TQM's presence within legal systems: example of impact on Australian higher education
Student engagement in schools serving marginalised communities
A scoping study of in-service teacher professional development for inter/multicultural education and working with culturally and linguistically diverse students
Advanced prostate cancer experimental radioactive treatment—clinical trial decision making: patient experiences
Towards a typology of learning and teaching professional development practice uptake by university academics in Australia
‘Come willing to learn’: experiences of parents advocating for their children with severe vision impairments in Australian mainstream education
Probability density functions of the DoB in tubular KT-joints of jacket-type platforms under out-of-plane bending loads
Parametric study and formulation of SCFs in axially loaded multi-planar tubular XT-joints reinforced with internal ring stiffeners
Rihanna’s empire of pain: sexualised violence and the black Madonna
Applying landscape-level principles to koala management in Australia: a comparative analysis
Understanding parent perspectives on engagement with online youth-focused mental health programs
Trauma-informed behavior support with youth in flexible learning and vocational education settings: Exploring the acceptability of an online trauma-informed education program
Information, Uncertainty & Espionage
Transformative research collaboration as third space and creative understanding: learnings from higher education research and doctoral supervision
Community solutions for schooling engagement: Two Australian case studies
A conception of practical global citizenship education: locating and situating ‘allosyncracy’
Values and the experience of family care-giving: cultural values or shared family values?
Quest-based learning and motivation in an EFL context
Measures of career adaptability and employability in Bahasa Indonesia
Implied Rather than Intended? Children’s Picture Books, Civil Religion, and the First Landing on the Moon
Two professional hats on one attitudinal head: An exploration of Custodial Correctional Officers' role perception and performance within the organisational cultural context of Queensland Corrective Services correctional facilities
Bullying in the Military: Do the Effects on Mental Health and Wellbeing Depend on the Source?
Gender affirmation and mental health in prison: A critical review of current corrections policy for trans people in Australia and New Zealand
The influence of students’ prior numeracy achievement on later numeracy achievement as a function of gender and year levels
Application of local configuration pattern for automated detection of schizophrenia with electroencephalogram signals
Modeling and optimization of the adsorptive removal of crystal violet dye by durian (Durio zibethinus) seeds powder: insight into kinetic, isotherm, thermodynamic, and adsorption mechanism
Inquiry-based learning as an adaptive signature pedagogy in international relations
Transgender Youth, Challenges, Responses, and the Juvenile Justice System: A Systematic Literature Review of an Emerging Literature
Exploring the identities of pathways educators through the lens of Third Space Theory
Exploring pre-service teachers’ affective-reflective skills: the effect of variations of a novel self-evaluation protocol
“I Want to Contribute, but…”: Exploring the Perceived Valuing of Doctoral Qualifications Held by Teachers in Schools
Automatic sleep spindles identification and classification with multitapers and convolution
Forced Migration Narratives and the Nation-State: ‘Out’ and ‘Go, Went, Gone’
‘Everything was going to be really easy for me’: Elite schooling, old boys, and transitions to university
‘It comes with more baggage than prestige’: Deferred culpability and disavowal among elite boys’ school alumni
Preparation for doctoral research: a narrative review
Do foreign institutional investors influence corporate climate change disclosure quality? International evidence
Aiming for bullseye: A novel gameplan for circular economy in the construction industry
Physical activity and sedentary behaviour among south Asian immigrants in Australia
Global value chains participation and environmental degradation in SAARC economies
Towards a Review-Analytics-as-a-Service (RAaaS) Framework for SMEs: A Case Study on Review Fraud Detection and Understanding
Observational feedback literacy: designing post observation feedback for learning
Gender diversity and acquisitions: How female directors add value in acquisition decisions
Investigating blended learning interactions in Philippine schools through the community of inquiry framework
The experience of methamphetamine use disorder and the negative consequences of relapse – a qualitative study
Early career researchers’ collective advocacy work within an Australian university context
'For Our Elders': An Australian First Nations Elders of Ipswich Project
Pavement Crack Segmentation Using an Attention-Based Deep Learning Model
Attitudes and Perceptions on Advance Care Planning Among Chinese-Speaking Older Australians
Shakespeare's First Folio: Opening the Time Capsule
Towards Design Principles for Governance of Complex Multisourcing in IT services ecosystem
An investigation of factors influencing ridesharing services and their impact on tourism destination traffic: P-SERVQUAL 4.0 as a measure of service quality
3DR-DIFF: Blind Diffusion Inpainting for 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction and Segmentation
A Deep Learning Biomimetic Milky Way Compass
A Comprehensive Review of UAV-UGV Collaboration: Advancements and Challenges
‘Manifesto for Queer Heritage Practice 1.0': Call for action
Testing re-order
First reported sexual recombination between Pyrenophora teres isolates obtained from barley and barley grass
Simulation of polymer melts using Radial Basis Function and Brownian configuration field method
How can Health and Wellbeing be Fostered through Social Enterprises: An Exploration of Media Portrayals in the Global North and the Global South
Evaluating physical activities in clinical diabetes: lifestyle scores hypothesis
Report on Phase 3: Leading Queensland Primary Schools into the future
Theoretical Study of InxRuy Alloys for Efficient Electrocatalytic Reduction of Nitrate to Ammonia
Experiences of Autistic Parents, From Conception to Raising Adult Children: A Systematic Review of the Literature
Australian Psychiatrists and Trainee Psychiatrists’ Perceptions of Chemical Restraint of Adults with Intellectual Disability
Exploring therapeutic alliance in spinal cord injury rehabilitation: Control, identity, and liminality
Power and Ethics: Finding Freedom through Critique
Red pandas on the move: weather and disturbance effects on habitat specialists
Immediate impacts of fire on koala movement in a fragmented landscape
A horizon scan of future priorities to support the sustainability of plant-soil ecosystems in Australia
Elevated CO2 concentrations play a major role in influencing the functionality of AM fungal communities in agroecosystems
Near infrared spectroscopy as a tool for rapid assessment of peatland condition
Lantana camara L. soil legacy effects on native plant growth and symbiotic soil biota
Organic management shapes AM fungal community structure and function, partially mitigating the negative effects of conventional agriculture
Environmental and host plant effects on taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of root fungal endophytes
Temporal trends in Phragmites australis invasion in the Gulf Coast are highly site-dependent
Organic management shapes AM fungal community structure and function, partially mitigating the negative effects of conventional agriculture
Grey People in an Ordinary World: navigating the politics of migration at the Eurovision Song Contest
Evaluating the Usefulness of the C-S-R Framework for Understanding AM Fungal Responses to Climate Change in Agroecosystems
Where does Santa live? It’s a trickier question to answer than you may think
Memory and Hope: Living and Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi in Pedagogy and Practice
Evaluating sublethal anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in deceased predatory birds of South-East Queensland, Australia
Firming up renewable generation for frequency control and load following ancillary services participation
Notes toward a pedagogy of comfort: Inclusion and engagement in uncomfortable sites of teaching and learning
Strength and conditioning coaches' perspectives of working with elite sportswomen
Epileptic Seizure Prediction Based on Synchroextracting Transform and Sparse Representation
Hazard perception performance and psychological factors of distracted drivers: what are the associations?
Diversifying rural economies: Identifying factors that incentivise or discourage primary producers from engaging in emerging carbon and environmental offsetting markets in Queensland, Australia
Pump to Perform: Blood Flow Restriction. More than a Rehab Tool
Acute effects of upper body BFR on moderate-high load bench press barbell velocity: a case study
A numerically-stable method for enforcing numerical conservation in transported probability density function models: Application to MMC-IEM
with one reference variable
Integrating Sustainable Development Goals in the Law Curriculum: Legal Education for "People, Planet and Prosperity"
Decorated Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Nanocomposites
The gendered challenges of working from home in 2020-2021: an Australian-Canadian study
Host Plant Resistance to Insects in Vegetable Crops
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) implementation: institutional arrangements
Information technology
Benefits and costs of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) implementation
Friedrich Engels travels in a chimney
The teaching and learning of tertiary mathematics
Owner-Managers and Environments of Learning in SMEs
Pottery-Inspired Flexible Fire-Shielding Ceramifiable Silicone Foams for Exceptional Long-Term Thermal Protection
Oscillation frequencies of moderately rotating delta scuti stars: asymmetric mode splittings due to non-spherical distortion
Enhanced question understanding for multi-type legal question answering
Simplifying Sentiment Analysis on Social Media: A Step-by-Step Approach
Electrochemical advanced oxidation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs): Development, challenges and perspectives
Metal-Organic Frameworks: A Solution for Greener Polymeric Materials with Low Fire Hazards
Formulation and characterization of one-part Ca-based alkali-activated slag-steel slag materials
Major abiotic stresses on quality parameters in grain legumes: Impacts and various strategies for improving quality traits
Investigation of Debonding Effect in Internal Replacement Pipe System Under Lateral Loading
Improving On-farm Energy Use Efficiency by Optimizing Machinery Operations and Management: A Review
Multivalent cation substitution boosted sodium-ion storage in NASICON-type iron-phospho-sulphate cathodes
An overview of outputs of Aboriginal- and Torres Strait Islander-related publications from University Departments of Rural Health in Australia; 2010–2021
Uncovering key genomic regions for agronomical traits and stress tolerance in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] through meta-QTL analysis
Siamese Network-Based Lightweight Framework for Tomato Leaf Disease Recognition
Comparative analysis of advanced deep learning models for predicting evapotranspiration based on meteorological data in bangladesh
Strategic cultivar and sowing time selection for weed management and higher redgram productivity in semi-arid Indian regions
Citric acid-driven cadmium uptake and growth promotion mechanisms in Brassica napus
Resolving water security conflicts in agriculture by a cooperative Nash bargaining approach
Automated EEG-based language detection using directed quantum pattern technique
Sustained impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical student learning and well-being in rural Australia: findings from a repeated national multicentre survey
Spectral properties of ablating meteorite samples for improved meteoroid composition diagnostics
A Novel Hybrid Model for Automatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Classification Using Histopathological Images
Variability and stellar pulsation incidence in Am and Fm stars using TESS and Gaia data
Comparison of Visual and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Assessments to Predict the Yield Tolerance of Wheat Genotypes to Root-Lesion Nematode Pratylenchus thornei
Wanted: Nearer peers for teaching and learning in general practice
The aquastatin biosynthetic gene cluster encodes a versatile polyketide synthase capable of synthesising heteromeric depsides with diverse alkyl side chains
Evaluating the importance of rural internships to subsequent medical workforce distribution outcomes: An Australian cohort study
Impact of healthy pregnancy and lifestyle in mothers on developmental delay in their offspring: a strength-based analysis of a longitudinal study among indigenous children in Australia
Thriving Beyond Adversity: A Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study Using a Strength-Based Approach Depicts Indigenous Adolescents with Less Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Had Fewer Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDDs)
RECOMED: A comprehensive pharmaceutical recommendation system
Investigation of in-nozzle flow behavior coupled with spray characteristics of waste cooking oil and castor biodiesel
Suicide methods and severe mental illness: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Evaluation of Kabuli Chickpea Genotypes for Tropical Adaptation in Northern Australia
Making Every Contact Count: health professionals' experiences of integrating conversations about Snacktivity to promote physical activity within routine consultations - a qualitative study
Project Yarn Circle: development and pilot evaluation of a cultural connection suicide prevention program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people
Intellectual Meaning: An Analysis of Metonymy in English and Arabic
Confirming the Tidal Tails of the Young Open Cluster Blanco 1 with TESS Rotation Periods
Understanding the mechanisms underlying the socioeconomic disparities in cancer screening among Australian women
Maximizing influence via link prediction in evolving networks
Student Satisfaction and University Enrollments: Does the Urban or Regional Status of Australian Higher Education Institutions Matter?
Men Need Role Models : Exploring the Facilitators and Barriers for Yoga Participation Among Men
Exploring the Literacy Experiences of Preservice Early Childhood Teachers: Social and Contextual Influences, and Implications for Teacher Education
Correction: Chen et al. Exploring the Literacy Experiences of Preservice Early Childhood Teachers: Social and Contextual Influences, and Implications for Teacher Education. Educ. Sci. 2024, 14, 1042
On the incorporation of waste ceramic powder into concrete
Anthropometric Indices and Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anaemia among School Children in Delta State, Nigeria: an Intervention Study
Valence Band Modification and Enhanced Phonon-Phonon Interactions for High Thermoelectric Performance in GeTe
Asymmetric Aramid Aerogel Composite with Durable and Covert Thermal Management via Janus Heat Transfer Structure
Prevalence of physical inactivity and associated factors among adults in Eastern African countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol
The ∼50 Myr Old TOI-942c is Likely on an Aligned, Coplanar Orbit and Losing Mass
Early prediction of sudden cardiac death using multimodal fusion of ECG Features extracted from Hilbert–Huang and wavelet transforms with explainable vision transformer and CNN models
Scoping review of review methodologies used for guiding evidence-based practice in critical care: a protocol
English language teacher education and linguistic shame and shaming in non-Anglophone settings: the case of Sri Lanka
An R-package to track soil water deficits in the root zone: when and how much to irrigate
Low-Cost Hyperelastic Fuller-Dome-Structured Nanocellulose Aerogels by Dual Templates for Personal Thermal Management
Microstructural analysis of geopolymer pastes contaminated with crude oil: Impact on efflorescence, physical properties, and mechanical performance
Twelve-year review of horse-related trauma registry presentations to a regional Australian Emergency Department
The K2 and TESS Synergy. III. Search and Rescue of the Lost Ephemeris for K2's First Planet
Advances in improving tribological performance of titanium alloys and titanium matrix composites for biomedical applications: a critical review
Symmetry restoration in collisions of solitons in fractional couplers
Exploring the Impact of In Situ-Formed Solid-Electrolyte Interphase on the Cycling Performance of Aluminum Metal Anodes
Precipitation Concentration Variability and Its Association with Geographical Factors and ENSO Over Nepal from 1990 to 2020
Tuning Rigid Polyurethane Foam with Eco-friendly Cellulose Nanocrystals from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches as Energy-Efficient Material Composites for Buildings
Projected Changes to Characteristics of El Niño-Southern Oscillation, Indian Ocean Dipole, and Southern Annular Mode Events in the CMIP6 Models
Efficient and swift heating technique for crafting highly graphitized carbon and crystalline silicon (Si@GC) composite anodes for lithium-ion batteries
Experiences of international nursing students in a regional university: A clear direction for nursing education
Global unmet psychosocial needs in cancer care: health policy
Implementing a novel process for solving contentious conservation problems: The genetic status of K'gari wongari (Fraser Island Dingoes) as a case study
Insights into the spatial ecology of the world's most ancient dog: High-altitude movements of New Guinea dingoes
Thermal decomposition of wheat straw pellets in a nitrogen environment: Characterization using thermogravimetric analyzer
Key factors influencing digital learning adoption among cambodian university students: An integrated theoretical approach
Breaking barriers: enhancing construction and demolition waste management in Egyptian residential projects
Perspectives on Forest governance among the indigenous communities of India's Eastern Ghats
Predicting hospital bed utilisation for post-surgical care by means of the Monte Carlo method with historical data
Assessing the Spatio-temporal Activity Pattern and Habitat Use of Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) Across Three Forest Management Regimes in Nepal
Cyclic flexural performance of seawater sea-sand concrete reinforced with hybrid fibers
Federated Transformer Hawkes Processes for Distributed Event Sequence Prediction
A Multi-Plane Decoupled Convolutional Network for EEG-Based Auditory Attention Detection
Improving the efficiency of solar panels using gas-filled double glazing technology as a means of radiative cooling
Potential of UAV imagery and Learning Techniques for determining gaps in sugarcane rows
Experimental Investigation and Numerical Analysis on the Flexural Response of the GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Pontoon Deck
The Polarimetric Performance of HARPS3 and Its Impact on the Terra Hunting Experiment Scheduling
Flexural Behaviour of Pultruded GFRP Profiles Filled with Layered Composite Panels for Railway Sleepers
Differentiable modelling and data analysis for the JWST Aperture Masking Interferometer
Locating an Abandoned Mine Tunnel by MASW – A Feasibility Study with a Noisy Dataset
Review of Excavatability Assessment Techniques in Geotechnical Engineering Practice
Long-term effects of gypsum on the chemistry of sodic soils under sugarcane
Numerical Investigation of a PV Module using Air Flow through Aluminum Ball Porous Media
Towards the Development of a Low-Carbon Emission Sandwich Panel—A State-of-the-Art Review
Rural cancer survivors' perceived delays in seeking medical attention, diagnosis, and treatment: A qualitative study
Unpicking midwives' perspectives on perineal suturing skill acquisition
Investigating consumer perspectives on short message service reminders aimed at increasing participation in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program
Effects Of An Exercise Intervention On Body Fat And Functional Performance In A Low-resourced Community
Flexural and Flammability Characteristics of Woven Jute Fabric Reinforced Vinyl Ester Treated with Ammonium Polyphosphate
Effectiveness and acceptability of a gratitude diary intervention in schools
Critical care literature review of review methodologies used for guiding evidence-based critical care practice: A scoping review
Reducing the burden on rural cancer patients and their families travelling for treatment: A forecast social return on investment analysis of the MEAL project
Developing a cobotic model for employee and customer engagement
How should we design study invitation materials for cancer survivorship research? Findings from a consumer consultation study
Dietary quality and intake of cancer caregivers: A systematic review of quantitative studies and recommendations for future research
Multi-objective and Randomly Distributed Fuzzy Logic-Based Unequal Clustering in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
SDG 14, ocean sustainability and transfer of marine technology: the role of UNCLOS and international intellectual property law
Trends in the environmental impacts of the Australian pork industry
Anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled to reductive immobilization of hexavalent chromium by Candidatus Methanoperedens
The Metabolic Syndrome: An Overview and Proposed Mechanisms
Ascertainment of Community Exposure Sites to Ross River Virus During the 2020 Outbreak in Brisbane, Australia
Accounting by decree: The impact of government policy on cost practices in the United States of America - 1933 to 1939
Spreading across the continent: the Astronomical Society of Australia 1966-2023
Realistic Uncertainties for Fundamental Properties of Asteroseismic Red Giants and the Interplay between Mixing Length, Metallicity, and vmax
Obituary: Suzanne Virginie Cébarbat (1928-2024)
Modular design workflow for 3D printable bioresorbable patient-specific bone scaffolds: extended features and clinical validation
Too much, too soon? Early-maturing maize varieties as drought escape strategy in Malawi
Candidate Distant Trans-Neptunian Objects Detected by the New Horizons Subaru TNO Survey
Correction to: Trio of super-Earth candidates orbiting K-dwarf HD 48948: a new habitable zone candidate
Cadastral copyright in Australia in the digital age
Impacts of Climate Change on Bangladesh: International Legal Discourses and National Legal Responses
Using the theory of planned behavior to examine the environmental behavior of roadrunners in Taiwan
Feasibility of utilizing functional near-infrared spectroscopy to measure the cognitive load of paramedicine students undertaking high-acuity clinical simulations in Australia: a case study
The new UN high seas marine biodiversity Agreement may also facilitate climate action: a cautiously optimistic view
Hydropower and Climate Resilience of Nepal Himalaya: A bottom-up Hydrological Approach
Integrated climate resilient modelling of renewable energy transition in Nepal
Blockchain for recommender systems
Movie recommendation and classification system using block chain
Daily use of digital technologies to feel better: Adolescents' digital emotion regulation, emotions, loneliness, and recovery, considering prior emotional problems
An exploration of project management learning in Australian primary schools
Exploring the perspectives of Australian primary school teachers on students learning about project management
Three essays on firms' emergence
Insights into Ecological Resettlements and Conservation-led Displacements: A Systematic Review
An analysis of electronic health records innovation and adoption in the Australian private healthcare sector
Experimental Studies of Scramjet Inlet Restart in a Hypersonic Wind Tunnel
Deciphering graduate employability: Assessing the relationship between employability, work-readiness and career-readiness in a work integrated learning program
Stars and Shadows: Magic and Identity in Contemporary Australian Middle-Grade Fantasy Fiction
Thermo-phototronic effect in 3c-sic/si heterostructures for sensitive self-powered sensors
Enhanced artificial intelligence-based cybersecurity for the detection of cyber fraud in the banking industry
Effects of educational scholarship schemes designed to incentivise Nigerian high school students towards high test scores
Investigating the relationship between three religious organisations' media relations outputs and news media reports through two propaganda model filters
GIS Surveying of Dam Site Selection as Flood Mitigation Plan for Wivenhoe Dam
Exploring L2 student engagement with peer feedback in a synchronous online university writing course
Resin Curing Performance Analysis and Improvement of an Industrial Pultrusion Process
Developing and evaluating a business analytics readiness and capability maturity model for ERP systems: an empirical study of the Greater China region
Undergraduate nursing students' satisfaction and self-confidence accessing and using electronic medical records in the clinical environment after electronic medical record education in the nursing laboratory
“The Troxler Effect” – Recreating the first 16mm Lived Experience in Filmmaking
VUCA in the present-day health workplace and the mental health and wellbeing of health care workers: a systematic scoping review
A Transtheoretical Framework of Recommendations for Male-Friendly Counselling with Adolescent Males
Legal principles for educators: An investigation into the implications of education law principles for educators in independent schools in Queensland
Assessing drug-resistant tuberculosis stigma among healthcare workers in the Philippines
Development of sustainable building technologies from out-of-grade timber
Superior decomposition of xenobiotic dyes and pharmaceutical contaminants in wastewater using response surface methodology, artificial intelligence and machine learning for optimisation of a novel three-dimensional electrochemical technology
Addressing Barriers To Accessing Financial Advice: Identifying Benefits Through Process Improvements
New perspectives on curriculum and democracy: Opening curricular spaces for more democratic futures
Self-Assessment Responses for Project Managers/Leaders and Followers Assessment (project engineers, project supervisors, team members and senior managers) in the Australian Construction Industry
Climate Risk Management of Small Dairy Farmers in Regional South India
Socio-ecological trade-offs in ecosystem services in the Himalayas
An investigation into householders' motivation to prepare for cyclones in Oman
Exercise as a Therapeutic Strategy to Improve Cerebrovascular Function and Cognition in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Scoping Review
Conflict, communication, and the ‘good’ parent construct: separated parents’ experiences with Australian schools
Artificial Intelligence Driven Smart Farming for Accurate Detection of Potato Diseases: A Systematic Review
Control in Intimate Relationships: An Exploration of Insecure Attachment Styles, Emotion Dysregulation, and Shame-Proneness
Academic critiques of the manosphere: Analysing themes and narratives
Impact Loading of Tendon Reinforcement Systems Used for Ground Control: A Critical Literature Review
Hollywood didn’t know exactly what to do with Donald Sutherland – so they did everything with him.
Comparing Guided and Non-guided Deep Breathing Impact on Disability Well-Being: A Systematic Review.
Digital Twin Technology in Built Environment: A Review of Applications, Capabilities and Challenges
Optimizing flexural strength of RC beams with recycled aggregates and CFRP using machine learning models
Examining the Impact of Fly Ash in Glass Fine Aggregate Mortar
Enhancing Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Concrete Performance through Machine Learning: A Predictive Model for Compressive Strength and Workability Optimization.
