare provider experience of knowledge brokering interventions for mood management

Critical discourse analysis of news representations of male victims of domestic violence

The impact of CEO attributes on firm-level climate-change disclosure: Evidence from United States

A scoping review of LGBTQIA+ inclusion in Queensland’s North Coast Region secondary school policies

Control Basics for Mechatronics

Investigating the use of oral paracetamol and topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) - diclofenac as a combination therapy for mild to moderate osteoarthritis (OA) pain: an evidence-based assessment using data mining and the application of machine learning (ML)

Automatic identification of schizophrenia based on EEG signals using dynamic functional connectivity analysis and 3D convolutional neural network

Real-time epilepsy seizure detection and brain connectivity analysis using electroencephalogram

Information and communications technology (ICT) project investments: A work-based research study investigating developing ICT Core Competence and Competitive Advantage in the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector

Childcare in the Queensland Police Service: A Work-based Study of the Logan Police District

Criminal Procedure: LexisNexis Questions and Answers

Managing Operational Information and Intelligence using knowledge management principles: A work based study at Queensland Police Service

An Analysis of Miscible Displacement and Numerical Modelling of Glyphosate Transport in Three Different Agricultural Soils

Making the most of cognitive surplus: Descriptive case studies of student-generated Open Educational Resources

Are the technologies you’re using really engaging students online?

Soil and Ocean Carbon Sequestration, Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage as Negative Emission Strategies for Global Climate Change

Enhancing Students’ Cultural Competency in Tertiary Health Education Using Internationalization at Home

Health literacy amongst children living with a long-term condition: ‘What I know and who I tell'

3D concrete printing of eco-friendly geopolymer containing brick waste

Rapid early age strength development of in-line activated geopolymer for concrete 3D printing

Consumers’ Behavioural Intentions to Reuse Recommender Systems: Assessing the Effects of Trust Propensity, Trusting Beliefs and Perceived Usefulness.

An Alternative Method for Estimating the Peak Flow for a Regional Catchment Considering the Uncertainty via Continuous Simulation

Performance evaluation of supersonic flow for variable geometry radial ejector through CFD models based on DES-turbulence models, GPR machine learning, and MPA optimization

Experimental investigation of a novel variable geometry radial ejector

Integrated Multi-Head Self-Attention Transformer model for electricity demand prediction incorporating local climate variables

Grunge, Nation and Literary Generations: Christos Tsiolkas and Genre

X-ray Tomographic Reconstruction for Understanding Lignin-Induced Changes in the Microstructure and Properties of Polyurethane Insulation Foam

A Reliability-Based Framework for Damage Accumulation Due to Multiple Earthquakes: A Case Study on Bridges

Trapdoor Stability of Drained Cohesive-Frictional Soils Using Terzaghi’s Superposition Method

Probabilistic Stability Design Charts for Shallow Passive Trapdoors in Spatially Variable Clays

Data-driven Modeling for Stability Evaluation of Cylindrical Boreholes with Slurry in Anisotropic and Non-Homogeneous Clays

Unlined Length Effect on the Tunnel Face Stability and Collapse Mechanisms in c-ϕ Soils: A Numerical Study with Advanced Mesh Adaptive Strategies

Uplift resistance of caisson foundation in NGI-ADP soil using FEA and ANN

Coupling isogeometric analysis with deep learning for stability evaluation of rectangular tunnels

Revisiting Active and Passive Earth Pressure Problems using Three Stability Factors

Review of Transformer Health Index from the Perspective of Survivability and Condition Assessment

Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Green Sandwich Structures for Building and Construction Applications

A review on UAV-based applications for plant disease detection and monitoring

The role of microneedles in the healing of chronic wounds

Recent progress in PLGA-based microneedle-mediated transdermal drug and vaccine delivery

Impact of Spectral Shift Quality (SSQ) on Fibre Optic Sensor Readings in Reinforced Concrete Beams

Greenery change and its impact on human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka: a model-based assessment using Sentinel-2 imagery

Enabling Education in Australia: Emerging Themes and Shared Understandings

Publicly subsidised smoking cessation medicines in times of COVID-19 in Australia: An interrupted time series analysis

Primary care-based smoking cessation treatment and subsequent healthcare service utilisation: a matched cohort study of smokers using linked administrative healthcare data

Association Between Smoking Cessation Treatment and Healthcare Costs in a Single-Payer Public Healthcare System

Incidence of chronic disease following smoking cessation treatment: A matched cohort study using linked administrative healthcare data in Ontario, Canada

Immediate and Ongoing Impact of COVID-19 on Chlamydia Treatment in Australia

Aviation resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of the European aviation market

Queensland is not only trampling the rights of children, it is setting a concerning legal precedent

Human Rights and the Environment in the Ogiek Case: Implications for Property Rights in Queensland

Mapping the effects of ozone pollution and mixing on floral odour plumes and their impact on plant-pollinator interactions

Leicester's Men and their Plays: An Early Elizabethan Playing Company and its Legacy

Relational Contract Theory, the Relevance of Contract Performance in Contract Interpretation and its Relevance to Employment Law in the United Kingdom and Australia

Chariots of the gods, ships in the sky: how unidentified aerial phenomena left their mark in ancient cultures

Prediction of Water Quality in Reservoirs: A Comparative Assessment of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches in the Case of Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia

Identifying an Optimal Model for Blockchain Technology Adoption in the Agricultural Sector

Artificial intelligence technologies and applications for language learning and teaching

Impact of institutional quality on ecological footprint: New insights from G20 countries

Linking governance with environmental quality: a global perspective

Proof that all dissipation rates are only functions of time for transported joint-normal distributions

A Multi-Framework of Google Earth Engine and GEV for Spatial Analysis of Extremes in Non-Stationary Condition in Southeast Queensland, Australia

Patterns in Making Victims’ Gender Visible or Invisible in News Media Reporting of Boko Haram’s Massacres and Kidnappings

Involvement of community pharmacy professionals in maternal health service provision in Ethiopia: a multi-centre cross-sectional survey

Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) based COVID-19 health impact assessment: A systematic review

Nurses’ perspectives, attitudes and experiences related to e-learning: a systematic review

Physical and mental health status of women in disaster-affected areas in Bangladesh

Gender-based vulnerabilities for women during natural disasters in Bangladesh

Indirect health outcomes of COVID-19: A systematic review

Mental stress recognition on the fly using neuroplasticity spiking neural networks

Industry and Stakeholder Impacts on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Financial Performance: Consumer vs. Industrial Sectors

Interprofessional Emergency Services Chaplaincy Role in Critical Incidents in Queensland

Supportive care needs of men with advanced prostate cancer enrolled in a clinical trial

Board gender diversity and acquisition choices

Better than Scrolling: Digital Detox in the Search for the Ideal Self

A systematic review of emerging environmental markets: Potential pathways to creating shared value for communities

Community-school collaborations: community counsellors’ perceptions of school counselling in Singapore

Broadband electromagnetic wave absorption using pure carbon aerogel by synergistically modulating propagation path and carbonization degree

A Schiff base-coated ammonia polyphosphate for improving thermal and fire-retardant properties of unsaturated polyester

Engineering phosphorus-containing lignin for epoxy biocomposites with enhanced thermal stability, fire retardancy and mechanical properties

The effects of age on dyspnea and respiratory mechanical and neural responses to exercise in healthy men


Becoming Exhibition

A novel epileptic seizure prediction method based on synchroextracting transform and 1-dimensional convolutional neural network

Empowering Teachers and Democratising Schooling: Perspectives from Australia by Keith Heggart and Steven Kolber (eds.)

Characteristics and processes of registered nurses’ clinical reasoning and factors relating to the use of clinical reasoning in practice: a scoping review

Solving the nudge-nag conundrum in on-line learning

Explore the efficacy of eKindy: Building capacity and supporting positive learning outcomes for children: Final Report

Bringing Braille LEGO bricks downunder

Barriers and Enablers for Preparation for Employment for Students with Blindness and Low Vision in Mainstream Secondary Schools

Place value, operations and a game!

Part, Part, Whole

LEGO Foundation LEGO Braille bricks and numeracy

The Importance of Accessibility

Invited Speaker: Using LEGO® Braille Bricks to Develop Literacy and Numeracy for Students with Blindness and Low Vision

Stage 1 Initial Findings Report for the Emerging Priorities Program: An examination of primary teacher, student and parent experiences of arts learning online during COVID-19 lockdowns

Integrating management decisions and insurance to drive climate adaptation in the agricultural industry

Developing higher education students’ intellectual virtues through intentional practice

Artificial Intelligence in the Interpretation of Videofluoroscopic Swallow Studies: Implications and Advances for Speech–Language Pathologists

Learning from the experiences of residents: January to July 2022 floods

Wogs as work: humour as ethnic entrepreneurship and convivial labour

Integrating BIM–IoT and Autonomous Mobile Robots for Construction Site Layout Printing

Our black box obsession: air accident investigation in popular culture

Representing Trust in Digital Journalism

Pelvic Floor Health: Examining the Knowledge, Attitudes and Experiences of Personal Trainers and Middle-Aged Women in Inner Regional Queensland

An Exploration of Moderator Support for Online Suicidal Behaviors

Dust Grain Dynamics in Debris Discs

A bad time to die? Exploring bereaved families/wha-nau experiences of end-of-life care under COVID-19 restrictions: a qualitative interview study

The immunology of a putative recombinant vaccine against Streptococcus pyogenes utilising hepatitis B virus-like particles as an antigen delivery platform

An exploratory case study investigating offshore high school teacher perspectives of the delivery of transnational curriculum in senior years

The Trickster Methodology: Describing the creative process of fiction writers

The Starving Artist; Understanding The Significance of Eating Disorders Through Contemporary Art

The Use of Images to Explore the Indigenous Experience of Conflict in Australian Children's Picturebooks

The role of health behavior theories in parents’ initial engagement with parenting interventions

Profiles of Parents’ Preferences for Delivery Formats and Program Features of Parenting Interventions


How is energy intensity affected by industrialisation, trade openness and financial development? A dynamic analysis for the panel of newly industrialized countries

Stop the clocks: Enabling practitioners and precarity in pandemic time(s)

Gods and Monsters in the Ruined University: Filmic Teachers and Their Moral Pedagogies from The Faculty to Higher Learning

Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Healthcare Buildings: A Policy Framework

Synchronous computer-mediated communication and task-based learning in the EFL classroom

Flipping the focus: An innovative design strategy to support technology integration in teacher education

Humanizing Online Learning: A New Framework for Educational Design

Understanding the drivers of destination equity in the post-pandemic era: the case of Australia

"Teachers are Rock Stars!" Rethinking Teaching and Teacher Education in a Post-Pandemic World: Innovative Disruption and Silver Linings.

Academic Staff Identity in Widening Participation Programs

Detection, characterization, and persistence of Campylobacter hepaticus, the cause of spotty liver disease in layer hens

Perspectives on teacher standards in the mentoring process: Insights from mentors and early career teachers in an Australian context

Madden-Julian Oscillation Impacts on Australian Temperatures and Extremes

The Combined Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation and El Niño-Southern Oscillation on Australian Rainfall

In Sync: Inclusive school communities supporting students with anxiety

Life development and life designing for career construction

Career counseling and psychotherapy: The working alliance and reflexive practice

Assessing research trends in spiritual growth: The case for self-determined learning.

Saltwater Story

Characteristics of engaging teaching videos in higher education: a systematic literature review of teachers’ behaviours and movements in video conferencing

High-risk Antenatal Women's Perceptions of Dietitian Appointments and Information

Multivariate data decomposition based deep learning approach to forecast one-day ahead significant wave height for ocean energy generation

Maternal healthcare for women with physical disabilities in Northern Vietnam: perspectives of healthcare providers.

Culture Counts: Creating buy-in for strength and conditioning coaches

It’s a question of balance: Reconsidering learning partnerships through genuine teacher mentoring conversations

Development of a Teaching Performance Assessment in Australia: What did we learn?

Exploring Flood Response Challenges, Training Needs, and the Impact of Online Flood Training for Lifeguards and Water Safety Professionals in South Africa

Constitutional Crises and Regionalism: Elgar Monographs in Constitutional and Administrative Law

Using interactive technologies to enhance student engagement in higher education online learning

HMP-REaDER: MENPA guidelines for designing and reporting research on holistic movement practices, including yoga, tai chi, qigong, and conscious dance

Building community resilience to bushfire health impacts: Evaluation of an online pilot short course in Tasmania, Australia

Video face forgery detection via facial motion-assisted capturing dense optical flow truncation

RSFace: subject agnostic face swapping with expression high fidelity

Individual-Specific Relationship Between External Training and Match Load and Creatine-Kinase Response in Youth National Team Soccer Players

A decision support system to evaluate the quality and warranty policies for remanufactured products

Explaining short-term memory phenomena with long-term memory theory: Is a special state involved?

Parent-child interactions in early life mediating association between prenatal maternal stress and autistic-like behaviors among preschoolers

Climate-linked compensation, societal values, and climate change impact: International evidence

Sensory methods and machine learning based damage identification of fibre-reinforced composite structures: An introductory review

Mental performance classification using fused multilevel feature generation with EEG signals

Consultation Dr Submission to the Queensland Work and Electrical Safety Policy Office of Industrial Relations – Recreational Diving, Recreational Technical Diving and Snorkelling Code of Practice 2023

Building community resilience after the Noosa bushfires

Twilight on the Trail – Music

End user perspectives on design and conduct of health-related disaster research

Coloured image classification with quantum machine learning algorithms for intelligent transportation systems

The magnetic fields, activity and hidden companions of solar-type stars

Thermochemical conversion and upgrading of wheat straw biomass into solid fuel

An exploratory study of the deepest values underlying the purchase of a property in a master-planned luxury branded estate in southeast Queensland

Strategies employed in an alternative school setting for adolescents with special needs, to achieve academic and behavioural growth

Design and optimization of high-performance GeTe-based thermoelectric materials

Interannual and decadal variability of Australian monsoon rainfall and variability in the Pacific Ocean

The Lost Lawyer Regained: Virtue, Liberalism and Citizenship in Lawyers' Ethics

Dynamics of Benjamin-Ono Solitons in a Two-Layer Ocean with a Shear Flow

The impact of technological innovation on marketing: Individuals, organizations and environment - A systematic review

Effects of social media marketing on consumer purchase intention in the retail sector of Australia

Critical Success Factors Classification Framework for Measuring Maturity of Organisations using New Generation ERP Systems: A Systematic Literature Review

Identification of recycling pathways for secondary aluminum dross with integrated hybrid life cycle assessment

Attaining multiple sustainable development goals through storage hydropower development amidst community vulnerabilities

Carbonated tiger-high above-ground biomass carbon stock in protected areas and corridors and its observed negative relationship with tiger population density and occupancy in the Terai Arc Landscape, Nepal

Decoding the impacts of space and time on honey bees: GIS based fuzzy AHP and fuzzy overlay to assess land suitability for apiary sites in Queensland, Australia

Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on financial returns of smallholder coffee plantations in Lao PDR

Understanding local ecosystem dynamics in three provinces of the lowlands of Nepal

Local stakeholders' priorities and perceptions towards forest ecosystem services in the Red panda habitat region of Nepal

Managing water scarcity via rainwater harvesting system in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal: People's awareness, implementation challenges and way forward

Ecological factors associated with hispid hare (Caprolagus hispidus) habitat use and conservation threats in the Terai Arc Landscape of Nepal

Virtual fencing of captive Asian elephants fitted with an aversive geofencing device to manage their movement

Improving soil health for farm profits through organics

Forest Governance in Nepal concerning Sustainable Community Forest Management and Red Panda Conservation

Rationalizing donations and subsidies: Energy ecosystem development for sustainable renewable energy transition in Nepal

Preference, perceived change, and professed relationship among ecosystem services in the Himalayas

Examining policy− institution− program (PIP) responses against the drivers of ecosystem dynamics. A chronological review (1960–2020) from Nepal

Spatial dynamics of biophysical trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services in the Himalayas

Calibrating Nepal's scientific forest management practices in the measure of forest restoration

Comparing global and local land cover maps for ecosystem management in the Himalayas