Arts as Inclusion: Connecting Learning Through Arts Languages in Upper Elementary
Enhancing Reflective Practice Using Prompts in Online Submission of Case Reports (OSCAR): An Exploratory Study Among Medical Students in Rural Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships
Age-related differences regarding ageing and care service concerns and information preferences among LGBT, Sistergirl and Brotherboy people in Australia: a cross-sectional study
Field: Whitecard 3
Forecasting River Water Temperature Using Explainable Artificial Intelligence and Hybrid Machine Learning: Case Studies in Menindee Region in Australia
Failure envelopes of embedded foundations under V-H-M loadings in
anisotropic clays using optimised ANFIS algorithms
Seven Structural Changes to help bring Indigenous Perspectives into Curricula
Sex and gender considerations in cross-cultural traumatic stress studies
Accumulating the key proteomic signatures associated with delirium: Evidence from systematic review
English teaching for democratic futures: The role of language, literacy and literature in developing creative and critical thinkers
Rusty Love Bomb - a Queer iMessage Courtship Confessional
Co-creating an Indigenous-led virtual health services model for Indigenous Australians living with chronic disease
The lived experiences and minority stress of lesbian-identifying teachers in Australia
Research preparation in Australian accredited counsellor education: A brief report
Wellbeing Matters Guide: Peer Insights for Social Enterprise Leaders - A Regional, Rural and Remote Perspective
Does place of birth affect the anthropometric and performance characteristics of Papua New Guinean athletes
Inclusion of game-based stimulus during resistance training positively influences physical performance in national level handball players
Equipping Teachers for Success in Rural Communities: Unveiling the Key Characteristics and Attributes of Thriving Rural Teachers
Transparent, intrinsically fire-safe yet impact-resistant poly(carbonates-b-siloxanes) containing Schiff-base and naphthalene-sulfonate
Integrating Mathematics and Digital Technologies: A practical teaching approach using the 3C Model
A worldwide test of the predictive validity of ideal partner preference matching
Focusing on access and participation for underrepresented students through community engagement: the potential of in-school enabling programs in Australia
Parallel Mothers, Parallel Academics: Becoming Mothers in Australia Academia
Validity and reliability of the VXSport (Omni) device on basketball movement parameters
Development of an International Qualification Framework for the strength and conditioning profession: International Universities Strength and Conditioning Association Position Statement.
Acute effect of curcumin on interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels after high-intensity physical exercises
Māori and First Peoples nursing and midwifery academics: Workforce profile across New Zealand and Australia
Interdisciplinary collaboration in higher education: Improving end-user experience in children's programs
Supporting refugee and asylum-seeker children’s transitions to school
Pre-exposure prophylaxis access, uptake and usage by young people: a systematic review of barriers and facilitators
Why a musical instrument is the perfect gift this Christmas (and some suggestions for which to get)
We are making a boat, love: 30 years of experimental feminist writing in Australia
‘Pressure makes diamonds’: How Australian sprint sensation Gout Gout can get even faster
Better Be Ready! Evacuation Experiences During a Bushfire Emergency
Trauma-informed Editing
Ethics of Editorial Practice
Implementing a Trauma-informed Editing Framework: Practical Benefits to Editor and Author Wellbeing and the Role of Reading Resilience in Australian Editing Praxis
Pervasive & Problematic: Trauma in the Australian Context
Trauma-informed Editing Practice
A Systematic Review Protocol of Child Mental Health Screening Tools and Systems
Fungal Planet description sheets: 1697–1780
Advancing Equity in Child Mental Health: Evaluating Novel models of School Mental Health
Collaborative synchronous coaching to support triadic collaboration and bridge the theory-practice divide in initial teacher education
Optimising Concrete Crack Detection: A Study of Transfer Learning with Application on Nvidia Jetson Nano
A Muragan [white woman]’s journey: Learning from Elders on Country how to support cultural understandings of non-First Nations educators through thearts
A designed predictive modelling strategy based on data decomposition and machine learning to forecast solar radiation
Enhanced electromechanical performance of structural supercapacitor composites with high loading of graphene nanoplatelet at the fibre/matrix interface
From Customer Intimacy to Digital Customer Intimacy
Ready, Set, Reform? Exploring not-for-profit practitioner perceptions of readiness
Cutting through the hype: artificial intelligence for clinical decision support in psychiatry
Understanding the hydraulic impact of hydrologic uncertainty in the urban Gowrie Creek catchment
Gripped by managerialism's claw: Power, policy, and resistance in the neoliberal university
Chinese English language learners' motivation change following L2 learning at home and in Australian ELICOS
Social Media Usage Patterns: A Comparative Qualitative Study of Three Ethnic Groups
Mothers' duties and rights when positioned as remote education tutors in Australian distance schooling
Recognising and Reducing Gender-based Violence in the Professional Engineering Workplace
Foreign Direct Investment and COVID-19: The Protection of National Security Interests
Does CEO age matter in auditor choice and audit pricing? The role of CEO dominance
Analysis of effects of meteorological variables on dengue incidence in Bangladesh using VAR and Granger causality approach
Haveli Ram to Havells: A Global Giant's Challenge
Keeping users experiencing a suicidal crisis safe online: Current text-based practices of professional online mental health forum moderators
Cardioish: Lead-Based Feature
Extraction for ECG Signals
Automated Detection of Gastrointestinal Diseases Using Resnet50*-Based Explainable Deep Feature Engineering Model with Endoscopy Images
Soil greenhouse gas emissions under enhanced efficiency and urea nitrogen fertilizer from Australian irrigated aerobic rice production
Minimum and Maximum Pattern-Based Self-Organized Feature Engineering: Fibromyalgia Detection Using Electrocardiogram Signals
Beyond the fast and the furious: how Australian journalists cover AI nudging©
Feasibility of Mental Health Triage Call Priority Prediction Using Machine Learning
Development of Novel Elastomeric Composites Using Agricultural and Industrial Wastes
Engineering Education Challenges Addressed Through a Case Study
Finding Joy, Meaning and Confidence in Writing: Using Embodied Arts-Based Practices with Children in the Primary Grades
The Role of Caregivers in Promoting Connectedness in Youth with Mental Health Concerns
Exploring “What if . . .?” with Renewable Assignments
3 reasons why kids stick Lego up their nose
Aerodynamic Measurements of Hypersonic Free-Flight via Optical Tracking and Bayesian State Estimation
Damage Identification in Large-scale Bridge Girders Using Output-only Modal Flexibility-based Deflections and Span-similar Virtual Beam Models
Fire‐Safe Aerogels and Foams for Thermal Insulation: From Materials to Properties
Ecopedagogy in Remote Digitally Facilitated Field Education Experiences: Embedding Ecosocial Work in Practice
Mass determination of two Jupiter-sized planets orbiting slightly evolved stars: TOI-2420 b and TOI-2485 b
Accurate depth of anesthesia monitoring based on EEG signal complexity and frequency features
Exploring a learning model for knowledge integration and the development of critical thinking among nursing students with previous learning: a qualitative study protocol
Hybrid deep learning and isogeometric analysis for bearing capacity assessment of sand over clay
Data-based platforms for enhancing agriculture in Oceania
'Empathic Unsettlement': trauma as spectre in contemporary textile art
Figurations of youth in regional Australia: conceptualising the ‘young person’ as spatially figured
Trauma-informed behaviour support: A school-based, stepped approach to promoting child mental health and wellbeing
Trauma-informed Behaviour Support: From co-design to research trials
Applying Trauma-informed Pedagogy in Open Educational Resources
Non‐selective Defect Minimization towards Highly Efficient Metal‐Organic Framework Membranes for Gas Separation
BIM-based search and selection of construction material suppliers: a dedicated framework and prototype
The time-course of visual scanning behaviour of paramedicine students upon arrival at a simulated emergency call
Horror Pedagogies: Lessons from Stephen King’s fiction
Reading, Reflection, and Resilience in the Study of Australian Literature
Explainable artificial intelligence-machine learning models to estimate overall scores in tertiary preparatory general science course
The Pragmatic Comportment Compass: Rethinking projectification in public sector projects
School leadership roles and standards: observations from the International Study of Teacher Leadership
Exploring the mental health of young people in households and schools in Gorongosa District, Center of Mozambique
Fintech adoption and sustainable deployment of natural resources: Evidence from mineral management in Brazil
The effects of inspiratory muscle training on biomarkers of muscle damage in recovered COVID-19 patients after weaning from mechanical ventilation
Hard Conversations. Yarning about ethics, racism and creating better collaborations in ageing
A numerical study of deep excavations adjacent to existing tunnels: Integrating CPTU and SDMT to calibrate soil constitutive model
Reimagining a speech pathology program embedded with compassion
Telehealth versus face-to-face delivery of speech language pathology services: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Pupil-free days may be tricky for parents, but they are vital for teachers and schools
A Hyperbranched Phosphorus/Nitrogen/Silicon-Containing Polymer as a Multifunctional Additive for Epoxy Resins
(Re)envisioning online arts education content delivery in initial teacher preparation through collective a/r/tographic inquiry
The makings of a moral superpower: Swedish good international citizenship as middle power nation brand
Granular characterisation of coal spoil dump using unmanned aerial vehicle data to enhance stability analysis
Cross-Cultural Content Validation of an Online Engagement Framework
Measurements of traditional Chinese
medicine health literacy regarding chronic pain: a scoping review
Urban Pest or Aussie Hero? Changing Media Representations of the Australian White Ibis
Jonson's Two Prologues to Epicœne: Libel, Print, and Play
Is the Time Right to Enact Autonomy-Only Assisted Dying Laws?
High Security and Privacy Protection Model for STI/HIV Risk Prediction
Provision of basic swimming and water safety skills in low-resource environments: barriers and facilitators of use of WHO practical guidance
Strengthening the healthcare workforce through interprofessional partnerships
Implementation strategies for adopting nutrition interventions in cardiovascular disease: A mixed methods systematic review
Enablers and barriers to interprofessional education and collaborative practice in rural healthcare settings: a mixed methods systematic review
EventsVista: Enhancing Event Visualization and Interpretation
Building capacity: Climate-resilient development and gender-inclusive entrepreneurship in Mongolia
Learning from international experience: Improving institutions for climate-resilient MSMEs in Mongolia
Financial constraints and environmental innovation: Does COVID-19 aggravate the effect?
Integrated care competencies for pre-qualification health professionals: Where do we start?
The role of AI in healthcare worker mental health
Efficacy of a student-led interprofessional health clinic for preventing and managing chronic disease
When eggs in the same basket are different: Length of stay for public sector allied health professionals in regional, rural and remote southern Queensland: 2010-2021
Attracting and Retaining Doctors in Rural Areas: Developing A Prediction Model for Long-Term Rural Practice (LTRP)
Renewable Energy in Nepal: Current State and Future Outlook
Assessing the Impact of Innovation Processes on Electronic Systems Technology Adoption
Exploiting Fano resonance in wave energy systems
CEO Connectedness and Firm Transparency
Granular Soils and Contaminant Modeling in Tailing Dams
Teaching project management to primary school children: a scoping review
Spatiotemporal performance evaluation of high-resolution multiple satellite and reanalysis precipitation products over the semiarid region of India
Forecasting Multi-Step Soil Moisture with Three-Phase Hybrid Wavelet-Least Absolute Shrinkage Selection Operator-Long Short-Term Memory Network (moDWT-Lasso-LSTM) Model
Teaching poetry using Instagram: An international, interdisciplinary
study with adolescents mobilizing literacy and the arts
Harnessing a systems approach for sustainable adaptation in vulnerable mega-deltas: A case study of the dyke heightening program in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta's floodplains
A Tale of Podcasts and DNA Lab Failures – Was Queensland's Double Jeopardy Law Reform the Answer?
Marketing agility during deep uncertainty using a sensemaking perspective: the performance influence of digitization and
government intervention in retail healthcare
Comparative analysis of traditional and transfer learning algorithms for coal spoil classification via close-range imagery
So You’re Studying with Children? A Case Study in Inclusive Support
Getting your capability on: The impact of a pre-orientation intervention
Catch me before I fail: A proactive advising approach supporting first assessment success
Transitioning-in late enrolled students quickly and effectively
Can long distance relationships work? Insights from a partnership with a Regional University Centre
Westward Displacement of Atmospheric East–West Circulation Ameliorated Drought-Induced Conditions in Australia and India during the Major 2023–24 and 1997–98 El Niño Events
Engineering Interfacial Molecular Interactions on Ag Hollow Fibre Gas Diffusion Electrodes for High Efficiency in CO2 Conversion to CO
My Backyard
Rural Realities: Curatorial Essay
A narrative review exploring the attitudes of nursing and complementary medicine students and practitioners toward biosciences curricula
Collectors' items: A partial and potted history of fairy-tale collections
Liquid phosphorus-based bis-imidazole compounds as latent curing agents for enhancing thermal, mechanical, and flame-retardant performances of single-component epoxy resins
Strong self-healing close-loop recyclable vitrimers via complementary dynamic covalent/non-covalent bonding
Bio-Based Epoxy
Corporate Social Performance Through Instrumental Stakeholder Theory: A Sector-Specific Perspective
Applied Deep Learning for Artificial Intelligence-enabled Wireless Communication
Please mind the gap: Examining regional variations in private vehicle carbon dioxide emissions and fuel consumption—The case of Australia
The pitfalls and benefits of using administrative data for internal migration research: An evaluation of Australia’s Person Level Integrated Data Asset (PLIDA)
Women’s non-linear journeys into and through higher education are considered through an emergent research process that spans qualitative and post-qualitative practice
Educator Capacity for Online Global Collaborative Learning: Developing a Framework
Beyond carbon emissions: addressing broader climate risks in corporate financial disclosures
Our research shows higher carbon emissions increase costs for Australian businesses
Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Emission Drivers in Atlantic Canadian Potato Production: A Robust Explainable Intelligent Glass-Box
Innovative Multi-Temporal Evapotranspiration Forecasting Using Empirical Fourier Decomposition and Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory
“The last bastion of democracy”: teachers’ perceptions of the democratic potential of English curriculum
Higher Education in Closed and Closing Spaces: Thematic Case Studies of Resilience
Review of Balanced Scorecard Application in Public Hospital Setting
Sustainable Horizons for Business, education, and technology: Interdisciplinary Insights
Gender diversity and research productivity in accounting and finance at Australian and New Zealand HEIs
Do corporate carbon emissions affect risk and capital costs?
Models of Publicly Available Gender Affirming Surgery Forum
Toil and trouble: why time-poor teachers choose these texts today
Diseases of Mungbean
Naked tennis, outback feuds and a chimp named Tonka: what we’re streaming in November
Emerging Trends and Technologies Used for the Identification, Detection, and Characterisation of Plant-Parasitic Nematode Infestation in Crops
An Integrated Framework for Addressing the Challenges and Strategies of Technology Adoption: A Systematic Review
Data-Driven Optimised XGBoost for Predicting the Performance of Axial Load Bearing Capacity of Fully Cementitious Grouted Rock Bolting Systems
Chalk and Cheese: How Negative and Positive Star-Ratings Influence Service Provider Behavior?
A configurational approach to CSP selection and rejection
The impact of agricultural insurance on farmers’ mental health: What we can learn from the literature
Securing X-Ray Images into Cover Images Using Hybrid EBS Steganography with Five-Layer Cryptography
A technical review of crystalline silicon photovoltaic module recycling
Tree of knowledge: divergence
Domestic Violence - A Criminal or Civil Matter: Traversing the Divide
Exploratory perceptions of successful ageing and preferences for information and support amongst sexually and gender diverse people living with HIV in Australia
Hey History! Giving voice to Australian history by Anna Clark, Jane Curtis, Clare Wright and Britta Jorgensen
Real-time prediction of the week-ahead flood index using hybrid deep learning algorithms with synoptic climate mode indices
Evaluating the impact of weather forecasts on productivity and environmental footprint of irrigated maize production systems
The Australian nursing and midwifery academic workforce: A
cross-sectional study
Thou Shalt Not Steal: new Stan series is a perversely funny road trip through Central Australia
The DTALE Model: Designing Digital and Physical Spaces for Integrated Learning Environments
Effect of core materials on the flexural behaviour of composite sandwich panels
An overview of policies, methods, and frameworks for managing plastic waste in a circular economy
Attitudes towards causes of and solutions to conflict between humans and Asian elephants
Postdigital Videogames Literacies: Thinking With, Through, and Beyond James Gee's Learning Principles
The right care in the right place: a scoping review of digital health education and training for rural healthcare workers
Australian rural service learning student placements: a national survey
A Review of the Enablers and Barriers of Medical Student Participation in Research
Experiences of pursuing an intensivist career in regional and rural Australia: An interview study
October 2024 correspondence
Phosphorus/boron-containing, flame-retardant polyurethane elastomers with great mechanical, shape-memory, and recycling performances
A preliminary study of culturally modified sugarbag trees in the Laura Sandstone Basin, Cape York Peninsula, Queensland
That’s How I Pray: An Evening with Vika & Linda
Shell artefacts in Cape York Peninsula: A Literature review
Online student engagement in higher education - what it is, why we need it, and how we can promote it
The impact of trauma-informed practices on academic outcomes of First Nations children: a pilot study of culturally responsive supports in Australia
Academic Numeracies Framework in the GenAI Era
Age and Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Chronic Pain and Dementia Among Older Australians
Enhancing early detection of psychological disorders in children and adolescents using ML: a comprehensive mental health assessment
Home garden characteristics amongst Lao’s vulnerable upland rural farmers in the context of food security
Listen to teachers’ voices: Here’s what they are saying right now
Teaching Pathways To Combat Classroom Shortages
Building personal and relational readiness for collaborative teacher mentoring through the intellectual virtues
Estimating probability of default via delinquencies? Evidence from European P2P lending market
An Enhanced Conventional Neural Network Schema for Structural Class-based Software Fault Prediction
PollenNet: A Novel Deep Learning Architecture for High Precision Pollen Grain Classification through Deep Learning and Explainable AI
Advancing thyroid care: An accurate trustworthy diagnostics system with interpretable AI and hybrid machine learning techniques
FruitSeg30_Segmentation Dataset & Mask Annotations: A Novel Dataset for Diverse Fruit Segmentation and Classification
Artificial Intelligence and Copula-Probabilistic Models for Early Flood Warning and Community Risk Management: Case Studies in Fiji Islands
Sentiment analysis for the detection of depressive users on social networks
Blockchain Enabled Secure Data Transmission With NB-IoT Deployment in Smart Agriculture Crop Watch
Trauma and Coloniality in Australian and Chilean women writers
Extreme climate variability and impacts of future climate change on the streamflow in the southeast Queensland, Australia
Guided Disentangled Representation Learning from Audio data for Transfer Learning
An Evaluation of Sensing Fat Depth for the Automation of Uniform Fat Trimming of Beef Striploin
Whitsundays Songwriter Festival 2024 - Concert and Conversation
The determinants influencing cryptocurrency returns
Assessing durability of geopolymer concrete mortar for sewer pipe coating
Mechanical, setting and durability properties of hybrid alkaline cements
Distance effects in L2 Arabic agreement inflection
School-Based Influences on the Implementation of Primary HASS Curriculum
Communicative language teaching in Cambodian higher education: EFL teachers' beliefs and practices
Framework for Strategic Guidance towards a Systemic Holistic Model for Thrivability
Navigating Research Engagement and Impact: a Grounded Theory Exploration of Australian Law Academics’ Strategies and Experiences
Physiological investigation of crown rot disease development in wheat (Triticum aestivum)
Value chain analysis of industrial hemp: An extensive review and a case of Nepal
International Federation for Research in Women’s History 2024 Conference
Atmospheric visibility and cloud cover forecasting with novel artificial intelligence methods for Fiji's aviation sector
A qualitative investigation of individuals’ lay representations of habit
The workforce profile of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Māori Nursing and Midwifery Academics in Australia and New Zealand
Using photovoice for truth telling, understanding the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander peoples experiences in nursing and midwifery
A scoping review of well-being measures: conceptualisation and scales for overall well-being
Collaborative supervision of teacher-researchers: A professional development success story
Undrained Stability of Twin Circular Tunnels in Anisotropic and Nonhomogeneous Clays: FELA and Machine Learning
Older workers and post-retirement employment: A proposed decent work agenda
The effect of laparoscopic vertical sleeve gastrectomy and laparoscopic roux-en-Y gastric bypass on gastroesophageal reflux disease: An updated meta-analysis and systematic review of 5-year post-operative data from randomized controlled trials
Development of a sports nutrition education program for student-athletes: ‘Eat to Win’
Exercise to combat cancer focusing on the ends
Efficacy of a student-led interprofessional health clinic in regional Australia for preventing and managing chronic disease
Formulation of Epoxy Prepregs, Synthesization Parameters, and Resin Impregnation Approaches—A Comprehensive Review
The Origins of Repertory in English Drama; or, How to Find Needles in Haystacks
University students’ access and use of sexual and reproductive health services in Australia
Optimising nanoparticle dispersion time for enhanced thermomechanical properties in DGEBA-based shape memory polymer composites
Burden turns into benefit: Potentiality of macadamia nutshells for engineered polymer composites
Addressing Challenges in Engineering Education: A Case Study of Materials Technology Course
Healthcare Interventions to Reduce Stigma for People Who Use Drugs: A systematic review
Aviation pollution, tourism, and economic development: A study of the EKC hypothesis at regional level
Ultraviolet radiation thin film dosimetry: A review of properties and applications
Socio-economic inequalities in health-related quality of life and the contribution of cognitive impairment in Australia: A decomposition analysis
What is needed is neurodiversity: Emotional labour and neuroqueerness in the age of the Accord
Boosting Healthiness Exposure in Category-Constrained Meal Recommendation Using Nutritional Standards
DeGONet: Decentralized Group-Oriented Interconnection Network for IoT-enabled Metaverse
Cognitive-Inspired Deep Learning Models for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis: A Retrospective Overview and Bibliometric Analysis
Multi-view Few-shot Reasoning for Emerging Entities in Knowledge Graphs
Crying wolf, alarm safety and management in paediatrics: A scoping review
The LAB school project: A socio-ecological investigation into the intersection between literacy, the arts and wellbeing in a rural early years classroom setting
A Teacher's Guide to Academic Integrity and GenAI
Genome-wide association mapping reveals novel genes and genomic regions controlling root-lesion nematode resistance in chickpea mini core collection
Truth and Transformation: The Test of Truth in the Development of New or Revised Ideas, and Related Values and Beliefs
Integrating Building Information Modelling and Artificial Intelligence in Construction Projects: A Review of Challenges and Mitigation Strategies
Effect of functionalized halloysite nanotubes on fire resistance and water tolerance of intumescent fire-retardant coatings for steel structures
An introduction to metascience: The discipline of evaluating the creation and dissemination of research
Impacts of low-cost carriers' development in the Asia-Pacific region on tourism, economic and social wellbeing: A systemic review
Bridging the gap: Graduate dispositional employability and the interconnected relationship between third space career and learning support services
Dialogical self: Co-investigator in career self-research
Healthcare Professional Perspectives on the Impact of the Physical Health Nurse Consultant
The Physical Health Nurse Consultant: Perceptions and Experiences of Those Who Care for People with Mental Illness
Healthcare delivery to patients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in emergency care: a scoping review protocol
The epidemiology of dying within 48 hours of presentation to emergency departments: a retrospective cohort study of older people across Australia and New Zealand
The impact of COVID-19 on emergency department presentations for mental health disorders in Queensland, Australia: A time series analysis
End-of-life care: A retrospective cohort study of older people who died within 48 hours of presentation to the emergency department
Dialogues with human books to promote professional commitment and learning among first-year nursing students: a mixed method study
Medicine's New Rhythm: Harnessing Acoustic Sensing via the Internet of Audio Things for Healthcare
Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Neurodivergent Students: Outcomes of a Mental Health Literacy Program for Primary School Educators
A Survey on Truth Discovery: Concepts, Methods, Applications, and Opportunities
ECS-STPM: An Efficient Model for Tunnel Fire Anomaly Detection
MDCGA-Net: Multi-Scale Direction Context-Aware Network with Global Attention for Building Extraction from Remote Sensing Images
YOLO-SA: An Efficient Object Detection Model Based on Self-attention Mechanism
Understanding how pre-service teachers design numeracy-rich activities in non-mathematic curriculum areas
Funded, then forgotten: politics, public memory and national school reform
Financial development and environmental quality: Does the financial environmental Kuznets Curve Prevail in Australia?
Nurses as mothers of adult children with schizophrenia: Are they members of the peer workforce?
Frankenstein Episode 4: Sense and sustainability
Untangling horsehair fungi in Australia: Marasmius crinis-equi (Marasmiaceae) and related taxa
Experimental validation of an efficient strategy for FE model updating and damage identification in tubular structures
Strengthening Initial Teacher Education Students’ Evidentiary Practices in Scientific Reasoning—Towards the Development of Principles of Task Design
Impact of Corporate Climate Change Performance on Information Asymmetry: International Evidence
Does continuous disclosure affect the market reaction to mergers and acquisitions announcements?