Climate‐driven decline in the habitat of the endemic spiny babbler (Turdoides nipalensis)

Flash flood-risk areas zoning using integration of decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory, GIS-based analytic network process and satellite-derived information

Revealing the effect of an industrial flash flood on vegetation area: a case study of Khusheh Mehr in Maragheh-Bonab Plain, Iran

Compound brands and multi-creation of brand associations: Evidence from airports and shopping malls

Analyzing factors affecting charter flight service demand: A case of Taiwan

Changes in perceptions of airport services’ attributes: An assessment of the impacts of COVID-19

Spectrum of Teaching Styles in PE - Styles F-K

Spectrum of teaching styles in PE - Styles A-E

Financing Options for Green and Affordable Housing (GAH): An Exploratory Study of South Asian Economies

Historical role preparedness: A Bourdieusian analysis of the differential positions of professional staff and academics in an Australian managerialised university

Dynamic Correlation Adjacency Matrix Based Graph Neural Network for Traffic Flow Prediction

Effectiveness of interventions to reduce sexually transmitted infections and blood-borne viruses in incarcerated adult populations: a systematic review protocol

Tools for Scaffolding the Development of L2 Speaking in English-medium Higher Education: Lessons from Poland and Australia

“Never Let Anyone Say That a Good Fight for the Fight for Good Wasn’t a Good Fight Indeed”: The Enactment of Agency Through Military Metaphor by One Australian Incarcerated Trans Woman

Academia and Higher Learning in Popular Culture

Unseen Universities and Seen Academics: An Introduction

Diagnostic information produces better-calibrated judgments about forensic comparison evidence than likelihood ratios

The importance of aesthetics in workplace environments: an investigation into employees’ satisfaction, feelings of safety and comfort in a university

Content analysis: Mental health staff viewpoints on the barriers and facilitators to leisure engagement in mental health inpatient units

Investigation of the consumer perspective on leisure activity available in Australian mental health inpatient units

Recommendations: The development of practice principles for leisure-based occupational enrichment in mental health inpatient units

Jen Mize and the Rough n Tumble

Maharishi Ayurveda and Historical Newspaper Articles: A Statistical Analysis of Latent Factors


The Treatment of Young Transgender People and the Law

The human-elephant conflict in Sri Lanka: history and present status

Mettere insieme le cose: Camus, Foucault e un’etica del sé

Weedy Life: Coloniality, Decoloniality, and Tropicality

The transfer of school leadership theories across national boundaries: A study of Brunei Darussalam secondary education

An international on-campus doctoral student's experiences at an Australian University during Covid-19

Reducing Indigenous homelessness and displacement: A work-based study of the 'Return to Country' program in far north Queensland

Clown-Based Social Work for Child Protection Practice: Transdisciplinary Correlations on Failure

Zinc biofortification of rice using carbon nanodots

Comments on All-China Environment Federation v Scenic Spot Management Council of Wuxi City

Grounded Theory: An Interpretation of Social Reality

Preptin Deficiency Does Not Protect against High-Fat Diet-Induced Metabolic Dysfunction or Bone Loss in Mice

Insulation Degradation Mechanism and Diagnosis Methods of Offshore Wind Power Cables: An Overview

Multitask Learning From Augmented Auxiliary Data for Improving Speech Emotion Recognition

Benchmarking Australian Enabling Programs for a National Framework of Standards. A Practice Report

Shape memory polymer composite circular and square hollow members for deployable structures

Investigation of fibre reinforced shape memory polymer composites for structural components

Can morphological traits explain species-specific differences in meta-analyses? A case study of forest beetles

Investigating the effects of diesel exhaust and flower color on flower visitation by free-flying honey bees

Ethical considerations and dilemmas for the researcher and for families in home-based research: A case for situated ethics

More Than Just Counselling: Australian Counsellor Job Advertisement Trends

Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Skills in Designing Numeracy Activities Across Curriculum Areas Involving Statistics

Investigating the use of the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) test results

A Career Education and Development Framework and measure for senior secondary school students

Work volition and career control in retail workers

Social connectedness in a community-based language and culture programme: Voices of volunteer tutors

Development of sustainable concrete using recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) granules as fine aggregate

The development of Chinese air express integrators

Characterization of mechanical and bonding properties of anchoring resins under elevated temperature

Axial Response of Resin Encapsulated Cable Bolts in Monotonic and Cyclic Loading

Building a bridge: LEGO as a kinaesthetic tool to facilitate play-based learning in early childhood and beyond

Tax Compliance Supporting Cash Flow Management for Australian Small Businesses

Renewable Energy Supply and Risk in Global Banking

Effectiveness of Eccentric Overload Training in Basketball Players: A Systematic Review

Just How Radical Is Radical: Children’s Picture Books and Trans Youth

Public opinion on COVID-19 vaccine prioritization in Bangladesh: Who gets the vaccine and whom do you leave out?

Association of maternal physical and mental health characteristics with the hazard of having any medical condition or disability in Australian children: A 15-year birth cohort study

The Healthcare Cost Burden of Asthma in Children: A Longitudinal Population-Based Study

Clustering of lifestyle and health behaviours in Australian adolescents and associations with obesity, self-rated health and quality of life

A Priceless Commodity: Content Analysis of Newspaper Articles on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Peace

Effect of Magnetorheological additives on the buildability of 3D concrete printing

Family & bystander experiences of emergency ambulance services care: a scoping review

Responsible Management Education in Business Schools – High on principles but low on action: A systematic literature review

A critical appraisal of traditional methods of construction progress monitoring

Build Smart Grids on Artificial Intelligence − A Real-world Example

Accounts of home isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Case of Peruvian indigenous students

Is this work? Revisiting the definition of work in the 21st century

A Case Study of Peruvian Students in Home Isolation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Group Effect of Transcendental Meditation on Peruvian Students in Home Isolation During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Evaluation of Ayurveda in the Management of Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients in an Intensive Care Unit: An Early Pandemic Retrospective Case-Control Study

The relationships between expressed emotion, cortisol, and EEG alpha asymmetry

Careers and employability learning: pedagogical principles for higher education

Consumption Taxes and Section 90 of the Australian Constitution

If we develop it, will they stay?

The Standing to Sue of NGOs in Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China: A Doctrinal Analysis of Laws and Cases

Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China: An Overview

Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China

Investigating impacts of FDM printing parameters and geometrical features on void formation in 3D printed automotive components

Titanium dioxide nanostructures that reduce the infectivity of respiratory syncytial virus

Nanomechanical surface properties of co-sputtered thin film polymorphic metallic glasses based on Ti-Fe-Cu, Zr-Fe-Al, and Zr-W-Cu

Herbicide Fate and Transport in the Great Barrier Reef: A Review of Critical Parameters

Exercise as adjunctive therapy for systemic lupus erythematosus (Review)

A phosphorus-containing aliphatic amine curing agent towards intrinsic flame-retardant and smoke-suppressive epoxy resins

Phosphaphenanthrene-modified zirconium phosphate nanosheets for improving fire resistance, smoke suppression and water tolerance of intumescent coatings

A P/Si-containing polyethylenimine curing agent towards transparent, durable fire-safe, mechanically-robust and tough epoxy resins

A novel P/Ni-doped g-C3N4 nanosheets for improving mechanical, thermal and flame-retardant properties of acrylonitrile–butadienestyrene resin

An iron phenylphosphinate@graphene oxide nanohybrid enabled flame-retardant, mechanically reinforced, and thermally conductive epoxy nanocomposites

Durable flame-retardant, strong and tough epoxy resins with well-preserved thermal and optical properties via introducing a bio-based, phosphorus-phosphorus, hyperbranched oligomer

A benzimidazolyl-substituted cyclotriphosphazene and its application in benzoxazine: Curing behaviors, thermal properties, and fire safety

Measuring psychological wellbeing and mental health in university student cohorts

Mild Hydrothermal Treatment for Improving Outturn of Basmati Rice

The rollercoaster theory of cancer – strap in because you can’t get off

A health promotion innovation by nurses for children: the poop it kit

Wellbeing in Educational Contexts – Second edition

Open Publishing Guide for Authors

Individual preferences, government policy, and COVID-19: A game-theoretic epidemiological analysis