A customised vision transformer for accurate detection and classification of Java Plum leaf disease
Stress concentration factors for multi-planar tubular KK-joints of jacket substructures in offshore wind turbines
Galvanising Transition and Success for Underrepresented Students: Five Conditions for Enhancing Online Student Engagement
Using interactive open textbook materials to tackle issues of intercultural communication in multi-cultural contexts
Knowledge and dispositions of caring professionals in school settings regarding trans, gender diverse and non-binary students: A scoping review of empirical research
Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Market: An Analysis of the Patents of Monoclonal Antibodies
Impact of Different Thresholds on Recommendations Made Through Cost-Effectiveness Studies: An Example From Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Multiphase Coherent Nanointerface Network Enhances Thermoelectric Performance for Efficient Energy Conversion and Contactless Thermosensation Applications in GeTe
Impacts of the new UM convection scheme, CoMorph-A, over the Indo-Pacific and Australian regions
A synthesized P/N/S oligomer flame retardant to construct superior flame-retardant, transparent, and mechanical properties epoxy resin
Effects of Mg-based admixtures on chloride diffusion in alkali-activated fly ash-slag mortars
Recycling Silicon Cutting Waste from Photovoltaic Industry into High-Performance Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Recyclable thermoplastic FRP bars for reinforced concrete structures: Current status and future opportunities
Diversity of Kordyana species (Brachybasidaceae) on Commelinaceae in Australia
Editorial: Macroeconomic impact of disease dynamics: a temporal-spatial analysis
Proppant transport in secondary Sand fracturing using Eulerian-Eulerian multiphase model Approach
Assessing pollinator abundance and services to enhance agricultural sustainability and crop yield optimization in the Qilian Mountains
Unlocking the role of Ni-Fe species in CO2 methanation
Spatial Confinement Engineered Gel Composite Evaporators for Efficient Solar Steam Generation
Mealybug Population Dynamics: A Comparative Analysis of Sampling Methods for Saccharicoccus sacchari and Heliococcus summervillei in Sugarcane (Saccharum sp. Hybrids)
Privacy-preserving pathological data sharing among multiple remote parties
Pain Education and Virtual Reality Improves Pain, Pain-related Fear of Movement, and Trunk Kinematics in Individuals With Persistent Low Back Pain
Strong, tough and environment-tolerant organohydrogels for flaw-insensitive strain sensing
Band Engineering Through Pb-Doping of Nanocrystal Building Blocks to Enhance Thermoelectric Performance in Cu3SbSe4
The relationship between labour-only procurement and health and safety performance of construction projects
Lobish: Symbolic Language for Interpreting Electroencephalogram Signals in Language Detection Using Channel-Based Transformation and Pattern
A Journey From Customer Acquisition to Retention: An Integrative Model for Guiding Future Gaming Marketing Research
Genome-wide atlas of rust resistance loci in wheat
MURE: Multi-layer real-time livestock management architecture with unmanned aerial vehicles using deep reinforcement learning
Invasive sorghum aphid: A decade of research on deciphering plant resistance mechanisms and novel approaches in breeding for sorghum resistance to aphids
DeepPGD: A Deep Learning Model for DNA Methylation Prediction Using Temporal Convolution, BiLSTM, and Attention Mechanism
Access mode of consumption and psychological ownership: exploring the role of self-product connection
Charging Load Prediction Method for Expressway Electric Vehicles Considering Dynamic Battery State-of-Charge and User Decision
“They feel shame sometime, but that is why we need to talk to them…we need to tell them how important it is not to feel shame”: Hepatitis B related shame and improving hepatitis B care in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in the Top End of the Northern Territory, according to the Aboriginal health workforce
Maize Downy Mildew (Peronosclerospora neglecta) in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Thailand
Author Correction: Self-administered mindfulness interventions reduce stress in a large, randomized controlled multi-site study
MOF-based porous liquids towards a highly stressed and chemically resistant fire-safety polyurea elastomer
Improving sleep health in paramedics through an app-based intervention: a randomised waitlist control pilot trial
The Determinants and Synergies of Livelihood Choices Across Climate-vulnerable Regions: An Empirical Analysis from Rural Bangladesh
Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Doppler Weather Profile for Low-Earth-Orbit Satellites
Economic Burden of Healthcare Services on Cancer Survivors in Bangladesh
Fine-tuning thermal expansion characteristics of solid oxide fuel cell cathode via composite cathode fabrication
A low-cost, antimicrobial aloe-alginate hydrogel film containing Australian First Nations remedy ‘lemon myrtle oil’ (Backhousia citriodora) – Potential for incorporation into wound dressings
Perceptions and experiences of clinicians and correctional officers facilitating palliative care for people in prison: A systematic review and meta-synthesis
Understanding the transition from psychology graduate to post-graduate counselling studies
TESS Giants Transiting Giants. VI. Newly Discovered Hot Jupiters Provide Evidence for Efficient Obliquity Damping after the Main Sequence
A dynamic uncertainty-aware ensemble model: Application to lung cancer segmentation in digital pathology
Air thermal management platform assessment in centralized and decentralized air-conditioning systems
Rising to the challenge: The motivation to champion routine intimate partner violence screening in rural emergency departments
Joseph Bancroft’s discovery of Fusarium Wilt of banana
A matter of where and when - the appearance of Late Blight of potato in Australia
Competencies displayed by multinational corporation senior managers in critical business situations
Quantifying the resistance of Australian wheat genotypes to Pratylenchus thornei based on a continuous metric from a factor analytic linear mixed model
Acromioclavicular dislocation: A common injury affecting a healthy population
"Getting People Back Into the Community":
Forensic Mental Health Nurses' Perceptions and Experiences of the Recovery Model Within a High-Secure Hospital
The mean longitudinal magnetic field and its uses in radial-velocity surveys
Enhancing the storage stability and shelf-life of plant-based Pickering emulsions through emulgel formation
Guest editorial: Construction industry as net-zero enabler: driving circular economy and sustainability through innovation/change management
emoDARTS: Joint Optimization of CNN and Sequential Neural Network Architectures for Superior Speech Emotion Recognition
An Investigation on the Prospects, Challenges and Policy Consequences of Renewable Energy Technology Development for India’s Environmental Sustainability
Does Corporate Governance and Earning Quality Mitigate Idiosyncratic Risk? Evidence from an Emerging Economy
Evidence for Primordial Alignment: Insights from Stellar Obliquity Measurements for Compact Sub-Saturn Systems
Static compression optical coherence elastography for the measurement of porcine corneal mechanical properties ex-vivo
Using Social Media Analytics to Understand the Impact of Government Intervention on Consumer Behaviour During a Pandemic
First nation voices matter! Multi-level community consultations determine the design elements of a modified sport programme to promote healthy ageing in First Nation men
Technology adoption in the academic community: a multi-perspective study
Work-life imbalance, burning out, feeling down, I will quit, but quietly–the case of hospitality employees
The TESS-Keck Survey. XXII. A Sub-Neptune Orbiting TOI-1437
Unlocking the tapestry of conservation: Navigating ecological resettlement policies in Nepal
Decoupling REDD+ understanding of local stakeholders on the onset of materializing carbon credits from forests in Nepal
Achieving SOC Conservation without Land-Use Changes between Agriculture and Forests
Comparison of Explainable Artificial Intelligence Model and Radiologist Review Performances to Detect Breast Cancer in 752 Patients
Deep Learning Techniques for Automated Dementia Diagnosis Using Neuroimaging Modalities: A Systematic Review
Indian initiatives to establish ‘western’ astronomical observatories prior to independence. 2: colleges and universities
Causal relationship between project financing and overruns in major dam projects in Africa
Transforming waste to wealth: Impact of food waste-derived soil amendments and synthetic nitrogen fertilizer on soil dynamics
HD152843 b & c: the masses and orbital periods of a sub-Neptune and a superpuff Neptune
Thermo-phototronic Effect in Double Semiconductor Heterostructures for Highly Sensitive Self-Powered Sensors
Pyrolytic Pathway of Wheat Straw Pellet by the Thermogravimetric Analyzer
Surviving in the Hot-Neptune Desert: The Discovery of the Ultrahot Neptune TOI-3261b
Psychometric Testing of an Instrument Assessing Family Knowledge, Contemplation, Confidence and Readiness for Engaging in Early Mobilisation of Critically Ill Patients: A Multi-Site Cross-Sectional Design
Searching for Neutral Hydrogen Escape from the 120 Myr Old Sub-Neptune HIP94235b using HST
Technology in farming: Unleashing farmers’ behavioral intention for the adoption of agriculture 5.0
Synergistic effects of fiber hybridization on the fracture toughness of seawater sea-sand concrete
Response of Blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) Cultivars for Nipping and Graded Levels of Nitrogen for Higher Productivity under Irrigated Conditions
Harnessing rain hose technology for water-saving sustainable irrigation and enhancing blackgram productivity in garden land
Systemic therapy and radiotherapy related complications and subsequent hospitalisation rates: a systematic review
Wattle gall - the quintessential Australian plant disease
Co-designing a new digital mental health platform, 'Momentum', with caregivers of young people aged 7-17
Cultivating resilience and community engagement through research within Indigenous populations
ADHD/CD-NET: automated EEG-based characterization of ADHD and CD using explainable deep neural network technique
Construction and application of flexible electromagnetic interference shielding films with multifunctionality
High-Performance Flexible PbS Nanofilm Wavelength Sensor with Detection Region Ranging from DUV to NIR
Considering Diversity in Educational Research that Explores School-Community Relationships
Investigation of heat transfer in timber boards and a simulated wall section to eliminate colonies of the west Indian drywood termite, Cryptotermes brevis (Blattodea: Kalotermitidae)
Two-step approach to manufacture sustainable artificial steel slag aggregate used in alkali-activated concrete
Factors associated with satisfaction of the australian rural resident medical officer cadetship program: results from a cross-sectional study
Multi-step ahead forecasting of electrical conductivity in rivers by using a hybrid Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short-Term Memory (CNN-LSTM) model enhanced by Boruta-XGBoost feature selection algorithm
Wavelet-fusion image super-resolution model with deep learning for downscaling remotely-sensed, multi-band spectral albedo imagery
Data sharing in cancer research: A qualitative study exploring community members' preferences
Exploring the differential effects of consumer brand attitude persuasion for printed advertisements in luxury and nonluxury brands
Physical Activity and Excess Body Weight and Adiposity for Adults. American College of Sports Medicine Consensus Statement
A longitudinal study on impact of emergency cash transfer payments during the COVID pandemic on coping among Australian young adults
Automated explainable wavelet-based sleep scoring system for a population suspected with insomnia, apnea and periodic leg movement
Partial policy hidden medical data access control method based on CP-ABE
Australasian aviation climate change hazards: A systematic review
University English teachers’ research conceptions and engagement: Insights from Cambodian higher education
It's about time to exercise: development of the exercise participation explained in relation to time model
Variate Associated Domain Adaptation for Unsupervised Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection
Symmetrical and asymmetrical approaches to brand loyalty– The case of intelligent voice assistants
A phosphorus/nitrogen/boron co-curing agent for enhancing flame retardancy, mechanical properties transparency of epoxy resin
Tailoring emergency and disaster preparedness engagement approaches for culturally and linguistically diverse communities
Global Spread, Genetic Differentiation, and Selection of Barley Spot Form Net Blotch Isolates
Spatiotemporal analysis of the food-related carbon emissions of China: Regional heterogeneity and the urban‒rural divide
Prevalence and associated factors of last dental visit and teeth cleaning frequency in Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal: Findings from nationally representative surveys
A hot-Jupiter progenitor on a super-eccentric retrograde orbit
Diversity and pathogenicity of Fusarium spp. isolated from cultivated sorghum stems and roots in eastern Australia
TOpI-2447 b / NGTS-29 b: A 69-day Saturn around a Solar analogue
Patient-reported experience is associated with higher future revenue and lower costs of hospitals
The effects of aerobic exercise training on inflammatory markers in adult tobacco smokers: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Half-hourly electricity price prediction with a hybrid convolution neural network-random vector functional link deep learning approach
Adverse childhood experiences and externalizing, internalizing, and prosocial behaviors in children and adolescents: A longitudinal study
Monte Carlo Simulation, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-based Modelling and Optimization of Three-dimensional Electrochemical Treatment of Xenobiotic Dye Wastewater
Determinants of Blockchain Technology Adoption in the Australian Agricultural Supply Chain: A Systematic Literature Review
Astrometry and Precise Radial Velocities Yield a Complete Orbital Solution for the Nearby Eccentric Brown Dwarf LHS 1610 b
ACCESS-S2 seasonal forecasts of rainfall and the SAM–rainfall relationship during the grain growing season in south-west Western Australia
Why nanny statism matters: evidence from the first wave of COVID-19
ConcatNeXt: An automated blood cell classification with a new deep convolutional neural network
A population of neutron star candidates in wide orbits from Gaia astrometry
A theoretical framework for identifying sociocultural factors that influence nurses' compliance with early warning systems for acute clinical deterioration: A cross-sectional survey
Generous teacher: Good at distilling knowledge for student learning
P-Chain: Towards privacy-aware smart contract using SMPC
The impact of migrant remittances on poverty reduction in Bangladesh
Prevalence of Specific Mood Profile Clusters among Elite and Youth Athletes at a Brazilian Sports Club
An Earth-sized Planet on the Verge of Tidal Disruption
The influence of the field orientation on the representativeness of the positional dynamics in soccer small-sided games
Unpacking service failures in artificial intelligence: future research directions
Origin and evolution of the bread wheat D genome
Determining Courts' jurisdiction to sanction schemes of arrangement involving third party releases: A policy analysis
TOI-1685 b Is a Hot Rocky Super-Earth: Updates to the Stellar and Planet Parameters of a Popular JWST Cycle 2 Target
The First Evidence of a Host Star Metallicity Cutoff in the Formation of Super-Earth Planets
What are the 100 most cited fungal genera?
Facilitating sustainable energy transition of Nepal: A best-fit model to prioritize influential socio-economic and climate perception factors on household energy behaviour
N-BodyPat: Investigation on the dementia and Alzheimer's disorder detection using EEG signals
ϵ Sagittarii: An Extreme Rapid Rotator with a Decretion Disk
From many voices, one question: Community co-design of a population-based qualitative cancer research study
Using Online Critical Reflection to Enhance Students' Confidence, Motivation, and Engagement in Higher Education
Downstream impacts of dam breach using HEC-RAS: a case of Budhigandaki concrete arch dam in central Nepal
Deep learning in radiology for lung cancer diagnostics: A systematic review of classification, segmentation, and predictive modeling techniques
Carbon emission reduction initiatives: Lessons from the REDD+ process of the Asia and Pacific region
Investigating the effects of landscape productivity on the spatial ecology of a threatened marsupial inside feral predator exclosures
Utilization of a paediatric feeding tube for temporary arterial revascularisation/vascular salvage in traumatic extremity injury within a regional hospital setting
Co-designing planning interventions to facilitate participation in mail-out bowel cancer screening
The institutionalisation of XBRL in a developing capital market: the Indonesian regulators’ and filers’ perspective
Experiences of Working with Lower Limb Osteoarthritis: A Qualitative Study
Integrated finite element analysis and machine learning approach for propagation pressure prediction in hybrid Steel-CFRP subsea pipelines
On the Influence of Engine Compression Ratio on Diesel Engine Performance and Emission Fueled with Biodiesel Extracted from Waste Cooking Oil
The Influence of Fibres on the Properties and Sustainability of Oil-Impacted Concrete
Impact on Modern Arabic Language and Education Manifestation of Social Violence in Arab’s Grammatical Think
Comparative Study of Cooling Techniques for Photovoltaic Panels: Active Cooling Techniques, A Review
Local joint flexibility of two-planar tubular DY-joints in jacket-type substructures of offshore wind turbines: parametric study of geometrical effects and design formulation
Scope, Distribution, and Cause of the Peanut Kernel Shrivel (PKS) Syndrome: An Emerging Threat to Australia’s Peanut Industry
Diabetic retinopathy incidence, predictors and its association with longitudinal fasting blood sugar level changes among diabetes mellitus patients in Ethiopia: joint model
A BIM Package with a NEC4 Contract Option to Mitigate Construction Disputes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Interpretation of Artificial Intelligence Models in Healthcare: A Pictorial Guide for Clinicians
Using Constructivist Grounded Theory to understand the experiences of early career teachers teaching students with diverse learning needs in Australia
Active Rheology Control of Concrete Using Encapsulated Accelerator as Responsive Additives for Concrete 3D Printing
Polyurethane foam: The foaming process and the effect of process parameters on properties
Speed Prediction of Multiple Traffic Scenarios with Local Fluctuation
A Novel Multi-scale Spatiotemporal Graph Neural Network for Epidemic Prediction
Accelerating Maximal Bicliques Enumeration with GPU on large scale network
Non-Codeing RNAs Family Prediction Based on RNA Representation and Deep Learning
Reconfiguring the TUSQ Hypersonic Facility for Lower Mach Number Testing
Towards next-generation federated learning: A case study on privacy attacks in artificial intelligence systems
Poster: Cloud Computing with AI-empowered Trends in Software-Defined Radios: Challenges and Opportunities
Depressurisation Restart Method for a Hypersonic Inlet with Closed-Plenum Mass Flow Metering
Building up a Dataset for Investigation of the Load Transfer Mechanism of Bored Piles from Case Histories in Vietnam
Mach 6 and Mach 7 conditions in TUSQ at Reynolds numbers up to 30 million
A Lightweight Deep Learning Model for EEG Classification Across Visual Stimuli
Stationary Multi-scale Hierarchical Dilated Graph Convolution for Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection
MealRec+: A Meal Recommendation Dataset with Meal-Course Affiliation for Personalization and Healthiness
An Urban Air Quality Prediction Model based on Dynamic Correlation of Influencing Factors
Integrating Technology in Sport Psychology and Application in Malaysian High-Performance Setting
Integration of Sport Psychology and Performance Analysis in Behavioural Assessment During Sporting Competition
CrimeAlarm: Towards Intensive Intent Dynamics in Fine-Grained Crime Prediction
Magnitude-Contrastive Network for Unsupervised Graph Anomaly Detection
Computational Personality Analysis with Interpretability Empowered Prediction
AI-supported Authentic Communication with Native Speakers: Exploring EFL Learners' Willingness to Communicate and Emotional Changes
Axial Load-Bearing Capacity Solutions of PHC Nodular Pile: A New Advancement in Vietnam Engineering Practice
Distributed Optical Fibre-Based Pore Water Pressure Sensor for Early Warning of Geohazards
Stress concentration factors (SCFs) for multi-planar tubular KK-joints of jacket substructures in offshore wind turbines (OWTs)
Advancing spatial analysis of invasive species movement data to improve monitoring, control programs and decision making: feral cat home range as a case study
Open Skies: The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Its Impact on US Radio by Astronomy by Kenneth I. Kellerman, Ellen N. Bouton, and Sierra S. Brandt
Correction: Taylor et al. A Statistical Forecasting Model for Extremes of the Fire Behaviour Index in Australia. Atmosphere 2024, 15, 470
Determinants of minimal soil disturbance adoption over time and in the face of climate vulnerability
Stem rust of wheat in colonial Australia and the development of the plant pathology profession
A prickly business-Edward Shelton, Henry Tryon and the mysterious pineapple disease
The discovery of gumming disease of sugarcane in Australia
Henry Tryon-the true discoverer of the potato brown rot pathogen, Ralstonia solanacearum
Common leaf spot of lucerne and the dawn of mycology and plant pathology in Australia
Brain repair mechanisms after cell therapy for stroke
Rational Design of Oil-Resistant and Electrically Conductive Fluorosilicone Rubber Foam Nanocomposites for Sensitive Detectability in Complex Solvent Environments
William Frederick Denning: Grand Amateur and Doyen of British Meteor Astronomy, by Martin Beech
Cosmic Pages: Atlanti Stellari Negli Osservatori Astronomici Italiana, edited by Ileana Chinnici and Mauro Gargano
Chronic diseases and their behavioural risk factors among South Asian immigrants in Australia
The GAPS programme at TNG LVII. TOI-5076b: A warm sub-Neptune planet orbiting a thin-to-thick-disk transition star in a wide binary system
Votes for College Women. Alumni, Students, and the Woman Suffrage Campaign by Kelly L. Marino
Identifying evidence-practice gaps for shoulder injury risk factors in competitive swimmers: uniting literature and expert opinion
Changes in Haematological Parameters and Lipid Profiles in Diabetes Mellitus: A Literature Review
Blood Viscosity Changes in Diabetes Mellitus: A 20-Year Bibliometric Review and Future Directions
Advanced GeSe-based thermoelectric materials: Progress and future challenge
Correction to: Analysis of Internet Financial Risks Based on Deep Learning and BP Neural Network
A new design of electro-conjugate fluid micropumps with Venturi and teardrop-shaped electrodes
Understanding the Effects of Reservation Systems and Online Transaction Capacity on the Competitiveness of Travel Agencies
Wheat improvement through advances in single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection and genotyping with a special emphasis on rust resistance
Multi-stakeholder identification and prioritization of human-tiger conflict reduction measures in Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Practical Guidance for Preparing for and Conducting Focus Groups and Interviews with Community Members for Cancer Research
Examining the Impact of Coal Gas Emissions on the Stability Analysis of Coal Pillars: A Critical Literature Review
Corrigendum “Integrated finite element analysis and machine learning approach for propagation pressure prediction in hybrid Steel-CFRP subsea pipelines” [Ocean Eng. 311 (1) (2024) 118808]
Correction: Algayyim et al. Sugarcane Biomass as a Source of Biofuel for Internal Combustion Engines (Ethanol and Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol): A Review of Economic Challenges. Energies 2022, 15, 8644
Teaching with wonder: Engaged pedagogy and attentive listening
A real-time epilepsy seizure detection approach based on EEG using short-time Fourier transform and Google-Net convolutional neural network
Non-Disclosure of Relevant Material and Chapter III: The Tantalising Promise of Due Process Rights Protection by the Australian Constitution in the Gageler High Court Using Separation of Powers Principles
Heutagogy as a framework for Christian discipleship: the triadic role of biblical wisdom literature, the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the work of the Holy Spirit
Using an evidence-informed reflection tool to develop understandings of feedback talk
Active Sensing Strategy: Multi-Modal, Multi-Robot Source Localization and Mapping in Real-World Settings with Fixed One-Way Switching
Toward Robust 3D Perception for Autonomous Vehicles: A Review of Adversarial Attacks and Countermeasures
Engineering sulfonated carbon black for flame-retardant and smoke-suppressive polycarbonate with well-preserved mechanical performances
BADFSS: Backdoor Attacks on Federated Self-Supervised Learning
Effect of atomic oxygen and vacuum thermal aging on graphene and glass fibre reinforced cyanate ester-based shape memory polymer composite for deployable thin wall structures
‘She’s just hitting a triangle?’ Why being a percussionist is harder – and more crucial than you may think
Breathing into difficult realisations and fumbling forward:
Dilemmas of a children’s concert curator
Experiences of orchestral concerts through the eyes and ears of children
Creator, Educator, Curator, Sustainer? Defining audience development as music education work
Sustainable audience development and the art of ‘curating’ learning at orchestral concerts
"The Layout Helps" - Community Orchestra Performance Spaces and Relational Audience Engagement
HD 21520 b: a warm sub-Neptune transiting a bright G dwarf
Trials and Tribulations in the Reanalysis of KELT-24 b: A Case Study for the Importance of Stellar Modeling
Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of New Kabuli-Type Chickpea Lines in Australia for Resistance to Ascochyta Blight
The β Pictoris b Hill sphere transit campaign: II. Searching for the signatures of the β Pictoris exoplanets through time delay analysis of the δ Scuti pulsations
A New Catalog of 100,000 Variable TESS A-F Stars Reveals a Correlation between δ Scuti Pulsator Fraction and Stellar Rotation
Tough, high-strength, flame-retardant and recyclable polyurethane elastomers based on dynamic borate acid esters
Making Australian Drought Monitor dataset findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable
Small scale laboratory monotonic and cyclic pull out testing on grout and resin encapsulated cable bolts
Australian educators teaching in ACA and PACFA accredited counselling and psychotherapy courses
Nano-roughness Modification of 3D printed Poly (lactic Acid) Polymer via Alkaline Wet Etching Towards Biomedical Applications
The Interplay of Dietary Habits, Economic Factors, and Globalization: Assessing the Role of Institutional Quality
Soil solarisation delivers near zero levels of Fusarium pseudograminearum in cereal crown rot reference sites
Near-infrared spectroscopy and deep neural networks for early common root rot detection in wheat from multi-season trials
Unveiling Genetic Resistance to Crown Rot in Watkins Wheat Landrace Diversity Panel
Pathogenicity of Bipolaris sorokiniana isolates on wheat and barley genotypes for common root rot
Becoming singular: Musical identity construction and maintenance through the lens of identity process theory
The aporia of education policy: national school reform and the limits of policy enactment
Passive earth pressure on vertical rigid walls with negative wall friction coupling statically admissible stress field and soft computing
True encounters with the fictional university: collectively rewriting the script of filmic dark academia from the academic margins
Too stressed to think? A scoping review of the literature for healthcare educators utilising high acuity clinical scenarios.
Seismoacoustic measurements of the OSIRIS-REx re-entry with an off-grid Raspberry PiShake
In Progress
Assessing China’s energy transition pathway: Insights from the synergistic
effects of key drivers
Analysing Double Shearing Mechanism in Fiberglass Rock Bolting Systems: a Comprehensive Analytical Model and Numerical Simulation Approach
Perspectives on improving wound care for Aboriginal health workers in rural and remote communities in Queensland, Australia
Exploring the red tourism–aviation nexus through the PVAR model: The case of China during the COVID-19 pandemic
Impact of common root rot in Queensland winter cereals
Barriers to Access and Participation in Higher Education: The Case for a “Bounded Agency” Perspective
Stabilisation Of Black Cotton Subgrades Using Landfill Wastes
Performance Assessment of GFRP Composites as a Sustainable Replacement of Steel in Marine Environment for the Construction of Aid-to-Navigation Structures
Circularity of Concrete with Waste Glass Additive
Making it work: a grounded theory study of undergraduate international students' educational journey in Canada
Water Usage and Water Availability Under Changing Land Use and Climate Within Toowoomba Region , Queensland Australia
Awful beauty: mapping toxic locations in the age of the anthropocene
Exploring high quality collaborative partnerships in Australian early childhood services: A poststructural case study
Parents' perceptions about the values and benefits of electronic games on young children in Jordan: A case study
The Australian College of Kuwait Award: A work-based case study of student self-management of lifewide and lifelong learning
Academic Numeracies Framework – A tool to facilitate
the systematic embedding of numeracies in university
Measuring accumulation: Constructing a tool for evaluating cumulative harm in children engaged with an intensive family support service
Motivations for Juvenile Offending
Child Femicide
Child Femicide
Tactile perception by tissue force characteristics for robotic red eat cutting
Motivation for juvenile violent behavior and femicide
Researcher-Practitioner Collaboration in Action Design Research
Selfishly Eating Up the Planet? The influence of selfishness, empathy, motivation, religion, and gender on the consumption of meat and willingness to reduce animal product consumption
Enhanced AI-Based Methodologies for Detection of Prenatal & Postnatal Depression In Women
Fungal Planet description sheets: Marasmius pseudoelegans
Speculative a/r/tography
Integrated building information modeling and blockchain system for decentralized progress payments in construction projects
Engineered Functional Segments Enabled Mechanically Robust, Intrinsically Fire-Retardant, Switchable, Degradable PolyureThane Adhesives
The Strange and the Sacred: Depictions of Catholic Nuns in Supernatural Horror Stories
Structure–fire-retardant property correlations in biodegradable polymers
Mechanical properties and microstructure of hemp hurd reinforced polylactide biocomposites for 3D printing
Stability and Failure Mechanism of the Tunnel Face in Nonhomogeneous Clay with Longitudinal Slopes: A Kinematic Limit Analysis
Stability Design Charts and Equations for Rectangular Tunnels Using Terzaghi’s Modified Stability Factors and Machine Learning
An aesthetic approach to teaching mathematics: A proposed framework using children’s picturebooks
Bond performance of fly ash-based geopolymer mortar in simulated concrete sewer substrate
Assessing the age effect on consumer attitudes and willingness to pay for sustainably produced wine: A transnational analysis
"Journalistic Revolution": The Rise of Newswomen during Australia’s Press Wars, 1933–1945
Research in Depth: The Rise of Newswomen During Australia’s Press Wars
The door opens inward: Meeting Linda Tuhiwai Smith
Mussel‐Inspired, Self‐Healing, Highly Effective Fully Polymeric Fire‐Retardant Coatings Enabled by Group Synergy
Fabricating built-in electric field in fully enclosed carbon nitride/Fe-based MIL heterojunction for efficient CO2 photoreduction
Rational Designing Microenvironment of Gas-Diffusion Electrodes via Microgel-Augmented CO2 Availability for High-Rate and Selective CO2 Electroreduction to Ethylene
The Two Doctors: Food Deadly Food!
Focus on challenges/risks producers may face moving to a carbon neutral/net zero enterprise
Webinar: Decarbonisation Technologies
Work + Learning: A knowledge base of theory and practice in Australia
Language teacher development in technology integration: Exploration, communication, collaboration, and reflection
Near real-time significant wave height prediction along the coastline of Queensland using advanced hybrid machine learning models
Self-reported online science learning strategies of non-traditional students studying a university preparation science course
Contemporary Natural Law Theory: Finnis and Beyond
The common law marriage in Australian private international law
Leadership practices and communication framework for project success - The construction sector
Singing the Lord’s Song at St John’s Cathedral, Brisbane
CrossDeFi: A Novel Cross-Chain Communication Protocol
Jurors’ perceptions of transgender victims of sexual assault: A literature review of empirical research and policy review of judicial instructions
Nursing and Midwifery Research: Methods and Appraisal for Evidence Based Practice
Analysing data in quantitative research
Assessing measuring instruments
Data collection and sampling in quantitative research
Common quantitative methods
The significance of nursing and midwifery research and evidence-based practice
The experiences of an online academic advising approach supporting adult learners transition into an enabling program preparing them for university
Electrochemical and structural performances of carbon and glass fiber-reinforced structural supercapacitor composite at elevated temperatures
Final Thoughts: Nuns Face Their Futures
Period Drama and Female Agency from the Middle Ages to Vatican II
A Force of Habit: Popular Culture Presentations of Nuns
Nuns in Popular Culture: Critical Essays
Li Stadelmann, pioneering harpsichordist
A Systematic Literature Review of Strategies Implemented in Extended Education Settings to Address Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mis/Understanding Jens Lyng: Revisiting the Racialised Studies of an Early Twentieth-Century Historian
‘A rifle lying across her arm’: the suspicious death of 13-year-old ‘half-caste’ Cissy Brennan
Individual Resilience and Disaster-Specific Adaptation and Resilience Following a Bushfire Event in Regional Queensland
Consumer confidence and cryptocurrency excess returns: a three-factor model
Adapting genetic algorithms for multifunctional landscape decisions: a theoretical case study on wild bees and farmers in the UK
What do we know about YouTube content about academic writing? A multimodal analysis
What should communities stipulate in their (macro)social contract with business? Updated CSR commandments for corporations
Risk factors of children's low birth weight and infant mortality in Bangladesh: Evidence from binary logistic regression and Cox PH models
Bio-derived Schiff base vitrimer with outstanding flame retardancy, toughness, antibacterial, dielectric and recycling properties
‘Wounded Parties’ (2024) by David Fenton
The perceptions parents of dyslexic children have on barriers to meaningful parent–school partnerships in Australia
Spatiotemporal Variability Analysis of Rainfall and Water Quality: Insights from Trend Analysis and Wavelet Coherence Approach
Thirty-five years of sensemaking in the business & management research: a bibliometric analysis, review and discussion
Improving Teaching and Learning in Higher Education through Machine Learning: Proof of Concept’ of AI’s Ability to Assess the Use of Key Microskills.
A woman without
Beyond feminist fairy tales: new ways of writing back to old traditions
What is a (traditional) fairy tale?
Working towards utopia: hope and disappointment in a room of one's own
Teachers' understandings of barriers to Indigenous children's academic success in Taiwan
Flame-retardant and tough poly(lactic acid) with well-preserved mechanical strength via reactive blending with bio-plasticizer and phosphorus derivative
"If all the world could have seen't": Imagination and the Unseen in The Winter's Tale
From wide to deep: dimension lifting network for parameter-efficient knowledge graph embedding
Everything I know about nuclear power I learnt from The Simpsons
Nuns are a staple on the Hollywood screen – even as they disappear from real life. What’s behind our timeless obsession
Green synthesis of a P/N/B-containing aggregate for boosting fire-retardancy of PA6/aluminum diethylphosphinate composites
Students’ first professional placement: unravelling expectations and realities
Enhancing primary healthcare nurses’ preparedness for climate-induced extreme weather events
Reconceptualising nursing curricula for planetary health: A web-based desktop audit
Nursing in 2050: Navigating dual realities of climate change in healthcare
Willingness to reduce animal product consumption: Exploring the role of environmental, animal, and health motivations, selfishness, and animal-oriented empathy
Exceptionality, Neoliberalism and Corporations in COVID Times: JobKeeper and the legal shaping of economic order in crisis
Self-administered mindfulness interventions reduce stress in a large, randomized controlled multi-site study
Controllable Self-Assembly of Carbon Nanotubes on Ammonium Polyphosphate as a Game-Changer for Flame Retardancy and Thermal Conductivity in Epoxy Resin
Scaling Clean Technology
Economic policy uncertainty, carbon emissions and firm valuation: International evidence
Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia
First Nations women's experiences of out-of-hospital childbirth: Insights for enhancing paramedic practice – A scoping review
Numeracy Across the Australian Curriculum: Opportunities from F to 6
Relationship Between Pre-Service Teachers' Early Mathematics Experiences and Their Current Self-Perception on Mathematics
Rural placement frequency and duration among student nurses: A repeated cross-sectional study
Vibration as a New Survey Method for Spiders
Socio-demographic factors and mental health trajectories in Australian children and primary carers: Implications for policy and intervention using latent class analysis
The Paris Olympics horse-whipping scandal shows the dangers of ‘Disneyfication’ in horse sports
Glycine tabacina, native to Australia, is an alternate host of Erysiphe diffusa causing powdery mildew on soybean
The role of cognitive flexibility in job search behaviour: A research agenda
Comparison of common methods for determining hazardous locations for improving road safety
Prediction of Sea Level Using Double Data Decomposition and Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Northern Territory, Australia
Predicting axial-bearing capacity of fully grouted rock bolting systems
by applying an ensemble system
'You May Look Pale': Whiteness and Love Melancholia in Love's Labour's Lost
Different Sides of the Same Coin, or Different Currencies? Similarities and Differences of Essential Workers’ and University Students’ Employability
Building a Better Picture of LGBT, Sistergirl, and Brotherboy Ageing and Caring in Queensland
Ageing and Caring through the Lens of LGBT Sistergirl and Brotherboy people with HIV in Queensland
Russians, Ukrainians, and the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations
Developing novice analysts’ videofluoroscopic swallowing study skills in speech-language pathology: A randomised control trial comparing blended and online training approaches
Speech-language pathology and our diverse landscape of research and practice
Effect of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Improving Sleep and Health Status in Patients with Cardiometabolic Syndrome: a Meta-Analysis
Nonlinear Torsion Dominated Deterioration Behavior of Wind Generator Output Cable Under Electrothermal Aging
What is needed is neurodiversity: Emotional labour and neuroqueerness in the age of the Accord
Dynamic Capabilities of Multicultural Project Teams: An Analysis of Value Additionality
Experimental and analytical investigations on the torsional behaviour of glass fibre - reinforced concretepontoon decks
A Qualitative Study on Workplace Mental Wellbeing in the Singapore Context
Characterising Exoplanets Using Ground-based & Space-based Facilities
Factors Influencing Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intentions in Abu Dhabi Police
Spatially Enabled Digital Twin Framework for the Field Design Process of Oil and Gas Projects
Exercise and Physical Therapy for Systematic Sclerosis: Ongoing Cochrane Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Animal-assisted therapy in exercise physiology and psychology private practice: What do clinicians have to say?
Green synthesis and application of P/N-containing fire retardants in PA6/aluminum diethylphosphinate composites
Robust drought forecasting in Eastern Canada: Leveraging EMD-TVF and ensemble deep RVFL for SPEI index forecasting
Cyanate ester and polyethylene glycol based high temperature resistant shape memory polymer development for space applications
Implementing Affirmative Consent in Sexual Offences: A Model Law for Queensland
Male-friendly counselling for young men: a thematic analysis of client and caregiver experiences of Menslink counselling
Academic Numeracies Framework
Co-designed professional learning in the classroom: an opportunity for reflexive agency
Post-Disaster Social Connectedness in Parent–Child Dyads: A Qualitative Investigation of Changes in Coping and Social Capital of Rural Australian Families Following Bushfires
Cyber Battle Management Systems (CBMS) is Considered as Systems of Systems (SoS) and Emergent Behavior is Present, where Viable System Model (VSM) only Controls System Variety
Using Programmatic Assessment to Design an Integrated Curriculum
Predicting grout’s uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) for fully grouted rock bolting system by applying ensemble machine learning techniques
Privatising public education: are we there yet?
Examining non-Indigenous teacher perceptions of Indigenous students in Taiwan through a Strategic Relational Approach
“I need more help, but everyone expects me
to know it”: perceived mentoring needs of
contemporary second-year early career teachers
Will Democratic Freedoms and Human Rights Survive a Second Pandemic in Australia? A Case Study of the Legal Foundations and Mechanisms of Implementation of Australia's COVID-19 Response
Interweaving employability skills in ESL/EFL university direct entry integrated assessment tasks: A systematic reviews
Enhancing efficiency and profitability: the impact of smart irrigation scheduling in sugarcane production systems
Pre- and post-flowering impacts of natural heatwaves on yield components in wheat
Association Between E-Cigarettes, Cognition and Mood in Adolescents
From constraints to solutions: Exploring learning and teaching challenges in UniSQ College's incarcerated enabling courses
Project success factors for leadership practices and communication: challenges in the construction sector
A framework for leadership practices and communication in the context of the construction sector
Using English as a Language of Instruction in Rural Schools in Thailand: Key Challenges for Teaching and Learning
Synergistic integration of isogeometric analysis and data-driven modeling for enhanced strip footing design on two-layered clays: Advancing geotechnical engineering practices
The Aspiring Deans Leadership Development Program: a process evaluation
Strong yet Tough Catalyst-Free Transesterification Vitrimer with Excellent Fire-Retardancy, Durability, and Closed-Loop Recyclability
Nickel-doped Li2MoO4 as a high-performance anode material for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries
Environmental impact of financial Market’s development in Australia
Validity of simple field tests as indicators of elite female field hockey match performance
Widening participation in higher education: An exploration of barriers affecting incarcerated students’ engagement and participation in an Australian university’s enabling program.
Sleep insufficiency and bedtime irregularity in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A population-based analysis
Pricing media sentiment: Evidence from global mergers and acquisitions
Quantifying Threat or Challenge Response of Undergraduate Paramedicine Students During High-Stress Clinical Scenarios - A Narrative Review
Air pollution disproportionately impairs beneficial invertebrates: a meta-analysis
Swanbank Power Station (former) CMP: A preliminary Conservation Management Plan prepared for CleanCo Queensland Ltd for the Swanbank Clean Energy Hub
3D printing of biodegradable polymers and their composites – Current state-of-the-art, properties, applications, and machine learning for potential future applications
A Review of Flexible Strain Sensors for Walking Gait Monitoring
Women Who Kill Their Abusive Intimate Partners in Non-Confrontational Circumstances - The Need for German Criminal Law Reform
What simulations bring to teaching soft skills
Eliminating Building Quality Issues: A Theoretical Framework Using the Theory of Planned Behaviour
Building scholarly professionals: a pilot program for accenting scholarship in Student Learning Advisor practice at a regional Australian university
In Situ Growth of Hierarchical Silver Sub‐Nanosheets on Zinc Nanosheets‐Based Hollow Fiber Gas‐Diffusion Electrodes for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to CO
A call for different perspectives
Failure envelopes of rigid tripod pile foundation under combined vertical-horizontal-moment loadings in clay
Enhancing Walkable Environments through Urban Planning Strategies in Toowoomba Regional City
Supplementary Dam Site Selection Using a Geospatial Approach: A Case Study of Wivenhoe Dam
Associations between Australian climate drivers and extreme weekly fire danger
Modified Shear Design Model for Steel- and Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Reinforced Concrete Beams
Optimising project outcomes in complex environments: empirical insights on agile practices and stakeholder dynamics
HIP 65426 is a High-frequency Delta Scuti Pulsator in Plausible Spin-Orbit Alignment with its Directly Imaged Exoplanet
Online Learning and Liminal Spaces: An Example of Innovation in Social Work Field Education
The Humanitarians: Child War Refugees and Australian Humanitarianism in a Transnational World, 1919–1975 by Joy Damousi
“A Bloody Migrant Who Thinks He Can Run a Union”: The Case of Jerzy Bielski, a Migrant Trade Unionist in 1950s Australia
Construction of Conductive Polymer Coatings onto Flexible PDMS Foam Composites with Exceptional Mechanical Robustness for Sensitive Strain Sensing Applications
Research and Technologies to Reduce Grain Postharvest Losses: A Review
Modelling Floodplain Vegetation Response to Climate Change, Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Model Simulated LAI, Applying Different GCM’s Future Climate Data and MODIS LAI Data
Editorial: Innovative treatment technologies for sustainable water and wastewater management
Isolation, small population size, and management influence inbreeding and reduced genetic variation in K’gari dingoes
A systematic literature review: Trends and current state of research on Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris), 2010-2022
William Dawes: Scientist, Governor, Abolitionist: Caught Between Science and Religion, by Richard de Grijs and Andrew Jacob
Enhance photocatalytic CO 2 reduction and biomass selective oxidation via sulfur vacancy-enriched S-scheme heterojunction of MoS 2 @GCN
Bio-inspired fabrication of brick-and-mortar interphase in carbon fiber/epoxy composites with significantly improved high-temperature durability
How to confront climate denial: literacy, social studies and climate change by James S. Damico and Mark C. Baildon
ELRL-MD: a deep learning approach for myocarditis diagnosis using cardiac magnetic resonance images with ensemble and reinforcement learning integration
Vibration Analysis of Perovskite Solar Cells Resting on Porous Nanocomposite Substrate in Thermal Environment
Manipulation of metavalent bonding to stabilize metastable phase: A strategy for enhancing zT in GeSe
Decoupled Progressive Distillation for Sequential Prediction with Interaction Dynamics
Identification of the Top TESS Objects of Interest for Atmospheric Characterization of Transiting Exoplanets with JWST
Why Australia Should Adopt the English Model for Propensity and Bad Character Evidence: Rebalancing the Criminal Justice System in Favour of the Victims of Crime
A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis on early ornithischian evolution
Lattice 123 pattern for automated Alzheimer's detection using EEG signal
Novel Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Securement for Children and Catheter Failure Reduction
Thank You to Our 2023 Reviewers
Evaluating four decades of energy policy evolution for sustainable development of a South Asian country-Nepal: A comprehensive review
Virulence Spectra of Hungarian Pyrenophora teres f. teres Isolates Collected from Experimental Fields Show Continuous Variation without Specific Isolate x Barley Differential Interactions
REDD+ at risk: Emerging ten questions that REDD+ must answer
Artificial intelligence in retinal screening using OCT images: A review of the last decade (2013-2023)
Engineering Approaches for Exosome Cargo Loading and Targeted Delivery: Biological versus Chemical Perspectives
Transforming Workplace Wellness in the Next-Generation Hospitality Industry by Leveraging Transformational Digital Technologies and Tools
Fostering Women’s Empowerment in Europe: Case Studies of Innovation in AI, Blockchain, and the Metaverse
Deep eutectic solvents as green and cost-effective supercapacitor electrolytes
Exploring the Role of Artificial Intelligence for Luxury Hotel Brands: A Case Study in Europe
Optimising fatigue agility and recovery within military settings: Enhancing capability, well-being, and performance
Introduction to supercapacitors, materials and design
Honduras Between Archeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy: Copán, Rock Art, and Tolupán Cosmovision
Reimagining Our Futures: The Beginning, Middle, and End of the Digital Higher Education Journey for Incarcerated Learners
Flame retardant properties of polymer/graphene nanocomposites
Technology and Luxury Hospitality: AI, Blockchain and the Metaverse
Supercapacitors: Materials, Design, and Commercialization
Qualitative Social Research: Critical Methods for Social Change
Dynamic Wind Tunnel Testing of an Actuated Canard-Controlled Hypersonic Model
Efficient Closely-Coupled Simulations of Hypersonic Fluid–Structure Interaction on an Inclined Ramp in 2-D and 3-D
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) membrane for Air Filtration
Leveraging Synthetic Data and Machine Learning for Shared Facility Scheduling
Modular Modelling Approach for Efficient Gradient Evaluation of a Low-Order Integrated Scramjet Propulsion System
Adjoint Differentiation Method for Trajectory Simulations with Terminal Conditions
Free-Flight of a Propelled Model in a High-Speed Ground-Test Facility
Efficient and Flexible Methodology for the Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Hypersonic Vehicle Concepts in a High-Dimensional Design Space
Developing a Co-Design Framework for Hypersonic Vehicle Aerodynamics and Trajectory
Lay-up configuration of glass fibre on cyanate ester based shape memory polymer composites
Epidemic Source Identification Based on Infection Graph Learning
Organizational Commitment: The Role of Organizational Happiness and Quiet Quitting
Carbon Fibre Reinforced Bishphenol A Epoxy Composite Structures with Energy Storage Capability
Greenwashing Practices Threat in Indonesian Land-Based Private Sector’s Participation in Carbon Trading
University 4.0: The Future of Higher Education in the Age of Technology
An Overview of Hydrogen Production Techniques: Challenges and Limiting Factors in Achieving Wide-scale Productivity
MLOps-Enabled Security Strategies for Next-Generation Operational Technologies
Family Provision across Borders
Effect of Fluorine and Copper Ions on Liquid‐Solid Triboelectric Nanogenerator
Nexus of Human Development and Environmental Quality in Low-Income and Developing Countries: Do Renewable Energy and Good Governance Matter?
Renewable energy and ecological footprint nexus: Evidence from dynamic panel threshold technique
Radiative Heat Transfer Measurements of Titan Atmospheric Entry in a Shock Tube
Predicting load–displacement of driven PHC pipe piles using stacking ensemble with Pareto optimization
Effect of non-equilibrium thermochemistry on Pitot pressure measurements
in shock tunnels (or: Is 0.92 really the magic number?)
Emerging Technology and the Competency Requirements of Local Authority Engineering Asset Management Personnel - A Researchers Journey
Exploiting long read sequencing to detect azole fungicide resistance mutations in Pyrenophora teres using unique molecular identifiers
Appearance-related teasing, rejection sensitivity, acceptance, and coping as risks and resources associated with online appearance preoccupation over one year
Orchestrating phase transition in GeTe thermoelectrics: An investigation into the role of electronegativity
Review of porous vegetation eco-concrete (PVEC) technology: From engineering requirements to material design
Highly localized horseshoe ripplons and solitons in positive dispersion media
Strong and antistatic biomass adhesive for wood-based composites with electrostatic discharge protection function
Characterization of the redox-active extracellular polymeric substances in an anaerobic methanotrophic consortium
A bionic strong nanostructured soy protein-based adhesive enabled antistatic and self-extinguishing wood-based composites
Enhancing Photocatalytic Activity for Solar-to-Fuel Conversion: A Study on S-Scheme AgInS2/CeVO4@Biocharx Heterojunctions
Advancing face detection efficiency: Utilizing classification networks for lowering false positive incidences
Time-Domain Sparsity-Based Bearing Fault Diagnosis Methods Using Pulse Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Pilot implementation and evaluation of the Sit-Stand e-Guide: an e-training program on the use of sit-stand workstations
Peatland carbon chemistry, amino acids and protein preservation in biogeochemically distinct ecohydrologic layers
New prediction model for the screw pull-out strength of polymer composite railway sleepers
New evidence of binarity in young α-rich turn-off and subgiant stars: fast rotation and strong magnetic activity
ConIS: controllable text-driven image stylization with semantic intensity
Fast face swapping with high-fidelity lightweight generator assisted by online knowledge distillation
Impact of varied zeolite materials on nickel catalysts in CO2 methanation
Two-dimensional data partitioning for non-negative matrix tri-factorization
How the chemical structure of phosphoramides affect the fire retardancy and mechanical properties of polylactide?