The Relationship between Error Management, Safety Climate, and Job-Stress Perception in the Construction Industry: The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital

Bioarchaeology of Disaster Beyond Death: Resilience and Survivability in the post-earthquake Graeco-Roman site of Kourion in Cyprus

The dynamic impact of renewable energy consumption, trade, and financial development on carbon emissions in low‑, middle‑, and high‑income countries

Moderate to Vigorous-intensity Continuous Training versus High-intensity Interval Training for improving VO2max in women: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Future Ready Report: Queensland Sole, Micro, Small and Medium Law Firm Capability to Meet Disruption: COVID–19, Technology and Intergenerational Change

TOI-4010: A System of Three Large Short-period Planets with a Massive Long-period Companion

TESS spots a mini-neptune interior to a hot saturn in the TOI-2000 system

Designing a decomposition-based multi-phase pre-processing strategy coupled with EDBi-LSTM deep learning approach for sediment load forecasting

An accurate automated speaker counting architecture based on James Webb Pattern

Automated analysis of small intestinal lamina propria to distinguish normal, Celiac Disease, and Non-Celiac Duodenitis biopsy images

Swin-textural: A novel textural features-based image classification model for COVID-19 detection on chest computed tomography

A new one-dimensional testosterone pattern-based EEG sentence classification method

Medicine and Kingship: Endogenous Centralization in East and Central Africa by Koen Stroeken

The politics of accountability

Advancements to the Generalised Clay Disaggregation Model

Investigating the impact of customer-based brand equity on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty in the online shopping goods retail industry in Australia

Internal Communication and Employee Engagement: A Work-Based Study of the Lived Experiences of Queensland Police Service Employees

Perinatal outcomes of Pasifika women in Australia: A work-based integrative literature review and discussion

Investigating early years educators' understandings of, beliefs about and practices of active play in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Numerical analysis of light transmission in dual-core waveguides

Shape memory polymer composite for adaptive components for orthosis and lower limb fracture fixators

Thesis writing as grief work: An autoethnographic journey into identifying and positioning the bereaved self in Doctoral scholarship

Gifted Adults in the Workplace: A Systematic Literature Review

Conceptualising and assessing trauma-informed practice in Tasmanian secondary schools

The complexities of Aboriginal Self-Determination in the School Sector

Tracking understanding and learning in videoconferencing

Online language teaching in action

Lucy's Argument: The Spycatcher Case in Australia

Impact of income inequality on renewable energy demand in south Asian economies

The Symphony in Australia 1960-2020

Creating safety: Group reflections on surviving as a female, social work early career academic in the neoliberal academy

Growth Monitoring and Yield Estimation of Maize Plant Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in a Hilly Region

Oat flour as a novel stabiliser for designing plant-based Pickering emulsion

Effective teacher-created summative assessment survey results

Assessing the relationship between tree dimensions in an urban environment

Prediction of Mean Sea Level with GNSS-VLM Correction Using a Hybrid Deep Learning Model in Australia

A method for reversing the effect of digital image blurring: a space domain investigation

Learning to teach multiliteracies through teaching to learn

Inherent flame-retardant vinyl ester resins with improved heat resistance enabled by additional P/N-containing cross-linking points

High-performance, intrinsically fire-safe, single-component epoxy resins and carbon fiber reinforced epoxy composites based on two phosphorus-derived imidazoliums

Facile Approach for Preparing Chitosan/Phosphaphenanthrene-Containing Epoxy Resins with Superior Flame Retardancy and Mechanical Properties

A phosphorus-containing tertiary amine hardener enabled flame retardant, heat resistant and mechanically strong yet tough epoxy resins

The impact of low socioeconomic status and primary health care access on emergency department presentations in young children in regional Queensland

Role of risk disclosure on creditworthiness and driving forces of risk disclosure of banks: Islamic vs conventional banks

Financing for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond

Determinants of the financial well-being of individuals in an emerging economy: an empirical study

Occurrence Rate of Hot Jupiters Around Early-type M Dwarfs Based on Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite Data

A Second Earth-sized Planet in the Habitable Zone of the M Dwarf, TOI-700

Identifying Exoplanets with Deep Learning. V. Improved Light-curve Classification for TESS Full-frame Image Observations

TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). IX. A 27 Myr Extended Population of Lower Centaurus Crux with a Transiting Two-planet System

TESS Discovery of Twin Planets near 2:1 Resonance around Early M Dwarf TOI 4342

Another shipment of six short-period giant planets from TESS

Implementing smart waste management system for a sustainable circular economy in the textile industry

Automated EEG sentence classification using novel dynamic-sized binary pattern and multilevel discrete wavelet transform techniques with TSEEG database

Evidence-Based Trauma-informed Second Language Teaching to Adults

Impact of Surface Temperature of a Photovoltaic Solar Panel on Voltage Production

Preparation and Characterization of an Invasive Plant-Derived Biochar-Supported Nano-Sized Lanthanum Composite and Its Application in Phosphate Capture from Aqueous Media

Functionalized Mesoporous Silica Fire Retardant via Hierarchical Assembly for Improved Fire Retardancy of Unsaturated Polyester

Superhydrophobic self-extinguishing cotton fabrics for electromagnetic interference shielding and human motion detection

Nothing about us without us: An investigation into trauma-informed teaching of English to speakers of other languages at universities in south-east Queensland

Health professionals’ understanding and attitude towards the End of Life Choice Act 2019: a secondary analysis of Manatū Hauora – Ministry of Health workforce surveys

Trauma-informed, healing-centred: Co-creating affirmative environments for migrant and refugee children and families

Engineering Blockchain-based Software Systems: Foundations, Survey, and Future Directions

AI Ethics: An Empirical Study on the Views of Practitioners and Lawmakers

Feasibility Analysis of Data Transmission in Partially Damaged IoT Networks of Vehicles

Translating the Prostate Cancer Survivorship Essentials Framework into clinical practice: A participatory research process analysis

A review of the state-of-the-art methods in estimating crash modification factor (CMF)

Roles of phytohormones in mitigating abiotic stress in plants induced by metal(loid)s As, Cd, Cr, Hg, and Pb

The efficacy of the “Talk-to-Me” suicide prevention and mental health education program for tertiary students: a crossover randomised control trial

Phytoremediation and sequestration of soil metals using the CRISPR/Cas9 technology to modify plants: a review

Construction and Deconstruction: Materials and substances from 'waste'

Analysing teachers’ figurative language to shed new light on teacher resilience

Scoping review of molecular biomarkers associated with fatigue, stress, and depression in stroke survivors: A protocol

Coronations – real and imagined – on the screen: the outrageously disrespectful, the controversial and the tasteful

Slavery and Its Meanings in the British World: Historiography, Knowledge Production, and Research Ethics

A Forage Allowance by Forage Type Interaction Impacts the Daily Milk Yield of Early Lactation Dairy Cows

An exploration of trolling behaviours in Australian adolescents: An online survey

Women in the Ivory Tower: Historical Memory and the Heroic Educator in Mona Lisa Smile (2003)

LexisNexis Questions and Answers: Contract Law

Towards Smart Tech 4.0 in the Built Environment: Applications of Disruptive Digital Technologies in Smart Cities, Construction, and Real Estate

Visualising emptiness: The landscape of the Western Front and Australian and English children’s picture books

A latent class analysis of the socio-demographic factors and associations with mental and behavioral disorders among Australian children and adolescentss

Development of high-resolution gridded data for water availability identification through GRACE data downscaling: Development of machine learning models

Adsorption of PFOS onto graphite intercalated compound and analysis of degradation by-products during electro-chemical oxidation

Elevated Temperature Properties of Bamboo Shaving Reinforced Geopolymer Composites

Thermal stability of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) at moderate temperatures 100–400 °C

Sunlight to heal mortar cracks: Photocatalytic self-healing mortar

Sulfate resistance and microstructure of metakaolin geopolymer reinforced by cellulose nanofiber and wollastonite

Learning and teaching multiliteracies through co-creating digital texts with children

‘Tearing Off the Bonds’: Suffrage Visual Culture in Australia, New Zealand and the USA, 1890–1920

Critical and collaborative problem-solving: An action research project on the development of cognition-centred inquiry for Year 11 senior history

Lock-in amplification based on sigma-delta oversampling

Editors’ Preface

Brook v Brook: Rethinking Marriage Choice of Law

The Common Law Jurisprudence of the Conflict of Laws

Defining and exploring online engagement fatigue in a university context

Factors Affecting the Infant Mortality and Low Birth Weight of Children in Bangladesh: Evidence from Cox PH and Logistic Regression Models

Design Principles for Platform Enabled Knowledge Commons with an Expository Instantiation

The importance of aesthetics for curriculum and job readiness: an exploration of student, teacher, and employer perceptions through Appraisal Theory

The Great 2011 Thailand flood disaster revisited: Could it have been mitigated by different dam operations based on better weather forecasts?

Five conditions to enhance on-line student engagement

Getting hands-on: Praxis-focused assessment to enhance online arts teacher education

Changes in grit and psychological capital at the time of major crisis: nursing students’ perseverance, resources, and resilience

Tribological and mechanical performances of newly developed eco-epoxy composites incorporating flax fibres and graphene nanoplatelets

Doing more with less: An integrative literature review on responsible consumption behaviour

Flame-retardant poly (L-lactic acid) with enhanced UV protection and well-preserved mechanical properties by a furan-containing polyphosphoramide

Atom-economic synthesis of an oligomeric P/N-containing fire retardant towards fire-retarding and mechanically robust polylactide biocomposites

Investigation of Gas Release from Recycled Plastic Shopping Bags during Melting at Low Temperatures

Conceptualisation of personal recovery for youth: Integrating multi-systemic perspectives and evaluating digital supports

The burden of chronic diseases, disease-stratified exploration and gender-differentiated healthcare utilisation among patients in Bangladesh

Exploring Cross-Cultural Understandings of Teacher Leadership: A Phenomenographic Study

Telehealth-supervised exercise in systemic lupus erythematosus: A pilot study

Exercise for people with systemic sclerosis or systemic lupus erythematosus

The Integral Role of Intelligent IoT System, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and 5G in the User-Level Self-Monitoring of COVID-19

The Radicalisation Cascade: Using Behavioural Economics to Understand how People are Influenced towards Violent Extremes by al-Qaeda and ISIS

A Scoping Review of Black sub-Saharan African men participating in civic life as they migrate, resettle, and Integrate in Australia

Physical activity and sedentary behaviour of male adolescents in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-method case study using accelerometers, automated wearable cameras, diaries, and interviews

Understanding Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour of Adolescents in Indonesia

Teacher Aides in inclusive, supportive classrooms: Towards changes in policies and procedures

Repatterning: A Middle Range Theory of the Process of Transition to Becoming a Registered Nurse for Enrolled Nurses and Internationally Qualified Nurses

Evaluating the role of preferential pathways in exacerbating vapour intrusion risks

Climate-influenced hydrobiogeochemistry and groundwater remedy design: A review

Convolutional Neural Network-Based Deep Learning Approach for Automatic Flood Mapping Using NovaSAR-1 and Sentinel-1 Data

Nursing students'interprofessional socialisation and readiness for interprofessional learning: a cross-sectional study

Phenotypic and genotypic diversity of Puccinia sorghi in Eastern Australia: implications for maize breeding programs

Family-based treatment takes longer for adolescents with mental health comorbidities: findings from a community mental health service

Differences in total cognition and cerebrovascular function in female breast cancer survivors and cancer-free women

A systematic review of literature on credit card cyber fraud detection using machine and deep learning

Breeding for durable resistance to Puccinia sorghi: status and strategies

Research Data Management Framework for Institutions

Two-dimensional chlorinated vapour intrusion model involving advective transport of vapours with a highly permeable granular layer in the vadose zone serving as the preferential pathway

Factors driving underweight, wasting, and stunting among urban school aged children: Evidence from Merawi town, Northwest Ethiopia

Biomarkers to measure respiratory muscle damage following inspiratory pressure threshold loading in healthy young men

Informal employment and catastrophic health expenditures: Evidence from Pakistan

Cybernetics and battle management system (BMS) in network soldier system application

Microneedle patches – the future of drug delivery and vaccination?

Two-phase anaerobic digestion in leach bed reactors coupled to anaerobic filters: A review and the potential of biochar filters

Vitamin K: history, metabolism, and nutrition in the horse

Cost-Effectiveness of the ENJOY Seniors Exercise Park for Older People: A Pre–Post Intervention Study

Comparison of machine learning methods emulating process driven crop models

Neurobiological Link between Stress and Gaming: A Scoping Review

Investigating the energy‑environmental Kuznets curve under panel quantile regression: a global perspective

The Feasibility of a Text-Messaging Intervention Promoting Physical Activity in Shift Workers: A Process Evaluation

A Call To Arms…For Women In Research Too!

Criminal Responsibility: Older but No Wiser

Kinaesthetic Learning in Early Childhood: Exploring Theory and Practice for Educators

Coaching Pedagogy

Peer Reviews Review 1 (excerpt)

A Holocene sequence from Walufeni Cave, Southern Highlands Province, and its implications for the settlement of the Great Papuan Plateau, Papua New Guinea

In reply to “On the phase definitions of countermovement jumps”

International perspectives of teacher leadership

Lessons Learned from Voices Across the Globe

Moving teacher leaders to the front line of school improvement: Lessons learned by one Australian research and development team

Multi-step ahead hourly forecasting of air quality indices in Australia: Application of an optimal time-varying decomposition-based ensemble deep learning algorithm

Are environmental damage and export concentration the major threats for the long-run economic growth in Bangladesh?

Machine Learning Algorithms for High-Resolution Prediction of Spatiotemporal Distribution of Air Pollution from Meteorological and Soil Parameters

Encountering Berlant part 1: Concepts otherwise

Differences in Carotid Artery Geometry and Flow Caused by Body Postural Changes and Physical Exercise

Investigation of the Factors That Contribute to Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Losses in the Australian Fresh Food Supply Chain

Investigating the properties of tin-oxide thin film developed by sputtering process for perovskite solar cells

A mathematical framework for regional hospital case mix planning and capacity appraisal

A User-Centric 3D-Printed Modular Peristaltic Pump for Microfluidic Perfusion Applications

Doppler Constraints on Planetary Companions to Nearby Sun-like Stars: An Archival Radial Velocity Survey of Southern Targets for Proposed NASA Direct Imaging Missions

TESS Asteroseismic Analysis of HD 76920: The Giant Star Hosting an Extremely Eccentric Exoplanet

TOI 560: Two Transiting Planets Orbiting a K Dwarf Validated with iSHELL, PFS, and HIRES RVs

Multiepoch Detections of the Extended Atmosphere and Transmission Spectra of KELT-9b with a 1.5 m Telescope

Food insecurity and health outcome nexus: empirical evidence from the informal sector enterprises in Bangladesh

Analyzing the Consequences of Long-Run Civil War on Unemployment Rate: Empirical Evidence from Afghanistan

Conceptualizing How Collaboration Advances Circularity

Automating the Process for Estimating Tunneling Induced Ground Stability and Settlement

Report on Benchmarking of Enabling Programs across Australia to the National Association of Enabling Educators of Australia (NAEEA)

Capsaicin: A Potential Treatment to Improve Cerebrovascular Function and Cognition in Obesity and Ageing

Topic Integrated Opinion-Based Drug Recommendation With Transformers

Chinese and Indian interpretations of pain: A qualitative evidence synthesis to facilitate chronic pain management

Shari’a Law in Catholic Italy: A Non-agnostic Model of Accommodation

Possessory title: Its salience to the Torrens systems of Australian states

Reproducibility of the computational fluid dynamic analysis of a cerebral aneurysm monitored over a decade

Finite Element Modelling of a Gram-Negative Bacterial Cell and Nanospike Array for Cell Rupture Mechanism Study

An Open Letter to Students: How to Be Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

A Readership of Convenience: Macro-National Cooperation within the Scandinavian-Australian Newspaper Norden, 1896–1940

Acceptability of a virtual prostate cancer survivorship care model in regional Australia: A qualitative exploratory study

Global psycho-oncology in low middle-income countries: Challenges and opportunities