Large-scale and facile fabrication of phenyl-containing silicone foam materials with lightweight, wide-temperature flexibility and tunable pore structure for exceptional thermal insulation
Insights into electrolyte flooding in flexible gas diffusion electrodes for CO2 electrolysis: from mechanisms to effective mitigation strategies
Enhancing strategic deployment of baiting transects for invasive species control – a case study for feral pig baiting in north-eastern Australia
Did climate change make Homo sapiens innovative, and if yes, how? Debated perspectives on the African Pleistocene record
Synthesis of special feature —Tailored Restoration Response: Predictions And Guidelines For Wetland Renewal
Learning-Oriented Leadership in Organizations: An Integrative Review of Qualitative Studies
Preconception Health of Indigenous Peoples in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States: A Scoping Review
The Occurrence of Small, Short-period Planets Younger than 200 Myr with TESS
FLP: Factor lattice pattern-based automated detection of Parkinson's disease and specific language impairment using recorded speech
A lightweight deep convolutional neural network model for skin cancer image classification
Comparison of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS) removal in a combined adsorption and electrochemical oxidation process
A Tale of Two Peas in a Pod: The Kepler-323 and Kepler-104 Systems
TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). X. A Two-planet System in the 210 Myr MELANGE-5 Association
Unravelling the impact of climate change on honey bees: An ensemble modelling approach to predict shifts in habitat suitability in Queensland, Australia
A Statistical Forecasting Model for Extremes of the Fire Behaviour Index in Australia
Accurate Calculation of Upper Biomass Volume of Single Trees Using Matrixial Representation of LiDAR Data
Childhood trauma and alcohol misuse in college students: The moderating role of minimization
Agricultural diversity, farmers’ definitions and uses: The case of Tasmanian farms
Stable, Self-Adhesive, and High-Performance Graphene-Oxide-Modified Flexible Ionogel Thermoelectric Films
Experience-driven well-being and purchase: An alternative model of memorable wine tourism experiences
Provision of gender affirming care among medical and allied health practitioners: The influence of transnormative beliefs in working with gender diverse patients
Effect of Maturity Stages on Physical Properties of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Pods
Synchronous modification of ZIF-67 with cyclomatrix polyphosphazene coating for efficient flame retardancy and mechanical reinforcement of epoxy resin
Estimation of forage yields in Burkina Faso's climatic zones using satellite data
An efficient Parkinson's disease detection framework: Leveraging time-frequency representation and AlexNet convolutional neural network
Pesticide extraction from soil into runoff in North American and Australian croplands
Concrete self-healing performance using surface roughness parameters: Metrological approach
Special issue on link prediction in complex networks
Automated detection of Zika and dengue in Aedes aegypti using neural spiking analysis: A machine learning approach
Tri-band electrochromic smart window for energy savings in buildings
Theoretical study of the effect of orientations and fibre volume on the thermal insulation capability of reinforced polymer composites
Graph-Enabled Reinforcement Learning for Time Series Forecasting With Adaptive Intelligence
All you need is data preparation: A systematic review of image harmonization techniques in Multi-center/device studies for medical support systems
Micro- and nanoplastics in agricultural soils: Assessing impacts and navigating mitigation
Erdos: A Novel Blockchain Consensus Algorithm with Equitable Node Selection and Deterministic Block Finalization
Harnessing machine learning for EEG signal analysis: Innovations in depth of anaesthesia assessment
How do consumers evaluate sponsorship in the aftermath of sport celebrity scandals? Uncovering evidence on social media data mining
Effectiveness of educational and psychological survivorship interventions to improve health-related quality of life outcomes for men with prostate cancer on androgen deprivation therapy: A systematic review
Assessing economic and environmental performance of infill materials through BIM: a life cycle approach
The TESS-Keck Survey. XII. A Dense 1.8 R⊕ Ultra-short-period Planet Possibly Clinging to a High-mean-molecular-weight Atmosphere after the First Gigayear
Progressive overload in cardiorespiratory exercise training for young and old: Is increasing duration or intensity of exercise more important?
Identifying the influence of obsolescence risk and health beliefs in fitness wearable healthcare technology
Atmospheric Visibility and Cloud Ceiling Predictions With Hybrid IIS-LSTM Integrated Model: Case Studies for Fiji's Aviation Industry
A curious case: Concurrent collecting duct renal cell carcinoma and upper tract urothelial carcinoma
The power of flattery: Enhancing prosocial behavior through virtual influencers
Do Judges in China Follow Wrongly Decided Precedents? - An Empirical Study
Dual purpose ratooned rice improves agri-food production with reduced environmental cost
Using the behavior change wheel to design a novel home-based exercise program for adults living with overweight and obesity: Comprehensive reporting of intervention development
The TESS-Keck Survey. XX. 15 New TESS Planets and a Uniform RV Analysis of All Survey Targets
Exploring the hidden environmental pollution of microplastics derived from bioplastics: A review
Site-selective Mg-doping regulated charge storage in NaFe2PO4(SO4)2 for high energy sodium-ion batteries
A Third Space Approach to Integrated Academic Student Success Advising (ASSA)
Role of internet use, mobile phone, media exposure and domestic migration on reproductive health service use in Bangladeshi married adolescents and young women
A Web-Based Physical Activity Promotion Intervention for Inactive Parent-Child Dyads: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
Continental-scale bias-corrected climate and hydrological projections for Australia
Validating APSIM for the Northern Territory of Australia: An environment with challenging weather and soils
ADSS 2022 special edition
Feasibility of a physiotherapist-supervised walking program with telephone coaching to increase physical activity following acquired brain injury
Aerial spread of smut spores during peanut harvest
Variability of Extreme Climate Events and Prediction of Land Cover Change and Future Climate Change Effects on the Streamflow in Southeast Queensland, Australia
Understanding the Solid-Electrolyte-Interface (SEI) Formation in Glyme Electrolyte Using Time-Of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS)
Surfactant assisted tuning of electrical conductivity, electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness, wetting properties of poly(lactic acid)-expanded graphite-magnetite nanocube hybrid bio-nanocomposites
Editorial: Education in public health: 2022
Chaotic opposition Golden Sinus Algorithm for global optimization problems
Value of food waste-derived fertilisers on soil chemistry, microbial function and crop productivity
Extending science instruction beyond the CER: Use of critical questions in the argumentation of middle school science students
Exploring of Cellulose Nanocrystals from Lignocellulosic Sources as a Powerful Adsorbent for Wastewater Remediation
Mechanical and dynamic performance of 3D-printed continuous carbon fibre Onyx composites
Lightweight federated learning for STIs/HIV prediction
Tunable thermo-phototronic effect in unintentionally doped n-3C-SiC/p-Si heterostructure
Cryptocurrency trading: A systematic mapping study
Piezojunction effect in heterojunctions under external bias for ultrasensitive strain sensing
A cohort study on the predictive capability of body composition for diabetes mellitus using machine learning
Revising data collection methodology - evidence from the Australian financial sector
CFDs Modeling and Simulation of Wheat Straw Pellet Combustion in a 10 kW Fixed-Bed Downdraft Reactor
An investigation of thermal decomposition behavior and combustion parameter of pellets from wheat straw and additive blends by thermogravimetric analysis
Designing interpretable ML system to enhance trust in healthcare: A systematic review to proposed responsible clinician-AI-collaboration framework
Towards an Understanding of Cloud Computing Adoption in SMEs: The Role of Security and Privacy Factors
Arsenic and other geogenic contaminants in global groundwater
Cost-Effectiveness of Technologies for the Treatment of Spinal Muscular Atrophy: A Systematic Review of Economic Studies
Ecological momentary assessment of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in shift workers and non-shift workers: Validation study
Demystifying Intuitional and Rational Decision-Marking: Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Analysis
Reflections on hermit crab creative non-fiction methodology: Examples from a narrative study of running fathers
Evaluating fatigue management regulations for flight crew in Australia using a new Fatigue Regulation Evaluation Framework (FREF)
Exploring the nexus of digital inclusion and environmental sustainability: insights from Cambodia
Low-amplitude Solar-like Oscillations in the K5 V Star ϵ Indi A
Stakeholder mapping to explore social and economic capital of Rotating Savings and Credit Associations (ROSCAs) to increase demand for and access to healthy food
Detection and identification of Bogia coconut syndrome phytoplasma from seed-associated tissues and seedlings of coconut (Cocos nucifera) and betel nut (Areca catechu)
A Larger Sample Confirms Small Planets around Hot Stars Are Misaligned
The performance of the CoMorph-A convection package in global simulations with the Met Office Unified Model
Spider silk inspired strong yet tough composite hydrogels
Enhancing thermoelectric performance of Solution-Processed polycrystalline SnSe with PbSe nanocrystals
Fabrication of Fire-Retardant and Impact-Resistant Hierarchical Rigid Porous Composites via Surface Coating Strategy
Land Use Carbon Emissions or Sink: Research Characteristics, Hotspots and Future Perspectives
Non-covalent and covalent-synergistical-interaction assembled GO self-supporting membrane with excellent alignment for ultrahigh H2 barrier applications
The relationship between hair cortisol concentration and autism diagnosis
A review of modified and hybrid anaerobic baffled reactors for municipal wastewater treatment with a focus on emerging contaminants
Revised Architecture and Two New Super-Earths in the HD 134606 Planetary System
Corrigendum to “La-doped Sr4Fe4Co2O13-δ as a promising in-situ self-assembled composite cathode for protonic ceramic fuel cells” [Compos. B Eng. 280 (2024) 111517]
From waste to strength: Tailor-made enzyme activation design transformation of denatured soy meal into high-performance all-biomass adhesive
Variable Curvature Gabor Convolution and Multi-Branch Structures for Finger Vein Recognition
Spider silk-inspired heterogeneous interphase featuring hybrid interaction for simultaneously improving the interfacial strength and fracture toughness between carbon fiber and epoxy by regulating hydrogen bond density
Asteroseismology of the young open cluster NGC 2516: I. Photometric and spectroscopic observations
Enhanced CeO2 oxygen defects decorated with AgInS2 quantum dots form an S-scheme heterojunction for efficient photocatalytic selective oxidation of xylose
A non-boundary-fitted-grid method, based on compact integrated-RBF approximations, for solving differential problems in multiply-connected domains
Development and evaluation of Fusarium wilt-resistant and high-yielding chickpea advanced breeding line, KCD 11
The TESS-Keck Survey. VII. A Superdense Sub-Neptune Orbiting TOI-1824
Development of audio-guided deep breathing and auditory Go/No-Go task on evaluating its impact on the wellness of young adults: a pilot study
20 years of Web Intelligence: Call for a new era of AI in the Connected World
Never-Ending Learning for Explainable Brain Computing
DSWIN: Automated hunger detection model based on hand-crafted decomposed shifted windows architecture using EEG signals
Reflexivity in co-constructed meanings: the impact of gender specific perspectives in the qualitative research context
A Perfect Tidal Storm: HD 104067 Planetary Architecture Creating an Incandescent World
Encapsulation of sodium silicate to attain on demand buildability enhancement in concrete 3D printing
Exploring the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress among university students in Bangladesh and their determinants
Evidence of the conditions affecting knowledge hiding among librarians in academic libraries
Transfer learning with spinally shared layers
Understanding the impact of urban heat islands on crime: insights from temperature, population density, and green canopy cover
Changes in rural caregivers' health behaviors while supporting someone with cancer: A qualitative study
A Scoping Review of Group Nutrition Education and Cooking Programs for People Affected by Cancer
Optimal Treatment Strategies for Critical Patients with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Modelling of tropical pasture growth using DairyMod: Model parameterisation and validation across multiple environments
Long-term evaluation of pasture production, seasonality, and variability: An application of the DairyMod pasture model for three tropical species
Mental health in children conceived by Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs): Insights from a longitudinal study of Australian children
A systematic review on automatic identification of insomnia
Adsorption-coupled Fenton type reduction of bromate in water by high-yield polymer-derived ceramic-supported nano-zerovalent iron
Comparing expert tutor evaluation of reflective essays with marking by generative artificial intelligence (AI) tool
Simulation of an Ammonia-Carbon Dioxide Transcritical Cascade Refrigeration System
A reusable soy protein adhesive with enhanced weather resistance through construction of a cutin-like structure
Semantics and Geography Aware Hierarchical Learning for Sequential Crime Prediction
Development of a multi-fusion convolutional neural network (MF-CNN) for enhanced gastrointestinal disease diagnosis in endoscopy image analysis
Enhanced Antioxidant Activity and Secondary Metabolite Production in Tartary Buckwheat under Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)-Induced Drought Stress during Germination
Revisiting the intron hypothesis of QoI resistance in Phyllosticta ampelicida, the causal agent of grape black rot, and other Phyllosticta species
The TESS-Keck Survey. XIX. A Warm Transiting Sub-Saturn-mass Planet and a Nontransiting Saturn-mass Planet Orbiting a Solar Analog
Acceptability of a virtual prostate cancer survivorship care model in rural Australia: A multi-methods, single-centre feasibility pilot
The Importance of Local Context in a Global World: Three Case Studies from Rural and Remote International Locations
Spatiotemporal evolution of air cargo networks and its impact on economic development - An analysis of China's domestic market before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Prospects for improving productivity and composition of mixed swards in semi-arid environments by separating species in drill rows – A review
Effect of Polyvinylpyrrolidone on the Structure Development, Electrical, Thermal, and Wetting Properties of Polyvinylidene Fluoride-Expanded Graphite Nanocomposites
Firm engagement: Scale development and verification
Prioritizing Work Health, Safety, and Wellbeing in Corporate Strategies: An Indicative Framework
Effects of through-thickness dielectric sensor on carbon fibre epoxy cure monitoring
Did Emotional Intelligence Traits Mitigate COVID-19 Uncertainty Effects on Financial Institutions’ Board Decision-Making Process?
‘We have so much to offer’: Community members’ perspectives on autism research
Large thermoelectric effects in p-SiC/p-Si and n-SiC/p-Si heterojunctions
Meta-QTL analysis reveals the important genomics regions for biotic stresses, nutritional quality and yield related traits in pearl millet
Hydrosilylation Adducts to Produce Wide-Temperature Flexible Polysiloxane Aerogel under Ambient Temperature and Pressure Drying
Automatic identification of hypertension and assessment of its secondary effects using artificial intelligence: A systematic review (2013–2023)
TESS Giants Transiting Giants. IV. A Low-density Hot Neptune Orbiting a Red Giant Star
Sub-seasonal to seasonal drivers of regional marine heatwaves around Australia
Combined Role of the MJO and ENSO in Shaping Extreme Warming Patterns and Coral Bleaching Risk in the Great Barrier Reef
Prostate Cancer Survivorship Essentials for men with prostate cancer on androgen deprivation therapy: protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a tele-based nurse-led survivorship care intervention (PCEssentials Hormone Therapy Study)
Impact of Energy Usage, Economic Growth and Structural Industry Changes on Carbon Emissions in Bangladesh
Urban trawling bats depend on green and blue space in a subtropical city: implications for urban planning and climate change resilience
Preparing Colombian coffee production for climate change: Integrated spatial modelling to identify potential robusta coffee (Coffea canephora P.) growing areas
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth suicide mortality and previous mental health, suicidality and service use in Queensland, Australia, from 2001 to 2021
Point-based and probabilistic electricity demand prediction with a Neural Facebook Prophet and Kernel Density Estimation model
A Review of Fog Computing: Concept, Architecture, Application, Parameters, and Challenges
Superior decomposition of xenobiotic RB5 dye using three-dimensional electrochemical treatment: Response surface methodology modelling, artificial intelligence, and machine learning-based optimisation approaches
Removal of reactive black 5 in water using adsorption and electrochemical oxidation technology: kinetics, isotherms and mechanisms
Artificial intelligence and machine learning for the optimization of pharmaceutical wastewater treatment systems: a review
Collaborative Synchronous Coaching to Enable the Third Space in Initial Teacher Education
Sustaining multidisciplinary teams in rural and remote primary care
Community assembly of root-colonizing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: beyond carbon and into defence?
One person, many changes: a socioecological qualitative analysis of the experiences of transfeminine individuals undergoing feminising gender-affirming hormone therapy
Testing outside of the National Bowel and Breast Cancer Screening Programs in Queensland, Australia
Chiropractors in Multidisciplinary Teams: Enablers of Colocation Integration in GP-Led Primary Healthcare
Custodians of an ecology of data: Foundational theory and practice for data analysis in a complex world
Engineering Sulfur-Containing Polymeric Fire-Retardant Coatings for Fire-Safe Rigid Polyurethane Foam
Enhancement of the texture and microstructure of faba bean-based meat analogues with brewers' spent grain through enzymatic treatments
Evaluation of full-sized and thick cross-laminated timber using in-line non-destructive techniques
Towards an integrated framework for developing blockchain systems
Evaluation of trial reintroductions of two extinct in the wild reptile species on Christmas Island
Unburnt areas in subtropical woodlands contain distinct reptile communities after extensive wildfire
Performance of GFRP-RC precast cap beam to column connections with epoxy-anchored reinforcement: a numerical study
Flexural behaviour of the segmental precast concrete decks post-tensioned by GFRP rods
Will 2024 be the first year that global temperature exceeds 1.5°C?
A comparative analysis of supply chain management between Portugal and Ireland
An accurate hypertension detection model based on a new odd-even pattern using ballistocardiograph signals
Gliese 12 b, a temperate Earth-sized planet at 12 parsecs discovered with TESS and CHEOPS
An ARDL Method for Evaluating Bangladesh’s Economic Growth Concerning Female Secondary Education
Unleashing Bacillus species as versatile antagonists: Harnessing the biocontrol potentials of the plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria to combat Macrophomina phaseolina infection in Gloriosa superba
UrethroNAV: the aetiology and extent of idiopathic urethral stricture in an Australian population
The TESS-Keck Survey. XVIII. A Sub-Neptune and Spurious Long-period Signal in the TOI-1751 System
A Hybrid Deep Spatiotemporal Attention-Based Model for Parkinson's Disease Diagnosis Using Resting State EEG Signals
End-to-end learning of adaptive coded modulation schemes for resilient wireless communications
Deep Learning Based Over-the-Air Training of Wireless Communication Systems without Feedback
CDAM-Net: Channel shuffle dual attention based multi-scale CNN for efficient glaucoma detection using fundus images
Trio of super-Earth candidates orbiting K-dwarf HD 48948: a new habitable zone candidate
Geministatins: new depside antibiotics from the fungus Austroacremonium gemini
The implementation and mechanisms of advance notification for cancer screening: A scoping review
Why Does the Ensemble Mean of CMIP6 Models Simulate Arctic Temperature More Accurately Than Global Temperature?
Advancing a food loss and waste bioproduct industry: A critical review of policy approaches for application in an Australian context
Unraveling electronic origins for boosting thermoelectric performance of p-type (Bi,Sb)2Te3
Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Customer Experience
Preparation of a long-term mildew resistant and strong soy protein adhesive via constructing multiple crosslinking networks
Leveraging text mining and analytic hierarchy process for the automatic evaluation of online courses
Artificial intelligence and multimodal data fusion for smart healthcare: topic modeling and bibliometrics
A topic modeling-based bibliometric exploration of automatic summarization research
Achieving high carrier mobility and thermoelectric performance in nearly twin-free rhombohedral GeTe (00l) films
Doping Regulation Stabilizing δ-MnO2 Cathode for High-Performance Aqueous Aluminium-ion Batteries
Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks-based flame retardants for polymeric materials
Leadership Implementation of a 12 Pathways Model (GIW-12P) to Promote Schoolwide Wellbeing
Bio-based and fireproof radiative cooling aerogel film: Achieving higher sustainability and safety
Tycho’s conversation with Urania, and other engagements with the muse
Assessing scale-dependency of climate risks in coffee-based agroforestry systems
Multicriteria optimization techniques for understanding the case mix landscape of a hospital
Enviro-economic and feasibility analysis of industrial hemp value chain: A systematic literature review
Exploring what GP registrars consider distinctive to consultations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients: A mixed-methods study
Exploring how Australian general practice registrars define cultural safety with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients: a mixed method study
The Regulate your Sitting Time (RESIT) intervention for reducing sitting time in individuals with type 2 diabetes: findings from a randomised-controlled feasibility trial
Correction: The Regulate your Sitting Time (RESIT) intervention for reducing sitting time in individuals with type 2 diabetes: findings from a randomised-controlled feasibility trial
Effectiveness of Interventions on Work Outcomes After Road Traffic Crash-Related Musculoskeletal Injuries: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Joint Exfoliation of MXene by Dimensional Mismatched SiC/ZIF-67 Toward Multifunctional Flame Retardant Thermoplastic Polyurethane
Pathways towards net zero: Assessment of enablers and barriers in Nepal
A composite indicator-based method to assess the energy security of Nepal and prospects of cross-border electricity sharing in South Asia
Automated asthma detection in a 1326-subject cohort using a one-dimensional attractive-and-repulsive center-symmetric local binary pattern technique with cough sounds
The dark side of artificial intelligence in marketing: meta-analytics review
Developing an EEG-Based Emotion Recognition Using Ensemble Deep Learning Methods and Fusion of Brain Effective Connectivity Maps
Mechanics of dissolving microneedles insertion into the skin: Finite element and experimental analyses
Investigating the relationship between processes and profit: A work-based assessment of process used in Australian financial planning firms
AttentionPoolMobileNeXt: An automated construction damage detection model based on a new convolutional neural network and deep feature engineering models
Unravelling the role of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) molecular weight in poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF)/PMMA/Expanded graphite (ExGr) blend nanocomposites: Insights into morphology, thermal behavior, electrical conductivity, and wetting property
Optical fibre sensors for geohazard monitoring – A review
Corrigendum to “Impacts of environmental feedbacks on the production of a Central Queensland beef enterprise in a future climate” [Agricultural Systems 214 (2024) 1–13/103838]
A Sensitive Lead-Free Perovskite Photodetector for Self-Powered Blue Light Hazard Detection Application
Work-related interventions are not commonly included in physiotherapy management of lower limb osteoarthritis: A cross-sectional survey of Australian Physiotherapists
CAROTIDNet: A Novel Carotid Symptomatic/Asymptomatic Plaque Detection System Using CNN-Based Tangent Optimization Algorithm in B-Mode Ultrasound Images
Epidemiological passport system requirements: a roadmap for international travel and tourism recovery
Obstacles Facing the Development of Forensic Accounting Curricula within the Australian Universities: Exploring Perspectives of Practitioners and Educators
Investigation of natural convection and entropy generation of non-Newtonian flow in molten polymer-filled odd-shaped cavities using finite difference lattice Boltzmann method
Linear and nonlinear axial behaviour of internal replacement pipe systems for pipeline rehabilitation
Temperature change-induced linear and nonlinear axial responses of internal replacement pipe (IRP) systems for pipeline rehabilitation incorporating the effects of soil friction
Automated reading level classification model based on improved orbital pattern
Structure-property-performance relationship of vanadium- and manganese-based metal-organic frameworks and their derivatives for energy storage and conversion applications
Design and Advanced Manufacturing of NU-1000 Metal–Organic Frameworks with Future Perspectives for Environmental and Renewable Energy Applications
Exploring provider perspectives of the STEM club landscape: findings from one Australian state
Pyrolysis of wheat straw pellets in a pilot-scale reactor: Effect of temperature and residence time
Integrating rainfall index-based insurance with optimal crop management strategies can reduce financial risks for Australian dryland cotton farmers
Career education and development scales for primary school and junior secondary school students
Ecosystems in 2024 and Beyond
Building a Successful Ecosystem - Understanding the Ingredients to Sustainable Success
The Exorcist: Believer (Susan Hopkins is horrified but in a thoughtful way)
The many colours of student support: perspectives and practice of enabling education practitioners
Defining and Delimiting Student Support: Insights and Challenges in Enhancing Support and Wellbeing for Educators and Students
Examination of the geometric design parameters contributing to heavy vehicle stability and rollover effects at roundabouts in high-speed areas
EXVUL: Towards Effective and Explainable Vulnerability Detection for IoT Devices
Robust equivalent circuit model parameters identification scheme for State of Charge (SOC) estimation based on maximum correntropy criterion
The Effects of Different Image Parameters on Human Action Recognition Models Trained on Real and Synthetic Image Data
Developing a selective culturing approach for Campylobacter hepaticus
Descriptive epidemiology of Spotty Liver Disease in Australian cage-free brown egg layer chicken flocks with a scratch area
Chimeric hepatitis B surface antigen virus-like particles expressing the strep A epitope p*17 elicit a humoral immune response in mice
Leveraging edge artificial intelligence for sustainable agriculture
Developing a gender affirming health response for trans and gender diverse Australians: a qualitative study
Enchanting things: the scientific communication of Julius Sumner Miller
Identifying and using diverse multimodal communicative repertoires: A critical ethnographic study of identity in an early years classroom
Pre-British Australian connectedness: An explanatory paradigm
Mix design determination procedure for geopolymer concrete based on target strength method
Demarcating High-Risk Zones of Human-Elephant Conflict in Sri Lanka Utilizing GIS and a Satellite Data Fusion Approach
From music performance to music on prescription
Yoga as a Contemplative Practice and Its Contribution to Participatory Self-Knowledge and Student Retention: A Scoping Review of the First-Year Undergraduate Student Transition
Power spectral density-based resting-state EEG classification of first-episode psychosis
Musical identity construction and maintenance through the lens of Identity Process Theory
Noosa bushfires: Collaborations and interconnections in a time of global change
How Can We Develop Physical Skills for all Abilities?