A novel approach based on integration of convolutional neural networks and echo state network for daily electricity demand prediction

Climatology and composite evolution of flash drought over Australia and its vegetation impacts

Teachers now: Why I left and where I've gone

Piloting a new approach to teacher mentoring

The Kourion Hook Incisor: a new nonmetric dental trait

Secondary burial practice at megalithic jar site 1, Plain of Jars Laos

Adopting Green Behaviors in the Construction Sector: The Role of Behavioral Intention, Motivation, and Environmental Consciousness

Using Flip to Support First-Year Nursing Students' Preparation for Simulated Laboratory Classes

Preparedness of Australian and British nurses and midwives about domestic violence and abuse

Reproductive and sexual health effects of intimate partner violence: A longitudinal and intergenerational analysis

The higher degree research student experience in Australian universities: a systematic literature review

Enhancement of the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Polypropylene and Nylon 6.6 Composite Blends

Canonical and extra-telomeric functions of telomerase: Implications for healthy ageing conferred by endurance training

The practice of relationality in classrooms: Beyond relational pedagogy as empty signifier

Lost in Translation: The Wrongful Conviction of Kathleen Folbigg Based on Fresh Medical Evidence and Expert Interpretation of Her Diaries

Bram Stoker’s Dracula: bats, garlic, disturbing sexualities and a declining empire

Michael Field: Decadent Moderns

Financial effects of carbon risk and carbon disclosure: A review

Out of sight and out of mind? Safety and procedural issues with disused and seasonal rail corridors

Corporate carbon performance and cost of debt: Evidence from Asia-Pacific countries

Surface water electrical conductivity and bicarbonate ion determination using a smart hybridization of optimal Boruta package with Elman recurrent neural network

Working toward a place-based online pedagogy

Student Perceptions of Online Engagement

Sexual violence matters: Nurses must respond

Process mining the trajectories for adolescent-to-mother violence from longitudinal police and health service data

Intrinsic motivations affecting millennial mobile impulsive shopping in emerging markets during the COVID-19 pandemic

The divergent effects of neat food presentation on purchase likelihood: the moderating role of time-related positioning

Price promotion in omnichannel retailing: how much is too much?

Relationship outcomes following a service failure: the role of agent likability

Ethnicity in advertising and millennials: the role of social identity and social distinctiveness

What motivates consumers to be in line with online shopping?: a systematic literature review and discussion of future research perspectives

Sorption characteristics of three different food particulates made from potato, beans and peas

Doctor Repeats of Patient Responses in Vietnamese Medical Consultations

Durability and long-term behaviour of shape memory polymers and composites for the space industry - A review of current status and future perspectives

Development of neutrosophic cubic hesitant fuzzy exponential aggregation operators with application in environmental protection problems

The use of fibre reinforced polymer composites for construction of structural supercapacitors: a review

Don’t Feed Cheese to Lactose Intolerant Volcano Gods

Clinically Relevant Decreases in Neck/Shoulder Pain Among Office Workers Are Associated With Strength Training Adherence and Exercise Compliance: Explorative Analyses From a Randomized Controlled Trial

Full Scale Evaluation of GFRP Confined Softwood after Long-Term Exposure to High Humidity Environment

Feminism and the Making of a Child Rights Revolution: 1969–1979 by Isobelle Barrett Meyering

Teachers' distress tolerance experiences associated with teaching dilemmas: A hermeneutic phenomenological exploration

School Inclusion Through Remote Presence, Virtual Spaces and Digital Artefacts, for Students with Chronic Health Conditions

Pre-service Teachers and the Digital Technologies Curriculum

Creation of weakly interacting lumps by degeneration of lump chains in the KP1 equation

Sampling Dermal Interstitial Fluid Using Microneedles: A Review of Recent Developments in Sampling Methods and Microneedle-Based Biosensors

Investigating the prospect of cleaner production in informal enterprises: A scientific assessment of environmental burdens and economic efficiency

Digital Farming: An Overview of Its Fundamental Components and Applications

Teacher Mental Health Literacy and Child Development in Australian Primary Schools: A Program Evaluation

Curricular justice and contemporary schooling: Towards a rich, common curriculum for all students

Co-creating Multimodal Texts with Young Children

Differentiated instruction for students with learning difficulties in senior-secondary Australian schools: an inquiry of teacher attitudes and self-efficacy

Drivers of, and Barriers to, the Adoption of Mixed Reality in the Construction Industry of Developing Countries

Exploring the perspectives of key stakeholders in returning to work after minor to serious road traffic injuries: a qualitative study

Implementation of the "clinical framework for the delivery of health services" by treating healthcare professionals: perspectives of regulators and insurers

Teaching project management to primary school children: Exploring the perspectives of project practitioners

Determination of Efficiency Factors for Closely Spaced Strip Footings on Cohesive-Frictional Soils

In-plane shear behaviour of prefabricated modular wall system assembled of fibre reinforced polymer composites

Flexural behaviour of composite modular wall systems under uniformly distributed and concentrated loads

TOI-4562b: A Highly Eccentric Temperate Jupiter Analog Orbiting a Young Field Star


Electrohydrodynamic Nebuliser (eNEB) for Direct Pulmonary Drug Delivery Application

Development of Boat Model Powered by Electro-Hydrodynamic Propulsion System

Assessment and optimization of As(V) adsorption on hydrogel composite integrating chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol and Fe3O4 nanoparticles and evaluation of their regeneration and reusable capabilities in aqueous media

Tuning Flow-through Cu-based Hollow Fiber Gas-diffusion Electrode for High-efficiency Carbon Monoxide (CO) Electroreduction to C2+ products

A comprehensive investigation of wetting distribution pattern on sloping lands under drip irrigation: A new gradient boosting multi-filtering-based deep learning approach

The My School website has just been updated. What makes a ‘good’ school?

Understanding health literacy from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective

Building a transdisciplinary expert consensus on the cognitive drivers of performance under pressure: An international multi-panel Delphi study

Metafictive devices in children’s picturebooks and the development of children’s critical multimodal literacies

Availability of Nitrogen in Soil for Irrigated Cotton Following Application of Urea and 3,4-Dimethylpyrazole Phosphate-Coated Urea in Concentrated Bands

Biosolids-derived fertilisers: A review of challenges and opportunities

Declining Soil Nutrient Status Can Constrain Agricultural Productivity and Food Security in Pacific Island Countries: A Country Scale Assessment

Accurate Image Multi-Class Classification Neural Network Model with Quantum Entanglement Approach

Near real-time wind speed forecast model with bidirectional LSTM networks

Effect of Depth-Dependent Shear Wave Velocity Profiles on Site Amplification

Modelling soil stability in wide tunnels using FELA and multivariate adaptive regression splines analysis

A Semi-empirical Method for Studying Load-Settlement Behavior of Geocell-Reinforced Footings

Determination of Support Pressure for the Design of Square Box Culverts

The Nose Plays: Nasiform Negotiations at Newington Butts

Shear strength properties of clean and clay infilled rock joints: an analysis of the impast of moisture content under CNL conditions

Real change or more of the same? Analysing Australian media's portrayal of intellectual disability during the NDIS rollout

Investigation of the Effect of Using Fly Ash in the Grout Mixture on Performing the Fully Grouted Rock Bolt Systems

Substitution of Recycled Plastic Aggregates (RPA) in concrete and its influence on pullout capacity of mechanical and chemical anchors

SPT-CPT Correlation in Southeast Queensland, Australia

The effect of changing confinement diameter on axial load transfer mechanisms of fully grouted rock bolts

Finite Element Numerical Modelling of Rock Bolt Axial Behaviour Subject to Different Geotechnical Conditions

Application of numerical modeling in study of the behaviour of cable bolts under axial loading

Effects of rib distances on axial load transfer mechanisms of fully grouted rock bolts

A novel global solar exposure forecasting model based on air temperature: Designing a new multi-processing ensemble deep learning paradigm

Investigating the effect of coal macerals on the recovery rate of the flotation process- a case study


Review: Recommendations for male-friendly counselling with adolescent males: A qualitative systematic literature review


Common Client Issues in Counselling: An Australian Perspective

An Asymmetry in the Spoken Production of Number Agreement in Second Language English: Adjacency or Locality?

Trauma in Children and Adolescence

Trauma in Adults

Child Maltreatment

Cross-Cultural Validation of the Malaysian Mood Scale and Tests of Between-Group Mood Differences

Totally devoted to you: A qualitative study examining the experiences of sacrifice among pharmacists in rural and regional areas

Proceedings of the 2023 Resource Operators Conference

Media coverage and patent trolls: A study on US high-tech firms

Downscaling Surface Albedo to Higher Spatial Resolutions With an Image Super-Resolution Approach and PROBA-V Satellite Images

Variability and long-term change in Australian monsoon rainfall: A review

Co-creating affirmative learning environments for refugee and asylum-seeker children

Vulnerability, Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Northwest Mountainous Regions of Vietnam

Visualising heritage landscapes in future: aesthetics, embodiment, and meaning

On the certainty of entanglements with ecocide: pragmatic action for responsive pedagogy inspired by ecological psychology and permaculture

“Here comes John Curtin”: The historical consciousness of a journalists’ hero

Effectiveness of narrow tyne and double-discs openers to overcome shallow compaction and improve soybean yield in long-term no-tillage soil

Condensed point defects enhance thermoelectric performance of rare-earth Lu-doped GeTe

The effect of environmental corporate social responsibility on customer retention: A mixed methods study on the mediating effect of customer behaviour

Respect for juries: A rejoinder to Hemming on Pell

Exploring domains of contemporary Australian agrarianism

Factors contributing towards the intention to purchase green energy

A review on the advances of the study on FRP-Concrete bond under hygrothermal exposure

The Australian National Anthem has a big problem – the average Aussie can’t sing it in tune

The role of the university environment in shaping education and employment inequalities

Transitions and Intersections between Communalism and Possessive Individualism in Rural Fiji: Repercussions for Responding to Climate Change

Women, protest, and the colour black: South Africa and Israel/Palestine

The effect of collisions on the multi-fluid plasma Richtmyer–Meshkov instability

Trajectory Optimization of a Partially Reusable Rocket–Scramjet–Rocket Launch System Including Fly-Back

Urban “Blandscapes”: How the Practical Implementation of Planning Policy Reduces Land Use Diversity

Factors influencing vertical urban development at the parcel scale: The case in Brisbane, Australia

Design data decomposition-based reference evapotranspiration forecasting model: A soft feature filter based deep learning driven approach

Numerical Evaluation of the Human Skull with Focused Ultrasound Stimulation

A thematic analysis of the personal factors influencing mental health help-seeking in farmers

Crowd-Assisted Flood Disaster Management

Determinants of maternal morbidity during pregnancy in urban Bangladesh

A Socio-Ecological-Technical Perspective: How has Information Systems Contributed to Solving the Sustainability Problem

Law, Religion, and Heritage Research Program Team: Submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission Consultation Paper: ‘Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-Discrimination Laws’

Navigating Detransition Borders: An Exploration of Social Media Narratives

Emerging interaction of artificial intelligence with basic materials and oil & gas companies: A comparative look at the Islamic vs. conventional markets

Forest Dwellers’ Dependence on Forest Resources in Semi-Arid Environments

Re-imagining teacher mentoring for the future

Estimation of the slope parameter in a linear regression model under a bounded loss function

“Healthy Kids”—A capacity building approach for the early childhood education and care sector

Factors affecting the occupancy of Chinese pangolins (Manis pentadactyla) suggest a highly specialized ecological niche

The potential influence of prior work experience on unfair dismissal arbitration decisions related to employee misconduct: an exploratory study of decision styles

Comparison of adult shift and non-shift workers’ physical activity and sleep behaviours: cross-sectional analysis from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics of Australia (HILDA) cohort

The prevalence of chronic diseases in international immigrants: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Science has no Borders, so Should Scientific Publishing: A Position Statement from the Journal of Physical Activity and Health

Towards 6G Internet of Things: Recent advances, use cases, and open challenges

Teaching Games and Sport for Understanding as a Spectrum of Teaching Styles

A call for ‘management authorship’ in community forestry

Transforming agroforestry in contested landscapes: A win-win solution to trade-offs in ecosystem services in Nepal

A 2022 τ-Herculid meteor cluster from an airborne experiment: automated detection, characterization, and consequences for meteoroids

Nanospikes on Customized 3D-Printed Titanium Implant Surface Inhibits Bacterial Colonization

The Role of Cognitive Absorption in Recommender System Reuse

When school’s in a caravan on the road to an astonishing world

Aesthetic literacies in school and work: New pathways in education

Real-time epilepsy seizure detection based on EEG using tunable-Q wavelet transform and convolutional neural network

The Association of Contemporary Screen Behaviours with Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and Sleep in Adolescents: a Cross-sectional Analysis of the Millennium Cohort Study

Bioinspired Strong, Tough, and Biodegradable Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) and its Applications as Substrates for Humidity Sensors

Developing the “Oppression-to-Incarceration Cycle” of Black American and First Nations Australian Trans Women: Applying the Intersectionality Research for Transgender Health Justice Framework

Public health guidelines for physical activity during pregnancy from around the world: a scoping review

The health consequences of civil wars: evidence from Afghanistan

Trauma Informed Education: Interdisciplinary Insights

Designing pentapartitioned neutrosophic cubic set aggregation operator-based air pollution decision-making model

Analysis of internal solitary waves in the Gulf of Oman and sources responsible for their generation

Psychology of physical activity: a 30-year reflection on correlates, barriers, and theory

Empirical Evidence to Support a Nudge Intervention for Increasing Online Engagement in Higher Education

Ensemble robust local mean decomposition integrated with random forest for short-term significant wave height forecasting

Resource recovery for environmental management of dilute livestock manure using a solid-liquid separation approach

Incorporating Agile Principles in Completing and Supervising a Thesis by Publication

A review of the key challenges of non-fungible tokens

Mobilising effective schooling provision to support innovative education for occupationally mobile families and their children

A Community Engagement Approach to Natural Hazard Communication

SMEs changing organisational landscape: Strategising the workplace of the future

Solitary waves and their interactions in the cylindrical Korteweg–de Vries equation

High‐concentration electrosynthesis of formic acid/formate from CO2: reactor and electrode design strategies

Correction to: Working conditions and occupational stress among nurses in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional pilot study

Young Children's Experiences with Yoga after School

Sustaining rural pharmacy workforce understanding key attributes for enhanced retention and recruitment

Psychological distress and bowel cancer screening participation

Evaluation of core competencies for food science graduates

Private International Law in Australia

Bearing capacity of conical footing on anisotropic and heterogeneous clays using FEA and ANN

An intelligent model involving multi-channels spectrum patterns based features for automatic sleep stage classification

Developing a novel hybrid method based on dispersion entropy and adaptive boosting algorithm for human activity recognition

Efficacy of Management Efforts to Reduce Food-Related Dingo–Human Interactions and Conflict on K’gari (Fraser Island), Australia

How Does Electricity Affect Economic Growth? Examining the Role of Government Policy to Selected Four South Asian Countries

A study of plithogenic graphs: applications in spreading coronavirus disease (COVID-19) globally

Examining Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Stigma Among Health Care Workers Toward the Development of a Stigma-Reduction Intervention: Protocol for a Scoping Review

Rethinking agency in hiri exchange relationships on Papua New Guinea's south coast: Oral traditions and archaeology

Smart and Automated Infrastructure Management: A Deep Learning Approach for Crack Detection in Bridge Images

Quantifying the cost of quality in construction projects: an insight into the base of the iceberg

Cloud cover bias correction in numerical weather models for solar energy monitoring and forecasting systems with kernel ridge regression

Improving nitrogen use efficiency in irrigated cotton production

Development of a TVF-EMD-based multi-decomposition technique integrated with Encoder-Decoder-Bidirectional-LSTM for monthly rainfall forecasting

When quantity takes on a quality of its own: A retrospective exploration of the lived experience of cumulative harm

Using an inventory cluster approach for assessing bushfire preparedness and information needs in vulnerable communities

Factors reducing the detectability of train horns by road users: a laboratory study