Development of single-component epoxy resin with superb thermal stability, flame retardancy, smoke suppression, and latency via Cu-based phosphorus/imidazole-containing complex
Scaffolding experiential learning across an agricultural technology program
Intelligent Control System for Ground Vehicles
Target firm’s integrity culture and M&A
Does size matter Examining the probability of firm emergence from bankruptcy
Regenerate Regional Leadership Program: Summary Report
Multi-step ahead forecasting of electrical conductivity in rivers by using a hybrid Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short-Term Memory (CNN-LSTM) model enhanced by Boruta-XGBoost feature selection algorithm
A playground shade index for standardising ultraviolet protection assessments of open, mixed and protected outdoor recreational spaces
Are train horns improving road safety? Road users’ perspective
Safe access zone legislation and its compliance with the human rights of anti-abortion protesters in Australia
Three-dimensional undrained stability analysis of circular tunnel heading in anisotropic and heterogeneous clay: FELA, ANN, MARS, and XGBoost
Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus in agricultural systems
"I've accepted the diagnosis. I just need to embrace the diagnosis." A reflexive thematic analysis of autistic mothers' perspective on autistic identity,parenthood, and adulthood.
Barriers to Adopting Circular Procurement in the Construction Industry: The Way Forward
Technical, Economic, and Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Reclaimed Asphalt and Waste Polyethylene Terephthalate Pavements
What energy storage technologies will Australia need as renewable energy penetration rises?
Technical evaluation of steam sterilisation coupled with gasification to improve circularity of Australian hospital waste management: A case study
Computer Vision Techniques Demonstrate Robust Orientation Measurement of the Milky Way Despite Image Motion
Adoption challenges of environmental monitoring practices: Case study of temperature data loggers in selected Australian vegetable supply chains.
Integrative approaches in modern agriculture: IoT, ML and AI for disease forecasting amidst climate change
Applying a solar model to LiDAR images of an agrivoltaic pear orchard
Long wave propagation in canals with spatially varying cross-sections and currents
Localized wave structures: Solitons and beyond
Unlocking precision horticulture through machine learning-driven 3D canopy analysis
Sexism, misogyny, and gender violence: feminist political thought in the colonial, heteropatriarchal, carceral state of Australia
Comparison of Planted Pine versus Natural Mix Forests in Nepal
The mitigating effect of street trees, urban flora, and the suburban environment on seasonal peak UV indices: A case study from Brisbane, Australia
China Beef Policy Briefing
Examining Monetary Policy Measures and Their Impacts during and after the COVID Era: OECD Perspectives
A Quantitative Trait Locus with a Major Effect on Root-Lesion Nematode Resistance in Barley
The Economics of COVID-19 Pandemic: Assessing the Macroeconomic Impact
Functionalizing lignin by in situ solid-phase grafting ammonium polyphosphate for enhancing thermal, flame-retardant, mechanical, and UV-resistant properties of polylactic acid
An investigation into the efficacy, predictors and moderators of treatments for eating disorders at an outpatient child and adolescent eating disorder clinic
I’ve been diagnosed with cancer. How do I tell my children?
Evaluation of community engagement for resilience outcomes: A pre-engagement approach
Loose Lips and Internet Censorship: Freedom of Expression in India and Malaysia
Academic literacy in enabling education programs in Australian universities: A shared pedagogy
Exploring veganism in Australia, France, Spain, and Portugal: a netnographic study using the transtheoretical model
Resilient for Tenure Security in the Face of Climate Change: A Case from Nepal
Adoption of Technologies in Australian Agribusiness
Spatial Digital Twin Architecture for the Field Design Process of Oil and Gas Projects in Australia
Identifying human elephant conflict hotspots through satellite remote sensing and GIS to support conflict mitigation
An evidence-based breathing exercise intervention for chronic pain management in breast cancer survivors: A phase II randomized controlled trial
'Fire': An Australian Play Gives Voice to Animals Devastated by Catastrophic Bushfire
Reconfiguring Physics Assessment for Incarcerated Students – Changing how we think about practical experiments
Reimagining learning in an AI empowered world
UV albedo and reflectance: is it possible to predict erythemal reflectance from solar visible reflectance with respect to the type of material?
A legacy of more than two decades of UV radiation measurement studies at the University of Southern Queensland
Comprehensive analysis of little leaf disease incidence and resistance in eggplant
Addressing the global crisis of social connection: Singers as positively energizing leaders who create belonging in our communities
Human Agency and the Technoscientific Dilemma: Contesting the Role of Technology in Shaping our Collective Futures
Enablers and constraints to teacher educator wellbeing amidst institutional accountability cultures: a PERMA perspective
Can digital innovation transform rural primary health care? A systematic review protocol
Electrothermal Distortion Analysis and Structural Strain Assessment of Vehicle Cable Terminals Under Bending Stresses
New perspectives on curriculum and democracy: conceptual and empirical tools for democratic curriculum
The impact of workplace factors, workload and culture on the medication safety practices of paramedics
Enablers and Barriers in Community Paramedicine Programs in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand: Insights for their evolution
Assessment of non-communicable disease risk factors, functional performance, and health-related quality of life in adults: a comparative analysis in low-resourced urban and rural areas of South Africa
Axial Load Transfer Mechanism in Fully Grouted Rock Bolting System: A Systematic Review
An Empirical Study on Project Manager's Leadership Behavioral Practices Impacting Project Success - The Australian Construction Sector
Supplementation strategies for strength and power athletes: Carbohydrate, protein, and amino acid ingestion
Transcriptomics is essential but not sufficient to unravel complex
plant–pathogen interactions
Reframing Decision-Making Criteria Around More-Than-Human Vulnerabilities
Review Essay: Postcolonial Literatures and Climate Change by Russell McDougall, John C. Ryan, and Pauline Reynolds, eds.
Innovative Virtual Reality (VR) Application for Preventing of Falls among Chinese Older Adults: A Usability and Acceptance Exploratory Study
Evaluation of Virtual Reality Technology for Reducing the Risk of Falls among Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia
The effects of increased respiratory muscle work on biomarkers of muscle damage
Feeling the Stress: Salivary Cortisol Responses of Softball Umpires during National Championships
‘You can be as vigilant as you can, yet they make their way in’: A descriptive study of parent and caregiver perspectives towards keeping children safe from button batteries
Aspects of testing tendon supports for strength, effective installation, and performance in different ground formation
Application of waste glass powder in cemenitious grouts
Finite element modelling of fully encapsulated cable bolts in laboratory large scale pull out test
Investigating the axial and shear performance of fiberglass rock boltss
Finite element simulation of fully grouted rock bolts behaviour across varied bore hole diameters
Making sense of student feedback and engagement using artificial intelligence
Multi-Step-Ahead Wind Speed Forecast System: Hybrid Multivariate Decomposition and Feature Selection-Based Gated Additive Tree Ensemble Model
Advancing Stochastic Wind Speed Forecasting Methods with Novel Hybrid Deep Learning Techniques
The interpretation of peer group supervision in nursing: A Gadamerian philosophical hermeneutic study
Honey bee habitat suitability: Unveiling spatial and temporal variations, predicting futures and mitigating natural hazard impacts
Uncovering the Hidden Carbon Treasures of the Philippines’ Towering Mountains: A Synergistic Exploration Using Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning
Machine learning-based assessment of deforestation, successional stages, and carbon stocks in a tropical montane forest using radar and optical satellite imagery
Enhancing social work education about domestic and family violence through virtual reality simulations
Fusarium pseudograminearum infected wheat lines vary in disease severity and gas exchange response under different watering regimes
What’s an innovation? Capitalising on disruptive innovation in higher education
Student perceptions of supports for managing study in higher education according to internal and external locus of control
Community Media Training Organisation Audio Ability Mentoring & Training Project Cohort 2 evaluation
On the vibrational behavior of the conventional and hetero-junction carbon nanotubes
Enhancing groundwater level prediction accuracy using interpolation techniques in deep learning models
Improved YOLO v7 for sustainable agriculture significantly improves precision rate for Chinese Cabbage (Brassica pekinensis Rupr.) Seedling Belt (CCSB) detection
Blocking our best and brightest: Entry into ITE courses is too complicated
Trauma-Informed Care in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
Our children, their future: understanding screen use in young children
Trauma Informed Multi-tiered Systems of Support: A Blueprint for Supporting the Academic Achievement, Social-Emotional Development, and Wellbeing of Students attending Catholic Education Diocese of Wagga Wagga Schools
Acceptability of corporal punishment and use of different parenting practices across high-income countries
Mental health outcomes of transgender and gender diverse students in schools: a systematic literature review
Pretty Bi for an Ally: A Critical Autoethnography
Evaluating the Accuracy of Oblique Photography in Determining Urban Tree Heights
Prevalence of imaging findings associated with osteoarthritis in dancers: A systematic review
The advantages of microneedle patches compared to conventional needle-based drug delivery and biopsy devices in medicine
Introduction to the field of Food Engineering
Microstructural approach to Food Drying Operations- A quantitative approach
Microstructural Approach Application for Morphological Change Determinations of Grapes during Drying
Study On Drying and Glass Transition
of Apples
Study on Drying of Seaweeds and Importance of Glass Transition and Stabilization
Examining the environmental Phillips curve hypothesis in G7 nations: critical insights from wavelet coherence and wavelet causality analysis
Asymmetric effects of long‑term war on human resource development in Afghanistan: evidence from NARDL approach
Printhead mixing of geopolymer and OPC slurries for hybrid alkali-activated cement in 3D concrete printing
Remind me that I matter: how self-worth bias can enhance employee support for organizational change efforts
Integrating RGB-thermal image sensors for non-contact automatic respiration rate monitoring
Static and fatigue behaviour of internal replacement pipe systems subjected to surface load from vehicular traffic
Predictive Characteristics of Childhood Emergency Injury Presentations in a Non-Urban Area of Victoria, Australia
System Reform: The Ever-Elusive Quest—An Australian Study of How System Middle Leaders’ Role Enactment Influences the Attainment of Policy Coherence
Developing a sustainable road-rail multimodal distribution network for improved animal welfare and meat quality under carbon tax in Queensland, Australia
Bridging the digital divide: gender and learning mode impacts on pre-service teacher digital competence and online engagement
Commissioning of Upgrades to T6 to Study Giant Planet Entry
Deep Learning-Assisted Sensitive 3C-SiC Sensor for Long-Term Monitoring of Physical Respiration
Swimming and water safety delivery for newly arrived Australians
A P/N/Si-containing hyperbranched flame retardant for improving mechanical performances, fire safety, and UV resistance of epoxy resins
Copula-Probabilistic Flood Risk Analysis with an Hourly Flood Monitoring Index
Aging Mechanism and Life Estimation of Photovoltaic Inverter DC-link Capacitors in Alternating Humid and Thermal Environment
Finite Difference Time Domain Modeling and Inversion of Internal Delamination Defects in Vehicle Cable Terminal in Terahertz Band
A Comprehensive Review of the Thermohydraulic Improvement Potentials in Solar Air Heaters through an Energy and Exergy Analysis
Steering CO Selectivity in CO2 Electroreduction over Silver Microtubular Gas-Diffusion Electrodes via Surface Reconstruction
La-doped Sr4Fe4Co2O13-δ as a promising in-situ self-assembled composite cathode for protonic ceramic fuel cells
Hollow fiber gas-diffusion electrodes with tailored crystal facets for tuning syngas production in electrochemical CO2 reduction
Electrochemical CO2 reduction integrated with membrane/adsorption-based CO2 capture in gas-diffusion electrodes and electrolytes
Electronic sun journal as an evaluation tool for measuring sunflecks while walking through urban forests
Relationships between Iron Status and Selected Physical Fitness Components of South African Adolescents: The PAHL-Study
Identifying the Impact Factors on the Land Market in Nepal from Land Use Regulation
A course design approach that encourages reflective practice habits
Efficient Fe3O4@ porous carbon microwave absorber constructed from cotton cellulose nanofibers hydrogel
On the intermolecular interactions and mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcohol/inositol supramolecular complexes
Spiritual Vertigo: Illness, Affect and Modernity in Prelude to Christopher
Spontaneous Lesions of Endangered Geriatric Julia Creek Dunnarts (Sminthopsis douglasi, Archer 1979) with Emphasis in Reproductive Pathology
The ecological separation of deer and domestic, feral and native mammals in tropical northern Australia – a Review
Algorithmic Decision-Making, Agency Costs, and Institution-Based Trust
Learning at a distance: Recognising remote tutoring as a career
Exploring factors associated with failure of totally implanted vascular access devices in a regional and rural health service: a retrospective case–control study
Corporate carbon performance and firm risk: Evidence from Asia-Pacific countries
The Role of Regulatory Frameworks in Balancing Between National Security and Competition in LEO Satellite Market
Unlocking potential in renewable energy curtailment for green ammonia production
Terahertz Frequency Domain Response for Insulation State Assessment of Vehicle Cable Terminal Under Electro-Thermal Aging
Pulling the strings: the apparatus of university policy production
Most states now have affirmative sexual consent laws, but not enough people know what they mean
AI Literacy: Principles for Ethical Generative Artificial Intelligence
‘Searing glory holes’, a shapeshifting cat and outback UFO tours: what we’re streaming this April
Mapping Erosion Hotspots: Coherent Change Detection in the Quilpie Region, Queensland, Australia
Dear earth: cultivating planetary empathy for the health of all
Dataset of students' attitudes to studying bio-science within the complimentary medicine curriculum
Teacher perspectives on enhancing wellbeing education through integrating arts-based practices
Selection of a stress-based soil compaction test to determine potential impact of machine wheel loads
The beat goes on? The current presence of music education in Australian public universities
Employee engagement in shared services in a regional university context
Call for a coordinated international communications effort on the effects of ocular light exposure on health and well-being: White paper from the Ladenburg Roundtable
Utilisation of capability approach and emotional intelligence to protect the psychological well-being of persons within susceptible organisations
The effect of e‑cigarettes on cognitive function: a scoping review
Rectangular tunnel heading stability in three dimensions and its predictive machine learning models
Predicting uplift capacity of group anchors in sand using 3D FELA and MARS
Why don't women engage in muscle strength exercise? An integrative review
Enhanced thermo-mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced thermoresistant polymer, a blend of di-functional epoxy bisphenol A and a tri-functional epoxy Tactix 742
Addressing Knowledge Gaps in ITSM Practice with “Learning Digital Commons”: A Case Study
The threshold of rural placement frequency and duration: A repeated cross-sectional study examining rural career aspirations among student nurses
Investigating Gender-Based Violence Experienced by Female Coaches and How Trauma-Informed Research Approaches Were Used to Prevent Further Harm
Get on the Cycle of Engagement with Mathematics: Re-imagining a Model and a Three-Step Process for Primary/Secondary Teachers
Arts-based methods as a trauma-informed approach to research: Making trauma visible and limiting harm
Parental allyship for children with dyslexia: A conceptual lens on disability experience
Seasonal climate forecast-an important tool in managing the risk of extreme weather events in Australia's wheat industry
Observed climatology and variability of cattle heat stress in Australia
Natural Law with and without God
From conceptualization to practice: enhancing economic resilience at the local government level in Australia
Hybridity in Nonprofit Organizations: Organizational Perspectives on Combining Multiple Logics
This bloke who helps me with my tractor, he’s been the best psychologist: The experience of seeking mental health support in rural Australia
The 3C Model for Teaching Coding and Computational Thinking with an M in STEM Focus
Primary school students' perceptions and developed artefacts and language from learning coding and computational thinking using the 3C model
Transformative trans incarceration research: now and into the future
Depression and thoughts of self-harm or suicide among gender and sexually diverse people in a regional Australian community
Construction Price Index Prediction through ARMA with Inflation Effect: Case of Thailand Construction Industry
HIV associated neurocognitive disorder screening and diagnosis pathways in Australia: a scoping review and international implications
Global Diversity and Distribution of Rhizosphere and Root-Associated Fungi in Coastal Wetlands: A Systematic Review
Integrating soil microbial communities into fundamental ecology, conservation, and restoration: examples from Australia
Unveiling the health consequences of air pollution in the world’s most polluted nations
Beyond standards: reimagining acoustic design in prisons
Durable and Wearable Self-powered Temperature Sensor Based on Self-healing Thermoelectric Fiber by Coaxial Wet Spinning Strategy for Fire Safety of Firefighting Clothing
Fire-retardant anti-microbial robust wood nanocomposite capable of fire-warning by graded-penetration impregnation
Challenges of using tibia bone ash and toe ash as biomarkers of phosphorus nutrition for meat chickens
Using a five-phase applied linguistics design to develop a contextualized academic literacy placement test for pre-university pathway students
Food insecurity, environment, institutional quality, and health outcomes: evidence from South Asia
Australia’s national(ist) history curriculum: history education as a site of attempted de-democratisation
A scoping review of green Internet of Things in construction and smart cities: current applications, adoption strategies and future directions
Empirical curvelet transform based deep DenseNet model to predict NDVI using RGB drone imagery data
Harmonising Sexual Consent Law in Australia: Goals, Risks and Challenges
It’s on like Donkey Kong: How evolving defamation laws put online creators and influencers at risk
Surfacing the complexity of students’ experiences of assessment and feedback processes using a rich picture approach
Torts and Employment: reflections on changing ideas of responsibility and the adaptability of torts law
“It is more than the average parent goes through”: Using the experiences of Australian parents of dyslexic children to draw a distinction between advocacy and allyship
Embedding planetary health in nursing education: exploring the barriers and enablers to implementing changes in undergraduate Bachelor of Nursing curriculum
Celebrating Australian nurses who are pioneering the response to climate change: a compilation of case studies
What is happening on Keswick Island?: Spotlight on Queensland Island governance arrangements
Trialling a new method to attract feral cats (Felis catus) in situ – the Mata Hari Judas queen
Innovative Finance for Transforming Sustainable Food Security Systems in the ASEAN Region
Optimizing load-displacement prediction for bored piles with the 3mSOS algorithm and neural networks
Even as the fusion era dawns, Australia is still in the Steam Age
Evaluating the correlation between project selection criteria and organizational performance within the construction industry
Engineering Ce/P-functionalized g-C3N4 for advanced ABS nanocomposites exhibiting unparalleled fire retardancy, enhanced thermal and mechanical properties
Ferrite Doped Sucrose-Derived Porous Carbon Composites Inspired by Pharaoh's Serpent for Broadband Electromagnetic Wave Absorption
Innovative numerical modeling for predicting soil relaxation in the design of twin circular culverts
Numerical study on bearing capacity of geocell‑reinforced strip footings resting on slopes
A Systematic Literature Review of Substance-Use Prevention Programs Amongst Refugee Youth
High performing male and female engineering students in Chile: accounting for mental health and well-being from a developmental paradigm
50 years on, Advance Australia Fair no longer reflects the values of many. What could replace it?
Design of short Venturi flow meters for incompressible and isothermal flow applications
FRAMU: Attention-based Machine Unlearning using Federated Reinforcement Learning
Career education and development scale for secondary and tertiary students in Vietnam
Stochastic modelling of out-of-autoclave epoxy composite cure cycles under uncertainty
Developing students’ metalinguistic understandings
Comparing ChatGPT With Experts’ Responses to Scenarios that Assess Psychological Literacy
Circular economy and agricultural employment: a panel analysis of EU advanced and emerging economies
Australian teachers’ causal attributions along a motivational continuum in supporting their resilience
Test record 2024
Exploring approaches to contemporary clinical incident analysis methods within acute care settings: a scoping review protocol
A systematic review of effective local, community or peer-delivered interventions to improve well-being and employment in regional, rural and remote areas of Australia
The future for agriculture
Frequency downshifting in decaying wavetrains on the ocean surface covered by ice floes
A hidden population of massive white dwarfs: two spotted K + WD binaries
A hot mini-Neptune and a temperate, highly eccentric sub-Saturn around the bright K-dwarf TOI-2134
Test record
A sad tree: visualising ecological emotions through bodies in place
Ante-factum legislative general vaccination mandates as a solution to legal hypocrisy in pandemics
Yoga in schools that contributes to a positive classroom atmosphere for young children and educators: a PRISMA scoping review
Understanding rural pharmacists' perspectives: lived experiences and insights associated with rural recruitment and retention
Insights into digital literacy in language teaching
A Research Framework to Improve Evidence-Based Practice Surrounding the Resuscitation Response to Drowning in Surf Lifesaving
Good Grief
Confirming the Warm and Dense Sub-Saturn TIC 139270665 b with the Automated Planet Finder and Unistellar Citizen Science Network
The Hidden Toll of Psychological Distress in Australian Adults and Its Impact on Health‑Related Quality of Life Measured as Health State Utilities
UAV Control Method Combining Reptile Meta-Reinforcement Learning and Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning
Evaluating Cryptocurrency Market Risk on the Blockchain: An Empirical Study Using the ARMA-GARCH-VaR Model
Measurement properties of the dispositional measure of employability in Australian university students.
Steering the ship: Strong leadership for transformative change in aged care navigation
Impact of Climate Change on the Australian Agricultural Export
First Peoples nursing and midwifery academic workforce across Australia and New Zealand
Green logistics and circular economy in alleviating CO2 emissions: Does waste generation and GDP growth matter in EU countries?