Transformative change comes from more than structured content: Qualitative exploration of parent experiences of a post-separation group program

2D MXenes for Fire Retardancy and Fire-Warning Applications: Promises and Prospects

Prediction of Tinnitus Treatment Outcomes Based on EEG Sensors and TFI Score Using Deep Learning

An Investigation into the Failure Characteristics of External PCB Traces with Different Angle Bends

Research on agricultural product quality traceability system based on blockchain technology

Peronosclerospora neglecta sp. nov.—a widespread and overlooked threat to corn (maize) production in the tropics

Stroke Localization Using Multiple Ridge Regression Predictors Based on Electromagnetic Signals

The Church Sinister: The Devil's Works and the Anglican Church on British Television

Remote patient monitoring using artificial intelligence: Current state, applications, and challenges

Poems and pedagogic frailty: uncovering the affective within teacher development through collective biography

The ethics review and the humanities and social sciences: disciplinary distinctions in ethics review processes

Alternative Method to Resolve the Principal–Principal Conflict—A New Perspective Based on Contract Theory and Negotiation

Deep learning U-Net classification of Sentinel-1 and 2 fusions effectively demarcates tropical montane forest's deforestation

Making Desistance Recognizable: How Ex-Offenders Can Signal Their Desistance From Crime to Employers by Strategic Design

Direct and Indirect Benefits: an Open Peer Review of Zamarti, L. & Nally, D. (2023). The impact of archaeology professional development on history teachers’ pedagogy.

Passive Earth Pressure in Narrow Cohesive-Frictional Backfills

Serial Cross-Sectional Observations of Sun-Protective Behaviors at an Annual Outdoor Motorsport Event in Tropical Queensland, Australia

Burnt out by underinvestment: Why university professional staff suffer amidst the Australian work-integrated learning system

Struggling to survive: Post-traumatic stress disorder following nonfatal drowning in a professional rescuer with no other neurologic morbidity - A case report

Fibre waviness characterisation and modelling by Filtered Canny Misalignment Analysis (FCMA)

Assessing the biophysical factors affecting irrigation performance in rice cultivation using remote sensing derived information

Estimating future rainfall distributions in a changing climate for water resource planning: Victoria, Australia

Why Vilifying the Status Quo Can Derail a Change Effort: Kotter’s Contradiction, and Theory Adaptation

Integrity of assessments in challenging times

LinkedIn as a pedagogical tool for careers and employability learning: a scoping review of the literature

A Machine Learning Framework for Early-Stage Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Aiding coastal wetland restoration via the belowground soil microbiome: an overview

CNN Based Image Classification of Malicious UAVs

Exploring Interstitiality with Mangroves: Semiotic Materialism and the Environmental Humanities

Online office ergonomics training programs: A scoping review examining design and user-related outcomes

Speech Synthesis with Mixed Emotions

‘New Forces’: How Classroom Textbooks Are Redefining Journalism

Conversations with Danielle Cronin, Philip Howard and Julian Thomas

Data investigations: A humanitarian turn

A golden age? Myths and meaning


Field evaluation of automated site-specific irrigation for cotton and perennial ryegrass using soil-water sensors and Model Predictive Control

A commentary of factors related to player availability and its influence on performance in elite team sports

Playhouses and performance

Expanding Creative Communities in the Visual Arts: Using Padlet to Support Student Engagement and Belonging in Stressful Contexts

The River as a Separate Legal Person: Implications for Sustainability Law and Governance

N, S co-doped carbon with embedment of FeNi alloy as bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysts for rechargeable Zinc-air batteries

Early flowering changes robusta coffee yield responses to climate stress and managementv

Cost-effective synchrophasor data source authentication based on multiscale adaptive coupling correlation detrended analysis

Development of dissolvable microneedle patches by CNC machining and micromolding for drug delivery

Detection of alcoholic EEG signals based on whole brain connectivity and convolution neural networks

A comparative autoethnographic lens on the doctorate as told by a supervisor and a doctoral candidate

Access Points: Stage, Space, and/as Interface in the Early Modern Playhouses

Physics-based and data-driven modeling for stability evaluation of buried structures in natural clays

Using VoiceThread for extended independent practice in giving short academic presentations

Antisocial and Prosocial online behaviour: Exploring the roles of the Dark and Light Triads

Calais - seeing it all [Music video]

Exploring the Role of Emotional Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence on Luxury Value and Customer-Based Outcomes

Does a Kegel exercise program prior to resistance training reduce the risk of stress urinary incontinence?

Effects on consumer purchase intentions through online marketing activities: Evidence from Australian retail sector consumers

Intend to use green energy?

Do socio-psychological factors contribute to the use of green energy and climate change mitigation in the residential sector?

Beyond Ideas and Competencies - Exploring Successful Knowledge Transfer Practices of Early Childhood Educators: A Case Study

'Who Sank the Boat?'

Fill Your Eyes

A Partial Overlap

Seeing Painting

Zurich Jazz Orchestra, conducted by Claudia Döffinger, and featuring guest vocalist Kristin Beradi

Kyle Jenkins: Celare Paintings

Leveraging Emotional and Artificial Intelligence for Organisational Performance

Understanding the transformative potential of drama: Using visual literacy to teach real-life issues in the drama class

Online Laboratories in Engineering Education Research and Practice

And Slowly to School…Reflecting on Recent School Attendance Reports

Visual decision aids: Improving laypeople’s understanding of forensic science evidence

Negotiating the enactment of the arts curriculum in primary school classrooms

Optical aerodynamic measurements of hypersonic free-flight using Bayesian state estimation

An Annotated Guide to the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld)

Contemporary Landscapes and Botanicals

Improving primary care referral to specialist services: a protocol for a 10-year global systematic review in the Australian context

The Use of an Interactive Social Simulation Tool for Adults Who Stutter: A Pilot Study

Evaluation and Prediction of Groundwater Quality for Irrigation Using an Integrated Water Quality Indices, Machine Learning Models and GIS Approaches: A Representative Case Study

A high dimensional features-based cascaded forward neural network coupled with MVMD and Boruta-GBDT for multi-step ahead forecasting of surface soil moisture

Attitudes towards the Potential Use of Aversive Geofencing Devices to Manage Wild Elephant Movement

Computer-aided feature recognition of CFRP plates based on real-time strain fields reflected from FBG measured signals

A systematic literature review of artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector: Benefits, challenges, methodologies, and functionalities

Educators' experiences of pivoting online: Unearthing key learnings and insights for engaging students online

Reducing Falls from Heights through BIM: A Dedicated System for Visualizing Safety Standards

Welfare impacts associated with using aversive geofencing devices on captive Asian elephants

Review of Condition Monitoring and Defect Inspection Methods for Composited Cable Terminals

Agile Practices for Quantum Software Development: Practitioners' Perspectives

Whitsundays Songwriter Festival 2023 - Concert and Conversation

A phenomenological study of the lived experience of clinicians transitioning into academic roles in Australian universities

Building a Better Picture of LGBT Sistergirl and Brotherboy Ageing and Caring in Queensland

Clinical exercise physiology in the Australian health care system

"Bossa Nova Sunset Club" - live concert performances

Digital economy: Development of information and communication technologies in a sustainable economic environment (Eds.)

Individual works in group exhibition - Undercurrent: Arts and Wellbeing [Touring exhibition accompanying Creative Returns: Reformation, Recovery, Renewal Symposium]

2023 Melbourne Global Entrepreneurship Congress (GEC) GEN Australia report

Beyond the romanticism of the fictional governess: Transforming the work identity of the Remote Education Tutor

Fostering Enduring Peer Learning Groups for 1st Year Students

Happy Little Trees

Educational Diversity in Engineering Entrance Pathways

The Troxler Effect

Collaboration for primary teaching improvement: The relational aspects of close co-teaching

Research trends in the higher education feedback literature since the ‘new paradigm’ shift to learner-centred feedback practices

Satoshi Inoue and Bruce Woodward - Performance

Picture This: Gardens of the Mind. A Virtual Exhibition of Art and Short Prose

Landscape: Notions of the Spook

'Magic Mountain' Exhibition

Integration of pupillometry and heart Rate variability to assess cognitive and physical load within high stimulus roles