What are the mechanisms underlying the delivery of survivorship care information in Australia? A realist review
An automatic method using MFCC features for sleep stage classification
Machine learning models for prediction of double and triple burdens of non-communicable diseases in Bangladesh
Socioeconomic mental health disparities and income mobility in Australia: A longitudinal factor decomposition analysis
Macro and microstructural evolution of low-calcium fly ash-based geopolymer mortar exposed to sulphuric acid corrosion
Machine learning approaches to predict compressive strength of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete: A comprehensive review
Climate-resilient micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises in Mongolia: Understanding challenges
Dhaka’s juggle with digitalisation and demography
A Framework to Assess Possible Sources of Stakeholder Exploitation: A Developing Country Case
Larrimah-inspired series Population: 11 is a charming watch – if a tad heavy on the Aussie cliches
A generalizable reactive blending strategy to construct flame-retardant, mechanically-strong and toughened poly (L-lactic acid) bioplastics
A 2D biobased P/N-containing aggregate for boosting fire retardancy of PA6/aluminum diethylphosphinate via synergy
Clown-based Social Work as Dissent in Child Protection Practice
'Field'- Canvas
Extreme weather dominates farm management effects on long-term trends in soil carbon
Impact of prenatal maternal dietary exclusion on childhood obesity and overweight risk
Examining the moderating effects of shopping orientation, product knowledge and involvement on the effectiveness of Virtual Reality (VR) retail environment
Dynamical Architectures of S-type Transiting Planets in Binaries. I. Target Selection Using Hipparcos and Gaia Proper Motion Anomalies
Co-design and development of the sit-stand e-guide: An e-training program for the optimal use of sit-stand workstations
Application of artificial intelligence techniques for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease diagnosis: A systematic review (2005–2023)
Impact of stakeholder engagement strategies on managerial cognitive decision-making: the context of CSP and CSR
From Theory to Practice: A Worldwide Cross-Sectional Survey About Flywheel Training in Basketball
Compressive performance of full-scale GFRP composite sandwich wall panels with wood core
Fire-retardant, anti-dripping, biodegradable and biobased polyurethane elastomers enabled by hydrogen-bonding with cellulose nanocrystals
Validation of Elemental and Isotopic Abundances in Late-M Spectral Types with the Benchmark HIP 55507 AB System
Contrastive sentence representation learning with adaptive false negative cancellation
Efficient reinforcement learning-based method for plagiarism detection boosted by a population-based algorithm for pretraining weights
Coronagraphic Data Post-processing Using Projections on Instrumental Modes
RCNet: Related Context-Driven Network with Hierarchical Attention for Salient Object Detection
Green carbonization of waste coffee grounds into porous C/Fe hybrids for broadband and high-efficiency microwave absorption
The Kepler Giant Planet Search. I. A Decade of Kepler Planet-host Radial Velocities from W. M. Keck Observatory
Wellbeing After Finalization of a Workers’ Compensation Claim: A Systematic Scoping Review
Shaping destination marketing with norms and personality
Engineering the p-n switch: Mastering intrinsic point defects in Sb2Te3-dominant alloys
Zinc Doping Induces Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance of Solvothermal SnTe
A Blockchain-Based Trustworthy Access Control Scheme for Medical Data Sharing
Findings, progress, and lessons learned during the first 3 years of a student-led interprofessional health clinic in regional Australia
Female Athletes and the Menstrual Cycle in Team Sports: Current State of Play and Considerations for Future Research
Contribution of peer group supervision to nursing practice: An interpretive phenomenological study
The large-scale magnetic field of the M dwarf double-line spectroscopic binary FK Aqr
Combined adsorption and electrochemical oxidation of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) using graphite intercalated compound
Filling the agronomic data gap through a minimum data collection approach
Climate Driver Influences on Prediction of the Australian Fire Behaviour Index
Black-white hole pattern: an investigation on the automated chronic neuropathic pain detection using EEG signals
Modeling the Geometry of Tree Trunks Using LiDAR Data
Database evaluation and reliability calibration for flexural strength of hybrid FRP/steel-RC Beams
Experience-driven well-being: the case of unmanned smart hotels
The influence of substitution strategies on the physical match performance of elite female field hockey players
Exploring Rhythms and Channels-Based EEG Biomarkers for Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease
Automated detection and forecasting of COVID-19 using deep learning techniques: A review
Color adjustable, mechanically robust, flame-retardant and weather-resistant TiO2/MMT/CNF hierarchical nanocomposite coatings toward intelligent fire cyclic warning and protection
3D convolutional neural network for schizophrenia detection using as EEG-based functional brain network
Lightweight, surface hydrophobic and flame-retardant polydimethylsiloxane foam composites coated with graphene oxide via interface engineering
Determinants of organic soil fertilization methods use over time and in the face of climate vulnerability
Automated accurate insomnia detection system using wavelet scattering method using ECG signals
Automated detection of depression using wavelet scattering networks
Sleep disorder identification using wavelet scattering on ECG signals
A survey of multimodal information fusion for smart healthcare: Mapping the journey from data to wisdom
Clustered FedStack: Intermediate Global Models with Bayesian Information Criterion
Mitigating thermal expansion effects in solid oxide fuel cell cathodes: A critical review
Model-Based Assessment of the Liver Safety Profile of Acetaminophen to Support its Combination Use with Topical Diclofenac in Mild-to-Moderate Osteoarthritis Pain
Application of spatial uncertainty predictor in CNN-BiLSTM model using coronary artery disease ECG signals
The Simulation of Biogas Combustion in Top Open Burner
Young adults’ perceptions of their online versus offline interactions with close friends: An exploration of individual differences
Semi-supervised generative adversarial networks for improved colorectal polyp classification using histopathological images
An umbrella review of the benefits and risks associated with youths’ interactions with electronic screens
Multi-modality approaches for medical support systems: A systematic review of the last decade
Artificial intelligence for atrial fibrillation detection, prediction, and treatment: A systematic review of the last decade (2013–2023)
Optimizing multi-objective task scheduling in fog computing with GA-PSO algorithm for big data application
Creating authority and autonomy: Necessary dialectical tensions in public sector project management
What Happens in Face During a Facial Expression? Using Data Mining Techniques to Analyze Facial Expression Motion Vectors
Using Data Mining Techniques to Analyze Facial Expression Motion Vectors
Individual and area level factors associated with the breast cancer diagnostic-treatment interval in Queensland, Australia
Photoperiod and metabolic health: evidence, mechanism, and implications
Identifying 850 δ Scuti pulsators in a narrow Gaia colour range with TESS 10-min full-frame images
Formation of non-uniform fibre distribution and its effect on the flexural performance of pultruded GFRP box beams
EMU/GAMA: A Technique for Detecting Active Galactic Nuclei in Low Mass Systems
Australian senior-secondary teachers’ perceptions of leadership and policy for differentiated instruction
TESS giants transiting giants v - Two hot Jupiters orbiting red giant hosts
Price optimization for manufacturers in a competitive retail market: imported products and online crowdfunding option
Asteroseismology Applied to Constrain Structure Parameters of δ Scuti Stars
TOI-1994b: A Low-mass Eccentric Brown Dwarf Transiting A Subgiant Star
An automated earthquake classification model based on a new butterfly pattern using seismic signals
Durability of hybrid flax fibre-reinforced epoxy composites with graphene in hygrothermal environment
Stability of geothermal waters parameters as a major factor guaranteeing the possibility of its use and discharge into the environment
Improved PSO With Visit Table and Multiple Direction Search Strategies for Skin Cancer Image Segmentation
Sr65: a widely effective gene for stem rust resistance in wheat
Effect of exercise for depression: Systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Piezo-optoelectronic coupling in heterojunctions for self-powered and ultrasensitive pressure sensing
Epidemiology of horse trauma: a literature review
Identifying the properties and impact of education on misconduct: Evidence from Australian financial advisers
Multiwavelength Campaign Observations of a Young Solar-type Star, EK Draconis. I. Discovery of Prominence Eruptions Associated with Superflares
Phenotypic profiling of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) accessions enabled identification of promising lines for use in breeding for high yield, early flowering and desirable traits
Enhancing intrusion detection systems through dimensionality reduction: A comparative study of machine learning techniques for cyber security
Catheter-associated meatal pressure injuries (CAMPI) in patients with long-term urethral catheters—a cross-sectional study of 200 patients
Impact of polystyrene microplastics on the growth and photosynthetic efficiency of diatom Chaetoceros neogracile
The International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC)—Citizen Scientist System for Asteroid Discovery
Learning in the palm of your hand: an exploration of the value of online education-related X/Twitter chats for professional learning
Building capacity for climate adaptation planning in protected area management: Options and challenges for World Heritage
Green synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles for removal of carbamazepine in water and soil systems
Gaussian Processes and Nested Sampling Applied to Kepler's Small Long-period Exoplanet Candidates
WEPP interrill erodibility for clay soils in the crop lands of Northern NSW and Southern Queensland, Australia
Supporting the health and wellbeing of trans autistic school-aged youth: a systematic literature review
The Future of Events: How artificial intelligence can play a role
Green synthesis of bio-based flame retardant/natural rubber inorganic-organic hybrid and its flame retarding and toughening effect for polylactic acid
Photocatalytic CO2 reduction integrated with biomass selective oxidation via single-atom Ru and P dual sites on carbon nitride
Fire-retardant and high-strength polymeric materials enabled by supramolecular aggregates
Fact or fake: information, misinformation and disinformation via social media
Category-Wise Meal Recommendation
Identifying factors influencing purchase intention of sustainable luxury retailing products
The use of idealised experiments in testing a new convective parametrization: Performance of CoMorph-A
Community forestry in a changing context: A perspective from Nepal's mid-hill
Talcarpones A and B: bisnaphthazarin-derived metabolites from the Australian fungus Talaromyces johnpittii sp. nov. MST-FP2594
Three-Dimensional Modeling and Visualization of Single Tree LiDAR Point Cloud Using Matrixial Form
Time frequency distribution and deep neural network for automated identification of insomnia using single channel EEG-signals
Recyclability of unidirectional reinforced pultruded thermoplastic profiles into composite laminates
Bending fatigue behaviour of internal replacement pipe systems
Supporting Those Who Provide Support: What Do University Student-Facing Staff Say About Training for Working with Diverse Cohorts?
GCLP: An automated asthma detection model based on global chaotic logistic pattern using cough sounds
Effects of planting basins and farmyard manure addition on soil carbon and nitrogen pools under on-farm conditions in Makueni county of Kenya
Insights into software development approaches: mining Q &A repositories
Effect of phenylbutazone on insulin secretion in horses with insulin dysregulation
Eccentricity Distribution beyond the Snow Line and Implications for Planetary Habitability
Investigating PCM encapsulated NaOH additive for set-on-demand in 3D concrete printing
Renewable energy-driven membrane distillation in the context of life cycle assessment
Short-term wind speed forecasting using an optimized three-phase convolutional neural network fused with bidirectional long short-term memory network model
Quasi-Biennial Oscillation influence on Australian summer rainfall
Alternative B-site-doped La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8-xMxO3 (M = Ni, Cu, Nb; x = 0, 0.1, 0.2) as innovative cathode material for LT-SOFC with enhanced charge transfer and oxygen ion diffusion
Build trust, they will come: the case of casino high rollers!
Cybersecurity threats in FinTech: A systematic review
Empowering precision medicine: AI-driven schizophrenia diagnosis via EEG signals: A comprehensive review from 2002–2023
Meta-QTL analysis enabled identification of candidate genes and haplotypes for enhancing biotic stress resistance in chickpea
The California-Kepler Survey. XI. A Survey of Chromospheric Activity through the Lens of Precise Stellar Properties
Pupillometry as a new window to player fatigue? A glimpse inside the eyes of a Euro Cup Women’s Basketball team
Biomimetic, highly adhesive, supramolecular nano-coatings for fire-safe polymeric foams
Investigating the Atmospheric Mass Loss of the Kepler-105 Planets Straddling the Radius Gap
Synchronous preparation and modification of LDH hollow polyhedra by polydopamine: Synthesis and application
Achieving ultra-tear resistant high-performance natural rubber nanocomposite via bio-inspired lignocellulosic compatibilization
TESS Cycle 2 observations of roAp stars with 2-min cadence data
Updated consensus statement on improving the mental health of high-performance athletes
Cambodia’s aspirations to become a knowledge-based society: Challenges and recommendations
Statistical relationships between the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation and El Niño–Southern Oscillation
Resource allocation problem and artificial intelligence: the state-of-the-art review (2009–2023) and open research challenges
Enhancing diagnostic value in urethral imaging: the case for urologist-performed urethrograms
Robotic surgery education in Australia and New Zealand: primetime for a curriculum
A People's Reformation: Building the English Church in the Elizabethan Parish by Lucy Moffat Kaufman
Dispersion engineering of cellulose nanofibres in polyols: for controlled microstructure of high-performance polyurethane foam
Automated Scheduling of Doppler Exoplanet Observations at Keck Observatory
Large-Scale, Mechanically Robust, Solvent-Resistant, and Antioxidant MXene-Based Composites for Reliable Long-Term Infrared Stealth
Directional-Guided Motion Sensitive Descriptor for Automated Detection of Hypertension Using Ultrasound Images
Biochemical methane potential of dairy manure residues and separated fractions: An Australia-wide study of the impact of production and cleaning systems
Core-curriculum in psycho-oncology: Towards the certification of the psycho-oncologist profession
A survey of autonomous monitoring systems in mental health
Assessing the excess costs of the in-hospital adverse events covered by the AHRQ’s Patient Safety Indicators in Switzerland
Probabilistic-based electricity demand forecasting with hybrid convolutional neural network-extreme learning machine model
Electricity demand error corrections with attention bi-directional neural networks
Does joint land ownership empower rural women socio-economically? Evidence from Eastern Nepal
A cost-effective approach to estimate plant available water capacity
Herbivory-driven shifts in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community assembly: increased fungal competition and plant phosphorus benefits
Deep learning techniques in PET/CT imaging: A comprehensive review from sinogram to image space
TOI-5126: a hot super-Neptune and warm Neptune pair discovered by TESS and CHEOPS
Asian Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing Played a Key Role in the Multidecadal Increase in Australian Summer Monsoon Rainfall
Novel tiny textural motif pattern-based RNA virus protein sequence classification model
Numerical investigation on the behaviour of socket connections in GFRP-reinforced precast concrete
Cyclic behaviour of an innovative cap beam to column pocketless connection in GFRP-RC precast structures
ExHyptNet: An explainable diagnosis of hypertension using EfficientNet with PPG signals
Flexural behaviour of GFRP-reinforced concrete pontoon decks under static four-point and uniform loads
Associations between Cerebrovascular Function and the Expression of Genes Related to Endothelial Function in Hormonal Migraine
Wavelet scattering- and object detection-based computer vision for identifying dengue from peripheral blood microscopy
Constraining Stellar Rotation at the Zero-age Main Sequence with TESS
Micromachined Mechanical Resonant Sensors: From Materials, Structural Designs to Applications
Predicting the current habitat refugia of Himalayan Musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster) across Nepal
The interplay between the entrepreneurial leadership identity, entrepreneurial leadership competency and venture growth intentions of women in rural Australia
Questioning the use of ensembles versus individual climate model generated flows in future peak flood predictions: Plausibility and implications
Australia's Tinderbox Drought: An extreme natural event likely worsened by human-caused climate change
MNPDenseNet: Automated Monkeypox Detection Using Multiple Nested Patch Division and Pretrained DenseNet201
Symmetrical and asymmetrical analysis of the complex relationship between perceived environmental uncertainty and creative performance: exploring a competency formula
Giant Outer Transiting Exoplanet Mass (GOT ‘EM) Survey. IV. Long-term Doppler Spectroscopy for 11 Stars Thought to Host Cool Giant Exoplanets
Observing and forecasting the retreat of northern Australia’s rainy season
Thailand, the forgotten market for international student recruitment? A qualitative study into the strategies of regional Australian universities
Alzheimer's disease prediction algorithm based on de-correlation constraint and multi-modal feature interaction
Enhancing the Ammonia Catalytic Decomposition of Lanthanum Strontium Titanate Nickel Perovskite Catalysts via a Balanced Cation Doping and Deficiency Strategy
TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). XI. An Earth-sized Planet Orbiting a Nearby, Solar-like Host in the 400 Myr Ursa Major Moving Group
Shining a light on disparities to access. Specialist teachers’ perceptions on the impacts of COVID-19 restrictions on learning for students with blindness and low vision in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific
Developing a personal decision support tool for hospital capacity assessment and querying
The variable magnetic field of V889 Her and the challenge of detecting exoplanets around young Suns using Gaussian process regression
‘I left the teaching profession … and this is what I am doing now’: a national study of teacher attrition
Phenomenology and periodicity of radio emission from the stellar system AU Microscopii
TOI-4641b: an aligned warm Jupiter orbiting a bright (V=7.5) rapidly rotating F-star
The TESS-Keck Survey. XVII. Precise Mass Measurements in a Young, High-multiplicity Transiting Planet System Using Radial Velocities and Transit Timing Variations
Correction to: Automated facial expression recognition using exemplar hybrid deep feature generation technique
Automated anxiety detection using probabilistic binary pattern with ECG signals
Rapid polarization variations in the O4 supergiant ζ Puppis
Molecularly engineered polyphosphazene-derived for advanced polylactide biocomposites with robust toughness, flame retardancy, and UV resistance
Finite element analysis and experimental validation of polymer–metal contacts in block-on-ring configuration
Performance Evaluation of Jerusalem Artichoke Digging Tool in Cohesive Soil Using Discrete Element Method
Knowledge mapping for a secure and sustainable hemp industry: A systematic literature review
Corporate climate risk disclosure: assessing materiality and stakeholder expectations for sustainable value creationUnited Kingdom
Decisions and prompts to screen for cervical, bowel, and breast cancer
Impacts of environmental feedbacks on the production of a Central Queensland beef enterprise in a future climate
The effects of artificial intelligence applications in educational settings: Challenges and strategies
Revolutionizing procurement: Unveiling next-gen supplier strategies in UAE's oil & gas sector
‘We knew a cyclone was imminent’: Hazard preparedness and disaster management efficiency nexus in coastal Bangladesh
EMU/GAMA: Radio detected galaxies are more obscured than optically selected galaxies
Prevalence, inequality and associated factors of overweight/obesity among Bangladeshi adolescents aged 15-19 years
A benchmark model for the process of post-migration social adjustment: exploring the views of young people from forced-migration backgrounds in Australia
Improved binary differential evolution with dimensionality reduction mechanism and binary stochastic search for feature selection
Predicting Co-Occurring Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders in Women: An Automated Machine Learning Approach
Causation and control: Understanding distracted driving in Australia through a systems thinking lens
Bond behaviour of smooth surface GFRP pultruded profiles with cement grout
AdaRes: A deep learning-based model for ultrasound image denoising: Results of image quality metrics, radiomics, artificial intelligence, and clinical studies
Animal-assisted therapy in exercise physiology and psychology private practice: What do clinicians have to say?
“What’s in a Name”: An “Asian” Australian Educator’s Autoethnographic Account of Critical Pedagogical Practice that Deconstructs Whiteness in Teacher Education Spaces
Shark Dive and Hologram Zoo: Two Case Studies of Virtual Animal Encounters as Possible Models for Sustainable
Wildlife Tourism
Passive earth pressure in sand on inclined walls with negative wall friction based on a statically admissible stress field
Physical activity interventions among youth living in rural and remote areas: A systematic review
Heterostructured Graphene@Silica@Iron Phenylphosphinate for Fire-Retardant, Strong, Thermally Conductive Yet Electrically Insulated Epoxy Nanocomposites
Influence of Fabric Structure of Aramid-Reinforced Polycarbonate Composites on Its Ballistic Resistance Verified by Experiment and Simulation
The Evolution of Natural Law
Designing opportunities for students to proactively seek out and generate feedback
FedInverse: Evaluating Privacy Leakage in Federated Learning
Privacy Inference Attack and Defense in Centralized and Federated Learning: A Comprehensive Survey
Whose scat is that? Determining recognition of predator scat by Australian mammals
Traditional knowledge for climate resilience in the Pacific Islands
Enabling the Engineer of the Future
Student-centred curriculum integration in primary schools: Nurturing democratic citizenship in Aotearoa New Zealand
The Role of Online and Traditional Laboratories in the Context of Modern Engineering Curricula
Aviation subsidy policy and regional wellbeing: Important indicators from relevant stakeholders’ perspectives
Investigating the “Thief in the Night”: The Reproduction and Erosion of Indigenous Forms of Social Resilience in Rural Fiji
Understanding Constraints and Enablers of Climate Risk Management Strategies: Evidence from Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Regional South India
“The Full Monty”: Taking a Fully Qualitative Approach to Research By Singers, With Singers, For Singers
Democratizing & Enhancing Exoplanet Research with the Unistellar Citizen Science Network & Astronomy Modeling Instruction
Midwives’ experiences of providing pre-eclampsia care in a low- and middle-income country – A qualitative study
Dynamic connectedness and hedging opportunities of the commodity and stock markets in China: evidence from the TVP-VAR and cDCC-FIAPARCH
Quality appraisal and descriptive analysis of clinical practice guidelines for self-managed non-pharmacological interventions of cardiovascular diseases: a systematic review
Effects of non-pharmacological interventions on symptom clusters in breast cancer survivors: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Investigating School Absenteeism and Refusal among Australian Children and Adolescents using Apriori Association Rule Mining
Why Australia Should Adopt the English Model for Propensity and Bad Character Evidence: Re-balancing the Criminal Justice System in Favour of the Victims of Crime.
Socioeconomic inequalities in child and adolescent mental health in Australia: the role of parenting style and parents’ relationships
An environmental perspective of energy consumption, overpopulation, and human capital barriers in South Asia
The validity of the environmental Kuznets curve in the presence of long-run civil wars: A case of Afghanistan
Asymmetric role of the informal sector on economic growth: Empirical investigation on a developing country
Decoding Social Sustainability in Construction Projects: Analysis of Project Dynamics and Impact
Climate Change Mitigation through Modular Construction
Modeling, optimization, and economic analysis of a comprehensive CCHP system with fuel cells, reverse osmosis, batteries, and hydrogen storage subsystems Powered by renewable energy sources
Are Vietnamese coffee farmers willing to pay for weather
index insurance?
Assessment and prediction of significant wave height using hybrid CNN-BiLSTM deep learning model for sustainable wave energy in Australia
Undrained sinkhole stability of circular cavity: a comprehensive approach based on isogeometric analysis coupled with machine learning
A Qualitative Investigation into the Representations of Habit by Lay People
A cross-sectional investigation of the factors associated with awareness of PEP and PrEP among Queensland university students
Risk factors for violence in an emergency department: Nurses' perspectives
Non-phosphorus Glucosyl Schiff Bases for Smoke Inhibition and Mechanical Enhancement of Epoxy Resin Composites
Unveiling graduate readiness to respond to domestic and family violence in Australian social work programmes
The experiences of Australian dyslexic children and their parents: An exploration of allyship and parent-school partnerships
The influence of perceived social support on support seeking across individualistic/collectivistic employees
Dynamic Task Allocation For Robotic Edge System Resilience Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Rural‒urban disparities in household catastrophic health expenditure in Bangladesh: a multivariate decomposition analysis
Fluency issues in L2 academic presentations: Linguistic, cognitive and psychological influences on pausing behaviour
Fabrication of flame-retardant, strong, and tough epoxy resins by solvent-free polymerization with bioderived, reactive flame retardant
Multifunctional phosphorus-containing imidazoliums endowing one-component epoxy resins with superior thermal latency, heat resistance, mechanical properties, and fire safety
A Novel Free-Air Diesel and Ozone Enrichment (FADOE) Research Platform
Determination of deep bed drying rates for abattoir paunch waste using revised co-efficients for the Hukill equation
A look at the performance of barrel and wedge assembly in cable bolts applications
Learning by Stealth: Newly Qualified Social Workers’ Experiences of Navigating Health and Hospital Social Work
Well-being and Indigenous Aymara Orphans in Perú: An Empirical Study at Hogar de Niñas Virgen de Fatima de Chejoña, Puno
Applying the FAIR principles to the Drought Monitor to improve accessibility of data
Water scarcity assessment in Iran’s agricultural sector using the water footprint concept
Psychometric properties of the parenting belief scale in a multi-country sample of parents from high-income countries
Minimal educational qualifications for nursing staff in residential aged care settings
Cognitive Mental Workload of Emergency Nursing: A scoping review
False Promise: World Heritage, Ecotourism, and the Local Community of Strahan, Tasmania
Sexual and reproductive health literacy of culturally and linguistically diverse young people in Australia: a systematic review
Cognitive criteria in HIV: greater consensus is needed
Developing critical HIV health literacy: insights from interviews with priority migrant communities in Queensland, Australia
The provision of sexual and reproductive health information and services to travellers: an exploratory survey of Australian travel medicine clinicians
Integrating sexual and reproductive health into pre-travel consultations
Evaluation of meteorological datasets in estimating the water footprint components of wheat and maize (case study: Qazvin, Iran)
The effectiveness of nudging key learning resources to support online engagement in higher education courses
Unraveling seismic uplift behavior of plate anchors in frictional-cohesive soils: A comprehensive analysis through stability factors and machine learning
Co-creating affirmative transitions for children with refugee and asylum-seeker backgrounds
Fluidity in capability: Longitudinal assessments of suicide capability using ecological momentary assessments
Exploring the determinants of green bond market development in Bangladesh
Scoping review of systematic reviews of nursing interventions in a neonatal intensive care unit or special care nursery
Can the Cans: Determinants of Container Deposit Behavior before and after Introduction of a Container Refund Scheme
MixSleepNet: A Multi-Type Convolution Combined Sleep Stage Classification Model
Heading for the Frontline: Mood, Stress, Resilience, and Coping
of Nursing Graduates during a Global Pandemic.
Qualitative investigations into floodways under extreme flood loading
Law on the Other Side of Oedipus: Freud and Lacan on Law and Self-Formation
Enhanced Dynamic State Estimation of Regional New Energy Power System Under Different Abnormal Scenarios
PDGAN: A novel poisoning defense method in federated learning using generative adversarial network
Mental health and coping strategies among international health science students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study
Exploring nursing students’ perceptions on usefulness, ease of use, and acceptability of using a simulated Electronic Medical Record: A descriptive study
Future Learning Environment: Integrating Digital and Physical Learning Spaces
Circular economy barriers in Australia: How to translate theory into practice?
Feature extraction and learning approaches for cancellable biometrics: A survey
Reconnecting the Estranged Relationships: Optimizing the Influence Propagation in Evolving Networks
Impact of Online Reviews on Online Hotel Booking Intentions
Influence of Low-Frequency Vibration and Skin Strain on Insertion Mechanics and Drug Diffusion of PVA/PVP Dissolving Microneedles
Employment of undergraduate nursing students for specialling of people with cognitive impairment: A pilot study
Condition Monitoring of Distribution Power Network Assets Using PMU Measurements
Assessment and Prediction of Sea Level and Coastal Wetland Changes in Small Islands Using Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence
Affect and conation in second language learning: Survey data from Ukrainian learners of English
Ethical challenges for nurses delivering coercive interventions in community mental health settings: A scoping review.
Community education on the health impacts of bushfires: Evaluation of an online pilot short course in Tasmania, Australia.
The positioning tensions between early career teachers’ and mentors’ perceptions of the mentor role
Viability of a Psychiatric Injury Claim for Bystanders Who Witnessed and Rescuers Who Attended the Sea World Helicopter Accident
Australia is still reckoning with a shameful legacy: the resettlement of suspected war criminals after WWII
Fascists in Exile: Post-War Displaced Persons in Australia
An exploration of extreme obesity and weight loss management for adults in rural, remote, and regional areas: A systematic review
Nurse-led clinics in primary health care: A scoping review of contemporary definitions, implementation enablers and
barriers and their health impact
Efficacy of an Antimicrobial Reality Simulator (AMRSim) as an Educational Tool for Teaching Antimicrobial Stewardship to Veterinary Medicine Undergraduates
Navigating burnout: a study of teacher identity in Chile, Ecuador, Brazil, Spain and Australia
The impact of misinformation presented during jury deliberation on juror memory and decision-making
Solitons and lumps in the cylindrical Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation. II. Lumps and their interactions
Improving the Uptake of Arts Education for Student Wellbeing: A Collaborative Autoethnography that highlights potential areas of focus
Solitons and lumps in the cylindrical
Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation. I. Axisymmetric solitons and their stability
Pre-eclampsia training needs of midwives in a Ghanaian tertiary hospital: A cross-sectional study
Improving success and retention of undergraduate nursing students from rural and remote Australia: A multimethod study protocol
Youth Community Futures: Enhancing Opportunities for Young People in Regional Queensland: Final Report
Pre-service teachers and ChatGPT in multistrategy problem-solving: Implications for mathematics teaching in primary schools
Does tax literacy matter? The relationship between small business literacy and business performance and cash flow
Nanoparticles for flame retardancy in polymer systems
An intrinsic flame‐retardant and heat‐resistant vinyl ester resin by crosslinking with diisocyanate, styrene and phosphorus‐containing hydroxyl compound
Breaking the trade-off between mechanical properties and fire safety of epoxy resins based on phosphaphenanthrene derivatives by covalent crosslinking
Machine learning for expediting next-generation of fire-retardant polymer composites
Autism and neurodiversity in the workplace: A scoping review of key trends, employer roles, interventions and supports
Aesthetic Positive Pedagogy: Aspiring to Empowerment in the Classroom and Beyond
Towards a theory of participatory diplomacy via the Eurovision Song Contest
Exploring Frequency Band-Based Biomarkers of EEG Signals for Mild Cognitive Impairment Detection
Enhanced earth pressure determination with negative wall-soil friction using soft computing
Progressive failure mechanisms of geosynthetic-reinforced column-supported embankments over soft soil: Numerical analyses considering the cracks-induced softening
Criminal Procedure in Australia
Self-efficacy, grit, and rural career aspirations among early career nurses: A repeated cross-sectional study
Developing career-focused curriculum to improve high school perceptions of information systems careers
Law and the Unconscious
Reflecting on rapport: strategies for online interviews about sensitive or distressing topics with vulnerable children
Students’ digital technology attitude, literacy and self‑efficacy and their effect on online learning engagement
First-year Preservice Teachers’ Understanding of Digital Technologies and Their Digital Literacy, Efficacy, Attitude, and Online Learning Engagement: Implication for Course Design
Digital strategies for nitrogen management in grain production systems: lessons from multi-method assessment using on-farm experimentation
Post-Construction Defects in Multi-Unit Australian Dwellings: An Analysis of the Defect Type, Causes, Risks, and Impacts
Quantitative improvement of streamflow forecasting accuracy in the Atlantic zones of Canada based on hydro-meteorological signals: A multi-level advanced intelligent expert framework
Short-term drought Index forecasting for hot and semi-humid climate Regions: A novel empirical Fourier decomposition-based ensemble Deep-Random vector functional link strategy
Applying the Precautionary Principle to Hidden Collapse
Human Rights in the Natural Law Tradition
SDCV v Director-General of Security: Procedural Fairness and the Ability to Decide a Matter Based on Secret Evidence Not Disclosed to a Party or their Legal Team
Comfort and Contemporary Culture:
The problems of the ‘good life’ on an increasingly uncomfortable planet
Sustainability Constitutionalism: A New Constitutional Path
Sustainable pathways for attaining net zero emissions in selected South Asian countries: role of green energy market and pricing
Vale ‘sister suffragette’: how Glynis Johns became a pop-culture icon in the story of votes for women
Fiscal support during the COVID-19 pandemic and its determinants: evidence for OECD countries
Geotechnical characterisation of coal spoil piles using high-resolution optical and multispectral data: A machine learning approach
Understanding and responsiveness in the trauma-informed adult ESL classroom
High survivorship and rapid population growth of the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis) reintroduced to a feral predator exclosure
Project manager's leadership behavioural practices - A systematic literature
Toward schools as sites of radical democratization: New possibilities for democratic education
Very short-term solar ultraviolet-A radiation forecasting system with cloud cover images and a Bayesian optimized interpretable artificial intelligence model
Scattering of gravity-capillary waves on a bottom step
An empirical study of lawyers’ capability to adapt to disruption in Queensland, Australia
An ethical salience framework to achieve sustainable development goals
The impact of lipopolysaccharide on cerebrovascular function and cognition resulting from obesity-induced gut dysbiosis
Atmospheric degradation of ecologically important biogenic volatiles: investigating the ozonolysis of (E)-β-ocimene, isomers of α and β-farnesene, α-terpinene and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, and their gas-phase products.
Effects of Latex Type and Processed-Mica Waste Loading on the Structural and Thermo-Physical Properties of Natural Rubber Latex Foam Composites
Evaluating the roles of energy innovation, fossil fuel costs and environmental compliance towards energy transition in advanced industrial economies
Gastroesophageal reflux disease following laparoscopic vertical sleeve gastrectomy and laparoscopic roux-en-Y gastric bypass: meta-analysis and systematic review of 5-year data
The mechanisms of student grit at the height of a major crisis: Identifying key predictors when times get really tough
Short-term wave power forecasting with hybrid multivariate variational mode decomposition model integrated with cascaded feedforward neural networks
Accurate monitoring of micronutrients in tilled potato soils of eastern Canada: Application of an eXplainable inspired-adaptive boosting framework coupled with SelectKbest
Burnout in residential aged care managers: A scoping review
Application of an explainable glass-box machine learning approach for prognostic analysis of a biogas-powered small agriculture engine
Boruta extra tree-bidirectional long short-term memory model development for Pan evaporation forecasting: Investigation of arid climate condition
Hybridized artificial intelligence models with nature-inspired algorithms for river flow modeling: A comprehensive review, assessment, and possible future research directions
On Vision Transformer for Ultra-short-term Forecasting of Photovoltaic Generation Using Sky Images
Residue dynamics of a contact and a systemic fungicide in pollen, nectar, and other plant matrices of courgette (Cucurbita pepo L.)
Doctor Who and the seeds of anxiety: exploring popular narratives of energy justice and exploitation
Contemporary Australian Tort Law
A fictional field case study to understand the genetic basis of host-fungal pathogen interactions using the wheat powdery mildew-wheat pathosystem
Mutagenesis of wheat powdery mildew reveals a single gene controlling both NLR and tandem kinase-mediated immunity
Liquidity risk in FinTech lending: Early impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the P2P lending market
A Reconfigurable Strategy for Internet-of-Things for Smart Buildings
Failure characterization of fully grouted rock bolts under triaxial testing
Two-step deep learning framework with error compensation technique for short-term, half-hourly electricity price forecasting
Environmental consequence of Australian agricultural trade: An asymmetric analysis
A fire‐safe, single‐component epoxy resin based on a phosphorus/imidazole‐containing latent curing agent and diphenylphosphine
Strong synergistic effects between P/N-containing supramolecular microplates and aluminum diethylphosphinate for fire-retardant PA6
Adaptive Regularization and Resilient Estimation in Federated Learning
Emergency department staff experiences of the Bröset Violence Checklist
Tactile sensing for tissue discrimination in robotic meat cutting: A feasibility study
Construction of an epoxidized, phosphorus-based poly (styrene butadiene styrene) and its application in high-performance epoxy resin
Re-examining asymmetric dynamics in the relationship between macroeconomic variables and stock market indices: empirical evidence from Malaysia
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors Toward the Menstrual Cycle and Menstruation Among Elite African Women Football Players, Coaches, Health Personnel, and Referees
The reaction of wild-caught northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus) to predators
Martial arts, combat sports, and mental health in adults: A systematic review
Exercise training reduces arterial stiffness in women with high blood pressure: a systematic review and meta-analysis
First and last mile travel mode choice: A systematic review of the empirical literature
Critical thinking activities in fluid mechanics–A case study for enhanced student learning and performance
Indigenous communities and sustainable development: A review and research agenda
Where do incarcerated trans women prefer to be housed and why? Adding nuanced understandings to a complex debate through the voices of formerly incarcerated trans women in Australia and the United States
Validation and Interpretation of a Multimodal Drowsiness Detection System Using Explainable Machine Learning
Emission spectroscopy at high frame rates during ablation tests of meteorite samples in plasma wind tunnel
Plenum-Based Mass Flow Metering
Beyond conventional farming: exploring the benefits of planting basins with manure on soil quality as reflected in labile organic carbon and nitrogen indicators in Kenya
Automated schizophrenia detection model using blood sample scattergram images and local binary pattern
Teachers' Educational Experiences and Preparedness in Teaching Students with Autism
Realizing balanced flame retardancy and electromagnetic interference shielding in hierarchical elastomer nanocomposites
The Evolution of the Australian Start-up and Innovation Ecosystem: Mapping Policy Developments, Key Actors, Activities, and Artefacts
The Experience of Pregnancy-Related Lumbopelvic Pain: A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis
Two mini-Neptunes Transiting the Adolescent K-star HIP 113103 Confirmed with TESS and CHEOPS
An advanced deep learning predictive model for air quality index forecasting with remote satellite-derived hydro-climatological variables
Hybrid Deep Learning Model for Wave Height Prediction in Australia's Wave Energy Region
Public opinion on COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: Disruption to public lives and trust in government’s immunization performance
The Spectrum of Teaching Styles and models-based practice for physical education
When constellations align: What early childhood pre-service teachers need from online learning to become confident and competent teachers of the arts
Improved Surface Temperature Identification Method for Remote Observations of Sample Return Capsules
A review of bioreactor configurations for hydrogen production by cyanobacteria and microalgae
Internet governance and cyber-security: a systematic literature review
Incremental Maximal Clique Enumeration for Hybrid Edge Changes in Large Dynamic Graphs
Pyramid style-attentional network for arbitrary style transfer
Supportive interventions for carers of men with prostate cancer: systematic review and narrative synthesis
Norms and consumer behaviors in tourism: a systematic literature review
Toward Learning Joint Inference Tasks for IASS-MTS Using Dual Attention Memory With Stochastic Generative Imputation
Supporting Indigenous people with disability in contact with the justice system: a systematic scoping review
Exploring the Role of Omnichannel Retailing Technologies: Future Research Directions
Experimental investigation and modeling of date drying under forced convection solar dryers
Using a modified Delphi method to identify research priorities in an Australian regional health service
Assessment of Factors Contributing to Consumer Attitudes and Preferences toward Chantenay Carrots using the CHAID Model
Atmospheric water vapour transport in ACCESS-S2 and the potential for enhancing skill of subseasonal forecasts of precipitation
Enhancement of emulsion stability and functional properties of hemp protein-based dairy alternative by different treatments after cellulase hydrolysis
The effects of team diversity on promoting sustainable luxury products
Addressing data quality in Airbnb research
The impact of labelling students with learning difficulties on teacher self-efficacy in differentiated instruction
Exploring knowledge management enablers for blockchain-enabled food supply chain implementations
Key drivers of value amongst multicultural teams in construction projects
The rural and interprofessional education and collaborative practice interface: Findings from a qualitative study
A leap of faith: overcoming doubt to do good when policy is absurd
Determinants of cancer screenings participation in Queensland: a scoping review
A graph-powered large-scale fraud detection system
Class-Level Logit Perturbation
Automated stenosis classification on invasive coronary angiography using modified dual cross pattern with iterative feature selection
Multimorbidity and health-related quality of life amongst Indigenous Australians: A longitudinal analysis
Environmental values and sustainability: Mediating role of nature connectedness, and love for nature toward vegan food consumption
Attitudes and behaviors toward snakes in the snake charmer community: A case from northern Bangladesh
A Simulated Placement: Using a Mixed-Reality Learning Environment for Social Work Field Education
Whole Blood Viscosity and Cerebral Blood Flow in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Assessment of the performance of alkali-activated slag/fly ash using liquid and solid activators: early-age properties and efflorescence
CommGNAS: Unsupervised Graph Neural Architecture Search for Community Detection
Knitting for conservation: a social practice perspective on a social and behaviour change communication intervention
Highs, Lows, and Hormones: A Qualitative Metasynthesis of Transgender Individuals’ Experiences Undergoing Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy
Covariance Clustering: Modelling Covariance in Designed Experiments When the Number of Variables is Greater than Experimental Units
Barriers to Physical Activity for Australian Students with Vision Impairment
The efficacy of utility functions for multicriteria hospital case-mix planning
Genomic approaches to enhance adaptive plasticity to cope with soil constraints amidst climate change in wheat
Novel automated detection of sports activities using shadow videos
ExDarkLBP: a hybrid deep feature generation-based genetic malformation detection using facial images
“Regions” as brands: an empirical validation of consumer-based brand equity framework and demonstration of cross-over effect
Parameter estimation for time-fractional Black-Scholes equation with S &P 500 index option
The effect of lower limb osteoarthritis on work-related outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Voltage Regulation Planning Based on Optimal Grid-Connected Renewable Energy Allocation Using Nature-Inspired Algorithms to Reduce Switching Cycles of On-Load Tap Changing Transformer
Authenticity and Inauthenticity in Adolescents: A Scoping Review
Effects of incorporating pine-woodchip biochar with reduced NP fertilizer on calcareous soil characteristics, organic carbon, NPK availability, and maize productivity
Geometrical effects on the local joint flexibility of three-planar tubular Y-joints in substructures of offshore wind turbines
‘It's all about rapport’: Australian therapists' recommendations for engaging adolescent males in counselling and psychotherapy
Metabolic syndrome and surgical complications: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 13 million individuals
An integrated decision-making approach for managing transformer tap changer operation while optimizing renewable energy storage allocation using ANP-entropy and TOPSIS
Managing emotional reactions in yourself, patients, families and colleagues
Education, policy and democracy: Contemporary challenges and possibilities
Correctional staff knowledge, attitudes and behaviors toward incarcerated trans people: A scoping review of an emerging literature
Noncontact Estimation of the Onset of Ice Accretion in Turbofan
Teaching and learning the art of nursing through aged care work experience
The Effects of Distraction on Younger Drivers: A Neurophysiological Perspective
Performance Assessment of ISO-5167 and Symmetrical Venturi Meters for Measuring Low Reynolds Number Turbulent Incompressible Isothermal Flow
Limit load and failure mechanisms of a vertical Hoek-Brown rock slope
Gully erosion mapping susceptibility in a Mediterranean environment: A hybrid decision-making model
Enablers and barriers to equitable participation for students with blindness or low vision in Australian mainstream secondary schools
Transfer-transfer model with MSNet: An automated accurate multiple sclerosis and myelitis detection system
An expert system for automated classification of phases in cyclic alternating patterns of sleep using optimal wavelet-based entropy features
Emotion recognition and artificial intelligence: A systematic review (2014–2023) and research recommendations
Automated characterization and detection of fibromyalgia using slow wave sleep EEG signals with glucose pattern and D’hondt pooling technique
Teaching creative writing in primary schools: a systematic review of the literature through the lens of reflexivity
Influence of Natural Gas and Hydrogen Properties on Internal Combustion Engine Performance, Combustion, and Emissions: A Review
Coupling FEA with XGBoost Model for Estimating Uplift Resistance of Circular Anchor in NGI-ADP Soils
Proposing a conceptual framework for relational pedagogy: Pedagogical informality, interface, exchange and enactment
Not just in black and white: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australian children’s picture books
Monthly sodium adsorption ratio forecasting in rivers using a dual interpretable glass-box complementary intelligent system: Hybridization of ensemble TVF-EMD-VMD, Boruta-SHAP, and eXplainable GPR
Killing Conchita: celebrity persona (de/re)construction as artistic transformation
A systematic literature review on the determinants of cryptocurrency pricing
Looking back to look forward—the history of VAD laws in Australia and future law reform in the Australian territories
Towards an Australian regional university professional development typology: a qualitative exploration of the academic voice
Quality indicators of effective teacher-created summative assessment
An investigation of the use of arts-based embodied learning in Early Years classrooms
Bioarchaeological Analysis of the Human Osteological Material
Trajectory Analysis of the Hayabusa2 Capsule from a Single Airborne Observation
The experiential salience of music in identity for singing teachers
Sonoprocessing: mechanisms and recent applications of power ultrasound in food
Automated accurate emotion classification using Clefia pattern-based features with EEG signals
Artificial intelligence assisted tools for the detection of anxiety and depression leading to suicidal ideation in adolescents: a review
An Evaluation of the Impact of Digital Technology Innovations on Students’ Learning: Participatory Research Using a Student-Centred Approach
Pathway to achieving carbon goal: Insight from interaction of export diversification, renewable energy, innovation, and financial policy
Potential for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings from replacing short motorcycle trips with active travel modes in Vietnam
Investigation of the Consumer Perspective on Leisure in Mental Health Inpatient Units
Plasticity and Time: Using the Stress-Strain Curve as a Framework for Investigating the Wicked Problems of Marine Pollution and Climate Change
Modelling the factors affecting the spatiotemporal distribution of cabbage stem flea beetle (Psylliodes chrysocephala) larvae in winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus) in the UK
Policy uncertainty, renewable energy, corruption and CO2 emissions nexus in BRICS-1 countries: a panel CS-ARDL approach
Investigating shear behaviour of fibreglass rock bolts reinforcing infilled discontinuities for various pretension loads
The efficacy of government strategies to control the COVID-19 pandemic
Efficacy of conservative interventions for musculoskeletal pain on disability and pain in active serving military personnel – A systematic review
Distributed agent-based deep reinforcement learning for large scale traffic signal control
Validation of the spiritual screening tool ConnecTo
Use of Terzaghi’s Superposition Approach for Estimating Critical Supporting Pressures in Circular Tunnels
Modelling future spatial distribution of peanut crops in Australia under climate change scenarios
"No Man's Land": the experiences of persons injured in a road traffic crash wanting to return to work in Queensland, Australia
Safety and quality within the healthcare supply chain: a great unknown
Weekly injury rates within semesters of a three-year tertiary dance program, and prospective training monitoring across one semester of training: a longitudinal study
Associations between behavioural correlates of muscle-strengthening exercise guideline adherence in adults: a cross-sectional study
Short Research Article: Changes in life functioning in a self-help, online program for child and adolescent anxiety
Separated Parents' Experiences with the Australian School System: An Overview
Online collaborative learning starts with the global collaborator mindset
Sensory considerations for emerging textile applications
Fintech research: Systematic mapping, classification, and future directions
Accelerating NSW: Insights from startups and startup support organisations
Strike 3 … Out! Investigating Pre-Game Moods, Performance, and Mental Health of Softball Umpires
Family Farm Economic Diversification: too hard and risky or an opportunity overlooked?
'Field' (White-card) 2
Communication Across Cultures
Socially Distant Social Constructivism: Transitioning Visual Arts Pedagogies Online During COVID-19
Interrelation between sustainable dynamic capabilities, corporate sustainability, and sustained competitive advantage
In-flight electro-neutralisation electrospray for pulmonary drug delivery
reimagining feminist futures through geographies of selves: a letter to the poetics of being and becoming.
Preparing basketball players for competition during COVID-19 lockdown: An international strength and conditioning perspective
Tree shade within urban parks and nature strips: standards and perspectives from measurement campaigns conducted in Queensland
The application of ammonium polyphosphate in unsaturated polyester resins: A mini review
Trends and global power of research on physical activity, depression, and anxiety in adolescents and young adults: Science mapping the literature
Temporal Dynamics and Predictive Modelling of Streamflow and Water Quality Using Advanced Statistical and Ensemble Machine Learning Techniques
Dramaturgical Practice: 'My Two Blankets" Creative Development 1 & 2
Poplar Plantation as an Agroforestry Approach: Economic Benefits and Its Role in Carbon Sequestration in North India
Common molecular and pathophysiological underpinnings of delirium and Alzheimer’s disease: Molecular signatures and therapeutic indications
Assessment of NavVis VLX and BLK2GO SLAM Scanner Accuracy for Outdoor and Indoor Surveying Tasks
‘Roary the Lion’: A community orchestra outreach concert
'Abandoned #17' in Postcards from the North and South 2024
An Exhilarating Evolution
Mental Health Diagnosis From Voice Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Vision Transformers
Landscape: Notions of the Spook
Benefits of recovery for basketball players [Infographic]
Directors' duties, CSR and the JobKeeper wage subsidy scheme
Beyond Stone: Moai Reimagined
We are making a boat, love
Practical psychophysiological monitoring through wearable technology: A single-subject case study